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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 CONFIDERTIAL 116.15--' 0 September SU*3!CTs CC$ 1~ralsr+tt ! . g e....w. Enelosaret Technical Proposal, am* ssibj, Serial AAS90632 dtd 9/3/t9 Dear Andyt In accordance with your mast we are pleased to submit this proposal whose tsehlaieal details are contained in the enclosure. The progrss for the testing and evaluation of the CCS System will generally cestsU t of three parts t Phase I) 1. lvsluatien of the Crystal Switch system. phase II) 2. Evaluation of he Coo^valeattisaat System coa. sitting of gaits . (Phase 111)3. Nvaluation of the entire slues as it is intended to be used in the fields life.. testing will be ran concurrently with this evaluation. We propose to assts a final report composed of three sections in the order listed below. 1. At the completion of Phase I - approximately 12 sanths after date of contract aseeptance and receipt of material. 2. At the completion of Phase II - approziaately 6 aoths from completion of Phase I. 3. At the coaiplettien of Phase III - approximately 6 heaths from completion of Phase II. The total tine required to complete this prepped program, is tventy fouur menShs from date of contract acceptance. This nrotran will be eeadmata& I& out estimate ed cast breakdown for conducting this evaluations program is as fellow on page 2. IM RYem " ITQ1M viii COMP / son T!PE 0/ 0111$ CLASS PANES NET GLASS _-44r . - JUST NEXT NEY O,Q AUTHt HN 154 116.15.1%3 ILLEGIB 25X1 25X1 25X1 rnnC111T1 A I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 CONFIDENTIAL 11$?13-d0 Pape 2 ?- CCS Ivsluatien Proposal . 4 September 1959 - Andy COST *ZA OW SupiASa, DL ILE at u Material A Other Chgs Sub-Total Af.A at Ts ~ st Fixed Pee at $ 49,844 There has been a long-term activi conducted hers in the Labora- tory, mrdsr the technical cegaisswee off and know as Task Order No, 3 wider the basic oatrast. A very large parties of this activity has resulted in the roe rdiap of test data 'which bears di- rectly on your surest problem. It is suggested that yon, make arraage- ants so that the pysple who did this previous work and their expert. mental evidence may be brought in contact with the group working for you. Two benefits will result from thiss first, sew of the ground which has besa plowed need not be plowed againj second, the experi- once may be passed on so as to ease the work on your job. Very truly yours, Prepared bye 116-13- A S CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 25X1 ,too Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 MI CUWENT CONTAINS INPORMAT/ON A/IKCnNp TIE "PtATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATE/ WITHIN THE MEANIN? O. THE ES-/ONAOt 16AWS? WNCIDE AL TITLE IS. U: 6.G.. 5 E C TLO N9S? v9' AND` ? IT* iT TRANSMISSION OR. THE xgvts.ATSpN OF IM CONTEN" }~/~/- "-r- IN A'NT YANNtR TO AM. VN~ J~NORIEEO rEOOOK Carrier Current System Evaluation I. PURPOSE The primary objective of the program as proposed herein is to obtain, through test and observation, sufficient data to allow evaluation of the performance, suitability, and reliability of the Carrier Current Surveillance System, to include both the communi- cation portion and the latching relay portion. A secondary objective is the generation of conclusions and recommendations as to engineering modifications and operating techniques which may improve the usefulness of the equipment. The equipment to be evaluated will include the Carrier Current Receiver and Transmitter as well as '25X1 Carrier Current Crystal Switching System. II. DISCUSSION OF THE PROBLEM To be of maximum use, equipment of the nature to be evaluated herein must fulfill a number of important technical and operational requirements. The characteristics of the equipment relating to these requirements must be measured or otherwise appraised for any evaluation to be of maximum usefulness to the customer. The general requirements which must be present and which are to be evaluated are as follows. Reliability of the equipment is of great importance. Since thel (Switch Receiver and the Transmitter will normally not be available for servicing after installation long life under operational conditions is vital. Of equal importance is basic technical performance of the equipment alone. Installation will, in nearly all cases reduce the performance characteristics obtained in the laboratory. These This Document Consists Of...,L7.`...lsge 4 . t~~i7 p (~(~N~~~T 1r ! I/ L This Is Copy.... .......Of... ! .....Copy, Series..