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CLASSIFICATION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/07/29,. CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT INDICATIONS OF PSYCHOIDGICAL VULNERABILITIES HOW DATE DIST. PUBLISHED STATINTL DATE OF INFORMATION 1-14 July 1952 WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C.. 91 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts STATE ARMY NO. OF PAGES SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CPW Report No. 43-A - USSR 1-14 July 1952 CONTENTS AGRICULTURE PART! ACTIVITIES ANTI -U. S . CAMPAIGN MISCELLANEOUS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CLASSIFICATION 3 6 7 NAVY AIR NSRB FB I DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP7/?c(M44991300020019-6 - 1 - AGRICULTURE STATINTL The Ukraine, Kazakh SSR and to some extent Estonian SSR are admittedly slow in various aspects of their field work, according to regional transmissions during the period revieved. Fodder production in the first two named republics is still dangerously behind plan, and in some places definitely worse than last year. RADYANSKA UKRA1NA (4 July) is particularly concerned about the fodder situation: "The republic as a whole is lagging behind" (Vidstae reapublika v tsilomu). In its previous editorial strictures about the lack of hay- eking and silaging progress the paper had made it clear that most of the fodder preparations were to be completed before the beginning of grain-harvesting. It now appeare that at least in four oblasts--Chernigov, Kiev, Suay and Zhitomir--the work is even slower than last year. Grain harvesting, says the paper, is to begin any day now but the over-all silaging plan has been completed by only 23.6%. Nor are there any visible signs of improvement: With the harvesting time drawing near, the silaging tempos are not speeded up but slowed down. The fodder silaged in the last five-day period was tens of thousands of tone less than durb. the previous five-day period. Ukrainian version: nablyzhennyam do zhnyv tempy syloauvannya ne na- roatayut, a znyshuyutaya. Za oatannyu pyatydnevku zasy- losovano kormv na desyatky tyayach tonn menshe, nizh U poperednyu pyatydnevku. Zaporozhye oblast is another where very little feed has been produced so far, but this and the above-named oblaste are said TO be only a few of the "very many" in the Ukraine where the situation la "alarming," In some of them, like Chernigov, for example, the h y-mowing and silaging plans were completed by 10.8% and 8.g% percent respectively. Discussing harvesting operations (12 July) already underway in a number of southern ?blasts, the same paper observes regretfully that the field work went off to an inauspicious start: "miatakes have arisen fro the very first days of the harvest." Thus in Odessa and Zaporozhye oblaste the grain cannot be delivered from the combines to the threshing floors for the simple reason that no transportation facilities have been provided for the parpose, Most of the threshing has to be done by hand for similar reasons: "Most of the kcilkhozes have not installed threshing machines on the floors." Defining the point, the paper says that it was really the duty of the machine-tractor stations to install such equipment, but when they failed to do so no one even protested because the farm officials "did not care for the mechanization of threshing work." CBERNOMORSKA KOMMUNA (2 July) speaks of the "alarming news" coming in from some rayons of Odessa oblast. A large number of combines have not been repaired in time for the harvesting, and those that have been overhauled have already-revealed "serious deficiencies." Such is the state of affairs at the Vasenivskiy, Vradievskiy, Blagoveshchenakiy and Mogilnyanekiy machine-tractor stations, but these are said to be typical of many others. Especially alarming, says the paper, is the lack of essential construction, such as roofed threshing floors, which was to have been finished some time ago. In Lubaahevakly rayon alone, only six out of 25 kolkhozes have just gotten around to building such roofs, but the situation is not much better in Prunzovskiy, Razdelnyanskiy, Shirysevakiy and a number of other rayons. Threshing floors without roofs, it is emphasized, endanger the preaervation of grain. A summarized report from Nikolayev of 9 July quotes PIVDENNYA PRAVDA and BUZBSKAYA ZARYA on the "extremely unsatisfactory" (kraine nezadovilna) delivery-of agricultural produce to the State. Reports coming in from Telegulo-Berezanakiy, Zhovtneviy, Snigirivskly, Shyrokolanovakiy, Baaht nakiy and other (unnamed) rayons indicate that something radical will have to be done to improve both harvesting work and deliveries. The mentioned papers therefore suggest as "indispensable" to