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Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000100050016-7 TAB Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000100050016-7 A lma "ad FgY 8ak ei 2 ?Q FUL20 ?CIA-R P78 0! 1A0. 001$x. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE October 1 aid authorization bill to conference. I did that for the simple purpose-and without apology-of assuring debate that would. direct attention of the Members of the House to this shameful situation, and to point out as a result of the Senate substitute for the so-called Dirksen amendment relating to legislative appor- tionment we have now In this bill a pro- vision which underwrites the June 15 Supreme Court decisions and under- writes the authority of the courts to sus- pend elections. I think it is time to stop that kind of legislating and go home. THE NEW HAVEN RAILROAD (Mr. REID of New York asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. REID of New York.. Mr. Speaker, along with my colleague, the gentleman from Connecticut (Mr. SISAL], I would call to your attention and to the atten- tion of the Members of the House the deteriorating situation facing the New (H.R. 8427) to provide for the establish- ment and maintenance of a Central In- telligence Agency retirement and dis- ability system for a limited number of employees, and for other purposes. with a Senate amendment thereto. and concur,., in the Senate amendment. The Cleric read the title of the bill. The Clerk read the Senate amendment, as follows: Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert: "TITLE r--TITLE AND DIIRN7170N8 "Part A-Title "8zc. 101. This Act may be cited as the 'Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1064 for Certain Employees.' "Part B-Definitions "SEC. 111. When used in this Act, the term- "(1) 'Agency' means the Central Intelli- gence Agency; "(2) Director' means the Director of Cen- tral Intelligence; and "(3) 'Qualifying service' means service performed as a participant in the system or, In the case of service prior to designation, service determined by the Director to have been performed in carrying out duties de- Haven Railroad. Should this railroad Scribed in section 203. . fail, many businesses in New York. West- "TITLE n-ms CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY chester, and throughout New England RSI' REMENT AND DISADILXTT SYSTEM would be seriously affected. It Is essen- "Part A-Establishment of system tial that the vital commuter services be "Rules and Regulations maintained. In my judgment, this is a "8w.201. (a) The Director may prescribe matter of concern that should engage the rules and regulations for the establishment attention of Members of this House, of and maintenance of a Central Intelligence the regulatory agencies involved, and of Agency Retirement and Disability System' the State and county governments of for a limited number of employees, referred both New York and Connecticut. It is to hereafter as the system; such rules and regulations important that the railroad problem in the chairman n and and ranking ng after minority y members the Northeast be recognized and that of the Armed Services Committees of the both short- and long-term solutions be House and Senate. worked out specifically and promptly in "(b) The Director shall administer the .the public interest. system in accordance with such rules and Time is running out on the New Haven regulations and with the principles estab- Ifuh"a -.,, +1,1- A,.. &&A.u aa.cac w .."e- .... r?vr- ?+??V? ?-r,-?- "(c) In the interests of the security of the priate action at both the State and Fed- foreign intelligence activities of the United eral levels to insure its continuance. States and in order further to implement the ELMER LEVY . Mr. ASHMORE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's desk the bill (H.R. 9976) for the relief of Elmer Levy? with a Senate amendment thereto, and concur in the Senate amendment. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The Clerk read the Senate amendment, as follows; Page 2, line 7, strike out "20" and insert .,10". The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from South Carolina? There was no objection, The Senate amendment was con- curred In. A m table. tfon to reconsider was laid on the c O Ott era a. years of service with the Agency and whdise a p on ' I an a Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to career at that time is adjudged by the Di- "Sac. 221. (a) The annuity of a participant take from the Speaker's desk the' bill rector to be qualifying for the system may shall be equal to 2 per centum of his aver- NANCE OF A CENTRAL INTELLI from normal government employment, here- right to the benefits to which he shall be en- OENCE RETIREMENT AND DIS- after referred to as participants, who shall titled under this Act, notwithstanding any bo t t e law, rule, or regulation affecting the in- ABILITY, 8YS roved For Relea;,,~,y l:Mfi i ff[ f`~AAG10i4~??1 : 16-7 Mr RIVERS P S th C lira Mr "P rt C- Coral ufatt nuitt elect to remain a participant of such system for the duration of his employment by the Agency and such election shall not be sub- ject to review or approval by the Director. "Annuitants "8w.204. (a) Annuitants shall be par- ticipants who are receiving annuities from the fund and all ppeersons, including surviv- ing wives and husbands, widows, dependent widowers, children, and beneficiaries of par- ticipanta or annuitants who shall become entitled to receive annuities in accordance with the provisions of this Act. "(b) When used In this Act the term- "(1) 'Widow' means the surviving wife of a participant who was married to such par- ticipant for at least two years Immediately preceding his death or Is the mother of Issue by marriage to the participant. "(2) 'Dependent, widower' means the sur- viving husband of a participant who was married to such participant for at least two years Immediately preceding her death or Is the father of issue by marriage to the par- ticipant, and who Is incapable of self-sup- port by reason of mental or physical dis- ability, and who received more than one-half of his support from such participant. "(3) 'child', for the purposes of sections 221 and 232 of this Act, means an unmarried child, Including (1) an adopted child, and (11) a stepchild or recognized natural child who