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Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 CLA~~IFICATIUN IAL SECURITY FORMATION t,tNTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY -USSR SUBJECT INIIICATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VtTLNERABILIT2ES 1WOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE. PUBLISHED LANGUAGE CHA^IC+ TO ~, pE8 REGfiApihG. BULLETIfV N0. ~-~-^ TNIS DOCUMENT CONTAINSINFORMATION AFFECTIN9 THE NATIONAL DEPLNS6 OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN TN! YEANINO OF 89PIONA6! ACT 60 Ua B.: C., 91 AND 82, AS AMENDED. ITS TRAN SMIS510N OR THE RlYLLATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY~MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORI2LD PERSON ~IS PRO? HI BITlD-BY LAW. RLPRODUCTION OF TNIS FORM 19 PRONIBITE D. SOURCE Monitored Broadcasts REPORT NO. CD N0. 25X1 ~- DATE OF Apr. 8-21, 1952 INFORMATION DATE DIST. ~~- N0. OF PAGES 8 ~ ~ L7 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. CPW.Report Noa 31 -.USSR (April $-21,.1950 The C~orgian-SSE gets a verbal t_ouncing from its Party boss Mgeladze who charges the R~;public8s Central Party Conmaittee with. the mayor x?esponsibility for the recently-exposed corruption,.peculatiorl, and ~. variety of other anti-State practices. Minh of the a~utput tsn Party activities. from other sources deals with the unsatisfactory political ed~.cation of the Communists and tho continued reluctance of officials to ..regard criticism sand self-Briticism as a sine qua non. Co~nn~xnist and natural science propag~~,nd.~, is ?~sid to be backward in Estgnia and Latvia. In agriculture,, rectL~?rent statute violations and the poor perfar~ance of machine- tractor stations still claim official ,attention. Much pressure is exerted to speed up the reclama,tian of acid land. .There is some emphasis on better living and working condit3.ons f'or the field workers as'an added incentive to better produetion4 ~,.,.~.-....v--~- ~ ~~. ~ ~ x Y ,s I I II Gt.~ ~ ~~~~~ 1I ARMY CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 T~iiS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ' ~tt QULLE~flCJ NQ. C ENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 CPW Report Nd. 37--A {April 8-219 1952). - DATE P'UBI,ISHED SOURCE; Monitored Broadcasts CONTEP]TS THIS IS UNE~?"ALUATED INFORMATION Pl~Gli1 +^`r1I Yd..L1L'1.. b O O bb O O'ib O bb6 b9.OOO00`040.Yq -'+~~+~?+C`~+++~++++b O,A O 1 O. b. e b i1 O p bb Y b i b O Y b~ b b b b b O O PARTx AC'3.'IxdITIES . Party Corrugation i.n Georgia Cr~tticizeds In his speech before the Tbilisi Party conf~aenc~ ~in Russians 1 . April ,Secretary of the Georgian, Party's Central Committee Mgelad~e m3.nees no words in hip attach on Comm'anist officials from the Central Committee d:owKx, The Republ3ces Capital Tbilisi he says' is a glaring example. of haw not to ~r~ a city. T~ren-~y-six of the largest city enterprises are said to have wiled to complete last year?s plan and are still lagging behindb Among them are the locomc~ti~?e repa~.r? depute the oil Plante-and a number of other. The work of the entire pity indus~Gsy is cha?t?acterized by substandard quality and high production c?s?