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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 25X1 vv, .' IMP UttM&l 1.UN 'ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY '' REPORT NO. INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. .COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT INDICATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL VULNERABILITIES HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE AIR THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENS^ OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE-ACT 50 U. S. C., SI AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM 15 PROHIBITED. SOURCE. Monitored Broadcasts CPW Report No THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION (1V[$r. , 25 -.Apr. 7, 1952) The Republican Supreme Soviet sessions are still heavily publicized on the regional transmitters as is the recent reduction of retail prices. Agricultural propaganda, though greater than normal in volume due to the sowing campaign, does not concentrate on any particular phase:''sf field work. The main objective is to get the work started, and official' prodding extends i- _all directi`cns--labor organization, technical preparedness-and intensified Socialist competition, In a collective letter to Stalin, the Ukrainian agricultual workers promise to improve the Republicas poor performance in the production of maize, groats and kok-saghyz (rubber bearing plant). Political education and self-education of Communists and Komsomols continues to claim considerable official attention. The lukewarm attitude of some Communist organizations toward the acceptance of new members is castigated as unworthy of Bolshevik, leadership, LX NAVY IN CHANGE TO VLA$SIEIED CLASSIFICATION V\ I DATE OF Mar o 25 - INFORMATIONApr. 7, 1952 DATE DIST. 2-3 MAV -2- NO. OF PAGES 7 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. CHANGE TO UNCLASSIFIED PER REGRADING BULLETIN NO. - Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 25X1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CPW Report No. 29-A (Mar. 25 - Apr. 7, 1952) DATE PUBLISHED: CONTENTS AZERBAIJAN ECONOMY ..........0*0-- 1 RETAIL TRADE ,,,,Q40 0000 00 ? 0000 3 AGRICULTURE 8 . , PARTY ACTIVITIES ................. 5 MISCELLANEOUS .................... 6 Azerbai~an Econ.omv Criticized: The Azerbaijani Finance Minister?s budget message (Apr, 2) to the current session of the Republics Supreme Soviet as well as the speeches of some of the deputies reveal a variety of shortcomings ranging from inadequate medical service to embezzlement of State funds. The Ministry of Cinematography, accord- ing to the Finance Minister, has sustained losses instead of accummulating a surplus as envisaged by the plan. The State Publishing House "has not been fulfilling" the plan for publishing university and technical school text books, "Unlawful spending" is attributed to practically every financial and banking organization of the Republic but no further details are offered. The Minister intimates, however, that irregulari- ties in the disposition of State funds are not confined to any particular organization or locality- The Ministries, the banks, administrations and executive committees must improve the quality of financial supervi- sion and intensify the struggle for the economical spend- ing of State funds. The building trusts of the Azerbaijan SSR and Baku City did not keep their pledge to reduce construction costs in 1951, and "incurred heavy losses." Organization of labor, mechanization of manual work and the production of local building materials are said to have been neglected altogether, Budget Committee Chairman Kuliev discloses (Apr. 3) that the "serious shortcomings" in the collection of taxes, already noted during the previous session of the Supreme Soviet,, have not been eliminated. In 1951, he says, a "considerable part" of the appropriations for the national economy and social services remained unused. Expressed in practical terms, it means that much of the work for which the funds had been appropriated has not been done. Involved in this'are the Ministries of Agriculture, Cotton Production, Forestry, Water and Irrigation and Aolkhozes: Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 (They failed to increase the area) under agricultural production and forest belt planting 00 construction work in kolkhozes9 irrigation works, strengthening of machine- tractor stations and improvement of stock breeding Kuliev also admits that the heads of certain Ministries and central organizations of the Republic have not bothered to improve their "internal administrative supervision" for many years. This is particularly true of the Communal Economy and Foodstuffs Ministries which have not looked