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Approved For ReleaseW3 9-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ON THE MANAGEMENT OF AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING IN THE FEDERAL, GOVERNMENT Prepared by the BUREAU OF THE BUDGET (Senate Document No. 15, 89th Congress, 1st Session) (Clewlow Report) Page 4,. '.'The assignment of appropriate roles to the different echelons of management in the Federal Government is of great importance. Some computer applications, particularly those involved in administrative functions, have a great deal in common and conceivably could be subject to greater centralization. On the other hand, the more. significant computer applications are integral parts of agency programs; accordingly, each is a unique application and its management responns b tY of those officials charged with mission accomplishment. The problem then becomes one of improving the effectiveness and the economy of computer utilization, both within an executive agency and in, the Government as a whole, without derogating the proper authorities and responsibilities of managers in the line. "Experience in the Government and in industry has demonstrated the urgent need for management to. concern itself intimately with ADP activities. Because ADP is based on new technology whose most visible manifestation is:. equipment of an esoteric nature, there has been a. tendency to regard it as. the particular responsi- bility of the technician. ,? ,DP plications, from the simplest to the most complex, e_ problems and require decisions that are the direct responsibility of managers s. ADP may have a pronounced effect upon organizational arrangements, the kind of work employees perform, the conditions under which they work, or the type of skills required. . . ADP applications that are primarily designed to provide. Information can have a significant effect upon the way a manager makes decisions and upon the control he exercises over his organization. "Accordingly, it is_necessary that managers concern themselves with all .aspects of ALP projects including the determination of objectives sought, the decision to-proceed, the design, installation and operation of the system, ..and the utilization of to .:end, product. This requires that managers obtain a broad understanding of I Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 the potentialities. and limitations of ADP, and of the work of the skilled technicians on whom they must rely, and take steps to assure that decisions that are properly within the sphere of management are made by managers . " page 11, "Central computing sew --In this environment, a computer installation provides. support for many users. Applications are generally diverse and often independent of one another. The workload tends toward mathematical or statistical processing, although these may be intermixed with administrative or management applications. The installation is normally operated by a staff of specialists, but the computer programing is frequently done by personnel assigned to organizations other than the central computer installation. However, the cus- tomer is usually not present while the work is being processed." Page 12, "Integrated operations. --In this environment also, a computer installation provides support for a number of users; but generally one application, which consists of a series of interdependent processes, constitutes the largest part of the workload. In this case, a variety of inputs, usually from different organizations or geographic sources, are processed against a system of group data files to provide information to support a number of group of data files to provide information to support a number of related functions. Applications are cyclic and recurring, with large volumes of data being processed. They tend more toward administrative or management functions, although: mathematical, statistical, or operating programs may be involved or intermixed. The computer installation is operated by a staff of specialists, with. the systems development programing usually done by a central computer staff working closely with. customer organizations. The computing equipment is generally of the medium,- or large-scale class, but it is often supplemented by smaller computers." Page 13, " . , it must be noted that not all computer installations will fit neatly into one of the classifications. There will be many cases where single cnaputer installation functions within several of tho environment categories and iarequired to meet v tng time-reapMM"emands. -1w-these Instances, -sub- jqdgm:ents based on those factors which seem most predominant andover- g will often be required in the application of policies and guidelines. " Page 15, "The uses now made of computers are in most cases justifiable; but marginal and, at times, uneconomical uses are sufficiently prevalent to cause concern. Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 " Ordinariy, the greatest advantage for the Government is derived when a 6p ttr_is_ devoted to accomplishing the missions of an agency, as opposed to e.admLni-Rtratlye tasks. . . There are advantages in using computers for administrative tasks such as payroll and personnel accounting. However, since administrative functions normally are a relatively small part of total operations, the potential benefits to be derived from these applications are limited. ". . . Manifestly, benefits must outweigh costs. Benefits, may be expressed in tangible terms, such as reduced operating costs, or in intangible terms., such. as improved service to the public, the accomplishment of missions not otherwise feasible, or better management practices.. Unless benefits such as these are assured, the use of a: computer would be classified as marginal." Page 16, 'Management: officials