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Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PROPOSED OFF; CE BUILDING NW1.82 LANGLEYo VIRGINIA TENTATIVE SUBMISSION OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS for HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK A GUST 2 1957 Harrison & Abramovitz Architects New York City Frederic R. King Associated Architect New York City U UM!AET NO, $O C MP s^JE IN CLASS. CLASS. CHAIMED TO TS S C KExT FEViEW SATE: 6EVIE41+ER:_ 0+18995' NEW YORK 16, N. Y. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 TENTATIVE SUBMISSION QULI SPECIFICATIONS f ?IX2 A VKNTILATING AND AIR CONDIT'ICN1~i pE Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 H-01 SCOPE OF WORK N-182 a, All required labors materials, equipments and Contrac- tor's services necessary for complete installation of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Work in full conformity with requirements of all Authorities having Jurisdiction; all as indicated on drawings and/or herein specified,. including in gen- eral the following 4 1. Cenral Boiler-Plant (Located as indicated) (a) Boilers shall supply steam at reduced pres- sures to the several direct heating systems, ventilating and air conditioning system preheaters and reheaters, air conditioning system converters, domestic hot water heaters, cafeteria and kitchen equipment, and miscellaneous equipment d I 2 Direct heating systems, Preheaters and reheaters, "'5 psi. 10 psi. 3 Domestic hot water ,!, (4) heaters, Cafeteria and 45 psi. (5) kitchen equipment, Miscellaneous equipment, 45 psi. As required. 2. C n &r Refrigeration Plan (Located as indi- cated): Electric driven centrifugal refrigeration compressors supplying chilled water to Main Building. Central cooling tower to provide condenser water for refrigeration machines. 3. Air Conditionings Year-round automatic control of temperature and humidity. All systems, provide 100outside air when outdoor conditions permit. 4. hanical Ventilation. (a) Entrance Lobbieee Combination panel heating in floor and forced warm air. (b) Fire tower stairsb Direct radiation. MC , VAB-MC H-1 SYSKA & HENNESSY. INC. 144 EAST 36tH STREET NOW! ORK IS. N. Y. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A0002000300076 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 unit heaters. heaters. water. (c) (d) (e) Truck Docks and Loading Platforms: Steam Mechanical Equipment Rooms: Steam unit Ground Floors Direct radiation forced hot 150.'ps. Steam Systems a (a) Service-, Underground from Boiler Plant at (b) Reduced pressure steam to heating stacks, direct heating, hot water heating system converters, domestic "terheaters (k5#), and as indicated. 7. Automatic Temperature Control Systems'' 8. niblaAms. 9. Water Treatment. 10. Snow Melting-System. 11. Heating plant for Elevated Storage Tax k. 12. Excavation and backfill for steam and return conduits and buried chilled water mains; b. Except where otherwise indicated or noted, all work covered by these specifications is located in a new central power plant, a new 7 story office building, cafeteria and audit- orium.building, to be erected in accordance with architectural .diagrammatic sketches. . o. Material and equipment shall be as required by Stand- ards of General Services Administration, Public Buildings Ser- vice, Construction.Division. b. Motor controllers, except for refrigeration compressors. co Water supply and drain connections to within approxi- . mately 10 feet of equipment requiring same. a. Electrical wiring and mounting of starting equipment. E-02 WORK NOT INCLUDED de Rough cutting and finished patching, except for cor- recting Contractor's own mistakes. SYSKA & HENNESSY. INC. 144 EAST 39TH STREET NEW YORK IS. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 H-2 N. Y.. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 ,e a Louvre* in doors and undercutting of doors e Louvres and screens set in masQQry work. g. Setting of access doors. h. Concrete for foundations. i. Fihished painting of piping and equipment e a Flashing except cap flashing. k. Domestic hot water heater. H-03 GENERAL ITEMS a. Motor Controllers Except for refrigeration compres- sors, furnished under Electrical Specifications, ba Ms s HEMS 3/4 hp and larger (except for refrig- eration compressor motors), 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 `e*cle AC. 1/2 hp and smaller,, 120 volt, 1 phase, 60 cycle AC. ae Foundations: Except for refrigeration compressors, concrete block enclosed in #18 ga galv welded steel form for all rotating machinery. Foundations, twice weight of machinery. d. Vibration Isolation, Bases for each piece of rotating tae hinery . es As-Built Drrg ingso Record all deviations from con- tract drawings and deliver to Owner cloth tracings showing work as actually installed,, f. Valve Tags and Charts: 2" diam aluminum numbered .tags on all valves and controls,. except radiator valves and valves at equipment. Approved metal framed charts, diagrams and lists showing operation of each system, and location and purpose of all valves and controls. g. Acct oors: Provide concealed valves, controls, dampers and equipment requiring access with adequate.sized access doors. h. Paint. 