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Appft~ve? R 1eaE' `'2,002/05/02: CIA's iCONF{DENT CJa~d' ',AL??i.xc ACY' ,1~hiri~;orz," D C 1. Attached. for _nforniataon and ?ctr.. appropriate action ..s the e ha Final Repcart cif, tide CIA Gateer' :r?.a a ;c;e Comm. tte which,.i been ap- p-roved by the "Director of $ ntra]: Intelligence 2. Re,u L tions, procedures and a;30! nmeists a i elt her implentirnr, the Program wild,:tie incorporated. L h the CIA Manual or issued as CIA Notices, as re' ._;,i.xved, in order that it may be phased into T'uJi. operation, WALTER MID WOLF Depty Director (Adm.i.nistx-atiori) Document No. ----------------- 'Bo change In Mass. Deo1nssiflod Class. Changed To: TS S Auth.: R 70.2 @@ Date: By: Q_~~t pproved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 NOTICE 25X1 A SUBJECT: CIA Carc e i. 'S i ; i:ce Program FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CE NTRAJ IIYJTELL GETICE DISTRIBUTION 110. 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Final Report of Career Service Committee 1 Tab A Summary of the CIA CAREER SERVICE PROGRAM H 3 Tab B Organizatiq ? Relationships and Functions of the CARR SERVICE BOARDS 6 Tab C The P .RSONNEL EVALUATION REPORT 10 Tab D The EXECUTIVE INVENTORY 11 Tab E .a: The Selection anQ. Training of TRAINEES for PROEES5IONAL POSITIONS 12 Tab F ROTATION 1,6 Tab 0 CAREER BENEFITS 22 Tab H The HONOR AWARDS PROGRAM 2 Schedule A Membership on the CIA CAREER SERVICE BOARD 25, Schedule B ROTATION LOAN SLOTS 26 'Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 li June l952 TO Director of Central Intelligence FROM Chairman, Career Servicee Comrjii.ttoe SUBJECT: Final Report of the Carer Service Committee to , PROBLEM,, To devise a Career Service Program that identifies, dE velops$ effcctivply uses and .rewards individuals who have the skills required by CIA; motivates them towards rendering maximum service to the Agency; and eliminates from the service, in an equitable manners those who in spite of the Program fail to perform as effective. members of the organizationo ASSUM.PTIONS* It is assumed that: Required skills can be identified through appropriate evaluation and selection devices, b? Potential skills can be developed and maintained through appropriate supervision, training and duty rotation. The skills of CIA personnel can be utilized most effectively through planned assignment of individuals to positions of progressively greater responsibility as their skills are developed to meet CIA requirements for those positions,, d,, The experience of personal growth together with a persona], identification with the objectives and operations of the Agency will stimulate maximum service among CIA per>onrieli co Aspirations of CIA personnel to a career with the Agency will depend on the extent to which their contributions are recognized by the Agency and on maintenance by the Agency of the best possible climate for work. Sc riformati.on Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security Information DISCUSSICN. Tabs A through H present a Career Service Program which has been tailored to the needs of CIA. by experienced members of the Agency0 This Program is based upon tech- niques which have proven to be effective in private industry and other Government establishmentsq RECO MENDATIONo It is recommended that you approve this report and authorize the Deputy Director (Administration) to implement the C:4A Career ,Service Program,,. a ~xznani Career Service Committee Approved: 13 June 1952 25X1A 14- Direr or o Cep ra n c> :ienee SECRET S6curity Information Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security Information SUMMARY OF THE CIA CARr'FR SERVICE PROGRAM 1. The CIA Career Service Program, is controlled by n CIA Cnt plan :necornrc ndod for the 7.nd i.vidu:el by hi;,u-, ervi.,s or i , r :v i.?: wr: d for th(,, ,.ipproval of th Assistsent 717777o7 or Office hr. ark, Tfie,sr, Board arc, conc e,rned prim with the implementation of policy and with the review of detailed recommendations con(e:erned with the. earF:?r:rs of individuals. (See Tit:) B), SECRET Security Information Tab A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 S,rCf +rT Security Information h.i.. Annually, or as often as required, each person is evaluated by h supervisor and the evaluation is reviewed by a re: viewing official. This evaluation together with a proposed development program forms the basis for a detailed discussion between the supervisor- and the person bring evaluatE-d. The proposed (30v eelopment