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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 _CONFIDENTIAL ?^ 8 DATE ~9 eso. 6T_ ?2. aGe GWIG COMP OPI TY GRID CLASS FAMES RE, GL'AS ],. '.. 1. D .2 JUST Z- ._- NEXT REV A.M HR 78 . No. GONFIDENTRA(~ w*Z ENGINEERING TEST REPORT for the LEAFLET BO iB Q K45-561.i, C-59430 Copies 30 June, 1955 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose and Scope of The Program The Engineering Test Program for the Leaflet Bomb was designed to provide information regarding the operational reliability of the Bomb after it had been subjected to a wide range of simulated storage and operational environments. At the time that the Program wa.s initiated, the Client stated that the field service record of these devices was considered marginal; as a result, special emphasis. was to be placed by the Program agenda on the determination of what conditions or' combination of conditions would induce failures As with the testing programs conducted for,other devices, the results obtained from this investigation must be interpreted on a broad basis. Supporting information, from whatever source available, should be sought and considered before any final and detailed conclusions are drawn, B. Authorization The Engineering Test Program for the Leaflet Bomb was authorized by and conducted under.Work ?rder'QK 15-561.1.. A total of three thousand four hundred forty five dollars (5 3,445) 4+ as authorized by this Mork Order to implement the task. Work on the test program. began simultaneously with the receipt of a letter of authorization from the Client dated February U. 1955 and-designated MW-M-3 6. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 CON~ID~NTIAC T,ILBLE OF 'CONTMT,S I. INTRODUCTION . . #. IT. SU '>ARRY AND . RECOI ,ELAND TIOI'1S . . . . . III,. , TEST PROGRAM AND TESTING .PROCEDURES IV. DESCRIPTION OF L AFL-~:T BOMB3 TESTED . VI. DISCUSSION A:ID CONCLUSIONS:. 26 QQNF!DENT;L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 r, ECRET A. Summary . . While the Leaflet Bomb is capable of highly reliable performance in its "as manufactured" condition, it . appears subject to two (2) distinct and serious types of storage failure. The first failure lies in the fact that the Bomb cannot survive moderately high storage temperatures for-even short periods of time. The second failure lies in the fact that it cannot resist high moisture or water-wetting conditions. Both of these failures are caused by material characteristics of the Bomb components,, The failure to survive moderately high storage temperatures is caused by the fact that, at temperatures of. approximately 140?F and above, the bitumen waterproofing wrapper of powder time fuze softens and flows. The bitumen then wets and totally desensitizes the fuze powder in both initiating and projectile time delay fuzes,. The low resistance to water and water-vapor is.the result of the highly hygroscopic nature of black powder. While the waterproofed time fuze does not suffer from, this source of difficulty, the unprotected quickmatch train, propellant charge and projectile. burster charge all quickly accumulate.' moisture when unprotected by the unit-package foil wrapper. Water accum- ulation in these areas soon causes complete failure of the Bomb, The combination of these two types of failure acts to limit quite seriously the maximum conditions under which the Leaflet Bomb can be satisfactorily stored for even short periods of time. It is a matter of concern, we feel, that not only the Leaflet Bomb but also those other devices using black powder time trains and charges cannot withstand even. the minimum acceptable temperature limit requirements for storage,. .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECRET `3- B. Recommendations Based on the results obtained from the Engineering Test Program for the Leaflet Bomb, but without benefit from other sources of information, we recommend that. the following minimum, steps be initiated to govern its storage and usages 1) An upper temperature limit of 125?F should be npo;sed on both the short-and long-term storage conditions for the Leaflet Bomb...No lower temperature limit is required.. Extreme care should be.recomimended to central and field storage.points,for the protection.of the Leaflet Bomb. gross-- and unit-packages against high humidity and water-wetting conditions. 