1. Hangers and supports, and exposed iiping and black steel and iron works One coat zinc chromate primer. 2. Interior of all ductwork as far back?as visible from outside: Flat black a prime coat. 3. All fans, motors, machinery, etc .s Factory H-3 NLW YORK 1$, N. Y. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 of normal rating, 250 psi design pressure, water wall integral furnace field erected type with approximately 7,600 sq ft heat- ing surface per boiler, oil fired, with setting suitable for future stoker installation, with forced and induced draft., in- eluding insulated casing. 2. Burners 2 No. 6 oil steam atomizing, semi-auto-, matie control o .following 1. Boilerso Three.. (3) $0,000 l.bs per hour at 200% a.. Egupmentd Boiler plant shall be complete including H-Ok BOILER PLANT AND STEAM DISTRIBUTION Open storage type deaerating feedwater heater. 4. Complete boiler feedwater system.. Steam and eledtrie motor driven pumps. 5. Complete feedwater treatment system. Automatic combustion control system, 7. Complete fuel oil storage eystema '`- 60.E d0 galon*underground storage tanks. 8. Fuel oil heating systems Hot water for oil tanks; steam heaters for oil to bailers. b. 'Steam Distribution Syste `I. Complete steam, return and drip systems from boiler plant. to mechanical equipment rooms in Main building. 2. Steam& 150 psi. 3. Return. Pumped return from condensate or vacuum return pumps in mechanical equipment rooms, 4 Piping Generally run at Basement ceiling; where underground, in presealed or tile conduit. 5. Necessary drip traps shall be furnished 6. Pressure reducing valve stations `located in mechanical equipment rooms. a. Equipments 1. # - 1500 ton centrifugal type Freon compressors including condensers and coolers; 5k F to 2 F chilled water. R-05 CENTRAL REFRIGERATION PLANT AND DISTRIBUTION H-k NEW YORK 1d. N. Y. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 2. Cooling tower., Multiple-cell induced draft type, steel fans, transite casing, wood fill, steel basin, vertical or cross flow as required, Capacity, 3 gpm per ton. 3. Condenser water pumps s Horizontally split case. 4. Main chilled water circulating pumpse Horizon- tally split case. Capacity, 2.0 gpm per ton. 5. Provide water treatment for condenser water and chilled water piping systems. 6. Appurtenances-. Expansion tank, converters and ao e'saories, automatic air vents., chilled water fill Oonriection, r 'iet , valves, cling tower basin, high and low water alarms, cooling tower makeup water connections. b. Chilled Water Distribution. 1. From refrigeration plant to local pumps in mechan- ical equipment rooms, Piping,, generally run at Basement ceilings Where underground, wrapped. Material, steel, 3. Provide drt,in points as required. with .manual suction damper control. Compressor drives 4160 volt constant speed synchronous motor H-06 AIR CONDITIONING (MAIN BUILDING) Conditions to be Mainttlned b 1. Summer?o Insides 78 F, 45% RH. Outside, 95 F DBT, 78 F WBT. 2. Winters Inside, 70 F. Outside, 0 F. . Cuts, de Air 1. In general, 2 air changes per hour, except in Auditorium and Cafeteria 10 cfm per person. 2. 100% when outdoor conditions permit without use 'of refrigeration. 0. Systems. 1. Exterior Zones (Ground to 7th Fla. $ .(a) Approximately 15 ft from exterior walls. R-5 NKW YORK ?1. N. Y. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 (b) Primary air induction type window unit systems., employing secondary air com- bination hot and chilled water coil. Units under windows as indicated. (d) Primary air and combination hot and chilled water piping zoned according to exposure. (e) vertical air and water distribution. (f) Manual chilled water valve at each unit. 2. Interior Zones (Ground to 7th Floors): (a) Conventional single duct central systems, risers in shafts, conventibf al velocity horizontal ceiling distribution, ceiling diffusers or sidewall supply grilles. (b) Centrally located return grilles where possible. Supply air diffusers and grilles, suitable for operation at 25% in excess and 25% less than indicated capacity. Individual branch ducts., or diffusers or grilles to be provided with manual con- trol (Young Regulator), (c) (d) In general, not less than six. 