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Approved For Release 2003/12103 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 1) .... ( i &Jo AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINED BY CROP IMPROVEflENT IN CHINA e : Ch o Sangy Shsan Fea reon ' Instt. J 1-9 The Japanese union of importers of Chinese rice recently signed a contract with the Chinese Food, Oil and Foodstuff Company for the import of 30,000 tons of fine grain rice and of 10,000 tons of regular rice, or of 40,000 tons altogether. Added to the 1205000 tons im- ported in April., this represents a total import of 160,000 tons of Chinese rice for 1966. On the other hand,, China has taken great quan- tities of fertilizers from Japan, importing up to 1,100,,000 tons of chemical fertilizers from Japan in 1966. Thus, Chinese agriculture has come to be a field that bears great influence on the Japan-China trade, even acquiring quite an influence on the whole Japanese economy. For this reason, even though the news concerns the Chinese agriculture, the report of the New China News Agency on 30 June issued from Peking that "the main food crops such as wheat, rapeseed, and various cereals as well as the oil and fat materials gathered during the summer harvest of this year have all increased with most regions giving the highest yield in recent years, surpassing last year's marks per area unit as well as in the whole" should be an extremely welcome news in Japan. In particular, the provinces of Honan, Shensi, Hupeh, Anhwei, Szechuan, Kiangsu, Shansi, Peking, and Shanghai have regis- tered large increases of 10-20 percent over last year. During the period of growth of this year's summer crop, the na- tural conditions were xmtx4 not in any way as fine as one would hope. In fact, the 9kim New China News Agency has this to say: "At the time of cultivation last fall, practically all the regions were visited by low temperatures and lots of rain, many regions did not have any winter rain or snow while part of the country receives tX but scant Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 rainfall even during the spring. Struggling under these unfavorable conditions,, the broad masses of cooperative members have adopted a fighting posture and increased the food crops by promoting the spirit of revolutionary struggle under the leadership of cadres of various echelons." For three straight years after 1959, the agricultural production of China was visited with great natural calamities and underwent a great step backward. Thus, one can see that this year, China has overcome to some extent the unfavorable weather conditions and started to acquire fertility. In fact, there have been energetic efforts made to build up the agriculture in the last two, three years such as the movement for "maintaining the production level whether in conditions of drought or flood and for stabilizing it Jopgait since stability means high overall production." The import of large quantities of fertil- izers amounting to over 2,000,000 tons from Japan and Western Europe is one expression of these efforts. Internally, the production of che- micAl fertilizers also keeps on expanding as it is accorded the greatest amount of attention. Moreover, the expansion and completion of farm- land irrigation works az also have been astounding: in the Chou River Delta (Kwartung Province), in the delta of the Yangtse, in the vicinity of Tungting Lake in Hunan, on the Kwanchung plains of Shensi, in the area around Peking, and on the Liaoho plains of Liaotung province, etc. in all these commodity and provisions producing areas there have been formed large-scale rural electrification, water drainage and irriga- tion networks, thus greatly heightening the resistance capacity to natural calamities. The Chinese agronomists have also made continuous and devoted efforts to expand agricultural growth, going out to the countryside with scientific measurement instruments and knapsacks on their backs, fixing themselves at the research bases, building pilot fields for the purpose of propagating agricultural techniques, and acquainting the farmers with .00 modern scientific techniques, striv- ing energetically to make these farmers adopt these techniques. These experts, worl,"ibn the research bases and cultivating the pilots fields themselves have now amounted to over 2,600 persons who have set up a total amount of 1000 research bases and pilot fields in various areas in the whole country. Astonishing results have been achieved on these bases and fields: for instance, on a pilot wheat land of 33,000 ha in Yunchiang Special Zone, Szechwan province, the as- tounding result of an increase of 70 percent over last year's produc- tion has been attained for 1966. Thus, one can see that China has made truly major efforts to ex- pand and improve