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Publication Date: 
November 19, 1956
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Approved For Release 2001/08/09 : CIA-RDP78-05330A01-00120007-1 Biscoreble Rasymond Elattenherger The Pali* Printer Governeont Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Blattenbergeri In accordanoe with my letter to you dated July 4, 1956, and pour reply thereto dated July 9, 1956, representatives of the Goverempat Printing Office and the Contrail Intelligence Agency havn thoroughly discussed the proposed transfer to the., Central intelligence Agency of the Government Printing Offioe printing plant loceted in this Agencies Administration Build, ins. General dg.neement hes been reached and tha following is therefore proposed far your ooneurrance end the approval of the Joint Conmittes an Printings a. Effective January lo 1957, the Government Printing Offioe printing plant located at 2430 Street, 11. V., Washington, D. C.' ehell be trams- ft-tared to and opereted by'the Ce;tral Intelligenee Agency under the authority of Gelation 10(a)(1) of Pubiio Leer110, diet Comgreee. 'In All printing eqgipment mein the plaint mhith the Government Printing Office obtained from the predecessor operators of the plant shall be transferred to the Centre' Intelligence Agency without reiebursenent therefor. A list of snob equipment has been jointly .prepared and AO attacled hereto as Amex e. All yr/atlas equipment noel* the plant *lobmas yurOb000d by the Central Intelligence limey subsequent to assumption of adenIstrative control of the plant b/ the Government Printing roved For Release 2001/08/09 : Cl Approved For Release 2001/08/09 : CIA-RDP78-05330A000100120007-1 Nom rb3e jx lattenbersnr GM, ii11~061 25, D. C. Office shall be transferred to the Contra Intelligence Atvitcy without reitbarnement therefo.r. A hat of such equipment he. been oiztys:;:repared P.T24 is attached hereto ae tnnzot B. d. All -Alior printing ovipmeat now In the e Tcas betbe prucured by the Government 'ffics shall be trawaferred to the Central tli?Agancy end the Central Intelligence Agency atf.T2.1. rcimborve the Government Printing Crficv te t anoant reprosacting the *est to the Chver'noeut Printing (Ines leas depreeiation to janlary 1, 1e,7. A 1141, W. each equipment showing tha reiAlalztaont price or faith piece of evipeent he boon .cintly prep40..-ed cm.i is attached hereto ee nnow e. All sm.pplics, replacement parte, eta. (eacept those turaished by the Central Intelligence Agency), which the plant may have on hand or an order ts of the effective date of the transfer ebell be aoquired by the Ceetrel Intelligenoe agency at a price reprerenting poet to the Govern- ment Printing Offlee. f. The Centre Intelligence apounrsimill provide alassified printing at cost to the Atonic 'Energy Commission, the State Department, en4 any other &piney villas heretofore bee seed the eakleat plett for classified priniaeg to the extent that suah service: mey have been previously !Welshed by the Goverment ?tinting Office. The Atonic Rnergy Commies'= and the State Department have been epprized of this proposed transfer mad have interposed no objection thereto. The- subjeet printing plant obeli nut perform any-unalawsified printing for the Gentaal Ictelligense Agony or for &Ay other Covermont Low, azaept upon waiver issued by the ?averment Printieg Office, while. operating in its present location. When the plent-_ is merged with the Central Intelligent Agencies facilitiee in a single location no nnalateified printing shall be perforaed by this printing plant except that type of printtng ehiok would normally be produeed in a Government dtiplioating plea. Approved For Release 2001/08/09 : CIA-RDP78-05330A000100120007-1 Approved F r Release 2001/08/09: CIA-RDP78-0530A000100120007-1 liozoratle Pazmori! Mattariwgort r4:302 lAo3bingtost 25 D. C. 'The Ceara those Coverneut ?rintist olatiar ezizzlop.4lo tbo ;Axe% the o tarring to etKi tesemirts eirileywoe torkiacuoa hooey. h. Ito OnotorneentNg fl 1.ta 2,o1ls is its efa.,:atoyees thwe penecaet1 *lest- Jaz not, to trorgefar to the, Goctral Intel:tiptoe exnept that perecrael on the rolls of the u4sirdzi..--otivte otntt-oa ier9 aosoned tr the Printing cifice ontrobnuni 12 19472 or rem* seltszot to thwt &to foe- spooltla osagiegootat to illtmt, ellen rgot ba eompdgett. tts option of rombstng on the rano a th0 Omortavent PriatIng prior to tto of:feeUvo dote of tI'de transfer the ca-jewmetnt. PriAtilq CIV.06) atel ttlo Guam% Intent. klurg)o teeszy otall :;oinLly przwo a list of persconal csirstirt toweiefor to tha Central ratellicenoe 1.'1b4 Coestnel Intollieenoa Mow svoneible for obtointre polocooll to mews those Govorawat Printista Mftoo geplorsee uen *toot oat tk trensfor to end becalm rntoar401110* Ivonogr. Mover St 1, oi reanteition tty Avow, &tell for a period oat to Six end et their prarrailire W072 ea* pormenea star bo rageirei vst11 repleoexant pocreontel bi exulted, eater.% mai ontacel oz1 Opoo, the offoctivo itste a this trenotor the Centrra i1 lie. ;Abell have enausive wow &dm occitrol th, printise Amt. X. The Oentrul aeroosiblo Aar obteit%Sog Mery Cleszisalou regarding el uvatimpaneo Ocala Alma forre to In posertipb r. olboye Zoo eentrel Intellieenoo Avow lo airodloce to ttefdt* tito tronsfoa- of tads patilriz fuvYtitontLth tbe luta geniblo b. ccemnitaoo to P.13. ooneawrod. To thin I Inesoro ion tha Approved For Release 2001/08/09: CIA-RDP78-05330A000100120007-1 Approved? For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP76-0563-0400 STATINTL Esossiond illotftooborgar, perste oeXtli the oontosoor epodes owl ? Printtos Onion to the flaIoat estiont,Ti ittako be aratlahlo to the lovertstont Frisians 14021.7 olarattied mut tor Onion "tor main pleat zor equippod. Anther, this Woods to oontintoo to roar on tho Orsoramont PriatiOS ?? foo? itounaltaiolflovi printing and for poi*? aid toopliiing *NA tho ow printing tanilitifen? 00120607-1: - 25,D. Dinoorelyit Allan V. bailee Dire:Aar Atte.otiontes Atinfoose I, sod cr111"441"" 1111101111M--- "w"E"Partaaralaulftall Diortriblations 0 I& - ilidsonooff ? - tel io/o I - Oa nu) bile ? VDU vin 2 120/3 effi ? itok xis 01:00111111148444237 C24 54414 STATINTL' Cofactor: a. oats, uort Astlas Depot, Disofstor ALMA) (see separate mono dtd U Oat50 CompErollfir