'air changes per hour of supply air. 3. Lobbies and Public Areas: Single duct, conven- tional velocity individual steam reheat coils for each space. 4. Return Air (Ground thru 7th Floors)?' Conven- tional velocity risers in shafts and ceiling returns. H-07 MECHANICAL VENTILATION Kitchen., toilet rooms, locker rooms, slop sink closets, wire closets. Elevator machine rooms Switphgear rooms Custodial space Garage. Exhaust - clonventional velocity shaft risers. Supply and` exhaust. Supply and exhaust. Supply and exhaust, Supply and exhaust. SYSKA & HENNESSY. INC. 144 MAST 99TH STREET NSW YORK /8. N. Y. Approved For Release 2002/02/11 CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030097-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 so h4 direct radiation of fin-tube type as required. b. Forced flow convectors and unit heater motors shall be thermostatically controlled. shall be provided with forced flow convectors 9 unit heaters, or Steam rooms Supply and exhaust Storage areas Supply and exhaust. Mechanical equipment rooms s Supply and exhaust. H-08 DIRECT HEATING SYSTEM A Entrance vestibules and men-air conditioned spaces Direct radiation, where applicable, shall be zone controlled from outdoor temperature. 1-:69 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS Furnished under Plumbing Work. Automatic steam valves in- stalled by RVAC Con-tractor. AIR HANDLING EQUIPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION tan "'. ro6ms . For Ground to. lot Floorb Located'in Basement fan rot . Local i2n: 1. For 2nd to 7th Floors s Located Jn Penthouse E uinments 1. In general, site erected. 2. P imary air (Exterior) system dehumidifiers: Dry chilled water coil type 3 , Conventional (Interior) system dehumidifiers Dry chilled water coil type. a 4. Filigrs (a) Outside and recirculated airs Renewable dry medium type for less than 10,000 afro. For above 1,O,OOO of ,"Continuous automatic type. 5 ns n Centrifugal, backward curved blading. Airfoil blading for systems with static pressure "50 and above. Inlet vane control, and access door in scroll. Sturtevant, American Blower, Buffalo Fore. H-7 IY?KA & HENNESSY. INC. 144 EAST 30TW STREET NeW YORK is. N. Y. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 66~ing Coilss Copper fin, copper tube, drain- able, gals steel casing. Similar to Nesbitt. 7. Heating Coil-s?s Construction, same as cooling coils. Similar to Nesbitt Trombone , 8. liminatorss After cooling coils; easily remov- able;"' coated steel, 9. Humidifiers Pan type, copper float. 10. in Pans Coated steel. 11. C s ssHigh velocity systems, heavy construe- tion; conventional systems, conventional construction, 12. ft 0 ss At each filter bank and fa i l n n et vane control damper. 13. Provide automatic by-pass dampers at cooling coils for single duct Interior Systems, 14. und .its s (a) Induction types secondary coil, including discharge grille in window Stool. (b) Enclosures Continuous enclosure by others. (c) Number of units per bay as indicated; unit length such that stop valves are contained within individual module width; (d) Primary air per units As indicated. (e) Carrier, York, Worthington.,. 15. P ffusers and Gr rillea (a) Diffusers s Induction type, in.general similar to Anemostat type C-2. (b) Supply grilles s Double deflection type with multi-shutter opposed blade damper. Titus, Barber-Colman. (c) Return grilles: Fixed deflection type with multi-shutter opposed blade damper. Titus, Barber-Colman. SYSKA I HCNNtssY. INC. H-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 __ Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506AO00200030007-6 H-il EQUIPMENT - STEAM SYSTEMS ? ~eiiltP F!a~xL. be Approximately 150 psi to Steam Service Room `I., Reduced to serve heating stacks for air conditioning and ventilating systems, direct heating, panel heating, and domestic hot water. d. Pressure Reducing valves: 3-valve by-pas-s for each PRV, Foster, Kieley-Muller. StM Valves,: Jenkins, Crane, Walworth. f. Hg ing Specialties: Dunham, Sarco, Warren Webster. .g. vacuum and Return Pumps: Dunham or Nash. h. Converters: Patterson-Kelley, Alberger. H-12 MATERIAIS AND WORKMANSHIP - PIPING SYSTEMS connection pith or relating to such piping. a. Ziip in : Pipe, fitting flanges valves t , , , con rols, hangers, trap rains, insulation and items necessary or re- 1a ?. . Condense- te : Standard wei ht bl k g ac steel; base elbows reinforced;-- all welded. Standard weight gate valves for refrigeration plant. we a Valves, .Jenkins for Refrigeration Plant and Office Building... a led ate r (except Window Unit S stem) y : Standard weight black steel; base elbows reinforced ? all 1d d 1. All chilled water piping hammered free of scale. 