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rIE C Me..951 ? 4C Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY IRFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY ussis SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE INDICATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VULNERABILITIES CHANGE TO UNCPSWIED PER REGRADING. BULLETIN THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C., Et AND 32, AS AMENDED, ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION Or ITO CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED NY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS PORN IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts 25X1A DATE OF INFORMATION DATE DIST. ast NO. OF PAGES kg SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION cPW Report No. 53--U3SR - CLASSIFICATION STATE _ NAVY MB _ DISTRIBUTION ARMY AIR Apr. vilelFor?R11-e se 2002/06/k8 : CIA-k 8-04864A0033-00030028- Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 CONMENTIAL 5ECURTTY INFORMATION prom the amount Congress; it is eliminating all delegates; only manifestations SUMMARY of attention given to the subject at the Ukrainian Communist Party evident that the Perty leadership has not yet succeeded in traces of "bourgeois ideology" in the Republic. Ukrainian Congress 30 percent of whom were Russians, pledged an unreleeting fight against of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism.. .and pariah cosmopolitanism." 25X1A Strictures against Ministries responsible for and enterprises producing consumer gooda indicate that much progrems must be made before the promises of the next Five Year Plan become reality. An in other Party Congressee, much concern was expressed over failures to produce competent leadership of Party, Soviet and economic organizations. Nepotism is rife, and too many leading positions are filled on the basis of personal friendship rather than professional competence. Coeseqeently, there has been an invasion of "thieves, squanderers, bribe-takers and speculators," especially in consumer industry. ?Ivrea released at the Congress demonstrate the firm grip that the bureaucracy has over the direction of the Ukrainian Communist Party. Only 168 of the 571 voting delegates could be described charitably as industrial or farm workers--another 115 were from the intelligentsia, that is, scientists, teachers etc. The Army, the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of the Interior had. 106 representatives--a figure that may illustrate the size of the MVD, NOB and other repressive forces in the Ukraine. All of the other delegates were party, Soviet, administrative and trade union officials. Soviet Army difficulties in finding recruits capable of operating complex modern military evisq nt were admitted in a speech by Hrechko, commander of the Kiev Military Okrug. He pointed out that the ear had interfered with the education of the young eho "find it difficult to assimilate the complex military technology." Brechko demanded that education authorities take ateps to remedy these educational deficiencies. eeffraNTIAL 3LOURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 51 .4C DEC. 1943 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 CLASSIFICATION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT INDICATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VULNERABILITIES HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTINS THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE !UNITED STATES WITHIN THE IIIANINS OF ISPIONASE ACT BO U. S. C., $I AND SEAS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO. MITER IT LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROMIDITIO, SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts STATINTL DATE OF INFORMATION DATE DIST. SA Ott S2.-4 NO. OF PAGES 10 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CPW Report No. 53 A--USSR CONTENTS TEE UKRAINIAN PART! CONGRESS MELNIKOVIS REPORT PARTY MAIM a INDUSTRY AGRICULTURE 6 ARTS AND SCIENCES 7 CONSUMER GOODS CONSTRUCTION. ......... 811$11811 ..... ?9 WESTERN UKRAINE 9 ARMED FORCES 10 POR OFFICIAL usz ONLY CLASSIFICATION STATI NAVY MR? DISTRIOUTION ARMY m A pproy I Release 20027017*TCIA-RDP0030028-, Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSIFIED - 2 This UKRAINIAN PARTY CONGRESS STATINTL The report of Party Secretary bielnikov to the Ukrainian Communist jlarty Congress, while keyed to'the theme of the "rsdical reconstruction" and development or, new industry since the liar in the Republic, Subjected industry, agriculture and party organizations to detailed criticism. One of the prime failings of industry, ministries and local authorities, he said, was the policy of permitting individual failures to fulfil quotas to be obscured by