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U. NAVAL COEA OGit. ::,.G O r I.CE .:._:'EINC ON , D. C. 20390 NAVY review(s) completed. a SYS' :;: ANA" _SIS AND DbSIGN STUDY INTELLIGbNCE DATA ....LADLING SYSTEM (IJES) 1,0 SCOPE 'L 1-e Contractor shall conduct a sysanalysis and d...sign mild, moo= an automated I ntellige:,c,2 Data uar,cilin,; System C DIiS) for .he S. Naval Gceanograph c 0i: ice (N :VOCEANG) . both tb. analysis and the design shall include all existing N.:VGCEANO!:L:S operations, as well as all lots _ea~le full re N.-.VCCE ,`0/ IDs _equirer:ents. ~.?na study shall be initiated by a data col-ection phase be io--owed by a data reduction phase. Collectively, taase lases constitute the analysis or recuiramants ortion of the s..udy. ... y L.. turn are to be followed by the preparation of a NAVC~;E NO/ID::S C{~a: _~ioral Concept and System Develo1,ment Plan, which represants tai uo;portion of the study? ...resent and anticipated interface requirements with a:_l N_WCCEA.\0 c:.`;ta interchange organizations shall also .ue established by ce Contractor, and types, formats, and amounts of those de a shall be ion "idersd in the Operational Concept and in th-:e system Levolo.,.ent hcxir um utilization shall be made of the ACICIID 3 Gp a:_ianal Concept and System Developmental'. 21an. In particular, the Con ractor .:; tray;:~ cr as many common and si..il,:r design features to the ro': ~ :T:t1 Information Center St Louis -Misscuri 1 auti .-a - 'he rt 9 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For Rase 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A0O600030016-8 NAVOCEANO/IDHS study as is economically feasible. The Contractor shall, in addition, analyze the files at the Army Map Service (AMS) that are common to those of NAVOCEANO. The Contractor shall document each of the four major study phases as well as submit monthly status reports to NAVOCEANO and to the Contracting Office. 2.0 DATA COLLECTION The data collection phase is specified in terms of the operational areas to be analyzed and the methods to be utilized during the analysis. They are both discussed in the following paragraphs. 2.1 Areas of Collection The study shall include the analysis of the data handling operations of eig'Ot NAVOCEANO Divisions. (Two of these Divisiona are at the Navy Yard Annex, Wash., D. C., and the others are at Suitland, Maryland.) They are: The Nautical Chart, Maritime Safety, and Aeronautical Chart Divisions in the Technical Production Department; the Geodesy, Gravity, Magnetics, and Hydrographic Divisions in the Iiydrographic Surveys Department. Both of these Departments report to the Deputy Commander for iydrography. The Bathymetry Division is in the Oceanographic Surveys Department, which reports to the Deputy Commander for Oceanography. The following paragraphs describe the mission and function of each Branch of the Divisions in which IDHS type operations are currently being performed. Enclosure (1) shows the organizational relationship of those Departments and Divisions. (Specifically excluded from this study are all scientific and technical, management and production control, and accounting operations.) IDHS operations and products to be investigated by the Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, those items underlined in paragraphs 2.1.1 through Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 2 32. Approved For RQj@ase 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546ASO0600030016-8 2.1.1 Maritime Safety Nautical Information Branch Provides for the issuance of navi,gational warnings and dissemination of nautical information; develops and monitors intelligence collection; collects, evaluates, and disseminates information on underwater installations and other obstructions. Geography Branch Provides geographic intelligence and conducts such research as may be necessary; edits geographic names, sovereignties, and boundary lines for all NAVOCEANO charts and publications; maintains index of geographic names; maintains files of standard name charts, source information, and reference files of additional material on other agencies; maintains a Department of Defense Nautical Chart Library of foreign charts. Sailing Directions Branch Provides Sailing Directions for foreign waters; claosified Sailing Directions for selected areas; Fleet Guides for continental and overseas U. S. Naval Bases; World Port Index; and Distances Between Ports. Also provides ocean and coastal routes; prepares navigational studies for naval missions; and provides specific reports on coastal, port, and routing subjects. 