~~p Tuck oi?4?production culture"~{kultura proizvodstva9 meaning clean7.iness and orde~li~sess ins. the plant) is still something to be ,hoped ford Some ?f our enterprises are dirty and littered with - . rubbishb In the metal construction enterpx?ise of the of the Local Industrye for example' ,.,finished goods are scattered about with by-products and scrap metal all over the~prem~.ses9 and~the yard is piled with all sorts of rubbish. Ruseian,ver~iono Na neko~torykh nashikh predpriatiakh gr~yaznoe plo- ?~hchad:i zakhlamlenie Naprimer na zavode metalicheskikh konstru]~tsiy ministerstva mestnoy duktsia razbrosana vrrieste s otkhodaxni i metalichesk.~.m lomom po vsey territoxii,~ door zavalen vsiakim khlamom. Embezzlement of State funds says the Secretary' i~ a far worse crime than-any production failure' and wi11 definitely not be tolerated any longer. All the industrial establishments are cautioned against emulating the practice of the Tbilisi Construction Ti?ust {Tbilistroy) which "embezzled and overspent" {r~azbazaril i pereraskYiodoval) more than 1a,OO0;O0a rubles in 1950. These embezzlements' still Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 . / - ; ~ervable in the various building tx?ustss are implicitly linlted with the fact that the recently-built houses 9'lack even the most elementary co~nf'ortsat? They .have ~~~~~~"""""" no d~?~inage .system, 1Pa1.7., doors are crookede 9P and there were cases of houses collapsing shortly a~ter_their completions '?there is not a morning that plaster does not fall on the heads of the occupantse?? 'ihe same is said, to apply to the water and eleetricity serviees which frequently do not function at cello Georgian Pax?ty activities though only recently criticized by the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Partys have not shown any tangible improvements particularly in the matter of vigilance over economic activities There has been no determined struggle against bribery or fo~? the preservati?n of Socialist property and the strengthening of Soviet l.awo Russian versions, Reshitel.noy borby so vzyatachnichestvomy za okhranu sotsialistocheskoy sAbstvennostis za ul~replenie sovetskikh zakonov ne velosa Refe~?ring to the perennial Soviet problem of criticism and self-criticisms Mge]:adze intimates. that fear of criticism. (boyazn~k~ritiki) comes from aboves not from below. It is,; in fact, the 3ust complaint of the rte-and-file Communist that is usually hushed ups Responsibility for that is laid to the leadership of the Georgian Central Committee which is 4Pviolating the principle of rigid observance of i.ntraparty demoeracy~ (narushayet pri~.tsip strogago sobludenia vnutripartiynoy demokx?atii) as well as criticism4 Fear of criticism is also said to be gripping many awould-be critic frou~ the Party ranksq but for a different reason--retaliation by senior Party officialso . Criticivra from belo~rs 'from rank-and~file Party members was particularly p?orly organizedo ~thermores .ins?~ances of persecution of people eacposing short- . comings have 'been notedooo Criticism has been feared -here for many yeax?ss and serious errors in the warlt of city and-rayon Party Committees have been whitewashede Those who tried to criticize shortcomings have been punishedo Russian versions Csobenno plokho byla razvernuta kritika snizus so storony r_yadovykh chlenov partii. Bolshe togas imeli mesto fakty goixenia na ludey vskz?yvavshikh nedostatki v raboteooe Zdes dol,gie Body boyalis kritilei s zame,zyvali seryozn3.e oshibki v robots gorodskogo i rayonnikh kora~.tetovs a tekh kto pytalsya kritikovat nedostatki nakazyvalio This un-Bolshevist practices Mgeladze continues must be nipped in the