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r. ?,..,.,,Is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 i V CO I NT1AL I EB?Mts FINAL REPORT Contract RD-77, Task Order "K" .....-.-,`"==171%*?54PEON Prepared for: M7it.qt141;- DE-Air Report No. 548 12 January 1961 riwaiffogrwrg.-ImmismairmOneetiwitavinwitrieimee!XVe Copy Copies. 4/0eat$IS cot ny um 30 ,oiycyO MO COMP .43Ta? op .56 Type ?Jo OM PAGES 5.5 REV WU AST -2.2 nut REV .1r2 0/0 atom HI 704 50X1 50X1 N 0- T-1 ?C E , 4 This mcitOial contains infaMuition affecting ,the ntitienal defense of the United tiates' , Within the meaning of the espionage laWi, Title 'l 8; USC ; Secs: 793 and 794, the transinii- , sion or revelation of w,fii,th in any. manner to an unauthorized perion is prohibited by law. . . CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 '-b.ttr.'KET ? CONFIDENTIAL FINAL REPORT Contract RD-77, Task Order "K" Prepared for: Report No. 548 12 January 1961 Copy of 3 Copies. _pcs' 50X1 50X1 :NO TIC E ? , This ritatetial contains information affecting the "Officinal d'efense at the United Sicites'Y within'the-iiieening of the eiphatiage Title18;USC Sect 793 and 794 the.transinis? ? Sibni. or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by 1044' ? ? CONFIDENTIAL Imo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 44.16 Nam Mimi CON Ft DENTIN 50X1 FINAL REPORT - TASK ORDER "K" Table of Contents Section . Title Introduction.. Page 1 ll Project History 2 III Description of Combustible Device 9 .., IV Description of Mechanical Concept 17 V Appendix - Data Sheets 22 _ - PONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 ?I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-.49X1 J.C1/4"E I - Report No. 548 12.. January 1961 C.ONFIDENTIAL 'FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" INTRODUCTION This report describes the work performed by during the course of Task Order K from 25 June 1959 to 10 January 1961. The objective of Task Order K was the development of devices which would permit the changing of aircraft identification markings during flight., CONFIDFNTIALi SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 I ?)X1 E I Report No. 548 12 January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" PROJECT HISTORY A. General The Scope of Work of Task Order K covered the development and fabrication of a "device for obscuring, removing, and/or replacing aircraft markings and insignia during flight'. This development was conducted in two phases. Phase I was an initial investigation to determine the most feasible concepts, and Phase II was to be the preparation of a demonstration mock-up according to the concept evolving from Phase I. The direction of effort during Phase I was pointed out in Proposal Report No. 463, which suggested several concepts which included mechanical devices and conbustible concepts. B. General Requirements The purpose of the equipment under consideration was to make it possible to (4 erase or obliterate specific external insignia and markings while in flight so that no identifying markings or insignia were visible, (2) reestablish the external insignia and markings so that identification was is before the action of (1) above, and (3) jettison the entire installation(s) to leave minimum evi- dence of the installation. In fulfilling these functional requirements, it was desired that no fragmentation exist that would serve as evidence of the action that was taking place. Furthermore, reliability was of extreme importance. As in the case of all equipment that must be subjected to the elements, it was necessary that the device function properly at temperature extremes, be - 2 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4nX1 K t I It'eport. No. 548 12 January 1961 I. FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" insensitive to discharges of static electricity, be resistant to sand and rain ? erosion, and remain operative when subjected to freezing rain. Initially, the aircraft upon which the device was to be mounted was defined as typical of the C-54 aircraft. This information indicated a maximum operating speed of 200 knots. Because of the possibility of eliminating all fragments with a combustible process, this technique was initially preferred by the customer over mechanical concepts. It was estimated that the construc- tion and materials that would be required in a combustible concept could barely withstand the 200 knot maximum speed; however, the device would require a relatively short 'life. ? C. Initial Approach The contractor proceeded to investigate materials, equipment, and designs that would be Compatible with the combustible concept. In this effort, the contractor attempted to establfsh means of constructing and actuating a laminated assembly of combustible layers. The theory of operation would require that the outer layer bearing the desired markings would be initiated and burned off, leaving the secon4 unmarked, layer exposed and relatively free of ash or smudge. Initiation and burning of the second layer would reveal the third layer, which would bear markings similar to those of the first layer. The study of this concept included, (1) a search for materials which could be produced in sheet or which could be applied to a sheet which would sustain combustion in a 200 knot wind when subjected to rainfall, and which could be ignited electrically; (2) a search for electric initiators which could be applied - 3 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4PX1 CLKCJ Report NO. 548 12 January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER to a sheet form; and (3) a study of construction techniques which would pride sufficient mechanical strength and which would permit the successive layers to be isolated from preceding layers to prevent uncontrolled ignition of ith0Ower layers. In this effort, the contractor tested sheet e*lbsives cellulose nitrate sheets from the Nikon Nitration Work, Chlorate ziz$tures, and films of double base propellants. Mine of these materials were sitlifittory either because their reaction was too violent, becaiiie they failed to continue burning in a wind stream, or their residue ,was too heavy. Th p Most promising layering technique consisted of applying a heavy cbat approximately) of a potassium chlorate mixture to a fine cotton cloth, bonding this coated cloth to the base surface with a stripable adhesive, and initiating separation of the cloth at the leading edge with a flattened vinyl tube that.was expanded by a black powder fuze cord. After separation of the coated cloth, the chlorate mixture was to be ignited by a delay action mechanical match. This technique elimin- ated the necessity of isolating the individual layers since ignition occurred only after the sheet was separated from the aircraft. Because of more feasible 50X1 developments, this technique was not developed fully. 