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Apprceart?ftrallme 2002/06/28. CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 FOR MICIAL USE ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT INDICATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VUNERABILITIFAS HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISRED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C., SI AND 112.AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts CLASSIFICATION STATI NTL DATE OF INFORMATION 3-16 time 1952 DATE DIST. CP .11.41 5A-0 V () NO. OF PAGES 6 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CM Report No. 39 A - USSR (.3 - 26 June 1952) CONTENTS Agriculture Ukrainian S3R,......1 Georgian SSR........3 Uzbek SSR...........4 Party Activities..........5 MiBeellaneOUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 une4A5-57,c7.27 STATE NAVY ARMY AIR AppAoved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION I 1 1 STATI NTL Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A0003000 - - AGRICULTURE Ukrai e's C21ea1neees ticlzege The creaky Ukraieiep,agriculturaI machine is given another boos in the form of a special deeision by the PartYfa Central Conmit4eel4 June) to clear up the existing mess and stick closer to the plan. The gravity of the agricultural situation is given further emphasis in another decision of 7 June and also, indireetly, in a letter to Stalin (11 June) from all the sugar came gravers of the Ukrainr. As broadcast fro Tbilisi (4 June), the decision of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Commenist Part begins with the admission that ae a result of the irresponsible attitude towards the fight against the sugar beet pest, sugar beet losses have 'been sustained in Vey. Poltava and Kirovograd oh- lasts e Particularly great "beet losses have occurred in the colleCtiVe farms of Kiev oblast. Ukrainian version V ieZultati bezvidpovidalnogo stiiilemnya do prove- dennya borothy z buryakovim dorgonosikam ubagatyokh raYonakh Kievakoy, Poltavskoy I Kirovogeadakoy oblastey_ dopushchena zagibel posiviv tsukrovykh tOmyakiv, Osob- livo velika zagibel tsukrovykh buryakiv dopushchena v- kolgospakh Kie skoy dblasti. Next an the list of weak agricultural spots is the procurement of sufficient fodder which, as indicated later in the report, has been neglected to such en extent as to Ith another session of the Central Party Committee. The latter7also etreases the fact that most of the shortcomings listed in its decisions are chronic, some of them dating be:A to 1950 and earlier, and that it is therefor* time to put an end tolhem "once and foi-linn? (ras i mayeezhdy). Continued ,apo, according to the CentralCommittee, is theiefarious practice of "pilfering and squandering Ot communal property, giving away .or selling for 'Fa song' produce, cattle and fodder to various individuals" (roztasknvannya I rozbazarynVinnya gromedskego maim, bezplatnym vidpuskam I prodazhem za beztsinok riznym o obam produktiv, Ihudoby i karate.). Referring to special areas of poor agricultural performance, the decision pointa-out that Pole eye, for example, continues to be backward in very aspect of agriculture'566ause the eble t authorities "have done mighty little" (duzhe male zrabyly) to implement'the'necessary measurea to improve the work of the ccilective and state fadia, Unspecified OM:ibises (vtrata zeraa) are said to have been incurred by the collective ant state farai'61' - Chernigov, Sumy, Stanislav and Lvov oblasts because t eshing had been delayed and plans te aired unfUlfilled, In Zaparozhye, Kieovograd, Vintitsa RT4 other Oblast& there I no visible improve et over lust year when +he uaen crop was a-fiiluee. Instanceeof-"ahort- weighting and heating the gratin deliveiers" (obvathuvannya I cbrakhovuvannya idiValnykiv) have been noted in Ternopol and Nikolayev oblasts while the "theft of state grade (Rozkradannya derzhavnogo khliba) is taking place in Odessa and Lvov dblasts. - ee ferring to la t year, the 26-point deei ion points out that respo ibility faf-the agricultural shorteoeiega must be borne by the Party argantentions as well as by-the Mini tries concerned, The record of the Ministrie of Agrieultnre, Cotto , Collective and State Pgraes, while matisfactory on the 'hole, is said to have been rather apotty-ii a number of areas and products. Thus the sugar b at crop was below'eipect tions in a iUmber of southern oblasts, flax and hemp deliveries in Belorussia fell short of the plan and the potato and eget ble crops were poor because of inadequate mainteetnce. A joint decision i sued by the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Party and the Council of Mini ters on 7 June deals exclusively with the maintenance, preparations and harvesting of fodder crop . Urgi immediate and concentrated attention an this branch of agriculture, the decisionrns against a repetition of the disappointing