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"~'s`rciAA- 25X1A2g Sanitized - Approved For Release: CTA 78-04861A0001000 Absorption of acund in helium II I. M.._Khalatnikov , T 009t 7 CPYRGHT (J. Exp. Theor.. Phys. 9 USSR, 20, 2L.3, 1950). Summary The present paper, is an attempt to construct the thenry of the absorption of first and second sound in helium II.. As slow processes leading to absorption of sound in helium II fare co sidered processes of emission and absorption of elementary excitations (phonons and rotons The temperature dependences of the absorption coefficients of first and second sound are determined. The question of the second viscosity of helium II is discussed, and expressions are obtained for the four coefficients of se:,ond viscosity of helium II. 1. Introduction. The fact that helium II has a non-zero viscosity must in itself lead to absorption of sound propagated in helium II. However the anomalously low viscosity (*) has not per- mitted the discovery of the effects of absorption in helium II for sound waves of relatively low frequencies. Only recently has it been possible to discover the absorption of ordinary sound in helium II (1). The fre- quency of the sound used for this purpose was about 108 cyc/sec, Since in helium II the specific heats C and , are practically equal, the absorption of sound connected with conductivity does not occur. Thus all the absorption observed in,these experiments must be due to viscosity.. :Howeve,"`the calculation of the coefficient of viscosity from the absorption data gave values roughly an order.of magnitude higher than the values from Andronikashvili's -measurements (2). This discrepancy suggests that besides ordinary viscosity, helium II also has the so-called second viscosity. Moreover the processes of establishment of equilibrium in helium II must occur relatively slowly. Of the order of 105 poise from 1.5 - 2?K. Sanitized - Approveq. fpf Ielease - .CIA- RDP78-04861 x000100030009-1 Sanitized - Approve CPYRGHT 1 2. As was showh previously (3), the establishment of energy equilibrium in the phonon and -roto.n gases takes place faster than the scattering processes determining the first viscosity. As regards exchange of energy between the phonon and roton gases',: this takes place mostly by scattering of phonons and rotons. The calculation of the-relaxation time for processes establishing temperature` equilibrium between, the phonon and roton gases (in the presence of energy ? ,equilibrium in each gas separately) showed that this process is also faster than the processes of scattering of the elementary excitations responsible 'for ordinary viscosity., Thus the processes indicated for the establishment. of energy equilibrium can- not be responsible for the anomalously.; large absorption of first sound in helium II. T.eonly relatively slow processes of helium II are.the proce?ssses of establishment of equilibrium with respect'to numbers bf phonons and rotons (compare (3). 6) Thus we shall start out from tho assumption that it is just. these processes'which determine the second viscosity o,f,helium II. The dispersion of '*sound in helium II, which is possible i,n pri,nciple9 (i.e. dependence of velocity on frequency), has a'lso..not been observed up to the..present time (4). It will be shown below that the sound waves used were not of suf- ;ficiently high frequency and so the dispersion was not achieved. 2, Absorption and emission of -phonons and rotons. For collisions of phonons and.rotons, processes are F i possible as a'"result of which the total number of rotons and phonons can change. All such processes in helium II may be divided into three types.- (a) processes in which phonons are emitted or absorbed; (b) processes in which rotons are emitted or absorbed; (c) processes in. which rotons are con- vert'ed into phonons' or. vice versa., We shall now consider the' rmast pr.obabl,e..,processes each type.. Only the fastest of''the indicated processes will boS4Qftix1ntA rQmQ0 FQrE }base : CIA-RDP78-04861 A000100030009-1 _ ;C)A-RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 ' i, , ~ 4 Sanitized - Approves ?1 se i RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 4 CPYRGHT Emission and absorption of phonons 3. In the collision of two phonons, processes are possible leading to a change in the total number of phonons. The' simplest of these processes -- ? the.three-phonon process is forbidden because of the impossibility of the simultaneous fulfilment of energy. Thus absorption or two phonons. We start liquid (5) the two conservation laws of momentum and we consider a 5-phonon process -consisting of emission of a third phonon for collision of with the Hamiltonian function of the quantum where Y and are respectively the velocity and den- sity of the liquid and is tine energy per unit mass of the liquid. The non-vanishing terms of the matrix elements for transitions of three phonons into two are obtained from the cubic terms in the energy for the third approxima- tion of the perturbation theory, from the cubic and fourth order terms in the second approximation and from the fifth order terms in the first approximation (} is the deviation of the. density from its value in a stationary liquid). We express the hamiltonian (2.1) in the form of a ~-- - H 0 + V3 + v4 -- where H 0 is the density of sei nd ?_;-,nergy containing. terms (2.2) quadratic in r.. and V3, V and V5 containing respectively the terms ' of ,third, fourth and fifty. order with respect top} With the help of (2.2) in which the terms V39.V4 and V5 are considered as. asmall perturbation, we matrix element of the transiti.on- (v3)4r t'3 6~3 AF T)l Sanitized Approved Fd obtain for the - E-- - E_ v5 a%e . CI DP78-04 61At0010~fl30009-1 L , 61 - ?3 Sanitized - Approved For . se#:,C,JA.-RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 CPYRGHT. When di.