Jc'kx its agricultural production. What is worthy of attention in all these efforts, however, remains the effort to improve the quality of China's agricultural crops. Just as in the case of the Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 development of Japanese agriculture since the Meiji restoration, it is obvious that to get to the present high level the development of rice cultivation in Japan has been due ? in no small part to the assiduous efforts at improvement of the quality of the paddy. These efforts do not yield results overnight and one must strive continuously over the years before seeing any: in China too, steady efforts have been made and already great results have started to show. For instance, the New China News Agency on 4 April 1966 reported from Peking that this year, the provinces of it Kwantung and Kiangsu have helped the province of Hu- peh by supplying it with over 3,500 tons of superior rice seed, while in the province of Anhwei there have been procured from within and without the province over 10,000 tons of seeds for use in the spring crop and for distribution in various localities. Also, in the province of Honan it is reported that 27,000 tons of various fine crop and cotton seed have been made ready for sixteen mbx hsien alone. Thus, we can say that the vast procurement of good seeds indicates the steady large-scale advance on the part of China regarding the improvement and dissemination of good seeds. The steady success of seed improvement and its large- scale dissemination have therefore truly improved the nature of Chinese agriculture from the foundation up, so to speak. Hereunder, we would like to find out roughly the main imamm= movements carried out in China recently to improve the quality of its crops. The New "Ai-chiao-nam-t'e" Breed of Early Rice This is a superior variety of sturdy and short-stemmed, productive early rice grown by Hung Chun-li in collaboration with Hung Chun-ying-- Hung Chun-li is the Party section secretary of Tung-ts'ang Brigade, T'u- p'u People's Commune, Chao-yang Pxbrkr Hsien, Kwar#,ung Province. Hung Chun-li started breeding this variety separately in 1956" which he suc- ceeded after three-four years of experimental cultivation. During the period of separate breeding, only about 1000 grains were planted alto- gether, but last year the variety was propagated to over 6,000,000 mu (or over 400,000 ha) in the southern provinces of Kwarrung, Chekiang, Fukien and Anhwei, etcs over 900,000 mu (or more than 60,000 ha) in the "home province" of this breed ("Ai-chiao-nan-t'e" 5ranslator's Note.- Literally means "Short-foot Southern Special"7), Kwartung, and while its propagation kd over large areashas started only since last year in theprovinces of Chekiang, Fukien and Anhwei, iv;AW over L,300,000 mu (or more than 290,000 ha) have already been planted with this breed in the whole of the province of Chekiang 3rM~w4rur, where the area of propagation has been largest. In the provinces of Hupehm, Szechuan and Kiangsu, the propagation of the breed has b started since last year to reach small extensions. Thus, this new breed has la spread like sig wildfire in Southern China, reaching over 10,000,000 mu (or more than 670,000 ha) by this year. Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 There are many warm and rainy regions in southern China, but as the traditional breeds all are long-stemmed, they get broken du- ring the growth period when visited with the frequent ty phoons that rage through the area, thus bringing about a decrease in the production. Consequently, the key to increasing the early rice harvest in South China consists in solving the question of early rice dropping: this points right to the "Ai-chiao-nan-t'e" variety which ripens fast, is short-stemmed, takes vigorously to fertilizers, which does not droop and is highly productive. Thus, it is a revolutionary breed that helps solve the early rice problems of South China. Grown in Kwarrung province, the JbUJbddm "Ai-chiao-nan-t 'e" va- riety ripens ten to twenty days earlier than the more common long-stemmed varieties, thus being able to avoid the violent storms and rains and at- tendant insect pests that usually come after the period of growth of early rice, to extend the period of water of late rice, and im even to ease the contradictions between the labor outlay and cul- tivation =ftobix seasons. According to investigations, one hectare generally produces from 4,500 to 5,250 kg, representing an increase of 10 to 30 percent over the figures for traditional long-stemmed varieties while in some exceptional localities where the cultivation techniques are fine, one hectare can even reach the record -production of 7,500 kg over large areas. The New "Lu-ts'ai-hao" Breed of Early Rice This is a fine breed of early rice that 11r. Lu