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Approved For DDp78..04718A001700150021-6 .1.11.1..11.11.134"6"ftem. -121 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman? Administration Career Board la February 1955 SUBJECT : Report on Deoether 1954 Selections for the Program for. the Career Development of Junior Persomnel REFERENCE : (a) (h) Agency Notice No, dated 26 May 19549 as amended, copy attached Synopses of Reports of Working Committee an Selection for JCD Program, in the cases of eleven cardidates from the DD/A organisation, attached (classified EYES ONLT) 1. Under the authority of referenoe (a)0 there were selected in mid-Dezember 19540 two oandidates for the Jenior Career Development Pro- gram, for which the Deputy Director (Administration) organisatien supplied 12 candidates, 11 of them with favorable endorsement by your Boards Neither of the sunottesful nominees was from the compensate under the purview of the AdministrationCereer Board; both were from the Deputy Director (Intern- genes) organisatien? Candidates from the Deputy Director (Administration) organisation :me supplied by the following Offices and Staffs, Management Staff 2 (only one was endorsed) Cemptroller 7 Logistics Office 1 Security Office 2, 2, A total of IS eandidates was entered into the competition 12 from DIA, 1 from DOP and 2 frem DR/10 Of this neither, initial tests and interviews by the Working Committee on Selection eliminated 7? Of the remaining 8 candidates, all of whom were subjected to the additional screening of a couplet: assessment, conducted by the Assessment and Evalua- tion Staff, Office of Training, 6 were frem DD/L. 36 Following assesswent? telection VAS narrowed to 4 candidates of whom 2 ware from DD/A? ranked third and fourth respectively. The first and second choices were the only ones accepted, based partially on what the Working Conmittee regarded as '''considerabae distance" in relative qualifi- cations between the second and the third eandidates. 4. The number of candidates competing for the Prograntwes generally disappointing, Part of the trouble lay with the system for distributing the enabling Agendy Notloe? Although it shoulc_LberLrecalred_ e011 7 .1?1??,: 77, Ne;:i 'WM.: Ha 7]-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA- N -0 #500.1.7001500216 Gri Ii 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/0 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 distribution, it was not sent out on an "All Employee** Wits, ani in some Wilma it is doubtful that it reached even as far as the division level. Unfortunately, this has net even been corrected in the revised issuanee of the Natick, dated 25 January 5. I have carefully reviewed the reports of the Working Ccemittee on Seleetion for all 15eandidates and have read in detail the **asso- nant reports on the 8 nen $o eramiLed0 There appear to los to to several reasons why the DIVA organisation did not fare tatter in the final *else- tions a0 For the most part, the DOA candidates did not seen to represent the best available tanreaver. in the appropriate grade range from the Offices and Staffs supplying them. I cannot esoape the conalusice that at least ieveral of these people !mere sponsored for this Prop** on the thew, that it repreeented a reseceable reassignment that would be in the beet interests of all concerned. This is borne out in the reports of selectione and is evidenced by the feat that several candidates openly ad - pitted. that in competing for the Program they wee motivated solely by a desire to ?mks a ohmage - any change.?' be k good many DD/A candidates revealed under questioning by the Working Committee that their ?caterer development plans? attached to their applications did net represent their reel eareer eine at all; that they had been eritten in an atteupt to **ell? the Committee, or under the direction of a supervisor or training officer who did not really know the applimant,s inters. tions. e, Despite the fact that the enabling Natio* points out that it is the respensibility of the Head of the respective Career Service to "notinate individualse,0by requesting them to submit applicatiage . ." and that nearly all of the DOA applicants sere thusly encouraged to apply, the Working Colmittee reports take pains to point out that they discovered a very low interest level an the part of about half of the DOA applicants, who gave them to understand that they had *paled under pressure,* end that consequently, they knew little or nothing about the Program and were passive about their amass for success in being saleeted. Those who did the best in the interview* uith the Working Conmittee were the applicants who nade a real effort to ?sell" themselves and their career plane. 6. I also believe that the selection process and the criteria see ployed by the Working Committee are not without blemish. Prinstipal ameng gy critical cbservatione are theses 2 ediVIIMIMP" Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 20111~001A-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 a. The Working Committee, composed of Chiefs &mien. Officer Training Division, OTR, Pro 25X1A9a IllaChief ? Ateesament and Evaluation Staff, OTR, and Mr. 25X1A9a Chief, Placement and Utilisation Divisions, OP, with saitialgi support ofDr. _,Ali:loputy Chief, Junior Officer 25X1A9a ttt.2 Division,OTRInaArffic111111111111111, Placement Officer, 25X1 A2 a PDD/OP, appeared to be largely on its own in developing and adminis- tering selection criteria, without the benefit of any strong policy guidance from above. To the bast of my knowledge, the Director of Training and the Assistant Director for Personnel participated only twice in the selection,once at a preliminary organisation meeting establishing the Workig Committee, and again in an iabwriatirlth the four finalists. As a corollary to the above it should be mentioned that -the