2.1.2 Nautical Chart Cartographic Branch Provides new and revised editions of nautical and special military charts; hydrographic information for maps and charts of other DoD agencies; and evaluates foreign nautical chart programs. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 3 - Approved For Rase 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A980600030016-8 Construction Branch Provides, for reproduction, smooth drafts of all charts prepared by the Nautical Chart Division; makes supplemental nautical chart compilations as assigned; compiles and constructs specia, operational and technical charts, _Zraphics and indexes; maintains catalogs of charts and publications; prepares graphics for textual materials and illustrations, and diagrams for visual aids; and operates the automatic digital coordinatograph system. Chart Maintenance Branch Provides the analysis, evaluation, and compilation of cartographic and intelligence data for the correction of nautical charts, Notice to Mariners chartlets, new chart editions or revision of printing plates or negatives, and modification of foreign nautical charts required by the Navy. Photogrammetry Branch Provides photogrammetric survey and compila- tion services; specifications for the accomplishment of aerial cartographic photography and for photogrammetric field control surveys; field evaluations of aerial cartographic photography missions; cartographic and aerial photographic research and evaluation services special photographic reproduction services, and technical guidance in photogrammetric uses. 2.1.3 Aeronautical Chart Requirements' Analysis Branch Analyzes and interprets Navy requirements related to aeronautical charts and publications; and performs develop- ment to improve graphic and narrative presentations. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 4 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A 0600030016-8 Aeronautical Information Branch Provides aeronautical data by periodicals, raessages, etc., aeronautical navigational charts; operational and intelligence data for world-wide coverage; and services for conventional. and military programs. Cartographic Branch Provides --nn1~,t r- , loran, approach, landing, and special purpose charts and mosaics. Publications Branch Provides operational and intelligence informa- tion on seaaiane facilities; publications for planning, operatic.oai, and :e.l : igen ce purposes; special operational studies of se.^nlan,~, tcc4t;ties; instrument approach procedures; and maintains required soecifica ;ors. Construction Branch Provides color separation original s for the reproduction of aeronautical, loran, instrument anpro h and Special charts and mosaics; reproduction originals for graphics such as aero- nautical catalog plates, instrument departure plates, and video mapping lutes; and illustrations and retouched photographs for flight information publications. 2.1.4 Hydrograph:ic Field Branch Analyzes requirements for hydrographic in- formation for use with advanced surface and sub-surface navigational systems and proposes related survey operations; plans, prepares specifications for, and conducts such surveys; analyzes, evaluates, and processes field survey data for final draft; prepares related studies, repor sor~ '1R&fa~E sCIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For Pease 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546ASW600030016-8 Analysis and Evaluation Branch Evaluates and prepares reports on the results achieved by users of publications; analyzes performance of improved instrumentation and end product compatibility with program requirements. Editing Branch Performs final com,:.r 4e,tion. review, end edit of Field Branch originated data; monitors smooth drafting and reproduction phases as necessary, and makes final review of printed product. Coastal Surveys Branch Analyzes requirements for :ydrograohic info- ..a-proposes, plans, and performs required surveys; analyzes and proc- esses field survey observations and Shipboard Survey System data; prepares final hydre raphi c sheets, reports, and related texts, and maintains hydrogra-phic information within area of interest. 2.1.5 IMs.nnetics Airborne Branch Prepares plans and specifications for and conducts airborne geomagnetic surveys; prepares specifications for survey aircraft; installs, maintains, and ?-alibrates survey equipment aboard aircraft and trains personnel in its operation and use; and processes and evaluates geomagnetic survey data. Geomagnetic Data Library Establishes, organizes, and maintains overall control responsibility of a library of-geomagnetic data for DoD; prepares and disseminates data catalogs and answers requests for data from other Government and private activities. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CI RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For Rase 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A600030016-8 Marine Branch Prepares plans and specifications for and conducts marine geomagnetic surveys; installs, maintains, and calibrates geomagnetic survey equipment aboard vessels and trains personnel in its operation and use; establishes geomagnetic temporal control and recording stations, and processes and evaluates geomagnetic survey data. Development Branch Conducts studies and research in geomagnetism and related phenomena; conducts investigations and tests to evaluate and improve geomagnetic survey equipment and techniques; prepares performance specifications for the procurement, development, or modifica- tion of survey instruments; prepares technical manuals and instructions: and provides technical training and assistance. 2.1.6 Gravity, Field Survey Branch Conducts terrestrial, nautical, and aerial survey operations observing the intensity of the earth's gravity and related data including position, elevation or depth, calibrates and maintains instruments and equipment; performs preliminary computations on survey data. Analysis Branch Computes and adjusts survey data including various anomalies, deflection of the vertical, geoid heights, etc.; compiles gravimetric charts; prepares interpretation of data and technical reports; maintains liaison as directed and investigates new techniques for data assimilation. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For Rg,,case 2005/05/16: CIA-RDP78-04546A'%0600030016-8 Development Branch Conducts studies and research in gravimetry and related phenomena; investigates,'tests and evaluates modifications to gravity instruments and measurement techniques; prepares performance specifications for the procurement, development, or modification of instruments; prepares technical manuals and instructions; and provides technical training and assistance. 2.1.7 Geodesy Applied Geodesy Branch Collects, evaluates, and disseminates geodetic survey results for use in compilation of nautical and aeronautical carts, graphics and associated materials required for special projects; and prepares' systematic evaluation of foreign geodetic control for the National Intelligence Studies; produces special data in support of missiles and advanced electronic positioning systems. Computing Branch Computes and adjusts data from Navy geodetic control surveys and astronomic observations; provides advice in the preparation of original specifications; develops formulas and procedures for computation of special projects information; and originates or monitors computations required for grid position transformations, special projections, and harmonic analysis of tide observations made during hydrographic surveys; produces special data in support of missiles and advanced electronic positioning systems . Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CI;B--RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For Rase 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546AIM0600030016-8 2.1.8 Bathy netrv, Data Control Branch Receives, acknowledges, indexes, catalogs, and files all bathymetric data; processes and films source data for stowage at the Emergency Relocation Center and for various recovery systems; main- tains'and disseminates documented data to other Branches of the Division; makes preliminary evaluation of incoming data, and recommends the pro- mulgation of Notices to Mariners on dangers to navigation; prepares, and transcribes sounding data for automated data processing, Analysis Branch Processes, evaluates, and maintains master -plotting and collection sheets; analyzes, evaluates, and maintains plotted and digitized sounding data; compiles bathymetric sheets for the International Hydrographic Bureau; prepares contoured delineations of sea floor topography reviews and edits manuscript bathometric charts; and provides selected sounding data for-use-in the charting program of the Office. Field Branch Plans, prepares specifications for, and con- ducts bathymetric surveys for engineering and scientific purposes; provides operational reports, and processes all data acquired during surveys; evaluates procedures and techniques relating to the acquisition of survey data. Special Studies Branch Prepares topographic studies of sea floor for scientific, military, and engineering applications; provides Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : Clf RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For R jease 2005/05/16: CIA-RDP78-04546AN0600030016-8 