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Document Release Date: 
January 4, 2002
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Publication Date: 
August 29, 1953
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Approved For Release 2002/01(IRDP78-04718A00080 IstwW I'nformatlan SEEM-CT le w3d feasible to gran .. * A x cy will cant iD poittoa in rm rtt* iftea icn Act Of 19 9 . by the Airector. livid equ ra.1tlxx of t:r'tic .n r3.1r with resWt to his Vmdep and Veter i rete e !dot. one of the ex, c tatio t in i,eia;,x ?1 satiatfatactorily p a hi oh SECRET policy of la sif'in *ad estx blishin.; the general principles eitat Usbe ~-. by c the ber of swdr~,rftde i T/t" post of ski,, ex rime, select t ed to occupy' the positions they t the criteria. (T6b A) amity infornla'aioc+ Approved For Release 2002/01/31: CIA-RDP78-04718A000800050031-6 Approved For Release 2002/01/ AW78-04718A000800050031-6 inior mation are so-called "spot" prcWtIOM, i.e., whatever sition is granted a rank specitiea+ for the posi- (Tab B) lent numbers of officers eligible for pat my {curing the period he is assigned to that position Act also authorizes of Ioffic rs. In general '.n Tab A. iling of the Apney I** been established pa i.tions au sized by t. The 7 "tan price in 1951 instituted a pro Of of the existing military eStAbliSbowat. Also,, in art. S of their difficulties in in Tab E. been granted a tei could aver a by a, ing ch remains: in tie longer in accord with procedures pro?riried for under the Ye ae Act. =& Ord to be a technicality which should not necessarily be an eerridi, 25X9A2 f aA`*ie/-7i the svx .d be noted, ham: rer 0 1,8,=5X9A2 5ecurit 1nfc 4, SECkE t Approved For Release 2002/01 /3d gpWR 7$,-04718A000800050031-6 CIA hewing acaopte4 a s r, '.,heir Used for tOWOMY P tie Is bowd on quite ining the fact that althotigh statutory nt grades vim geared to a peacetime military esteblis t, y size military eatablisnt also based on, on vi d not ratio the teebaicalitios. orui . t u t oryy authort prc tlons, as sut ki, since Pr motions are so4red gradual Aeessar haw been hem potential odvanta4es to tt oxary promotions apps possibility of more flexibility as the desirability of giving the Ah he is Performing duties. rate. Jobs requiri unique sties 1 or or Civil Service ;r uuou Program. other parts of the be ob ratter than unique skills and experience t Approved For Release 2002/01/3i-'-C- P78-04718A000800050031-6 SEC Approved For Release 2002/01/31:="' situ,. There iey are claasstfied on a 11din bilitie v position in situations in vhi a s srgra position for an extended eem pro riate that vhi.le accopti position either pa ntative positions a ltion he should also have the rating or rates. ched to the of a long range Career should progress na tura ly from o: ET a prc tit only vhe ed to hold such a rating in one or more jobs. concept a promotion or indefinite period he should it ,i*tely and recognition of demonstrated ability to perform a job of fires Such a prcmot wcry eer? ie responsibility. should not be taken sway from. him except pro tion should 'ever b e co '-der (l) received of as a reward for prior id as a milestt in the career e end ciefeating, the prti should be n a man is placed in a hig:?sez aid pose o, (Tab C) Approved For Release 2002/01/31 ;.CIA:RDP78-04718A000800050031-6 Samity zr.fornintirrt a:L.Kt 1 5ftUr1ty Information Approved For Release 2002/01/31 :..A-RDP78-04718A000800050031-6 toss *dvms a ftects on the indi-ridual and on his ability to deal with ept the c ison of shifting frcm the general to the eu rg atd, Lego a> Althav& there a certain tecbnimalities raised by le &%1 reiluir o deter a otherwise :i desirable. pray. t Civil $erarice, =d the Poreign, Service of pro?tde a satisfactory precedent or basis upon which to establieh policy for appo positions in CV. c. g*tablis snt of a program of temporary prom positions is uWastrable as having an o4verse effect: upon the. inconsistemt with the ' Career Servi' a concept. cases of te)orary Prowtions in the a he individual is demed fully id being bil sties for a position sand where it is known he wr uld. be ed by, for at I nt incutasbent or proposed incumbent. TOTS t osi Lions higher attaching to the posit pre-sent '-o occur;;' te: Approved For Release 2002/01/31: C1A=I 6P78-04718A000800050031-6 Eu Approved For Release 2002/01/31f1k"-$?RJ"4718A000800050031-6 rc tion be considered px'o'l t io ry . L- -" ; iudi ?idu1 :r -O r d advised that the promotion be in X ded co=id tiv; of whet action relating to *up*: ad for the as d be t: por r ':he apron Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : C ; 78-04718A000800050031-6