$persion,is neglected9 the occurrence of ,,a denominator of,,.the resonance type for small angles between ,, the. moments of, the colliding phonons leads to divergence of the first rzns: . in (2.3) (3). Taking account of the dispersion. of the te ,phonon.part of the energy spectrum i.e. of the fact that the energy is not a strictlylinear function of the momentum of,th.e phonon, eliminates the divergences of the terms indicated. It is easy to see that only those transitions will be significant' which are described by the first sum some of the terms of ~,hiah contain in their denominators products of two expr_ssions ter..r?.ng to zero for neglect of the dispersion and ` ) . T es we shall leave in the matrix clement only the' first stun deh_:'1 % ding on the terms V~ of the .1 'V 0, Suppose that. in the initial phonons with momenta th._r(f order in -x- C( A`2 sta'C' (A) we have three 9 A , and in the final state (F) two ph_cnbn.s with momenta and Altogether there are possible only s veral no of intermediate i-oces- ses (I and II.) through which the transition from state A to state F can take place. Howe for, es has a ready been poi ntc.i out, the si ` ificant ones will be only those intermediate states for which at small angles 'o e7 s?efl the r omenta o: phonons we have siwjlt`._aaeously+ i V r r .r a a~ .. ~- J o 5, The dispersion in question here must not be confused with the dispersion of sound' i.e. w;_th the phenomenon of the dependence of the velocity of sounel on frequency. + It turns out that there are altogether 27 special inter- mediate states, but owing to tee conservation laws only 15 intermediate sta ses satisfy the condition (2.5)..awhich particular ones depend on the relations between the magnittr(91 of the momenta. schematically the transitions through the 27 ,indicated intermediate states can be represented in the fol- Sanitized - Aofovd Release : QCIA-RDP7(8-04861A000100030009-1 Na3L. D' Sanitized - Approved CPYRGHT . k IA-R0P78-04861 A000100030009-1 5. From what has been -----Id it is absolutely clear that the calculation of probabilities of the transition considered Z7r )J? (2.6) is an extremely complicated operation. Such a.calculation has hardly any sense at, the present time. The point is that the basic parameters of the theory of the differential coef- ficients of the first three orders of r, the velocity of sound with respect to density and especially the dispersion parameter are known only very roughly (3). Thus we shall limit ourselves to establishing the relations between the probability of transition and 'the energy of. collision of the phonons, This will completely determine the temperature variation of the quantities which interest us. The non-vanishing matrix elements of the Fourier components'%of the density have, according to (3), the form ' F ilf+ c e /r-~ ~n,+ I e) ,(2.7) 6P, To establish the temperature variation of any average with respect to all phonons of the probability of the process considered in (2.6), there is no need to identify the - )lli- ding phonons. Thus we may omit the indices in the momenta of the phonons. In this way we have from (2.4) and (2.7) r 3/ EA- EI For instance, the difference of energiesffor a concrete example when we have in the intermediate state t two phonons with momenta and 7 may be writtei in the form (fly: 91 where f1aJnare the unit vectors. in the directions of the corresponding momenta, The matrix element of the transition will contain in its denominators the products of two expres- sions of the type (2.8). We recall that taking account of dis.~persion, the dependence of the energy on the momentum of th.e phonorhas the form (see (3)) Sanitized - Approved Emf F Olea ef; IA-RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 CPYR~MTitized - Approved For` eleas / P78-04861 A0001000300pP-1 In the present context we are naturally not interested in the angular distribution of phonons. Thus we average (2.6) over the angles made by the momenta of the colliding phanons and integrate over the phase volume of the momenta of'the"scatt?ered. phonons. The necessary integration over angles* proves, to b. quite simple owing to the smallness of the terms in the denominator Hof the expression for. wici to ccount of di.ave (Compare (3) Para. Without:dwelling on the fairly simple'calcu.lations, 3 give the final result obtained for the probabilities averaged over angles 2). (2.9) L t'..the total number of phonons per unit volume (not in The rate. of., ,change of general the equilibrium valu_1e) )e Pl~ the number.'.of; phonons due to the "7-phonon process,..may be vrr++,e-n' i.n +he form J ~n. njn3(h4-i ~Ypi ?h~ - (n~-t + t fl{r~s+r1 < n ,y w v ~ _ :..._ (2.10 ) ..If _th.etotal number of phonons is not equal to the equilibrium value this means that the distri~;ution function y.'contains a non-zero chemical potential ,N For small deviations from e~iuilibrium, the, function ( can be expanded in powers of',1,$ , and-considering only the linear terms in iJ(P we have (2.11) The function n with suffix 0 corresponds to the equi.li- brium distribution for phonons (A .o). After some straight- forward transformations with the help of (2.11), (2.10) takes the form 41x Y1 F Pl ~try ~ n ry 53 l 20 iU 4D 30 t 7t q . Denoting by r~ the coefficient in the equation connectir-, the rate of change of and the quantity )A+y , we have according to (2.10') I (((( ~- kT tondo n30 619o4 f n~~ 1) W ~1 e., e P3 _. Sanitized - Approved For ReJea$e :CIA-RDP78- 4861 A000100030009-1 t' T T ?,-1 ,f4 l CPYRGIitized '- Approved Pefeas CTkLkDP78=04861A000100030009-1 7, Without great loss of precision we may neglect the dis- tribution functions ~(1*4,' and 'So compared with unity in the integrands in (2.12). The integration over the phase volumes of the momenta of the three colliding phonons ( el 9 can then be. carried out, whicta allows J 3 to be replaced by W reducing the number of integrations by one. We obtain in this way T 1H0n30 CJ (2.l, ' ) The integrand in (2.12') is proportional toAfter integrating (2.12')' over the momenta of the,: colld'i'rig 'phonons we obtain for the temperature law for ' (2.13) .T i~q~e r where 0., i.s a temperature4 coefficient'.,. The expression (2.13) determines the temperature varia- tion of just the quantity which enters significantly into our further calculations. r`-ion and, absorption of roto3is. A collision between two rotons may be associated with emission or absorption of a third roton. Accurate expres- sions for the probability of Y:rocesse,s of this kind cannot be obtained since the interaction function betweeh'two rotons is not known., The energy g of a roton of momentum p is known (5 to be equal to = A+ (p-po) 2/2? where ,po and p. are parameters. If two rotons with momenta pl a"d. p2 coll..de a third roton can be emitted only if the condition (1/2k) PP1-po2 + (p2'po)2 j .