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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 3, 1974
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-05343A000200080035-0.pdf114.08 KB
Approved For Reuse 2001/08/09 : Cpho-RDP~5~4~~Q~200080035-0 VV~ra1 W~_~i VdJ 19 ~CE~t?~~2AN~1,3~ F4R; ~eguty Director for ~tanagemeat and Services S~~J~CT Weekly Report of Significant A~ctiv~.ties RI:gER~NC~ ~Ll~'M~S Adr~inistratiue Instruction Ido. 73-4, dated ll April 1973 As requested, f?~llowin~ is ~. report of significant ~~tviti~s fir this office fQr the preceding week. ~., Chief, Selection ~'xocessing Division met on 3(~ .~pril with the- t~ffice of Persar~nel ~e recru~ ers to d3.scuss items of mutual interest The recruiters axe a.t headquarters for their-spring conference. 2. Chief, Clinical Flivision attended the wee~Cly I3IA briefing on 30 Agril wh a preseratatic~n on Jew nirections in ~Sedical Intelligence and Lessons Learned in the A~fd-East Jar by officers from the A~edical Information Intelligence Agency. ~. Chief, gsychiatric Staff is attending the American ?'sy~chc~analytic Asst~c ?~ ~.on meet ~ ~.- S h4ay in ~+~nvex, Colorado, ~~ pr?~blems 25X1A Refxesher 5. T}te t~~S Training t~fficer on 1. I~#ay completed the d~-mcsnstratlcns an the use of the Pneolator for members of tae sffice of Joint Computer Support, These demonstrations started ~~ January and invalv~ed training 7~ en~ployees~ fi* Ps3~chc~logcal Services Staff activities:. 5X1A a. Chief Assessment Branch is e~ttending CL ~~': Oll~5 of the Psyc~xiatric Staff on 3~ April ~1 D~eem'~+~r I.98fl Approved For Release 2001/08/09 :CIA-RDP78-05343A000200080035-0 Approved For?~elease 2001/08/09 ~A-R{3R-~S~?53000200080035-0 St~l3JDCT: fcakiy ~.gnrt of Significant s.ctivities a war~shap an Assessment Ce~nt+ers in Pittsburgh, Pettr~sylvania 29 April - ~ fay. The warkshap is conducted by Dev+~3.v}~ment Dim+~nsior~s ~ lac. headers by Dr. William Byh~:m, a principal in1~ernatvna3: p~?c~a~oter v~ flee Assessment Cenlrer rnethcad. b. A panel of PSS psychc~lagists m+et w~.th the Ag~er~cy recruit~srs th~.s week rturin~; their cc~n~+~rence t+o discuss mQtvatxc~n of applicants and ether subjects o~ mutual; interest. +~. FSS persrrnnel ar+~ represented at regional psyche- ~_ logical association meetings this weeltencl, 25X1A as ~all?~ws ; Sauthwsstern, El Fria, Te~cas Midwestern, ~hicaga~, Illint~is 25X1A "autheastez~, l~ally~rnvc~, Flvri$a - 25X1A 25X1A ay Qx~ re g sin a s tzrvey . 25X1A ~> AIE/Rki~T visited 26 April a1r Station request- ar apex'a ioa~al assl.star~ce. Acting r c car vices 25X1 A OMS f Ex~ ne d Distribu ion: Orig ~ 1 - Addressee D/MS Files ~~ _ 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/09: CIA-'`Tg'- 3A000200080035-0