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Publication Date: 
May 13, 1952
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'Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIS;RDP78-03985A00040014003OO; .k erurity inforrnatior' EXCERPTS of MINUTES OF STAFF MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF CHIEFS 13 May 1952 1. Mr. Wolf opened the meeting by stating that he had been spending much time lately trying to analyze the reasons why there had been admini- strative support failures in the, Agency as a whole. He feels that the fault lies largely with our own central administrative support staff in that we have failed to give the operating people adequate support when they first asked for it, thus causing them to bypass us and take things into their own hands. Although a large share of the blame for failures lies within our own group, he does feel that during the past six months there has been steady improvement, but that we must continue to strive to give the operators better administrative support than they can get by working independently. 2. Colonel White stated that papers for signature of the DCI and the I)D/A are still not being prepared properly, and that it is necessary that they be rewritten in his office before submission topside. He 25X1 A9a announced that will meet with the secretaries of the Admini- strative Offices at 10:30 AM Thursday in 132 South Building for a general discussion of problems and procedures involved in the mechanics of prepar- ation of papers. 3. Colonel White requested that all Notices be cleared through him before publication-. 4. It was announced that the recommendations in Mr? Peel's staff study on responsibility for personnel statistics are to be effective 1 June. A directive will be issued very shortly embodying the recommenda- tions, which are in substance as follows: a. Responsibility for the control over and production of all personnel statistics throughout the CIA will be assigned to the Personnel Office. b. The personnel statistics needed by the Comptroller will be furnished by the Personnel Office. c.. The T/O record keeping and statistical functions, together with the two employees now engaged thereon, will be transferred to the Personnel Office. Security nformntie r' Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : IA-RDP78-03985A000400140030-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/30: CIA -03985A000400140030-6 Security Information 25X1A 25X1A9a d. The transfer to the Personnel Office of the functions of reproduction and dissemination of T/O's assigned under to the Chief, Organisation and Methods Service will be transferred to the Personnel Office. e. The I&S Office will still continue to prepare clearance statistics and to coordinate with the Personnel Office as at present, may be many old employees who would profit by attending, Colonel White 25X1 A9a told all Offices to feel free to arrange directly with about sending anyone who might care to attend. 8. Colonel White stated it was quite obvious that it is impossible to render proper administrative support to the field unless we know what the field does and what it needs. In an effort to overcome this situation, AD/Communications has recently been sending to Colonel White copies of all cables having any administrative aspects. Colonel White hopes that within the next few days he will be able to obtain the approval of the operating offices to have copies of all, such cables sent directly to the central administrative offices concerned. If this can be accomplished, he stressed the importance of our own people taking the initiative and stepping into 25X1C the breach to see that proper support ie rendered. As an example of what 25X1A9a a we ac s from the operators, wro a the project for their s re. d , an got It before the PRC for action. 9. Colonel White distributed a memorandum regarding personnel for the new Far East command, and stated we must have people, we must have them fast, and they must be good. He stressed the fact that, this is a golden opportunity to step into the breach and show what we can do. In selecting these people, Staff Chiefs must assure them that they are being chosen because they are the best, and also assure them of a job without a reduc- tion in grade when their foreign assignments are completed and they return to Headquarters. It is essential that a-hard core of professional admini- strative personnel who belong to the DD/A, no matter where they are physi- cally located, be developed in order that we might fulfill the responsi- bility with which we are charged. Mr. Meloon requested all Staff Chiefs to give Personnel as much advance information as possible as to their requirements in connection with the Far East program, and he will put special procurement people on the task immediately. Approved For Release 2001 /O2 Mt;ft Tl?-03985A000400140030-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 CI/~RUM-03985A000400140030-6 curl nforrn ~t 11. Mr. Wolf announced th# he has taken over the chairmanship of the 25X1A9a Career Service Committee since departure, and that a great deal of the program which is being developed revolves around the personnel matters which Colonel White has discussed. He stated that at 25X1A9a its last meeting, the Committee aske to outline his method for handlin personnel problems in his Office. The fundamental 25X1 A9a principles which has put into effect have been outstand- ingly effective, and it is planned that'these principles will be incorpora- ted in the Career Service program. Distribution: 1 - Chief, Planning Division 1 - Chief, Purchase Division 1 - Chief, Supply Division Approved For Release 2001/03/30: ?A-Wff O%A000400140030-6