aims of overall plan fulfillment. Consequently, in 19510 out of 265 "most important items" only 217 had been produced in the amounts specified. There was, he complained, a tendency to substitute numerous paper directives for active leadership. In agriculture, the acreage of winter wheat, the principal crop, has been extended, and the livestock population has been increased to more than the Prewar level, but it is now necessary to .,"liquidate lagging behind in the fodder base and to improve pedigree breeding." .There Must be "undeviating growth" in mechanization of agriculture. Party membership, said Melnikov, had increased, but local branches too often are ignoring the emergence of new members alloying personal acquaintance to direct their choice of Officials. Incompetent nominees were frequently transferred from job to job, disrupting each organization to which they are assigned. Such faults had been eXposed in several ministries-those of Meat and Milk Industry, Foodstuffe, Light Industry and Trade, in'which,"swindiers and loafers" had infiltrated into many leading posts. Meltikov stated that it was necessary, therefore, to struggle more firmly against "those who steal socialist property, squanderers, bribe-takers and speculators." In the Western areas,,saidMelnikov, the most important task was the appointment to leading positions of "faithful" local active workers, experienced in the struggle against "kulak land ownership and nationalists." Redilling the "just oriticism" levelled at the Ukrainian Central Committee by the All-Union Party a year ago, Xelnikov conceded that remedial steps taken so far are "only a beginning. Particular attention must be given to the propagation Of Marxisim4eninism, still organized it an unsatisfactory way under inadeqUately instructed teachers. Cultural and Political Work in the collectives must be improved. Education ,is improving, but there are still deficiencies in the lectures on basic sciences and in 4.4agogy. In literature, too few works have been produced exposing "manifestations of bourgeois ideology, especially Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism and outcast Cosmopolitanism. Melnikov particularly indicted Bosyurals poem, "Love Our Ukraine," as an especially reprehensible perversion of literature, a work which might have been produced by "any illiterate" and which has been widely used by Ukrainian nationalist organisation, abroad. 'Bourgeois nationalism, he said, is "the most tenacious and dangerous remnant of capitalism" in the Ukraine and must be eradicated. Mors detailed study of itelnikovis report and of those of other, Cowes, speakers follows under appropriate headiness Party Affa4tsi liblnikov asserted that the Ukrainian Communist Party now numbers ,77711320 of which 676,190 Or 66.9% are Asa members and 101,642 or 13.1% are candidates, Member. ship in the party has increased by 13.7% since the last report more than a year ago, There are more mon members, and they now number 17.4% of the party. Thirty.tive percent Of the members have had. a secondary or better education, not a terribly impressive figure in view of general Soviet propaganda about UBEI educational successes. Malnikov elves some interesting figures on the distribution of membership by occupations 36.9 percent are in industry, 17.7 are in agriculture, and 9.1 percent are in science, education and the arts. This leaves a total of 36.3 percent unaccounted tor..virtually as many as there are workers in the party. This 36.3 percent, presumably, are party bureaucrats, in the State security forces etc. UNCLASOMED Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSIFIED - 3 - STAT I NT L Melnikov claimed that the party has improved its performance in all fields but he concedes that "some oblast party committees are directing the economy indifferently, often substituting organizational work with paper direction." This is particularly characteristic of the Chernigov and Rovno Oblast party committees. While there has been an improvement in the enrollment and education of cadres; "nevertheless the level of work among the cadres still lags behind the growing demands that lie before tirePYRGHT party organization of the Republic." He continued: Some oblast party committees, ministries and adminiotrations allow violations of the Bolshevik principle on the enrollment of workers in accordance with their political and labor qualifications; and show a lack of sense by management in appointments to directing posts. Failing to take notice of the new emerging workers, some oblast committees, many town and rayon party committees limit themselves to a small circle of persona known to them... If a person disrupts 11.04 at one section, he is thoughtlessly transferred to another similar Or even -more important