program is reviewed by the (offi.ce) Career ervice Board and when approved by the Assistant Director or office cad bccomcs the plan for the individual's career for the next year or 'two. (S.e Tab (71). i 5. Spacial emphasis is placed on the identification, training and dre'v lopment of individuals who dcmonst.rate potential for assignmeht to positions requiring executive ab_ili_ty', Individual talent for planning, orgoniain. and directing the work of others is one, of the Agencyrs,prize assts provided it is carefully developed and guide::--d effectively toward th-- acdomplishment' of eef)mo specifjo aspect of the Agency! s mission. Such potential is of interest to the, Agency as a whole since it is seldom tied to t^chnical proficiency in any one field and, therefore, not, limited to use in any particular area of activity. (Serf; Tab D). 6. M new junior personnel recruited and selected to fill. pro- fessional positions e.Y.,, all new personnel up to and tnclu.din.: -S-11 to fill slots designated. as professional positions) will be, screened by the Professional Selection Panel (in a manner similar to that employed by the ;Board of Examiners of the Foreign S?xvice) with respect to over- all suitability to work in CIA on a career ba.sis. Exception to this procedure may be made in each cap;e by the appropriate Deputy Director. (See Tab Ti'), 7. All new personnel ree,cru ted and selected to fill professional positions ' ncludi.n1 all new "lateral-entry" personnel, GS-12 and above, will enter the CIA Intelligence School at the first session commencing after their POD, gx.ce:ati.on to this procedure may be made: in each case by the appropriate Deputy Di.r. ector. (See Tab .;) . one of they most effective methods of training CIA. personnel, developing their latent talents and p^; those persons with high potential for more responsible pos'.t:ion s as by means o r rotation' through one r more positions that can provide broadening E xpe riencfee, Executive akil~s can often be developed through experience in. a variety of areas of responsibility. (See Tab P). SECRET Securit of ~ Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : EYR 6 l8-04718A000500070014-6ab A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Security Information >. Th f'avornblc wore clam 7t:; that is one; of the ;oal: of th Ce c r "ccrvice Program would be e nhanc :d by curtain benefits not now ~v a l >le to CTA personnel, Mnny of the c .n be achieved only through l ,.elation. The CT C,,.m er Scrv.',c e: Board -will. give cont..nuous attention to this problem. ( oe Tab z). :10. Much of the work that i_-, iccamr: a h,:uci In Ci_A must, for ?:c cl:zri ty reasons, he done inongmously. An important incentive th._ot is common to rno; t human endeavors, the acclaim and eppr. obation of one-;, , :f-:1. Low man, is th r. for not nerell.y nvailihlc' to CTd. The establishment of an i.n- tuurnal (-'TA. Honor swards Pro .ram will oart .fulfill this need. (Se(, Tab H): Approved For Release 2002/09GZ7'7tIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Security Information Tab A Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security Information Organization., Relationships and Functions of the CAREER SERVICE BOARDS Organization and Functions of the CIA CAREER SERVICE BOARD Ao The CIA Career Service Board will. be composed of the following persons: Depttty Director (Plans ) Doputy Director (Int.ellig(:nce) Deputy Director (Administration) Assistant Director (Personnel) Director of Training Two Assistant Directors) each to serve for terms of six months' duration. (See Schedule A) Executive Secretary - Non;-voting Four members of the Board will. constitute: a quortun0 If a member cannot be present, he may be represented by his Deputy. The Board will hold scheduled monthly m etings, and agenda and minutes of meetings will be distributed to all persons on Schedule AD B, It will be the responsibility pf the CIA Career Service Board tot l0 Develop policy governing the Career Service Program for approval by the DCI and servo as his advisor on all matters concerning the Program0 20 Supervise and review the functioning of (Office) Career Service Boards o 3o' Establish and maintain an Executive, Invcnto:ry to be composed of those persons which the 13oard shall from time to time dotermine0 l[a Make recommendations for filling Roy positions in the Agency with personnel from the Executive Inventoryo Review evaluation of personnel contained in the Executive Inventory and review rotation programs for their further developmento