Ts'ai, who is now 69 years old, a conscientious farmer of Shang-wei Brigade, Lai-tien kmbm Commune, Hsien-yu Hsien, Fukien Province, succeeded in breeding in 1952. The name of the breeder was subsequently taken to name the variety. This variety has been introduced from Fu- kien into seven ' hsien of the provinces of Kiangsu, Chekiang, Hunan, Hupeh and Kwarrung and propagated to over 600,000 ha in the whole country by 1965- The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture has selected this t as one of the fine wetfield rice breeds of China, Mr. Lu Ts'ai him- self has received certificates of praise over ten times, recently he has even been invited to become an official member o {olden 'Province* In- stitute of Agricultural Sciences. In 1959, the "Lu-ts'ai-hao" variety was exhibited at the International Agricultural Expositi.n and since then, it has been ?xtxmmahK introduced into Korea, Vietnam and Cuba. The "Lu-ts'ai-hao" is highly productive and tastes good when cooked. But besides these strong points, ?txxsJm it is long-stemmed, fx droops easily, while its grains shed easily also. Because of these shortcomings, Mr. Lu Tstai has struggled to overcome them, trying to crossbreed it with "Ai-chiao-nan-t'e" since 1965, obtaining already fine results, producing a small amount of a new breed that is shorter Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 than the original "Lu-Ts'ai-hao", that carries longer ears with fuller grains. The "Kwang-ch'ang-ai" and "Chen-chu-ai" Breeds With an eye on the development of sturdy and short-stemmed paddy breeds such as the above-mentioned Kwarung-bred "Ai-chiao-nan-t'e", the farmers in that typhoon-infested province have spontaneously tried to shorten the stem of their paddy breeds by controlling the irrigation water dosage and the level of fertilizers, producing in the process fine "Ai-tzu-nien" farmers' breeds. Hung Ch'un-ying also has produced others still by pick- ing out natural variantx ears out of these breeds. The agricultural scientists, in their turn, have been greatly enlightened by many of these mass experiments which they put to repeated in- vestigation analyses. Besides, they have also come to recognize that the way to solve the problem of paddy dropping and low yields is to grow short-stemmed, robust and root-clustered breeds. Thus it is worth no- ticing that from 1956 on, xftkxt~w starting with the study of short- stemmed paddy breeds, the Chinese have been able to overcome quite a number of shortcomings such as the vulnerability to diseases and late ripening by absorbing into many breeds the characteristics of "Ai-tzu- nien" and "Ai-chiao-nan-t'e" varieties such as their high yield, their resistance to fertilizers and their tendency not to droop. After pain- ful research during a couple of xu= years, by 1959 finally they suc- ceeded in breeding the "Kwang-ch'ang-ai" variety that answered all these requirements (resistance to fertilizers, tendency not to drop, few dis- eases, high yield and zkmdzEsd= short stem). After that, there followed a whole series of short-stemmed mq= fine breeds of early rice: "Chen- chu-ai", "Chiang-ai-tsao", "Chiang-nan-ai," and "Ehr-chiu-ai", etc. During the period of experimental planting and the process of pro- pagation of these fine breeds, the agronomists set up model bases in representative areas. Wnile planting E s the newly selected breeds at these bases on an experimental basis, taking tkz= them as pilot propa- gation fields, the agronomists also listen to the opinions of the cadres and peasants, combining them with the results of scientific research and the realities of production. As a result, these new breeds do not merely get propagated fast, they also get improved ceaselessly. In 196 4., for a whole year, the agricultural xt sciences research branches of the provinces of Kwar#ung, Kwangsi and Fukien car- ried out regional experiments with superior breeds of South China paddy on 15 pilot projects centered around the Kwang-thou Shih-p'ai area of the province of Kwangtung, thus proceeding to an appraisal of a host of superior breeds of paddy. In addition twenty five fine re- gional breeds or recently selected breeds,iin- Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 cluding 12 breeds of early rice and 13 breeds of late rice, have also been, planted. As a result of this, the conference of people connected with this project that net recently has unanimously decided that this year (1965) one can go ahead with the experimental propagation of on large areas of four breeds : the "Kwang-hsuan Number 3" bred by the Kwamghsz Kwangsi Institute of Agricultural Sciences, the "Chen- chu-ai Number 10" bred by the Kwantung Province Institute of Agricul- tural Sciences, the "Kwang-ch'ang-ai Number 3784" and the "San-shu-tsao 2843.1 'Twang-hsuan Number 3" is a superior breed of early rice requiring an average period for ripening and having all the required characteris- tics such as short stems, dropping with difficulty, resistance to fer- tilizers, great adaptibility and steady high yields. Estimated to be fine for experimental propagation in various localities of Kwangtung province, the breed has been made ready t for introduction into and experimental cultivation in the southern and northwestern parts of the province of Fukien. 