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November 30'. 1960
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03639AO01300140001-5
This summary report describes the effort performed under Task
Order No. LL, from October 14, 1959, through November 30, 1960. The
objective of this program was to conduct additional research directed
toward the development of a 12-month time-delay device utilizing silicone
fluid that had been evolved previously, and to prepare and evaluate four
Background Information
During the past several years, a search by many organizations
for a cheap, reliable, and reasonably accurate time-delay mechanism has
led to the consideration of silicone fluid as a timing medium. Under
Task Order No. J, basic design criteria were established for an experi-
mental time-delay unit which utilized silicone fluid. The effort under
that Task Order was directed toward the development of an experimental
unit for use in providing time-delay periods ranging from 15 minutes to
2 months, at temperatures varying from -20 to +120 F; the desired accuracy
was such that the flow of silicone fluid could not vary more than ?10 per
cent over this range of temperatures. In the research performed under
Task Order No. J, it was found necessary to incorporate in the experimental
unit a device designed to provide temperature compensation, so that changes
in the viscosity of the fluid that were brought about by temperature varia-
tions would not cause the fluid-flow rate of the experimental unit to vary
beyond the specified limits.
a ,FAL
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On March 27, 1959, an effort under Work Order No. IX, Task
Order No. CC, was undertaken, to conduct research directed toward the
and relatively small; and was to be self-contained, i.e., emit no silicone
fluid to the ambient water. Since the service environment for the desired
timer would minimize temperature fluctuation, it appeared likely that a
study directed toward the development of a suitable device using silicone
fluid would not have to include consideration of means for temperature
compensation, with its associated complexities.
The Work Order No. IX effort resulted in an experimental device
which showed satisfactory operating characteristics over a period of
3 months (the longest period possible within the time limit of the contract)
at an ambient temperature of approximately 75 F. Because a major problem
in the development of any time-delay device is reproducibility, Task
Order No. LL was subsequently initiated to provide for minor modifications
to the unit developed under Work Order No. IX, the preparation of four
timers of that type, and an evaluation of the timers at temperatures of
about 75 and 40 F. The research performed under Task Order No. LL is
described in the following.
Under this program, the experimental time-delay unit which had
been developed and evaluated cursorily under a previous research program
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was redesigned, and four timers were fabricated and assembled. The regulating
or metering tubes for these timers were selected on the basis of the flow
characteristics of the tubes; these characteristics were determined by
metering the silicone fluid, Viscasil 500,000, through the tubes for approxi-
mately 21 days.
The timers were evaluated at about 75 and 40 F over a total period
of about 9 months. The results obtained during the first 5 months of the
evaluation period were partially invalidated by the presence of foreign
particles in the fluid; lint-like particles generally restricted the flow of
fluid in the timers, and in one unit, plugged the metering tube. Filtered
silicone fluid was subsequently used in three of the units, in the evaluation
at 40 F. The evaluation test on the fourth timer was continued through the
temperature transition from about 75 F to 40 F; this unit had shown a
reasonable flow rate at about 75 F, and it appeared desirable to observe
the effect of the temperature change on the fluid, and consequently on the
operation of the unit.
The 4-month evaluation at 40 F indicated appreciable variations
in the flow rate obtained in the four timers. The reason for this varia-
tion was not completely apparent; however, it was believed that "dirt",
i.e., foreign particles picked up during normally careful handling of the
fluid and of the units, probably was the cause of the variations in flow
It appeared that the next logical step in the development of
an appropriate time-delay device of this type would be to investigate
practical methods of cleaning the silicone fluid, preparatory to performing
evaluation tests on the timers filled with cleaner fluid.
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Engineering Activity
The engineering activity under this program included the redesign
of the experimental time-delay device developed previously, the investigation
and selection of timer metering tubes, the fabrication and assembly of four
timers, and an evaluation of the timers at about 75 and 40 F.
Redesign of the Timer
The experimental timer- developed under Work Order No. IX, Task
Order No. CC, was redesigned to utilize an 0-ring seal at the flanges
(between the end cap and the housing), castings for the major components,
and threaded ends for connection of the unit to the workpiece and to the
neutral-buoyancy chamber. A disassembly view of the modified experimental
timer, without the main spring (and firing-pin mechanism), is shown in
Figure 1.
The flange of the rubber Bellofram piston seal was bonded to an
aluninu:r_-alloy washer with an adhesive, so that this subassembly could be
installed as a unit between the flanges of the end cap and of the housing.
An 0-ring seal was incorporated in a face groove provided in the end cap,
to seal against the aluminum-alloy washer of the Bellofram subassembly.
With this seal, the flange screws could be tightened to "bottom out" the
flanges, and then the 0-ring squeeze would produce an effective seal. A
flat-gasket-type seal had been used previously between the flanges, and
The design details were presented in the "Summary Letter Report on Work
Order No. IX, Task Order No. CC" dated July 26, 1959.
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1) IcT
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gross extrusion of the seal had been encountered when the flange screws
were tightened in an effort to insure a leak-tight joint.
