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Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050006-5 I MORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy Director (Administration) SUBJECT: Contractors' Compliance with Government's Non Discrimination Employment Policy 1. On 5 October 1953 the Vice President,, as Chairman of the President's Committee on Government Contracts,, wrote the Director (Tab A) asking the measures now in effect and those contemplated by this Agency to ensure com- pliance by our contractors with the Government's non-discrimination employment policy. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 2. Mr. of this office and Mr. of the Office of General Counsel conferred recently with the Executive Director of the Commit- tee,, Mr. Seidenberg,, and his deputy,, as suggested in the Vice President's letter. The purpose of the meeting was to explain informally the Agency's difficulties in ensuring compliance and to get the Committee's suggestion as to what we might do under our particular circumstances. A summary of their meeting is attached as Tab B. 3. IMIr. Seidenberg pointed out that the Committee could not expect us to have regulations and procedures fully worked out at this time. He sug- gested that the Director make an interim reply to the Vice President's letter. Attached as Tab C is the proposed reply. JAMES A. GARRISON Chief of Logistics 001,Uw-Wt Alts, ------------------- . kin f hl:rW (t C?.111 Next Rtt5+vd Aulb?a FOIAb3b Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050006-5 t{ t4S Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050006-5 t EMORANDUM FOR: T Dap i replying to Vice President Nixon's repro" ntatives of the Office of the Gen- the Logistics Office not with of the President's Com- ?neral approach which proposed- The reply t visit and indicates that ch will be a nde kaovn to the Com- t cns are being devised, the they have been finally adopted iaaly the regulations viii provide for a nowAiscrimimatiou clsusa in all appropriate con- tractrr, to soh the Samar mmwr U the present practice. Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050006-5 i Ap proved For R 2 X1A9a 2 X1A9a 25X1A9a ease 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050006-5 TRANSMITTAL SLIP 28 October 1953 (Date) TO: Colonel White BUILDING ROOM NO. REMARKS: It is believed that the proposed letter for DCI signature and the blue slip are self-explanatory except for the delay in presenting an answer. A por- tion of this delay was through mis- directing the Nixon letter to Personnel for reply. The letter presumably was received in Logistics on 12 October 53. The meeting of ~ of Logistics and - of OGC with Mr. Seidenberg, Executive Director of the President's Committee, occurred on 22 October. I suspect most of the de can be attri- buted to vacillatioa i Lo tics as to - A 11 FR _ ~. BUILDING ROOM EXTENSION FORM N0. SEP 1946 36-8 Approved For RtI ease 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050006-5 Approved For R 25X ease 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A00070005000 -5 how the answer should be written. You may wish to speak to Jim about this. The vidt of would in a sense act as an answer to the letter and the Counittee is reasonably happy about t action being taken in CIA and is pr appreciative of our problem. Logic cs s working on the regulations which will be shown to Mr. Seidenberg informally for his suggestions, if any. A9a Approved For R*I ease 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050004-5