Approve the allocati...on of Rotation Loan Slots to (Office) Career Service Boardsc (Soc. Schedule B)? SECRET Security Informationn Tab B Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 MCAT' Security Information Supervise supporting groups or Boards for handling spodiala-zed'. functions on an Agencyywid.e basis, such as Hazardous D t Boa d p u y , r Honor Awards Board, 'Professsiozial Selection Panel, etc:., dratTing o A n gency personnel as necessary, Prepare and submit annually to the DCI a summary of the operation of the CIA. Career Service Programs II, Organization and Functions of the SECRETARIAT of the CIA CAREER SERVICE BOARD . A,2 The Career Development Staff of the Personnel Office serves as the Secretariat of the CIA Career Service Board and the Chiof'q Care r D l e eve opment Staff serves as the Executive Secretary of the BoardQ It will be the responsibility of the Secretariat of the CIA Career Service Board to; to Recommend to the CIA Career Service Board ways and'moans of improving the CIA Career Service Program, .2e Perform all secretariat and administrative functions for the CIA Career Service Board0 These includes but' are not limited to: a4 Maintaining mast; r files Concerned with Career. Service matters on a current basis fpr,the CIA Career Service -Board, including agenda and records of meetings,, be Transmitting to the CIA Career Service Board.recommenda.? tions and Periodic reports of the (Office) Career"Service Boards for consideration. 4e. Initiating and supervising such studies. as ,are needed to improve the Career Service Program. Assisting (Office) Career Service Boards in effo>cting rotation appointments, ec Submitting unresolved. inter-Office Board problems to the CIA Greer Service Board for decision, SECRET Security Information TQb Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 B Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Secu'ity Information Coordinating with the Office of Training training arrangements and needs respecting the CIA Career Service Program . , Acting in support of Boards established by the CIA Career Service Board for handling spec:i.aJ.izd functions on an Agency-wide basis,, III Organization and Functions of the (OFFICE) CAREER SERVICE BOARDS A;: (Office) Career Service Boards will be composed of the, following .persona: Assistant Director (or office head) ex officio Three or. more Staff or Division Chiefs, or comparable high-level officials Secretariat - Non-voting. (in most eases,, the Secretariat will be composed of Administrative Personnel Off :i.cer s of the office concerned and will perform staff, support for the Board,;) . (Office) Career Service Boards will be established in the follow- ,ing units of CIA: Office of Special. Operations Office of Policy Coordination Office of Commtinic at ions office of Operations Office of Research and Reports Office of Collection and Dissemination Office of Current Intel- ligF~enco Office of Scientific Intelligence Office of National. Estimates Office of Training Technical Services Staff' Personnel Office Medical Office General. Services Office Inspection and Security Office Procurement and Supply Office Comptrollers Office An Administration Career Service Board will be established which 'will be concerned. with those; individuals who do not come under the jurisdiction of any one of the above Career Service Boards,; Cv It will be the re, spon,:sibility of an (Office) Career Service Board to: lo Serve as advisor to the Assistant Director (or Office head) on all matters pertaining to the Career Service Programfl, SECRET Approved For Release e2c0U27U /0Z :fIAR6P~8-04718A000500070014 ~' B Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security Information Direct within the Office the application and functioning of the Career Service Program, including but not, limited to; Executing relevant decisions of the CIA Career Service Board and making recommendations to the CIA Career Service Beard for improvement of , the, Career Service Program, Sponsoring, developing and executing the Career Service Program of the Office concerned, :including an intra>Of' rotation system., and reporting periodically to the CIA Career Service Board, a Reviewing Personnel Evaluation Reports and proposed development plans for in terms of training, assignment, advancement,, rotation and promotion? Recommending cancellation or continuance of career development actions. Participating in the development and execution of approved extra-Office rotation systems, Submitting a semi-annual