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ce Memrandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 2 Approved For4$slease 1999/09/ CIA-RDP78-03991,4D00500060035-2 Director of Logistics FROM : Chief, Real Estate and Construction Division SUBJECT: Weekly Activity Report DATE: 9 June 1955 Items of Special. Interest: a. Admin. Bldg.: (1) IAC Conference Rooms have been completed. Patching= plasterirF, and repainting of 28 rooms started on 7 June? Corridor and room partitions approximately 50% complete. Partition demolition and cutting wall for door opening is scheduled for this coming weep-end. .(2) Floor and wall openings for ducts and pipes for ONE air conditioning have been out. Majority of duct work has been fabricated and is ready for installation. (3) Installation of flag pole delayed pending delivery of pole and availability of mechanics to build forms and pour reinforced concrete base. (l, GSA has ordered C&P Telephone Co. to install an air raid warning system at the guard post. Necessary connections will be made between this equipment and the building air raid horn system. b, East Bldg.: (1) Soundproof air baffle to replace transom in Room 12GA being constructed by PBS. (2) Booth being erected in menu room on the first floor. c. Alterations and Installations for Installation of window grilles completed on 3 June. Althou h electrical requirements have not been received from this office was advised that every effort would be made to complete electrical layouts by 10 June. In conjunction with the removal of corridor partitions, panel boxes are being re- located. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A d. - Committee Space, 2210 E St.: ORR vacated 3rd floor spee on 6 June, Renovations were d g J t t e Approved For Release 1999/09/2 " -RDP78-03991A000500060035-2 Approved For4apIease 1999/09/20agp78-03991,00500060035-2 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 C Proposed changes to utility buildings for housin domestics pending policy decision of Agency position favorable. Requested screen porch for club approved and Field notified. Dispatch containing details and delegation of authority forwarded to Field 6 June. Cable received indicates construction of houses will start about 15 Sept. and a tentative completion date for all construction is 30 June 1956. 2. General: Regulation covering the functions of the Space Maintenance & Facilities Branch is scheduled for completion on 15 June. 3. Projects and Studies in Process: a, Construction and Utilities: (1) Air Conditioning: Contract signed and contractor notified to proceed on 6 June. On 2 June division representative met with contractor's representative and discussed work on the site. (b) Warehouses at One bid in the amount of $9,93 from was received. Contras Wane ega on of authority being prepared. (c) Record Center Bldg.: Work completed and accepted on 3 June 1955. (d) Drainage Ditch: Plans and specifications for- warded to C.O. for soliciting bids on a concrete drainage ditch to be located below parking area to divert surface water from adjacent private property. 25X1A (2) (a) WarehouBBBldge repairs: Second invoice received and approved for payment. Approved lbb 19f ~i9~Z0e l -R 17 =03~J 7 0~~ iJ - Final eymen nvoice rece~i Inspection made and SEA` Approved For Wease 1999/09/20 CIA-RDP78-03991 U00500060035-2 25X1A 25X1A STATSPEC (3) 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A (4) 25X1A (5) 25X1A (6) 25X1A (C) A representative of this office discussed contractor's claim for extras with project enginneer.,(who is no longer with this Agency) at N. Y. on 8 June. An answer based upon commitments is being con- sidered. Weight of proposed generators forwarded to Field. Dehumidification of Commo. warehouse approved. Wading pool approved on 29 April. Headquarters notified by Field that 05,000 cannot be obligated in 155. Construction Engineer requested to assist in planning five houses work approved. Invoice approved and returned with recommendation for final payment on 7 June. Repairs: Specifications and prebid documents for sealing sent to C. 0. for bids on 8 June. Consulting Engineer present- ly under contract will supervise work. Consulting Engineer's contract will be terminated upon com. pletion of this work. The use of this Consulting Engineer for future repairs will be considered at a later date. Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060035-2 5X1A L Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060035-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060035-2 SECRET Approved For Tease 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-03991A 0500060035-2 25X1A (9) Space, Contact Office, 25X1A Requirements for sub ect office Federal Building GSA. in a new proposed was forwarded to P78 Approved For Release 1999/09/2c 1 -03991A000500060035-2 Approved ForRase 1999/09/1 SE DP78-03991AQP500060035-2 9 June 1955 3C - Space, Maintenance and Facilities 25X1 A a, 25X1A - Transformer Project: Contractor correcting certain deficiencies noted during final inspection. b. - Motor Pool: Alterations requested by Transportation Division approximately eighty-five percent complete. Installation of toilet booths and painting are major items to be accamplished. 25X1A C. 25X1A 25X1A Contractor expects to complete entire project by close of business 15 June, with exception of painting and installation of rate-of-rise fire detection system. Concentrated efforts are being made by this Office to accomplish painting with PBS painters, since no estimate can be obtained concerning and of painters strike. d. Air Conditioning for R & S Building: Job order forwarded to PBS Monument Group covering extension of duct work from 10-ton air conditioning unit in Roam 107A to Room 9. (a) Job order has been forwarded to PBS covering minor modifications to air conditioning units supplying the Camera Roam. (b) Renovations to Vault A are scheduled to start next week. 25X1A f. North Building: Alterations for= in Rome 12, 12A and 12B progressing slowly. Central Repair District personnel accomplishing demolition and masonry work. Group Forces fabricating window grilles, doors, ducts, etc. Air conditioning equipment to be delivered on or about 14 June. Entire project should be completed withi1thirty days. rin UBE C Approved For Release 1999 TIA-RDP78-0399lAb 01591 T1 Approved For Wease I 999 ' EIIA-RDP78-039910500060035-2 9 June 1955 3C Space, Maintenance and Facilities g. 2430 E Street Area: Repainting of building signs, parking and traffic designations continuing, weather permitting. This work being accomplished during the regular work week where possible and over week-ends where necessary. Twenty-five to thirty new signs now being painted to replace existing signs throughout the 2430 E Street area. h. I-J-K-L Buildings: A job order was submitted to PBS 25 April covering the installation of a heavier feeder from the transformer and generator to increase the capacity to handle the additional load of air conditioning. Some delay has been encountered in obtaining certain materials. The PBS Chief Electrician, indicates that this project will be completed on 10 June 1955. I. Rate-of Rise Fire Alarm System - Curie Fall: PBS has completed necessary plans and specifications and has advertised for bids. Arrangements have been made for prospeetivebidders to inspect the premises. According to PBS the contract will be awarded on or before 30 June 1955. j? Telephone Section: Telephone and leased line service for ADT was installed at the new residence of the Director of Central Intelligence on 6 June 1955. Completed during past week: DDP/EE (partial) within Tempo J and K, 3 June OCI (partial) within M and Q, 6 June 25X1 A OR (partial) within 22.10 E Street, 6 June 25X1 A ESC (partial) within 8 June Tentative for coming week: DDP/SR and CI within Tempos J, K, and L Buildings, 13 June 25X1A carer, Real Estate and Construction Division Approved For Release 1999109 TRDP78-03991A000500060035-2 Page #5