post. If the person fails again, he is onwmore handed a directing position.." Failures in the work with cadres, Melnikov argued, is due to the practice of ass1(gffidg3HT this duty to subordinates. Bo far the Central Committee has uncovered serious mistakes and errors in the work among cadres in a number of ministries ? and administrations. The condition in the Ministries of the Meat and Milk Industry, the Foodstuffs Industry, the Light Industry, and the Ministry of Trade was especially unfortunate. As i result of the careless attitude of the heads Of these ministries toward the enrollment of cadres, swindlers and loafers have penetrated many leading and materially responsible posts. It is necessary, Melnikov went on, to strengthen the struggle against /those who steal socialist property, squanderers, bribe-takers and speculators, create an atmosphere of hatred against them on the part of the workers. After demanding an improvement in the selection of women and young people for leading positions, Melnikov went on to admit the justice of the criticisms directed by the All Union Party against the Ukrainian Communist Party for faulty ideological work. The Ukrainian Party Committee, he said, has strengthened its struggle against perversions of all kinds and developed criticism and self-criticism, "But this is only the beginning... The propagation of Marxism-Leninism is still organissd unsatisfactorily. In many party schools and circles lessons are conducted on a low ideologioal-theoretioal level... The party organisation frequently selects lecturers, consultants and directors of political schools and circles who are not sufficiently qualified for the posts," Still unsatisfactory, continued Melnikov, is the level of mass political work at 1WieRGHT enterprises and kolkhoses, where too often pooitical agitation ii separated fraa production tasks. Mhos political work is poorly organised in production brigades Of any kolkhoses. The increase of cultural resources of the workers demands from the party organisations a further increase in the network of cultural educational establishments, and above all, an Improvement in the ideological content of their work. UNCLOG:MD Approved For Release 2002/06/28': CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSIFIED - STATINTL Melnikov then proceeded to discuss shortcomings in the field of science and education. A considerable number of higher educational establishments do not have enough qualified personnel and are maintaining poor liaison with practical life. Particularly poor is the state of lecturing in the social sciences, and it must be admitted that many scientific experimental establishments are reorganizing their work slowly deapite strictures of the All-Union Party Committee and Stalin's directives on ideologicariRGHT questions. TOO few works have been written to expose the manifestations of bourgeois ideology, and above all of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism and outcast cosmopolitanism. In many institutes of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, criticism and self- criticism, free exchange and the struggle of ideas have not attained the necessary level. Melnikov analyzed in detail the shortcomings and perversions committed in certain works of art and literature, particularly citing the nationalistic verses of Sosyura, verse blatantly perverting the picture of the Soviet Union, verse which "could have been signed by any illiterate person of the Ukrainian people from the nationalist camp, say Petlura, Bandera and others." This verse,Molnikov charged, was used by the UkraizaallRGHT nationalists as weapon. ?Bourgeois nationalism is the most tenacious and most dangerous remnant of capitalism in the consciousness of the people. We must expose any manifestations of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism wherever they appear. We must also struggle implacably against the manifestations of the hostile, reactionary ideology of the pariah cosmopolitanism... beach remains to be done in order to lift our literature and arts to the level which will satisfy the cultural demands of our people. (Kiev, 23 September) Reporting for the Central Auditing Commission, Davydov told of the results of a checkup on the treatment of letters of complaint from party and non-party members tointrina,?,? party and economic organizations. The checkup, he said, revealed serious mistakeerir'm the direction of kolkhozes by party and Soviet organs. In the Poltava, Zhitomir, Odessa and Chernigov Oblast Party Committees...a large number of letters and complaints remains unexamined for more than two months. There are cases of formal and bureaucratic attitudes toward the examination of complaints. ...the Central Committee also noted the formal and