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Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4 26253 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY: Denmark/Sweden/USSR/Greece/Spain DATE-., SUBJECT Flying Projectiles ORIGIN As stated EVALUATION OF SOURCE : Do cume1'lt r y COMPLETELY USUALLY FAIRLCANNOT BE B C ITTIIE RELIARELIABLE LE JUDGED RELIABLE NAVY j JUS TICE , INFO. As stated 01ST. 9 April 1947 PAGES 4 SUP'LEMENT of CONTENT: Document ?rr%y EVALUATION CONFIRMED PROBABLY POSSIBLY DOUBTFUL PROBABLY CANNOT BE OTHER SOUR. TRUE TRUE FALSE JUDGED STAVE I SOURCE : Within CIG As reported by foreign broadcasts, technical information on rockets and guided missiles activities in Denmark is generally negligible:. The following ng terms, however, do contain, some limited data (mainly speculative) on the speed, dimensions and altitude of flying objects reportedly observed in Scandinavian countries and in other European countries from the middle of July to October, 1946. In compiling the available material,, therefore, not only the Danish radio but other Scandinavian and European sources are cited. "A strange object flying through the air was observed at noon today (July 13) by workmen in Stockholm. The object was round, and appeared to be rather small It sent out a strong blue-green light, but no sound could be heard. It is reported from Hudikavall that railway workers this morning saw an object a few meters long and with backward- sloping wings flying towards the north at a height of about 150 meters. They heard a sound resembling that of an outboard traotor a " (Stockholm., Swedish Home Service, July 13, 1946, 4 p.m. EST-L; FBIB Daily Report for July 15, 1946) "A projectile, flying at a height of from 10 to 20 meters and at great speed from the southeast to northwest, has been observed at a place north of Uppsala? Sweden. When the projectile exploded, it sounded like three bangs following closely on each other, and the smoke which resulted covered an area of 4 or 5 kilometers.,' (Kaalundborg,, Danish Home Service, July 16, 1946, 5:30 a. a. EST -L;FBIB Daily Report for July 17, 1946) "It is reported from Norway that the so-called 'ghost rockets' now appear to have reached the Stavanger area. According to a newspaper report, some Stavanger people observed an object -which gave off a yelloa -red light approaching from the southeast at a great height. The object wa;s traveling at a very high speed, and disappeared towards the northwest." (Stockholm, Swedish Home Service., July 16, 1946, 1:00 p.m. EST -L; FBIB Daily Report for July 17, 1946) ARCHIVAL RECORD PL. AE, RETURN TO AGENCY ARCHIVES, BLDG. A-18- 4 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4 CO:%:1.F I;)L" TI,--% L -2- (2 X73 - 5 "The so-cailod 8 ghost rocket' a ,ain been sighted near Sundsvall where today (July 18) three ~.or fe s saw a cylinder-shaped, shiny object moving in the sky at an altitude of 2UO to 3W meters, noise- lessly and tithout any si.:oke exhaust. It was moving at first towar:s the 'west, but before disappearing, it had a northwesterly course," (Stockholm, Swedish ifOLe Service, July 18, 1946, 1:30 pm. :.ST --L; F131B iiaily iheport for July 19, 1946.) "'.A morning newspaper (unnamed) writes today that the :aysterious pro- jectiles that have been observed over Scandinavia cannot be as ghost planes. The paper writes further: 'Fencing the results of the further invests ;atioris being; made in :;orrbotc.en -- if there is anything left to investigate -- it could be wisheu that the authorities make it known in a suitable way that we do not wish our country to become a target. Those who send out these projectiles apparently wish to know how far they can go and we very kindly 4ve this inf or ati.on in the press, in tele ;errs, onu, reports fromu the different plF cos. Perhaps we ought to stop this in order not to encoura;c any further traffic. If the sender-country did not receive any infor~?ation from us, perhaps they would find it ,gore advantageous to direct the fire to another place less thickly populated, and where it v,ould be equally possible to follob,, the line of the projectiles. Such possibilities over the open sea exist if ships and planes are ha-.ndy, International courtesy should de^;and t: little :ore consideration, even if it would cost a little more in money and trouble, p rovided of course that the ""X" country does not wish to give the practice as much publicity as possible in order to impress "Y" country or "it" country. At the moment the publicity is a :wedish interest and the :,ork is helped by finuirig out what it is all about. To a extent the attention paid to it by the press is a suitable introduction for a severe protest, which cannot be left out when there are results from the investi.-v.tion.'r" (Stockholm, Overseas service in .;ni7lish, July 22, 12:40 p.~.. Z_-T -L; FI3IB )oily Report for July 23, 1946) "Yesterday a visitor from ron4on saw ring projectile:. He told a newspaper it looked like a V-2 bomb. Tha visitor, a hr. F arrison, served in .n:land durinr, the Oar and saw V-i and V-2 bombs countloss times. The Sv~edish Uefcnse staff" is, however, not making a statement on the matter for the time beinu. "" (bitocknolm, Swedish Home Service, August 13, 1946 6:3u a.u, _ST; FEII3 :Daily Report for i,u ;ust 13, 1946) ..."The experts have ascertained with certainty that the 11 centimeter- long object of unknown origin which was found does not come from any stratosphere projectile. The same applies to certain pieces of co; per found. Ttrese have probably been lying on the ground for a long time... nothing has so far been revealed from which one can decide with certainty whether the light phenomena and so forth which have been observed come from.,. stratosphere projectiles..."