~ (2.14) is complied with; this follows from the conservation law for the energy. It follows from the form of the energy spectrum that most of the rotons have momenta of the magnitude po. ' Therefore condition (2.14) is very ;ringent. 'It may be ? 1tizedc Approed F iroRe yCt'A AE)F 0486IA000110 O9-1 is extremely small. L r i_ 4J i 9 4$ 1J i L CPYRG itized - Approved Fob ; t A-R13 78-04861A000100030009-1 Let P be the number of rotons per unit volume; if it is not equal to the equilibrium density then the rate of approach to equilibrium, Np, may in a similar way to that used previously be written as 2915) W ;ere ? is the chemical potential of the roton gas. If as asserted, the probability for a five-roton- ._.. process is very small, then the quantity must also be small. It is accordingly assumed that 2.16) at .all temperatures below the X-point. Transformation of phonons into rotons. Transformations of rotons' into phonons are forbidden on account of the.conservationof'momentum, in so far as the momentum of Phonons (2) satisfy the condition and simultaneously the momentum of the rotons is almost equal to po. This selection rule applies to the collision between two rotons if the angles between the momenta of the coliiaing rotons are small and hence their transformation into a scattered roton and phonon pis impossible. If,%however, the above angle is not too- small the selection rule does not apply;, collisions between two rotons are permitted in which they are transformed into a'phonon and a roton and even into two phonons (if the angles between the momenta of the col- liding rotons are near to 7c). For the reasons given a coupl of paragraphs back, it is impossible to calculate the pro- babilities of these processes, It is possible to carry out estimates, just as before; the essential points of them are presented in the following. Consider, for the sake of expediency, :a process which is the inverse to the above cod lision between two rotons; let a phonon of momentum 21 and alroton of momentum R2 collide, and let this process result in two rotons of momenta ]-and p respectively. The energy condition demands that the energy Sanitized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-04861 A000100030009-1 of the phonon is not smaller titan . The phonon must "i V6 1 t y _~,m CPYRtized - Approved 1,00. I ,: DP78-04861 A000100030009.1 accordingly have high energy. It is to be expeeted.that,. phonons of energies as high as those considered differ from rotons.,only by the way in which the energy depends upon the momentum. Their interaction with rotons; is, in particular, of the same kind as the interaction between rotons. Hence calculations can be carried out in full analogy to those appertaining to the scattering of.a roton by a roton (3). Similarly as in this case the phonon-rot-on interaction energy v(the phonon having large energy, in any case greater than 4 ) can be represented es being proportional to a delta- ,function of the distance between. pho. ,oar and. roton V = Vo (rl - r2) (2,17) (hers rl,r2 are the osition vectors of the phonon and..roton respectively). It was stated preciously (3) that an expres- 6-ion of this kind for the eiergg e f interaction is chosen because it makes it possible to determine the temperature effect on the probability of a. corresronding collision pro- cess . Just as before the rate of aprroach from non- equilibriiiie. to equilibrium in a phonon-roton gas car. be written In the form - ;/U(2,18) provided that the approach to equllibriu.m depends on process of transformation of rotons into phonon and vice-Versa. The coefficient 1 is dooorei_n d by means of a. complete calculation of the collision intc,=alp Omitting inter- mediate steps in the calculation, we'L7ive the final result as obtained with the interaction fur,;tion (2,17) I V (2,19) The i,iagnltude of the amplitude Vo i s tot known for the IL~Poces6 under discussion, For the purpose of making an estimate one can use the value for tiro derived for the roton- roton interaction from the viscosity of, he1i urr~ 1 (3) :. it may be noted. that this est r.+-c provides an upper limit for ~a > for it is impli.r,d? that the. transformation of a phonon into a roton occurs in every process in which the phonon has sufficient energy and the angle between the moments cSamKi7-e .o frpr vdrE?rDP,qJga_.e jP#- PRE7A-Qt 8?jAM10DM009-1 ( RDP78-04861 A00010003009?-1 CPYRG itized - Approvec f E&l pj!~fi 1050 e-2.4/T . (2 20) 3 9 . t: phonon process is obviously :less probable than process. For the latter we made previously of sufficient a(.cu-.. ac-T, thereby providin,-, an ,upper limit for r . Con : ri sc o" these upper lip J. t.s ( aV r( ) shows that they are of c.imilar magnitude for wide 'range of temperature. ker.co the two coefficient: themselves are possibly of magnitudes similar to each other. The numerical coefficient entering into.'.the expression for !r which is for the time considered as unknown, is denoted by by so that (2918) rends p/ b 72 (2 2I) The quantity b and the numeri,,i1 coefficient a of equation (2,13) are subsequently obtained fro: empirical data, the absorption coefficient ~f-~--or first so:,nd. in helium II. It will then be seen that l~~ and have in fact the ame order of magnitude.`) 3. Equations governing the ro agatizTn of sound in hliu.m clearly this is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, fob t'allows'also simple scattooring of the phonon by the rot on. Inserting into the right hand side of (2, 19) the values of ail parameters erg/cm3) We find A five -- e four-phonon (3) estimates set of hydrodynamical equations of. notion (5) The propagation of sound in hr~lium II.-is determined by equations which may be written in the form of a linearized +) In so far as it is due to pho-eons, viscosity is, as shown in (3), for temperatures between ;-) and 0.7 deg.K dercndent on the fundamental process of sc Ltter-ng of phonons by rotons. The, probability of this process is known., Calculation of, the collision integral for that process and the corresponding coefficient r and comparison with the upper limits of shows that r In this way it is justified to neglert th" phonon-roton xansformation in calculating the viscosity according to (3). Sonitized. -Approved For and the assumed value for V0 (= 5 . 