received more, than one-half of his sup- port from and lived with the participant in a regular parent-child relationship, under the age of eighteen yenrs, or such unmarried child regardless of age who because of physical or mental disability incurred before age eighteen is incapable of self-support or such unmarried child between eighteen and twenty-ono years of age who is a student regularly pursuing a full-time course or study or training in residence In a high school, trade school, technical or vocational Institute, junior college, college, university, or com- parable recognized educational institution. A child whose twenty-first birthday occurs prior to July 1 or after August 31 of any calendar year, and while he Is regularly pur- suing such a course of study or training, shall be deemed for the purposes of this paragraph and section 221(e) of this Act to have at- tained the ago of twenty-one on the first day of July following such birthday. A child who is a student shall not be deemed to have ceased to be a student during any Interim between school years if the Interim does not exceed four months and If he shows to the satisfaction of the Director that he has a bona fide intention of continuing to pursue a course of study or training in the same or different school during the school semester (or other period Into which the school year is divided) immediately following the in- terim. "PART D--COMPULSORY CONTRIBUTIONS "Szc. 211. (a) Six and one-half per centum of the basic salary received by each partici- pant shall be contributed to the fund for the payment of annuities, cash benefits, refunds and allowances. An equal sum shall also be contributed from the respective appropria- tion or fund which Is used for payment of his salary. The amounts deducted and with- held from basic salary together with the amounts so contributed from the appropria- tion or fund shall be deposited by the Agency to the credit of the fund. "(b) Each participant shall be deemed to consent and agree to such deductions from basic salary, and payment less Such deduc- tione shall be a full and sompiets dimbwge activities abroad hazardous to life or health and acquittance or all claims and demands ?^+.c::- c?-+.. ~or (11) so specialized because of security re- whatsoever for all regular services during the ESTA13LISHMENT AND MAINU - quirements as to be clearly distinguishable period covered by such payment, except the proviso of section 102(d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1047, as amended (50 U.S.C. 403(d) (9) ). that the Director of Central In- telligence shall be responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods from un- authorized disclosure, and notwithstanding the provisions of the Administrative Proce- dure Act (5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) or any other provisions of law, any determinations by the Director authorized by the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be final and con- clusive and not subject to review by any court. "Establishment and maintenance of fund "SEO.202. There is hereby created a fund to be known as the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability Fund which shall be maintained by the Director. The Central Intelligence Agency Retire- ment and Disability Fund is referred to hereafter as the fund. "Participants "SEc.203. The Director may designate from time to time such Agency officers and employees whose duties are determined by 19641- _- ` CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE age basic salary for the highest Ave consecu- tive years of service, for which full contribu- tions have been made to the fund, multiplied by the number of years, not exceeding thirty- Iive, of service credit obtained In accordance with the provisions of sections 261 and 252. Ia determining the aggregate period of sorv. ire upon which the annuity is to be based, the fractional part of a month, If any, shall not be counted. "(b) At the time of retirement, any mar- ried participant may elect to receive a re- duced annuity and to provide for an annuity payable to his wife or her husband, com- mencing on the data following such par- ticipant's death and terminating upon the death or remarriage of such surviving wife or husband. The annuity payable to the surviv- ing wife or husband after such participant's death shall be 66 per contum of the:amount of the participant's annuity computed as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section, up to the full amount of such annuity spec- Vied by him as the base for the survivor benefits. The annuity of, the participant making such election shall be reduced by 21/2 per centum of any amount up to 83,600 he specified as the base for the survivor benefit plus 10 per contum of any amount over $3,000 so specified. "(c)(1) If an Annuitant dies and is sur- vived by a wife or husband and by a child or children, In Addition to the annuity payable to the surviving wife or husband, there shall be paid to or on behalf of each child an an- n.ulty equal to the smallest of: (1) 40 per ary, as determined under paragraph (a) of this section. divided by the number of chil- (Iran: (ii) $000: or fill) 41.800 divided by the "(2) It an annuitant dies and is not sur- vived by a wife or husband but by a child or children, each surviving child shall be paid on Annuity equal to the smallest of., (1) 50 per contum of the annuitant's average basic salary,, as determined under paragraph (a) of this section, divided by the number of children; (ii) $720; or (lil) $2,160 divided by the number of children. "(d) If a surviving wife or husband dies or the annuity of a child is' terminated, the annuities of any remaining children shall be recomputed and paid as though such wife. husband, or child had not survived the par- ticipant. "(e) The annuity payable to a child under paragraph (o) or (d) of this section shall begin on the day after the participant dies, and such Annuity or any right thereto shall terminate on the last day of the month be- fore (1) his attaining ago eighteen unless iacapable of self-support. (2) his becoming capable of self-support after age eighteen, (3) his marriage, or (4) his death, except that the Annuity of a child who Is a student as described in section 204(b) (3) of this Act shall terminate on the last day of the month before (1) his marriage, (2) his