buds and the ?9silencers of criticisms (zazhimshchiki kz?itiki~ and violators of intraparty democracy must be severely punished, Corruption and anti-State activittess the. Secretary continue;, have. no place anyr~here in the Soviet Unions and this is p~r- ticularly tY?txe ofthe :;~eorgian SSRs StalinQs birthplaceo What the Georgian Commiunist Party needs is people with /9backbone"~ar~d determination to get things done without fear of ~critici~m: The history of the development of our Bolshevik Party -shows that spineless people? have been no less harmful than outright enemies of the Party, Russian versions lstoria st:roitelstva nashey bolshevistskoy partii govorit o to~m;,chto bezkhrebetnie lyudi nanosili partii ne r~enshe vx?eda them vr?a~i partii e Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 _~~Tn...._.._,~...~ __ _ _ Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 .~ .a~.sparaging re~'erence to the previous ~'ar~y leader+~hip end a hint o~ a possible ?reorgsni~ation of the presont one are 'contained 3,n the,c'oi~cluding part o~ the Mgeladze speech . We must put an .end to the coriupt methods o~ the old leadership o~ the Central Committee oi? the Georgian Communist PartyB and reconstruct the whole wark sa as .to ~c.on~orm to Stal~.n~s teachingo to work and lead in ~ new styled ? 1Vado pokonchit s porochnim ~'tilem raboty starogo r~kovodetva tsentralnogo kamiteta kommunisticheskoy pa~:~tii bolshevikov perestroit vsyu rabotu tak kak uchit to~ro Stalins rabotr~t i rakavodit po novomue More criticism ~?rom below is the subject o~ a PRA~~, a't?ticle by Lul~ovets and Zinkovich o:f'Apr.'17 (not broadcast)o Party cz?itics 3.n Grodno Oblas?t9 Byelorussia, the authors der:lsx?ee awe a~.ot raring so ~,rell--they ere9 in ~ac~r9 persecuted and punished wi'iere~v'~ possible, `.t?Yie case is c.~ted o~ two Communists o~ a Grodno building materials ?Grust rho were eae,~elled mom 'the Party snd dismissed i'rom ?their jobs for daring to expose the mismanagement o~? the t, in a letter to PRA~TDAa Even the Central Committee of the Byeloxlzssian Communist Paz^ty9 to wham the ease .was appearl.ede say the authors, displayed a none-too-friendly attitude towar,?d th,e critics by referring the cs,se ~'or rei~~stig~.tfon to the very; trust management that had fired themes ~Io~a? d~,d it happen that the Co~.unists who raised their v~oieo~ to protect the 3,nterestr~ o:f their ente~?p:z~i~e have ~~allen into disgx?ace wh~.le ?t~he hushe~?s-up of? criticism are still enjoying their p~?i~f.lege~;? .. . Russian ~x?sions yak mono sluchitsya,, chto kosrunun,isty~ podnyavshf,e .gelds v ~a~;hc,hitu interesov svayego predpriatiae popal.i .v nemilost~ ,a ~a~himshchiki kz?itiki zhivut vmlgat:~na . - ~ . fibs a;,a~3x to the above ~uestionq as p~^ovided by the authors them.~el~rer~e is that although: the~?e ~.~ much ta1~t throu~,hout the oblast about the necessity of encouraging wore "r~riti,ciw~m dam belowe the latter is actually ?9crLtdely suppressed?P (grubo po~irayetsya) e fibs lack o.~ criticism and sel:f?~c~?iticism is bemo~,r~,ed by ZAE~YA POLfiAVSHCfaNY (Apx?o 8) a It gays that i~, a, nranber o:~ the oblast Party orgeni~ations this practice ?Ph~zs root been . developed et .a]..Z.o?? 'I?rie }?oltavs, t4Frogx?ess99 axtel alone is said to have lost aver 1008000 rubles, whate the paper intimatese must have 'been :fea~? to x?eveal shortcomingso Z~,RYA ~OS~'C~~ (Apro 10) speaks in disparaging te~xms o~ ma:ny Party leaders wrho8 while ?Pdisco4ax?