10- i:"CfA-RDP78-04861 A000100030009-1 CPYRSaHT.. ._ f- i~ ' =11.. 1-'AbP78-04861 A000100030009-1 -~~v C) Here density of helium,' ,or) and density and vn and vs = velocity of the normal and superfluid fraction respectively, S'= entropy per unit volume, thermodynamical potential per unit mass, ~,~!r,~VS = mass flow density. In equilibrium, all thermodynamic functions appearing in 11. equations depend on two variables only, which may be chosen to be r and S. If a sound wave of low fre- quency is propagated through helium II, equilibrium is re- established at such a high rate(as shown by a calculation) that the rate of approach to equilibrium follows instan- taneously after the change of state due to wave propagation. Hence the state. is at every instant fully determined by the thermodynamical functions appropriate to equilibrium and dependent on and S. If, however, the frequency of the sound waves is so high that the approach to equilibrium cannot follow the change of state, then processes arise which have the effect of an approach to equilibrium and result in abs.oVption of sound. In this range of fr,.oquencies', the number of phonons and rotons at any instant differs from-the equilibrium value and the thermodynamic functions must rtaw be considered as depending.. not only on and... S but also' upon the number of phonons and rotons present (or rather upon the corresponding chemiea.l:..~potentials). The set.,,6f equat.ons (3,l)-(3,4) is accordingly to be considered .s incomplete and should be supplemented by equations expressing the rate of change of the numbers of phonons and rotons. Let Np and N be the number of phonons and rotons respectively per unit voli.me of helium II,,,~ and /kA their c~iamit zeld - o -cent?ivald For Release : CIA-RDP 8-04664A00010b030009-1 p o In equilibrium t - ~i - 0, and the CPYRGH$anitized - Approved F 4dswe~dOIA- RID P78-04861A00010003009-1 number.of-phonons and rotons denoted by N and N are functions.., of and only. If equilibrium is perturbed, Np and N, change in time approaching their equilibrium values NPo an.d N YO . Equations determining the rate of approach ,to `equilibrium can be obtained by expressing.-the time derivatives NP and:N as functions of the chemical potentials.Expanding this function in powers jiA. and concluding with the. term linear in:?,,.and N +'div Nvn pP?P Y p p P + div In = Y4P ?p Y J' (3,6) where y pp, O . , YPp, Y are the kinetic coefficients +) which are symmetric with respect to In these equations the terms o,f,the the fact that of the normal the suffixes, and p. form div Nv__. account for phonons and roton.s participate in the movement fraction !of ht'!l.ium II with the. velocity -vn. ?Neglecting,second order effects, we substitute in the corresponding terms the equilibrium values of the N, so that (3,5) and (3,6) become Np + Npo div -vn `div v + N T -n The set of equations (3,l)-(3,4), (3,7),(3,8) determines the propagation of sound in helium II taking due account of the change in time of the numbers of rotons and phonons. Elimination of two variable's, C YPP~t P .+ Ypo 40 YOP aP W?, -- vn and vs gives +) Of. L. Landau and E. Lifshitz,-StatisticaltPhysics, ? 41-42. Sanitized - Approved Fob $ ~ IA-78-O4861 A000100030009-1 a s . p . I ' n _ Z CPYRGHEanitized - Approved F WAe6~ * IA ~RbP78-04861A000100030Qg9-1 In equations (3,.9)-(3,12) all.thermodynamic;functions`can be expressed as depending upon S, ?p, u,A as independent variables. Entropy and density can be represented as sums of the equilibrium expression and a small increment due to the 'sound waves; the increments are denoted by 10 A solu- tion of this set of simultaneous equations is required which ha..s the form of a plane wave ..such, that S' up and ? contain a factor exp i41(t - x/u) , where u is. the velocity of sound. The compatibility conditions for this set of equations assumes the form of a determinant of 4th order being equal to 0; solution of the latter equation provides 4 values for the velocity of sound.'_) In order to avoid a determinant of the 4th order we proceed in a slightly different way, by expressing all functions in (3,9) and (3,10) in terms of S and 14 as ,independent variables. Hereby the dependance of the function, upon the variables u,p and ? has to be taken into account at all differentiations. The partial derivative of some thermo- dynamic function f with respect to is written r )~ Similarly 3,13) + .(3,14) The derivatives at constant chemical potentials (which are equal to 0) are seen--to be}equal to the equilibrium value of the derivative under consideration. 'In,(3,13) and (3,14) +)Attention is drawn to the fact that equations (3,9)-(3,12) lead to a determinant of the. 4th order, but that neverthelesp the equation determining the velocity u is a quadratic aqua- ,tion for u2. Equations (3,11) and (3,12), which express the variations of the number of quantized excitations . do . not contain any differentiations of the variables with respect to the coordinates. If a solution is'sought which is propor-- .:tional. to exp iW(t - x/u) ,,, then the. velocity u does not enter into theseequations.The square of the. velocity enters only the first two lines of the determinant; ;it follows that the characteristic equation is quadratic in u2. Sanitized - Approved For Release :,., 1A RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 BE * Ri the derivatives of the chemical potentials u and;? w,ith respoct to P and S are used. They are obtained. by. meansi of equat..ions (3,11) and (3,12) which establish rela= tions between ? ? and ? cn the one hand and the ,small.varia- tions of e and.S'in the plane wave on the other hand. .:V`e,.express the small variations of and.S. as before including a factor exp iW(t - x/u) The compatibility condition for (3,9) and (3,10) is now obtained in the form of a determinant of second order being.,equal to 0. ua (3915) The quadratic equation which is obtained. from (3,15) contair.