bureaucratic condition of the examination of complaints and proposals of the workers which exists in the Ministries of Asriculture, Sovkhosesa and 7ishing Industries. (Xiay, 23 September) Reporting for the Credentials ComaissiOn, Tensor' gave some illuminating figures cm the composition of the Ukrainian Party Congress. Of the 571 voting delegates, only 169 can be classified as workers or farmers..another 45 ver e described as "workers of soignee, eulture and the arts," The rest of the delegates comprisedi 336 party offieials; 101 soviet, administrative and trade union officials; 14 Komsomol officials; and 106 representatives of the Army, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also interesting was Tarasovls statement revealing the high rate of attrition of old party members in the Ukraine. Only six of the delegates were party members before 19201 277 joinnd the party before 1930; 290 before 1940; and 173 between 1941 and l952. (The total figlre is higher than that given in the paragraph preceding, presumably since it inoludei Ooth voting and delegates.) Ukrainians were a majority at the Congress, comprising 66.2 percent; 30.9 percent, however, were Russians. (Sieve, 21 September) UNCLASSIFIRD Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSIFIED -5 - STATINTL Davydov: reporting for the Auditing Commission, told of satisfactory progress in the collection of party dues and in the sale of publications, but he reported that violations of output schedules by editors of newspapers and magazines are "not. rare." He spoke of growing expenditures for party education and complained that "some oblast party committees are not utilizing fully the funds alloted for this purpose, overlooking the great importance of the task of the Marxist-Leninist education of Communists." (Kiev, 25 September) Kiev radio reported on .27 September that the preceding day's session was mainly devoted to the .question Of raising the level of party work in party organizations and to the improvement of party leadership in industry and agriculture, in the course of which the work of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party was "Sharply criticized." One speaker complained that "party: soviet and other organizations often satisfy themselves with averages of plan fulfillment: not considering the backward enterprises and kolkhozes." As a result: in Drogobych Oblast many kolkhozes are weak both organizationAlly and financially. There are. still cases of infringement of the kolkhoz statute and many infringements of internal party democracy. The speaker, Kiev radio said, made "just' allegations" against the Ministries of Communal Economy, Housing, Civil Construction, and Health for giving insufficient attention to Drogobych Oblast. PWRGHT A speaker representing the Makeyevka town party committee cited a specific example-00i. the evils resulting from faulty work with cadres, uncovered at the town party meeting. The former head of the Kapitalnaya mine, Zostava, surrounded himself with relatives, acquaintances and persons who were not trustworthy... Among the directing workers of the shaft, there were eight of his relatives... At the mine mutual hushing up prevailed together with flattery and favoritism. (Kiev, 24 September) Another speaker, quoted the same day, denounced those party members who are not observing the rules of the socialist way of life and who allow violations of Communist ethic.. "The party organisations, instead of reprimanding them severely for un-party like . activities, often .cover up such acts and find it difficult to reprimand a Communist, particularly if he occupies a responsible position." Rudich, secretary of the Zaporoshye Town party committee, amendment to Chapter One of the draft party statute, stating that "the Communist party of the Soviet Union ts systematically cleansing its ranks of all those who disgrace the high name of Communist, who have morally decayed, who abuse their position in the service, and who break away from the masses." Rudich demanded that the Ukrainian Communist Party further improve leadership in the selection, placing, and upbringing of cadres, pointing out that since 1949 four Zaporoshys party secretaries in charge of ideological problems have been changed. Ustychenko, secretary of the Xiev town party committee, reoommended that it be made a requireisent for party membership to have at least a secondary eduoation, and Chernyansky, secretary of the Odessa town party committee, urged that the statute define measures to be taken against Communists "who voluntarily abandon primary party organisa- tions and migrate at their own will." (Kiev, 24 September) Despite all the criticisms mentioned above, the Congress voted unanimously to approve the political line and practical work