death, (3) l'As ceasing to be such a student, or, (4) his Attaining ago twenty-one. "(f) Any unmarried participant retiring under the provisions of this Act and found by the Director to be in good health may at the time of retirement elect a reduced nnnulty, in lieu of the annuity as heroln- before provided, And designate In writing a person having an Insurable Interest (as that term is used in section ON of the Civil iicrvico Retirement Act (5 U.S.C. 2259(h))) Ia the participant to receive an annuity after the participant's death. The annuity pay- nbio to the partidipAflt making such election nhall be reduced by 10 per eent%IM of an alp r,ulty computed as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, and by 5 per centum of an annuity so computed for each full five years the person designated is younger than the participant, but such total reduction shall not exceed 40 per contuf n survivor designated unR f shall be 65 per contum of the reduced computed as prescribed above. The annuity payable to a beneficiary under the provisions of this paragraph shall begin on the first day of the next month after the par- ticipant dies. Upon the death of the sur- viving beneficiary all payments shall cease and no further annuity payments authorized under this paragraph shall be due or pay- able. "Part D-Benefits accruing to certain participants "Retirement for Disability or Incapacity- Medical Examination-Recovery "Sac. 231. (a) Any participant who has five years of service credit toward retirement un- der the system, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with provisions of section 251 or 252(a) (2). and who betimes tothlly disabled or incapacitated for useful and eMolent service by reason of disease, Illness, or injury not due to vicious habits, intemperance, or willful misconduct on his part, shall, upon his own application ,or upon order of the Director, be retired on an annuity computed as prescribed in section 221. If the disabled or incapacitated par- ticipant is under sixty and has less than twenty years of service credit toward his retirement under the system at the time he is retired, his annuity shall be computed on the assumption that he has had twenty years of service, but the additional service credit that may accrue to a participant under this provision shall in no case exceed the difference between his age at the time of retirement and age sixty, but this provision shall not increase the annuity of any sur- vivor. "(b) In each case, the participant shall be given a medical examination by one or more duly qualified physicians or surgeons desig- nated by the Director to conduct examina- tions, and disability shall be determined by the Director on the basis of the advice of such physicians or surgeons. Unless the dis- ability Is permanent, like examinations shall be made annually until the annuitant has reached the statutory mandatory retirement ago for his grade as provided in section 235. If the Director determines on the basis .of the advice of one or more duly qualified physicians or surgeons conducting such examinations that an annuitant has re- covered to the extent that he can return to duty, the annuitant may apply for reinstate- ment or reappointment in the Agency within one year from the date his recovery is deter- mined. Upon application the Director may reinstate any such recovered disability an- nuitant In the grade In which he was serv- ing at time of retirement, or the Director may, taking into consideration the age, qualifications, and experience of such annul- tant, and the present grade of his contem- poraries in the Agency, appoint him to a grade higher than the one In which he was serving prior to retirement. Payment of the annuity shall continue until a date six months after the date of the examination showing recovery or until the date of rein- statement or reappointment in the Agency, whichever is earlier. Fees for examinations under this provision, together with reason- able traveling and other expenses incurred in order to submit to examination, shall be paid out of the fund. If the annuitant fails to submit to examination as required under this section, payment of the annuity shall be suspended until continuance of the disa- bility is satisfactorily established. ?'(a) If a recovered dlsabilit annuitant whose annuity to disoontintlst is for any reason not reinstated or reappointed in the Agency, he shall be considered to have been separated within the meaning of paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 284 as of the date he was retired for disability and he shall, f , ~~: ~ e r io1 uu4fl`bisi uu Wt' ved by U of a wife i to he ens n at section or of section 241(a) except that he or a husband and a child or children, each surviving child shall be entitled to an an- 22613 may elect voluntary retirement in accord- ance with the provisions of section 233 if he can qualify under its provisions. "(d) No participant shall be entitled to receive an annuity under this Act and com- pensation for Injury or disability to himself under the Federpl Employees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1019, as amended (8 V.S.O. 781 at sell.). covering the same period of time. This provision shall not bar the right of any claimant to the greater benefit conferred by either Act for Any part of the same period of time. Neither this provision nor any provision of the said Act of Sep- tember 7, 1916, as Amended, shall. be so con- strued as to deny the right of any participant to receive An annuity under this Act by reason of his own services and to receive concurrently any payment under such Act of September 7. 