Agenda item #1

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Publication Date: 
October 16, 1968
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Approved For Release 2000/PW?P}A RpP78-05597A006DOa20014-9 iOR NT NO, r% 1 [71 - I~';Ia % iAN3N IN CLASS. r 0 Uc I.AS IPIEL 4LAS P. GHANQhJ Too 'sj~( p 16 October 1968 tEXT REYI4W 1AYti AWN, ON 70.2 I7AT t... ..,-...1I.0WI%W!I Nx? J'69480 f4ov 1; NIS CONFERENCE (Pertinent excerpts from statutory authority) Agenda item # I NSCID No. 3, para. l.a. Basic Intelligence is that factual intelligence which results from the collation of encyclopedic information of a fundamental and more or less permanent nature and which, as a result of evaluation and interpretation, is determined to be the best available. NSCID No. 3, para. l.b. An outline of all basic intelligence required by the Government shall be maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency in collaboration with the appropriate departments and agencies. This outline shall be broken down into chapters, sections, and sub-sections which shall be allocated as production and maintenance responsibilities to Central Intelligence Agency and/or to those other departments or agencies of the Government which are best qualified by reason of mission, production capability, and primary interest to assume the production and maintenance responsibilities. To ensure the production of the basic intelligence required by the Government and the fullest possible use of current departmental and agency capabilities, changes in the outline or allocations of production and maintenance responsibilities shall be effected by agreement between the Director of Central Intelligence and the departments and agencies concerned. NSCID No.-3, para. 6 Each department or agency, taking full cognizance of the facilities of the other agencies, shall maintain adequate research facilities to accomplish its depart- mental intelligence production mission and to provide such additional intelligence within its field of primary responsibilities as may be necessary to satisfy other requirements relating to the national security. rNQblrl r-411,10.6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 ? RD -05597A000100020014-9 CT Approved For Release 2000/L/f9--p _~fAP78-05597A000100020014-9 '`rr NSCID No. 1, para. 6.b. In so far as practicable, in the fulfillment of their respective responsibilities for the production of intelligence, the several departments and agencies shall not duplicate the intelligence activities and research of other departments and agencies and shall make full use of existing capabilities of the other elements of the intelligence community. Agenda item # IV NSCID No. 1, para. 1 The Director of Central Intelligence shall coordinate the foreign intelligence activities of the United States in accordance with existing law and applicable National Security Council directives. Such coordination shall include both special and other forms of intelligence which together constitute the foreign intelligence activities of the United States. NSCID No. 1, para. 6.a.(l) Call upon the'other departments and agencies as appropriate to ensure that on intelligence matters affecting the national security the intelligence community is supported by the full knowledge and .technical talent available in or to the Government. NSCID No. 3, para. l.d. The Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible for coordinating production and maintenance, and for accomplishing the review, publication, and dissemination of these National Intelligence Surveys, and shall make such requests of the departments and agencies as are necessary for proper development and maintenance of the Surveys. NSCID No. 1, para. 2.c. The Board shall determine its own procedures and shall establish subordinate committees and working groups, as appropriate. It shall be provided with a Secretariat Staff, which shall be under the direction of an Executive Secretary appointed by the Director of Central Intelligence in consultation with the members of the Board. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000100020014-9 2 r Approved For Rele DP78-05597A000100020014-9 tI SIB-D-51.1/8, para. 9 The NIS Committee assists the USIB in carrying out its responsibilities for the NIS Program and is responsible to the USIB. The NIS Committee consists of a designated representative from the Department of State, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Departments of Army, Navy and Air Force. The representative of the CIA is the Chairman of the Committee. Other departments and agencies may be invited to participate in the work of the NIS Committee as agreed by the Committee. CIA is responsible for general administration of the NIS Program and shall provide appropriate administrative and secretarial support to the Committee and its Chairman as a service of common concern. In carrying out its responsibilities to the USIB, the NIS Committee shall: a. Recommend to the USIB allocations of responsibility for the production and maintenance of the NIS. b. Recommend to the USIB priorities for NIS Production, based upon the anticipated needs of high- level planners and policy makers. c. Establish and monitor the NIS production and 'rw-' maintenance-schedules based on USIB-approved priorities and taking into account agency capabilities and available resources. d. Determine the scope and treatment to be given to each NIS area. e. Approve and promulgate NIS Outlines, Outline Guides, other Standard Instructions, and revisions thereto. f. Approve for publication the NIS General Surveys (formerly Chapter I). g. Report to USIB annually on the status, including estimated costs, of the NIS Program as a whole, and at such other times and on such aspects of the Program as may be appropriate. Agenda item # V NSCID No. 3, para. 7 To ensure that the capabilities of the departments and agencies are utilized effectively for the production of intelligence of common concern, the following divisions %w of interests, subject to refinement through a continuous prig proved Fro?P M & 1 0 811'9a,lef 8-0559M000100020014-9 Approved For Release 2000/08 7 Lr 0014-9 of Central Intelligence to promote an integration of effort and to avoid undesirable duplication, shall serve as a general delineation of primary respon- sibilities- a. The Department of State shall produce political and sociological intelligence on all countries, and economic intelligence on countries outside the Sino- Soviet Bloc. b. The Department of Defense shall produce military intelligence. This production shall include scientific, technical and economic intelligence directly pertinent to the missions of the various components of the Department of Defense. c. The Central Intelligence Agency shall produce economic intelligence on the Sino-Soviet Bloc and scientific and technical intelligence as a service of common concern. Further, the Central Intelligence Agency may produce such other intelligence as may be necessary to discharge the statutory responsibilities of the Director of Central Intelligence. d. The production of intelligence on atomic energy is a responsibility of all departments and and agencies represented on the U.S. Intelligence Board with responsibilities for the production of finished intelligence, to be coordinated through the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee structure. NSCID No. 3, para. 8 Despite the above mentioned allocations of primary production responsibilities, there will be areas of common or overlapping interest which will require continuing inter-agency liaison and cooperation. In the event that a requirement for intelligence is established for which there is not existing production capabilityv the Director of Central Intelligence, in consultation with the U.S. Intelligence Board, shall determine which of the departments and agencies of the intelligence community can best undertake the primary responsibility as a service of common concern. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 CIA-RDP78-05597A000100020014-9 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/29: C_JA-RDP78-05 ,597A000100020014-9 USIB-D-51.1/8, para. 10 USIB agencies shall: a. Produce and maintain, in accordance with NIS Outlines and NIS Committee guidance, the NIS units allocated to them by the USIB as production and maintenance responsibilities and as scheduled for production by the NIS Committee. In meeting these responsibilities, USIB agencies may arrange for appropriate assistance from agencies of the government not represented on USIB. b. Implement as appropriate to their collection responsibilities under NSCID No. 2 the collection efforts required for NIS production and maintenance. c. Advise the NIS Committee of departmental basic' intelligence produced, in progress or planned, which relates to an NIS area scheduled for production or maintenance, in order that reference to such additional intelligence may be incorporated, as appropriate, in such NIS. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-kDP78-05597A000100020014-9 C! EP.QLXMWO-