1116Chen-chu-ai Number 10" and "Kwang-ch'ang-ai Number 3784" are su- perior breeds of early rice requiring average periods for ripening and having all these characteristics such as short stems, dropping with dif- ficulty, shortening with the application of fertilizers, relative invul- nerability to diseases, and steady high yields. Having been planted in the regions of Liao-chou, Nan-ping, Pai-she, and Yu-lin of Kwangsi, the breed has been recognized by the conference as fine for replacement of the majority of the traditional long-stemmed breeds. Cultivated over large areas for the last two years in Hainan Island (Kwangtung province), the "Chen-chu-ai" breed has produced remarkable yields. Grown in the same conditions, this breed gives an increase of 20-30 percent over the other breeds. In Ch'iung-hai Hsien of the same island, this year "Chen-chu-ai" has been xbmxWA cultivated over vast areas, yielding large increases and as 2,750 tons of the breed already harvested in June have been sent to Chekiang province, it is expected that it will be cultivated widely in Chekiang in 1966. "San-shu-tsao 2843" is a superior breed of late rice requiring an average period for ripening, producing large ears, yielding hii rates, showing little vulnerability to diseases and giving good quality rice. At the above-mentioned conference, it is recognized as being fine for experimental cultivation over large areas in the provinces of Kwangsi and Fukien. According to the experiences gathered in Hainan, this breed can be sown and harvested early in three-crop and two-crop areas, thus raising the abundance index, solving the contradictions between the ixzc shortage of manpower and the farmers' busy season while reducing the damage that typhoons might inflict. Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546A003200010004-4 The "T'u-chuang Early Rice" Mountain Breed Above we have all dealt with JOw new breeds of wetfield rice found in South China. In fact, in North China, rice cultivation has x3aupavammd also progressed rapidly as t great Q effort has been devoted to the im- provement and selection of northern breeds. One instance of this is to be found in the breeding of the fine mountain breed called "T'u-ehuang Early Rice" and grown by Mr. Chao Huaip'ing, a farmer from Chin-huang-tao 2xtxmi in Hopeh province. Mr. Chao ihm Huai ping was a member of the '*T'u-chuang production brigade in the commune of Ma-fang, Chin-huang-tao city. At harvest time in the fall of 1960, Mr. Chao discovered several ears of rice with large gzzkmq; white grains that did not shed easily. This was in contradiction with earlier experience where the paddy grown on this land used to shed the grains at harvest time. Consequently, Mr. Chao picked out only the above-mentioned sturdy ears and grew them the following year, reaping 4-5 kg of paddy. Continuing with the experimental cultivation, jmDduumu, in the third year he harvested 200 kg. By 1963, cultivating the sam breed on 1.9 ha, he reached a production of 3000 kg per hectare, representing an increased yield of 30 percent as compared to the regular mountain breeds cultivated on the same land. As a result of these experimental cultivations, this particular breed has been found to be resistant in regard to diseases, to ripen about 20 days faster than the other regular mountain breeds, and to produce fine qua- litty rice when cooked. Acknowledged to be a superior breed for the loca- lity by the authorities concerned, this new breed has been called 1T'u- chuang Early Rice". The whole iX Vu-chuang brigade has shifted in 1965 to the cultivation of this superior breed. A Breed Geared Towards the Cold Climate of the North, the "Ch' ang-feng-hao" On coming home in 1956, Mr. Liao Chang-yin (at present 29 years old), a senior high school student, member of the First Production $ x gx Team of the iisin-hsing Production Brigade, Wan-pao People's Commune, An-t'u Hsien, Chi-lin province, devoted himself to the study of various wetfield rice breeds. By now, he has produced two cold-resistant, early ripening and high-yield superior x+ rice breeds: the "Wan-pao Number 6" and the "Wan-pao Number 11." These give a a yield superior to that of the more traditional breeds by * 20 to 30 percent. In the last few years, these two breeds have been propagated to the various hsien at the foot of the Chang-pai.