into the financial activities of their respective subordinate organizations "since 19490" Deputy Agenesian complains that his native Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast has been neglected by a number of Republican organizations, among them the Rural Electrification authorities. Some hydroelectric power plants scheduled to have been constructed years ago, he says, have not yet been completed. The Republican Ministries of Commerce and Local Industries "have not rendered the necessary assistance" to the Autonomous Oblast. The result is low labor productivity in a number of enterprises, rising produc- tion costs and no improvement in quality. Two other deputies declared that the Building Trust Administration has not completed its 1951 housing construction plan, and that the construction of public buildings is "even worse." True to the Communist pattern, the sharply criticized Ministers of Health and Foodstuffs appeared to "present their views" and pleaded guilty on all counts (Apr. 4)o Following are some of the admissions made by Health Minister Aliyev- ... we have failed to raise our health services to the level of the heroic labor of our workers. The villages of the Republic have not yet-been provided with a suffi- cient number of medical workers 0000 A considerable part of the ... appropriations has not been spent due to the negligence of the Ministry of Health and its local organs.... No action was taken to improve the delivery of foodstuffs to hospitals. Foodstuffs Minister Kerkarian similarly admitted the "just criticism" of the various deputies- There are serious shortcomings in the work of the food- stuffs industries of the Republic .... Generally, in the enterprises of the Ministry millions of rubles were spent unproductively in 1951 .o.. We have received many complaints from consumers about quality. Discussing the reconstruction of Kirovabad city, Deputy Allabyarli says that progress has been slowed by the "infiltration of (unscrupulous) men" into various communal and economic trusts of the tom- "cases of stealing State funds have occurred." Considerably less publicity is given to the Georgian SSR Supreme Soviet session. According to a report carried by ZARYA VOSTOKA and broadcast by Tbilisi on Apr. 5, BarlamovitQh Gogua was released from his duties as Chairman of the Presidium "in view of his moving to other work" (vvidu ego ukhoda na druguyu rabotu) and Chkhubianishvili, hitherto Chairman of the Council of Ministers, elected in his stead. Baramia, member of the Presidium, was expelled for "not justifying the trust placed in him by the electorate" (za neopravdanie doveria izbirateley)o A similar reason is given for the expulsion of Shonia of the Permanent Legislative Commission and Chochibaya of the Permanent Budgetary Commission. Loladze was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs o Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 Retail Trade; The recent reduction of retail prices"is extensively publicized in familiar terms for home and foreign audiences, and the favorable reaction to it in the foreign press is quoted at length. A report from Simferopol on Apr. 6 indicates that the Crimean Oblast retail trade organizations are run so badly as to endanger the food situation there o Cases of "crudest violation of Soviet trade principles" (grubeisheye narushenie printsipov sovetskoy torgovli) are said to be common in such popular resort cities as Yevpatoria, Yalta, and Feodosia. In Simferopol, Sebastopol, and Kerch there are "not enough shops" selling vegetables and fruit. The Oblast meat trust ( raso-trest), fish trust (ryb-sbyt), and milk trust (moloko-trest) are said to "have tolerated delays" in supplying the sanitariums and the public at large with meat, fish, ice cream, and other dairy products A s?icul.t+xrea The secondary role assigned to agronomists in agriculture is bemoaned by the leading Smolensk and Stalingrad Oblast papers. RABOCHIY PUT (Mara 29) reminds the Party and agricultural officials that the agronomist is not "simply an adviser, e" as many still seem to think, but "an organizer of kolkhoz and aovkhoz production, an initiator of higher efficiency of land cultivation and greater yields. The editorial inveighs against the "harmful practice" of burdening the agronomists with office work since their place is in "the production sector" of the collective farms, machine-tractor stations and brigades o STALING YA PRAVDA (Mar. 30) admits that the chief problem of spring sawing and stockbreeding "has not yet been solved" because the standard of agriculture in the .blast has not been raised to the required level. The only way to remedy the situa- tion, the paper suggests, is to give the agronomist a free hand in agricultural produc- tion as