4) Field personnel should:be advised to provide protection for the Leaflet Bomb against water-wetting while it is. in position and awaiting faring. Use of the unit-package barrier material as a shelter for the Bomb and a light muzzle--cover for the tube is All Leaflet Bombs have been stored at temperatures exceeding 1250F or to have been removed from their 'unit-package or to. have been water-wetted in their unit-package should be removed from stock and destroyed, suggested. The-similarity of storage limitations between the Leaflet Bomb and the Thermit Well Incendiary device should be recognized and, if possible, advantage should be':taken of their mutual storage requirements, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 FRET : -4- Based not only on the results of this Engineering Test Program, but also or. our general experience in'the design of devices for the Client, we also recommend the following as points for long-range consideration in the design of future leaflet-distributing. devices- 6) The specification of black powder propellant and burster charges should be discontinued for all' devices which are by their nature required to withstand exposure to moisture. While the use of vapor-barrier unit-packaging materials'has proven useful in the protection of these devices, the potentially high. failure rate caused by the hygroscopic nature of black powder strongly. suggests that this cause should be eliminated at its source4 The serious consideration of nitrocellulose--base propellants is recommended, 7) The specification of black powder time fuze having a bitumen waterproofing wrapper-should be discontinued for all devices which are by their nature required to withstand storage temperatures in.excess of 125?F for even short accumulative periods of time (in excess of 12 total hours).,:- While.. we cannot. readily suggest any co.parable ?flame-initiated time fuze as'a direct alternative,, we recommend that the use-of percussion brimers.for propellants and pressed incendiary time delay pellets for burster ignition be seriously considered? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 III. TEST,PROGRAM 'AND TE$T-ZG PR~DCEOUES A. Test Program. The final. test agenda formulated for the Leaflet Bomb ins a combination of the efforts of both the Client and E:1 and is given in its entirety 50X1 in? Appendix A of this report.- A brief outline of the agenda is given . here, however, to'form a general background for the evaluation of results: cited later in this report. 1) Test A Original Sample Performance Test: Test of fifteen (15) the "as received" condition to- establish "normialit sample performance. 2) Test I: Accelerated Aging Test (160?F, 90% RH. for 2weeks). 3) Test II: Cycling Tests 4 hrs. 0-125?F,.90% RH; 2.hrs. 0 80?F, 90% 2 hrs. @ -10?F; 16 hrs. 40?F, 22% RH; total of four 24-hr, cycles, 4))T Test III: Safe Storm T~ est: a) 160?F, 22% R'H for .24. hrs.,. test at room temperature. b) -60?F for 24 hrs., test at room temperature. 5) Test IV: Operating Temperature Limits Test: 'a) 120?F, 22% RH for. 24 hrs. b) -40?F -for 24 hrs. 6) Test V: Safe Transport Test: 4 hrs. 0 40,000 ft.'altitude, room temperature,. Test VI: Vibration Test: Vibrate from 25 to 60 cps, 5 cps incre:nent.s,~ 15 min. each. 8_) Test VII : Salt Fog Test: Eliminated from: this Program. 21 Test VIII: Rough Handling: Multiple drops from 61 height to solid surface. 10) Test IX: PlMge Test: Eliminated. from this Program. 11) Test X:--Impact Testi it 12) Test XI: Water Submergence: Eliminated from this Program,. . ~~~~~~/ar 4YE..a L Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 6- I T B. Testing Procedures 1) 'Environmental Conditioning . .The conditioning of the Leaflet Bombs during the various phases of this program was for the mostpart the same as that normally used .,for this type of work in other cases, and, as a result, is not repeated here. The.few exceptions to this normal procedure.?are noted in the applicable sections: of the, test, program agenda, as presented in Appendix A. Moisture Determination (a) instrumentations Moisture Detector, Model RC-1, Serial 2187, Delmhorst Instrument Co., Boonton, New Jersey. (b) Procedure: ?.. Moisture measurements were made at'three (3) locations, approximately 1200 apart, at stations at the top; middle and bottoms of both the mortar tube and projectile body. The moisture measurements made by the instrument are a function of electrical conductivity between two fixed pins. driven into the material to be tested.