-shan such as An-t'u, Hua-lung, Yen-chi, Tun-hua, and Wang-ch'ing. In 1961, Mr. Liao Ch'ang-yin xbckm selected 40 plants from a "Wan-pao Number 11" breeding field. He then carried out com- parative mqqxxi= experiments on breeding fields for two consecutive years starting from 1962 until he discovered a new breed of high and stable yield. This new breed not only gives an increased yield of over 10 percent more than the "Wan-pao Number 11" breed, it also ripens faster Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546A003200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 while being more resistant. This new breed is called "Ch'ang-feng-hao". Last year (1964), the production team to which Mro fa Liao Chang-yin belongs planted "Chiang-feng-hao" on 3.8 ha and harvested 6052.5 kg of paddy on the average per hectare, representing a new record yield for wetfield rites cultivated on high cold mountain lands. This year (1965), practically all the fields of the above-mentioned production team are planted with "Chiang-feng-hao" while it is at the same time planted over large areas by other production teams in the region as well. A Superior Breed of Wheat Among the fine breeds of wheat in China, we have the "Pi-ma" variety that is xt widely propagated in many areas, but recently there has been discovered and introduced a new fine breed that even surpasses the "Pi-ma" variety. For instance, the Crop Research Bureau of the Agricultural Sciences Institute ?mKtkmcftf of Honan province, the center of wheat production of China, has crossbred "Pi-ma Number L" with early ripening foreign wheat breeds to produce "Cheng-chou Number 4." This is a breed that breaks with difficulty, that is resistant to the cold, that is not vulnerable to diseases and that does not drop easily. As a result of continuous experimentation during three years in Cheng-chou localities that have fine fertilizer and irrigation conditions, yields of 3112 kg to 5490 kg have been reached for one hectare, representing an average increase of 21.7 percent over those of "Pi-ma Number 1" and "Pi-ma Number 1k." Simi- larly, Mir. Kung Wen-sheng, a breeder of Nei-hsiang Agricultural Experi- mentation Station in ibm Honan Province, has bred 2tmm the "Nei-hsiang 36" variety that is resistant to"rust", that ripens fast, that k carries large grains and that is of fire quality. Cultivated on an experimental basis in many localities in various regions such as Cheng-chou, Hsu- ch'ang, and Nei-hsiang, this breed has given an increased yield by more than 15 percent over that of "Pima Number 1" and "Pi-ma Number ~." Also, in the province of JbnEk Anhwei, fine breeds of wheat imp in- troduced from Albania have also started to be cultivated on a large scale. In the fall of 196 4., in the province of Anhwei, from the Huai-pei Ictm plain to the regions bordering the Yang-tzu river, many people's communes planted the three breeds of wheat imported from Albania, Uktri "Chiri," "Af," and "Apo," over a total area of 10,270 ha. According to sample investigations after the summer harvest this year (1965), the yield has proved to be about 20 percent above the txxtitimm traditional breeds. In the suburbs of Peking also, x since the fall of 1962, there have been grown such fine wheat breeds as "Nung-ta 311", "Peking Number 8", "Peking Number 5", "Peking Number 6", and "Peking Number 7." Fine seeds have also been selected and supplied to various localities, having been ~5oc Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 sent to eight provinces alkwirathwx during 1965: Hopeh, Shansi, Shensi, Shantung, i( Honan, Kansu, Anhwei and Kiangsu. As shotm by the results of cultivation in the suburbs of pmkixg* Peking, these fine seeds are relatively resistant to ift diseases and insects, they do not droop easily and produce grains the weight of which comes up to a maximum of )47 kg per 1000 large ones: these are found to be the common characteris- tics of the new breeds. Of these, the "Peking Number 8" variety, besides having Jd= such characteristics xx common to the other breeds such as high ,;Yield, resistance to disease and little k drooping, also presents superior qualities such as quick ripening, having white grains, and being of fine quality when cooked. Moreover, in the 50-odd large-scale mechanized State farms of Heilungkiang province, this year there have been selected for cultivation fine breeds grown by the farms themselves, representing 24 breeds altogether (possessing all the characteristics of early, average and late ripening* such as "Liao-ch'un Number 1", "Tung-nong Number 1", and"K'o-chiang") in the xp! spring wheat crop which accounts for about half of the total sown area of the farms. As there are both kinds, the breeds that ripen fast and those that ripen mi late, harvest time does not come all at once, the majority of