he alone is capable of applying and popularizing the latest achievements of science. The most "elementary rules" of crop rotation, the paper concludes, are frequently violated because the agronomist ? s advice is left unheeded. The shepherd, says a report from Alma-Ata quoting KAZAXHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA (Mar o 25), fills a definite need in agriculture and should not be ignored U The livestock industry,f particularly sheepbreeding9 the paper hints, must be improved from below, not from above o The "correct selection" of shepherd cadres, therefore, is of the utmost importance for the industry. These strictures are directed against the "formalistic approach" and "indifference" on. the part of Agricultural officials to the matter of selecting the. right kind of shepherds who are called upon to "play a great role" in the implementation of the State plans. Farm labor organization is virtually nonexistent, in some districts of Izmail Oblast according to P IDUNAISKAYA PRAVDA (Marv 26) The fact has been revealed that in some agricultural artels of Starokazatskiy Rayon the field brigades have not had any land assigned to them 000 other artels of the same rayons have not had any draft animals, agricultural machinery, equipaaent., transport and so on since the organization (of the system) and up to the present time.. Formalism and underestimation of brigade work and production assignments must be eliminated once and for all, insists STALINGRADSKAYA PRAVDA Mar ~ 29)a The produc- tion assignment is a "fundamental document," (osnovnoy dokument), the paper asserts, and ignoring it may jeopardize the entire agricultural program, Qust how far "folisnm" and red tape can go is cited in the practice of last year when "many tractor and husbandry brigades received their prod-action assignments after the completion of the spring sowing campaign U" Discussing the evils of bureaucracy in agriculture, MOLOT (Mara 30) points to the collective farm chairman as one of the potential sources. Many of them, says the paper, "fail to observe the defined regulations and the democratic order" in direct- ing the activities of their artelso Collective farm chairman. are also said to Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 1%W11 1%001 "frequently reduce the role of the other administration members"" and arrogate too much power for themselves o The paper mentions no names or plao es, but urges all the Party "affiniza corm to int:ene ify their vigilance over the activities of many collective farm chairmen since they "" ... strive to take everything upon themselves o" The enormous Vol e of broadcast material on the various aspects of agricultural organization aonrected with spring sowing probably accounts for the reduced output on livestock. Reports from Novosibirsk and Alma Ata, however, indicate that this branch of agriculture is still under thl watchful eye of the Party. SOVETSKAYA SIBIR (Mar, 27) points out that in. at least two rayons-?Dovolenskiy and Chulymskiy?mthe cattle and fodder situation is grave enough to demand iaediate attention. Fodder is not "prepared in advance"" and the rattle premises are "badly kept.,, This'. says the paper, is due to time ""regrettable attitude" of certain collective farm leaders and Executive Oo~ P te> toward livestock breeding in general, The livestock situation, in the opinion of KAZA STANS tYA PRAVDA (Apra `), is so grim that it is "essential to direct the maximum number of Oar":misfits and Komsomol,ss to s?t;'ock.farms and o 0 4 pasture- lands o" The paper is unusually frank in its admission that the unsatisfactory supervision, over this leading branch of agriculture resulted in the fact that the kolkhozes and ssov]E +ozes failed to fulfill the 3-year? plan for developing stockbreeding, the f odder base was not. created and losses in heads of cattle were perm?tted Preparations for cotton planting have been subject to unnecessary delays because of the "Insufficient as istan> e" (nedosta'tochno p osh,hi) given to the cotton workers by the Party, Soviet and agricultural organs. declares ; ZNESN 'IY aBO iIY of Mar. 29, The paper does not, specify the type of assistance that is wi.t:hhheld from the competing workers beyond the a. sertiorn that they are "not provided with the nonditions needed" for the succeassful implementation of their undertaking o The latter? however, is more clearly, defined in the reminder that the current competition is designed to make 'up for past failings, and is held tinder the slogan I'Let Us Reply Our Deb` to the Motherland"" (vozmeas:tit dolg rodire) o A thorough investigation of the "lagging activities(ot.stavanie of the Crimean, cotton kolkhozes is demanded by IW .Y4 PFAVDA on Apr o 5 Here, too, past failures are said to be repeated on an oblast wide scale.