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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 TABLE CW CCi TS CONFIDENTIAL' 7=0 . . . . . summm AND O CLt~ICE48 CrpROCUM.? D1 11 N = CV '8 ? . . a Candensatiaa Cu a Call &Wfaae . ? . ? ? ? ? ? . . ? ? . . . . . ? ? 7 Absci!ption or Adsorption V Y Desiccants . . . . . ? r . . . . . . ? . C?panessl.Ce~~?Eagwaaian stems . ? ? ? . ? ? ? . . ? . . ? . . ? . . . 1k Q1 ioal Reactions . . . ? ? . ? . a ? . . . . . ? . ? ? . ? . ? ? . 13 16 ? ? ? . . ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? r ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? 17 TI JIZ 1 PiwTZ11=11111T 8 CI C0U CTtNG iN1m Plat d ~DY?08, PART WoLARLY 1R ( A#BIENT AIR . TABIZ 2 C11 CULA D MTA eg UiiU , Cr W AM PROI DE~IiT AIR USING L AIITB (*NN ' sYB N)i TO TIED 2 QLWM M DAY . ? ? ? 13 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 =am mom CONFIDENTIAL Vw MW 1M. 3.00 z am W. Tr r as 1961 The 8pansar is interested in the potential development at a moisture cwsnssr for use by individual untrained perrsaaoel in and or desert areas of the world. This interest stems, fran a need to provide potable voter for individual consuWtion in quantity and quality such as to enable a person to vithsi*c1 the rigors at prolonged trevel or at survival in such areas. It was our vodeerstnrd4flg that no suitable device or apparatus vas (or is) available for this purpose., i.e., that no unit has been developed for use by an individual In dbtainiflg from the air the quantity at water required to satiety a hwan being's daily minla* req ts. On even the hottest and driest days, the air masses in desert areas reportedly represent a suitable source of vatear, providing, of coinrse, that the voter can be caeonaed and collected in a satisfastoerY mariner. Any equt TMnt provided for this purpose should be eeeall, lighWeight, simple, and durable. A vei t at 2.2 pounds and a size of about 6 x 6 x 12 inches vase indicated as design gcaals in the consideration at an appropriate r ( r\ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Accor dingy, an effort tinder WCTk Order No. 10, Task Order No. Ti', was initiated, to investigate the practicability or developing a specialised moist=* emdmer at the type described herein. The proposed method at attack was to 0701Te ides regarding devices which mkt oar" the purpose; and to .valuate *41, at least in prelimi3na~y farohion, from the viewpoint at pOSSi't y providing the basis for a subsequent develc*tnt effort aimed turd achieving a mit which would embody the desired characteristics. This report summarizes the results o[' the effort performed wonder Work Order No. 10, Tsk Oder No. TT, during the period February 22 throe i miry 21, 19610 NOM &M 935MM A ni er of methods have been considered for providing potable water to a desert traveler. None at those considered soma to be capable c meeting the weight and sire gsls as specified. Fuxther, it presently some doubtful that any systm would be able to meet those goals, particularly the weight. Hoveww, if saes Increase in weight and site can be tolerated, the following three approaches appear to be very proaising: (1) the use at solid or liquid desiccants,, with solar rossueration. (2) A large, flat collector which would cool itself by radiating to the sky at night. (3) A reciprocating compressar?espander with a rotating cylLorlar block, which would "tract the water by centrifugal action iately' after it condensed in the expansion process. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 at base, the aystsm with the smallest patential gross vei&t is pralbebly the aaoapraseoar".xpsnderi it has been eatiimated that such s system would. weigh about 8 pounds without a prim mow.r, and that an aW date eolsr?ene~rg~r?aperated prime aove r would vel# about 1e poaaads. Haweaver, the e,rptoltstian at this mod or at that based an the use at a desiccant would entail aanride~s+ablw da .lopaentst eft"oort, as aosoeuced to the re volt' sell effort 'iahiah would be needed to dwva3.ap a suitable large, flat coUectaar. the prables presented for study was to c ci*alder me hods at providing drinking water to a mnaa traveling alame end as font throu1 the desert. It was specified *at: (a) The