terfa-rmanee of last year when due to the unsatisfactory organization' nf labor In the collective and state farme, makei'a them failed to seeete sufficient quantitiei of fodder for the livestock to last through the winter of 1951-1952, Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 Ukrainia Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 - 2 - vere ion g cherez nezadovilnu organizataiu robit v kol- gospakh I radgospakh begat? z nikh ne zabezpechili na zymivlyu 1951e1952 koku grnealeke pogolivya khu- doby dostatnoyu kilkistyu kOrmiv. STATI NTL Ad itting that much of the fodder shortage last year was attributable to los es incurred by the 41,14Motgotransport and storageothe fodder in suitable places, the Party has now decided to .cliOr additional pay to truck drivers and horse-dramn cart operators as an inducement to greater efficiency. Fifty kopecks will henceforth be paid for every ton of silaged,f der oyer and above the presoribed daily quota. A long letter to Stalin from all the sugar-care growers of the Ukrainian SSE carried by PRAVDArend RADYANSKA UKRAINA on 11 June dwells in detail on the bright prospects for a bumper. me crop. The Ukrainian farmers conventionally list the specific amounts of cane to. be harvested by every oblast, rayon, collective fax and even brigade, but preface their pledge to the leader with an apology for last year's sins We realize that the huge resources and possibilities for raising the sugar cane yield have not yet been uti- lized in many collective and state fettle; of the Republic, The kolkhozes of Kiev, Poltava and Kirovograd ?blasts.? failed to fulfill the harvest-yield and cane delivery plat in 1951.e-they gathered eveneirpooter harvest than in 1950. Ukrainian versiong Nobr usvidomluyemo, yaki veliki rezervy I zhlyvosti pid ryhchenya vrozhainosti tsukrovykh buryakiv shohf ne vykorystani u bagatyokh kolgospakh Iradgospakh res- publiky. Kolgospy Kylvskoy, Poltavskoy I Kirovogradskoy oblastey... v 1951 rotsi ne vykonaly plan vorzhairosti Izdachi der- zhavi taukrovykh buryakiv I navit dpoustyly znyzhennya veozhayu porivnyano z 1950 rokom. Finannial induqements to'firmeis and NTS workers for greater efforts are reported also from Kursk ,oblast (5 June) where the hay-proourement ag- fodder-alleging campaign, according to KUESKATA P has all but failed. Thne MIS drivers engaged in transporting allege to the:kolkhozee are to be paid an,edditional 50 ,kopecks for every ton of hay handled over and above he daily quota. The operators of horse-drawn hayemovers Till now receive an additional 20 kilograms of hay for every-hectare over 40 moved "before the beginning" of the grain-harve ti season. Other collective farm workers will get additional payments amountingetpeone tenth of theovalue of hay stacked. OBERNbh6ASMCIOMMUNA (10 360 pleads for an and to the "noneintervention policy4' (politika nevne hitel tva) aintained by many Party and Agricultural officials in the matter of hay-pagnieiie t, This ion-0711A paper imnliese is merely continuationof the previous indiftiaiLeUtt e toW0E-theirs of hay- owl Since the alike, cannot affordeten??esereny more time, P5:is reppmmended that fineneial incentives be provided "whereier necessary" to encolitage the kolkhoznike to accumulate fodder. One tenth of the stacked hay value"as well as a variety of other rewards" will be given to the collective farmers for 'exemplary, above-schedule" labor. Among the sources figuring in the "Letter-to-Stalin Department" in the period under review are the,eolleCtive and state farmers ,of Belorussian SSE. Lithuanian SSR, the Crimea and .1(alinWalasto The f Iiarlyepharased letters are preceded by almost identical admission's of past-failures. Thus the Belorussians olait (10 June) to be "mindful of the fact" (ray'segitUirthat numeMerddlltetive faftrilirlieven entfremMrsns" (dazhe teelie rayony) are still backward, are prodliding low harveats and failing to develop their livestock industry. What is worse, "agricultural statute violations have not yet been eliminated in cerUirOIlective ft- 1'1* negotorykh kakhozalich lehohe ne-izzhitay naruthenia ustava selkhomarteli)o_ The Lithuanian farmere letter speaks of the "grave shortoomings" which have not yet been overcome ? a poor. harvest in some areas in. 1951, and inadequate procurement of fodder aj li estock maintenance now, The Crimeans admit (8June) that many of their farms are still * hind the harvest yield plan in regayd to tobacco, fruit, grapes and vegetables ..1,414411. Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 STATI NTL Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A00030001 - 3 - Nor donth y have any reason to boast about their cattle industry since the mentioned collective farms "are not yet struggling the way they should" (eshche ne boryuteya po- nastoyashchemu) for greater progress in that branch of agriculture. Continued violations of the collective farm tatute are admitted also in the letter from the Kalinin ablest farmers of 13 June. The technical end of agricultural operations again claims official attention. PRAVDA (13 June) assails the local officials of the central oblasts who "are still infected with backward and harmful sentiments" (vse eshehe sarazheny otstalymi I vrednymi rastroyeniami). Their reluctance to use combine harvesters in the central areas because they are allegedly Impractical in that part of the country is referred to as inexcusable. That attitude, incidentally,ls said to account for the fact that the repair and maintenance of these machines have been criminally neglected. The combine-repair situation is reported to be particularlyserious in Kalinin and Ryazan oblasts as well as in Mordovien and Chuvash ASSR's where harvesting Is just about to begin and only 20% to 30% of the available machines are in working condition, Only 6% of the Kirovograd ablest combines have so far been repaired. Rostov oblast and Moldavian SSR are also behind their repair schedules, although they are among the first to star t harvesting operations. The intensified last-minute drive for technical preparedness in agriculture is reflected In the numerous items broadcast from scattered areas of the USSR- Below are excerpts from some of them, arranged in chronological ordert Roatpy, 3 June--The repair of hay-mowing machinery is being carried out extremely Nikolayevskiy, Oblivskiy, Tsymlianskiy and Chernyshevskiy rayons. There can be no reconciliation of such a situation. (NOWT editorial) Simferopol, 3 Junee-Statistics published by the oblast Agricultural Administration show thet...last year's mistakes have not been remembered. The delay in machinery repairs at that time slowed the hereeptiege This applies now to theegolinskiy, Aeovskiy, Lobanovikly and Tavricheakiy machine-tractor stations. Little attention is paid to the repair of old trucks in Yevpatoriyekiy, Dzhankoy, Krasno-Perekepskly and Kirovskiy rayons. (v1DASIeVa-PRAVDA) Stavropol, 4 June--The erious mistakes of last year are being repeated in Dmitrievskiy, Nevinnomyssk, Kursavskiy and several other rayons they failed to secure the timely completion of repairs to harvesting machinery (STAVROPOLSKAYA PRAVDA). Orel, 8 June--MAny machineetractor stations and kolkhozes of the oblast are repeating last year's mistakes and delayiete the repair of hay-mowers and silo cutters. Among them are the Ischeyevskaya, Stanovlianekaya, Ekaterinovskaya, Shakhovskaya, Vaeovskaya, Alysbey kaya and Glazunovo statione. The kolkhozes of MOkhoyskiy, Korsakovo, Droskovskiy and Telchinskiy rayons are lagging inadmissibly. (ORIOVSKAYA PRAVDA). .Stalingrade 10 June-e. ..yet in the oblast as A whole the situation in regard to the preparation of the principal harvesting machinery continues to be clearly unsatisfactory. (STALINGRADKAYA PRAVDA). Alma Ate, 14 June--In most ?blasts and rayons of the Republic there exist serious shortco ings In the preparations for harvesting, and primarily in the organization of machinery. repairs. Further delay in the intolerable, (KAZAKBSTANSKAYA PRAVDA) eu?tureUndervestiggion 'Despite the recent scrutinies and strictures by the highest Co unist body of Georgian SSR about statute violations= and other irregularities, it appears that the agricultural Situation in the public still leavea uch to be desirech A report from Tbilisi carried by PRAVDA on 14 June (not broadcast) tells of the latest: session held by the Central Committee of the Georgian C eunist Party to decide "on measures against the theft of public property In the collective farms" (o merakh borby a rastaelciyeeiem pbshchestvennogo dobra v kolkhozakh). Aa diepessed in previous CPW_reports, such mpeaUre had aireadY been Suggested and adopted at the Tbilisi Party Conference last April and at the 19th Repeblican Komsomol Congress inIkee, This time, however, the situation appears to be more ominous for two reasons. First, unlike the previous Party sessions, the recent Central Committee setIng had been called for the sole purpose of discussing continuing agricultural violations, and that subject was the only one on its agendaieSepopelly, there is impliceteadmession that theelegeleeption-taken against the violators is insufficient and that more stringent measures might be necessary. The nature of such measures, however, is not specified. Olt Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300 - 4 - STATINTL It it retorted, for'exaMple,'that collective farm lands are still being:squandered and the kakhot:etatute "crudely violated" (grubo narushayetsia) in Domaninskiy, Mayakovskiy, Dehevekoy, Mekharadtevskiyi Kobuletskiy, Khuloyskiy, Tekhakayevskiy, Marneulskiy and dertain'other rayons. It is also reported that several special commissions, each headed by a member Of the Central Party Committee, were appointed to unearth all the necessary evidence of property theft and other