bathometric information se ices; studies the development of automation data; conducts research into and develops fechn cues applicable the improved maintenance and equipment and/or operating procedures to be used. 2.2 Methods of Collection The Contractor shall employ the Information Flow technique during the data gathering phase. This technique was utilized on Air Force contract AF30(602)3593 to collect data for the ACIC/IDHS, and on the NAVOCEANO and AMS files that are common to those at ACIC. The Information Flow technique requires that answers be obtained, during interviews, to predetermined questions concerning present and future NAVOCEANO files and equipments. A record of each interview shall. be prepared by the Contractor, and submitted to NAVOCEANO for content review. In addition to the answers to the standard questions, the record shall reference all "materials received" during the interview, such as documents, forms, tabulations. This phase of the program shall be completed after two months, with the Contractor submitting a report to NAVOCEANO and Contracting Office. Contained in the report shall be two types of tables, the first of which lists all of interview records, letters, and memoranda that are produced by the Contractor to this point in the study. The list of "materials received" from NAVOCEANO shall also be included. The second type of table is a dossier indef. There are three categories of dossier indexes: files,, equipments, and organization elements. Interview records, letters, memoranda and materials received shall be assigned to each category of dossier index as appropriate. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDOP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For F ease 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A 0600030016-8 The Contractor shall also,include tables, in a separate section of the report, for the AMS and ACIC files that have been determined to be common to those of NAVOCEANO. 3.0 DATA REDUCTION The Contractor shall provide detailed flow charts, showing the existing operation of each of the eight Divisions. The Contractor shall tabulate all non-narrative data obtained on the NAVOCEANO files and equipments. This phase of the study shall be completed after the third month of the contract with a report submitted by the Contractor to NAVOCEANO and to the Contracting Office. Included in the report shall be all of the flow charts and other data discussed above. The report shall also define the present and planned data inter- changes with NAVOCEANO'ts interfacing organizations. In addition, the Contractor shall specify the file handling operations that are common between NAVOCEANO and AMS, and NAVOCEANO and ACIC. (The latter information shall be obtained from but not limited to existing interview records on the common files of these two organizations.) 4.0 O1ERATIONAL CONCEPT The Contractor shall submit an operational concept that shall discuss the following factors for each of the eight major divisions defined in 2.0 above, and shall furnish information as necessary for NAVOCEANO to prepare a Data Automation Plan. The Contractor shall utilize the analysis and design features of the ACIC/IDHS project to the maximum extent possible. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-FQP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For RQease 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A 0600030016-8 4.1 General System Design Considerations 4.1.1 Automatic recreation of all master data files in the event of inadvertent file. destruction. 4.1.2 Updating and purging of the files. 4.1.3 Utilization of currently available personnel and skills to the maximum extent. 4.1.4 The system shall be capable of operating continuously with no more than one (1) hour of down-time during any 48 hour period. 4.1.5 The system shall be sufficiently flexible as to require minimum modifications of space, power, and other environmental facilities. 4.2 File Creation 4.2.1 Establishment of indexing requirements. Identify the types and volume of inputs. Appropriate search parameters. 4.2.2 Establishment of retrieval and processing requirements. Response times. File formats. Outputs including formats. Selection of query language. 4.2.3 Consideration of the relationships and necessary correlation 'between the defined major areas. (NAVOCEANO Divisions). 4.3 System Organization Plan 4.3.1 Data Flow Personnel functional requirements. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 12 Approved For Rase 2005/05/16: CIA-RDP78-04546AW0600030016-8 Quality control procedures. Security factors. 4.3.2 Facility organization. 