~airag copiously upon the benef'itst8 of" criticism and sel~meriticism9 ac?>aually encourage its suppx?ession by their 'A?inacr.;urate methods o~ workoee Bo_e~e~i~~~'a, Su~ivals in Estonian A report ;f~?om carried by PRAVDA ~n Apr?o y rco~ bro~,d.c~a~t telly a't the ~'eCent~ Republican Pax??ty Plenum called to discuss the (:ommuu~ist education- o:~ the.- ~rorking populations It is revealed that -one of the- ~aeakest po3n?~s in Estoni~aes Par'~:.y activities is the inadequate st;rugg].,e against the ?1suz?viva.I,s o~ bo~az?geois~x~,a,tiana.7List ideologye ?P fibs Central Committee Px?opaganda and Ag3.tation..Depart~ment is criticized for its poor jab of indoctrinating the population8 particularly ~h~ worl~ers of the Slate Basin (slantse'~r3.y basseyn) e A 1Vikolayev article ca~?r~ied by PBAVDA on Apro 19 insists that the Estonian ?tmuf'~lers o~ critioi,s~aB? (glushite~i kx~itiki) be called to acc;ounto A number of high Communist o~~icial.s~o~' the. RopublicQs Main OilmMarJ~eting Administration (Glavnef~tesb~yt},~ he reveal~8 have bears made to resign 1Pat their o~rn request?? ~po lichnoy prasbe) far Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 ' .d'' Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 .;;x?ticizing the higYi-h~cnded methods of the administration ch~,ef. The dismissed ~~offic~.a.7.~9 says Zdiko~..ayev?~ yrere Found to be ??ob3ectionable?$ because theyob~ected to~the boss4s order hiring production casts and his attempt to~include the~cost of his summer cottage (dachxaaya the administration expenditures. 1nThen the l,o~al Fax~'ty organization failed to prevail upon the administration chief to mend hip ~ays~ the case: was appealed to the Tallin City Partyo The latter9 strangely enough ws,s reluc~t~nt to do any more than administer a mild rebuke to the autocrat9 and hastened to close the case Frith the inscription 9?personal affair?` (personalnoye delo). .A:s.milas? case of flagrant suppression of criticism is cited in the Tsentralniy Rayon ceramics plant where the director has been dismissing his critics under -the preteset .?f '?s`taff reduction'8 (sokrashchenie ~ shtata) . I~atv`ian Science Pro~~~x~.da rTnsatisfac,~toryo A I~a.lnin' article in PRAVDA (Aprb lp) takes thy; T~z~t~3sn, Oo?rm~,us~i~zt organizations to task. for their indifferent attitude toward. more and better lectu~?es'on natural science and political themes. Both the Republican Society for the Propagation of Pali'tical and Scientific IS'nowledge and the Px?opaganda and Agitation Section of the Gent~ral Party Committee are said to have lost interest in tk~e 9?most important?' (va~hrieishaya) aspect of their work, mass-political education. K~7,ziin is pa~?ticule,x^ly sarcastic in his reference to the lecturers rho prefe~? to punctuate their t~11ss 'with. . ti .instances of the remote past or fr?m the life of`, other statesy and for un`~atowa' masons avoid any' reference ?t;o local facts. This is a ref?lectian ~onthe cogency and originality of such lectures. ? ~+ersi.or~: lek~tt~ry privod~rat pr'im?~ry ili iz d~al,ekogo proshlago~ ili iz zhizni dtugikh gosudax?stva na po neponiatnim prichinam, izbegayt~?t privod,it mestnie fakty. Eto otrazhayetsie, na ubeditelnosti i dokhodchivasti takikh lei~tsiy. The r~.ral, intelligentsia pls,ys an important part in the collective .farm system9 and its pol.,-~to~,ce1. educ~atinn mast -ther~:fore be in the center of the Pa.2ty~s a~ttentionp according ?