~l..:?. I J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3'' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 WTW 1 UV6 -- characteristics include system range when operating on various power line configurations, audio range in terms of sensitivity, intelligibility, and linearity, and reliability of the switching system under various operational conditions. The effects upon these factors of such external influences as orientation of parts, power source variations, and deterioration with time should be measured as far as possible. A third criterion concerning the usefulness of this equipment is the factor of security. Since location of the equipment would prove moderately simple if its existence is known, system operation must be such as to minimize external indications of its presence. Development of excessive heat, emission of spurious radiation, audible hum or clicks, and the insertion of noticeable. disturbances on the power line can be considered serious limitations. A final criterion is that of equipment utility. This includes such items as ease of installation, operation, and maintenance as well as the influence of various installation conditions upon system performance. Measurement or observation of these factors should provide the necessary information upon which a sound evaluation can be based. This information will also provide the basis for recommendations for improvement of the devices and of instructions for any desirable special installation or operating techniques. Since in this problem it is not possible to test a statistically adequate sampling of equipmei'tts, test res?zlts cannot necessarily be considered CONFIDEP(HAI r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 SECRET -3- conclusive. Because direct comparison with other units octen can not be made, conclusions drawn must stand alone. However, general difficulties will usually be detected, and using personnel will have some bettor idea of the desirable installation requirements and operating-capabilities and limitations of the equipment. III, PROPOSED PROGRAM The program for the testing and evaluation of the Carrier Current Surveillance System will generally consist of three parts. The first will be the evaluation of the Crystal Switch System. Next an evaluation of the Communication System consisting of the units will be made. Finally an evaluation of the entire system as it is intended to be used in the field will be accomplished. Initial testing will be in the laboratory, but oper- ational testing will be done in the field. A life testing program will be initiated and will run concurrently with the other evaluation. The final report will be issued in three sections: one at the completion of each of the'three phases of the work. This follows directly from the grouping of the tests as proposed herein. The first section of the report will deal with the testing of the Crystal Switching System. The second section will cover the communications portion of the system, and the final section will cover tests on the system as a whole as well as miscellaneous observations made throughout the program.. The results of the life testing program will also be summarized in this final section of the report. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 IV. TESTS TO BE PERFORMED While it is beyond the scope of this proposal to describe in detail the tests required, the following, listing is indicative of the types of teats to be performed. Included are those measurements specifically called for by the customer, plus others which are deemed advisable. In addition, as the tests proceed, if observations indicate the need for measurements not specifically outlined herein, they will be included. Standard test conditions applicable to this equipment will be established as soon as possible after receipt of the units. A. Crystal Switch-System Tests 1. Receiver measurements: Measurements will be made on receivers in the condition received. One receiver will be aligned and partially rechecked. Should a substantial difference be noted, all receivers will be re-aligned and rechecked. Wherever possible measurements on the _ alone will be made using a CW signal from a precision signal generator suitably coupled to the power line at the pointwhere the is itself connected to the source of 25X1 power* a. Frequency and Bandwidth of Input and Amplifier Circuit. 1. Measure output of Input-and Amplifier Circuit, as a function of input frequency. 2. Determine center or peak frequency. 3. Determine halfpower (3 db) points. b. Sensitivity of Input and Amplifier Circuit. Measure output of Input and Amplifier Circuit at the center frequency as a function of input signal amplitude. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 SECRET -5- c.' Frequency and Bandwidth of "Off" Channel Circuit. 1. Measure output across "Off" relay coil as a function of input frequency. 2. Determine the center or peak frequency. 3. Determine frequency at which relay fails to energize to the "Off" condition consistantly. d. Frequency and Bandwidth of "On" Channel Circuit. 1. Measure output across "On" relay coil as a function of frequency of input signal. 2. Determine the center or peak frequency. 3. Determine frequency at which relay fails to energize to the "On" condition consistently. 