Personnel Evaluation Report to the Sponsoring Office on each rotation appointee from another Office Ensuring that the rotation appointees detailed by their Offico to another O fi.ce are not overlooked i'or warranted promotion and ensuring that rotation appointees received by their .Office are productive and their assignments commensurate with the purpose of the appointments,, Reviewing continuously conditions of service: and duty with a view to making recommendations to the CIA Career Service Board concerning working conditions and benefits that can strengthen morale and increase Itesprit de corpse, Reviewing continuously the personnel intake: of the Of.f.i.ce, especially at the junior professional level.,, with a view to ensurin the acquisition of highly-qualified, versatile persons 34 with long-range potentiality, Supervise supporting groups or Boards as appropriate for handling specialized functions, assigning to them office personnel as necessary. SECRET Security Information Tab B Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security Information Tice Personnel Evaluation Report (See Form No. 37-151, attached) is prepared annually or as often as required, It deals with: a,, The job being dona,, b. The pereon is performance on the jobs cgi The porsonts potential for assuming greater responsibilities4 d? The program recommended for the person's devclcpmc.nt* 2 Q E f_fective us ce of the Personnel Ei a luation Report is- dependent primarily on the extent to which supervisors are objective in reporting useful information on the form. The Office of Tr-aining and the Personnel Office are. currently preparing the program necessary to place this system in operattonb 3a The Personnel Office will be primarily responsible for achrUnistration of the personnel evaluation program, SECRET Security Information Tab C Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SnCRFT Security Information 1. The purpose of a Career Service Program is to develop people to the fullest extent to meet present and anticipated job needs of the ." gsncy. An Itexccutive inventory" is merely a moans of matching present and potential executive-type assets against present and anticipated needs for executive ability in order to plan intelligently to meet these needs. 2. As an aid to personnel pYnni_ng for the development and use of executive, skills throughout the Agency, the CIA Career Service Board will maintain an inventory of all personnel who evidence executive ability or potential according to criteria which the Board shall ne- term.ine from time to time in relation to Agency needs. The Board gill review Personnel Evaluation Reports on all personnel included in the inventory and will recommend inter-Office rotation assignments for such parsons when appropriate in the interest of their further development. The Board also will use its inventory of Executive abilities to recom7 mend inter-office transfers of persons to fill key Agency positions, 3. In addition (office) Career Service Boards are encouraged to maintain inventories of any skills and abilities which they find helpful for use in their internal personnel planning. MKI A pproved For Release Q?~ rCl gDP78-04718A00050007001A- n 1) Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SFCRFT Security Information THE SFLrCTTUN iND TRAINING -- OF TRn.INTES FOR PROFFSS'IQNA..L POSITIONS la With regard. to train ;es for overt activities, including overt personnel asaigned to covert Offices, it is recomanended that: a.a All now personnel recruited to fill professional eositons in the Agency be required to go through a. training program in order to give them an .adequ, to basic intelligence book ground, Mcptions may be made for individuals who have had previous high-level intolligence exoc rience . b, The present Profess ionol Trn inin.g Program in the, C11 Intelligence School be reorientaUd and expanded as speedily as possible into a Prof: ssional Selection and Training Program to give all new personnel for pro.fessionol positions a broad yet int.n,ive int Ili gonoe training. Specialized training, including language, area and, will be handled in other parts of the training program. on. The curriculum of the CIM Intelligence School, :including recom- mended reading, be rvvise to cov, r subjects of particular interest to Officos and be coordinated with TRS to reduce duplierti on in the curricula, do A select on board to be known at the :Profess:Lone]. SA-:=ct_ion Panel be established under the direction of the CIA Career Service Board. It would consist