50X1 During the contractor's search for materials a classified cora- bustible process which had been developed by came to the contractor's attention and clearance was requested so that representatives could investigate further the potentials Of this process. The process consisted of an electrically conductive pyro- technic material which could be appited as a matrix network in liquid form. This matrix network when cured would ignite and burn when an electric charge -4- SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-21X1 ??Repott No. 548 it /January 1981 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" of sufficient power, was passed through it. The original intent of this material was for application as a surface igniter for various frolid propellants. It was hoped, however, in our study that some unique characteristic would eirst that would make it possible to apply this material to the combustible laminate. Actually, this igniter material alone was not suitable for the application desired. However, in working with personnel of a technique .was 50X1 evolved which indicated that a satisfactory combustible laminate could be devised. This technique consisted first of an isolating layer of inert chaff, a network of the surface igniter, a continuous layer of a highly nitrated fibrous material, 50X1 and a thin plastic film bearing.insignia markings. This was essentially the construction of one layer of the laminate. contracted with 50X1 for the fabrication of three test samples of 'three-layer lamitiatps, 50X1 eight inches square, which were constructed in this manner. Edges of the individual layers were staggered to avoid uncontrolled ignition from one layer to the next and the edges were sealed with a ribbon of epoxy resin. These samples were tested in an air blast which was obtained by dumping air from a storage tank through a spreading nozzle. These samples indicated (1) a tendency for ignition of the underlying layers to occur at the edges, and (2) inadequate strength of the outer plastic cover sheet. Air velocities as high as 240 knots were obtained and on occasion the plastic cover sheet would be ruptured at this velocity. Upon evaluating these tests, it was concluded that (1) better isolation of the individual layers at the edges was required, (2) a stronger_ outer cover was required, and (3) means of securing the laminate at points inside the edge boundary were required. Additional test samples were fabricated incorporating - 5 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" changes which would improve performance. These later test samples were .six inches square. Burning characteristics were greatly improved and burning across the layers at the edges was eliminated. However, on those samples r which incorporated mechanical fisteners to bind the laminate together, flame would propogate to successive 11641S Omit idithe fasteners and the entire laminate " ? .? would be destroyed. These tests,shoWedlhat a severe problem.existeel in deter- mining a suitable means of securing the laminate ,to the surface of the aircraft and in holding the individual layers-to, successive la:Yers. 'In'an effort to achieve this end, a search was initiated for a combustible adhesive Which 0145111k .used to bond the various insignia layers together and which could be activated,with the surface initiator. We received some indication through various con- .50X1 tacts that such a material had been developed under, a classified contract for the Before this material 50X1 could be investigated further, the contractor was advised,that a change in specifi- cation was forthcoming that would render the combustible concept unfeasible. During May of 1960, a change in aircraft to which the device was to be applied necessitated increasing the operating speed from 200 knots to 300 knots. Due to the limitations in the mechanical strength of materials involved in the com- bustible design and the unsolved retention problems, it wai mutually agreed that the combustible concept should be abandoned and efforts made to conceive a mechanical design which would in essence serve the same purpose. D. ? Preliminary Work on Mechanical Concept Upon changing to a mechanical design, it was necessary to alter that portion of the requirements which restricted the size of fragments that would exist when the device was actuated. From a practical standpoint, it would SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 1 , I 50X1 Report No. 548. 12 January 1961 Mil, REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" ,have been impossible to operate such a device without creating some fragments if the device were to be of a simple nature and one which would not require ex- tensive modification of the aircraft. Thus, the requirements were changed to allow fragments not to exceed 44 square inches in area. In attemptingito arrive at a suitable mechanical concept, the contractor studied every device known to him which involved quick-release mechanisms, break-away fasteners, and other separable joints.. Eventually, two schemes were conceived and preliminary designs were prepared for evaluation by the project engineer. These initial designs are illustrated by Dra.wing:Nos: ? 101333 and 101334. In each of these concepts, a threerisr hisignia panel was made up of several sheet metal elements which were locked together and to suc- cessive layers by mechanical fasteners which could be released at will. Each element of each insignia layer was to be of a size ind proportions which were compatible with the size of the insignia, but the area of each element would not exceed 144 square inches. It was estimated that the maximum size of these elements would be approximately 8" x 10". In each design, the three-layer Insignia panel was mounted to a base sheet assembly which in turn was fastened to the outside of the aircraft with releasable fasteners. The entire assembly could be jettisoned either by releasing the three panels in sequence and then releasing the base sheet assembly, or by releasing only the base sheet assembly. In this latter case, the entire insignia panel assembOvould have been jettisoned as one unit. After reviewing these designs, the Project Engineer authorized the contractor to proceed with the detail design and fabrication of demonstration units based upon the design of Drawing No. 101334. - 7 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 - anxi k Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 . . Report No. 548 12?January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" E. Concluding Activities Due to circumstances beyond his control, the contractor has been unable to accomplish all of the objectives of the Task Order. In May of 1960 a specification change necessitated embarking upon a new approach after approxi- mately 50% of the available funds had been spent in pursuing the combustible concept. Thus, funds were extremely limited for conducting a new concept study, preparing designs and fabricating demonstration 'units. However, in a period of less than three months, the contractor arrived at a concept which appeared feasible and was able to coMpleteyhase under the new requirements. Coupled with the adverse technical situation as brought about by the new require- ments, corporate interests to which 50X1 is responsible made a decision to discontinue this divisiiin on approximately 1 January 1961. Thus, with limited remaining funds and restrictions on activities through a loss of engineering and shop personnel, the contractor 50X1- was advised by the Project Engineer to utilize the remaining funds for the prepa- ration of detail designs of the approved concept. This has been accomplished and it is hoped that dufficient data has been generated to permit other activities to continue this,development if the requirement maintains. - 8 - .` SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4nX1 - Report Noo. 548 12. January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" DESCRIPTION OF COMBUSTIBLE DEVICE ryr A preliminary investigation of combustible materials was made to. determine 'which items had the requisite flame strength and inherent . ? ? ? 040y necessary to the 'application. Representative Samples of the most 6 . Promising items were tested to establish combustion rate, wind resistance, And the masking effect of combustion products. Cellulose nitrate com- pounds, black powder and lstarch-chlorate mixtures were selected as the most pramising of the initial. Combuitibles reviewed. ?1 Deposits of. combustion;products, except in the case of cellu- losics, were objectionable., Any of the burning compounds having non-,. gaseous end products Could be expected to mask the underlying layers. These non-gaseous products had sufficient adherence to resist removal attempts using compressed air shop blow guns. In the case of cellulose nitrate sheets, an oily deposit was left after,. burning which was attitibutea4o. the plasticizers used in the manufacture of these commercial sheets. Intumescent (foaming) paints failed to halt heat destruction of adjacent layers. Further, the residue of these paints was a hard cake, not easily removed even by scraping. Subsequent investigation followed two paths: 1. Use of massive amounts of combustibles in a manner in which adjacent layers were not affected. ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 - . h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4, 40tioftiix um I Report No. 548 . 12 January 1961 1 1 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" Use of finely divided or highly porous combustibles to provide complete burning without sufficient heat transfer through non-ignitable layers to affect adjacent areas. To enable the use of the first approach, means of separating the burning layer and subsequently igniting it in a remote area were investi- gated. It was demonstrated that a collapsed, sealed, plastic tube contian- ing several strands of quarry cord fuse was an effective separating device. On ignition of the fuse, expansion of the tube by the evolution of gaseous ? combustion products was employed to break a bonded sheet or to remove a metal retaining edge strip. The ambient slip stream could then remove the balance of the sheet. In doing so, a pull fuse igniter would be actuated to initiate combustion in the main sheet at a place sufficiently remote from the adjacent layers. The combination of materials deemed satisfactory for initial use in experiments were cloth treated with an oxidizer (either silk or cotton) and a suspension of starch-chlorate compound mixed with an equal weight of bulk smokeless powder. The chemicals were suspended in an acetone carrier and brush applied to the cloth. Remedial defects were experienced in the separating test, but the combustion and insignia destruction were effective and complete. The complexity of this approach warranted further research into the use of finely divided or spongy combustion materials that could be burned in situ. - 10 SFCRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 f , ? _ Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 mi Niro "me a 1 I. I. Report No. 548 12 January 1961 0. FINAL .REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" A further problem in the use of separating layers was the slip stream forces to be expected. If flutter were to be encountered in a large installation, the use of a strippable adhesive to tack the layers to each other would be mandatory. Initial analysis revealed the slip stream force. Full scale tests would have been necessary to satisfactorily establish this point. A fibrous cullulose nitrate bated combustible, known as flash paper, was tested by burning between glass plates. This commercial -product showed great promise in that combustion was near, complete with hardly any residue left on the glass. Search for materials revealed that had developed proprietary propellants Which they felt could be adapted to the following 'requirements: 1. Electrical ignition. 2. Gaseous end products. 3. No residue sufficient to degrade patterns of underlying areas. 4. Insufficient heat transfer to ignite adjacent layers. Accordingly, a sub-contract was let to for the development of a three-layer, 8-inch by 8-inch prototype to meet these requirements. Small initial samples, using electrical ignition and a spongy cellulose nitrate based propellant main sheet material, were demon- strated and the results were most encouraging. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50X1 ? ?s4.1 50X1 50X1 h Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 ? ? . Report No. 548. 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER 'Ku During the week of 11 April 1960, three of the sample4" x8" laminates fabricated by were tested. These were essentially the same as smaller samples previously successfully demonstrated by without the use of any strong wind. In this case, a compressor tank was bled down through a funnel, creating maximum. stream velocities in the 200 knot range. ? All samples were successfully ignited by an electrical pulse generator developed by In the first test, the wind created by the blowdown apparatus snuffed out the flame after partial burning of the first layer. Upon reignition by a hand held match, the first layer destruction was completed, but, in the Oratess, also ignited and destroyed the other layers. 50X1 .The second sample was tested. The first layer burned success- fully but left large pieces of the inert covering layer intact. These were cut away and the second layer was ignited and burned; but it too ignited the remaining layer to destroy the sample. Films taken of this sequence indi- cate that the ignition of subsequent layers very likely occurred at the edges of the samples where edge binding of the combuStible layers could create a heat trap for the chaff and burning material. The final sample contained rivets to help ascertain the effect of fasteners on the laminate. After ignition of the first layer, the flame ignited the subsequent layer at one of the rivet points. Flame flash-through in confined areas is therefore very apt to destroy subsequent layers in the current scheme. - 12 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 k JC?...11CC 'I Report No. 548 12 January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" On 11 May 1960, three two-layer samples were subjected to a 200 knot wind test to ascertain the possibility of eliminating some of the dif- ficulties encountered in the previous run. In each sample,. more liberal ' use was made of the electrical igniter strip, fireproofed chaff was used, and an overhanging layup technique was used to separate the edges from each other. One of the samples employed a hotter burning material than used previously. The only difficulty experienced in the first sample was wind lilt- ing of the leading edge of the second layer. The first layer burned' clean, but its removal exposed the leading edge of the second layer. The second layer was _blown off the mount intact; without igniting. The markings were ? not destroyed or affected on the second layer. The second sample was claniped/over the top burning layer to protect the edge of the bottom sheet from tik wind. Sheet one was ignited, burned clean, and did not affect sheet two.. 