~o a RATJI'ANSI~A idI~RAI'~1TA editorial of Apr. 1C. ,This problem9 , however9 requiies a co:~?ei"ai. arid.. ?Bdisc^reet approach?8 ~ (differentsirovs~ny podkhod) since no cem~mon criterion can lee appl.3,ed to the education of any gi?oup of professionals. Certain Party ox?ga:aizations9 says ?irhe papery s,re tactless in their haxidlin;g of the intelligentsiw.,~ and that is precisely why mar.~y of tk~em~ a~ is the case in Novo- selit~l~ Rayons Clzeriaigov Oblas't9 fox? examples prefer to ?Pst~si,d awtuy from cultural educati~ svad a~assmpo]..itical, works ?8 Elements o:~,QBuncritical reasoning?9 (nachetnichstvo) and Talmudism are still cl.iscern.ible among tl~.e Party s~fouden?ts of M,ax?xisin-Iaceniniam of Odessa Qblast9 declares Bp1~5.~ITSKOYE ZI~AN.~'A on Aprs 1$o The sts,ndax?d of political in the Party school network is threa,terie:~d wit~t s'f"u~:~~tl'ier deterioration08 if the leadership does not take- immediate steps 'toward s,n a~.l?round improvement of 'the educational system. The successf?u1 outcome o:P the academic year is said to be in ,jeopardy in many rayons including ~. IL~?ivoozerskiye Razde7.r~yansl~iy9 ISaganovichskiy, ~ and Voroshilotrskiy. Supe:rv-3sion over flee politicad.? self-education of Communists should be 14an object of specir~.l c:.o~xcern89 (predmet osoboy zabaty) of all Pat ty organizatione~ .says P13A'~A (Apr. 18) . Such concex~a. is said to be lacking in Kx?asnoyarsk Kz?ai where nothing is 'being. done abo~.t 9?elimi.~ating the serious shortcomings/0 (lc ustraneniu seryozn.ikh nedosta`~kov) in ?the . system of political se1,f?-educationo ?,Ihe propagandists in charge of sem3,n~?s and study circles are left to their own political resources ~rhich are not always ?Badequa~e to the fob at handt? ~rhile the independent students are frequently neglected al.t~2gethera The Faper frowns upon the tendency on the part of numerous Party Grgarti,~a?~ions ~o.neglect political education during mast of the school term, attempting to m~e up for Lost time at the very end of the year. This practice. (referred to in industry as 80shturmovshchina9? - storming the ~ob),.the paper claimse . v3.tiate~;:~he system of political education-and self-education and should "be avoided Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 ./ ~,:i' . all costs & r'r Russian version -Such haste may be seriously detrimental to the .political studies of the Communists9 may lower the ideological level of propaganda worko Podabnaya pospeshnosi;,mo~het nanesti a~eryozniy ushcherb politicheskoy uchebe kom~suni.stova,sni~it ideiniy uroven propagandistskoy raboty.. Party en,c~?oachment upon the immediate p~^erogatives of the executive bunch of government and' Made unio:n.s9 old official, coaaplainta is main discussed by PRAVDA on 'Apr.. $, The paper dose not name any particular localities or argax~i~ations but the general editorial tenor suggests a widespread practice of Party organizations t?ta]~3ng overB4 the affairs of local Sovietse trade unions and other org~.nizationsa Party corrrmittees everyt~here are reminded that their business is over-all supervision over goverrunenty industrial and trade union activities but that they a,~e to refrain from any direct past in ~themo . One cannot?overlook the fac?t9 howe~ere that certairs local 'Par'ty ox?ga~.izations have not yet given up the practice of replacing Soviet, econam~cs ts?ade union and other o:ti?gan.s~ degrading their