A threaded extension was provided on the end cap to permit attach-
ment of the timer to a neutral-buoyancy chaiiber, which could be added later;
a plug was incorporated in the threaded extension to facilitate the filling
of the unit with the silicone fluid. A threaded extension was also added
at the firing-pin end of the timer to permit attachment of the unit to the
"workpiece". For experimental purposes, a piston-rod extension was arranged
so that movement of
the piston could be measured with a dial indicator in contact with the end
of the piston-rod extension.
Selection of Tiler i~ etering Tubes
Light metering tubes, each 0.075 inch in OD x 0.010 inch in ID x
2 inches in length, were cut from a common piece of Type 321 stainless steel
seamless capillary tubing. The tubes were debarred, inspected, and placed
on a manifold for flow measurements. Each tube was inserted in a manifold
adapter and held by two 0-rings; thus, the actual _etering-tube seal instal-
lation was s4.; `ulated. Silicone fluid (Viscasil 500, 000) was extruded
through these tubes for 21 days under a pressure of 70 psi and at an average
a:cbient temperature of 77.5 F. The quantity of fluid extruded during each
24-hour period was collected in a covered container and weighed. The
metering tubes and the manifold with related equipment are shown in
Figure 2.
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The total flow for each of seven of these metering tubes over a
21-day period varied from about 5.O) to 5.93 grams. A restriction in the
eighth tube resulted in only 2.1.) ;rams of fluid being extruded during the
sa: le period. Four metering tubes were then selected for assembly in the
e:,peri:n-ental tti::.e-delay units. The tubes chosen were those which had
extruded the ,ost sir filar. am mounts of fluid, namr,ely, 5.315, 5.313`%
ancd !Jra: s. .,also, based on these data, a spring was designed that
would perm:-it the timer units to provide for the desired delay period of
one year at an average temperature of 75 F.
Fabrication and Asse_,-bly
of the Tiriers
The housing, end cap, cap at the firin pin end of the unit,
aid :,:iscellaneous external parts were prepared from, cast 356 alu:inu: alloy
hest treated to the T_ condition; this material was used because of its
;_;ood resistance to sea-water corrosion. The piston and Bellofrar washer
were fabricated fro- 2024-Ty alur.inun alloy, and the piston-rod extension
and dowel pins, fro:mr: drill rod. All of the parts and fluid passages were
cleaned and inspected before final assembly. Individual parts and sub-
assemblies of the experimental ti':1er (e, during which time
they --;ere visually inspected; this procedure was used to insure that air
bubbles trapped in the fluid could escape, through the filler-plug opening.
when the air bubbles in the fluid had di ssioated, the filler plug was
installed, and the meterini tube valve was :roved to the open position. The
piston and sprint; subasser:bly was then installed; the fluid which consequently
became surplus was allowed to flow through the metering tube until the
"_:cyihole" in the piston moved sufficiently to line up with the _Deterin;-
tube valve; and the valve was closed. Under a constant-temperature condition
and with the valve closed, no further movement of the piston was expected
unless a leakage of fluid occurred.
The experimental units were subsequently installed in a previously
converted refrigerator, which was adjusted to maintain a temperature of
For several days the units in a non-operating condition were
observed and no leakage of silicone fluid was noted.
'_"his e,~-oer-i:rental time-delay unit had been designed so that the
silicone fluid would be forced through the metering tube by the sprint;
actin;, on the piston_, which was in contact with the Bellofram. piston seal;
therefore, by means of measurements of the rate of piston travel, the amount
of fluid disrlaced per unit of -time and, consequently, the t .':e-delay
characteristics of the unit could be evaluated. In the laboratory set up
used, the piston travel was measured with dial Indicators. Tack e, _ueri-
: rental imer a dial indicator were mounted on a test stand with the
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ste:", of the dial indicator in contact with the piston-rod extension of the
t i .ler. This arr anf;e:r'ent is shown In Figure '+.
Following temperature stabilization of the experimental timers
-n the constant-te::rerature boa (at about 75 F), the ?etering-tube valve
was moved to the open position on each unit, and. the timers were actuated
for operation at about 75 F.
Results of Evaluation at 75 F. The flow characteristics of the
four exreri -,.rental timers, as observed during the 5-month evaluation period,
are illustrated in Figure 5.
After the first 2 months of operation, three of the experimental
ti.:-" timers (Taos. 1, `;, and ';) were within the tolerances of piston travel based
on an allowable variation of 1-1/2 months per year. The values for total
travel for the three units were 3,371.. 0. 382, and 0. 01 inch. he fourth
Lm-it (:To. 0) showed a reduced flow almost from the start: this indicated
sore restriction in the metering tube. During the third ?_onth, Ti? :,Ter No. 1
u:'denl?T show-e;~ a red=uced flow and then stoppa e. in the fourth month of
operation, we_..ent of Timer i o. i; slo7ve,i dm,rn as a result of restricted
flxv. In the eantime, Timer 1"o. 3 continued to operate with a slowly
decreasing flow rate; at the end of 5 r..:onths, the amount of piston travel
:a just outside the allowable variation based on the calculated. travel
for 5 months .
After two of the experimental timers showed an appreciable
reduction in flo,.T rate, an investigation was made to locate the cause of
the difficulty. During this investigation, an examination of the
Viso as'_1 received from the manufacturer for use on this program
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t6 7C)9
Figure 4. Laboratory Set Up for Ieasurinf- Piston Travel
in L