'This second sheet was preserved as a sample and was forwarded to the Project Engineer for examination. Test sample three was also clamped over the edge of the top layer to prevent the wind from lifting the bottom layer. It burned hotter and clean, but the entrapped combustible ignited the second layer to destroy the sample. It is felt that had the edge bond been strong enough to resist the wind effects, full use of the overlapping bonding technique would have prevented this sample's destruction from entrapped combustibles. - 13 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 5 C., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 - ? u RePort No, 546 12 January 19 61 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "Kt' After completing the foregoing experimental work, the remaining major problems appeared to be: 1. Bonding of the edge, to resist 'wind removal, in such a manner that the edge would burn clean or was not notice- able after the layer is ignited. 2. Bonding of the layers to each other and the mounting panel to prevent the effects of flutter. 3. Jettisoning arrangements for the entire installation. 4. The effects of environment, wind,' rain, and erosion. The actual burning of the samples functioned reasonably well if enough igniter Material was used. The burning of the latter samples was clean and *complete. Hotter materials were available but it was felt that their use was not justified. The more liberal use of igniter mateiial was felt to be adequate. The technique of avoiding edge ignition of subsequent layers by use of overlapping layers appeared satisfactory. If the bound edges were adequately separated from the adjacent layers, the entrapment of combustibles in the bond- ing area did not jump the safety border margin to ignite the other layers. Several bonding agents are on hand for future work. It was con- sidered to attempt the development of a strong, clean burning bonding agent to eliminate all traces of the installation after its ignition. - The various materials that would have been tested were to be subjected to wind tests to - 14 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 kDeclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 . 12 January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" OX1 ascertain both their holding ability and their burning characteristics. An alter- native would have been the use of clear bonding agents which would not burn, but which would not have been detectable at reasonable distances. Several approaches were available to overcome the bonding problem, among them the use of strippable adhesives, riveting, sewing, -And stapling. The combination of a non-combustible thread used to quilt the layers together in coniunction with a bonding method to attach the assembly to the aircraft hull was considered as the initial development. Several approaches were to have been tested for both wind strength and ignition effects to establish an adequate means of layer bonding. The anticipated problems were that the use of bonding agents may .have inhibited the dispersion of combustion products and resulted in some loss of clarity. Physical attachment, on the other hand, had attendant dangers of greater heat transfer or possible arcing over of flames along the walls of threads ot rivets. Figure 1 shows the initial approach considered. The je4ibiting arrangement that was being considered was the , - simultaneous ignition of all layers. The electrical pulse .generator developed for use in the preliminary tests worked well. Expectations were that the same approach with, larger capadty would _do equally well in full scale tests. The unit would be sized to meet the peak load necessary to destroy the entire laminate. No serious problems were anticipated in this portion of the work. The environmental effects could have been most effectively deter- mined in the field. While water and erosion conditions can be simulated in the laboratory, full scale wind testing would have been prohibitive in cost for winds -15-. SECRET_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/u9/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 I ; 71/40 711,1in I : ? Report No. 548 12 January. 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" in excess of 90 miles per hour. Further investigation of. means of satisfac- torily determining wind effects were considered. The two methods were flight testing of samples versus a small wind tunnel. ?Further efforts were to be concentrated on the edge and layer bond- ing problems. When these problems were eliminated, the full scale and en- vironment test's were to be considered. 16 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 k Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-47)X1 46?....ixa. a Report' No. 548 12 January 1961 FINAL - REPORT, -TASK ORDER "K" DESCRIPTION OF MECHANICAL CONCEPT A. General The detail desigm as described in this section has been prepared for a unit which will be installed on the Hello Model H-395 aircraft. Overall dithensions of the unit are approximately 22-5/8" x 39" x Ik Installation is to be made on the fuselage at approximately one-half the distance from the wing trailing edge to the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer. The center of the insignia is to be clocated vertically at the axis of symmetry of the fuselage formers. Horizontally the center of the insignia will be located at the fuselage former P/N 391-031-205. The panel assembly consists of three base panel assemblies (Drawing No. 364-300, 364-300-1, 364-300-2, and 364-300-3) which are spaced away from the fuselage 5/8" by four channel members. Ballistic actuators, actuating cables, cable guides, and electric cabling are located in this space between the base panels and the fuselage skin and are mounted on the base panels. Attached to the outer surface of the base panel assemblies are two layers of sheet metal elements which can be shed at will to change the identifi- cation markings. The outer layer will bear the desired insignia, the second layer will be an unmarked aluminum surface and the outer surface of the base panels will bear the same insignia as the outer layer. - 17 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 1 Report No. 548 12 January. 