of five voting members and three advisory members as follows; (1) Two representatives from the overt Offices. (2) Two representatives from the, covert Offices, (3) One representative from a Deputy Director's Office, the nn/P, DD/n end PD/ I, to be successively represented an a. rotating basis, (4) Three advisory representatives, on n ach from the P;ersonnol Office, the Inspection and Security Office end the Office of, Approved For Release 2002 /.02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Security Information Tab F Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 S!CRT 1 Security Information The pan^l will review selection standards, including me dica.l standards, for and the qu.^I-ications of all c ndidetec up to and including the grade OS-11 for overt and semi.-covert nrofos_ sional positions. in the overt, covert and support Offices and will finally approve on behalf of the 1gency' the selection of all personnel for prof.~s~zional positions in those grades e.nd categories,, In cc. se of an adverse findi lg agcinst ?n ape.iic,nt by the Pan,-,l, the appropriate Assistant D=i.rr?etor or Office head may appeal to his Deputy Dir actor whose d+-cision will be final, The Pane will also, when r~=griestd by an Assistcnt Director, arran.Jc for the te;ssing of a. candidate in the GS-12 15 category, review his qualification,, and m,-,.de recominindations to the requesting Office;, Personnel requirements of Offices for professional positions bE' submitted to the P ersonnel Office which wi 11 inform tha- L'ro" fcss_ionnl Splcection Panel and the Office of Training of the ostimet(d intake so th,ct they m:ay plan accordinglyp n ll recruit= ment will be under. taken,eirist authorized slots in consumer Offices except that ) ama.ll numt er of slots will be set aside . for the temporary aiccommodntion of. draft-eligible candidates who are brought into CIA fo:r indoctrination before entering ~he Armed Services. ft The program to c t:ebl.ish consultant_cont.acts :in Collegeti and universities (Project Review Cornrr,ittee Project TFRN/^DP_92-?S2 of 22 Octob =r 1 951) to r ecr. uit undergraduate and gr= duate students he vigorously i.mplemc rated and ult irnat, ly expanded!., h. Consultcnt-c,?ntacts bc, briefed reeg.arding the rolction br,e- ween recruiting for overt ,sic. i n bat'ri ove rt and cove rt Offices and recruiting; for deep??cov-r activities, i. Special security me: e zres br; taken to prevent subvr=rsiv(-) infiltr,, ti.on into the agency through the traine.,e system and that I&S 13 _. Approved For Release 20O W8 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Security Information Tab F Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 CrCP1 T 4. ~l. Security Information Office be given adequate b-icking in money and personnel to carry out thee se mea;;lt.rc s, Cons,.ilt^nt-contacts be briefed thoroughly regarding the d n,zer of subversive infiltration into the Agency through the trainee systems j, k? No organized publicity be given the trainee recruiting pro ram and that publicity of any kind i eg.:arding any aspect; of the Selection arid Tr-ining Program bey disco=god, 1. p.11 candidates for profF si onal ?.~ositions in grades uo to end including GS-1.1 be:'n . one-day battery of tests bt fort: final commitments for employment era made,,, this to ba given after 'thy., applicant rla s b ...n rt commended by --aid PH5 arld other forms !1ayee been reviewed by the T ers )n iel Offic The testing in 1. above he cerriod out in leading and universities by corrq)etent consultants for by, field unit) and in Washington by a hi,!,dqua:rte rs unit, no The seque'incn of evvents in carrying out the Profc:,ssion l Selection and Training Program should be as follows: (1) fitatemant by Offices end. other come onents of th it ne:.e:eds for new personnel, to fill professionel positions in the CS -5 th.roug'7. ~``-1.1 cet;egorins. (2) I,, contacting and screen.i.n.g of' candidates in uni.vr-+r- sit:ies, industries and the f.rmed Sc.rvic::es by the Personnel Offi,.ce through consult?n.t-contacts or by other recru:itment techn2.que s o (3) Pre' security chwck by T.cSO, (1r) T: stl g of candidates at s::lect d locations in the field end in headquarters:,,, (5) Screening and shopping of. candidate files to Officas by the Personnel Of;['ii..c(-,. Approved For Release 2002/019; - CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SEC Security Information Tab E Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security Information (6) Clearance by the Medical Office steps 5 