120 Provide drain valve after shut-off al v ve on all cooling coil connections. d., Chilled Water - Window Unit System: Standard weight black steel including horizontal branches to window units. In- dividual, connections, between branch. and window .unit, soft copper tubing, e. Refrigerant Relief Pitting: Standard weight black steel. -Rot Water Heating System: Standard weight steel. Panel Heating System Piling and Coils: Wrought iron. h. Show Melting ing System: Wrought iron . - H-g SVSKA A NEWNESS?. inc. 144 EAST snr mess? new YORK S& N. V. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6. Approved. For Release. 2002/02/11 CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 . 1. - i an le P.n : Standard weight gale steel.. No condensate drain piping from win ow.unit systems. City tat Makeup Pivi lc: Standard weight red brass. Steam Phis s 1. Steam and return piping "(15-150 Psi).-. Standard weight black steel, 1-1/4" and over;, extra heavy, 1 and smaller. 2. Steam piping (0-15 psi):. Standard weight steel, 1-i/4" and over; extra heavy, 1" and smaller. Return piping (0-15 psi): Standard weight black steel, 1-1/4" and over; extra heavy, 1" and smaller. R-13' KATHRIALS AND .WORKMANSHIP - SHEET METAL WORK a. Due ork: Ducts,, dampers, access doors, joints, .hangers, st :news, fire dampers, and fire retarding material in accordance with PBS requirements.. standard this ess . magnes is . b o : All Other Steam and Return Piping: Standard thick--. with sealing compound, d. n io 1 Velocity Duc rk: Galvanized. sheet steel, AS gauges, joints and stiffening. e. A cess Openings: Sufficient to permit cleaning of entire interior of ductwork. On underside of duet, 1/8" thick- noes neoprene gaskets. f. Cleaning: Entire installation dust-free after com- pletion of installation. H-l4 MATERIALS - INSULATION A. Boiler Pressure Steam and 100si Steam,,,: Pi to 's2 Double filar to Wiremold. Collars on branch ducts: Joints made up zinc coated steel flexible tubing, look seam construction, aim- Locked seams, taped and sealed;.joints taped. Connection to Window "Un : Approximately,#30 ga b. Circular High Velocity. Ductwork: .1. To 8" diam o #24 ga duct, #22 ga fittings. 2. Over 8" diam: #22 ga duct, #20 ga fittings.. and sealed. mess magnes is . SKA NIN *SSr. IMi. tM aAST Mrw itlli'- N$ r `i 111. 7. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506AO00200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11 CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 0. h d W er Piping in Office Building.: Fiberglas equivalent to light duty thickness cork. Piping conveying cahilled and hot water g Fiberglas, dual-temp. Copper connections to win- Aow, units: Sponge rubber. d. Boil geed, P ter and Panel Beatting Pi i Standard thieEN-64 Fiberglas. e. Condensate and Vacuum Return Pit) ins Standard thick- mess Fiberglas. ~wpater: 1/2" thickness sectional wool felt. -1" Thicknecc Fiberglas (Vapor-Seal brand type) l 1. Conditioned air supply ducts and fans, where not provided with sound-absorptive duct lining. 2. Return air ducts in roof spaces and equipment rooms, other than fan rooms. 11ter Chillers: 2" thickness cork, wired-on. n. 0 "Rua MM Rooms, and a exposed piping.in Power Plant and Main Building. '.thicknessss magnesia block. Induced Draft Fans anal connections to Boilers and St+, k;: thickness sectional wool felt. f. Refrigerant Suet io nd it C ca adalloner. 012-2,121M h. 3. Air conditioner casings and supply fans. .4. Fresh air intake chambers and duets ." Air Conditioner Drain Pansy : 2" thickness cork. 1. Chilled Water Prg Copper encased with Fiberglas fill. VA. Co rtes vias a s and'Heat i-;. S e sari W a %7L7 m. . uansi+sn 1'a s: 1 thickness magnesia block covering, wired on. , insulation in Mechanical 3 Exposed pipe Plaster Finish: 1. Expansion tanks. 2. Converters and fuel oil heaters. Water chillers. R-11, ?YSKA a NENNESIY. INC. 144 EAST all?" STUFFY , NEW YORK IL N. V. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11.: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 4. Air conditioners including supply fan, and supply ventilation units, from fresh air intake duct and chambers to fan. 5. Feedwater heater. 6. Boiler breeching. p. E ...sed Insulated Ductwork: Flood coat similar to Insulcolor, 8-oz canvas with metal corner angles, finish coat Insulcolor. H-15 MATERIALS - SOUNDPROOFING Furnish complete sound-absorptive duct !thing. 