4.3.3 Establishment of operating procedures. "In-house" operations. Relationship with other systems. 4.4 Personnel and Training 4.4.1 Manning requirements. 4.4.2 Training program needs. 4.5 Report The Contractor shall provide NAVOCEANO and the Contracting Office with a report describing the Operational Concept at the end of the fifth month of the contract. 4.6 Briefing The Contractor shall brief NAVOCEANO and the Contracting Office on the Operational Concept, at the time that the report is submitted. 5.0 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Contractor shall submit a System Development Plan which shall propose at least two approaches or solutions with various trade-off factors such as'manpower, costs, training and support required, efficiency, etc., sufficient for evaluation and selection of a workable system with given resources. The plan shall contain estimated'time and cost factors for implementation by each of the following methods: a. Complete implementation within twelve months. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA1DP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For Release 2005/05/16: CIA-RDP78-04546A 0600030016-8 b. Phased implementation (over periods of two and.three years) by geographical area;' for example, by continent, by countries, etc. c. Phased implementation (over periods of two and three years) by function; for example, by chart library, geographic names, etc. The plan shall also include but not be limited to stipulations .indicated below: 5.1 Specifications for the creation and maintenance of the data files - numbers. types, and content. 5.2 Specifications for indexing, retrieval, and processing 5.2.1 Detailed procedures for the selected indexing system. 5.2.2 Specifications for the query language. 5.2.3 Processing and/or computational system requirements. 5.3 Recommended automatic data processing equipment capabilities 5.3.1 Input-Output capability. 5.3.2 Memory size and type. 5.3.3 Access time. 5.3.4 Instruction repertoire. 5.3.5 General environmental requirements, space, air conditioning, etc. 5.4 Personnel manning requirements 5.5 Overall system scheduling (Major Milestone Charts). 5.6 Report A report, describing the System Development Plan, shall be submitted by the Contractor to NAVOCEANO and the Contracting Office, at the end of the sixth month of the contract. Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CI1-4 DP78-04546A000600030016-8 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A@00600030016-8 5.7 Brief in& The Contractor shall brief NAVOCEANO and the Contracting Offl.ce on the System Development Plan, at the time that the report is submitted. 6.0 MONTHLY REPORTS The Contractor shall submit monthly reports to NAVOCEANO and the Contracting Office on or before the tenth calendar day of each contractual month. The reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: 6.1 Contractor activities since the last reporting period. 6.2 Status or summary, as appropriate, of the activities to the period being reported on. 6.3 Activities planned for the following reporting period. 7.0 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT NAVOCEANO will make available to the Contractor at no cost at the U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Suitland, Maryland, office space, desks, chairs, local telephone service, typing service (not to exceed 8 man-hours per day), and reproduction services (up to 10 copies) to be used or required by Contractor personnel at NAVOCEANO while conducting this study. 15 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP78-04546A000600030016-8 COMPTROLLER ~MAGEtlfNT Approved For Release 2005/0511-6 --CIA--RDP78- 46 ftOOO600930016-8 DrovBs STAFF FOR DEPUTY CC,- HYDROGRAP;'.Y IMCA GI ASSISTANT COMMAOIER FOR '~~II ADMINISTRATId MILITARY PERSOIIVE AND SECURITY MANAGEMEN1i SERVICES ADYNIISTRF.T!V SERVICES CIVILIAN PERSONNEL PROGRAk' EVALUATION ADMINISTRATION I L r (TO BE DETEFNI"Er EDUCATICN At!:) TRAINI G N:~VIGATIONAL SCIENCE ;;'???AE RONF UTICAL PROCURE PT NT SALES/ISSUE OPCRF.TIONS r^^?NIC?~ 1111 as.w NYDROr PIIIC ?GI;AV'ITT I L' '?GEOC z5Y?i;: SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DIRECTOR r(CQ-LOCATED) OCEANOGRAPHIC DEPUTY CODMA-DER FOR OCEANOGRAPHY CIA-RDP78-01 L l FIELD SUPPORT Approved For Release-2005105116 PLANS AND POLICY DISTRIBUTION CONTROL STOCK CONTROL PRODUCT - CONTROL iR OC EA R:O i R A PH I C ~:r:; PLANS AND POLICY 4OEYELOPMSUT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SERVICES OCEA"".OGGAP" A:.aLTS:' OCEAN0GSAPIIIC PREDiCTIDl! OCEANOr RAPIICI DEVELOP:NENT -1 IGRAM EYALUATIOM NATNNIAL OCEANOGRAPN ALE ppTA CES -TA EAT1J DATA -RL'CV'.L'SHG