and 10). to be carried out. between (7) Assessm-:nt. (To be carried out, at the option, of the obligating Office, between steps ; and 1U,, ) (8} Obligation of slots by O.ff_i.cas. (9) 0ocurity investigation initiated by I&SQ. (10) "ecurity Clearance. (11) Intccrvi,,w, re:evi .ew and decision by Professional Selection 1 an.e?l. (12) 11ot:ifica.tion to ; by Per onneel, Offi.ce;. (13) ROD (14) P'ntrance. into CIA Intelligence School, (is) Review of Training record by Professional Selection Panel. (16) assumption of duty status in Office obli; ating s1cot. Approved For Release 2002 J& T: CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014- Security Information Ta E Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security information lm The objectives of rotation for the enc, are as follows : A more effective and more economical utilization of the Agencyts manpower, A method of improving the selection and broadening the. dxperionce of individuals to serve in key positions. co The cultivation of an- osprit do corps based primarily on the reward.-formmeri.t principle, 20 The objectives of rotation fotheindi al are as follows, a, Assisting him to do his present job more effectively by:. (1) Increasing his knowledge in ,his fi eldo (2) Providing him with new skills.9 techniques and methods of performance,. Improving his ability to plan his work and to direct and supervise others in it. (4) Incr,oasing his understanding of the necessary relationships of his job to those of collateral and higher echelons of the Agencyo Preparing him to undertake jobs of increasingly greater responsi. bility commensurate with his growth potential by: (1) Broadening his understanding of the objectives of the Agency and its mission? (2) Intensifying the development of his planning, managerial and supervisory skills,,' c6 Providing him more opportunity to find the field in which- he ' doe s best Removing him from a itxuttta 16 - Approved For Releas%FO Qu. O? ,. ~ C~i4 ] Q78-047I8A000500070014-6Tab ' Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SE ORET Security Information 30 Tn order to provide a, terminology that will promote a conron under- standing of rotation problems,, the following definitions have been 4doptedt Rotation: The procesS. Of .systematic designation and redesigna- loon"af an individual to various kinds of duty and training for the purpose of improving his capacity to serve the Agency, Transfer: The process pf.removing an. individual from the rolls of one--ffice and his concurrent addition to the rolls of another Office. This process is independent of the process of rotation though it may be a consequence thereof, Exchan e: The process of rotating an individual by placing him emt po wily under the operational control of another Office in return for another individual. similarly attached, Loan: The process of rotating an individual by placing him temporarily under the operational control ?f another Ojff_ice: without reciprocity, or of attaching him temporarily to an activity not a part of CIA,. ey Sponsoring. Office: The administrative unit of CIA on whose rolls individuals`_ iv'?duals Vi rotation assignments are carried and under whose administrative control individuals remain irrespective of where attached. Receivin Offices The administrative unit to whi oh individuals Bing rota-t- are attached and under whose operational control individualp remain until they are returned to the Sponsoring Office, Principles which are concerned in the process of rotation are as follows Personnel Covered: In generaal, any individual who.has been in the emp oy o h agency for a period of two years is eligible .for rotation,, Rotation of persons who have been on duty for loss than two years would be the exception rather than the rule, Positions Covered: Any position within the control of Ithe Agency to-W-71'37 the assignment of personnel will serve the objectives of rotation is regarded as covered by these principles. These include executive, operational, intel.ligenc.e,:.technical, administrative and - 17 -" SFCFI~T ;'. Approved For Release, $@2~tl -rgfj;04718A000500070014-6 Tab F Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECRET Security Information, training. positi,ons, either in the field or at headquarters, within the Agency or with other public or private agencies or institutions. co Job Groups Covered: The classes of individuals covered are inclu- sive rather Sian exclusive, ' The professjoriial or 'technical activity of a given class of individuals may., by its nature, limit