the mv= wheat crpps being over before the rainy season, thus avoiding losses. In the breeding of fine wheat varieties, we have a farmer, Mr, Sheng Kuo, who has been nicknamed "the breeding maniac." He is a farmer from the province of Hopeh and the "wheat king" variety that he intro- duced from the province of k Tsinghai is very interesting. This variety called the "king of whoats" grows on the Tsinghai plateaus at over 2800 m above sea-level, yielding up to over 200 stems from one stump with every- one kxxing bearing long ears. It is a kind of phantom wheat variety that yields up to over 500 g of wheat per plant. When he heard of this Mr. Sheng Kuo immediately acquired some ten grains of s this seed from Tsinghai, three of which he sowed in Tientsin and reaped the seeds. Mien the breed was cultivated the following year on an ex- perimental basis at the Ch'in-t'ai People's Commune in Ningho province, it produced an effective number of 90 tillers and ripe ears that were xxxiftX much bigger than those of the "Pi-ma Number 1" variety. In 1963, experimental cultivation was carried out with this variety at many points in the suburbs of Tsang-thou. By last year (1960, the area of cultivation kas had expanded to about 70 ha. As the breed tillers in great quantity, one needs to sow one plant every 3-1. sun or even 5-6 sun /ranslator8s Note,- One sun roughly equals 3 cm-.7 only, thus econ- omizing a great deal on the seeds while yielding a unit production f = representing an increase of 50 percent or over twice the regular yield of such breeds as "Hsiao-hung-mang" and "Tsao-yang Wheat" usually cultivated in Tsang-thou region of Hopeh province. The 1831 leadership of Tsang-thou Special Zone have recognized this ear-rich Approved For Release 2003/1x/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 variety as a superior breed and decided to gradually propagate it depend- ing on the x quality of the land and its appropriateness. Fine Breeds of Soy Bean and Other Cereals 19 ro.r ax the production of soy bean xsx3 ~c i Heilungkiang in the Northeast has long been famous. The fine quality of this soy bean is x common knowledge both at home and abroad. The cultivation of soy bean occupies about one fifth of the total cultivation area of the pro- vince every year, accounting for about 1,330,000 ha in 1965. The culti- vated soy bean is uniformly of fine quality, including such breeds as "Rich Harvest Number 2", "Rich Harvest Number 14", "Rich Harvest Number 6", I "Tung-nung Number 1", "Tung-nung Number it," and "Pei-liang"--these varieties have been bred by the Agricultural Sciences Research Depart- ment x$1 11 _i I and the Agricultural Institute of Heilungkiang-- plus such local farmers' fine breeds as "Leap Forward Number 1." These varieties are all of fine quality, they yield large crops and besides having a rich oil content, they have fine stems that do not drop easily and are appropriate for mechanized harvesting. Besides, in the two provinces of Kiangsu and Shantung, there are bred also two fine breeds of soy bean, "Hsiao-tsa 14" and "Ch'i-huang Number 1". In 1964, the cultivation of soy bean in these two provinces has spread to cover 6700 ha. The regular crop yield of these two breeds come to about 50 percent or more than JGkx that of the more traditional breeds. As far as the other cereals are concerned, in the province of Liao- tung, Jd= Professor Kung Chi-tao and others of the Shen yang Agricul- tural Institute have bred the "Fen-chih Ta-hung-sui /Translator's Note.- Split branch, Large red ears` kaoliang" (also known as Jdcix "Kaoliang Number 95") which yields an increased$ production of 50 per- cent or more than the regular fine breeds of the region such as "Man- t'ien-hung" or "Kwan-tung-ch'ing". In 1965, "Kaoliang Number 9511 has already been propagated to 67,000 ha of land in the province of Liao- tung alone. In the province of Honan, the young agricultural technician, Mr. Chang Li-p'eng succeeded in breeding three new breeds of millet, "Hsin- nung Tung-ehr", "Hsin-nung 30" and "Hsin-nung 7214." which yield an in- creased production of about 30 percent over the farmers' fine breeds of the same region. these new breeds have been propagated fast to various localities of the countryside. Also in the province of Shantung, the fine peanut breed called "Fu-hua-sheng" which was bred by some farmers was propagated to 67,000 ha in 1961 in the same province alone, giving an increased production of 10 percent over regular years. Other varieties of cereals such as corn have also been the subject of breed selection: the fine breeds subsequently get have all been cultivated and widely propagated. Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Picture showing soya bean harvested the state fares in Eailung {ian o , Thirty or more state farms under the T?ortheast ?1;;riculti:ral Reclamation General :ur?cau of 'ieilun;kiang ,)roduced., de spite drought and flood calamities, ebout 10 percent more ra?ilast year than in 1963 and the ar~,ount of co:ariodity drain d:positcc' to t' -tat(- last year was 20 percent more than the previous yaar. `-t t'.ese farms this year, soya mean undr.r cultivation are "poi-liang" and ''feng-shut -- ;ooc quality seeds that give hiLhcr yiclc, that nature faster, that have higher/longer pod to permit bctter harvest rmechincry. Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 .11 z- Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO0320001 I I 0 a 0 0 0' s IL44(46f ILLEGIB ILLEGIB ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO0320 - approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Picture shv7_ ngg the urc of vinyl sheeting to insulate ri cc-see,iling beds at the Chg un-chi ang Commune in T 'u-yang Hsicn9 hekiang - The use of vir'y*1 shectings for insulating rice-scedlirg beds in China was st rcc:d not too long ago; but its popularity is c: anci_ng by leaps and ')oundso or example, in Kwan^tung Province, the C.,imension of insulated beds shored a 3k-fold ircreasc last year over the ,rcvious year; this year, the increase over last ycaz is more than 7 tf.raes (about 2,300 hectares); in Hunan, this year's increase over last year is 7 times;. and in Chekiang., 11 times. Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO0320 A-- ILLEGIB ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03 - Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 CHINA WAC 494B HUPEH PROVINCE Harvesting wheat with combine at 66-hecta ld, Tung-hsi- hu Farm. Under Prov Agr Sci Inst. 1965. Confidential (24) CIA 1069625 25 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 ' Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546A003200010004- 0 I 0 0 i 0 0 U i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 ILLEGIB ILLEGIB ILLEGIB Approve shotrir_g a co-, ire barveeti_ng trnoa.t at the 66-1 Lo are mcdel i,hca.t field of the Tung-hsi-hu Farn in Hupeh Provircc. This model farii _rc s sat- up through Vic joint cffort; of the Hupch Provincial . ri:;ultural ac_cnce =nstitutc (r-trE;--yeh ki-o-hsuah cn-chiu--so) and Farm workers and cadres, it is engaged in conducting scient -fic egc~:iments on types of seeds, cultivatinn tcchniquus, mechanized etc., and is responsible for popularizing advanced cultivating e~per_ences in obtaining higher yield wheat by the various farms. Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 CHINA WAC 498C LUNG-CHI HSIEN 24 31 N 117 40 E Paddy planting at Lien-hua People's Commune. 1965. 25X Confidential (1-24) 26 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 a 0 I 0 0 0 9 1 I ^ ^ ^ ^ 1. ^ s Approvect'For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546A00 - Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Pic'jurc showi r,g paddy planting at the Licn-hua -canlel s Corimusne in Lund;-hai Hsien9 Fukien. Sirce communization., thcso paddy fields have been enlarged and partitien::do Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 CHINA WAC 615B PING-NAN HSIEN 23 33 N 110 23 E Planting rice with machine at Fu-cheng commune. 1965. Confidential (24) 25 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 ILLEGIB . Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-045"46A00'3200010004-4 a ^ ^ ^ a a ^ a ^ ^ a ^ a ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ a a ^ Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO032 - ILLEGIB ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Picture showing mechanized paddy plantit at the :?u-chlun-, ommune in ?'ink-nan Hsion,, T' ung Triba ??-'utonomcus Jistrict, Kwangsi. The mjcl-anized paddy plant` ng cquipmLnt shorn here was 2-ucc3ssfully trial produced during, the a ricultural technical r~:form drive launched Li 1959 in this autonomous district. Approv@d For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Picture shoiring Lu Tst ai9 who cult 3.vat:.d the early-ri cc "Lu-Tst ai Wu-" He is now engaged in leading the young seed developers of Shan=;'u ?Hsien9 ukien Provin,r!e s his birthplace. Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 ILLEGIB 0 r 9 ^ 0 0 I ^ r r ^ ^ ^ 0 r Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546A0Q.32000.10004-4 ILLEGIB I 0 I 0 Approved For Release 2003/12/03: CIA-RDP78-04546A00 ILLEGIB ti I - E Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03200010004-4 Fict :_ire showing the nctr car1y-ricc, "Lu-Ts' ai L UU c`.cve lops d dr cono _af?tious acracr, Lu Ts' ai, of Shan-yu Hsic:n, Fukien, and now Lcing popularized rapidly Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO0320Q010004-4 A 0 a ^ i I. ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 a ^ ^ Ik ILLEG ILLEGIB ILLEGIB 6 Approved For Release 2003/12/03 : CIA-RDP78-04546AO03 Joan -