of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party. (Kiev, 27 Septetber) Xnd.ustz'yNelnikov stated that the most serious shortcoming in industry and in the work of par y supervising organs was "a planned attitude" (panovy pidkhid) toward the assessment of work by enterprises, that is, concealing deficiencies in the production of individual items under overall figures shoving plan fulfillment. According to Kiev radio on 2, September, Xelnikov sharply criticised the Dryanski Mayon and the Xadiyevka Town party committees, as well as the management of the Xadiyev coal trust, for substituting active leadership over personnel with numerous directives. UNCLASSIPIRD Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Apprat/ed For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Melnikov vent on to say that there were local and cooperative industries. Many production planik'espeCially'as regards Important items,Of. production, the plan ?- 6 - STATINTL "great shortcomings" in the work of Republican, enterprises, he said, failed to fulfill their specified items._ "In 1954_out of 465 most was fulfilled for only 217 items." Korotchenko, Choirs= of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers, quoted by Kiev on 27 September, ? severely criticized leeipenko? Minister of Light Inditstry, Gritsenko, Minister of Local Industry, and Pirogo*, Minister of State Contra-all of whom visit enterprises very rarely, are poorly acquainted with the situation, maintain little contact with Soviet and party organs concerned, and do not eliminate shortcomings in the work of individual organizations." ' Rohinets, secretary of the Chernigov Oblast PartY.e0Mmittee, complained that a number of industries, especially those of the local and'cooperetive industries, are badly utiliz- ing their internal.00ources and are, therefore, lagging behind. He accused the Ministry of Communal Economy ,01. State Planning of WI:ins to give enough assistance in the building of Chernigqi, the 'ablest center. (Kiev# 26 September) A speaker from DnieProPetl'Ovwk indicted. the Miniatry and administration of the MOtal Industry for failinito.provilie 80:000 rubles ,which would. enable the Petrevski enterprise to burn waste gas BO thuseave.fuel. Se also criticised the Ministry orPerrous Metallurgy of dilat 'ems the adoption of new, technical improvements., (Kiev, 24 September) The secretary, of theloepordrozhye Town Party Committee said that 27 enterprises and .failed to fulfill the eight-month production plan due to "crave k of 'e town ankrayon party eammittees. (Kiev, 24 September) artele in Zaporozhye shortcomings" lathe Agriculture; A:AUM ,ote0e4kOre criticised :the- work Of the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture. Aeraw.Oblast Secretary OnythOhenko.ettacked thellinistries of Agriculture and Cotton Growing-ler poor -training of farm technicians, especially of irrigation experts. Angelita,a,Stalino Oblast tractor brigade 'leader, said that theMinistry of Agriculture, has "failekcomplatele to sensiderthe-questionof perfecting agricultural machines, eepeeially:Wombines. She added that the Ministry does not properly train tractor brigade leaders and:ehe demanded better training.of secretaries of kolkhos primary party organisations. (iclev, 26 September)' Other criticisms' were launched by a Kiev Oblast brigade leader, who said that the Ministry was weakly propagating the experience of agricultural 'innovators, and by the Secretary of the Kamenets-PodollkObkom, who made the blanket indictment that the Ministry was giving too little attention to, the needs of collective farms. Minister of Agriculture Spivak appeared not to have answered his critics.' He was voted by Kiev on 26 September, however, as saying that there Were -serious mistakes in the Work of agricultural organs in the Republic. He pointWin particular to the low milk output, especially in Zhitomir and Ohernigov *lasts,. the Weak development of the fodder base and the insufficient level of mechanisation i.aonsting farm processes. Malenkin, Secretary off the Nikolayev Oblast Party Committee, admitted the justice of Melnikov's criticisms of the Nikolayev committee. The Oblast, he said is lagging behind in livestock breeding, and the responsibility for this rests on the coMmittee and on the Ukrainian Cooperative Society and the Administration for Molkhos and Rural Construction. Malenkiu added that Urollets, deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers, was also responsible, for, he had failed to take neeeseary measures to insure fulfillment, of the plan for rural and kM4405 construction. War, 17 September) Another speaker attaebed the Ukrainian Aeademy of Sciences for giving insufficient help to sugar beet growers MOUNnn Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSIFIED - 7 - STATINTL Zhitcmir Oblast Secretary Fedorov admitted the justice of criticisms levelled against tne oblast committee, which had failed to apply the crop rotation system and to liquidate infringements of the kclkhoz statute. Also responsible for the oblest's failures, he said, were the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Light Industry, both of which had not supplied enough tractors and other machines, mineral fertilizers and building materials. The ultimate responsibility, he concluded, rests with the Ukrainian Central Committee, which had failed to check up to see that its directives were fulfilled. (Kiev, 27 September) Mining: Some stress was placed on the problems that must be solved if the new Five Year Plan figures for coal production are to be fulfilled. Pochenkov, director of the Stalin Coal Combines admitted that "a considerable part" of the mines in the combine have not yet developed to planned capacity due to the failure to complete construction. "It is necessary to end such harmful practices of the construction organizations... It is indispensible that we shorten construction time... Considerable help should be given by the Ukrainian and USSR Academies of Sciences. Up to now the work of the scientists in this branch is very slow." (Kiev, 24 September) Voroshilovgrad Oblast Party Secretary Klimenko admitted that the Voroshilovgrad coal combine and the Donbas anthracite combine had failed to fulfill their plans as the result of poor application of the cyclic schedule and unsatisfactory use of mining equipment. Klimenko ascribed the poor work of the mines to poor selection of directing personnel, and he cited instances of "a superficial approach toward the selection of managers by the USSR Ministry of the Coal Industry." (Kiev, 26 September) RADYANSKAYA DONESCRINA, in an editorial broadcast by Stalin? on 27 September, discussed the production goals set in the directive for the 19th All Union Congress and said that many Donbas mines were not working properly. For example, the editorial said, Number One SverdloVka Mine of the Makayev Coal Trust is permitting delays and incorrect technical leadership which act ass brake on progress. A steel worker delegate criticized the management of the Itivoi Rog iron Mining field for supplying low quality iron ore to metal plants?on several occasions, he said, the ore contained 20 percent of silica. He also criticised the Kharkov Metals Institute and the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy for not giving enough assistance to individual enter- prises /in solving their production problems. (Kiev, 27 September) Arts and Sciences: Melnikov's criticisms of Ukrainian literature were echoed by a number of speakers. Ukrainian Writers' Union chief Kcrneychuk conceded the justice of complaints against the work of himself and his wife and against the poets Sosyura and Rylski. "All writers must develop a deeper sense of intransigeance towards all manifestations of bourgeois ideology, nationalism and cosmopolitanism... It is necessary to unite all branchee of the printing industry into sue system and also to unite all book publishing houses, with the exception only of those publishing houses which publish books of a special nature. This would enable them to maks a correct use of their paper mourns." (Kiev, 24 September) Basilan, deputy chairman of the writers union, said that "only the first steps" have yet been taken to comply with All Union party decisions against ideological perversions in litera- ture. In the writers circle, he complained, the atmosphere of friendliness, covering up of mistakes and un-party like reaction to criticism" still exists. Ukrainian Central Committee Secretary Nasarenko asserted that much progress has been made toward developing Soviet and Ukrainian culture "by waging a determined and merciless struggle against all and sundry manifestations of bourgeois nationalism," but serious shortcomings still prevail in the work of various education authorities. Certain party organisations give little attention to the training of teachers. Nasarenko accused Ukrainian writers of creating too few works which would help bring up Ukrainian youth to be "oheerful, buoyant and boundlessly devoted to the cause of the Lenin-Stalin Part." (Kiev, 27 September) mouserrum Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSITIED - 8 - STATINTL Frykordonny? chief editor of RADYANSKAY UKRAINA, admitted the complicity of his paper in the crimes of Ukrainian writers. We failed to expose and criticize in good time the manifestations of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism. It very often happens that articles in our paper do not meet the ever-growing needs of our people." (Kiev 27 September) Criticisms