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Approved For Rel a 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-04309A0GQ$00020013-0 Clendestinae Services Review 25X1A9A Number 3. Q *ations4 for 27 September 1961 1. Do know and can you tell us who the new Director will be and when will he :ate overt 2. VWV of the lecturers have stated that the intelligence aon m pity is under- going a reorganization. In ycvr, opinion viii this reorganization a ct CIA organisation? What arranpuents home or. are being maeiae between the Agency and the newt created DIA to ensure that there will be a mintmaam of duplication in clandestine inte3-11- geeeativitles? ft.s a 4V thought been given to the. possibility of using selected personr e1 ft s tl~wl military services vho are assigned to the Dom. to soak under the operational control and guidance of the Agency against Mil.itarr, air, and nt val tarts of foreign countries? 5. In view of the large mnaber of Foreign Service Officers who ag ar to be ignorant of the true role and xdscf on of the Agency, mould it not be possible to establish a procedure mhareby appropriate Agency personnel could be used to brief near s c teaioneed Foreign Service Officers stile undergoing training at FSZ? Could a nts also be made to ensure that present nd.ddle-Zrade and uner-graft Foreign Service officers receive, this same ty a briefing when next in WcshingtOU? What is the Agency's position an the division of paramilitary activities n the Depa nt of D 'ie:nes and CIA? At mhat general level of size v131 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-04309A000100020013-0 Approved For ReIPe 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-04309A0QQy00020013-0 tbO.APMW pass or relingUish cash operations as sun ntly conduc'ved under the title of "Peacetine Covert Activities" to the militate? 74 mat is being doaaa an the policy ]srvel to assign to different II, 3- Wm'. !.Mt nt males their specific responsibilities in renderer internal security assists to foreign govern ntsi 8. In your opinion ,how axe the present working relationships betseen top-]avel Personnel in CIA and NSA? 9. A now regulation is designed to attack a armor unresolved problez. How personas, and when, in the Cis stine Servionss will be si`tected? What will be the attitude toward "readjuuatment assixtanae" in ems Were there is no 25X1A civilian counterpart of a CS job? Does the -procedure" aasaunt to iuvolun- tsry separation so that 25 yevxs service will provide ianediate retirement bens- fits under civil service? 10o What is MP policy toward 08-33' a and above mho wish to transfer to the = frm oar eleneuts of the Ageany? 11. Despite all that is on paper about canter planning for career service mezbera of the Aeeuay, one bears ash tram wamr returnees on their animlaa' ' ing; their min- Pift"nor+ ; and in severed instances j-ust plain 2mk of Interest In Us xvturnme. Actually wheat does the f uture hold for the 10-year-plats veteran? What an the hymn,-x a plaint to develop a cadre of professional intelligence operators? 25X1A9a 12. suggested that a new approach to personnel management is being nmft within a/P. Has a m v policy been developed? If so, would you describe it? Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-04309A000100020013-0 13. Approved For Reese 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-04309ADW 00020013-0 What is DDP's thinking on personnel management and policies as they relate to long- s'ence oaroor planning? 14. published story on your oaWrobenusive report on "Ccaabuniot Forgeries" to a U. S. Senate Sub-Cc ,ttae fists a polite but at mLld interest on the part of the cca ttee maemliers. Wou1$ you cams~-at on whether their interest was greater than the printed report indicates, whettber the report received significant publicity either here or abroad, and whether the A nay has launched are' counter- attacks? 154 Can freedom survive: with United States? 17. tree press revealing information d to the Will consideration be given to the use of President Kennedy's UN speech in an native propaganda caqpa i? We have beard tram a previous spear the secrecy with which CA matters taben up by the Special Group are treated. I have beexd, fir, that goordination of "5412" matters that takes pleas on ]saner levels (betceen CIA and medium-lewi l Officials of the Iaepartmaeut of State, fbr a le) often leads to wider discussion of these N,tters in State than Is deairabl,ao Do you feel this is trine? It so, have you wW suggestions that we might follow to improve this aspect of security of CA operations? What was the regal valtee, ube final take, of the U-2? Did it provide a wealth of hitherto unobteirmble 3nteh}.ig- nce intox eatiozi? Was it worth the ~oaiey? 