equip t should provide 2 quarts of water per day far 21 consecutive days. (b) Any equipaaeent provided should praterab]y weigh no more than 2.2 pounds and fit in a space about 6 x 6 x 12 inches. (c) The equipment should be dWeble and easily operable by a m0 at average int~ell.igence and neec hanicxal, sksill. In the abseamce at a definite envirv**aex ul speciflcatica, it was ammod that the atmosphere caitsined 0.005 pound at water per pound of dry air, during the dims end niittima. Fu rtiaer, dWUW 'teeeperat wee were sswAsed to Yeah a peak at about 95 to 100 F, with laig*period averages of about 90 aj nighttime tenperr atures were taken to be a constant 78 F. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 The mood at attack used for this progtcvosn was to present the problcut In general tezleit to selected mambo" at our technical staff repre- senting a variety CC Interests in the fields of cha i stsy~ chemical engineeoring, physics, bioscieuxs, and mechanical engineerltng. As a result, a ntsober cot approaches were suggested; these were eseq ssntly screened to select those which seamed most praising In view Of the specified requir essaonts. The most pramfsing ideas were theth evaluated in souse detail, in cotter to esthete how closely %bo y would permit thing the required pertcrous ce sad went. Since the prgg, did net p m ids for a thorou1 desig7n st y, Wvalustl oos wxre based an estifttes at Wince axed weight Chat wars detailed eae# to permit eectly an gate classifieatian. tar swWo a, it a systesm depended an the use CC a c*-emioal, the required weight at the ohm adlaal was calculated and used as an 3alicatieeea at the m#xdm * attainable vsSht at to system. ' bla 1 massoes ises the results Of the stiOr. The methods suggested for collecting eater in the desert can be catalogued in firs gt^o -s t (1) Caeodenaat9.acn o moisture franc the air an a cold surface (2) AbMWPUM or adsorption Of Moisture by m dtmble chemicals (3) last action at moisture fran the air by oci r+essicn, coall,Dg, and ezpensica Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 TABZX 1. Cr E70- , v n r iii PFXK 11 1 1 1111 11 9 )OEM= ate, BaS4? FM Aiml!!f'r AIR Desc r4tica Wd+anaatim on a (a) Ittent-aboarpUm cold surface refrigastim ,ipr (b) Dollectox redi.tiag to the sky at U143bt bsoa.on Silica gil aystam with cyclic and solar rsgratim Ijgdd ftsiomwUp such an litiiaa chladde solutions with solar rage meted Min#wa Weight lrattab17 50 to 60 pouaa a Abc xt ffi to 25 pvwds Psdbab1 not effective swevy Mitt bemire of we on clear skgr OW ns with 28 po s s of desiccant, plus a WW W require ccasiderable fairly alma eepara*w devel c mental effort pc* o of desiccate, plus the required equip t Wild require some method cuing desicrocm-t to a Pose large surface arms to the air durix absorption; sows desiccant ai zt be i c by evapoationJ vad d 1n volve amsic2+ersble davelof mental Snort am sian- Rotating- k c ssor- eepansian systems ems' vi h r ligpir is five cooling at wed air and caaetrif%al wttractian of ow&wLead %ater acbustlon Cocbuetiau of hydragen with processes caodeasation of inter vapor produced Abaft 8 pocaads for casgm+essor- sacpsnd er, vttiaout server; additiaosl pa=ls eatiaamed for solar-aaAerg 9 Pounds at e, P= ceaabvsttcn sad condens- ing equUnwent Woulid require ccaesiderabi. d --O-VwMU3 effort Very bulky j difficult to handle Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 ZIt87Z I. (Continued) i#esmiptian sst&a t.d t t ]Lzctractim Eras sodl or rocks, l0621b33r about 5 potmds toot by solar di at3Zt~s# .aa s d1j a disc h@ranri, r tar mock, Depmds an sarai3&bi11t r of 160 ..l+t triad CC soil car rocks is no ewe with such systar: 'fi'rst could be need as & beau =ar est1as$3mg at. lec Veaess Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 ($) Qiemical reaction in which water is an at the lra"~~ (5} lllisce].isneous methods. These are discussed In same detail In the fall. mod ttton aa~- i i r ld rwr~r~~. ~~iYlYl^ ir.rmrm The coslectial at moisture frost the desert air by using a cold exposed sArftce for o leass-tiran has some obvious limitations. With the assuoed climatic conditions, 'the dew point at the air would be approod~oee-tsly ho Ti an siyscvpriatee cold surface would have to be