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Approved,For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100043-0 INSTRUCTION NO. L2 4+5-10 Li 45-10 LOGISTICS 10 January 1967 SUBJECT : Processing of MILSTRIP and FEDSTRIP,Documentation REFERENCE: LI 45-6, Receiving Discrepancy Reporting and Processing Procedures (Under Revision) 1. GENERAL This instruction establishes the general policy and procedures to be followed by those Office of Logistics (OL) components which have responsibilities for processing documentation in connection with the MILSTRIP and FEDSTRIP requisitioning and issue systems. These MILSTRIP and FEDSTRIP procedures are unique, particularly as they affect the process between OL and the Office of Finance (OF), and do not apply to requisitions, receiving reports, and/or shipping documents resulting from commercial or industrial procurements. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES a. With the adoption of the concept of "constructive evidence of receipt", OF will no longer require copies of MILSTRIP and FEDSTRIP requisitions and receiving reports to support the pay- ment of billings resulting from transactions under those two systems. b. Interdepartmental billings resulting from MILSTRIP and FEDSTRIP transactions will be paid immediately upon receipt by OF. OF will support its action in certifying the billings for payment by internal site audits, and recurring reviews, on a selective basis, of OL receiving records. To assist OF in the identifi- cation of the appropriate Procurement Allotment Account to be charged for each acquisition, Supply Division shall provide the FAN for such allotment account on the Document-Voucher Cross Reference Register, a copy of which is sent to OF. GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100043-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100043-0 INSTRUCTION NO. Li 1I.5-10 Li 45-10 LOGISTICS 10 January 1967 c. The existing computer input program for receiving actions by Supply Division shall remain unchanged. d. Through a computer-matching of data input by OF against equivalent data input by Supply Division, unmatched acquisition and expenditure transactions will be listed quarterly by Office of cnputer Services (OCS) for further analysis to determine the reason for the differ- ences and to initiate action for any necessary adjustments. e. Upon receipt of the quarterly difference listing from OCS, it shall be the responsibility of Supply Division to examine each entry and to take the necessary steps to resolve any differences, considered to be consequential, with the supplier, the consignee, or OF, as appropriate. The criteria for distinguishing between. consequential and inconsequential. differences are set forth in the reference. f. Significance of a difference shall not be limited to monetary value alone, but shall include for consideration those differences resulting from lack of receipt recordings, improper billings, duplicate billings, or any other difference which, in the judgement of Supply Division, must be resolved to the best interests of the Organ izai.ion. Inconse- quential differences shall be those which are not economical to research and process because of small price variances, small but acceptable shortages or overages, or both. g. Supply Division shall advise OF of all consequential differences which are within the Jurisdiction and responsibility- of OF to resolve. The following are e.xa1. plcs of financiai. differences which require the preparation of Administrative Audit Differences State- meets and which can be resolved only by OF (1) Duplicate billings. (2) Wrong agency billed. (3) Billings for nonreimburssb e issues. h. Resolutions of consequential differences which occur as the result of supply discrepancies (shortages, overages, etc.) shall be handled with the supplier by OL/SD. OZ,/SD shall report to OF those differences on which monetary credit is to be received on subsequent billings. -ry S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100043-0 .Approved,For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100043-0 INSTRUCTION NO. Li 45-10 Li 45-10 LOGISTICS 10 .January 1967 i. Resolutions of consequential differences which occur as the result of internal errors shall be processed by OL/SD to OCS. J. Inconsequential differences shall be identified on the machine listing with an "X" and transmitted quarterly to OF with a mem- orandum requesting adjustment. OF will process an adjustment voucher debiting or crediting, as appropriate, Account 606 with a contraentry to Account 661. k. All components of OL responsible for the distribution of copies of MILSTRIP and FEDSTRIP requisitions and receiving reports shall eliminate OF from that distribution except for the two copies of Receiving Reports used in lieu of Shipping Documents and sent to Accounts Division, OF. 3. PROCEDURES The detailed procedure necessary to implement this instruction will be established by Supply Division as required, with an effective date of 3 January 1967. GEORR E. MELOON rector of Logistics 25X1A OBE.RT H. FUCHS -3- Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100043-0