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July 11, 2000
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CIA-RDP78-04007A000900100003-9.pdf | 995.34 KB |
Approved For Release 0/08/17 i`A- D0'78-04007AOWI
The purpose of this plan is to provide the highest practical degree
of security to the building and s- -"',.e during the reconstruction period and
Co ensure against sabotcs e and the surreptitious ixatroduction of espionage
The program designed to accomplish this purpose provides for-
1 m Admittance
,1l persons will be required to have the approval of
the Site Security Officer prior to gaining access to the
sec city controlled r ^ te. r the majritjr of
macs t is W1:..1 be e A# C ed t'_ e ti .1_n ce n_r ^.. ba e fo
sowed up by 2. per l el of t9
.r3 M. persons to :..~? emp se on or in. -o=. ectii:?n V 4-,
1e Dr ct Yv.~. .._ _, o cr':r islets .nor, form
Attachment l'."s.) after
s o , i u ''"_' . cr c t:ac;e .. v.::.: er re.s.*pons ble
persons that, le 15 to rJC a legit-.mate em i yee? (.Attcactl-
Exceptions m^y , made or other Government-
When their p2 g r c o Ilea ance s
(SECRET or above)
~. Processing
(a) Review of Personnel ry 0-1-,est"on23 .ire for
accuracy and legibility,
(b) Badging:
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP78-04007A0009001000
U& M
Approved For Re4as20Q0/08/1I9
All stages of Processing and results
to be
reflTcted on Employee's Name Card,
(d) Personnel Security Branch:
(1) To be responsible for processing of Personnel
History Questionn4 irr,s and for advising the Site Se-
cur C3 rf
(3) Employee signs receipt fnr f n ~~_ , . ~.
y z xcer oz acceptance or non-acceptance of the
^yY p T- ,
~Is that o.i. the L`...'11'ractora
~ .? peon-r'~C.''~=4'"3Ae
employees w L"' I ~e rex ove -nrn the pro.,ect
by the contractor for reasons other than Security,
e) Y
n-Accepta e
r ~ pon.L
i iii yr
Depth of Proces
lr4 Y ll i?1c 71t.-y n ~-..
t .~t nece a
he , a..i ans a pro p.."d ate 4lle. checks.
The contractor shall be responsib+
44x) Polaroid Camera - two photographs; one for
the badge, one for record Purposes. (2) Dry, cut, adhere photograph to numbered barge
insert, laminate Inc issue to employee.
(c) Employee's nan-e card (At
ment D) To be completed
from information obtained from. Personnel History Questionnaire,
visin the Site Security Officer of all ter _~inationa
and, ensure the return of the Site badge,
(g) Statistic s:
Will be kept to reflect the following:
Approved For Ike[ ase 2000/08/17 CIA-RDP78.04007A(
(f) Terminations;
Approved. For Releas 2= 00/08/17,
(1) Number of employees.
(2) Acceptances
(3) Non-Acce
(4) Terminations
P iysical Security
(1) The perimeter of the area shall b d
e" CYCc2 i g 3, Sec U,,,,4, "-,r
Controlled -area. (See Sketch)
ua_ in then
turning and extending into the perimeter t
Fence in cue
fees west of tie buiid"ing tying into the existing fence
to the north, Tuning 50 feet south of the
pe, imeter)
About t,,vo-th, rds of such a fence currently exists.
Temporary security fencing should be erected 50
,(except where t'~o bui`dins defines the
by an eight foot chain link fence topped with a "
(2) Fences to
be ~aed Vllit h suft' cien+ cY
$o"allow for tie flew ow personnel .and material.
All to
(3) /
z7c t-- ..-. '7 n nr,t~,
1~ and. ti
; "' w a' ~
` ~ f.,f. ~?/?1 [
~ ?
a L8 ec cmg
devices on a m stereA system.
A nigh be ^^ d C stalled outs`?r` n i
gate in the perimeter wen
250 ? r.,
250 att amps every 0 zee, a,
t' OV ieei. L c'1I
(?) Security i hting:
(4) Lamps to be prot
, by
o fence, 'lines
(2) Main access gat-e, sufficient light t7 en le to read identity documents ,
(3) Within the building.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO00900100003-9
Approved For Relee.2000/
wI DP78-040000.900100003-.9
5. Visitor Control
(a)Into the security controlled area will be exercised
by the Site Security Officer, Visitor badges will be used,,
(b) -Into the ''Open AreaFree access to all persons
on legitimate business w o require access to construction
facilities within this area such s s~
(1) Contractors offices
(2) Sub-Contractor!s offices
(3) GSA Offices
(4) Site Security office
(5) Main Guard office
(6) Other
United States Geodesic Survey Personnel
Depending on coast action pwars and s_f
c 1,. _. es one or
two methods F"3i.1 be dopte to allow ingress an. egress of
USGS personnel with h
m=-'_ um of restraint,
elevator, lower b
..r. ...... s
the tempor +- ' T V~ .~,'.?. -
r :' sec,,:
en. ~r? ce tied on to the c r'e
of the `over pro~xc_nj `1i intf rr access to their elzevator.
(b) Should the toyve?= be constructed at a later date
the temporary security fence ?Jii.l be tied onto the south
side of the building through a wood covered walkway with
an aisle defined by chain link fencing to the south elevate-
and stairwell wiithin the , (See Sketch)
(c) .Security of Separation:
(1) Elevator ri
ed o
ground and sixt illpor. Locks on elevator doors on
al,lj between floors
Approved For Release, 2000/08/17
Approved For Release00/08/17
Security Staff
Security personne' on PCS, a uniformed guard force and
dog handlers with their dogs.
'The Security ,Staff will consist of selected Office of
Functions and duties of the Security Staff and details
program are:
Enforce all security regulations.
. Maintainadm;`i.ance controls.
and conduct frequent security inspections of materials
3. Security inspect materials delivered to the Site
stored on the grounds.
Study the 't Cling v _ _ to determi
d Sze potentially
vulnerable pants and provide required protection.
5. Make re! .en technical inspection 'or detectio o
concealed audio devices i s c. ~rater_a s 'ec
n fx c~~?es,
meta! furni z e fi c. :~^ _c as, e, t ?rc
sing- r~, ght be used as passive caity
Instal' and mat ~_. carrier current sweep xece +'ve
on power lines.
MP-'r-,e counter a u,*io sweeps of completed areas,
8. Provide special protection fo ` areas. deli ned to become
ly sensitive such as the 'J-l~ con.
e,rence room.
9. Such other m errv ,. as develop ~r become .ugh knowledge,f the details of both plans and
act as coordi'a.tor. A'11`-'Headquarters support required
by each and con,actbetween them will channel through the
Liaison Officer ' \Through close contact with the Chief of
each group''he will\eep abreast of the progress and problems
of eaJh He will kee ,each advised of the progress of the other.
For security reasons contact between the two groups will be
A nior Security Officer will be/de g a ed from the
kept to a minimum.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000900100003-9
las 000/08/1
on the building and With the begs n--- of the first heavy reconstruction
sometime in January 10/62 with the construction of the balance of the
perimeter fence and the erection of the temporary security fence.
Upon the completion one gate in t :.e perimeter fence and one or more
gates in the security controlled fence will be opener. and manned as re-
B. With the beginning of reconstruction. which includes the first
heavy construction the entire plan should be made operative.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 CIA-RDP78-04007AO00900100003-9