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? 4501 EMPLOYEES Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000100140007-1 Ch. 45 (3) "Government" means the Government of the United States and the government of the District f o Columbia. ub.L. 89-554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 442. Reviser's Notes United States Code 5 U.S.C. 2122 DI.'watory Notes. In paragraph (1), the term "Ixxecutive ency" is coextensive with and substi- ted f xec1t1ve department or inde- ndent ) cy in the executive branch of e Government including a Government- -Led or controlled corporation" in view the definition of "Executive agency" in etion 105, Appllcatloa to the General counting Orfico (included in the term xecutive agency") is based on former -etion 993x. Fovieed Statutes and Statutes at Large Sept. 1, 1954, ch. 1208, ? 303, 68 Stat. 1113. Aug. 18, 1959, Pub.L. 86-168, ? 202(3), 73 Stat. 389, Paragraph (2) Is supplied because the definition of "employee" in section 2105 does by not encompass individuals employed the government of the District of Columbia. Paragraph (3) is supplied for clarity and convenience, Standard changes are made to conform with the definitions applicable and the style of this title as outlined in the Preface to the report Cross References r'xecutive agency, see section 105 of this title. [teport and recommendations to President on results of incentive awards der this chapter, see section 1303 of this title program mnited States 0=39(5). Library Roferenees C.J.S. United States ?; 17, 4s, 4502. General provisions a) "Z:cept as provided by subsection (b) of this section, a cash are ,$der this chapter may not exceed $5,000. b) When the head of an agency certifies to the Civil Service Com- sion that the suggestion, invention, Superior accomplishment, or Ir meritorious effort for which the award is proposed is highly 'ptionaI and unusually outstanding, a cash award in excess of 00 but not in excess of $25,000 may be granted with the approval he Commission. -) A cash award under this chapter is in addition to the regular of the recipient. Acceptance of a cash award under this chapter titutes an agreement that the use by the Government of an idea, od, or device for which the award is made does not form the of further claim of any nature against the Government by the t'y ee,,his heirs, or assigns. A cash award to, and expense for the honorary recognition of, nptlo ee~may be paid from the fund or appropriation available y Primarily benefiting or the various activities ben it- jhe head of the agency concerned deter mirApp Q g rt &1ease 20 listorieal and Revision Reviser's United States Code 5 U.S.C. 2i?3(d), (e), (g) Explanatory Notes. 12ovisod Statutes and Statutes at Large Sept. 1954. ch 1208 304(5), (e). (g), 68 St at. 1113, In subsections (a) and (b), the words "cash a " st l ward are substituted for "mone- tary award" and "such award" t y e of this title as outlined in the Preface to the report o conform to the remainder of the h c apter. In subsectio Delegation of functions. Dnnctions the Pr f i n (c), the word "Govern- ment" is substituted for "G ov o es dent under former section 2123 (e) [now subset (d) ernment of the United States or th . ] of this section delegated to th e government of the District of C l e Chairman of the Servic Ci il C o umbia" in view of the definition of "G v e omm section Lx Ord 2 N f overnment" in section 4501, Standard h , . o o.ll228I rune 14, 1963, 30 P. 7739, set out as a ' ' c anges are made to conform with the definiti of note under section 3 01 Title 3, The President ons applicable and the , tivity for a Presidential -'r-El"I'leS the amou to be award under s ct on paid by each ac- L. 89-?554 4504 of this title. Pub. , Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 442. Cross References Weight to be accorded incentive awards under this cha ter in for promotions, see section 3362 of this title, V ter employees . , 1906, 80 Stat. 443. Ristorical maid Revision c of this title was -a S, 1'363, achievement. Griggs s 314 F.2d 515, 161 Ct.Cl. 84. ? 4503. Agency nwarcts C ~ < < ~ The head of an agency may pay a cash award to, and incur neces- sary expense for the honorary recognition of, an employee who-- (1) by his suggestion, invention, superior accomplishment, or other personal effort contributes to the efficiency, economy, or other improvement of Government operations; or (2) performs a special act or service in the public interest in connection with or related to his Official employment, Pub.L. 89-554 Se t 6 taxable as income and was not excepted from income by provision of section 74 of Title 26 relating to prizes and a wards made primaril y in recognition of rell- Award made to government glens, charitable, educational, artistic, lit- under former section 2123 employee erary, or civi INCENTIVE AWARDS l Jr, R ' l n-a Notes of Decisions The moneys received as government employee's incentive award ble were includi- in gross income, Denniston V. C. I. ~?, 1965, 343 it 2d 312, 30, 120 II.S App.D,C. 1. Taxability 2/05/02: CIA-RDP78-05077A0JQjAgt4QQ07- 1 Derivations United Stet". ?--"se. ""a"te" and Statutes at larre f1.v, DD/MMM.&S 73-3098 Q C AUG 197: Approved For ReIe'e 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-05077A000 0140007-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Communications Director of Finance Director of Joint Computer Support Director of Logistics Director of Medical Services Director of Personnel Director of Security Director of Training Director of Planning, Programming and Budgeting Special Assistant for Information Control "SUBJECT . - Competitive Evaluation System for Employees of the Management and Services Directorate 1. A new competitive evaluation sjrste, L;,, has been adopted for the professional. careerists, through the GS-14 level, of the MG ca.reer service. I would like this new system to be utilized by the other career services through- out the Management and Services Directorate. You may feel. it necessary to make minor i codifications to fill some peculiar requirements of your Service, but I want to approve any basic modifications before you initiate the system. 2. Attached are the DD/M&S Administrative Instruction No. 73-18, "Fitness Reports for Members of the MG Career Service" and the explanation of the evaluation system which uses the information from the Fitness Repo as the basic data for evaluatine, snd rankin, the carecrists. These two papers should _provide you with the philosophy and objectives as well as the technical procedures for revising your evaluation system. 3. Please adopt this evaluation svstcpn fo- r careerists as quicrl_y as possible and provide m. e with a copy of the announcement and the instructions which are prepared explaining the system to your employees. STATINTL HAROLD L. BROWNMA' Deputy Director for Management and Services Attachments Approv c~~For*. elease-2002/OS/02':'CiA'-R?P -;0507'1'At000100140007-1 Approved For Rele a 20102/05/02': C'fA-RDP78=05b17AOO 0140007-1 Al` E.VALUA'1'ION SYSTEM FOR THE SUPPORT CAREER SERVICE 0713; LCTIVE, S 0F T3-i I, 1?,VALUAT10-N S Y S a JE ZVI . The objectives of the Support Career Service Evaluation System are: A. To provide each officer. with the standards upon which he will ;o competitively evaluated; B. To identify qualified "S" careerists who merit advancement on the basis of their dcmonstrated performance and project potential; o~ ? C. To counsel and motivate the individual "IS" careerist by providing relevant information on how he is performing in relation to others in. his grade; need for counseling, training, reassignment, C emotion or other action including separation. D. To improve the long range effectiveness of the Management and Services Directorate by identifyi a "5" potential.; careerists with e;{ecutive E. To identify "S" careerists whose current performance signals the It is the policy Of the Deputy Director, for Management and Services (D D/M&~ :': A. To rank competitively all "S" careerists at specific grade levels at least annually and to use these rankings to determine promotions, to aid in the assignment process and to identify those employees 1Vi10 may need counseling or other career service attention; B. To permit accelerated advancement within the "S" Career Service; C. To require that all substantive matters'considcred in the ranking process be made a mater of record without disclosing the source of privileged item.s. This information will, be used by the DDPMS'