4. Determine time required for triggering to occur. el. Pbw9r source variations: For a + 30% change in voltage input to the unit, measure the following: la. Current drawn by,the unit. 2. Power consumption. 3. Measure frequency and bandwidth of both the "On" and "Off" channels as described in sub paragraphs c and d ,above. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 - 6 - f. Temperature and Humidity: Temperature and humidity will be varied between 0 0 C at 0-5% relative humidity and 600 C at 95-100% relative humidity and the frequency and band- width of both the "On" and the "Off" channels will be measured as described in sub paragraphs c and d above* g. Contact resistance: Relay contact resistance will be measured for several values of current within the range specified by the manufacturer. No life testing of the relay itself will bb accomplished, since this work has been done as part of a previous task. Results of this relay testing will be included for reference in the final report, however* h. Field tests.: The following tests will be conducted in the field: 1. FI'dandom triggering. A random selection of voice, musical, and CW signals will be fed to the input of the receiver and note will be made of any triggering which may occur. Observations will be made throughout the test- ing to note whether any particular type of transient or other signal will cause regular triggering of the receiver to' either the "On" or the "Off" position. 2. Altitude. One unit will be subjected to a pressure of 2.5 psi, corresponding to an altitude of 40,000 feet for a period of one hour. Operation will be checked after return to ambient conditions. 3. Temperature: One unit will be subjected to a temperature of -65? F for a two hour period. Operation will be checked after return to ambient conditions. Vibration: One unit will be vibrated for a half hour SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 -7- period along each of three mutually perpendicular. axes at rates cycling from 10 to 60 cps once each minute. Double amplitude will be 1/32 inch. Equipment will be observed for any resonances and will be vibrated at the reasonant frequency if one is found. Equipment will be tested for normal operation both during and after the tests. 5. Drop: One unit will be dropped in the manner which has been specified by the customer. Upon completion of the drop, the unit will be tested for proper operation. 2. Transmitter measurements: Measurements will be made on one transmitter tuned in accordance with the instruction manual. a. Frequency: Frequency will be measured for both the "off" and "On" positions of the Crystal Selector Switch, with the equipment tuned as per the instruction manual. b. Power Output: Power output will be measured for various settings of the Output Impedance switch. Measurements will be made f or both the "Off" and "On" -Channels. A check of the adequacy of the output meter for determining optimum loading will be made. c. Power Line Variations: For a + 30% change in input voltage to the unit the following items will be measured: 1. Current drawn by the unit. 2. Power consumption. 3. Power output for both the "Off" and "On" channels as described in b above. 4. Frequency for both the "Off" and "On" channels as described in a above. d. Temperature and humidity: Temperature and humidity will be varied between 0? C at 0-5% relative humidity and 60?C at SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 SECRET -8- 95-100% relative humidity and the following items will be measured: 1. Frequency for both the "Off" and "On" channels as described in a above. 2. Power output for both the "Off" and "On" channels as described in b above. e. Field tests: The following tests will be conducted in the field: 1. Spurious outputs: Transmitter output will be checked for harmonic content and for parasitic oscillations. 2. Altitude: One unit will be subjected to a pressure of 2.5 psi for a period of one hour. Operation will be checked after return to ambient conditions. 3. Temperature: One unit will be subjected to a temperature of -65?F for a period of two hours. Operation will be checked after return to ambient conditions. 4. Vibration: One unit will be subjected to the vibration described in sub paragraph h (4) above. Operation will be checked both during and after the vibration period. 