1961 50X1 .FINAL REPORT, TASK 914:01E , B. Detail Description 1. Base Panel Assemblies (Refer to Drawing No. 364-300). The base of the insignia panel consists of three panel assemblies which consist of sheets of .081 aluminum alloy to which are spot-welded sheet metal channel sections to space the base panels away from the surface ,of the aircrift. These base panels are keyed together and attached to the side Of the aircraft by ten hold-down and anchor assfk ,;lies (Drawing No. 364-404 When thus assembled, the base panels form a continuous surface to which the outer separable layers are attache& The hold-down and anchor are held into an assembly. by 1/8 inch diameter cotter pins. These pins pass through the tongue and groove joint of -the hold-down and anchor. This joint is oriented parallel to the direction of flight. To jettison the panel assembly, the jettison ballistic actuators are energized to pull the cotter pins by the cable assemblies (Drawing No. 3647302). As the' pins?are pulled, the tongue and groove joint will be released and air drag against the panel will cause the hold-downs to slip aft from the anchors and separate from the aircraft. In order to secure the panel assembly as an integral unit before installation on the aircraft four AN3-5 bolts attach the two end panels ( -1 and -3) to the center panel ( -2). After the assembly has been installed on the aircraft, it is necessary to remove these four bolts before take-off. Other- wise, the assembly will be jettisoned as a complete panel 22" x 39" instead of three smaller panel sections. -SECRET LDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 tt..RET Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "IV 2. ?Panel Elements (Refer to Drawing Nos. 364-400 through 364-405). The two separable insignia layers are made up of small sheet aluminum sections .031 thick x 4" x 5" which are keyed to each other and the underlying layers by interlocking tabs. The geometry and operation of these tabs are illustrated on Drawing No. 101334, sheet 1. When the assembled elements are held in the farthest`mottlorwar4vosition by the cotter pins and angles of Drawing Nos. 364-300: -300-10, -300-11; 364-404, and 364-400, the assembly is secured. When the cotter pins,are pulled by the release actuators through the pull calbes of Drawing No. 364-302, the assembly of elements will move aft under the drag of the wind stream andstlie locking tabs will be released from the underlying layer by the movement and forces of the spring tabs. 3. Ballistic Actuators (Refer to Drawing No. 364-301) Power for pulling the various release cables is provided by a number of small ballistic actuators which provide a 200 lb. peak force and a stroke of one inch. Each actuator consists of a body, -,1; a piston, -2; a bush- ing which contains the electric squib, piston seals and propellant charge. Each actuator is riveted in its respective positionlon the base sheets by two 3/16" diameter flush head aluminum rivets. Two types of connectors are provided to connect the actilator piston rod to the release cables. Connector 364-301-6 connects the outer panel release cables to their respective actuators and connector 364-301-7 - 19 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 I. Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" connects the jettison release cables to their respective actuators. To attach the -6 actuator, the 1/4-28 nut is first removed from the connector and passed over the ball end fitting of the release cable. The cable is next passed side- ? wise through the slot in the side of the connector until the ball end can be slipped ? down into the spherical seat. The nut is then threaded onto the fitting. The connector is attached to the piston rod with a 3/32 diameter roll pin. Cables , are attached to the -7 connector in a similar manner except that two flush head #6-32 screws, 5/16 inch long are threaded into the body of the connector to secure the connection. The contractor has been unable to develop and prove the propellant charge required in the ballistic actuator. The correct propellant charge must be' determined by experimentation with a properly instrumented test apparatus. This would be done by duplicating the mass of the moving components and apply- ing a controllable non-inertia force to the piston rod and measuring the perfoi:I. mance of an estimated approximate propellant charge. Adjustments in the propellant charge would then be made to correct the performance in the direction desired. It is estimated that the mitt powder charge should be approximately 20 milligrams of DuPont 4759 SR powder. 4. Cable Guides and Fairleads It has been necessary to mount the ballistic actuators out of the direct line of action of the cotter pins. Cable guides and fairleads have been provided to turn the release cables from the line of action of the cotter pins to the axis of the actuators. Drawing No. 364-407 illustrates the fairleads - 20 - SECRET - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 4 ? at 4. 44 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 E41CIC .4 ? ?i' 50X1 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" which are used to turn the element release cables. These fairleads are attached to the 364-300-1 panel assembly with four flush head 3/16 inch diameter rivets per MS20426AD6-4. Jettison release cables are guided in the Guide Assembly, 364-300-4, which consists of two curved stainless steel tubes which are brazed to a stainless steel mounting base. The brazed assembly is in turn riveted to the base sheet with six flush head 1/8 inch diameter rivets per M820426AD4-4. 5. Electrical Wiring Electrical cabling between the control and power source inside. the aircraft should be made up of #10 vinyl insulated stranded conductors. The conductors should be tied into a suitable cable harness and fastened to the under- neath surface of the base panels. If desired break-away connectors can be provided in the conductors between the three base panel assemblies. This same 'type of connection can be made in the four leads which pasa into the fuselage of the aircraft. - 21 - SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 " kDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved 'Report No. 548 12'January 1961 for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 FINAL REPORT TASK ORDER "K" .0???? APPENDIX DATA SHEETS' 50X1 A. Velocity pata Samples 50X1 B. DetermArifition of Pressure Available to Strip Combustible Layers. C. Estimiled Wind Stream Conditions. D. E. Drawing No. 100900, Specification for Strippable Layer. Preliminary Estimate of Blow-down Test. F. Blow-down Set-up. G. Requirements for ErosiOn Test. H. Test Data for High Temperature Test of Combustible Coatings. I. Summary of Activities tp to 30 September 1959. - 22 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 kDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REpORT, TASK ORDER "K" A. Velocity Data - Samples C OWYKE0 R - ? TIliKor-- VALVE FoN.OJEL 7. Blow Down Test of Samples Calibration at 80 psig g = 2.50 in Hg = 2.50 x 70.73 eft. = 177 eft. 2 n 177 #/ft. 2 2530 ft. ,,(air) = h .07 #/ft. 3 = = 4-64.4 x 2530 4.03 x 102 403 ft./sec. = 234 knots. max. 60 psig = 1.50 in. Hg ICE6 = 1.225 xl 80 psig = 2.50 in. Hg = 1.582 234 100 psig = 6.00 in. Hg - 23 - =20.450 x2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50X1 50X1 kDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Report No. 548 12 January 1961 for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" ? 