of the work of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences were acknowledged by President Palladia, who promised to strengthen cooperation between scientists and production workers. (Kiev, 26 September) The gap between theory and practice of science was underlined by TUlchynska, acting director of Machnikov University in Odeisa. Scientific leaders are not giving enough attention to the problem of aiding production. "It is necessary to coordinate the work of scientists, to publicize systematically the scientific work, and to eliminate organizational anomalies and the disunity of some groups of scientists... The execution of plane for scientific research work in the higher educational establish- ments should be concentrated at a coordination center of the USSR Academy of Sciences and of the Ukrainian Academy Of Sciences." (Kiev, 27 September) Consumer Goods: Nkanikovls indictment of various Ministries responsible for :lulling consumers was weightily reinforced in a speech by Korotchenko, Chairman of the EAMiHT Council of Ministers. (Kiev, 24 September) We cannot overlook the fact that a part of the industrial enter- prises of the Republic, particularly the Ministries of Industrial Building Materials, Meat and Dairy, Light, Food, Local and Coopera- tive Industries, as well as other branches, are not yet fulfilling the production tasks, and are often producing low quality goods at high production costs, infringing the plans for specific-item produc- tion, and working at a loss. The Ministries of the Local and Food Industries, the industrial cooperatives, and many executive committees of town councils, Korotchenko claimed, are inadequately expanaW (31-IT the rayon industry, and there is poor utilization of local resources. The Ministry of Trade and the Cooperative Union have many shortcomings in the management of trade and in the planning of distribution and the location of trade centers. They make poor studies of the demands of the population, and extend the trade network slowly, without efficiently struggling against losoes and stealing. A decisive end must be put to all theme shortcomings. A delegate from Volhynia Oblast attaaked the Ukrainian Mintatry of the Furniture Industry for failing to establish a single furniture producing enterprise in the oblast, although there is sufficient material locally for such a factory. Also to blame, he field, is the Ministry of Local Industry. (Kiev, 2( September) You Several speakers devoted their time to the problems of youth, especially those in tg-Romsomole Shovel, chairman of the Ukrainian Komsomol, said. that there were still many ahortoomings in the party direction of youth organisations. "Many local Kameomel organiza- tions have been inadequately carrying otxt moos political work and cultural enlightenmeet among the youth, maintaining insufficient contact with the broad masses." dtanifilev Cbkom Secretary Shchertak said that in the eblait little attention ie being paid by the party and Komsomol Organisations to rural orgetisetions. (Kiev; 27 September) A delegate :row Makeyevka proposed an amendment to the party statutes making it obligatory for a former Komsomol member applying for Communist Party memberehip to have the endorsement of the rayon Komsomol commdttee. The previous proposal that the recommendation of three PartY members equal rayon Komsomol endorsement) he paid, "lowers responsibility of the Komsomol organisation for its members." (Kiev, 24 September) UNOWOIFIED Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSIYIED - 9 - STATINTL Construction and Transportation: Serious charges against construction planning OrganiZations were med.e by Eochkin, director of the *Ukrainian Water Constructions Organization." He alleged that the quality of planning is low and said that serious blunders and omissions have occured. "They do not take into account the location of building materials, and the plans are made on general lines stressing the need to build cheaply, but call for the use of timber for construction forgetting that timber is scarce in the steppe area." Named as guilty of such improper planning practices were the Ministry of Cotton the Committee for Construction Affairs, and the State Planning Commission. (Kiev, 2k September) Odessa delegate Markov criticized the Ministry of Communal Economy and of the State Planning Commission for "the absence of order* in planning for production anddelivery of building materials. Plans for the improvement of the Odessa economy, he said, do not satisfy the "mature demands" of the city. A kolkhoz official from Kamenets-Podolsk Oblast said that the building of livestock shelters in the oblast is being hampered. by the lag in the output of bricks and tiles. The Kirov factory in Mogilev Podolsk, he complained, is