-~ terms of different magnitudes. All teDms?arising from the tixrn out t o b e small,.. . differential coefficient (s) This comes from.the.,,;?fact that the specific heats cp and cw of helium II are almost equal Go each other at all. temperatures and that .the derivative 0S), ( is, agoord.ing to a familiar thermodynamic theorem, proportional to (cp - cv)2. On account of this, the roots of (3,15) can be written in a remarkably concise form The chemical potentials ?, and t can be expressed in terms o`f the small increments of entropy and density (S' and by means of equations (3,11) and (3,12), from which`tho following two equations are derived (L Ire) A r ~Pr Sanitized - Approved For R' aye p#r=ROPT -04861A000100030009-1 (`~1 4W>-~ L_` Y (3,19) r)(W)4 ~OT)) cPYRGHTSanitized - Approve It is readily found that 4Af re ;D 0 For further calculation the thermodynamic identity T dS ~- d. - Np d i - N~ d L = J g (3,20) is required. The flunction/\pia- s a semi ar pars a Ut1G Gi1G, y and, if the chemical potentials are constant, b,-oomes -equal to the energy per unit of volume of the liquid. A connection between the pressure p and the function is derived by remembering that the derivative of the total energy with respect to the volume at constant total entropy ane mass_is 'equal to minus the pressure. It then follows that p - --~-- S 1 (3,21) Here follow a number of thex?modyanical relations which follow from (3,20), (3,21) and are required for calculating As the mass and the total entropy Tr are constant: r 3_ t10"OI RDP78-04861A0001000300091 (3,23) As a matter of print p - ;! Y diFc Rel ` T: CtA OIF 7 4S6? 0 '10603 09 1(? ' 1 1 ('11 1 r- 13 CPYRGitized - Approved For The derivatives of the ands; on which the according to (3913)9 (3918)9 (3,19): - t i8-04861 A000100030008-1 i _ '-~ -;, chemical potentials with respect to Fop rA veloc. t~,ies of sound u and u2! '14) 9 are obtai (-..d byrnea1ie off., Expressions (3,22)-(3 thermodynamical quantities the velocities of sound ul I 4 r I . Q -I- ~ 1 Sanitized - Approved F qge 25) for the derivatives of the are r,,r-,di U,.y used for obtain -ag jr) It Js S/1? P78-04861 A000100.030009-1 5anitizea - Hpprov CPYRGHT If the chemical potentials are set equal to 0, the above expressions for the velocity of lst and 2nd sound in helium II apply.to thermal equilibrium; this corresponds to extr.mely low frequencies. These velocities a're denoted by a suffix 0;. their values follow from (3926), (3,27): U 0 OPP (3y 9) are equal to Here = S/ Expressions (3,2), 2 expressions as obtained previously (5). According to (3,26), (3, 27) the velocities ul and u2 are complex. The wave vecto~?s as defined.according to k = 1/u are also complex. The existence of an imaginary part cf 'the `wave vectors is known to be an expression of the fact that there is absorption of sound, The real part of the wave vector determines the variation of phase with the distance, whereas the imaginary part determines the absorption coefficient. If the freque_ncies.ar.c`.Extremelyhigh, the expressions (3,26), (3,27) approach the limits.: These velocities of sound apply to such high frequencies thai there is not time enough for processes in which the numbers of phonons and rotons change; these numbers are then constant. The kinetic coefficients y which appear in the formulae of this section are readily expressed in terms of those quantities which are obtained in the preceding section, and tiAnITI7Pflt`xnnrnyP - - r L ,M / l i dJ4,p / lee- 1_ 1) 21) ' CPYRG nitized - Approved1Pbr'el~a:a J. kDP78=04861A000104930009-1 I~,~ ~ By comparison of equations'(3,5) and (3,6).with equations, 15) and (2,18), and considering the meaning of/,,, we,find { In the subsequent. calculations it is convenient to employ .instead of the coefficients y and lthe relaxation times de'fined according to By means of the definitions (3,3.3), the expressions on the right-hand side of (3,26) and (3,27) are converted to `y + ffi'~' Sanitized - Approved r 8e :RI Pj DP78-04861A000100030009-1 Sanitized - ADDroveU'"C~ li64-RDP78-04861 A000100030009-1 CPY,GHT 24 By these equations the velocities of 1st and 2nd sound are determined as a function of the frequericy. In this way the coefficient of absorpton..of 1st and 2nd sound in helium II can .be. cal~cu3a,ted. It has, however, to be pointed out that equations (3,34) and (3,35) ar¬ sufficient for. determining the dispersion of sound in helium II. Th~;p,roblem of dispersion is complicated by the.. rap.;d increase of the mean free path of the quantized excitations at decreasing temperature. Comparing the time constant by which the first viscosity is specified (3)., with the time constants Qo and )it is found that these time constants are at all temperatures of equal order of magnitude. The range of ids- persion for sound coincides with'the range of dispersion of the first viscosity. If this first fact is taken in account, it is necessary to apply some speci,alized_arguments which we are,., going to postpone ` for.: a f.ture paper. Equations (3,34) ahd (3,35) are accordingly applied to the calculation of the, absorption coefficient only; they are considered: to be valid .for 1st and 2nd sound at low frequencies.+) The range of frequencies where the. formulae for u 100 and u2oo are valid is presumably out of reach. Even at fre- quencies lower than these any propagation of sound waves is proolula.d.by the phenomenon of the mean free path of phonons and rotons.approaching the same magnitude as the.wave length of the sound wave. This is another point to be studied more closely in some other paper. It may beTrioted that in first approximation with respect. ,,to & there'is no dispersion, Sanitized - Approved Fo E i-678 t04861AO001 00030009-1 Sanitized - Approved For re CPYRGHT Absorpti,on of first sound i, helium II. Consider the range of frequencies complying with the conditions It will:be shown subsequently that the derivatives and are of similar magnitude. What has-been said in section 2 with respect to the relative magnitudes of the coefficient accordingly remains valid for the reciprocal. time constant which is determined according to (3,33). For this reason we are entitled to neglect in (3,34) and (3,35) the terms: that are due to the five-roto?n process. Expression'(3,35) then assumes at low frequencies the simplified form U Oft I I: ) q(tw, ~_, , (~, M-S-4 ~Pv The imaginary part of the wave-cector can be obtained by means of the last equationn'the coefficient of absorption for first sound) denoted by q,-, is given by rV ,,,/ I Tft) + - t *)jr-,S In. order to compare (4,3) with the experimental data given in (1), it is necessary to evaluate the differential coefficients entering into that expression. It is convenient to'introduce and T as independent variables. From (3,22) we derive +) The symbol u10 is in the following replaced by the conventional C, \ 1,1 1 ? I . ) 1 ~w (41,, ) R 78-04861 A000100030009-1 Sanitized - Approved FCIP78-04861 A000100030009-1 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 CRYRGHT 21, Calculations are fairly simple (cf. appendix). Here are the results for +,p( and It should be noted that the number of rotons between 1.5 and 2 deg is markedly higher than the number of phonons but that the derivative smaller than jU ; :this is due to the factor in the denominator of (97). VVe require expressions for the entropy S and for the number of phonons and rotons per volume unit in equilibrium IN (41 . Omitting intermediate,steps in the calculation, we present the results: -- - T LE' !,- - j -:~ -4 4 i-. , -4, -43 )L ?4) 3 .1 L-11f - Approv rtRs-he I P78k0 1?A000100030009-1 Sanitized - Approved F' r lea je~ :,Q4A : P78-04861A000100030009-1 ..~ 1 rtJ i-.. 22. CPYRGHT The data of Peshkov & Ziii.o'vievh (") concerning the velocity of second. sound under pressure can be used for :.calculating those derivatives of parameters which determine the value of The calculations have been given in a previous paper (3). Assuming that isvirtually independent of'10 , the result is: a On account oFthis and of equation (4,9), it is found that The differential coefficient of the velocity of first sound c with respect to the density can be derived from Keesom's density - pressure curve for helium II, which yields ~ ?Jc)(cJ4) V rNHS and consequently Using these values we obtain finally: ~,, _ N e~~~~3a was It is necessary to remember A 05) that equation (4,3) provides only that contribution to the absorption due to relaxation in connection with the coefficient which is creation of phonons and rotons. ' The complete ab sorption.coefficient consists of two terms, of which one is given by (4,3).and the other is due to the effect of first visc~osity.'.and is equal to = 2t~/3~ c~ F~;ellam & Squire (1) made measurements of the absorption coefficient of first sound at a frE~quency of 1.5. 107 sec and at temperatures between 1.57 and 2.0 deg.K. Their data are, in spite of their small number, sufficient for calculating the coefficients a and b with sufficient accuracy. Introducing Sanitized - Approved. For q P78-04861 A000100030009-1 'L U. CPYRG itized - Approved F ij RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 : j 23. these parameters into the formulae (2,13), M19 ,are -obtained. expression for F~~ is of course smaller than the upper limit given by (2,20). By means of (4918) and. the derivatives of the chemical.potontials (496)5 (497) the. relaxation times can be derived as function of the temperature. In figure ,1 the reciprocal relaxation times and are plotted against the temperature. This graph shows that in the experiments of.Pellam and Squire (1) con- dition (491) was complied with at all temperatures. frequency applied by authors the.greatest in the neighbourhood At the these absorption a, ~? a J ! 4. 1 C 1' s .1? o should have been observed of 1?K. It is now easy to understand why in the experiments of Peshkov (4)9 which were made at frequencies between 10 and 104 sec-19 no dispersion of second sound. could be observed. In those experiments the temperature was appreciably higher (1.63 deg) so that the relaxation times and are as low. as 10-10'sec..-`Hence and &7~ were so small that there was not only` no di s- persion9 but hardly any absorption of sound in.helium.;II. We add a table of the difference ulM u10 as bcalcu:.lated T (deg K) l Co Sanitized - Approved F r u -10) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.175. 1.45 5.80 13.5 23.0 37.5 51.0 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 " u1 73.5 90.5 ?115 140 165 195 240 275 The difference u1 - u10 is seen. to be small) . 00 It vanishes when absolute zero is approached. jj 'Ael RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 Sanitized - ADDroved ;f or rRelease CIA..RDP78-04861 A00010003000.9-1 CPYRGHT L i 2~4. Absorption of second sound in helium II. Using the results obtained in section 4, predictions concerning the effect of temperature on the absorption coef- ficiont of second sound in helium II can be made. If the .frequencies are small, equation (3,35) may be written, on account of condition (4,i) Hence the absorption coefficient for second sound is readily derived as OR According to (3,22) a 9d (3,23): lr. simple calculations: Evaluation of these expressions gives by means of relatively and tll , T 72. T 4- rm which are required for evaluating (5,2), are according to (5) The right hand side L M + al, 2 (5,2) expresses the rather involved relation between the temperature and the absorp- tion coefficient. It must be noted that the absorption Satriliwmc; A 'oYodFor 1ea!etaaCb4 RDPi8EO48S1JA?00tfl003OOO941 7, CPYRGI-ffanitized - Approved kI eiiisii~ : DP78-04861A0001000300.1 to which it is due, to the processes of creation of phonons and rotors. In the following section it will be shown that absorption of second sound owing to ordinary viscosity is similar magnitude as that calculated in this section. We add a table giving the velocity u2 a t various temperatures T (deg.) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1 .2 u20 (m/sec) 101 59.5 31.8 24.9 20.6 19.1 1 8.7 u2co (m/sec) 103 65.0 37.8 29.6 25.5 23.7 2 2.7 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 .0 U 0 19.5 20.1 20'.4 20.5 20..3 19.6 19- 18.3 20 . u 23.8 20.8 9 23.1 23.9 24.1 24.5 24.3 22 2oo , . 6. Second viscosity A classical liquid has two coefficients of viscosity such that the dissipation function appropriate to viscous' flow has the form i ~ ( I!') K + ~V C -bV k where dV is a volume clement in the liquid. 