role and responsibility for the -tasks at handooo Russian vex?sic~n.g 1Velzya~ odnako9 ne videt togo~ chto nekotorie mestriie pertiynie brganiza~tsii eshche ne otreshilis of podmeny, sovetskikh9 khozaistvennikh~ profsoyuzn,ikh i dx?ugikh . organ?ve pr~,nizhayut ilih rol i otvetstvennost za - . ,vypolnenie po~;tavlersnikh pared x~i.nni zadach6 0 4 ~nTha~t the proper Party organ3.zation should dog the paper concludes9 is to a;ch~.eve the desired ends in matterm of government and economic administration tBnot outside the Sc?viet assd. economic .organs .but, through them?? (ne pomimo savetsk3kh i . khozaietvenn.~.~;h organovs a cherez nikh)o AGR~C~,TS~tR S~olkho;~' Statute Vi~il.a,~~irrn.s Still, Wia~,es reado Tampering with kall~hoz non-distributed funds riede:L.e dandy 9 a crude violation?B of the agricultural artel statute has not yet .been eli~aiz~ted in a number of obla,sts,~ according to RAD~Y'ANSKA UIiRAl11TA (Apra 10)m It has been noted al,so9-the paper chax?ges9 that even collective farms with ?Bg~?owing incomes?P ax?e not depositing the required sums to the fund~o Poor management ~arsd lack of Labor,~,ne are said .to be only partially responsib7.e for the mentioned misdemeanoro ?l`he law govesn3,ng the nanmdistributed funds is sacrosarsctq and violators are strongly adv'isecT to'abide by it ox prepare to take the consequences. Since the rion-dist~?ibution .fund is designed for' reinvestment anal purchases of fa~?m equipment anal stocky any attempt to keep it belo~'the prescribed levels the paper cla3msg may': spell ec~aiomic ban1~?x?uptcy in the long tors, This9 it is stated9 is' precisely the case with many collective farms in ~Ysitomix?~ Odessa Stanislavg Volhyna Drogobyeha anal Lvov- ?bla,st where the sitcaation is 41especially unsatisfactorypgB Implicitly cautioni,r~g the collective faun officials against a repetition of l.e,st year8s mist~cesq the editorial reminds them of their past failus?es which. were brought.about~ atinong other things by neglecting the non-distributed fandsa As a x?esult~ those koll~hozes gathered 1o~r yields in gra~.n and cash o- .: . failed to fulfi]..1. the plans for increasing the number of livestockp~. They' received 1or~ incomes ?. and -paid little for ,the ko]lfhoznilrs 4 labor days Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 - , - ~ ,~..?other.. complaint voic~.ed by -the same,? editori~,1. is the lackadaisical attitude displayed /by the "directors ag~conomists and engineers19 of many machine-tractor stations toward a. better utilization of tractors asid other farm equipmen-~o The machine-tractor station, it i~ reiteratede is the mainstay of the agricultural economy9-and its success or failure is immediately reflected on the activities of the collective .farms, .And what swell-run collective farm should be life is indicated in the case of some ~zmail Oblast farms -which have become ~ "millionaires9?,, ,paying l8 rubles for each ~.abor day "apart t'rom the payments in kindoAd Cases cif "grave" violation of the kol~h.oz statute have been exposed recently in the collective fa;x?ms off' Dnepropetrovsk Oblast' reports ZAFtYA editorially on Apr. 16. Lack of proper-Party supervision is said to account for the embe~lement (raskradaniye) of kolkhoz money and property and squande~?ing (razbaz aniye) of communal livestock. -Noted alsoy acco:rdin.g to the papers is the illegal, disposal of kolkhoz landq but no further details on that point are