manufacturing brick and tile presses for koikhozes? but the presses are delivered without the parts which would make them useful. (Kiev, 24 September) The secretary of the Odessa Oblast party committee) noting an improvement in the work of the Odessa railway, said that nevertheless there are serious mistakes in transport and in industry. Internal resources are being poorly used and many enterprises are still not fulfilling the plan for either gross output or for assortment. (Kiev, 26 September) The Western Ukraine: Supplementing Manikovls remarks on the subject, Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian 0?u:ten of Ministers Korniyets spoke in detail on shortcomings in the work of industrial enterprises, kolkhomes and machine-tractor stations and of Soviet and ports organizations in the Western Ukraine, according to a Kiev broadcast of 27 September. Lvov Oblast Party Secretary Serdyuk claimed that the party organisation in the West Ukraine has "inflicted a terrible blow against the remnants of the bands of the Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists, the most ferocious enemies of the Ukrainian people, the agents of the Anglo-American imperialists," but he Conceded that the Lvov- Oblast Party organization had been rightly criticized several times by the AU-Union and the Ukrainian -Central Committees and by PRAVDA. Weaknesses in the ideolo gioacPYRGHT sector are especially prevalent, he said. Comrade Milnikov justly criticised us for insufficient vork with local intelligentsia and students. The party organisations of the Oblast are still too formal in their propagation of scientific and political knowledge, and do not always give this work a Solehevik directness, There are Still many shortcomings in our lecture propaganda. We do not engulf the entire population with lectures, reports and talks. Often lectures are delivered on a low ideological level. Serdyuk vent on to admit that many industries in Lvov Oblast do not fulfil production quotas, and he said that there are many backward kolkhoses where organisation of labor and labor discipline are weak. "Sometimes we show a lack of sense of management in appointing people to managerial posts." Jut Lvov cannot do the job by itself, he claimed) it needs the active assistance of union and Itpublioan ministries, Recently, on the recommendation of the Central Committee, representatives of several ministries visited Lvov, made great promises, and went away. Their promises remain unfulfilled, he said. Specifioally, Deputy Minister of Mutation Prokofyev promised to plan construction of a student township in Lvov. "Put this remains a promise." 14rther, Serdymk stated, Deputy Chairman Kornlysts himself "does not study sufficiently the needs of the Western Oblasts." (Kiev, 36 September) UNCLASSIPISD Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5 UNCLASSIFIED STATINTL The Armed Forces: A glimpse of the relations between the party and the Army in the Ukraine was afforded by the speech of Hrechko, Commander of the Kiev Military Okrug. After conventional references to the need for vigilance against the machinations of the Anglo-American imperialists and to Stalin's solic*Oude OillUthe Aiiy, Brechko ,claimed that the Soviet army is better equipped than during the war and has "the bestCPYRGHT armaments in the world. He vent ea, however, to speak of "some shortcomings" on the part of ()blast party organizations,as regards the training of recruits for the army. The Soviet army main] i receives youths who are educated and physically developed. But we must not forget that in the war years many Soviet children had no chance to study at schools and higher educational establishments. As a result we have cases of youths joining the services without the necessary education, and they find it difficult to assimilate the comOlex military technology., Hrechko continued by pointing out that it is the duty of the local party organizations and of educational institutions to give more attention to improving the educational level of youth. "It is necessary to improve the management of evening schools for adults and to take steps to see that youth of military age gets all-round preparation**. We must develop and cultivate the feeling of proletarian nationalism and ed%Oate the youth in the spirit of the Lenin-Stalin friendship of the peoples." Noting the statement in the drat* party staUte about the relations between army political and local party organizations, Hrechko staled that the statute "obliges us to strengthen constantly the connections between the political organs and the local party organizations, between the units of the Soviet s. and e pprises and kolkhoses*" (liev, 27 September) UNOLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300030028-5