1. For approximately 25 feet from each conventional velocity supply fan discharge and return fan inlet. 2. Sound-AbsorntiveDuetLining: 1" .thickness, similar to 3# density coated Ultralite, applied as recommended by`manufacturer to 4 walls of ducts and interior panels'. lined. 3. Omit exterior insulation on ducts acoustically Sound aped In discharge of each high velocity supply fan; manufactured or site-fabricated type. H=16'AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL a4 Viral t 1. Pneumatic type. 2. Automatic Damp; In each fan system intake and discharge. Open when fan starts, close when fan stops. 3. Prat Coils: In each Ventilating And Air Con- ditioning Supply System; under control of thermostat on leaving air side of coil. b. Hot later and Panel Heating Systems: Outdoor master thermostat resets respective immersion thermostats in hot water supply line leaving converters. co Mechanical Supply Ventilating S stems: Thermostat in fan discharge to maintain adjustable predetermined temperature. d. Unit Heaters: Electric thermostat stops and starts fan motor. Shut-off control for cold return pipe. e. Warm Air Systems: Day operation, return air t.hermo- stat controls steam valve; night operation, steam valve open, ,thermostat controls motor operation. H-12 SYSKA i NLNNRSSY. INC. 144 LAST 30TH STRUT NEW YORK IS, N. V. Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 f. ,fir Conditioning Systems: 1. Summer CoolingCnditions: Peak, 78 F DB, 45% RH max, at 95 F DB, 7 F WB. Off-peak, 76 F, 45% RH max. Winter, 72 F with humidification control to prevent condensation. 2. Exterior Sys~te. ms : manual control.valves on induction units throttle water supply to maintain required space temperature. (2) Other than Suer: Outdoor master zone thermostat controls submaster thermostat d converter steam valve to maintain adjustable zone water temperature. Individual control same as summer. (b) Pr iagar r,Air : (1) Summer: Outdoor master zone thermostat controls chilled water valve to cooling coil, and zone reheater steam valve to maintain adjustable discharge temperature. (2). Other than S mer: Thermostat in tan. discharge shall operate in sequence maximum outdoor air, relief and return air damper and preheater steam valve to maintain adjust- able supply air temperature. Maximum outdoor air dampers shall remain fully open when outdoor temperature is above 40 F. Thermo- stat on leaving side of preheater shall operate steam valve to maintain leaving air of approximately 40 F. Pan humidifier steam valve shall be under control of submaster humidistat controlled .by outdoor master. (a) Sec2ndara ter: (1) Summer: Outdoor master zone thermostat controls mixture of primary water supply and secondary water re- 3. Interior- Systems (a) Summer: Return air thermostat shall control cooling coil water valve, and reheater steam valve to maintain (b) Other than Summer: Return air thermostat and thermostat in fan discharge shall control fresh air, return air, relief dampers, and reheater and preheater steam valves,,to maintain adjustable supply air temperature. Pan humidifier steam valve controlled by submaster.hummdistat controlled. by outdoor .. master. adjustable discharge temperature. SYSKA & HENNESSY. INC. 144 EAST 391W STREET NEW YORK 1S. N. Y. 3 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/1.1 : CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6 H-17 SMOKE ALARM SYSTEM Furnish in each return and exhaust fan inlet and common fresh air intake plenums, smoke detecting devices similar to Acme Fire Alarm Co. Passage of smoke at predetermined density shall give alarm indication on main control and alarm panel ~ at basement and shall cause both air conditioning supply and l fans and refrigeration cycle to stop, in accordance with PBS re- quirements. Electrical wiring, by Electrical Coptractor.. H-18 WATER TREATMENT a. Complete, for cooling tower. b. Complete, for primary and secondary chilled water systems. c . Metropolitan Refining, Water Service 'Raba, SNOW MELTING SYSTEM Ramp`. b. Grid type, p P , belpw sidewalk. Pipe protected from ground by polyethylene waterproof membrane. a. Complete for Main Entrance and Parting Garage Entrance 1" i e 12" on centers, top of pipe 2-1/2" heating medium, approximately 170 F average c 011 as temperature, 200 Btu per square foot heating, effect. $, Converters Suitable for heat transfer oil similar to b it . l ' . o 00 ony 8 H-14 N. Y. EAST 39TH STREET "aw YORK Is. ?YBKA & HE NEU$Y. INC. .44 Approved For Release 2002/02/11: CIA-RDP78-04506A000200030007-6