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Document Release Date: 
February 28, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1976
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-04202A000100120004-7.pdf54.99 KB
Approved For Release~000/08/28 :CIA-RDP78-04202A~fl0100120004-7 2$ January 1976 Dear Gwen, All is well with myself and family. We now fell "at home" in the Seattle area, except that we haven't as yet adapted to the ra.ir~y weather as the natives obviously have. That apparently takes several years. E3ut we are making the best of it and continue to hope one of these days it will turn into snow. With the winter quarter we'll underway, the Pr ce of stuc~q and terms paper writing is picking up. It seems that all six cour4es I'm taking require inordj.nate~amounts of reading - some 900 pales most weeks - so that I'll be looking forward to the spring break. Next quarter my course ~,+~'~9 ~' load will by design be lighter. ;. ~~ ~~~ Sometime in spring we would like to take advantage of our proximity Will I d Vi i B C V t G~ a, c or . . ancouver a.n ct~ to Canada. a.nd spend s d?y or two in o'~ c c'. # have to prepare a request for foreign tr$vel? May I ask a favor of you? Would you send me the necessary Maryland n~~,~,,.~- income tax forms .ASAP - or have Irene (x3237) do it? The post office did j1~'" ~ f arwa rd my federal tax forms but evidently did not do the same on my state forms (or of course they might have been lost in the mail). In any case, I would like to prepare my returns in the next week or two. Attached you will find the course descriptions for both fall and winter quarter which I promised in my last letter, and also my boak and supplies claim :f or this quarter. I hope they will be adequate for your needs. You can deposit the amount cf the claim in my bank account. while it may now be too late, I did find out that the per diem rate far the EPA man in our group is ~1$ per day. I heard him talking with several of the others who are Beating up to X33 a day, saying he was going to ask his agency for a revision of rate. Has there been at~y progress in the CSC review c# these rates4 Thanks for your assistance. Sincerely, STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP78-04202A000100120004-7