3. Crystal Switch System tests: Operation of the XCS-2 system will be checked with transmitter and receiver located in two rooms on the same floor of an office building and between two rooms five floors apart. Operation will also be checked in a typical home between circuits on the same side of a split phase system and between circuits on opposite phases of the system. Operation will also be attempted between houses which are on the same power lines and which do not have transformers between house and line. An attempt to obtain some sort of range figures for such operation SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 SECRET -9- will be made. Experiments will be made with'both single and three phase systems to attempt to determine the sypes of systems over which reliable operation can be expected. No attempt will be mode to bridge any transformers with capacitors or other devices, since it is expected that normal operation of the equipment would preclude such activity. A qualitative conclusion will be reached concerning the effects of various types of transformers in the transmission path. B. Communications System Tests 1. Transmitter measurements: Except where they are test variables, the following parameters will be standardized throughout the test program: Warm up time 1 hour Line voltage 115 volts 60 cps Audio signal frequency 1 KC Deviation control Factory setting Frequency control factory setting a. Repeated tests: Before and after any specific tests, the following checks will be made and recorded to obtain long term drift or drift caused by any specific testing. 1. RF Power output: Measured across a standard resistor after suitable filtering. This measurement will be necessarily a function of the filter'ussdd and will" only serve to measure variations from time to time or equipment. Absolute values will not be determined using.this setup. 2. Noise level. 3. Deviation control range. 4. Audio Frequency response. 5. Cumulative Operating Time. ? 6. Input Power requirements. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 SECRET b. Audio measurements: 1. Transmitter audio frequency response for various settings of the deviation control. 2. Deviation sensitivity and linearity from noise level to overload. 3. Microphone frequency response for microphones. These responses have previously been completed and will not be repeated in these tests. The data previously obtained will be included in-the final report, however. 4. Frequency response of microphone-transmitter combination. 5. Harmonic distortion. 6. Intermodulation distortion. 7. Articulation tests made in anechoic room with master tape. Runs will be made with microphones. Runs will be recorded on tape. c. Temperature and Humidity effects: Temperature and humidity will be varied between 0 0 C at A-5% relative humidity and 60?C at 95-1001' relative humidity and the following measurements will be made: 1. Frequency shift. 2. Deviation sensitivity 3. Audio frequency response. Li.. Power output (measured as described in sub paragraph a (1) above and subject to the same limitations) 5. Noise level 6. Case surface temperature. 7. Temperature will be increased to failure of one unit only. e ~ro~m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 SECRET d. Power source effects: For a + 30% change in line voltage about 115 volts and about 230 volts, the following measurements will be made: 1. Power input. ? 2. RF power output (measured as described in sub paragraph a (1) above and subject to the same limitations). 3. Deviation sensitivity. 4. Audio frequency response. 5. Frequency shift. 6. Noise level. e. Field Tests: 1. Altitude: One unit will be subjected to a pressure of 2.5 psi for a period of one hour. Operation will be checked upon return to ambient conditions. 2. Temperature: One unit will be subjected to a temperature of -65?F for a period of two hours. Operation will be checked after return to ambient conditions. 3. Vibration: One unit will be vibrated for three half- hour periods along three mutually perpendicular axes as described above in sub paragraph A 1 h (4). Operation will be checked both during and after the vibration period. 4. Drop: One unit will be dropped in a manner which has been specified by the customer. Operation will be checked after the drop. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 f. Miscellaneous Observations: 1. Ease of handling and adjustment during tests. 2. Structural weaknesses or under-rated components. 3. Visible and operational effects of shock.and vibration, resulting from handling during commercial transportation. 4. Audible hum or other noticeable noise. 5. Sensible heat transmitted through various wall structures. 2. Receiver measurements: Except where they are variables, the following parameters will be standardized throughout the program: Warm up time Line voltage Radio Frequency Audio Frequency Voltage Adjust Switch Phone Gain Control a. RF Section Tests. 1. Bandwidth 1 hour 115 volts 80 or 110 KC 1 KC Adjust for meter reading of 50 Malt imum 2. Gain as a function of frequency over the tuning range. 3. Oscillator frequency stability - conversion linearity. 4. Noise figure as a function of frequency. 5. Input and output impedances. b. IF Section Tests. 1. Bandwidth. 2. Gain at the IF frequency. 3. Limiter action for various input levels. 4. Discriminator linearity and width. 5. Noise figure. 6. Input and output impedances. a. Audio Section Tests: 1. Bandwidth, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 - 13 - 2. Gain. 3. Linearity. 