organize work on the fields for "at least" 18 to 19 hours a day in order to make up for lost time. The apparopriate Party and agricultural officials must also see to it that deliveries of produce to the State should continue "regardless of 'weather aonditloas." UNCIASSIFIED NIG Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RD I00300020019-6 - 2 - KAZANBSTANSKAYA PRAVDA (2 July) seem that a "number of oblasts" have delayed their spring mowing and have not fulfilled the plan. Since only five ()blasts are listed as doing a satisfactory job-eamolinek, hokshetav, kustanai, Dzhambul and South Kazakhstan?the mentioned number apparently includes the remaining e3even ?blasts of the Republic. Pursuing the theme on the next day, the same paper strikes a more ominous note by hinting that inefficiency atone does not account for the slow agricultural progress in the Republic: "It is wage a merciless fight against the enemies of the kolkhoz system," (Neobkhodiwa..vesti bezposhchadnuyu borbu s vragami kolkhoznoy sistemy: The paper also admits that despite the ef,ringent measures already taken tbe crtminal attitude (prestupnoye otnoshenie) toward collective Ian) property, and plundering and squandering or i2.0nemial peoperty have not yet been uprooted, A long unsigned dispatch to PRAVDA from Alma-Ata of 6 July (not broadcast) tells of the recent plenary session of the Central Committee of the Kazakh Communist Party called to discuss measures against the continuing widespread "violations of the agricultural statute" (naruehenia selkhozustava). As discussed in previous CP W reports, the recovery of embezzled funds and stolen agricultural peoperty, such as land and livestock, Was a sine qua non in the fight to stem the tide of agricultural crimes. The dispatch quotes the Kazakh premier Taybekov an reporting to the Central Committee that all the Government's efforts to seed out crime in agriculture have not yet brought the desired results: ?numerous cases of agricultural statute violation are still noted in the Republic:. To this day, a considerable amount of land, liveetock, agrieuitural products and money has not yet been returned to the collective farms. Russian version: ...v eeessubli-ee vst eshche yutsya mmogochislen- nie sluehai naruelseniy Oetava seiskokhozaistvennoy ar- teli. Do aastoyashohegc eremeni znachitelnoye koliches- tvo zemli, nkota, telekokhozaistvennikh produktov deneg kolkhozam ethche ne vozvrashcheno. The Prime Minister also reveals, that many oblast and rayon Party and Soviet officials whose duty it is to enforce the observance of the statute are themselves violating it. Some of them, when exposed, manage to evade legal action against them through the "protection" (pokrovitelstvo) of the oblast Party Committee, as was recently the case in South Kazakhetan. Leading. Positions in agriculture, it is also revealed, are frequently held, by people who have in the past been penalized for agricultural statute violatione. The situation is particularly grave in South Kazakhstan oblast where the collective farm leadership is "fouled up with people" (zasoreno ludmi) who are not averse to looting public property. A report from Tbilisi (in Russian. 8 July) refers to the incidence of collective farm robbery in Adzhar ASSR (Georgian SSR) in terms almost identical with those used for Kazakhstan. Although considerable work has already been done toward the elimination of kolRhoz statute violations, the problem has not yet been licked: Numerous cases of Rt ve violations of the Kolkhoz code, usurpation of communal kolkhoz lands, squander- ing of kolkhoz property, funds, products and livestock have been revealed in. Adzhar ASSR. Here, too, a certain arount of official "protection" is said to be hindering the complete elimination of crime. As in the case of Kazakh SSR also "a number of leading workers" of Adzhar ASSR were themselves found to be violating the agricultural code. The Chairman of the Adzhar Council of Ministers Gogolishvili was "reprimanded' by the Party for lack of vigilance, and a number of rayon Party secretaries relieved of their duties and "subjected to Party penalties for allowing extortions" at collective farms. A Zemtsov article (9 July) declarce that fodder preparations and silaging in the Kazakh republic are something to be concerned about. Not even one half of the motorized and horse-drawn hay-mowing machines eere in working condition at the time hay-mowing was scheduled to begin. The result was a near-collapse of the whole fodder-procurement plan aeaelleSSIFIED Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 STAT I NT L Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-REIP4Pati 000300020019-6 The perennial grass area cleared by -5 July waa not much tore thanai third of the aize provided