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ApproQUIWFIA6Pig% 2002/N8oRMETAROSEA000300010023 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCWMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. .COUNTRY 004iggit0 dOtA, SUBJECT ,INDICATIONS OF P8.'H0LO6I0Ai TJtNRADLITIES HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAANS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C., Si AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED^BY LAW. REPRODU,CTION,OF THIS. FORM IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts DATE, OF INFORMATION ,,june 16-22, 1952 STAT I NTL 2 DATE DIST, ..Tui 000' NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CPW Report No. 27-A -- COMIGNIST CNA (June 16 - 22, 1952) STATE ARMY X NAVY -A-" AIR X NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION F Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010023-2 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010023 1. (lb) SSF Associations: Mukden (June 18) quoted from the TUNG PEI JIH PAO in commenting on memorial service throughout China sponsored by the Sino-Soviet Friendship Associations in honor of the Soviet writer,. Gorky. Wuhan reporte4 (June 18) that the SSFA held a meeting honoring Gorky, stressed his description of "the ideal life under the Socialist State, and called upon the people to read his writings and "emulate the USSR." Chinchow announced (June 20) that workers clubs and other cultural groups commetorated Gorky, under the guidance of the SSFA, schools presented literary programs, and the Northeast office of the China Film Co. released films. STATINTL -2 2. (10 Soviet Infiltration: Peking reported in numeral code (June 19) that the Soviet Red Cross hospital had been opened in Peking with ceremonies attended by Ambassador Roschin, Soviet Embassy members, and Chinese officials. It was reported that "several tens" of Soviet doctors, and equipment for handling any kind of surgery, had arrived from the USSR, and the hospital director would "introduce Soviet medical experiences to the Chinese people through the hospital." Hangchow reported (June 20) that the No. 1 medical team had returned home after its tour of front-line service in Korea, and was replaced June 15 by 20 medical personnel from Wenchow organized by the Resist-America, Aid-Korea Society. Mukden reported (June 17) that 6,000 persons and 90 carts had been mobilized to clear "a huge rubbish pile" along the Russian-directed Chinese-Changchun Railway. Wuhan said (June 17) that a worker just returned from a tour of the USSR told a thought reform meeting "of the happy life of the workers under the USSR Socialist system." Mukden stated (June 20) that model worker Chang Han-hsiu, deputy manager of Factory No. 11, described his visit to the Stalin Auto Works and Soviet housing projects, and the deep impression they made upon him. qe pointed out that although the working class in China had made great strides since the Liberation, still it was far behind, and "workers must make every effort to emulate the USSR." 3. (10) Imitating the USSR: A Peking Home Service broadcast (June 17) carried a commentary on the accomplishments of USSR workers in building the Volga-Don canal. Mukden stated (June 21) that the local No. 11 machine shop had reduced labor costs by using the Stakhanovite methods, while other Northeast factories had made gains by adopting Soviet techniques. Hangchow announced (June 18) that in honor of establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, workers in the No. 3 garage of the Chekiang Transport Bureau on July 1 would repair and rebuild an old truck in imitation of a Soviet truck. Wuhan stated (June 16) that local railway workers were studying progressive Soviet railway techniques in order to reach USSR transport achievements. Shanghai (June 20) quoted worker Wu Chi-yuan as saying: "I emulated progressive Soviet experiences. Thus I found the key to improved production, and savee the Nation billions of Yuan." Kunming stated (June 20) that worker Ho Chi-yuan of the Kuaming No. 206 factory had succeeded in using Soviet manufacturing techniques and was introducing them to other workers in the factory. Peking claimed in numeral code (June 17) that records in repair of boilers and electrical and steam equipment had been made at the Tangshan Power Plant in Hopei through adoption of Soviet techniques, but only after indoctrination, as some workers at first refused to accept the changes. Dairen reported (June 19) that workers' meetings were being held to overcome workers' reluctance to accept innovations, especially in the No. 18 tool shop. Widen said (June 21) that the Northeast Department of Industry had issued a directive severely criticizing cadres for failing to introduce progressive methods. In a radio speech, worker Cheng Chi-chun of the Chinese-Changchun Railway entreated fellow workers to emulate Soviet railway techniques. Huainan stated (June 20) that workers Chou Shi-ping and Wang Ssu-chung had been injured in the Tatung collieries because old workers refused to help new ones and adopt new methods. 4. (2e) War Burdens: Widen reported (June 20) that the Northeast Women's Democratic League had issued a directive ordering women to "overcome their conservative ideas of not working in the fields"; help local governments set up day nurseries; and perform all farm tasks, as well as take care of the house. Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010023-2 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010 2 - STATINTL Accordieg to Wuhsi (June 21), in southern Kiangsu 105 day nurseries had been organized so that women members of mutual-aid teams could devote their time to farm production. Stan reported (June 18) that 6,000 women gathered in Linch&Wetb'eelebrite the induction of , . . women truck drivers after 6 monthaeof:training Many of the.iropethad faiiliee According to. KunMing (June 22) arguMents were settled insthe-Jen Kang mutual-aid tam of. Haien, and the Fan Weiekuan mutual-aid-team:of Iliang Helen, Yunnan, when pay was granted to women workers "oVer.strenous objections."- 5. (2b) Heavy Taxes Peking announced in numeral code (June 19) that the Central Government had reserved taxes on agricultural products, forbidding other governments to collect similar taxes,, and had set the rate at7 to 30 percent, with heavier taxes on such industrial Crops is-tobaticceepeaniitsi anclsugar cane. Tax collecting administrations were ordered to train properly their personnel in making assessments and in Government granary administration, and to "ittengthen the system of escorting And reporting." Hbfei reported (Junee20)'that the Anhwei Government had repealed a tax directiVe-Pbblithed the ANI JIH PAO, as it was found tO be in conflict with the central 'directive. 6. (2c) Goods Shortages *ten reported (June 16) that workers in the Dairen shops of the ChineseeChangehun Railway hadeSueeeeded in subetituting-bambee laths for tin plate in eenstruction work.aftete20 day@ , - of experimentingunder the direction of Soviet expert Netrov. The Dairen Cit.* Government ordered factories to cut their use of coal 15 to 20 percent, while the Dairen power plantere-:, pbrted saving 990 tons of coal by running only one boiler instead of two. (3a) Regimentation ACcotding to'a Peking transmission in numeral code (June 18), technical talents were being wasted because technicians were not "placed in the posts where they are most needed in economic construetion." In urging more regimentation, a Stalin speech to the HedeAMy graduating class in 1935, "severely criticizing" the misuse of technicaletalent, was quoted es-.aneauthority? Shanghai announced (June 17) that the Party and Government in East China were carrying out personnel shifts to make the best use of technical talent. Shanghai said (June: 21) that all August graduates of East China colleges Would be assigned by the East-ChineTnified Allocation Cotte, Chungking stated (June 19) that "conscriPti,9,11(4.tarmers and city unemployed!' began in 1950 to recruit 84,000 civilians for work on the Chengiu-Chungking Railway. Peking said (June 20) that a directive to all levels of People's Consultative Council Committees called for of thought reform groups. - Dairen reported -(itne 20) that cultural cadres from 12 tagteries....had been accused of bourgeois leanings, and had been erdered.te:eortect their neglect of the cultural aspects of workers welfare., Wuhan stated (Jung 17) that bourgeois ideology had been corrected at the Changsha plant of the China Power Cb..Chungking reported (June 20) that Szechwan, Kweichow, and Yunnan2dpoperatiVes had been reorganized because cadres with rightist leanings had overemphasized the profit Motive. 8. (3c) One-class Dictatorship: Peking reported in numeral rode (June 21) on the preparatory conference of the 41:0ina Federation of Trade and Industries, when Vice Premier Huang Yen-pei asserted that the anticorruption drive "taught private business a good lessor.." He stated that ptiVate business could be allowed to develop "along lines beneficial to the people's economy,"ebut that "economic enterprises that are vital to the Nation's economy are reserved tb the State," while "blind production Will not be tolerated." Chen Bhu-teng attacked the belief that a capitalist class no longer would be required in New China, deelaring that "the peeple'es capitalist class"ert.111e4a0 its peace "under the leader- ship of the working class." He admitted that as a result of the anticorruption drive private industry was faced with difficulties," but declared that the new Federation of Trade and Industry would solve these difficulties. Sian said (June 22) that labor unions in (Tsinan) had reorganized as a result of the five-anti's drive, "to strengthen the working class struggle. Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010023-2 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CI-RDP78-04864A00030001 9, (?e) ,Remolding of Agriculture: STATI NTL 0023-2 Shanghai asberted'(JUn6 21)' that 200'mttual;aid'teamleadeft iiesa?harvesting operations at. State, wheat farm In:Anhwei. When Phu Phi-wu saw tractors ;mid the Stalin No. 6 combine at WOtk,,"he confessed, that farmers must wixe.out' their feudalistic thinking and struggle for Mechanized farming and a? socialist societyou.Sian reported (June 19) that at the Sining Cnference of All 'Circles it was pointed out that the city should lead the rural areas in all kinds of work," and to this end, "stburban.peasants should be organized so that agricultural production may be collectivized." 10. (4) Border Minorities: Wuhan reported ,(June 16) that 28 Medical, cultural propaganda, and technical cadres from Central and South. China had been organized into a Kwangtung-Kwangsi survey team to work - iMong minority groups Sian announced (June 19) that for the Mlngs' Islamic festival, June 22 t 24.; the Katau Departtentof Trade had ordered State trading companies to grant a 5' percent diScoupt:on. all retail gob-de for Moslems? F.;:king stated in numeral code (June 16) that the Sikang Government now was buying up the toutao tea crop. Peking reported (June 18) that Sinkiang authorities had decided to Construct 700 kilometers of power lines and rehabilitate 1,459 kilometers of roads, Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010023-2