violations. One of the revelations made at the Plenary Session is that a number of rayon Party officials "have abused their official status" (zloupotrebliali svoim sluzhebnym polozheniem), and are just as deeply- involved in the shady machinations as their non-partisan comrades. Some rayon committee secretaries, it is announced, have been expelled from the Party and turned over to the prosecuting authorities for having used State funds and kolkhoz labor to build houses for themselves. The duties of the above-mentioned commissions, it appears, are not only to investigate and fight abusesin agriculture--they are also to reclaim the properties already stolen, since, as the report further points out, the prosecuting authorities themselves have not displayed too much zeal in the matter of adjudicating collective farm claims. Although some of the squandered properties are reported to have been returned to their rightful owners, it is hinted that a great deal more is yet to be rec1aimed2 Russian version,? During April-May of this year the collective farms got back over 3,000 hectares of stolen land and about 1,500 tons of grain as well as 31,000 illegally paid working days. The collective farms collected 41,200,000 rubles, or almost half of the outstanding debts, from various individuals and organizations. V techenie aprelya-maya tekushchego goda kolkhozam vozvrashcheno svyahe trekh tysiach gektarov raskhi- shchennykh zemel, okolo 1,500 tonn zerna, spisana 31,000 nezakonno-zachislennykh trudodney. Kolkhozy poluchili 41,200,000 rubley-epochti polovinu debitor- skoy zadolzhennosti, chislivsheysya za raznymi litsami organizatsiami. Referring to the legal action taken against ths,prepetrators up to the present, the Central Committee Session pointed out that the prosecuting authorities and the courts of the Republic are derelict in their duties0 There is no proper supervision over the observance of the collective farm statute, and all the investigations of statute violations are unduly prOtracted. Curiously enough, there is no indication of the "new measures" adopted by the session against the prevailing crimes beyond the terse announcement that the meeting came to a close following the adoption of "sweeping decisions" (razvernutoye reshenie)..' sl_teCongriticulture Urged PRAVDA VOSTOKA (Tashkent in Russian, 11 June) carries a report of the 11th Plenary Session of the Central 'Committee of the Uzbek Communist Party. The first of the two items on the Session's agenda calls for "measures to be taken to liquidate violations of the kolkhoz code." The Session is reported to have established that the control over the observance of the agricultural statute in the Republic "Is still weak", and that large-scale squandering of kolkhoz property is still going on. Familiarly blaming the farmers' un-Bolshevik attitude toward communal property on lack of political education, the Central Committee also appears to be alive to the fact that "certain Party and Soviet officials" are not entirely blameless themselves in the respect. They seem to take thievery for granted, considering all complaints about it as superfluous They have reconciled themselves with the infringe- ments of the kolkhoz code and are failing to attend to the complaints of the kolkhoz workers. They are failing to fulfill the demands of the Party and government to treat the squanderers of kolkhoz lands and property as the enemies of the collective farm system. They are even abusing their official squandering kolkhoz property. The extent of the mentioned malpractices may be gathered from the fact that no mention is made in the report of any particular officials or specific areas, while "the Republic as a whole" (v tselom po respublike) is repeatedly referred to in the Session's criticism. Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 STATI NTL Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A00030001 - - 5 - PARTY ACTIVITIES Uzbek SSR's Party activities, just like its agriculture, also claim official attentien. Discussing the meager publicity given to Party life in the regional press, PRAVDA (3 June) points to that Republic as an example not to be emulated. The main Republican nemspaper PRAVDA VOSTOKA is not devoting sufficient attention or space to Party affairs. Nor do the other two (unnamed) Republican papers. The little publicity that does occasionally appear in these papers is said to sound too much like routine reporting. This, it is olaimed, is utterly inadequate since the regional press represents "the chief link" between the Party and the masses.. What makes the situation in Uzbekistan appear worse than in other areas which, incidentally, are also criticized for lack of proper control of the press, is that the Central Committee of the Uzbek Party "is aware of the unsound state of affairs" (zeayet o neblagopoluchnom polozhenii) but has so far done nothing to improve it. In