for in the plan. Si- laging operations by that date were completed by only 20%. Russian veraiong K 5 yuiya kolkhozy skosili travy na ploshchadi nemnogim boleye odnoy treti, predusmotrennoy planom. Zadanie po silo- aovaniu karma k etomu sroku vypolneno limb na 20%. Complete lack of control over fodder procurement such as eta noted last year, continuea Zemtsov, reaulted in a great deal of "eyemashing" (ochkovtiratelstvo) among agricultural officials. Much notoriety in this respect was gained by the Ouryev oblast agricult-ral organizations which reported an 8% above-plan performance but ran out of fodder as early as February of this year. What is more, they seem to have gotten away with it "One wonders 'toy none of the eyewashera was ever held accountable for it&" A letter to Stalin from the Estonian SSR agricultural workers (4 July) maim the inferential admiseinn that one of her "serious shortcomings" is the failure to increase the number and productivity of their livestock and improve the harvest yields of agricultural products. Theme shortcomings are said to apply to both the collective and state farms of the Repalics. No further details are offered, however. Following are some of the other available broadcasts on agricultural activities during the period reviewed KAZAKESTANSRAYA PRAVDA, 6 July -- Much of the hay gathering in Kzyl Orda, West Kazakhstan Karaganda and South aazakhetan ?blasts is still being done by hand. ORLMKAYA PRAVDA, 6 July--In Orlovakiy, Soskovskiya Dmitrovskiy, Koraakovskiy and some other rayons combine and threshing-machine repairs are badly organized... The extremely unsatisfactory work in agricultural produce procurement ...has caused particular alarm. ..Creative work is frequently replaced by paper. TBILISI, 10 July -- Investigation has shown that in Khobakiy, kisiharadzevakiya Nhyakovskly, Abashakiaa Oegechkovskiy, Zemo-Zvanetskiya Kutaiakiy and other rayona there have been. ..cases of embezzlemeni, and adeappropriation of kolkhoz property, land and funds. SEVERNAYA PRAVDA, 10 July -- Leas than 50% of the agricultural students completed last year couraea, and only 26% passed the examinations The plan for raising the qualifications of kolkhoz cadres has been fulfilled by only 25%. NOLOT editorial, 13 July --The nest days of the harvesting campaign have revealed many cases of ripe crops remaining unharvested for a long period of time...In many rayons, including Zverevekly and Neklinovskiy, there ia only talk about mechanizing the threshing floors. PARTY ACTIVITIES RADYANSKA UKRAINA (1 Jaly) calls for a concerted intensified fight against the suppression of criticism (zatyaka krytyky) from below ad that the voice of the rank-and-file Communists and the masses may be heard at the top. One of the methods to be employed for that purpose, the paper suggests, is closer cooperation with the press. This is precisely 'what a number of Party organisations are not doingg There are cases when rayon, town and oblast Party Committees are not supporting press reports and are ignoring its warnings. Ukrainian version E vypadky, koly raykomy, miakomy I obkolay ne pidtrymuyut vyatupiv presaa ignaruyut ii aygmaly. Cited as a typical instance in this connection is the reprehensible behavior of the Keukenitakar rayon Party committee Drogobych oblast. The work of that organization, it is pointed out, "contradicts *Cho very nature of Bolahevism" (auperechit Lardy pr4rodi bilshovizmu). Raving been criticized by the primary organizations for its high-handed methods of administration half a year ago, the rayon Party Committee has not done UNCLASSLF1ED Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 STATINTL liarneanSIFIED Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 4 - anything about mending ita ways and is still "deaf to the voice of runheantiefile Communists., to criticism from below". (glukhi do golosu y ryadovikh komunietiv, do krytyky nnyzu). Krukeneteky rayon, the paper implies, is merely one among many others (unspecified) where ftee criticiem and self-criticism are somehow not making much headway% Leaders who are paying lip service to criticism and admitting shorteomings but failing to remedy them and erevent their recurrence are, in effect, suppressing criticism and thereby hindering our development Ukrainian versiun Keriniky yeki. na alovakh pogodzhuyutsya z krytychnymy vystupamy, vyznayut pomylkaa ale ni- chogo ne rotleat,, shchob vypravyty I zapobigty im nadali, pp suti zatyskuyut krytyku I tak samo galmuyut Haan rozvyLok... Evidence that the Komeomol organizations are emulating their Cemmunist mentors unfaverable attitude toware eriteeiam within the ranks or frow below is contained in a KOMBOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA editorial of 2 July. Recalling