offered,. Among the rayons mostly affected b the y mentioned are I,ikhovskiye Dnepropetrovskiy~ Sh3.rokovskiya Pokrovskiy, Sinel ik k n ovs iy and F{otovskiy. Danger sige~,l.s pointing. to "cr~xde violations of the kolkhoz statute",~ says PRAVDA editorially on Apro lg9 are he~,x?d from' ASSR~ Tambove Kirov and some other (unnamed oblasts ~rh~:re "unworthy people" (nedostoinie lyudi) as well as squanderers ~(ras~hititeli) ~e~t?x?equently Dept as collective fat?m chairmen. A recent checkup on Party activities revealed that things axe still worse in Altai Kral where wholesale plundering of col..l.ective farm binds and other properties is allowed to a on g tnichecked by the appropriate Party and Soviet organizationsa Widespread in the krai~ :says the paper are ? eases of criminal pilfering of collective farm prod~xcea violation of kolkhoz land, ?~eniare laws by various enterprisese offices and individualsa stealing collective farm propertyg.squandering fodder concentrates allocated by the Government for public stockbreeding and illegal seizure and mowing oi? kol~.rhoz hwy. Rrzssian ver.?siorx ~' &~?aye :riabl.y~.dayu?tsia sluchai prestupnogo rastaskivania kollhozno~. produk-~sii y narusherria kolkhoznago zem- lepol~o~vania otd?elnymi predpria?~iami$ uchre~ahdeniarrn. i ra,zlichnylni litsami~ kb.ishcherlia kQlkhoznogo imushchestva~ ra,zba,zarivania kontsentrirovannikh kormov~ otpushchennogo pravitels?tvom dlia obshchestv~nnogo zhivatnovodstva9 ? nezakannogo zakhva,ta i vykashivaiaia senokosov. Virulent criticism of? kolkhoz statute violations is contained a] in a long ~KAYA PRA~DA ed~.torial of Apr. ~0. Here again the "conciliatory attitude" (primirencheskoye otnoshenie) o~? the various P~?ty organizations towards statute violations in genex?al is blamed for a variety of crimes. Some co1].ective farm officials says the paper9 acting under the guise o:~ protectors of the interests of collective farm economy" (pod vidom zashchitni~tov interesty obshches?tvennogo khozaistvr~ ko].lrhozov}, abuse their offici~.1. positions "oy forcing the collective farms to release without payment or' at 1 ~ ir~es produce9 l.ives-~ock:, and other kolkhoz property. The oblastgs high agricul,tus?al of'ficial,sy far f~?om fighting such malpractices' ,Shave themselves taken the pa,?th of pilfering kolkhoz wealth" (semi stali na put razbazarivania kolkhoznogo dobra) . Fteclam,?a,ti.on. Work Too Slows The x?eclamation of the 1,000-kilometer~lang Karabin .Depression is '"mos.t unsat3.sfactory" in the opinion of SOVETSKAyA STBTR (Apra 16~. Ieast years work was very inadequate9 and there is no visible improvement this year? The 1951 Plan for. reconst~^`ucting the drainage canals was over 50~ short of completion9 and this year 40mariy hydraulic installations" (mnogo gictz?oustanovok, are not f~nctioning:.becau,se of the "b'ad ~quali~y of work" performed "hy the officers of the conotructior~ trust. There is no dearth of d?.scussions and c"I~.scouz?ses on the' ux?gent Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7 -7-~ .necessity oi' x?ecls, .the vast ss~amp and grid lands of the Ba~abin Depressi?n~, says the paper, but the actus,l. solution o~ the problem has so ~ax? remained on pa,pex?. The x?eclamatioxi oi? the swamps in Ubinsky Mayon done, it is claimed, would yield 26,000 hectares o~ i'ert?~a.