unofficial Chairman of the Working Committee, Dr. MI; 02- 25X1A9a served to me that he felt the enabling Notioe was "far too and'non-isfinitive" in setting up what the exact purposes of the Program were (0f,,, paragraph l.a of reference (a)) end in the ab- sence of clear-out definitions the Working Committee, "had tried to approximate what they thought need be the proper screening calla:via." Additionally, the Chairman stated that the Committee "had chosen to vier the JCD Program as a form of valuable intra-Agenoy scholarship," and that therefore their sights had been set entxemAT high I eannot but observe with the personal backgrounds of several of the members of the Working Committee and other parties to the final selection mechanism, that there appeared to he a strong prodilemftentowart "admission criteria" not dissimilar from those utilised in a first class educational institution when considering applicants for admis- sion through financial aid, The result was intense conoentration on the sheer intellectual capabilities of the applicants, to the exalt- sion of some of those other important qualities whish often distinguish valuable contributors to the Ageney,s welfare. c, Both final selectees were apparently well.qualified young research types from the DD/1 organisation with whose credentials Mr, any dust. school dean would have been ;leased. One of theme a is himself a former Junior Officer Trainee, who worked under the supervision of the Chairman of the-Working Cottee, and whose past performance had already been thoroughly evaluated by the Office of Training. do Lastly, I believe that the Working Committee on numerous occasions fell into a trap of their, own waking - resort to inclusive catch phrases and bromides to describe their own inpressions of the candidates. Terms such as "firatuvate candidata, "inconsequential 25X1A 15NOMMIleb Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 Approved For Release 20416101.: CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 person,' "lacking in executive potential," "little evidenoe of leadership qualities," and *lacks high level potential," "lacks strength of parereality," "lacks breadth and depth" abounded in their reports, frequently in contradiction to earlier stated personal reactions of the Coamittee to the applicant* "friendly!, open, congenial, frank, eto." On ques- tioning the Chairman of the Working Committee about the use of these term, he admitted that seam of their reactions mey have appeared stereotyped, but this wee a fenetion of the difficulty in redeoing humn behavior to a set of desoriptivo term (of., Fitness newts), 7, While I have no doubt that the Working Committee is sincere in its efforts I cannot but express some doubts about the judgment they displayed on several occasions, as evidenced by their reports. What they were really shooting for les selection of Junior Officer Trainees, using the highest standards applied in that area. I feel that they were too unwilling to take a chance an individuals who had less than what the Committee regarded as requisite formal edation and social intelligence. O. The following are the criteria embodied in the actual request for assessment of candidates who survived the initial tests and interview by the Working Committee, It was with these things in mind that each candidate was evaluated during the full endorsee:Tit of nearly three der in the Office of Training* a, Interest in CIA as a career, te Amount of ambition and drive. n, Measure of "executive potential" (net further defined) d, Stability under stressful situations. GO Adaptability, flexibility, f. Potential for growth within the organisation, so Initiative and criginalltro he Ability to "get lame with other people? L Leadership and persuasiveness capabilities, J. Facility with ideas, k, Willingness to assume respensibility. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 Approved For Release 20011111,11111WCIA-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 9, Per the information of the Chairman, Adidnistration Career - Board, and for the membership of the Board, I have attached synopses of the final reports of the eandidates from the DNA organisation, Theeeare BYES mu dosuments and should be protected accordiney, 10, SUMMARY* The failure of the DD/W organisation to place avec& in the infair4d1) selection appears to be a function of nomination of lees thinvantheally qualified candidates, and the vagueness of the Working Committee in establishing valid selection criteria, with the net result that all their selections tended in the direction of pinking an 'intellec- tual Jack Armstrong,* with leadership potential not less than at the Assistant Director level, 110 AggimpAymis If the Board agrees with what has been said, I proposeViTietipt, designed to improve the chanes of the Deputy Direc- tor (Support) organisation in the forthcoming (March 1955) selections* a, Candidates from the DD/S organisation be esmiefely selected by their Office** and Staffs with a view to nominating only those outetanding individuals who would fill in the cate- gory of ?ambitious young people I would bite Ulan," It is suggested t t the JCD Program not be regarded as a device to promote the reasaignuent of individuals who may be miscast in their present Jobe, b, Proposed that discussions be held between the Assistant Deputy Director (Support) acting for the Administration Career Board, the Director of Training and the Assistant Director for Peremeemilvto attempt to mere clearly define the purpoees of the JCD Program, so that eventually it be structured so as to serve the purposes of all Major Components in the development of sound Jager and senior supervisory personnel with qualification@ per. ticular to the needs of each pec SA 3aapaty Director (Support) Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-04718A001700150021-6 25X1 A9a