Stalin's advice in 1n2a to "raise a wide wave of criticism from below against bureaucracy in general and short- comings in particular", the paper says that no such wave is as yet visible in a large area of the Komaleeol network. The practice of admitting shortcomings and ignoring them immediately afterwards is be rig all too frequent, but that, the paper declares, has nothing to do with the eliminatior of such shortcominge. This objectionable habit, it is pointed out, is not confined to local Komsomol organizations alone. Hundreds of etters exposing various "Soviet law violations" are received daily by rayon, oolast and Republican Central Committeee of the Komsomol but nothing much is being done about them. Such an attitude, the paper complains, is not conducive to the establishment of "solid unbreakable bonds" with the masses of nonpartisan youth. Ineffective criticism, says a De4yatyarov report of 3 July, is worse than no criticism at all. The Kirov oblast Party Committee sees to believe that criticism is an end in itself and does not serve any useful purpose other than to comply with demands from above. Some of the oblast Commuelmt officials, in fact, are going to extremes to forestall any critical remarks in their direction. Aware of the Party's injunctions against too much interference in the adelnimtrative affairs of Soviet and other non-narey organizations, they have now "switched to the other extreme" (alarilis v druguvu krainost) by adopting a policy of complete noninterference. This ia itself a flagrant violation of the Party code which provides for constant Communist guidance and supervision in every sphere of Soviet economic and cultural activities Suffice it to may that in the past year and a half the oblast Party Committee has never called a meeting of the deputy directors of machine-tractor station and taken no interest in their work. (The deputy directors of machine-tractor stations, be it noted, are in charge of the political enlightenment of the workers of their respective stations) nassian versions Dosta oehno skazat, chto za poslednie poltora goda obkom pa til ni razu ne aobiral zamestiteley direktorov Itna: i ne interesovalsya ikh rabotoy. A summarized version of KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA (13 July) speaks of the tendency among certain unnamed Party organizations "to stifle criticism and prevent its development." Whenever criticism does make itself heard, it is promptly-rendered ineffective by ignoring the shortcomings it has revealed. No specific organizations or officials are mentioned. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIATIFIRW-MSMA000300020019-6 -5- Nepotism; servility and a variety of similar intraparty practices in the selection and distribution of qualified Communist personnel provide the substance of scathing editorial criticism by both RADYANSKA UKRAINA and PRAVDA of 5 July. The training of Party workers in the Ukraine as a whole, says RADYANSKA UKRAINA quoting a recent decision of the Republic's Central Party Committee, in still conducted on a pretty low level. This is particularly obvious in Rovno, Drogobych, Vinnitsa and Dnepropetrovsk Oblasts where the political background and aptitude of the future executives appear to play a minor role in the matter of training and placing them in the proper Party or Soviet organizations. The personnel situation is said to be still worse in Zhitomir, Lvov and Kamenets-Podolmk oblaste due to the continuing violations of the "bolshevik principles of selection and distribution of cadres" (bolshovytski pryntsypi doboru i rozstanovky kadriv). Unqualified Communist personnel in these places is either shifted from one post to another oTreplaced by equally incompetent people, and the result is "deterioration of every aspect of the work" (zgubno poznachayetsya na vsyakiy. roboti). The paper, finally, makes it cleec what it thinks ie wrong with the whole cadre-training system: The Party severely condemns those ,who strive to appoint their friends and cronies to leading po- sitions regardless of their political and business qualifications. This practice, alien to bolshevism, ie conducive to a family-circle atmosphere which in turn breeds servility and mutual praise.... Ukrainian version: Partia suvoro oeudzhuye tykh...khto namagayetsya vyauvaty na kerivnu robotu sboikh pryateliv, osobysto viddanykh lyndey, nezvazhayuchy na ikh poll- tythina I dilovu prydatnist. V rezultati tsiei chuzhoy bilshovismovi praktyky stvaruyetsya obstanovka semei- etvennomti, v yakiy kultyvuyetsya pidlabuznytstvo i vzaemnvyklivalyannya... Discussing this theme in the same vein, PRAVDA points to the admission and training Of new Party membership as one of the veakest points in the cadre-training system. oust like in