(Stockholm, Swedish Hofte Service, August 14, 1946, 4:00 p.m. LST; FLUB Daily Report for August 15, 1946) v.,"A flying object somewhat different from those observed previously, was seen this mornin by four people working in a woodyard near one of the large lakes in central iorrland. It resembled a small airplane, and flew at an altitude of about 200 motors, making a hissing noise. It had a short body, a tail and two small vines. The object descended at colossal speed and crashed into the lake.'" (Stockholm, Swedish Home Service, August 14, 1946, 1:00 p.m. dST; MM Daily Retort for ,u ust 15, 1946) Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4 zi ? "In an editorial about the atratospheric bombs which have recently been seen over Sweden, SKAANSKA DAGBLADT says that it is the general assumption that they have a new kind of radio-directed weapon. It is suggested that the Russians have found incomplete German weapons about which there was so much talk in the last phases of the war, and that they are trying to perfect these weapons by experimenting with them over Swedish territory. SKAANSKA DAG3LI+DET continues: 'But a scientist who has seen one is of the opinion that they are meteors. Undoubtedly it will be established shortly which is correct. The Swedish authori- ties are making every effort to clear up the matters The newspaper is of the opinion that the theory of experimenting with weapons is the correct one. Two of the so-called stratospheric rockets were observed early this morning over (Storeby) near Koege. They came from the south and resembled cigars with flames...0ne of the an altitude of about one kilometer and it was possible to follow its course north- ward. The rockets were seen by several people." (Kalundberg, Danish Home Service, August 16, 1946, 11:40 a.m. EST; FBIB Daily Report for August 19, 1946) "Many people say that they saw stratospheric rockets over Oeresund last night. Two oblong, glowing objects moving from south to north with smoke coming out of their tails were seen at (Snekkesten)." (Kalundberg, Danish Home Service, August 18, 1946, 5:30 a.m. EST; FBIB Daily Report for August 19, 1946.) "This morning a stratospheric projectile was observed over a town in southern Sweden which exploded with a loud bang when it met a hailstorm. Afterward a strong smell of gunpowder was noticed. The explosion was so strong that the houses shook. It was about 500 meters high. After the explosion what appeared to be a mist collected, and it was still to be observed after the hailstorm had passed. According to meteorological experts, who were approached by the Air Defense Division of the General Staff, a very probable explanation is that it was a tornado in connection with a very strong flash of lightning. The object which was believed to be seen might have been a so-called 'coil of cloud' from the tornado." (Stockholm, Swedish Home Service, August 16, 1946, 1:00 p.m. EST; F BIB Daily Report for August 19, 1946.) "A report from Goeteborg say that a mysterious bright light and violent explosion thought to have come from a so-called stratospheric projectile, caused some anxiety at two farms in Central Sweden late on Friday evening (Aug. 16). The explosion occurred so near the buildings that it was at first feared that a barn had caught fire. The explosion was heard round about the farms and at some places a bright light resembling a meteor was seen shortly before the blast. Some observers say that they are convinced that the stratospheric projectile was an ordinary meteor." (Stockholm, Swedish Home Service, August 18, 1946, 6:40 a.m. EST; FBIB Daily Report for August 19, 1946.) "Before the big autumn maneuvers of the Swedish Air Arr, the Air Arm has given some big exhibitions at Karlsborg. The main objective was to give the 1945 Defense Investigation Committee an idea of how the Air Arm works and what resources it has. At the same time, the Chief of the Air Arm, General Nordenskioeld, took the opportunity of inspecting his forces. A new weapon had its premiere: a rocket projectile which is shortly to be put into productions at Bofors. The guests were very much impressed by what they saw." (Stockholm, Swedish Home Service, August 21, 1946, 6:30 a.m. EST; FBIB Daily Report for August 22, 1946.) Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4 CONFIDENTIAL -4- 6 "The NEW TIMES in its news section against 'iisinformation and Calumny' exposes the anti-Soviet campaign launched in Sweden in connection with the fabrication about the flight of mysterious rockets, the provocative rumors about the arrest of German children in Soviet-occupied Gern-anya,o" (Moscow, Soviet European Service, in Lngliah to the United Kingdom, September 4, 1946, 11:00 a.m. EST; FBIB Daily Report for September 5, 1946) "During the past 2 days several aircraft of unknown nationality have been seen over Bornholm. During the same time ghost rockets have been observed over the western areas of Denmark." (Oslo, Norwegian Home Service, September 11, 1946) "According to press dispatches from Patras, two rockets coming from the north were seen crossing the skies over the city on the night of Saturday to Sunday (September 14 - 15). (Athens, in French for "Friends of Greece Abroad", September 16, 1946, 3:30 p.m. EST; FBIB Daily Report for September 17, 1946) "Tetuan -- The CIFRA agency announced that during the nights of last iedncsday, Thursday and Friday, 'reddish-green balls of fire' passed over Tangiers and, linking them with similar fire balls which recently wore reported over Sweden and France, the agency suggested in careful terms that they could be flying bombs." (Paris, %FPs, in French :arse to Latin America and Canada, September 16, 1946, 11:35 a.m. EST; FBIB Daily Report for September 18, 1946.) "Oviedo -- A ball of luminous green light was seen to cross the spry in the early morning by a number of people. The ball had an appearance of what the press described as what a flying bomb looks like." (Valladolid, Spanish Home Service, September 19, 1946,.7:30 a.m. 1ST; FBIF Daily Report for September 20, 1946.) This dont contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C. 31 and 32, as amended, Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in aW manear to an uwatherized person is prohibited bar lam. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010004-4