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Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000300050003-2 0857-2701 RR 9-6719 I DENTIALI Aug 30 1957 MWFAMM FOR: Acting Director of Central Intelligence Personnel Ceilings This memorandum submits recommendations for approval of the Acting Director of Central Intelligence. Such recommendations are contained in paragraph 5. 2. To adjust the Agency's personnel strength to ceiling. FACTS BEARING ON THE MMM: 25XO The Agency ceiling for fiscal years 1958 and 1959 is 23 August 1957 personnel strength exceeded ceiling by As of employees. 25X1A 3. DISCUSSION: Reduction of personnel strength my be accomplished by: (a) invoking formal reduction-in-force procedures, (b) instituting a selection-out program devised to remove employees whose performance is submarginal, (c) accelerated retirement of eligible personnel, (d) personnel attrition accompanied by a drastically reduced ration of replacements, or (e) com- binations of the foregoing. These alternatives are discussed in detail in Tab A. 4. Pormsal reduction-in-force procedures should not be resorted to in order to adjust personnel strength since this mechanism fails to segregate our personnel assets on the basis of individuals who are most effective from those less so. b. The adoption of a program of selection out of substandard employees (and accelerated retirement of older, annuity-eligible employees whose performance reflects limited value) should have special priority, at the same time recognizing that the volume of personnel affected will probably not immediately result in the reduction required to achieve the ceiling, level. Procedures proposed to initiate a selection out system are outlined in s Approved For Rel s ~- _ Ilya .Q.0 Approved For Release 2001/0 ,i23.: CIA-RDP78-04718A000300050003-2 Tt Personnel Ceilings CONflDENT1AL o. A program of personnel attrition will, when combin of b., above, bring about a reduction of personnel to calling befo the and of the fiscal year. d. Although clerical recruitment and hire should not be e*u ended, these processes should be limited to the number of positions which can be retained within the ceilings of Agency Components. Clerical positions in excess to these which can be filled within ceiling should be eliminated from Tables of Organizations. e intake of Junior officer Trainees should be maintained on as full a basis as is permitted by the resent 100 slots budgeted for the program. Additionally, (1) appropria.ed action should be ins to ensure that to the extent that JVV s are available and qualified for Agency positions, this source be accorded priority over external later- al recruitment; and (2) transfers of JOT's from the Office of Training to the co onesnta of'`peramanerrt +sssigeroents be approved as promptly as possible to free JOT slots for anew candidates. In order to align Agency strength and ceiling consistent with Bureau of , all regulargul employees on the payrolls of the Agency and all eluded and including be charged to assigned immed, policy is made fa. ;envy; these am Training. a assigned to the Agency will be in- ailing. Personnel absent for any reason, s., but who are in a pay status, will ;Bogs of the components to which they were preceding their absence. An exception to th6as Junior Officer Trainees selected from within slotted to the JOT training complement of the office 5. RECOMMHMT"IO z It is recommended that a. No formal reduction in force procedures be used. b. A program of selection out of substandard employees be instituted. c. Appropriate action be taken to bring about the accelerated retirement of older, annuity-eligible employees whose work reflects limited effectiveness. d. Those clerical positions which cannot be filled within established ceilings be eliminated from current Tables of Organiaaation$ and recruitment of clerical personnel be continued on a scale which will insure that all T/O clerical positions will be filed. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 :_CjA-?RDP78-04718A000300050003-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000300050003-2 1 Ceilings e. The JM program be maintained at its present level, insuring this source of personnel be accorded priority over external lateral recruitment. All personnel absent from the Agency, but who are be charged, to the coiling of the component to whic prior to their absence. /a/ L. K. W E M Deputy Director (Suppo Attachments: Tab A with 5 Annexes Tab B Depu ige : will eigv.ed Au ;uat 30, 1957 1 ph 5 is APPROVED: C. P. C.A.LL Lieutenant General, B Acting Director of Central Intelligence 0riginato Distribution: trig and 1 -D/Pers 3- DD/s 1 -Z/I 1 -ED/P 25X1A OD/Pers mg(30 Aug 57) 1 - MCI 1 ER 1 - D/Pears Stayback -I fj~- N1 I AL Approved For Release 200'1107/28: CIA-RDPP&04718A000300050003-2 Approved For Release 2Q gLN U RV ORIGINAL DOCUN,II;NT MISSING PAGE(S): GaV000300050003-2 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000300050003-2