1.225 x 234 = 181 knots max, 1.582 2.450 x 234 = 362 knots max. 1.582 Sample No. 1 tested at 100 psi Sheet No. 1 ignited successfully, but was extinguished in the wind when only hall burned. It was reignited by a match, the flame appeared very stubborn and slow burning at the edges.. The other layers were ignited, apparently at the edges, destroying the rest of the sample. Sample No. 2 tested at 60 psi Sheet No. 1 ignited and burned, leaving large pieces of the plastic_hiert covering intact. These were cut away for sheet No. 2. Sheet No. 2 ignited and burned, but also ignited Sheet No. 3, destroying the sample. Sample No. 3 tested at 60 psi Sheet No: 1 (This was the riveted specimen) ignited successfully, partial destruction of inert layer, all layers ignited but extinguished by wind. Remains preserved for future discussion. - 24 - LDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 bDeclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 ?. ? 50X1 FINAL 14:EPOlit, tAsK ORDER "K" B. Determination. of Pressure Avaitable to Strip 'combustible Layers. .2 (puu ) .143 - .2 AA vi5COSITY MASS' DET' 311 3.5 x 10 ? X 60'8 ? 2.378 x 10 x 1.5 x 102 = 1.58 \ .143 From 5 y = :5" = .0416' = 1.58' = 150 .0416 .143 .143 u 1'50 , = 150 x.0264 .58 V2 89 79oo ' 2g = hv = 84.4 = -8-4-74- = .122.5'Air p in psf = 122.5 x .0765 a 9.38 psi p in psi = 9438 -4? = .065 psi - 20 - L, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" C. Estimated Wind Stream ConditionEi Flat plate, turbulent flow Force effects ????? ----- 41..1 S= .377"Pu (Ref. eq. 37, p. 324, Dodge & Thompson) ? 4 ? = )7* kinematic viscosity 4 = 1.567 x 10 1t2 /sec. re p. 169 above ref. 5 = stream velocity . 160 mph240 ft/sec. -x.. distance along hull, = 65' S = .377( 1.567 x 10-4 '2 . 240 x 103 = 23.9 (.0653 x 10 9.2 = 23.9 xE)653' 2 x 104] = 23.9 E. 58 x 10-1, ] = 1.3851 65 = = viscosity = 1.808 x 104 poises at 20?C =1.783 x 104 poises at 15?C? = 3.726 x 10-7 slugs/ft. 3 23.9 (6.53 x107 - 26 - .2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 5 iDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Report No. 548 12 January 1961 for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" u ( 1/7 u = a - 3r4) eg 14, p. 312 for turbulent layers. eg 13, p. 312 for laminar layers. s tt 1 .075 x 150 x65 = 4.67 x 106 ref. p. 322. )1 1.567 x 10-4 Actually, flow is transitional, refer to curvelf3 on p. 328, fig. 214, and appreciable error may exist. use eg .14 I ? - Stagnation Pressure ,.*. at 1" from surface .143 u ( 12 x 1.385 = 150 (.0602) ? 143 = 150 x.668 u = 100 ft./sec. According to the theory u is distributed parabolically. A straight line approximation in this region will give a close approach to the assumed distribution. I. -p-- = 0 (1 k -1 Vo z --e?r- eg. 20 p. 369 Ps Vo = 100 ft./sec. Po = 10 psi a = 1440 lb. /ftz Co = 1200 ft./sec., say - 27 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part.- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 :4 50X1 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 Ps = 1440 = 1440 = 1440 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" 1 1' 4 -1 104 1.4 i. + 2 6 ( 1.2 x 10 ) a A x 10-2 ) 3.5 ., 1.44 ( (1+1.39 x i3)3.5 ? This indicates that the stagnation pressure is essentially the ambient atmospheric pressure under these conditions. , The differential pressure will depend on the coefficient of drag, or the turbulence, which will probably require empirical test methods to resolve it. - 28 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 ^ r. %?( ? X.;.; Ar?S',A -rt . 4,;:$ ? ; : 7 7? ? :7. ? ? 7- ? J ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized dopy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 SEW-oEtE .) 4. CNT..)-S ) U3kN(.--1 kAEJ-N\ott ? 4 .oc, .. --. 0 ( - 1ft-1 ' V?EQUH.CV.o W ? - No ItigtS Nest Assembly Material - Size - Specification Heat Treatment Surface Finish Customer Apptd Date Prod. App.d NW. Apple! Sires, Check >?.P1000.11311119f1A3..i3Teog.H3innrna ltle Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: dIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 toinnencts UKIAH OTNERIVIIIE IIPSCIFIZO X.4.03 0 AXXI Animist!" 7 Finish Pet MIL -57D-10 Drilled Holes Ptkr AND 10301 Break All Corners Approx. .010 R References: DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Weight Scale A Issue IDeclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 ? Report No. 548 12 January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" Preliminary Estimate of Blow Down Test it 'size 24" x 3" A = .5 ft. 2 terminal velocity = 120 ft. /sec. terminal volume = 60 ft. 3/ sec @ 15 psia & p = . 075 lb. /ft. 3 flow rate = 60 x .075 x lb. = 4.5 lb./sec. This flow rate can be related to the nozzle throat and pressure. P down = 5 "lb. lb. Pt =42.3 = 6080 P up ft. Assuming isentropic flow for the above, final 'specific volume of 1 = 13.3 ft.3/lb. = 0" final .075 then, P f throat )1/k - 13.3(153 ) Cr = 4inal P 42. 1/1.4 50X1 = 13.3 (.354) .714 = 13.3 x .48 = 6.33 ft.3/lbs. velocity of sound C =j?://p 4.5 lb. /sec. x 6.38 ff3/1bs. =28.7 ft3/sec. p = .00486 slugs/ft.3 /1.4 x 6080 1.4 x 6.08 x103 /1.75 x 106 C - .00486 =1 4.86 x 10 -3 c = ,418 ft./sec. ft 3 lb sec 6.38 x 4.5 A = x ? x - .0687 ft.2 t sec 717 418 - 30 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 kDeclassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" = . 0687 x 144 =9.9 in. 2 2 ir 0 . 785 x D2 = 9.9 4 D2 9.9 .785 = 12.6 D = ?3.55 in. Receiver Volume assumptions. terminal flow Is at 4.5 lb. /sec. desired time = 15 sec. assume with higher initial flow rate this flow would be equal to about 25 seconds @ 4.5 lb. /sec. Total pounds. are .."=". 112.5 Using ideal gas laws, pV = W R T @ 135 psia = 1.945x 104 lb./0 112.5 x 53.3 x 540 V = 1.945 x 104 166 3 . .5 ft at 80 psia there will be 80 x 144 x 166.5 W = 66.8 lbs. left in the receiver. 53.3 x 540 66.8 x 53.3 x540 Recompressing this, V = = 99 ft.3 1.945, x 104 Indicating the receiver volume should be in the order of 300 ft.3 A 5' dia x 14' receiver (275 ft.3) is probably the smallest unit that will do the Job. A 5.5' dia x 18' receiver (428 ft.3) would be adequate. ft.3 lbs. 4.5 x 60 CFM = x = 075 = 3600. - 31 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" For a 3" x 24" duct, A = .5 = 90 mi/hr = 135 ft./sec. = 8100 ft. /min. = 67.5 ft.3/ sec. = 4050 ft.3 /min. Assume pressure loss= 1.5 hu Velocity pressure = 4.0" H2o = g h 135 = /64.4 h = 8 ri 2 h = (=IL) = 16.92 = 285 ft. 8 285 ft. x .075 lbs./ft3 = 21.6 lbs./ft.2 12" H2o = 64.4 lbs. /ft. 2 -x. 21.6 21.6 x 12 iT - 64.4 = 1L = 64.4 32 - = 3.98" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Report No. 548 12 January 1961 for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50X1 FINAL 'REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" F. Blow-down Set-Up Criteria -- minimum wind velocity of 80 mph = 120 ft. /sec through 18" El duct at the end of 30 seconds. terminal volume flow. gm 120 ft. /sec. x 60 sec. x 2.25 ft.2 min. = 16,200 ft.3/min. @ 15 psia Assume flow is through a 2" dia. orifice, equivalent area (A0) =2.18 x 10-2ft2 075 lbs./ft3 @ standard conditions Zafr = ? mass flow, assume .*. 16,200 x.075 min. x lbs. = 1,215.0 lbs./min If starting pressure is 120 psig = 135 psia Say, assume terminal pressure will be on the order of magnitude of 80 psia, .