19. During this. course the speakers have consistently said "No use going over Cube.-- you all., know about that." Being overseas, all we really knov is what the newwys- p re said, surely biased, and the DCI' a reassuring cabs a, "We 111 cam out all -3- Approved For Release 2001/11/01: IA-I-7 04309A000100020013-0 . Approved For Relgae 2001/11/0'q`:'A 8-04309A0 0C1 0020013-0 right." Pleease give us s thing a bit more co te. After all, this is our Agency tool 20. What is the future role of CIA in view of such late developm uts, as Cuba and the State Department e s attitudes regarding CO operations? 21. To gist extent can we operate at the U. N. ? What are vie doing there in the CA area? Are ve n king W7 recruitments? Are theze any problems with State? 22. OM" you, within sec3urity considerations, tell us what DPD is doing, and how its plans and activities are acordinated with the Divisions and Branches? 23- Does the Anew r have a aystemi for =vtexing sensitive, high-rigs projects 00DWOM4.s of vhieh at a particular tune VoUM have an in act on the U. S? polity-fig level? 24. To sdmt extent does the MP seek to prevent rotate flaps by determining the reran sons and responsibilities for past failures? a6. 27. )OOM the Clandestine Service# recognize that tyre mey be certain extraordin- ary operational situations in Vhich such techniques as the use of drugs., abduction, or assasination might further our mission and, it so, are we prepared or, peradtted to use such techniques? What is the relative esvauat of time and attention devoted to the threw fields of elandestis effort-BFI, CI, and CA? Is the de gm of psis left,lauoge1y Approved For Release 2001/11" FA+4FM78-04309A000100020013-0 to ' A4ewretl - afta&e r iijl -gfiNH W: 0 ,cur po .itioal situation and case a ficer talent its, or does it reflect soap Bunt of lon -x' headqucrteare planning? 28. Realizing that the INN spells out priorities and that the mural tendency on the part of the stations is to aonoentrate on easy and accessible targets within the seams priority, wMld you Plasm cement on how Read tears sees to it that proper a aeis is given to difficult targets in terns of overall effort of that station? 29, Will ear],r warning aaene fen EIS' sources or agent assets in the event of the start of a hot waar? 30. 'fiat is the mast fruitful method of collecting intellUenoa on the U8M--1age]. travellers, agents within the USSR, within the bloc, LLt ?J.', tom? 31. To That specific factors can the Agency's lack of Unilateral Agent assets within the Soviet Union be avttribrted? does the agency depend on third party :Liaison material rather than establish its own assets? 32 0 330 was Agency planning in order to be in position to begin operations? What action was talon in adva:nae of independence to J nsu at Agency prsa ? 31. Should there be mare aroaas lination between the MP and the MI conVonents? If no., in terms of career at what stage? Approved For Release 2001/118 64ff 78-04309A000100020013-0 ~ Approved For ReWa$e 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP78-04309A0 01 0020013-0 35e 00 intensified drive for a__deatin a Collection of scientific intelligence has resulted in a closer than normal relationship between DDI and elemnts. Do you feel other collection efforts might benefit frM Closer coordination between those conponents? .36. Please acammnt on the feasibility of administering the Clandestine services separately from the DDI and 1)S components as a means of freeing the DDP or adherenoe to CM-type regulations. Would not such a separation allow for more latitude in personnel and fiscal policies, and pars contribute toe t de ez 37 38 Would l please aaosaent on aur'ent and suture Planning for greater use of non- Ortidiat Cover? What is tnnng with the system, as it now stands and what is being done to Improve it? 39. Is therm a definite trend within MP for operating on a mane selective basic undr non-official Cover assignments? If 9o, is the treeiid beuad on desire or csirc'um=- stamdes? 14.0 a What is the Agency's position rogueing the use of nonnoffi cial. cover, pa rticu ]+Y' in areas such as Europe, sd ere official cover has been used extensively? 41- Although it is realized that each non-official Courser situation poses its wr.4que problems, can you Content generally on how operational direction, operational support, oamtaations, and logistics support will be hanciisd: Approved For Release 2001/11/01 6C4A-RDP78-04309A000100020013-0 S-Z-C-R-.E?.T