1016. as amended, by reason of the death of any other person. "(e) Nothwithetanding any provision of law to the contrary, the right of any person entitled to an annuity under this Act shall not be affected because such person has re- calved an award of compensation in a lump sum under section 14 of the Federal Em- ployees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1016. as amended (5 U.S.C. 764), except that where such annuity is payable on account of the same disability for which compensation under such section has been paid, so much of such compensation as has been paid for any period extended beyond the data such annuity becomes effective, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, shall be refunded to the Department of Labor, to be paid into the Federal employees' compensation fund. Be- fore, such person shall receive such annuity he shall (1) refund to the Department of Labor the amount representing such com- muted payments for such extended period, or (2) authorize the deduction of such amount from the Annuity payable to him under this Act, which amount shall be trans- mitted to such Department for reimburse- ment to such fund. Deductions from such annuity may be made from accrued and Accruing payments, or may be prorated against and paid from accruing payments in such manner as the Secretary of Labor shall determine, whenever he finds that the fi- nancial circumstances of the annuitant are such as to warrant such deferred refunding. "Death in Service "SEc. 232. (a) In case a participant dies and no claim for annuity is payable under the provisions of this Act, his contributions to the fund, with Interest at the rates pro- scribed in sections 241(a) and 261(a), shall be paid in the order of precedence shown in section 241(b). "(b) It a participant, who has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the system, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 261 or 252(a) (2), dies before separation or retirement from the Agency and is survived by a widow or a dependent widower, as defined, In sec- tion 204, such widow or dependent widower shall be entitled to an annuity equal to 56 per centum of the annuity computed In accordance with the provisions of section 221(a). The,annuity of such widow or de- pendent widower shall commence on the' data following death of the participant and shall terminate upon death or remarriage of the widow or dependent widower, or upon the dependent widower's becoming capable of soar-support. I'(*) If a participant who has at least Avg years of service credit toward retirement under the system, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 261 or 252 22614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE O t ber 1 nulty computed In accordance with the pro- be in the public interest, he may extend service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Ma- visions of section 221(c) (1). The child's such participaant'a service for a period not to rine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United annuity shall begin and be terminated in exceed live years. A participant separated States. accordance with the proivslons of section under the provisions of this section who has "Prior Service Credit 221(e). Upon the death of the surviving completed live years of Agency aet-vice shall "Ssc. 252. (a) A participant may, subject wife or husband or termination of the an- receive retirement benefits In accordance to the provisions of this section, include in nui.ty of a child, the annuities of any re- with the provisions of section 221 of this his period of service-- malning children shall be recomputed and Act. "(I) civilian service in the executive, Judi- ,paid as though such wife or husband or. "Limitation on Number of itetiromente Dial, and legislative branches of the Federal child had not survived the participant. "Sac. 238. The number of participants re- Government and In the District of Colum- "(d) If a participant Who has at least five tiring on an annuity pursuant to sections bin government, prior to becoming a par- years of service credit toward retirement 233, 234, and 235 of this Act shall not exceed tlcipant, and under the system, excluding military or a total of four hundred during the period "(2) active and honorable military or na- naval service that is credited In accordance ending on June 30, 1989, nor a total of four vat service In the Army. Navy, Air Force, Ma- with the provisions of .section 251 or 252 hundred during the period beginning on rino Corps, or Coast Guard of the United (a) (2), dies before separation or retirement July 1, 1969, and ending on June 30, 1974. States prior to the date of the separation from the Agency and Is not survived by a ?part 1s--Disposition of contributions and upon which title to annuity Is based. wife or husband, but by a child or children, interest in excess of benefits received (b) A participant may obtain prior civil- each surviving child shall be entitled to an Ian service credit in accordance with the annuity computed in accordance with the "8rc. 241. (a) Whenever a participant be- provisions of paragraph (a) (1) of this see- provisions of section 221(a) (2). The child's comes separated from the Agency without tion by making a special contribution to tho annuity shall begin and terminate in accord- becoming eligible for an annuity or a de- fund equal to the percentage of his baste anco with the provisions of section 221(e). ferred annuity In accordance with the pro- annual salary ;tor each year of service for Upon termination of the annuity of a child, visions of this Act, the total amount of con- which credit is sought specified with respect the annuities of any remaining children tributions from his salary with Interest to such year in the table relating to em- shall be recomputed and paid as though thereon at 4 per centum per annum to De- ployees contained in section 4(c) of the Civil that child had never been entitled to the comber 31, 1947, and 3 per centum per Service Retirement Act (5 U.S.C. 2264(c)). bonoflt. annum thereafter compounded annually to together with Interest computed as provided "Voluntary Retirement December 31, 1950 (or, In the case of a par- In section 4(e) of such Act (5 U.8.C. 2254 "Sx:a. 233. Any participant in the system ticipant st separated ffive rom the genccyrvafore (a)). Any such participant may, under such Is at least fifty years rs Of ago and has conditions as may be determined In each In- who who I y fiftys a of.service Of may d his the date of separation) and proportionately stance by the Director, pay such spectral con- rendered twenty and with the consent on the for the period served during the year of tributione in installments. own Agency and roe separation including all contributions made "(0)(1) If an officer or employee under Director be, tfrom the Dire or benefits retired t accordance with the pro- during or for such period, except as provided some other Government retirement system oolve of section 221 provided he he not section 281. shall be returned to him. becomes a participant In the system by di- visions less, than ton nears or provided with the "(b) In the event that the total contribu- ? rect transfer, such officer or employee's total inter- Agency of which at least five shall have tions of a retired participant, other than vol- contributions and deposits. Including inter- Aen qualifying service. untary contributions made in accordance eat accrued thereon, eaccept voluntary con- with the provisions of section 281, with In, tributions, shall be transferred to the fund "Discontinued Service Benefits terest at the rates provided In paragraph (a) _ effective as of the dote such officer or em- "Sze. 234. (a) Any participant who sepa- of this section added thereto, exceed the ployee becomes a participant in the system. rates from the Agency after having per.. 