`. the receiver. Then, critical mass flow occurs when Pup Pthroat = 40 psia Assuming isentropic flow, p 16,200 ft.3/min. = 270 15 x270'' = 15 x 2. Ck Vrt p Vk = C ft.3/sec 550 = 38,300 = 2.0 Pthroat k = 1.4, evaluating C in the duct. 38 300 = = 957 1.4 F 5 'T.. Assuming sonic velocity is about 1000 ft./sec. , then .7 33 ? 3 135 ft . sec. 1 ? t.3/sec x ?2- = ft./sec. ft. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" 1 135 x -x--- - 103 2 ' At = .135 ft. = 19.45 in. This corresponds to a 5' dia. orifice. Alter the problem by reducing the duct area. Use a 24" x 3" duct. - 34 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 kDeclassified. in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23 : CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "le' G. Requirements for Erosion Test Vs = Stripping velocity. Assume = 180 mph 1.80 x 5.28 x 103 x 102 .36 x 104 ? 264 ft./sec. Using a standard 1725 rpm motor, Vs = r w 1725 rpm = 180.5 rod/sec. 264 = r 180.5 264 r = 1.463 ft. 180.5 Let r = 1.5 ft. f 50X1 r w 2 = 1.5x 180.52 = 48,900 ft. /sec. 2 / FAN TO PctqvCt\r"; 1ZOTAT?OW OF AM. Procedure: Rotate for 3 hours, subject to wind and sand erosion, ignite to observe separation. An = 48,900 ft./sec. f = m a Assume p = 10 x 0431 = .953 x 10-3 lbs./1n2 = 9.53 x 10-4 in = P a = 9' 53 g x 4.89 = 1.457 lb - 35 - ./in.2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 50 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Report No. 548 12 January 1961 for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001260120001-4 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" H. Test Data for High Temperature Test of Combustible Coatings ? 1. cloth. FFFG Black powder mixed with water and brushed on cotton 2. Potassium chlorate mixture with bulk powder dissolved in acetone as carrier. Brushed on. 3. Potassium chlorate mixture with cellulose nitrate lacquer as carrier. Brushed on. 12-17-59 12-18-59 12-21-59 12-22-59 12-23-59 12-24-59 12-28-59 12-29-59 Samples were held at 150? F for 2-1/2 hours. At 8:00 a. m. chamber was turned on and set for 175?F. Chamber was shut down at 3:30 pm. At 8:10 am chamber was turned on and set for 2000 F. Chamber was shut down at 4:30 pm. At 7:50 am chamber was turned on and set for 225?F. Chamber temperature was stabilized by 8:20 am. Chamber was shut down at 4:15 pm. At chamber was turned on and set for 250?F. Chamber was stable at 250?F by 8:25 alb- Chamber was shut down at 4:05 pm. At 7:55 am chamber was turned on and set for 275?F. Chamber was stabilized at 8:30 am. Chamber was shut down at 11:15 am. Chamber turned on at 7:50 am, set for 300?F. Chamber stabilized at 8:45. Chamber was shut off at 420 pm. Chamber was set for 325?F and turned on at 7:50 am. Temper- ature was stable by 8:40 am. Chamber was shut off at 440 pm. - 36 - Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 12-30-59 (Coupons clipped from samples be- fore test.) 12-31-59 (Coupons clipped from samples be- fore test.) 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" Chamber was set for 350?F and turned on at 8:00 am. Chamber was at temperature by 8:45 am. Chamber was shut off at 3:30 pm. Cloth began to turn amber during this test. Sample No. 3 was much the darkest. Chamber was set for 375?F and turned on at 7:55 am. Set temperature of 385? was required to hold an indicated temper- ature of 375?-380?. Internal temperature of 375? was reached at 8:50 am. Internal temperature raised to 385?F at 11:20 am. Internal temperature raised to 390?F at 12:30 pm. Internal temperature raised to 395?F at 1:10 pm. Internal temperature raised to 400?F at 2:00 pm. Chamber shut off at 3:30 pin. Test was discontinued due to temperature limitations of oven. Results: None of the samples ignited spontaneously during this test; however, burning characteristics of all samples had degraded significantly. - 37 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 January 1961 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K"' I. Summary of Activities up to September 30, 1959. Checked out various manufacturers of cellulose nitrate sheet material with negative results except for Nixon Nitration Works located in Nixon, N. J. Talked to a Mr. Whiting at Nixon who agreed to mail some samples out. They , make one grade only. It runs 11 to 11.8% nitrate. The fuming point is approxi- mately 320?F. It can be Purchased in thicknesses of .010 and up. American Products Mfg. Co., New Orleans 18, La., does not manu- facture cellulose nitrate and nMonsanto Chemical Co., Springfield, Mass., has discontinued its manufacture. Another possible source is Joseph Davis Plastics Co. Arlington, N. J. (not contacted). Some manufacturers do make a cellulose nitrate flake for paint or lacquer use. It may be possible to obtain flake and have it made into a spray- able liquid and laminate our own sheets. This has advantages and disadvantages, of course. We really do not have a place to do this type of work. What happens to fire insurance rates, etc.? On the other hand, we can build in the ignition components if we laminate it ourselves. Ignition is still a big problem. Straight electrical ignition appears difficult; however, Dale., Montgomery of Electro-Film Inc., Los Angeles, (ST. 7-1324 or PO. 5-4420) is working on a proposal for a nicrome wire ignitor. We may have to build in a "fast match" design by cementing gun powder to the back side of the cellulose in a pattern that will assure destruction of the unit. Ignition of the gun powder can be accomplished electrically similar to the old fashioned photography flash gun. This, in turn, should ignite the cellulose. 38 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 kDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 .12 January 1961. FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" 50X1 Protection between layers might be accomplished by using a fireproof paint that is made with naphthol pitdh, similar to fireworks "snakes". When Ulla material burns, it fumes and biiiibles and should provide air,pockets which will protect the next layer. After combutipIpn, the residue is a dry sand-like substance that will blow away. Cellulose nitrate will turn yellow if subjected to sunlight; however, since we will paint on both sides, the front with colors and the back with insula- tion paint, this discoloration should have little effect. Hercules Powder Co. in Los Angeles makes the celltij4ie nitrate flakes (DU. 7-8151) as does Atlas Powder Co. Talked to W. J. Taylor at Atlas. Don't try to call DuPont--ifis too confusing. Checking the powder companies for a smoke generating primer which Is capable of igniting a mortar base propellant. If this can be obtained in a thin form, it can be applied directly to the cellulose nitrate. . Have requested MIL Specs on 4 types of cellulose nitrate lacquers and enamels. We will have to apply color to the assembly; although it is prob- ably possible to buy decals of the insignia. Have on file a letter and brochure from V. -R. Wilson of DUPont on their Nitro Cellulose as used in the paint industry. It lists information of value in the manufacture of lacquers, etc. Also have literature on the electrical equipment manufactured by ElectrofilM mentioned earlier. - 39 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Raport.lio. 548 12 JapnarY1881i? . , F. -REPO