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Publication Date: 
April 23, 1970
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Approved For Release 2001 /07/2$S? E19El 78-04723A000100160001-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support 2 3 APR 1970 SUBJECT : Planned Community-Sponsored Training Course in Computer Security 1. This memorandum is for information only. 2. The Computer Security Subcommittee (CSS) of the United States Intelligence Board Security Committee (IBSEC) is currently developing plans for a training course in computer security to be sponsored under USIB auspices for the benefit of all Community organizations. The effort is being addressed by a Task Team composed of the Navy, State, and CIA Subcommittee members and is being monitored by both the CSS and IBSEC. 3. The requirement for such a course is predicated on the lack of available expertise in the professional security community of the USIB environment to cope with the tremendously increasing security complexities of modern information processing equipment and techniques. It is further based on the desirability for an inter-disciplinary approach to computer security problems which will permit a dialogue between security professionals and technical ADP personnel. SECRET Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-04723A0001001 7011 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 :8E@R[77T04723A000100160001-8 4. The course is being designed primarily for the professional security officer; however, others involved in the security aspects of computer operations, e. g. , system programmers, computer operations personnel, communications specialists might benefit greatly from such a course. The objectives of the course have been defined: (a) to provide a fundamental knowledge of ADP equipment, techniques and procedures; (b) to impart an appreciation for the security concerns in the ADP environment; (c) to provide general guidance in addressing security problems generated by this environment. 5. Efforts to date have included the development of a general course structure, two weeks in duration, composed of formal lectures, informal discussion periods, system briefings/demonstrations, and practical exercises. It is planned to have each class member operate a terminal device as well as conduct at least one security survey of a computer center. These exercises are designed to give the student the confidence in this new field of security afforded only by experience. Initially the course may be given about six times a year. 6. The first draft of the proposed curriculum for the course has been informally coordinated by the CIA member of CSS within the following CIA components: the Office of Communications, the Office of Computer Services and the Office of Security. This coordination will be extended as the Task Team efforts further develop. 7. At this time the funding requirement for the course has not been discussed. The principal support which will be needed may be defined as classroom space, instructor time, and at least Approved For Release 2001/07/28 :~5-04723A000100160001-8 Approved For Release 2001/07/2 :A"-RDP78-04723A000100160001-8 limited access to a computer facility. While most USIB organizations should be expected to contribute support to such needs, discussion of this point has been deferred pending a more refined structuring of the curriculum which in turn will spell out the specific support require- ments. No designation of an executive agency for this program has been suggested as of this date. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 04723A000100160001-8