industry, numerous Party organizations and individual officials appear to bays succumbed to the temptation of making a "good quantitative shoving", and the race for new members is on in a number of areas despite the official strictures against it. This practice is said to be widespread in the Moldavian SSR, the Baltic republics, in Omsk, Pskov and Kaluga ()blasts and other areas. Recalling the recent censure of the Belorussian Party for similar views on admission to Party membership en masse, the paper hopes that this would have a sobering effect on all the other Communist organizations in the country. One or the concomitant evile of this mass screening of applicants is the complete disregard of the loyal workers already holding candidate's cards. Many people with "expired candidate's cards" (prosrochenny kandidatskiy stazh) are reported by still biding their time in the Saratov, Stavropol, Smolensk, Azerbaijan and other Party Committees. KAZAKBSTANSKAYA PRAVDA (10 July) pleads for more attention to the training of Cox/mast officials, particularly? secretaries of primary organizations. The latter are the most numerous in the Party ramifications and, as has often been admitted, constitute the major link between the Party and the masses. A number of the Republic's rayon party committees, the next step up in the hierarchy, appear to maintain a supercilious attitude toward their subordinates and minimize their contact with them whenever possible. Since the enlightenment and edueation of primary organization secretaries i$ often replaced by "administrative measures" (adminiertrativnie mery), these 4unior Communist officials are unable to make their awn decisions and the result is a do- nothing policy. The paper does not name any specific organizations but hints that the deemphasis of the primary party organizations and their secretaries is not confined o any particular area of the Republic. ITNCLASSIFU.,D Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-IREACI48UA000300020019-6 - 6 - A number of Party ctivitiea are discussed on the radio and in the press in context of agricultural and other work. Thus an unsigned PRAVDA article of 10 July (not broadcast) blames the recently-discovered deficiences in Moscow oblast agriculture on inadequate Party propaganda among the collective farmers. A report from Tambov (13 July) states that the unnecessary shifting of personnel in the lower Party echelons is responsible forthe serious shortcoming in the oblast collective and state farms, ORLOVSKAYA PRAVDA (14 July) discloses that many of the so-called reporting-and-election meetings (otchetno-vybornie sobrania) now taking place in the oblast are poorly attended, disorganized and display little activity or initiative. In the Vorochiloveicr rural council, Znamenakiy rayon, two thirds of the available Communists failed to :rhOV UD for such a meeting, and the Party secretary was elected by one third of the memboip bY,An 02,9n hal,got in contravention of Party rules. Lack of popularity of theo reporting-and-election meetings eltefihere is inferentially admitted by PRAVDA on 14 July. In Nrvgorod oblast, the rayon Party committees "pay little attention'' (udelyayut nolo vnimania) to such meetings and, taking their cue from them, the rank and file Communists display an equal lack of enthusiasm. In Cherkessk Autonomous Oblast the meetings are said to be conspicuous for the omission of shortcoming topics and lack of criticism in general. The Crimean Komsomol organizations are not doing all they can to whip up enthusiasm among the rural youth for the coming harvesting campaign, declares KRYMSKAYA PRAVDA on 4 July. They show little initiative in their mass political work among the farmers, and do nothing about prodding the mechanization workers into socialist competition. The paper urges th t the old method of setting up Komsomol "control posts" (kontrolnie posty) be resorted to so that the necessary deliveriea to the State may be assured. Attention is called to R zdolnbyr, Azov and Dzhankoy rayons which are said to be slower than all the others. A MOLODOY IENINETS editorial broadcast from Stavropol on 2 July is concerned about the unusually small number of Komsomol members among the tractor brigades, especially in Novo-Alexandrovsky rayon. The young Communist activities in other (unnamed) rayons are characterized as "low level" which makes it difficult for them to assume a "leading position" among the tractor drivers and farmers. The "Hate Americ " Cam)aign: Although there has been no marked increase in the "normal" flow of broadcasts for home audiences on American "atrocities", some of the phraseology and descriptive nouns employed in the campaign are now almost identical with those used in wartime anti-nazi propaganda. Such