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Publication Date: 
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25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2004 kirrIpiluMaililialkip538A000200020012-5 tA4 -?gpigaiiiirksiggfireettfr The Record Document No. No Change In Class. Deputy Comptroller LI Declassified Meeting Called to Discuss Procedures for Developpeat :-,v!e To: TS S 1 of Administrative Plans NE 704 i gel e: ig10117 ny: principal assistaa71-611111111111-------------- 25X1A ef? Project Administrative Planning al led a meeting day to discuss the above named subject. at the meeting addition to of the Procurement and Supply Office, Personnel, 111111111111 of the Office Gall of the Project Administrative Fl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIof the Of floe of the Comptro of the Inspection and Seourity Office. 2. outlined at the beginning of the meeting his conception of procedure which should be follomed with respect to preparation of administrative plans. Very generally, it Mika his view that when a line division case officer requires an administra- tive plan in connection with a new project, he mould consult with the Project Administrative Planning Staff. The Project Administra- tive Planning Staff mould call a meeting of representatives of the various administrative support offices at which the line division 4WP, officer would outline the basic operation of the project for the information of the administrative support offioe representatives. Each administrative support office represented would then be requested to prepare the specific provisions of the required administrative plan which related to the functions of his off The individual contributions of the various administrative offices mould then be channeled to the Projeot Administrative Planning Staff where the entire work mould be coordinated into an appropriate administrative plan. The administrative plan mould then be circulated for the information of the various administrative support offices for review. A meeting mould then bo oalled of all interested parties to obtain concurrences on the final product. 3. After considerable discussion the meeting conolnded that a somewhat different approach from that outlined in the foregoing paragraph should be followed, It mas the consensus of the meeting. that the foregoing approach might result in serious bottlenecks because of the large number of administrative plans which require preparation. Further, Section 9.4 of the Confidential Funds Regulations provides that the DD/1) shall be responsible- for "Directing and ensuring the development and coordination of an administrative plan incorporating all administrative aspects of any project, the support of which requires waiver, amendment, modification or deviation from Agency Regulations and/or procedures". Approved For Release 2001/01110 : - op 0A000200020012-5 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/0138A000200020012-5 Vo, 4111, ? ,*?.11/41' 25X1A Also, Agency Notice dated 29 December 1962, provides that the Project Administrative Planning Staff will provide staff assistance necessary in connection with the development of administrative plane as ooetemplated b Section 9.4. It was brought out at the meeting that 25X1A Agency Notice also states "Offices sponsoring projects re- quiring &dxn.tnistrative support planning should refer them to the Project Administrative Planning Staff for development of appropriate plena. While this provision appears to conflict with the provision of 9.4 that the Office of the DD/' will"dirsot and ensure the development and coordination of an administrative plan" it was 25X1A indioated by that the DD/A intends that the Project Administrative Planning Staff should only act in a coordinating pacity with respect to the administrative plans. Aecordingly, it was coneluded that arrangements Should be the development of administrative plans required in conneotion various projects within, the line division responsible for the with the understanding that appropriate staff assistance u d be provided by representatives of the support offices =riling closely with the line division administrative officers. Under this plan the line division administrative officers would be responsible for the final administrative plan including coordination with the administrative support offices, aubjeot to final coordination on any unresolved differences at the Project Administrative Planning Staff level. 5. It was learns.d at the meeting that the Procurement and Supply Office has provided one or more representatives of that e to work in a liaison capacity with each of the line divisions n the DDA area, If the conolusions reached at this meeting an rth in paragraph 4 above are approved, it is believed that some ype of liaison will be necessary between the Office of the Comptroller and the line divisions within the DDA area in order that proper coordination can be effected with respect to fiscal matters in the development of administrative plans. It may be feasible in this connection for one or two liaison representatives of the Office of the Comptroller to be made available at the Office of Administration for DD to serve all line divisions within the DD area-. 6* It was also the consensus of the meeting that it should be esponsibility of the Project Ldministrative Planning Staff to lish a clear understanding among all concerned, of the sibilities of each support staff so that many of the jurisdictional disputes which now arise will be discontinued. Mr. 25X1A agreed to discuss these conclusions with the AADDA and advise the group of his reactions and conclusions. "mrtIrrmsupsda '4051 Iroar N010001101441MIIIIP tFeicRelease 2001/08/09 : CIA-RDP78-05538A000200020012-5 !try 1953) -2. 25X1A9a