for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 ? TASK ORDER "IC" 50X1 Contacted Wilson at DuPont for a primer that might be applicable to ? this project. They make a low energy primer cord?known as Pyr,o-cord which is satisfactory for ignition of cellulose nitrate sheets. He is mailing full infor- mation on this product. Also questioned him forlacquer manufacturers in the area that might make lacquer of cellulose nitrate suitable for spraying to make up a sheet if we decide to go this way. Two lacquer manufacturers were given; however, others are available if these don't prove out ? a. ceinshed-Mason, 1244 W. Lemon St., Anaheim b. Souther Lacquer, 10017 Burtis St., South Gate Bob Morgan also states that Trail Chemical Corp. at 1614 Gidley St., El Monte, can make this. Received information from DuPont on their Pyro- cord ignitors and it looks very good. Can be obtained in sizes down to 1/16 inch diameter and any length. Also has a mild end primerpOiich will work pretty well on this project. These units can also be operated through an aluminum plate which is also very appealing insofar as this project is concerned. Eliminates drilling holes. The primer cord itself can be used to release any outside attachments necessary. Have been "playing" with Dowty's "Flash pad" paper. It is possible that if cellulose nitrate were sprayed on this paper, marked with colored cellu- lose nitrate a highly inflammable combination is conceived. Coupled with the DuPont pyra-cord by laying this on the back surface of the cellulose nitrate assembly above, then glueing and sealing with a cellulose nitrate lacquer, the complete package is made up. The pyra- cord should be shaped to provide maxi- mum destructive burning pattern without an explosion. - 40 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report, No. 548 12 January 1961 1 .1 1 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" Talked to Mr. McCandlish of Hercules Powder Co. They make two items that might work. One item is Quarry Cord which is 3/32" diameter and burns with an open flame at a rate of 1 sec. /ft. The second itemeis Thermolite Ignition cord which is smaller in diameter and slower burning. It is 1/32" in diameter and burnse at 8-10 sec. per foot, or a second spped of 16-20 sec. per foot, depending on the class obtained. It burns with a modified open flame--not as great as the quarry cord. Either of the above can probably be ignited by photography flash-type electric squibs, but it is usually ignited by flame. He gave a possible manufacture of photo flash powder as the U. S. Flare Co. up in the Valley) who manufacture all types of signal flares. Hercules will submit 10 ft. samples the week of 8-24-59. Talked to Frank Briggs at DuPont regarding their #506 Sheet Explosive. This is rated in grains per sq. in. and normal is 2-8 gr. /in. 2 grain is PN 506 A-2 and is approximately .084 thick. Minimum order is 10 lbs (? $6.00 per pound. He is sending literature and checking on possibility of test samples. (Received literature--too powerful. Checking on thinner sheets.) Contacted..hinshed Paint Co. in Anaheim and picked up ,a quart of regUlar clear lacquer per MIL-L-7178,? and a pint of 50% solution of cellulose nitrate and thinner (apparently laCqUet thhuier). Contact several paint companies reference fire retardant paint. None were reported= to be fireproof . - 41 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Report No. 548 12 .January 1961 1 50 X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" All manufacturers contacted stated that their paint bubbles or foams when exposed to heat creating air pockets which form the insulation quality. Several are submitting sample's and complete literature for evaluations. Barnard at.kemical Co., Du. 8-7260, Mr. Barnard Glidden Industrial Paints, LU. 1-6264, Mr. R. C. Cary Albi Mfg. Co., CU. 3-1255. Alumitone Corp., Mr. Miller, Alum. pigments The last company was contacted for aluminum flakes for pigments for possible coloring of fire retardant paint. All paint manufacturers report that their fire retardant paint leaves a dry residue which must be wire brushed off. One reports that a 60 psi air hose will blow it off. Contacted Mr.. Dell Lytell of DuPont Special Effects Department and requested information on any item that may be of value to us on this project. He explained that they had a sheet of Pyrotechnic mixture which is used as an ignitor for solid propellant rockets. This material is approximately 1/16" thick on a mylar or cellulose acetate base and has a very rapid burning rate with a flame of 8 to 10" long. This material is not sensitive to friction and the impact effect is approximately the same as TNT. It does react to flame or electrical squibs. It can be cut by razor blade--compression cutters are not recommended. Sheet 24" x 34" prices at $48.50. Squibs at 35 each. Ordered 6 pcs. Z-17 squibs and one sheet, 3 day delivery. Received 9-22-59. Also received several sheets 20" x 50" of #3536 clear cellulose nitrate from Nixon. This material is transparent with SS finish. - 42 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 IDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved Report No. 548 12 January 1961 for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 FINAL REPORT, TASK ORDER "K" ? Have received the following paint samples: 2 pts. Albi, 107A, Fire & Heat Retardant paint 1 pt. Albi, 99, Fire and Heat Retardant paint 1 qt. Glidden Duo-Tex White, Fire Retardant paint 1 pt. Rinshet-Mason 50% solution, Cellulose Nitrate & Thinner 1 pt. Glidden XXLOL Thinner Have ordered an airbrush and necessary attachments to build up sample test plates. Also have ordered graduates and glass plates for mixing purposes. When these items are received, experiments will start. DuPont, Special Effects: Mailing Address - Box 528, San Fernando, California Street Address - 12300 Montague Street, Pacoima, California No published literature available on ignitor sheet. Ordered additional squibs--1 gross. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 IMO OM AIM raClassifieCI in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4 Specification , No. 364 JOB NO. Task Order K NAMEi_eitlikation Panel DRAWING LIST NEXT ASSY DATE 12 January 1961 COMPILED BY JRD CHECKED BY SHEET 1 OF 4. SHEETS ITEM PART NUMBER PART NAME I DWG DESCRIP TION NO. , SIZE REQ'D I 1 364-50Q 1 1 ---.-- T- -1- 1 1 DLocation & Dimensions - Identification Device ? 1 2 364-100 . ,-- , I i? ? 1 1 I R .Final Assembly a 364-400 _L ,-. __i__ , 1 ;? L c !: Element - Forward, Inner t 4 364-401 ? ' -, _,__ i c 1 Element - Inner L 1 5 364-402 ?4? 1 , . B Element - Aft, Inner ;.---- 8 364-403 . C Element -Outer 7 3_64L-4_0____ . C Element - Forward, Outer , 1 -1- 8 364-405' . 1 1 B Element - Aft, Outer 1 9 364-300 R Base Panel Assemblies i I? 364-301 C Actuator Assembly il 364-406 C Components j?-i c."112_, 364-407 B Fairlead , _ C., 13 364-302 C Cable Assemblies ; i = " 364-408 B Cotter rn -364-501 B 1 Schematic - Electrical Circuit 16 am.1 ? weemr? 17 r" ? .....- ,. 19 .- - 20 . CHG. LTR. ITEM CHANGE BY DATE CHG. LTR. ITEM CHANGE BY DATE - ? ? --- ---- _ --. ? -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/23: CIA-RDP78-03624A001200120001-4