0winq to the effect of dissipation there arc 2 supplementary terms in the equations of ihotion, which have to be written: ~Y -t uv)y +v . +V4wvv Usually the first coefficient of viscosity and the second coefficient are of equal magnitude. Matters are different with respect to helium II. Itm hydrodynamics has to consider two velocities9 that appro- priate to normal movement vn and the velocity of superfluid movement v This opens an unusual., perspective. Whereas the first viscosity affects only the normal movement this is +) In the neighbourhood of absolute zero the velo.ci v u c assumes the same value as u 9 which is equal to c) . This is not a coincidence. At t i~se temperatures the n{ ,-ber of rotons is negligible as,copared with the number of phonons- the value of all thermodynamic quantities is determined by phonons only. Absorption of n sound is ccording to (592) determined. by the difference This, however, vents es. In fa according o (5,5 8 6 A000100030009-1 Saniti Kp~ro O Rel a "CI KD# CPYRG?I itized - Approved Fo RL, D78-04861 A000100030009-1 of - 25. not at all obvious with regard to the second coefficient. In distinction from classical hydrodynamics, the hydrodynamics of helium II involves two equations of motion, one referring to, the ?ei tare liquid one for the superfluid fraction (where is the thermodynamic potential for the unit of mass of the. liquid). Consider now-the equations of motion if second viscosity is explicitly accounted for. In introducing the terms depending on the second viscosity into (6,3), (6,4) we shall for sake of simplicity omit'at first the terms depending on the first viscosity. It. is very obvicus that the terms `-div V. require the introduction of four coefficients of second viscosity. Following the classical example (6,2), the right hand side of (6,3) and (694) div vs . Hence The unusual features in the hydrodynamics of helium require accordingly the introduction of 4 "second" coeffic'ents of visc.osity.. These are, however, not independent. TherQ- is a relation between them due to the fact that the part of the dissipation function depending u~?on the second viscosity should be quadratic function of the two variables div vn and div vs. It is therefore to be written in the form rg :2 S I vV) I'V V" +A Sanitized Approved 'Fc r Re 6 kLgl 4Li bP78-04861A000100030009-1 CPYR 1ftized - Approved Ford a ease : CFA-F DP78-04861A000100030W,9;1 where An, Ans, A. are three coefficients which can be expros-- sed in terns of the four viscosity coefficients, The density of the negative derivative of f with respect should give and v to v s n of motion for the tivoly. (6.6) is the tho.right hand side of the equations and the suporfluid fraction respcc- equation of motion for the -s) V V .n + fraction. The equation of motion for the normal fraction is obtained by subtracting (6,6)-from (6,5). The derivatives suporfluid f>9 -F V, ( ) and ~) Vs are readily cal- culated. For this purpose the variation of f in terms of variations of V (~1Jn ~ i Y `Jr 1 Y 1VS +~ V VS 41 V !1 i ~ vn and vs is. derived:. + Y ~+~ bGt d c Vn This expression is re-arranged: -1 , A !/1 . IC, L1 A- %I 4 14 Ev?vtYy~ 1VV ~.VnV VS) VS V -~-- IVY ~lnV VS) g -7 VS VS t d r All integrals which, according to the theorems of Gauss and Ostrogradsky, can be transformed into surface integrals, arc; considered to vanish. In this way we find + Terms of the form vrl~~ in deriving (6,8). sVvVS 4V and vs are neglected Sanitized - Approved c r I see, hA-RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 "i CPYRWi.tized Approv normal rospoctivoly ,ficients The first of tht three enu no fields recurire- rely. tion between the co6ffici-_,nts r )f s::cor_c=t viscosit~T. We a- r(3 going to ex-la,'.}i relations betwecii the thermody_-_,. ' c du-int Lice aid the second viscosities. S _-^c the second v: scosity of he- LUrn_ _T in c-ao to processes involving changes in the total am or of phonons and rotcns4 d that thy:. tc :r-s containing div vn and it can be concl ,-a div vs in (6,5) ..d (6,6) ar d jcn(1.art on the relation of the pressure p a,u. ~Lt and idly! . Therei'_ _ o the ri h equal to The right hand sides of the! quations of and the s_.je rfluid fraction are U V~ -r is` e~'v Y; l )1 s Comparison of. (6,6) and (6;8) with (6,64 By moans of the. expressions considering the ~nes y'ity (L , a whereN=N . By mtano r and (6,8' ) motion for the gives finally the relations between Tr of (3,1) which art- and the coefficients 'of second viscosity I -RDP78-04861A00010003000;1 and the chemical potc:., ,,5) and (6,6) ar(:~ *,, 4 L~~ ~7~4 ) rc>pectiv(;1: (3:,18) 9 (3,19) for )-(r and )4 i i.c found that and '(3,2) .fin, o.mmall t:ncrement s 8 4 and to . `he ,,-cscnco of a sound wave are expres a and div v . Introducing these sod in terms of div TT n sions int6"~ (6,11) gives Sanitized - Approvea or Kfl e.., s4,1vS -- 1DP78-04861A000100030009-1 (P - C~) S ~e the right hand sides of (695.') and (6,6) with the above expressions, and?th.e insertion of expressions CPPYRGHianitized - Approved For (6,12) for P. and jCP yield two equations Avv,:_ Sanitized, Approved Fox . e ease ,; PJA RDP78-04861A000100030009-1 CPYRGHT fit. Since these equations are supposed To hole bur any arbitrary value$ of vn and v it follovws that PS Ci) (ov _ It would not be too difficult to evaluate these expres- sions. We are, however, not going to proceed in this way, since experiments on sound absorption are not sufficient for determining all coefficients of viscosity. Only two combinations of these coefficients can be derived from the absorption coefficients of first and second sound. It is easy to verify by means of (6,13) and (6,14) that the coefficients t4YS .9 9 satisfy in fact the first of the relations (6910). J c We have still to express the absorption coefficients of first and second sound in terms of the coefficients of first and second viscosity, For that purpose'the complete hydro-- dynamical equations, including viscosity terms, are written out. According to (3,1), ('3,2), (6,5) and (6,6)~ 's SaAitze V pjTro~M ReleLe C-R&P 8-048-b1 A00010003009_1 at CPYR(8j iitized r Approved For AA- DP`78-04861 A0001000300A9-1 By eliminating from these equations vny Z. and expressing all thermodynamic functions in terms of r and S, two simul- taneous equations are obtained. The compatibility condition., similarly to (3,15), has the form of a determinant set equal to 0. Since the determinant would have a complicated form it will: not be formulated explicitly. The roots of the deter- minantal equation are obtained by neglecting terms of the magnitude (,o and noting the relatively small magnitude