- the Oblast co ,ton administration "must recognize last year.?s mistakes" and take the .necessary steps to prevent their recurrernce 0 ) e a ing of cotton brigades and squads is being carried out very slowly "in .the majority of kolkhozes, " while seed transportation and fertilizer deliveries have not yet been completed o The cotton farms of Chernomorskoye, Pervoma.iskoye, and "" several other"" rayons are said to be the worst of the lot o Conti .ing technical deficiencies and the shortage of skilled machine operators are discussed briefly in reports from Kursk and Stalingrad Oblasts 0 The timely completion. of the tractor'. agricultural machinery and equipment repairs, says -KURSKA.YA PRAVDA (Mar. 30), is "amoang the important matters" claiming in ediete attentions Another is the training of qualified drivers'. mechanics and brigade leaders which is essential for the fulfillmer:t of the State plane o Ponyrovskiy, Peleraikhinskiy, Konyshevskiy, Shchigrovskiy, and Pristenskiy Rayon Soviets are soverely criticized for their "inadmissible unconsr-ientiouxs attitude"" toward t:he whole question of preparations for spring cotton planting, 6TALINc .ADS AYA FRAVDA (Apr o 2) states that in P'rolovo, Frunze and "" -ertain other" rayons the machine-tractor stations have not completed the repairs of the required number of tractor stations have not co pleted the repairs of the required number of tractors and other agricultural maachinery 4 This, says the editorial, is further aggravated by the failure to distribute the necessary amount of fertilizer, to man the tractor and field brigades with qualified personnel, and to improve the welfare services for the kolkhozniks in the fields o Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 5 Party Activities- Co tunist and Komsomol political self-education is dealt with in a number of radio and press items, all of them urging still greater efforts and better results in the mastery of Marxism-Leninism, Seminars for political propagandists in charge of study groups and circles are usually organized at the beginning of the school year'and maintairved for the duration of the term. According to MOL0T (Mar. 25), how- ever; 'this is not always the case. The seminar opened at Rostov Party Education Center "ceased operations" and. was forgotten after the first two sessions. Similar cases have also been noted elsewhere o Lack of Party.attention to the political education of group and independent Komsomol students is said to be responsible for the "unsatisfactory attendance" of classes9 seminars, and study groupsa In some (unnamed) rayons, it is pointed out, political studies by io omols and Communists alike "have not eves begun yet9" and, the primary Party organizations whose duty it is to supervise political education are not doing anything about it. The result is the familiar "low political level" of the students as well as their propagandist-instructors The prevailing ""fo aalismma"" in political education is crittic.ized by 3OCHIY PUT (Mar. 30) C Mary rayon Party comittees, it is z,~laimed9 "have lost sight of the necessity" to engage in political studies which resulted in a drop of the political and ideological level of the few remaining students An "irresponsible approach" to Coraunist self-education is charged by MOLOT (Apr 4 2) , Listing the familiar epithets of 1" forxralioamm, " dogmatism." and "wrong approach,,!' the paper makes it clear that with- out the elimination of these shortcomings well-organized political studies are un- thinkable o The following rayons are said to be particularly backward in this respect-. Zheleznodorozhniy9 Leninskiy, Ordzhonikidze,, Nikolayev, Alexandrov and Azov, STALINGR S .AYA P V A (Apr, 6) complains of the discrepancy between the registration of students and actual studies a It has been revealed, says the paper, that many of the students "are only registered" as studying whereas in actual fact they simply "refrain from political self--education" on various pretexts a - This applies to the oblast as a whole but Sudarins 9 Rudnsya, and.. several othea (unnamed) rayons are said to be more backward than the others. Nepotism or what is euphemistically referred to as I' mutual tolerance, of mistakes." is charged to the Donlins r Rayon Party Committee by DYAt SKA UB k NIA on Mar, 25 Unfortunately, says the paper, this malpractice is not confined o t the named rayon alone- "Similar situations are occurring in other rayon i~ of the oblast 0" The enormous fluctuation of Co iunist cadres is said t,o be prompted by the reluctance of Co nist officials to expose (razoblachit) the mistakes of their coll.,eagues o "Woebegone leaders who have disgraced the elves"" are shifted from post to post where they