spporeciably below 40 ! is oaf to collect m mh moisture. Below 32 F, the moisture would collect as ioe, treading to insulate the collector from the air and to reduce the rate at collection. The low moisture content at the air would require the use of large collecting surfaces at a laog caUect ing period in order to provide the required quantity of water. The use of a a zventianal caar +tssion r ftig'eas'ation system would necessitate eqaipmsnct at considerable veig}st, inuludiag a prima mover to drive the compressor. The s icabilit of an intearmitts:rt?absaa7tion refrigeration system, tdsit would ape to fm solar sne$1r, was enslysed. assts at this basic type wear. sold oaaerci&l1y maxW years ago as residential refrigerators which r equi ed no a lecttri cit . Basically, this type at s retes< consists at two inctearoarsnected containers; on. holds a solution at a rafrigs rant in an absorbent, Hsieh could be ammonia aad water, for ace e, and the other is early. To start the cycle, the cam which holds the solution is heated. The heat- ing drives out part of the refrigerant, which passes to the second container Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 W condenses. When a suitable qusntitj CC refrigerant is thus teunsferred to the second container and condensed, the hest source is removed. the first aantaiseee' than coals, the pressure in the a yste n drags, and the r fr ge begins to en crate trot the second car; as evaporation occurs, the refrigerant passes to the first container and is eabsca ed. When the evaporation is caordelsted, the cycle can be repeated. Wile the reii'a< rant is evaporating, it is eoctract- ing heat tenet its slarraRandilags, and thus produces the re;t~rigeratiag effect. This rysieem as applied to the problem at interest vauld be inherently sisg ]a, since it would operate from solar energy and would require an]y two basic parts, oa* at ehich would serve a 4% al purpose, plus an accesso y. Qtte part would act as the generator sand the absor'beer, sal the otter as the condenser and evaporator. In addition, a scilsr.enea&y collector would be needed to provide a camecnttratmd heat source for the generator. A partial analysis at the atemitteant-absorption system shared that the evaporation time required to collect a pounds CC water would be inversely pa!oporticmal to the a aportor arcs and would be a ttmcticn of the air velocity over the evaporator mafeoe. Iven with the "~Son at as air velocity at 20 feet/secmd,, vhlt wvu]d require a blower and a saxce at en saw for the blower, an evaporator a ratinig time of 4 hours would requiare an evaporator area at 25 squaws test. Additional time would be rewired for the other pisses of the cycle, wad sane difficulty might be caused by the necessity for reaming the heat of condenseatiaa and the heat at absorption. In view at the limitat ices apparent in the evaporator portion of the system, no :hzrthsr analysis of this system was dental en. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 A siaeple method of obtaining water by canclenestjob would be to use a large collector which would, radiate to the sky at ai4t. On a Clear night, the a1 has a 3M effective t q ratime. Assuming an effective ally tNrpe3ratvra at about -80 10 at night, a perfect radiator with an area at about 100 square feet could collect about 4 pounds of water dewing the night. With a thin plastic fits as the rad.fato r, two other parallel fib to ahlol dt the collector fraa gro mt radiation,? and a li#twei it, alb, tubular sutepoart ng strtrctma., the entire asseecgaly vcar , "ably weigh 20 to 25 pounds. The susoesaful a ie ration of this iq+pe of collector would depend an having a clear, caia Al it. QloLd ottivr would aaake it inoperable; and wind would 'send to raise the taagperature at th& device above the deny poixat, valesa suitable abieldfsg could be proerided, and tlbrus would result in ineffective operation. It is anticipated that a relatively ana31, womt of dweloporenta3. effort voi dd be neoesaarry in artier to exploit this method. Alaso UM or Adaoajtican by Acs , MAW desiccants, both solid and liquid, are available that will abeat or adsorb aoistwy frog desert air; in fact, there are solid wdsere'ba s which will x+1wee we nearly all at the moisture. To be usefti for the application at obtaining potable water, horever, ease mews must be devised to ultimately aaetract to moisture fees the desiccant as liquid. Desiccants are akoe alljr regenera1 by heating to a him tee~exttture, usually in the range of M E a ;W# t rad"titag body located on the atu' ace of the each loses heart at a rate which would proveU if the body wex'e radiating to an infinite sink at a teeWerature of about -W F. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 300 to 1000 F, depending oo the desiccant. In the app'ticatian at interest, the moist ia's would thereby be driven off as vapor and woul+al have to be condensed. Also, while it would be possible to obtain the usual regeneration wares by caxentra'- ng solar etaerg r, to attempt to provide for this function in a saau portable unit does not a appear practical. there have been developed in tieoaunpr several thncs~od~yraaaaia cyclic processes utilizing desiccants which have removed water from the desert air, on the basis at a asmnll+er t.nperat we difference. Ma fact, units have been operated suoesattt-l2y on the basis at the t;emperatirx"e difTermwe existing betmen a plans sailer receiver and an ad,;jaoent shaded zone. In these sy'ebems, water plus eater vapor was the working fluid, with dry air as the inert carrier W. 'flie Dmles l system are out7.i ned in the following; a detailed des- criptin is available in a series of three articles by J. H. Aeumiaes that appear in the Dania ry, ]959, iasuaa of "Solar ZnergY" ? Zn the course at the Work *rdaar No. 10 activitW, calculations were made on these types of sya t ms, to detensi a the v.i*t at desiccoit required to obtain 2 quarts at water per 24-hour day. lWhi1e this value would not represent the 'total weei$bt of the unit requixed, the other co ponents could probably be made quite light in vei&at, particularly it a solid desiccant were used; the desiccant veigizt would therefore be a 3aurgrr part of the total welgbt and could be used as a basis for coratamriscn. Both solid and liquid absorbents were considered as desiccants in the oslculatioas3 a survey cC solid desiccant propsrtr"ies were mode. Silica gel appeared to be by friar the beat for the present a plication and was the only Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 solid tar tahich catctilatiaos vmre made. This was the desiccant used by Da=les in his operating waits, althou he stated that afar sal3de, as trell as 1iq dds, Vw1d ttmctian C the to eWst *'e calpiditiaos sesocisted with the use at incW=t solar radistica. tidd sbsambents with the most desirable V% cries eked to be lithium chi ide slid calcci'a chide s& uti cis, end both Vera used in the calrculatieela. Huth the s3mou~ltenecvus and etmoeseive 4 rates CC DsZm1e2 raze investi" 9 *W aaa~3 r. 8 , the Hernias' simoultansvus +edrs - was modified 014d" 37 to suit the req iz'"ss its at the a ,cstian at interest. ?cr f ides' a +$ , , operatwlab end imsobili' - were quite desUeblae j in his sitrrultwevw aj-etrao, tahic operated an1y durim the defuse, WO beds at desiccant tare used, ace facing east and me lwctug vest. In the mamsing, the east desiccant was rag t,Lor&+Ad while the rest desiccant was adsorbing moigtvnrej in the sttenwon, the ttmactiobs were reversed. This Drocedtn^e is rathear irrtricie t for We reasons. Tiaret, the maw solar radiation, which ocavprs near noon time, is nab used,, since the Nation is reversing at that time. ftoand, for most desicants, 6 or more hoes are not required for the egtrilibrit>a mciatt s ciantent to be a>ahloved. 'it.r tons, an the easugptian that a 3,larited am t at ssaa v.3. operation voalat be possible in the a plicst ton at interest, a shaortwear cycle was devised during which the beds vcou 4 be a14+ernatte]y directed toward the stm. In render to dwboralm the qAlmn time far the cycle, an ai*lysis teas sodas of the dynamic data on silica gel. Vb,1 considerable extrapalat at the data was nedceseaxy to fit the caaditians of interest, it was tons*d that a 2i.hourr halt?4cycls 'weld Pmt the regeneration or Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 approciaately 80 per cent o the edseoxted moistttare. 