in agencies should make decisions on the uses tO be mA&-Q"o puters, rather than leave these determinations to specialists in equipment and in system design. As proponents of the use of computers, specialists can be most effective; their technical advice is an. essential. factor in. decisionmaking. However, those who are responsible for mission accomplishment should be prepared to. make the final decision. Involving line management officials in this way will aid in insuring that objectives for the use of electronic data processing equipment in mission accomplishment are carefully established and clearly understood; that adequate resources are made available to insure that the objectives will be achieved; that proper recognition is accorded to the magnitude and complexity of the task; that full cooperation and support of the total organization is obtained; and that marginal uses are minimized." Page 17, "The development of computer-based systems can often be facilitated if there is an adequate frame of reference, so that any given system or subsystem can be viewed in terms of its relationship to the total structure of systems in an agency. This is particularly true in the business type or program type of functional areas; it may be less feasible if novel, experimental, scientific research, or pioneering applications are involved. Therefore, r systems-plan for an .ncy;-`fit--the highest feasible level, is desirable. All efforts to develop systems can then be undertaken in relation to the plan, in order to achieve an orderly and coordinated program. Such a plan, of course, needs to be reviewed periodically for adjustment. rsbip and rd ~ fg, progra of this kind reauir_e_ s . pision of adequate staff resources at agency and intermediate eLs "Several concepts and techniques, can often make. a significant contribution to the advancement of system design. Included are the integration into a single master system of several functions using common basic data; the use of mathematical techniques; the use of 'management by exception' techniques In which only usual Approved For Release 2001/0230 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 circumstances are selected out of the routine process for human- consideration; and the coordination. of separately operated computer systems to assure machine- to-machine communication where an exchange of data is involved." Page 18, "Agencies should develop master data-processing plans at appro- priate levels, to serve as guides in the orderly development of systems and to assure the most effective use of staff resources available for that development.' Page 67, ".in general, the weight of evidence sup rts"ffire belief that existing organizational arrangements are basically sound but that there is a clear need to. -strengthen the resources devoted to the managem nt of ADP. This conclusion leads us to recommend against the position taken by the Comptroller General which favors establishment of strong central management authorities and responsibilities." "ADP equipment is increasingly becoming integral to the accomplishment of agency missions and, in certain instances, it is virtually .synonomous with program accomplishment. Decisions as to equipment, the arrangements for its availability, and the manner in which it is to be used directly affect the success or failure of Government programs to a degree not experienced with such items as office space, typewriters, and even communications. Accordingly, departments and agencies require considerable flexibility and discretion in making decisions on ADP procure- Ti v: utilization. "The President has made it quite clear that he holds agency heads directly responsible for the management of their organizations'." Page 68, "In summary, we have concluded that the establishment of a separate office empowered with authority and responsibility to make decisions on the pro- curement and utilization of ADP equipment would dilute the responsibility of agency heads for the management of their organizations, that it would serve to. divorce ADP management from the established arrangements for Presidential surveillance over the over-all management of the executive branch, and that it would interfere with direct Government agency-contractor relationships unnecessarily. "There is a clear need, however, 'to -strengthen the s-devoted-to the nnagement of ADP within both the central agencies and line departments." 4 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 Page 93, "To be. employed effectively, the computer is demanding an increased technical competence among its utilizers. Managers at all levels and key staff pens nel need to. i dershe conTpter-- is capabilities and its limitations-- to realize the full potential of automation and to define its potential impact. Require- ments will increase for specialists in various disciplines to Assist the manager in utilizing the computer. However, the manager is the person with the full perspective of the operations and goals of his organization and, while he is not expected to be a technical expert, he must have sufficient technical competence to provide leader- ship in the applications of automation. The conviction that few managers now have this competence is an important concern. among agencies. . The knowledge of management in the use of the computer will have an important bearing on the rapidity of its application as a management tool. The knowledge of management methods possessed by computer specialists will also be a factor in the development of effective systems." Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100046-5 Now Steering Croup Will Oversee Information Handling Program An Information Management ments assigned to bureaus and other Steering Group was formed recently offices for action." to oversee the development of the Proposals from other offices also Department's information handling are being assessed by the Steering, programs at home and abroad. Group. The Steering Group has responsi- Three coordinators report directly bility for approving all changes to to the Steering Group. They are W. automated, semi-automated and man- Wallace Francis, OPR/ADP, Infor- ual systems as well as procurement mation Systems Coordinator; Law- of computer "hardware and soft- rence J. Dupre, OPR/ASD, Manage- ware." ment Planning Coordinator; and The Steering Group, established James H. Ennis, OM/SNS, Acting by William B. Macomber, Jr., Dep- Information Planning Coordinator. uty Under Secretary for Administra- The coordinators supervise 12 tion, is chaired by John M. Thomas, working groups, each concerned with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oper- various aspects of information hand- ations. ling. Other members are Robert C. The working groups and their Brewster, Deputy Executive Secre- chairmen are: tary of the Department; Frederic L. I. Document Systems Evaluation, Chapin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of American Republic Affairs for Management,, George C. Denney, Jr., Deputy Director for Management, Bureau of Intelligence and Research; William H. Goodman, Deputy As- sistant Secretary for Communica- tions; and Thomas Stern, Deputy As- sistant Secretary for Organization and Management. As one of its first actions, the Steering Group approved an auto- mated document storage and retrieval system for the Executive Secretariat (S/S). The new system---called Secretar- iat Automated Data Index (SADI) -will use the Department's com- puter to replace many of the manual operations now performed by the Communications Management Staff (CMS) of the Executive Secretariat. SADI will be the first operational substantive retrieval system in the Department, officials point out. As such it may serve as a prototype for the wider Departmental storage and retrieval system now in the design stage. The system will be used in con- junction with modern microfiche photo-processing equipment to enable S/S to retrieve documents'directly. Officials believe SADI will permit the Executive Secretariat to "cope more efficiently with its growing pa- per load, to locate documents more quickly, to consolidate and reduce hard copy files, and to produce by computer a suspense list of docu- Charles R. Stein Information Systems Develop- ment, Robert A. Young Foreign Affairs Data Process- ing Center, Leslie T. Vaughn Advanced Techniques, Shel- don A. Rosen John H. Toler VI. Overseas Operations, E. Wills Woodward VII. User Requirements, James H. Ennis VIII. Thesaurus and Profiles, Gerald J. Goldman IX. Transition Planning, Lawrence J. Dupre X. Computer-Communications Network, Jack W. Hulbert XI. Long Range Plans, Francis P. DiBlasi, Jr. 'XII. Collection Guidance, Donald J. Simon he establishment of the Working Groups represents a consolidation of the development effort of the Sub- stantive Information Systems Staff (OM/SNS) and the on-going pro- grams of the Automated Data Pro- cessing Division of the Office of Operations (OPR/ADP). The Steering Group plans to work with potential users-directly as well as through its Working Group on User Requirements-to develop new proposals for improving information handling in the Department. In developing new systems greater emphasis will, be placed on long- range planning and overseas opera- tions. ARA Will rest a New Format for CifSP' Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Hurwitch briefed ARA Country Di- rectors last month on a new summary format for ARA's CASP (Country" Analysis and Strategy Paper). ARA believes the new format will make this already innovative policy and resource allocation system a more dy- namic and useful decision-makers' tool. The core of the proposed change is a standard analytical procedure which, once completed for a given country, will be updated as condi- tions change rather than begun anew every year. This procedure will re- quire, as in the present CASP, that U.S. objectives and programs abroad emerge from an interdepartmental analysis of definable and measurable U.S. interests. The new format is being designed by ARA's IG Staff, headed by Don- ald Easum. At the request of Assis- tant Secretary Charles Meyer, it will be test-run on several ARA coun- tries during the next several months. Test results will then be analyzed to see to what degree the new approach might be applied to the entire ARA region during the forthcoming CASP cycle for FY 1973. In designing and evaluating these tests, ARA intends to explore the possibilities of com- puterizing certain stages of the pro- cess. The new format may prove to be applicable to countries in other geo- graphic bureaus of the Department, and might thus constitute a significant step in the development of an overall policy analysis and resource alloca- tion system for the foreign affairs community at large. Record Number of Changes In Employee Health Plans The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion announced that more Federal employees and annuitants made changes in their health benefits cover- age during the November 1969 open season than in any prior open season. More than 200,000 elected to change their coverage. This record number of changes is due in part to the fact that 3 years elapsed between the open seasons in 1966 and 1969, whereas the longest time between open seasons in the past had been 2 years. 20 DEPARTMENT OF STATE NEWS LETTER Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RD.P78-04723A000100100046-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723 A0Q0100100046-1nformation an ata Files, I I Approvo 25X1A Approvo or Release 2001/03/30-: CIA-RDP78-04723A00010010 04 NAP for Release 2001/03/30: CI P78-04723A00010010 04 -5 -5