familiar reference to Hitler's troops as monsters (izvergi), executioners (palachi), beasts (zveri), beasts of prey (khiehchniki) and child killers (detoubiytay) are applied to American soldiers in Korea with increasing frequency. Nor does the "American way of life" in general get better treatment on the Soviet radio. Thus a description of life in Baltimore, said to be "typical of the whole of the United States," is calculated to convey the impression of unrestrained lawlessness with death lurking behind every citizen's back. (It should perhaps be pointed out here parenthetically that life in Germany received comparatively very little attention on the Soviet radio during the last war. This, however, may have been due to the tremendous output on Nazi atrocities in the USSR which, together with domestic and otherpriority items, accounted for most of the radio time.) The excerpts quoted below are taken from a talk on "American 7n?anticides" given by Irina Volk (Home Service, 10 July) shortly after her trip to Korea: 1. Even the animal world has its own unwritten law's: a vicious animal will never bite or devour a young animal...But the American beaats0 defying even this law of the jungle, are devouring babies and tearing them to pieces. Russian version: Dazhe v zhivotno mire sushchestvuyut svoi nepisannie za- kony: zlostnoye zhivotnoye mikogda ne ukusit i ne raster- zayet malenkoye zhivotnoye...No Amerikanskie zveri, papere- kor dazhe etim zakonam zhungli, terzayut i rvut na chasti detakie teltsa. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-tienks000300020019- - 7 - Quoting Korean "eyewitnesses", Irina Volk mentions some of the gory details of the treatment of the Korean population at the hands of the Americans: 2,, The American beasts broke into our homes and took the children away from the fighting soldiers' wives. They beat the little tote before their mothers eyes trying to get information as to the whereabouts of their fathers, the guerrilla headquarters...When the bandits failed to get anything out of them, they dragged the tied-up mothers to the wells, stabbed their children and threw them into the wells while theyrwere watching... Russian version: Amerikanskie zveri, vorvavshiesya k nam, otnyali u zhen ?frontovikov detey. Oni izbivali malyahey na glazakh meterey, dobivayas priznaniy: gde nakhodyatsya ikh ottay, gde raspo- lozhen shtab partizan...Kogda banditam nichego ne udalost dobitsya, oni potashchili avyazannikh materey k kolodtaam. Na ikh glazakh zakololi detey I brosili v nikh... From an annonymous commentary, 'Pictures on the American Way of Life" (Home Service, 11 July): Baltimore seethes with all sorts of criminals. Thieves, thugs, pickpockets, rogues and murderers wander about the the evenings. They may beat you up with truncheons, kill or maim you, stick a knife inta your back...On a warm day inflated bodies of unknown people come to the surface of the harbor... The happenings in Baltimore, however, are typical for whole of the United States, MISCELIANEOUS A;;Brome Service broadcast of 11 July says that a group of Soviet scientists have developed a highly sensitive universal X-ray meter which can measure the exactemount of X-rays used on any object 1, o aerv tion. This invention, it it claimed, will considerably widen the scope of scientific research work. That the restitution of lost parts of the body, in men and animals alike, can be artifi- cially stimulated is the view of Soviet science, according to Prof. Studitsky of the Seversky laboratory of animal morphology (13 July).. The fallacious view of the -"idealistic" scientists that damaged or lost tissues cannot be recovered says the Professor, has now been refuted by Soviet experimental research. Muscles and body parts can be recovered "if certain conditions are observed." This point, however, is not amplified. Two new achievements in astronomy are ch lked up to Soviet credit by Prof. Farnage (12 July) of the Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge. The so-called association stars are said to have been first discovered by the president of the Armenian Academy of Sciences Ambartsumyan. This discovery is reported to have produced additional data on the stellar system and interstellar media. Farnago also reveals that Soviet photographs "had caught" the process of star formation, depicting the evolution of a star in the making. A new apparatus now makes it possible to film all stages in the development lf the embryo in the hen's egg, according to Acad. Olga Lepeshinskaya of the USSR Academy Sciences (14 July). Much research work, she says, is now underway on "the struggle against old age. and the influence of soda on the improvement of metabolism." UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020019-6