8gyaad 80 per cents the rate at regsanaratiCSl would decrease rather rapidly, so a l.4sigeor half- cyclie appeared unecaaiceical on a weight basis. The st>Qaessiyl systam .Xlared by caculation yaa esseas Bally that outlined by Datsanies. This systn involved a 'pCicb in the cooler ni&t air, foil oMed by x+ prati n by scalar wsM aid oandenmUm in a closed system attiring the daytime. Tble 2 shows the results cC the calcuaatiau. Nut at the headings have ally been erp4ained or are self+eaqlsmta y. the tag -tures for the sisatttaneoess s rstea we re Uken directly frm actual data given by Dsni' es. Four 11he suoaessive systam, the 13altirg adsoarp6ion t. isratures shy' represent the nighttise amdttia4si We typical spring and exam nl&ttisae desert oeoanditions are actual- data tract Dsmniees tee' for Bahasa Desert. The LImit- iag regsaaeratlaa dry-bulb Mature Is the NAXIMA air to eralwnre in the closed aysten as obtained by solar heating, dicing daytime apeoratitan, and the limiting regaa*'atian dew point re preseeats the waled condenser tasaperat% 'e. As the table inlic*tea, the efficiency at the system is largely t1, l ai*t w these regsn erati,on tesa~per*tures. Most at the data presented in the table are only iAratteoae. W.tiaately, the actual vebwe would have to be deterrined by testing a cagUte unit. Rmwvw, they could be m ated am* close y than is the case in ruble 2, by a dots" lnld heat balance using kaaiown hest eneear caerrelations, once the cowl physical. earraagamee-t of a omit Ma drarteoisinad. The systens based n using l ,quid desiccants a peeur quite attractive only the weight at desiccant is considered. However, a yard of caution Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 7J i d? %dUWSiNd=W SEEM 4W AMMMUZAAM 1a SSiRM JFJ%M LWftl A1iS UCWW 7r1 'rp I Pvf % M wvwr m n niflaee Town Vuv Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 $-pe at R"Ftm Ludt - Lm ONNUUMS Dedb, SOW P. F F %rj- Ba1b, -- P, ffili deaq, F F peer Owt DMIAM W~ A4069bed- per eent waleft At Deai1emist +~I1dsebtd AM HU D0910 t, 1b Sinultaneau - GWJd desiccant U7 47 94 94 80(1) Silica gel 4(3/&W) 59.5 47.6 Saaceaslve - 150 90 60 40 200 silica gel 55 39.1 17.9 94.5 aalid desiccant (uO=I at spring w in desert) su-stTe - 150 90 7% 51 140 Silica gel 35 94 67.8 63.6 55.6 salid desist {S pical at sueeer time in desert) Sit - liquid desiccant 317 47 94 85 80(1) Licl 4(3/dgW) 10.8 3.6 8iaa~1 realms - liquid desic 117 47 94 85 80(1) CadL2 4(3/flair) 14 5.9 Successive - liquid dealacwt 150 90 60 40 104 44 94 19.9 8.7 3.5 S cesssive - liquid desiccant 254 90 84 51 100 29 24 91.7 17.5 7.0 Successive - liquid desiccant 180 95 84 51 100 78 94 8.0 3.8 2.6 (1) Dapeods as cycle tires; this is an assured gibe vitb eaoe experimental basis. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 in this rsowd, beceauae the actual physical arses at must be injected either at systeee vb u si S a l .q d4 desioowt has not been vearraed out ts2y. She calACttlatictaw assuras that such aria gaaa s be =LAO to ate. 'the prospects at a ymaum , Mooing vmIt bond an eithear P. att ay. *VVW prenistn& but caisidarsble &*VVj4"Mt work vould be nsoessaxy- On the o her ham, physical axxangreo nts at both IYpes Of W4*W when using 9" desi have been doss ed cued operated sueawessttUll3. These =its would pard mbl be slnt AW than those required fear liquid des&QCW t$, t but the vrei tat the r.q of no desiccant would be ssxah greaaar- ~rslaeears in ich a gae is con ressad, cooled, and then ex sd with vat .ztrscti,ml arr used soar cooing 6ee6 in caseaemrcUl iiquatacUm prooeseea? The direct catiap at this technique to the desex atQ%%*8UPPIY prob1e is not attraativO, path xily because at the difficulty at co02in6 the vOkiug 6" aftear ors ressiau. UMW WP a system has been seated that milt be poractiosi? This inrotws a Cae6areeeor?*XPs w with a rotating cy~ block, and 9 Men M MMtirre 0o01ig at the CC"" ed air beteaa^aa it enters the a r. '8he ]cW to this poasaib+ly applicable syrstn is that the water we +d aasudenas ducting the ex9mmidn mess sat be t-rwn clever by the centrifugal farce created by the rotatte at the R1r' black, befaot" a the air was retisstsd by 9"SIM ,thy the ate. Such a n chins would require a prieee seater to s494 the qpuwwLng POIAWi the pr move? might be a =91" or possibly a man, The messy' needed to produce the required qurntity of water has been estitmated to be about 2 harsepvwer hO* re; this would pr+crbably be too much eneGra to be prcwIded by an average =0- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 It is estirsated that the veiit of an y 'ropriate ccMaressaa.e podor unit would be shoat 8 pounds, exciueive of the energy source. An tir crc3s engts, cougAIng i"mm 002W energy, might wei# about 3 cr Po ds? 