the job-type groups to which members of such.a class will rotate. Normal Duration of Tour of Duty; Each individual rotation period -less 12an six months, and will probably average betweep eighteen and twenty-four months, Thus, a rotation assignment at the National War. College will run some ton months while a rotations assignment to a position. overseas may well run twenty-four, to thirty months. e, Degree of Compulsion to Rotate: As a matter of principle, accep ance,o"' ro anon ass:~ i~ment is Compulsory. for persons who intend to make a career of CIA employment, Any individual or Sponsoring office, or Receiving office, may., however, show cause why a rotation assignment shall or shall not be carried, out. The v:i.cwing authority. (thee C.T.Q. Career Service Board) shall in such Casds make recommendations to the appropriate Deputy Director whose ecision shall be finale Administrative Control; Individuals with rotation assignments will rerna n o:ri c ro s o the S ponsox-ing office and under its actria.n.- istrativ o control for promotion and transfer purposes. The, ,Sponsor- ing. office will pay the individual frori home. office fluids at his home office grade, go Operational Control; The individual being rotat,,-ed be under opera rza control of the Receiving Off-,.cc for the duration of his tour of duty with that office, during which period Personnel Evaluation Reports will be prepared by the Roca office and forwarded to the Sponsoring Officeo he Effect of Grade Di..f' ere ntial betirreen Jobs concerned in Rotation- Assignments given to inda_vi.du^ls being rot; tc d sha11be gcuaorally comrnonsurate with their abilities, keeping in mind the purpose of making the specific assignment. Rotation Loan Slots (See Schedule B, attached) will be allocated to Offices to maintain flexibility in effecting rotation where exchange of approximately equivalent personnel is not practical. SECRET Approved For Releasg( /Q#/( f6i1&F Qgr7B-04718A000500070014-6 Tab F Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECK2 Security Information Changes in Grade; Promotions and other changes in grade shall remain under id control of the Sponsoring Office. The eligi- 'bility of the individual for promotion shall not be prejudiced or overlooked by reason of his status as an individual being rotate d. Duration of Rotational Pattern; It is premature' at this time to formulate a po 1cy covering the duration in years during which period the individual is subject to rotation policies, or to attempt to prescribe an. arbitrary age limit afte=r which rotation policies will not be applied, Settlement of Disputes: Divergence of views between Offices or e weer ri v diIand his (Office) Career Service Board which cannot be satisfactorily resolved between the partie=s shall be referred in the first instance to the Secretariat which' will review the case and forward its recommendation to the concerned (office). Career Service Board(s).,.. In the. event the recommendation of the Secretariat is not accepted, the case ' sha:Ll be referred to the CSC, Career Service :Board for disposition, 1. Polic Governing Rotation within an Office: Intra-Office, rotation p o i l c y s l O .e ,b --E' i`e-" C' ice Career Service Board within t he frame=work of policieibd by thr s prescree CIA Caree,Service Board, Policy Governing Rotation betwe=en Offices ; Within the framm-rk of 5. ,rot?ation will be based largely on a series of bilateral agreements between Offices which will set forth in each case the person being rotated, the expected duration of his assigment and any other pertinent .facts, policies prescrl e 11-3-M " Career S Board inter-Office 'here are two basic types of rotation as follows; Rotation by Exec (1~ The Exchange procedure authorizes Office Boards to negotiate the "swapping" of two persons when at has been judged that rotation is .the best method of broadening their experience, This procedure will. be wed ?when the two positions in question are of corresponding responsibility., FZespective grades of the positions or incumbents need not be exactly. the same,r SECRET Security Information Tab F Approved For Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000500070014-6 SECR}T Security Information (2) Individuals being rotated will be under the opera.tionral. control and supervision of the Receiving Office foardo (3) The. Receiving Office Board will outline to the :indiv du al the responsibilities of the new.position0 flotation by Loan (1) The Loan procedure authorizes an office Board to recommend the tempor