commit grave mistakes "ove..r and o rer again 0" In auy cases, it is asserted, executive Communist personnel is selected without regard to "political and business a,bil.itiesa" The chief and only duty of the machine-tractor station Party organizations, says PRA'A editoriallry on Mar o 289 is the political education of the farmers, not, farming per se as is the case with many machine. tractor stations in Altai Krai d The 8, 680 machine -tracxtor stations of the USSR, including the specialized stations, have already done much 'oward. the 6 mplete mechanization of agriculture 0 Much more could be done, it is intimated, if the Party organizations kept their end of the job in step with the general development- The focal point of the Party organization's activity is ... the education of a Socialist attitude toward work and public property, the struggle for a strict observance of State interests o Russian version.- Glavnoye v deyatelnosti partiynoy organizatsii o0 vospi'tame sotalalisticheskogo otnoshenia k trudu i obschestvernnoy sobstve:nnostt,i, borba za strogoye soblu denie interesov gosudarstvao Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0 25X1 This criticism is proimttdd primarily by the lack of attention displayed by Krai Party to the deputy directors of the machine exactor stations in char:c the stations' Party affairs. ? The constant "reshuffling" (smenyaemost) of the ?. c' . the paper says, has an adverse effect on the political education of the x>>r. .i. cI '-robs because "the success of any undertaking is, in the final anal ys i..s, dote i ;:; r people, cadres- and their political guidancell '(uspekh lubogro del,, v i.conechnc7.n scile t:> reshayut lyudip kadri, politicheskaya rabota s nisi). Among the items published but not broadcast is an unsigned report . ro;_z Lenin, (Apra 2) on the "thoughtless attitude" (,leg korq.-slernoye otnoshen' e) tcti. ar. 6, rent and admission of candidates to full Part;,- membership, It is di..sclosec "iat number of Party Committees but for gotten about the en.nc3 ic'ates, and b question of their for Party meriiership has not even been discussc, long time o" In Korov Rayon, for example, more than 100 cenr'?i d.a.tes are kept out Party school network while nothing is being cone about a lar ;e number of cane a other rayons of the oblast whose nrobat for terms ?,^:,e ex lrq (rresroe -)onn I c to ~h) , A dispatch from Azerbaijan (Apr. 2, not brcaccest) saps that the r::rtrcl. C,crei ~t~ ' the Republic's Communist Party is in accord with PRAV1.)A's crit i cs mm (-~f Feb. -16 he "scholastic methods" (shkoll.arskie meted.) emplo;? ed In ng; Party- propa ,and:l .ts . 1 he C tPartJ whose ,pro'c ands. sts arc is ,.)J Th'. s is said to. be parti.eulUxly true of known for their "low political and ideological level." ( i c.l:_,sm in 'che Soviet ?o l.e, is meaning of the tP m means theoretical abstraction, detached from the actual of everyday life~) The Azerbaijan, local press, accord to the Central. Comm:i.ttee, has failed in its duties of publicizing the Party school net,;:c;rk and. political education, and is publishing very few theoretical articles to aid the independent students of Marxism-Leninism. Niacin .aneouso A short review of the recently published book by .^..vdi_ev "The Ancient East" .s carried in a TASS-transmission to Europe on Mar,' 15. hanging the "falsifica- tions" of the -Anglo-American historians, the sc:tonti_st-author is said to have "established the irrefutable fact" that the history of the peoples of the ancient East developed "on the basis of rules established. by Marxist-Leninist teachings ,..." A popular science book by Zakharchenko "A Trip Into Tomorrow" (Home Service, 30)' discusses an artificial satellite of this planet placed by the Soviet people at a distance of 350 kilometers from the earths surface. This book, says the report, is based on "actual achievements of our progressive science and technology." The decipherment of the spectrum (rsshifrovka spektra) is credited to Stalin Prim- winning scientist Severny. That discovery is said to_ make it possible to understand the influence of flashes on the upper: strata of the earth's atmosphere, Seversy has s:i_M'.lax? also designed a new type of light filter which "surpasses in quali.t;y+' all filters abroad. (in Russian, Apr. 4) In a Home Service questions and-ansm;ers broadcast (Apra 4) -t is wol.ntecl cut that the first synthetic rubber in the world. es produced by the noted Soviet scic.n-i;-'st Lebedev. He also worked out the process for the production of s -nthet i.c rubber. Soviet scientists are likewise assigned the "leading role" (vedushc',a,ra rol) in the solution of the problems of catalytic chom?istry. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-04864A000200110006-0