Kazakhstan, a large number of regional dailies are said to "have lost sight" of the most urgent problems of party life?, many of them have not even opened special "Party Life" sections as is customary throughout the country. Even the two Republican theoretical periodicals BOLSHEVIK KAZAKHSTANA and KOMMDNIST have in the past six months failed to publish anything that might be of some help to propagandists or independent students engaged in politica]. self-education. Among the other regional paper said to be in need of "a thoroughgoing improvement" (rezkoye uluchshenie) in their handling of Party publicity are DNEPROVSKAYA PRAVDA, STAVROPOISKAYA PRAVDA, VOLUISKAYA KOMMDNA and a number. of unnamed others. PRAVDA reiterates that the mentioned thoroughgoing improvement applies equally to the amount and type of publicity since the Party and its activities deserve more serious attention than they have been getting "Articles on Party themes are sometimes little different... from materials on production themes" (Inogda stat'i na partiynie temy...malo chem otlichayutpia ot materialov na proizvodstvennie teray). Party leadership of the local press, that is mall newspapers (stinni gazety), is discussed by RADYANSKA UKRAINA on 11 June. This important section of the Republic's press, says the paper, has been neglected all too often. The primary Party organizations whose duty it is to supervise such publications take so little interest in them that they are not even aware of the disappearance of some of them from the wall. The editorial condemns as highly reprehenet ble the peculiar reaction of some officials and workers to the criticism of their performance contained in the mall papers "they simply tear them off the malls so that no one would read them." The same paper (13 June) complains that lecture propaganda in Ternopol, Lvov and a number of other oblasts is still maintained at a low political level, such talks often being delivered by ignorant "pot boilers" (khalturnyki). KIROVOCRADSKA PRAVDA (7 June) bemoans the fact that "too few" (duzhe malo) lectures are given by the Communist on uch topics as Soviet patriotism, LenineStalin'triendship of peoples and the Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists. RADYANSKA UKRAINA (13 June) assails the reluctance of the rayon Party organizations -- in Ternopol, Lvov and "a number" of other Oblasts -- to pay more attention to lecture propaganda. Their attitude toward the whole business of lecture propaganda, the paper claims, is that of a plant manager toward productiont Some Party leaders still consider that the leadership of lecturing propaganda can be reduced to a collection of figures concerning the num- ber of lectures read without serious consider- ation of their contents. Such a practice is completely impermissible Criticized also is the Party officials' faulty logic of assigning full responsibility for lecturing propaganda to the Society for the Propagation of Political and Scientific Knowledge while limiting their awn functions to general supervision. Such reasoning, the paper reiterates, is unworthy of true Bolshevik leadership. The latter must always bear in mind that political education is an important Party function and supervision over it must never be relaxed. Eauegien_EgregUlamw In a review of the children's newspaper YUNYI LENINETS broadcast from Kiev on 14 June, the school children are told that the arrest of Jacques Duclos and Andre 'Stu has "stirred up all of France." These arrests, the youngesters are informed, were timed to coincide with the arrival in France of Gen. Ridgway, the "black-death general" and "executioner" of the Korean people who employed bacterial weapons against them. The review ends with the announcement that the campaign against "Communist and other democratic" argani- Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4 STATINTL Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A00030001 - 6 - iatiOns! has induced the "justified wrath" of the French workers, and protest meetings and strikes are held throughout the country. Hundreds of messages arriving daily in Paris are 'said to bring "demands from the workers of the world" that Jacques Duclos and Andre Stil be released. ITISCELLAVEGTE As reported from Mitomir on 14 June, the Oblast Blood Transfusion Station offers 'sizable cash rewards" to blood donors. The latter will also be granted leave and provided with food onthe day they give their blood. A report from Astrakhan (13 June) says that a "cOntentrated broth" prepared from the liquid waste products of the fish industry makes a valuable feed for livestodk. Produced according to scientist Solonchev's formula, this broth "is also used for growing penicillin moulds and other micro-organisms" for medicinal putposes. The mass production of concentrated broth will begin in the near future. Approved For Release 2002/06/28 : CIA-RDP78-04864A000300010021-4