'total amount returned to such participant or Each such officer or employee shall be deemed formed not loss than five, years of service to an annuitant claiming through him, in to consent to the transfer of such funds and with the Agency, may, upon separation from the form of annuities, the excess of the ao- such transfer shall be a complete discharge the Agency or at any time prior to becoming cumulated contributions over the accumu- and acquittance of all claims and demands eligible for an annuity, elect to have his fated annuity payments shall be paid in the against the other Government retirement contributions to the fund returned to him following order of precedence, upon the es- fund on account of service rendered prior In accordance with the provisions of section tablishment of a valid claim therefor, and to becoming a participant in the system. 241, or (except in cases where the Director such payment shall be a bar to recovery by "(2) No participant. whose contributions determines that -separation was based in any other person: are transferred to the fund In accordance whole or In part on the ground of disloyalty "(1) To the beneficiary or beneficiaries des- with the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of to the United States) to leave his contribu- lgnated by such participants in writing to this section, shall be required to make con- tions in the fund and receive an annuity, the Director; tributions In addition to those transferred computed as prescribed in section 221, com- "(2) If there be no such beneficiary to the for periods of service for which full contribu- meneing at the ago of sixty-two years. surviving wife or husband "of such partict- tions were made to the other Government re- "(b) If a participant who has qualified pant; tirement fund, nor shall any refund be made in accordance with the provisions. of porn- (3) If none of the above, to the child or to any such participant on account of con- graph (a) of this section to receive a de- children of such participant and descendants tributions made during any period to the ferred annuity commencing at the age of of deceased children by representation; other Government retirement fund at a sixty-two dies before reaching the age of "(4) If none of the above, to the parents higher rate than that fixed for employees by atxty-two his contributions to the fund, with of such participants or the survivor of them; section 4(c) of the Civil Service Retirement interest, shall be paid In accordance with "(5) If none of the above, to the duly ap- Act (5 U.S.C. 2254(c)) for contributions to the provisions of sections 241 and 281. pointed executor'or administrator of the es- the fund. "Mandatory Retirement tate of such participant; "(3) No participant, whose contributions Director may in his "(8) If none of the above, to other next are transferred to, the fund In accordance, any par- of kin of such participant as may be deter- with the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of "Ste. discretion 235. . ( (aa) In The retired Director tics nt who cos nomfeted at iciest twenty- mined by the Director in his judgment to this section. shall receive credit for periods pa p be legally entitled thereto. Of service for which a refund of contribu- five years of service, or who to at least fifty years of are and d ',has completed "(c) No payments shall be made pursuant tions has bean made, or for which no con- twenty years of service. provided ideat such least t to paragraph (b) (6) of this section until tributions were made to the other Govern- twen tloi nt has not leas than ton ears of sere- after the expiration of thirty days from the moat retirement fund. A participant may, y death of the retired participant or his sur- however, obtain credit for such prior service ice with the Agency f which at least five viving annuitant. by making a Special contribution to the fund shah have been qualifying service. If so retired, such participant shall receive retire- "Part F-Period of service for annuities In graph accordance with the provisions of pare- graph of this section, meat benefits in accordance with the provi- "Computation of Length of Service "(d) No participant may obtain prior ci- sions of section 221. "Ssa. 251. For the purpose of this Act, the villan service credit toward retirement under "(b) Any participant In the system recely- period of service of a participant shall be the system for any period of civilian serv- ing compensation at the rate of grade GS-18 computed from the date he becomes a par- Ice on the basla of which he Is receiving or or above shall be automatically separated tleipant under the provisions of this Act, but will in the future be entitled to rccotvb any from the Agency upon reaching the ago of all periods of separation tram tail Agettoy ahfliltty Undac anel.iter ret(reitteIII syaL5IS sixty-live. Any participant in the system and so much of any leaves of absence witli- covering civilian personnel of the f overn- receiving compensation at a rate less than out pay no may exceed six months In the ment, grade 0S-18 shall be automatically sepa- aggregate in any calendar year shall be ex- "(e) A participant may obtain prior mill- rated from the Agency upon reaching the eluded, except leaves of absence while re- tart' or naval service credit in accordance ago of sixty, Such separation shall be of- celving benefits under the Federal Employees' With the provisions of paragraph (a) (2) of feetivo on the last day of the month In Compensation Act of September 7. 