~.e land suitable i"or i'odder ci:bps. Tkae i"ollowing shoxtcomings, the .paper are still very much in e~vic~^~~:~. ~,nd ~iu:~t be overcome before any ~:'ur~ther can be madeg ~,xcs.vator~; remain c3.7.;- ,: ~:.z ~-:sng :~,~:~ ~ i acl;, off' time because o:f ba,d maintenance and paoz' ],ab~~' ,,.1 ~;~~xt,r.~tion... :I~inetPen out o~ 35 s,~~zter wa17.~ az?r~ ~~1i.c~ in Dovolenskiy Rayon, and 1,1 oat o~ ?'7 in Kuyby~hevskiy R~;~one , ,. Nearly ~ a~' the excavators..~have not yet. been repaired, and near drivers have not been xecrui?~ed. a.. The Barabin Hydraulic Stx?uctux?es Building Ts?ust...h~ not ye:t distribu?~:~d elrilling equipment among the drilling . argari.izations o . Bettex? Conditions :~ox? 'veld Labor Ur_~o STALTNGR~DB~AyA PRAVDA (~,r. 11) suggests `Gkint~k~~t?~ex? cult~?al axid ~~li'are services ?~or the kalkY~ozniks on the i'ield would lboost t~?.eix morale 'and 1.rnprove their e~i'iciency during the spring sowing campaign nor u~.~~i>~y,,, Thc~ importance o~? this asp~:et ai? work is often underestimated by the l:och~, :qty at~d Soviet o~ficis,ls. Listed atnang the cultural services in need. of improv~;r.~~~r~~~; 5~~6?e mass-enlightenment work, ru~?a~. clubs mobile libraries, and moviesd G'hrax~actcx?~.~tical.3.y$ the we].~ax~~^ theme is treated. in,~erentially but the appeal to the ob~,~~;t. ~:E:,r~:.~-,:~z?r~. ~.u;i,on (*~bl-potr?eb-sayuz) to :r?eorganize its services "on a sound bas~.s9A ~xnplier~ ~khe need- for a better .and more plent3.~l supply of road. f~R~6.1~;IC,A.~,?~ 1.~7DA (Apx?. 20) is mare explicit in its demand i'or better living conditions for '~~' w~t.izer~1? (tx?a,etox? drivers 'and i?arm machine operators),: 'the success oi' the a~ icexl,~t~.y;otia7. yeer? depends on that. The papex reveals that the Oblast trade union,, cif`. rxgz?i~:`uJ..tu::r.?,,1 ~rorl~ers hexr~ remained -indifi'erent to ?8the? serious shortcomings in the 1.i?v3ng s`~~d-~~:'d a~' the mech&r~.zersB9~ and ?suggests that the ~re1.i`are services far them 8?be pl.s,ce?~~. und.ex the auspices?A of the ~'artya Soviet, at~.d a~icultural tio~:~ A1nor~,g tl~e~ suggested remedied r~;i:?e tPpxaper rest premises1? for the mecha~nfzers9 . ~xid t~;~t~ .th~~ Cr~nsumers Obopexetive IFnion should organize rural trade in such a way ~xF; to m`c%s~: goody ?1avs,il.ab~,e to evexy consumer.P? ? ~~,~. ~ing ~~r,~w e:x:~:e~rpts '~~n same oi' th~a othex agricultural items broadcast by the "'~~r ~:~~: ~.ei~t"istn,.`~.,`t;i;ers:~ 3.n chronological order; ?',': ~.. w ~ ~.. ~".~`~ p~..ens~x~r sesr;ian. , .noted unsatis:factaxy. work at a number off' machixie-tractor '?icr~^ : :ert the ablasta They delay the execution o~ egreements concluded with other . t ~~.1?~.~ L~- .~.~;;~a. ~,.?.~~er the qus.7.ity oi' laboxe (ZARXA editorial). ~;P?r'~. ~s, ~~~,r:~~,r:~s~~ ~~t individual kolkhozes and machine-tractor stations have revealed many ::~~:zor%: ~~:~:m:.~.+.~ f~,; ~h3ch muse be removed at vnc~ sa that the sawing of spring craps Cara be,. ~.~,x?ri~d oa'"~~ ~D61~~ Sylin i?rom Vinnitsa). ~ 3.~--'G7~ must ncrt :~ox~get that in ~, number o~ rayons attention to the quality. oi' 'i:he so~:~:ng is still, lsckingP (MOLOT editorial, I~astov-ion-Dan) Apr ~ ~ ~~~ ~'~dc.~~?~'t;isi'actory px~ogrees o~ cattan planting is noted in 2lyichevskiy, Pakht ~~l~alskiy, Chimkent, `I';yu3:lt'ubasskiy, Geargievskiyq and Sayxamskiy Rayans4 One G?~ t~.h~ ~~'=o~ t impe~r't;r~t :e~=~sas~ i"ax? the lag,-. ,in these rayons ~.s the poor use ai' sowing and bs,d lab~sr organization,. (~ffIASTAN'SKAYA FRA'VDA,, Alma-Ata). Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110009-7