4. Noise figure. 5. Input and output impedances, d. System Tests: Certain tests by their very nature must incorporate all of the various components of the system before they can be made. Tests'of this type to be made on the CCR-2 are: 1. Overall bandwidth for a constant input audio signal. 2. Overall gain - sensitivity. 3. Overall noise figure. 4. Tests to determine quieting action as a function of the magnitude of the audio portion of the input signals. 5. Intermodulation distortion. 6. Harmonic distortion. 7. Noise introduced by various lengths of wire attached to the Headphone and Recorder outputs. 4 8. Information concerning the performance of the AGC circuit with respect to input signal amplitude. e. Power source tests: The following tests will be performed at intervals over the voltage range of + 30% about the 115 v standard. No compensation will be attempted with the use of. the Voltage Adjust Switch. This will allow the performance of the system over extremely wide voltage changes to be determined. 1. Overall bandwidth. 2. Sensitivity. 3. Noise figure. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 4. Harmonic distortion. 5. In addition to the above tests, the line voltage will be dropped until the oscillator ceases to function. The voltage at which this- phenomenon occurs will be noted. f. Environmental Tests. 1. Temperature and Humidity Tests: Temperature.and humidity will be varied between 0?C at 0-5% relative humidity and 600 C at 95-100% relative humidity, and the tests listed above under Power Source Tests will be made at various points in the cycle. 2. Low temperature tests: The unit will be subjected for a period of two hours to a temperature of -65?F. Operation will be checked upon a return to ambient conditions. 3. Altitude Tests: The unit will be subjected to a pressure of 2.5 'for a period of one hour. Operation will be checked upon the return to ambient conditions. 3. Combined tests employing both receiver and transmitter: Operation of the system will be checked with the transmitter and receiver located in two rooms on the same floor of an office building, and between two rooms five floors apart. Operation will also be checked in a typical home between circuits on the same side of a split phase system and between circuits on opposite phases of the system. Operation will also be attempted between houses which are on the same power line, but which do not have transformers between the house and the line. An attempt to obtain some sort of range ,figures for such operation will be made. Experiments will be made with both single and three phase systems in an attempt to SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 -15- determine the types of systems over which reliable communication can be expected. No attempt will be made to bridge the transformers with capacitors or other devices, since it is expected that normal operation of this equipment would preclude such activity. A qualitative conclusion will be reached concerning the effects of various types of transformers in the transmission path. ? 0. Carrier Current System Tests A final series of rests Hill be made, employing the entire carrier current system operating together. No definite statement of the tests to be made can be made at this time but rather a program will evolve from the experience gained in testing the individual pieces of equipment involved in the system. In general, however, tests will be-made using the various types of lines described in the two sections on system testing the switching and communications portions of the system respectively. These tests will be oriented towards determining which of the two sub systems is the limiting factor in successful operation of the entire system. Idiosyncracies exhibited by any of the equipment when operated in close proximity to the other pieces will be noted during this phase of the testing. This includes "loading" or other attenuation effects. The system portion of the testing will be oriented, as far as possible, towards using the equipment under simulated field conditions. In this mane er, information concerning the utility of the equipment may be gained. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 SECRET -1b- D. Life Testing Initial Checks will be made on all equipment, and a representative system will be chosen for life test. One Crystal switch system will be operated continuously. Thel lunits will be 1. controlled by the Crystal Switch reoeiver, Both an 80 KC and a, 11,0 KC will be used. The Crystal switch transmitter will be triggered such that 1be controlled units will have two eight hour "On" periods daily. Operation of the entire system will be checked daily. Operation will continue until the failure of any unit. When & ..unit fails, it will be'replaced by a spare unit, and operation will co'ntinue.' Tests will continue for one year. Every 200 hours of operation, certain routine checks will be made on the equipment as follows: a, Frequency of both "On" and "Off" channels. b. Current drawn by the unit. c. Power consumption, d.' Power output for both the "On" and "Off" channels. 