1018 as this section by applying for it to the Diroc- which a pnrtt">pdfp"JefOeRMaat a 20O &3A20&cCtA DI?pga9S?i AOO9tQ 5@Ot&liment or separation from sixty-five, ass ed is section, but absence granted participants while perform- a Agency. However, in the case of a par- whenever the Director shall determine It to Jug active and honorable military or naval ticipant who is eligible for and receives re- :t J. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE tired pay on account of military or naval service, the period of service upon which such retired pay Is based shall not be In- cluded, except that in the case of a partlcl- pant who is eligible for and receives retired pay on account of a service-connected dis- ability Incurred In combat with an enemy of the United States or caused by an Inatru- mentality of war and Incurred. in line of duty during a period of war (as that term Is used In chapter 11 or title 38, United States Code), or Is awarded under chapter 67 of title 10 of the United States Code, the period of such military or naval service shall be included. No contributions to the fund shall be required in connection with mill- 1:ary or naval service credited to a participant In accordance with the provisions of para- graph (a) (2) of this section. "(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or section 283 any military service (other than military service covered by military leave with pay) performed by a participant after December 1960 shall be ex- oludod in determining the aggregate period of service upon which an annuity payable candor this Act to such participant or to his 'widow or child to to be based. If such par- tioipant or widow or child Is entitled (or would upon proper application be entitled) at the time of such determination, to month- ly old-age or survivors' benefits under see- ?tion 202 of the Social Security Act, as amend- id (42 U.B.C. 402), based on such partlci- pant's wages and self-employment income. #f In the case of the participant or widow ouch military service is not excluded under ?tho preceding sentence, but upon attaining ago sixty-two, he or she becomes entitled (or would upon proper application be entitled) to such benefits, the aggregate period of service upon which such annuity is based shall be redetermined, effective as of the carat day of the month in which he or she attains such ago, so as to exclude such sorv- Ice. "'Credit for Service While on Military Leave "SEc. 263. (a) A participant who, during ,the period of any war, or of any national emergency as proclaimed by the President or declared by the Congress, has left or leaves his position to enter the military service shall not be considered, for the purposes of this Act, as separated from his Agency post. 'Lion by reason of such military service, unless he shall apply for and receive a refund of contributions under this Act: Provided, 't'hat such participant shall not be considered as retaining his Agency position beyond :December 31. 1050, or the expiration of five :years of such military service, whichever is later. "Attachment of Moneys "SEC. 263. None of the moneys mentioned in this Act shall be assignable either in law or equity, or be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process. "Part H-Retired participants recalled, re- instated, or reappointed in the Agency, or reemployed in the Government "Recall "Sac. 271. (a) The Director may, with the consent of any retired participant, recall such particiant to duty in the Agency whenever he shall determine such recall is In the pub- lic Interest. "(b) Any such participant recalled to duty In the Agency in accordance with the provl- alone of paragraph (a) of this section or re- Instated or reappointed in accordance with the provisions of section 231(b) shall, while so serving, be entitled In lieu of his annuity to the full salary of the grade In which he is serving. During such service, he shall make contributions to the fund In accordance with the provisions of section 211. When he re- verts to hie retired status, his annuity shall be determined anew in accordance with the provisions of section 221. "Reemployment "Sac, 272. Notwithstanding any other pro- vialon of law, a participant retired under the provisions of this Act shall not, by reason of his retired status, be barred from employ. ment In Federal Government service in any appointive position for which he is qualified. An annuitant so reemployed shall serve at the will of the appointing officer. "Reemployment Compensation "Sac. 273. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any annuitant who has re- tired under this Act and who is reemployed In the Federal Government service In any appointive position either on a part-time or full-time basis shall be entitled to receive his annuty payable under this Act, but there shall be deducted from his salary a sum equal to the annuity allocable to the period of actual employment. "(b) In the event of any overpayment un- der this section, such overpayment shall be recovered by withholding the amount in- volved from the salary payable to such re- employed annuitant, or from any other moneys, including his annuity, payable In accordance with the provisions of this Act. "Part I-Voluntary contributions "See. 281. (a) Any participant may, at his option and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Director, deposit addi- tional sums in multiples of 1 per centum of ? his basic salary, but not In excess of 10 per (b) Contributions shall not be required centum of such salary, which amounts to- covering periods of leave of absence from the gather with Interest at 3 per centum per .Agency granted a participant while perform- annum, compounded annually as of Decem- Ing active military or naval service In the bar 31, and proportionately for the period Army. Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast served during the year of his retirement, In- Duard of the United States, eluding all contributions made during or for "Part G-Moncys such period, shall, at the date of his re- "Estimate of Appropriations Needed tirement and at his election, be- "SEC. 201. The Director shall prepare the "(1) returned to him In lump sum; estimates of the annual appropriations re- 11(2) used to purchase an additional life squired to be made to the fund, and shall, annuity; cause to be made actuarial valuations of the "(3) used to purchase an additional life hind .at intervals of five years, or oftener if annuity for himself and to provide for a doomed necessary by him. cash payment on his death to a beneficiary "Investment of Moneys in the Fund whose name shall be notified In writing to "sac. 202. The Director may, with the ap- the Director by the participant; or proval of the Secretary of the Treasury, In. "(4) used to purchase an additional life vest from time to time In interest-bearing annuity for himself and a life annuity com- securities of the United States such portions mencing on his death payable to a beneficiary Df the fund as In hie judgment may not be whose name shall be notified in writing to Immediately required for the payment of an. the Director by the particippaant with a guar- cash benefits, refunds, and allow. anteed return to the beneficiary or his iseai ctoca; and the income derived from such in. representative of an amount equal to the vestments shall constitute a part of much cash payment referred to in subparagraph fund. (8) above. of the first Increase under this section, the Approved For Release 2002/03/20 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000100050016-7 22615 "(b) The benefits provided by subpara- graphs (2). (3). or (4) of paragraph (a) of this section shall be actuarially equivalent in value to the payment provided for by sub- paragraph (a) (1) of this section and shall be calculated upon such tables of mortality as may be from time to time prescribed for this purpose by the Director. "(o) In case a participant shall become separated from the Agency for any reason except retirement on an annulty, the amount of any additional deposits with interest at 3 per centum per annum,, compounded as is provided in paragraph (a) of this section, -made by him under the provisions of said paragraph (a) shall be refunded in the man- ner provided In section 241 for the return of contributions and Interest in the case of death or separation from the Agency. "(d) Any benefits payable to a, participant or to his beneficiary in respect to the addi- tional deposits provided under this section shall be In addition to the benefits otherwise provided under this Act. "Part J-Cost-o/-living adjustment of annuities "Sac. 291. (a) On the basis of determtna- tions made by the Civil Service Commission pursuant to section 18 of the Civil Service Retirement Act, as amended, pertaining to per centum change in the price index, the following adjustments shall be made: "(1) Effective April 1, 1060. If the change in the price index from 1904 to 1986 shall have equaled a rise of at least 8 per contum, each annuity payable from the fund which has a commencing date earlier than January 2. 1906, shall be Increased by the per contum rise In the price index adjusted to the near- est one-tenth of 1 per contum. "(2) Effective April 1 of any year other than 1966 after the price Index change shall have equaled a rise of at least 3 per centum, each annuity payable from the fund which has a commencing date earlier than January 2 of the preceding year shall be increased by the per centum.riso in the price Index ad- justed to the nearest one-tenth of 1 per centum. "(b) Eligibility for an annuity Increase under this motion shall be governed by the Commencing date of each annuity payable from the fund as of the effective date of an increase, except as follows: "(1) Effective from the date of the first Increase under this section, an annuity pay- able from the fund to an annuitant's sur- vivor (other than a child entitled under sec- tion 221(0)), which annuity commenced the day after the annuitant's death, shall be In- Creased as provided In subsection (a) (1) or (a) (2) if the commencing date of annuity to the annuitant was earlier than January 2 of the year preceding the first increase. "(2) Effective from Its commencing date," an annuity payable from the' fund to an annuitant's survivor (other than a child en- titled under section 221(0)), which annuity commences the day after the annuitant's death and after the effective date of the first Increase under this section, shall be Increased by the total per centurn increase the annui- tant was receiving under this section at death. "(8) For purposes of computing an annuity which commences after the effective date of the first Increase under this section to a child under section 221(c), the Items $000, $720, 11,800, and $2,160 appearing in section 221(0) shall be increased by the total per centum Increase allowed and In force under this section and, In case of a deceased annul- tant, the items 40 per centum and 60 per centum appearing in section 221(0) shall be Increased by the total per centum increase allowed and In force under this section to the 22616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE Oc r be.r? Y provisions'of this paragraph shell apply as "111-1701, Retirement, resignation, and sented to the House today. This is a if such first Increase were in effect with re- spect to computation of a child's annuity under section 221(c) which commenced be- tween January 2 of the year preceding the first Increase and the effective date of the first increase. "(a) No increase in annuity provided by this section shall be computed CII any 9441- tional annuity purchased at retirement by voluntary contributions. "(d) The monthly installment of annuity after adjustment under this section shall be. fixed at the nearest dollar." The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from South Carolina? There was no objection. The Senate amendment was con- curred in. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. AMENDING SECTION 5 OF THE EM- PLOYMENT ACT OF 1946 Mr. BOLLING. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of the bill (S. 3174) to amend section 5 of the Employment Act of 1046. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Mis- souri? There was no objection. The Clerk read the bill, as follows: lIe it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That sec- tion 5'(e) of the Employment Act of 1940, as amended (15 U.B.O. 1024: 60 Stat. 23, Pub- lic Law 804, Seventy-ninth Congress) is amer}ded t* read as follows: (a) To noble the joint committee to exercise its, powers, functions, and duties under this Act, there are authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year such sums as may be necessary, to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate on vouchers signed by the chairman or vice chairman." The bill was ordered to be read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, and a motion to reconsider was laid on the table, recall aid bill. There are two provisions in "(a) (1) Any judge- it which are quite controversial. One (2) to strike out in the title of the bill Is a Senate amendment with respect to "amend section 11 of the Act of April L 1942, the civil service status of employees of in order to the foreign aid agency. The other is the Mr. Mch?LLAN. Mr. Speaker, the so-called Dirksen amendment, which purpose of this concurrent resolution is was adopted in the other body, which I to direct the Clerk of the House to make a technical amendment in enrolling the bill H.R. 5871: To amend section 11 of the act of April 1, 1942, in order to modify the retirement benefits of the judges of the District of Co- lumbia Court of General Sessions, the Dis- trict of Columbia Court of Appeals, and the Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. N. Two days ago, the House concurred In the Senate amendments to H.R. 5871, but a technical error remains therein and should be corrected before the bill goes to the President. Briefly, H.R. 5871 passed the House originally on October 14, 1963, and was sent to the other body. Subsequently, namely, on December 23, 1963, Public Law 88-241 was approved which recodi-, fled certain sections of the District of Columbia code, including the section per- taining to the retirement of judger}, which H.R. 5871 amends. Properly thereafter, the other body, when considering H.R. 5871, should have amended the same to refer to the codified section, and that is what the resolution now directs the Clerk of the House to correct. The concurrent resolution Involves no change whatever 'in substance. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from South Carolina? There was no objection. The concurrent resolution was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. ON H.R. 11380, TO AMEND FUR- THER THE FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1061. Mr. SMITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker. by direction of the Committee on Rules, I call up House Resolution 895 and ask for its Immediate consideration. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: Resolved, That Immediately upon the adoption of this resolution the bill (H.R. 11380) to amend further the Foreign Assist- ance Act of 1961, as amended, and fot'other purposes, with the Senate amendments thereto, be, and' the same-hereby is, taken from the Speaker's table, to the end that the Senate amendments be, and the Barrie arc hereby, disagreed to and that the confer- once requested by the Senate on the dis- Let me say that I understood there would be a motion to instruct the con- ferees with respect to the first item which I have mentioned. We had before the Rules Committee yesterday the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, who gave us very definite as- surances that the House conferees would not agree to that in conference, and that if it were insisted upon by the Senate conferees the :House conferees would bring the matter back to the House so that the House could have a vote and either reaffirms or not reaffirms previ- ous action on this matter. I believe it was rejected by the House when the bill was passed. I hope this meets with the approval of the gentleman who is going to offer the motion to instruct. It would seem to me that would accomplish the object which the gentleman desires to accomplish, of giving the House the opportunity to vote upon the matter. We have a very posi- tive understanding with the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs that that will be done and that the House will be given the opport.unity,' to vote if the conferees cannot strike it out in the con- ference. Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. SMITH of Virginia. I yield to the gentleman from Michigan. Mr. JOHANSEN. I wish to comment that I appreciate the assurance the gen- tleman makes-with respect to the substi- tute for the Dirksen amendment and that it conforms to my understanding and meets the purpose I had in objecting yesterday. Mr. SMITH of Virginia. The other matter is the Dirksen amendment. We have had our debates about that in the House, on the so-called Tuck bill. The House has expressed itself by a very sub- stantial majority in favor of the Tuck bill, which would do something about the reapportionment decision of the Supreme Court. The Dirksen amendment, let me say to you, in my judgment and in the judg- ment of all of those to whom I have talked, has certainly no binding effect. If it had any binding effect, the tall end of the sentence which gives It its effect would repeal that. However, I am chiefly concerned about the Dirksen amendment because of the concluding MODIFYING RETIREMENT EMENT BENE- FITS OF DISTRICT OF 'COLUMBIA JUDGES Mr. McMILLAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous eonsgnt for the immediate .consideration of the concurrent resolu- tion, house Concurrent Resolution 370. The Clerk read the concurrent resolu- tion as follows: Resolved by the Hoarse of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Clerk of the ltouso of Representatives in the enroll- ment of the bill (H.R. 5871) to amend sec- tion 11 of the Act of April 1. 1042, in order to modify the retirement benefits of the judges of the District of Columbia Court of General Sessions, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, and the Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia, and for other pur- poses, is authorized and directed- (1) to strike out all after the enacting clause down through and including "Sw. 11 (a) (1) Any Judge" and Insert In lieu thereof agreeing votes of the two Houses be, and the Which is found on page 27 of the amended same is hereby agreed to. foreign aid bill, as it comes back to the Mr. SMITH of Virginia. -Mr. Speak- House. Now, the House has expressed er, I yield 30 minutes to the gentleman Itself very firmly I think on its refusal front Ohio [Mr. BaowN], and pending to recognize the constitutional power of that I yield myself such time as I may the Supreme Court to enact legislation, e#anturad, EV6rybody known that no such thing was i mnblasection Code is -l-R6M%sqp at WAilwThl ~p a wn tl~Iated liy our Constitution or by ` 6W7=6V -fl~*'iib7attached thereto. If