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STATINTL Approved F ttlystlftreaR9007129 : kingEnt8.8.2081102201-1 s CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NOligif INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY COIMUNIST CHINA SUBJECT INDICATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VULNERABILITIES HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C., 31 ANb 92, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts DATE OF INFORMATION July 7-13, 1952 DATE DIST. / I 4 0- (1- 5 NO. OF OF PAGES I/ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CPW Report No. 30-A -- COMMUNIST CHINA (July 7 - 13, 1952) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11../11 C ?, s%s IFlob CLASSIFICATION STATE NAVY NSRB DISTRIBUTION ARMY AIR FBI Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020016-9 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020016-9 tiootra ASS, F/F.I) - 1 - la (lb) SSA Activitieas Wuhan reported (July 9) the second anniversary celebration of the Sino-Soviet Friendehip Aasociation in Cent r 1 a South Chinannvith 666 persons present, including Vice Chairmen Chen Ming-ahu and Chang Nan-haien, Secretary General Chuang Tung, and "Soviet friends." Chuang announced the SSFA membership as 750 percent higher than last year, with 95 societiees 19680 branchm.and 6,670,000 members, all determined to "emulate Soeiet progressive experie ees." Peking in numeral code (Jay 11) reported the meeting, quoting Chuanuamneelling for a "etneegthening of the propaganda vork%amd a "methodical reorganization" of the SSFA. 2. (1c) Pe ce Propagandau Peki said in n,iirral code (July 7) that the Chineae Federation of Democratic Women feted British Stalin Prize vinner Monica Felton, who outlined her report to the Britioh people on atrocities in Korea. Soong Ching-ling contributed her Stalin award money to the Chine Welfare Society for Construction of International Peace, which used the money to build the vemen'a and children's center which opened July la Peking reported that the 14emad'ilhineet delegation t& the:rlin'Peact Conference leftdfor home (July 9) that 10 membere of the China Youth Corps had been invited to ape the summer in Hungary (July and that a Yeah Corps delegation left Peking for Poland upon invitation of the Polish youth federation Only 12). 3.:(10) Rutsian Technical Guidance.: Peki reperted in numeral c e (July 7) that i eestrial emphaes in Northeast China during the past 3 neara had been on rehabilitation of production facilitiee rather than basic conatruction9 which vaa meceasary becauee the "puppet Manchu Governmeet and the Kuomintang deatroyed more than 80 percent of the area's nines and factories." Great progress had been.made in 3 years, ao that "with completion of production facilities, industrial riedUotion in the Northeaat, including private induatry9 will exceed the highest production level of the Manchukuo regime by 10 percent. Such rapidity in i ustrial development has never been equalled ineapitaliat nations." Peking enneUnced (July 9) that by adopting Soviet techniqueas the Northeast No', 1 Glass Factorynredueed firi in making flat. glass from 45 to 12 dam with fever defects. However, despite thi proved superiority of the Soviet thod, its we had not progreassed amoothly "because of the conseevati of the workers and technicians." fl.rat efforts at using the Soviet ithod were notaatiefactory9 but cadres insisted on continuing, as they believed that "progremaive Soviet experience cannot be wrong." Mukden declared (Ally 9) that in the Northeaat many technicians still "bureaucratically adhereCto. their British-Aloam ideologies and refneed to accept progressive Soviet experieneee." Aa a result many Party organizations gave only lip service to promotion of national constructions, ec low-quality Werk vaa produced.' Chungking asserted (Jay 10) that_ienthe Southwest Depart nt of Industry the factory and ne leaderahip had been &caused of having rightist learingm and "blind vorlehip of Americaa" Engineers in the No. 101 Wile accepted the decision of so-called -American experts that a machine was unserviceable9 but ':;th the help of Soviet experts it was put back into operation. Peking said in numer 1 c e (July 12) that adoption of Soviet methods by the Yangchuan Iron Works reaulted in a national iron-amelting record of more than 67 toms per day, compared with 25 tens during the Japanese regime. Dairen said Only 13) that 500 workers in the Sin eSpviet shipyards (4 been given citations by the Party Co ttee for meritorious proposals. -Tainan reported (July 11) that Soviet experts and thoda had made it possible for the-Tenan Railway Administration to co elete construction of a bridge in the alai River area *heed of schedule and at a considerable saving. 4.- (2a) War Burdens?, Peking announced (July 12) that eight American planes strafed the Antung area killing two Persons and wound/ 47 before being driven off by Chine aircraft. Premier Chou in a atate nt pointed out "This obviemaly proves the point that the American Governtent is continuing to'undermdme the peace talks and expending her war of aggression, Which threatens th peace Of Asia and the Far East." Wuhan and Hangchow (July 13) broadcast Chou's statement. Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020016-9 STAT I NTL Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020016-9 eL ,9S/F/LD - 2 - Hangchow announeed Only 11) that local Government offieea had organized inapection teams to epforce conservation of electricitee as residents had needlesaly burned lights and uded el etridity for eboki rice. Hangchow reported (July 8) that the State-ommed Chekieng DyI, el cavi F etory had been accused of overworkirg it labor force with reeeltent scarriagee and numerous 4Att3 of aiokneas. Mukden mtated (Jnly13) that in Heilungkiang more and more w n *ere doing farm work,. 'with 1179.000 women farm laborers reported in 24 hsien. Sian reported (July 13) that in many areas of Siek1ang-90 per* nt of the farm Werk vas bei done by worn ? Peking said In nemeral eode Only 11) that in the Huna League of Inner :Mo olia an attempt had been made to arganiAt Utual-aid te of herdaMens, as the manpower ahortage had reaulted in a high death rate gong cattle. 5 (2b) Cr in Ievies Peking-aeaemted in n ral e eljkay. 11) that wheat vita being delivered as rapidly as herVeated t pricem fleed,by the China FO Company? Pries drop a of as much as 9 pereent re reported only fr. the southwest._ Nanchang announeed (July?) that a ancheng haien, Kiengsi, iutuai..ld team had accused the cooperatives of failing to buy grain at -agreed prices, and eutting prices upon any pretext. stated. (july_7)i that in Tnnghei &ice; Yunnan, --ain leviea were being collected With n diffieultye ae the:peasatts had pp sed not to cheat the Government and to deliv r only dry grain. C?lenee3dng reported (July 13) that the Central Government bad or&ered a or in grain. leviee in diaaster area as cadrea wire reported to have been Making levies "it.iseriednee ly." 6. (2e) Trade Stegnationg Feking reported in numeral c * (Jul .12) that State trading ti 4- iv Pe, ng h d organized five teams to visit all parte or the Nation and arraeet barter agree o nts in an efeort to find aarkett for large quantities of slow-selling native pr (ents, Wuhan aaeouneed Only 11) that in order to promote t'iceteal and South China trade, the transportation eompany had eedueed freight rate on native produets from 10 to 27 percent.- Shanghi reported ,(july 7) th , Chekiang eadrea had been_ehaeged with laxity in pramoting regional trlae, erroneously o erlooking the feet "the eo,plexities of native trade could pest handled by pelvate merant" and not left to.cooperttivea led State A.:Nadine' compani a? Chekiang tr de eontereneee eucceeded in selling "large qeantitiee 0Z beedicrafts which re pili up.beeeuee of stagnent nerkets." Chungking announeed (July 7) that the southwest office of the Chill* Central Yeeehandise C any decided to peamote trade by challenging other offieea to sale eompetition, and de eloping bussimme in rural areae? (July 8) that buaimeaa in Siang and Szeehwan cities we eevivi rapidly u r the mtimelua of processing arders fr State companies; and (Jay o) that in liar ittea of Szechwan many trades had organi d obile trading teame-to stimulate tr.41e. Peki inenufteral code (July 10) reported that 14 Japaneas labor uniona had issued a stat t calling for Japanses trade with China and the USSAe, "ae one loe for rain dt. ng a drought." 7a (3b) .gimentation Mwees MA ?iced (July 9)th t the Harbin Party Cee ttee hadettaigned 171 cadeea to indoctrination team among conetreation woekers at varioua Northeaat building sites. Meld n reported (July. 11) that the Northeast Government had iesued stringent regulations on the aaeignment of teehniciane. A TEN MIN JIH PAO editorial was quoted am pointing out the acute shortage of techniciana and demanding proper utilization of those available. Pe ng reported in n' al es'e (July 11) that the Niniatry of Education iasued a directive July 5 walls for unified atriculation of students in eniveraities, colleges, and high schoole, "a political task a an important factor in the :realization of the State's over-all cadre training prAge ," for a propaganda campaign to encourage students to get eore sehooling and "overcome the reluctance of students to study in normal schools." Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020016-9 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/07/2dAltfrpel8A441,01300020016-9 - 3 - Anshan announced (July 8) that primary school teacher8 on July.3 would Start indoctrination courses which would "fit them for teaching the Nation's children." Wuhsi said (July 12) that the Wuhsing Party Committee held a 13-day indoctrination course for 2,000 high school graduates, in which they were taught to accept their assignments to various jobs. 8. (3e) Agricultural Remolding: Shanghai (July 9) quoted from the HUA TU NG JEN MIN in demanding that cadres strengthen their inspection of mutual-aid teams, "as many peasants have mistaken conceptions about them." Kunming stated (July 7) that Miao tribesmen in Chiaotung Hsieh, Yunnan, had organized mutual-aid teams to promote farming after the failure of peasant to work their farms resulted in a critical food situation. Chungking said (July 10) that through organization of 70,000 mutual-aid teams, farmers in the southwest Were being "taught collective labor." Shanghai asserted (July 8) that 46,000 farmers in Hsiaoshan Haien, Chekiang, were being "mOlded for their role under the planned economy of socialist agriculture," as cooperatives and mutual-aid teams were playing an increasingly important part in this work. - Shanghai said (July 11) that the Laiwu model collective farm in Shantung harvested 330 catties of grain per mou on a 110-mou wheatfield. According to Sian (July 11) the Ningsia State Farm achieved brilliant remits in irrigation after adoption ofSoviet techniques. Approved For Release 2001/07/29 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300020016-9