2. a. Current drawn by the unit. b. Power consumption. Frequency and bandwidth of both the "On" and "Off" channels. 3. a. Power input, b. RP power output. c. Deviation sensitivity. d. Audio frequency response. 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 ? 17 25X1 Bands .dth. Ss.ltvity, 'petonc distortion. Miriam input voltage for operation of oscillator. V . ? ',,, ,, 88 FIIRH 3RD BY ,THE CUS TOMERR The Following equipment is considered reasonable for the pertorsert e . of the tsstq A Four (4) B. Four'(4 D. .-.our receivers with spare tube complement, transmitters (80 KC) with microphones. transmitters receivers, (110 KC) with microphones. transmitters.. VI. OR$ VATIONS Throtout the test program, the equipment will be observed for the `following general Informations A. -Reli*bility. in-use and general structural reggedness. B. Vulnerability to damage due to mishandling or wrong connections. CO Detctability as caused by audible noise, clicks, or hum. D. Irregular operation of relays in the switching system which ,might cause the equipment to trigger at an undesired time. 8. Apparent adequacy of the instruction manuals,. F. Installation notes which may make for improved field installation and operation. 9/,7/0- 9 ?ow. (4) 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 CONMEIVTIAL CCR-2 R'ECEIVt R WIRING ERROR Two of the~ receivers were not found to be o eratin properly when they were received at The area of malfunction was in the quieting obtained for soecific input signals. The two receivers, Serial Numbers 106 and 110 respectively, required ap- proximately 100 times the input signal level as the remaining receivers in order to obtain ecri ivalent cuuieting. This effect occurred both at the 20 db and 40 db quieting levels: Upon investigation, the trouble was found to be in the area of the RF input transformer, n. Connections to this transformer were not pro- perly made in each of the two faulty units. The electrical result was that an internal electrostatic shield within the transformer (which is not shown on the equipment schematic) was not connected to chassis ground. This'chassis ground is also not shown on the equipment schematic. Thee are two possible reasons for the erroneous connections which should be mentioned in order to facilitate the elL-Anation of this error from future equipments. First, the transformers, while they were anr:ar- ently electrically identical, were physically different. This difference was in the internal connections between the transformer elements and the external solder lugs. In addition, the red marking dot, which was appar- ently supposed to locate the pin connected to the electrostatic shield, was not properly placed on all the transfor,ffers. Secondly, the orientation of the transformers in the receivers was not he same for all units. These two fact:; can be clearly seen on the accomppanying :;ketch. It Is quite likely, in the light of these facts, that c nsiderable confusion could have arisen when the equipment was wired with the resultant error. The soldered joints on this transformer gave evidence of having been tampered with in the faulty equipments. This is further evidence that some effort night have been made to correct the trouble. By reference to the first column of the attached sketch, it can be seen that due to the differences in orientation of the red dot with re- spect to the ,pins on the v, transformers, it was impossible to make the ;.>roner corrections on the miswired units without disassembling the transformers and visually locating the internal connections. This was done, but no attempt was made to make all the units physically identical. For purposes of test, electrical identity is sufficient. After the changes were made, the two faulty units functioned well within' the manu- facturer's tolerances with r es-'ect to quieting. COIVF9DENT9AL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 --r-Pl. O-tiara 3rn Grn G n el. d----c - o 0.0 ? -z_- /cd Dot Gin O-'1 &A Ur- O Orn ~fC?~M/-moo C? r1 ~-7 //J G r)d tS-,..~ -.~ - -? / o . .dwz.,_-- l& f Dot 25X1 s1o& /ookrnq a- ~ bol -orrr or rrrr''~ v ,- 1 ror7 / To Ira. Wil`1'1VL.11111I !niy--" C7rn Qrn /?err Oo i r;rn 'U ? Grid. lerel Doe Gnd 106 16'n ern i /r o Cot Gnd Grn Gin 40 1'' 1 O rn 45 COvrreIe-j /I'o C_' /i o'), e v4, o G??- c,r r- G L rn ~rn Gncl. Orr, 11 Qrn Gin 7--l' ~'orrv~/ End, CONFIDENTIAL 09") i/O C~G-~J E /l/ C 4 ?rr qc'" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/12 : CIA-RDP78-03642A000300030002-3 GUN UUIV IUL II u L L F, 4 '- 57- C SR- 94 10~ h - en, r "" ~ ~ I Ay Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rel ease 20 12/06/ 12 CIA-RDP7 8-03642A0003 000300 02-3