- . The results reported are the average of 'all: stations. Moisture content of-the propellant and burster charges was determined by the weight loss of weighed' samples after. ?72 hours-1. dessication. All moisture deteaminations were made immediately after the removal of the unit package wrapper Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 oZCR T 3_) Field Operation of Bombs The Leaflet Bombs tested. were normally ignited by means of the black powder initiating fuze 'provided. In cases where the fuze was desensitized as the result of bitumen-wetting, it was clipped. off and . the initiating quick match fuze was ignited directly, In those cases where the internal projectile time fuze failed to .function, the projectile was.later disasse..:bled and the.burster _7 charge ignited to determine:.jts ,condition. If satisfactory ignition 'were,obtained in these cases, the burster charge was marked as "Ol`F in `.the following tabulations*- Immediately prior to their-test-firing, all bomb cannisters were filled with 14 ounces cif dry.-sand and paper. The sand provided a ' simple method of obtaining the maximum weight - loading allowed by the specifications; the paper provided an easily visual check on the air burst-point of the projectile, 4) Field Observations The height of projectile burst. was measured by triangulation,, using a transit to sight the burst point over a 200 foot base line, Accuracy of this method is believed to be within plus or minus, five (5) feet. The estimation of the maximum height attained by a Leaflet Bomb projectile.was made by adding'a correction to the observed. burst height. 'his.correction, in feet, approximated the drop of the projectile from'its apex of trajectory to its burst point,.. The accuracy of these-corrections is, of :course, open'to question since they were based on-non-instrumented estimates; we believe, however, that they were accurate. to within plus or minus ten (10) feet, projectile burst was obtained, the height observed with the transit is-the-maximum trajectory height achieved. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 IV. DESCRIPTION OF LEAFLET BM S TESTED The Leaflet Bombs tested were standard service items received directly from a stock which had been stored in igloos for an estiiated two-year period. These items were manufactured by the 50X1 the date of manufacture was not shown on the gross 50X1 packages, although it was believed to be during early 1953x.., The storage conditions of the Leaflet Bombs, prior to their receipt at the Reservation and assignment to permanent storage in igloos was again gown. The satisfactory test results obtained from the teas received" bombs indicated, however, that these initial storage conditions could not have been extreme. Subsequent storage conditions in the igloos is somewhat better known, although the time-cycle factors involved are wholly open to,conjecture. It is estimated that the temperatures involved under these conditions were: Maximum igloo temperature: 8O6F Minimum t 32?F Maximum " humidity : 90$ R. Ho Minimum " . " x 50% R.H, The transportation factor involved in the original "as-received" sample of Leaflet Bombs was also unknown, although it cannot have been adverse. It was known, however, that only rail and truck transport were involved.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECRET, V. RBSULTS A. Test A: Cri ina1 Sam le Performance Test (Test Firing ' s received") -9- l) Physical _Insgection: A total of .20 samples were inspected at the start. of this test, fifteen (15) for firing tests and five (5) for disassembly and. -internal inspection. No variation from the original drawings and specifications was observed, Although there was no section in the specifications specifically pointing out the. possible area for. inspection, there did appear,- however, two (2) cases in which the leaflet cannister was held tightly in the projectile body by a slight excess of glue used in assembly; this was not considered a'serious fault, as the chamber could be removed with a, small amount' of' effort, 2). Moisture Contents The moisture content of the "as received" mortar tubes and projectile bodies was determined by conductivity measurements immediately after the unit-package wrappers were removed from the, bombs. The.propellant and burster charges were removed from five,(5) samples and immediately placed under dessication for moisture deter- mination by weight loss. These results were as follows MOISTURE CONTENT OF ORIGINAL $A PLB Location of Measurement Avg. Max. M win No. Samples a). Mortar tube 9.6 10.2 , 9.1 15 samples b) Projectile base 9.7.. ~ 9.3 8.8 15 samples c). Propellant charge . 