'ibis systes .ears attractive in cos"bcept? How, both the c assoarr? man- I and the pr r vOjW require appreciable develoi msnt effort.. MOM sitar can be parodmed as a product at a vomber of ohemical reactions. Comm eacam ime of such reactions axe those u rlyiaog usti m processes. In they at least, OW 00" burn materia3.s vhift yield large quantities at eater and ccUsct tube water fro the combustion gases. ) oy hydrides yla]4 ap- parec3,abl q amities at valor. Poor exsiaa>p e, the e m busts oa at 27.6 ponds at boron hydride (8W6) vii Yield 5' POIUDds at water, or 1.96 PM AB of valexr per pound at boron hydride. $ *ilar3y, the combustion of methane (04) viii yie1F 2.25 pow s at water per po`adnd at methane. An even ame direct epp'osch would be to burn pure bydro@eu, which vii yield 9 pounds at water per pound at hydrogen bunad. some asllitio mI wtigit would be required in coimectlcmn with s33 at these processes, in dace' to provide eq to for combustion and for recovery at the rater vapor tram the prc vrcts of co usstian. nonce', storage at g a f a3,s would be ditficult. Storing um3erar him pressure would reduce the v ul , but would at o n se require heavy coubL a wa. A suggestion has been soft that the hydrogen be stared at low pressure in balloons. This srrang,'we t afters the unique advanntsge that it would impose no oarryiarag load on the man. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Bmww, it has satats obvious pry in terms Of volume, WAS at bwWMUU , and suscey tibiltttr to obse vsttian in hostile territory. Poet these various reams, nme at the systems involving combustion eceers P'ai8IM? lira miMticrl to attatt +-r sue, rocks or soils represent a ea u'ce of vat= vhioh milt Possibly be tapped. Nang kinds of rocks aantain tra pad water in emoasats r ngiang fro a trace to more than 10 per cent by weight. In ocracept, a sour still. or a Owl e solar f=mmce could be used to drive off and collect the moisture frM CM W rocks. This approach h" been eug?estsd by North Anwican Avi*lia i as a possible means at otatainiarrg water from the rocks an the moon. Probably the equipment could be made reasonabl,Y U &t in vaight so as to be portable. Hamever, the applicability at this technique is depaeadnt on the erv*ile>bil i tlr of auitabl,e rooks. Soiil.s extract aaaaAstm a tram the sir and hold it in qra mutities rich depend on the hutaiditW at the ataamosp ears, and the ps rticia size and absorption obarewtaristics at the soil.. The upyer limit at the particle sire at soils which vii]. absaat?b or adsorb water vapor fraM the air is about 0.003. millia tea,, caarrespadiag to the particle rise at a ala r soil. Bond particles we mi larger than this, &aaatd would hold practically no moiittuaree. The volume at this Boca ce of water WAdd dope r4 on the availability at f iae.partiucl,e . ,n, extsactiwan could probably be s cram iliehe8 by a solar still.. 8arsvar, considerable effort would be nesdad to dsve1o the required equ4puont and t*aWdqums. i ., =S Their P ysics and Choistty", Reinhold p 1fehinIg Co., 19+9. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6 !W' ' CONFIDENTIAL No tmrther dtort in caonection with the pravisiws c potable water to a dsssrt traveler is cmteagil&ted. at this time. The three above-outIl sd mrtods tehich are Qa3sidesd to be quite proaisirg have been discussed with the 8paasw. It is recamasnded that the Sponscs? give further consideration to these. 3't the original speciticatic*n of particularly the veight and also the size desired tar the unit at interest could be relaxed sli't1y, we believe that a d voloymental effort to exploit WW We of these methods wa 34 be likely to pa'vide a aatid l unit for this i catip 1. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/04: CIA-RDP78-03642A000600080001-6