of S,) h~V .. _ it,, r~jj V3. From (6,16), (6,17) the absorption coefficients for 1st and 2nd sound are readily obtained;-._. A) I rc3 By means of (6,13) and (6,14) it is easy to show that the terms in the absorption coefficient which depend upon the second viscosity are the same as expressions (4,3) and respectively. We find in fact from (6,13) and (6,14)0 (5,1) , '. In figure 2 the combination of coefficients of second viscosity determining the absorption of 1st and 2nd sound i.e plotted against temperature, For the purpose of compari- son, the viscosity coefficient i7 is also shown in this figure. M" AUUMUMSUMP-1 Sanitized - Approvea or a .ease .; _ , , y?. , CPYR Vized - Approved Fgr$ I LRQP78-04861 A00010003000~9-1 ` 32. It is clearly seen that the absorption of first sound ..s mainly due to second viscosity. The sum SI is. at, all temperatures larger than the coefficient It was pointed out before that the coefficients of firet and second viscosity are usually of comparable magnitude. The marked prevlance of the effect of second viscosity with respect to the absorption of first sound is explained by an anomalously large value of the differential coefficient C (ep on which the magnitude depends essentially. The absorption coefficient for second sound shows a different relation, Here the' coefficient is of sim .lar magnitude as at all temperatures. The absorption of scco,: . sound is s,cccrdingly deter._mtnecd to equal parts by the first and second viscosity. If absolute, zero is approached the coefficients n? increase rapidly. By means of (6920) (6,21)y (4,17) and (4,16) it is possible to obtain their limiting values at extremely low temperatures. r, It is soon that in the vicinity of absolute zero the effect of the second viscosity O:n the absorption of first seen,, 1 times larger than the corresponding effect fo is J J4 ==- second sound. Comparison of (6,18) and (6919) shows that owing to th factorin (6919), the absor;.)tion coefficient of second sound, increases at a higher rate than the absorption coefficient of first sound, when the temperature is decreased. Near abs-lute zero the absorption coefficient cal, is markedly higher than C( Sanitized - Approved For 4 5 78-04861 A000100030009-1 mental data are available. Here the theoretical graph as shown is a complicated. curve; the points shown are experi- mental values (1). the slight In calculating the values of cF)and of variation of the density. with. temperature is neglected; the density of helium II is assumed to be constant and equal to 0,145 gram/cm3. In conclusion we should lake to make some remarks con- cerning the absorption of sound near the X-point. The above relations are obtained on the assumption that phonons and rotors, are forming an ideal gas. It has been pointed out earlier (3) that this ass,?.mptio:i is no longer valid near the X-point. The effect of the femporature on the absorption coef- ficient cannot be. determined in a simple way by means of the above arguments. Nevertheless it should be admissible to draw at least a qualitative conclusion from (6,19)? the absorption coefficient of second sound. is found to increase at a high rate if.the 1k-point is approached. The velocity of second sound approaches' zero if the 7~-point is approached; the same holds for the ratio The factor 44 appearing in (6,19) as ...factor of the bracket, will, in approaching the A-point be?come infinite of the order on. account of equation (3829). As the bracket itself in (6,19) does not vanish, the absorp- tion;co.efficient of second sound will increase somewhat like: I if the k-point is approached. Experimental data (7) concerning the absorption of second sound are inconclusive. CPYRGIHTitized - Approved For no-me MA 8-04861A000100030(9-1 In figure 3 the ratio o;r and the ratio o(,/ 13 are plotted against the temperature. In applying this diagram it must be remembered that the coefficients of absorption are proportional to r< only for those frequencies for which con- dition (491) is valid, On the same diagram absorption coof- ficients for first sound are given corresponding to a frequency of 1.5.107 so C-1 ift a range of temperatures for which experi-- ,r - Y C5IfB8P78-04861A0001 I- anitized - Approved For R CPYRGH~ 04861 A000100030009-1 The only inference they admit is the statement that absorp- tion of second sound increapes appreciably if the X-point is approached. I should like to express my sincere thanks to 'Academician L.D. Landau for continual advice and to Professor K.M. Li.fshitz for.helpful discussion.. .Lppendix :The derivatives ands are conveniently calculated in terms of the independent variables p and T. Transft?t;.~-mation is carried out by means of the Jacobians: From (3,, 20 .: . , ~' b) ~) = ), A i and transform (1A,i into the form Similarly we find Since the distribution UVV function for rotons has to be in accord^uee with Boltzmann statistics, it is readily found tha., )D+ T is equal to N p /kT. The total number of phonons per unit volume of the liquid in a state of non-equilibrium specified by the chemical potential ,4A~, is equal to Differentiation of (A,4) with respect to at const ant T and'subsequent partial integration gives -a~) T kT 36 obtain (where r is held constant) 1 - WT'j (A s T fvn anitized - Approved For L 16 , iA-ROE78-04861 A00010DWO009-1 The remaining differential coefficients appropriate to equilibrium are obtained by means of (4,8)-4;4,10)? 4- -,-1 ~ + By means of (A,4) - (A,6) the final expressions as given in section 4, i.e. (4,6), (4,7), are derived from (A,2), (A,3). Academy of Science of the USSR; Institute for Problems in Physics Received 10 November, 191.9. REFERENCES 1. J. Pellam & C. Squire, Phys. Rev. 22, 1245, 1947? 2. E. Andronikash.vili, J. Exp. Thcor. Phys. USSR 18, 429, 1948 3. L. Landau & I. Khalatnikov, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. USSR 12, 637 and 7099 1949 L. V.~Peshkov, J. Exp. Thoor. Phys. USSR 16, 1000 9. 1946. 5. L. Landau, J. Phys. USSR 115 91, 19475 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. USSR 11, 591, 1941. 6. V. Peshkov & K. Zinovieva J. Exp. Theor. Phys. USSR 18, 438, 1948. 7. J. Pellam, Phys. Rev. 75, 1183, 1949. CPYR'GHT L cu .r , ,o i 14 F4 a'u T9 k F 11 Sanitized - Approved For ReIEG' i t, . - ' 6 11 Ta M 4861 A000100030009-1