4.30 - . -- 5 samples d) Burster, charge 4.39 5 samples SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 71CF ET 11. FiringTest in the preparation of the bombs for firing, the single-faced' corrugated cardboard liner, used toprotect the projectile in the tube during shipment, was not removed. This error introduced a considerable increase in friction between the projectile arid the mortar tube during firing; its effects. should be taker into Account when the firing results are considered, since it prevented many of the.projeetiles from reaching the expected maximum height of trajectory. It also very probably caused the relatively large number of mortar tube bursts experienced in this test. Summary . of Results The results obtained in the OriginallSanple Performance Test are, tabulated in Table 11, page 11 of this, report., B. Test i Accelerated 3.n _ Test 16o 0 R.H. for 2 weeks 1) 'Physical ins aectLon ...A total of thirty seven units ware used in this test; twenty-eight (28) were stripped from their unit package wrappers and were inspected immediately. No variation from the original drawings and specifi- cations was observed. 2) Moisture Content of Bare Units Using the same, points of measurement and methods for determination, the moisture content of the bare '(without unit-package wrapper) units under various conditions of test were as follows: (a) Prior to Test ("as received") aisture Content. -Avg;. Location of Measurement tax. ' Mm. i San es Mortar Tube 11.7 7.1 28 samples Projectile Base 12.2 9.0 .28 samples -SEC R ET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECRET TABULATION OF RESULTS FOR TEST A ORIGINAL SAt1'LE PERPORrof_' yCE TEST Bomb Used In Number Test Tube Pro-. A-I 9.1 9.2 A-2- 10.1 .. 9.2 Moisture Avg. Packaging Pre-Firing Condition Firing Record Component Action Height, Ft. Time Quick Prop Proj. Burst Est. Obs. -Fuze Match Chg. Fuze Chg.. Max. Burst Remarks OK OK OK OK OK 125 115 11 n rt 11 IT 85 75 n tt rt :r n 150 3.32 to tt ,r it _ 26 Tube burst-, went.up with projectile. . tt IT If ti it 153 153 Tube burst, but projectile unhampered, 11 It n n It .150 132 If -t Slow It 115 75 Tube burst; prof. burst poor.- n n It n n 150 132 r~- - it If IT . If 150 132 `tube burst but projectile unham ered ti .. If It It 140 132 , p . n . tr rt It If ? 85 79 Unobserved; projectile height and burst good. It If It . If If 153 153 11 It ? It 0t It il0 . 91 Tube burst, but projectile unhampered. Ft If n tt It 110 11.8 . A-3 a 9.8 9.2 A-4 j. 10.4. 9.4 A-5 10.2 . 9.4 . A 6 9.2 9.1 A-7 9.4 8.8 A8 9.5 9.7 A 10 9,7 9.4 A-iO '9.5 9.4 A-U .9.5 9.5 A-12 A 13 A-14 A-15 A 9.7 9.4 10.1 _. 9.6 9.5. 9.0- 9.4 8.9 Note: I. Inner wrapper of single-faced corrugated chipboard was left, in place"around projectiles during this test. This error accounts for poor heights observed* .6Q C-1-R b Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECRET -12 Moisture Content, Avit. Location of Measurement. After 24 Hours in Test Max. Min. No. Sanples Mortar Tube Projectile Base c) After 48 Hours in Vest Mortar .Tube 'Projectile Base 43 26 2.9 samples 28 samples 55 29, 25 samples 70 28 25 samples On the basis: of continued total failure in firing, the test was. concluded at this point. Ioisture Content of' Unit-Packaged Units After l days i.n. Test Komar Tube 12.5 11.8 11 samples Projectile-Base 12.6 12.1 11 samples On the basis of significant. failure .in firing, the test was concluded at this point. 4) Firing Test Results a) Bare Units . After the first period in test (24. hours' duration) none of .. the three (3) bare bowbs withdrawn for test firing.could be fired All time fuzes were found to be. totally desensitized' by melted. bitumen from-the fuze covering. All. quickmatch igniter trains. were totally ruined by water-wetting; the same condition was found in the black powder.propellant and projectile burster charges.- In each of the above cases the black powder was soggy with water; none could be ignited by an open flame. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECkT After 48 hours in test, the bare units were in worse physical condition than before, in that water-wetting had progressed further to render entire units soggy and without physical strength. The units could not be handled without their collapsing and tearing. Unit-Packaged Units After 24 hours in test none of the three (3) packaged Leaflet Bombs could be ignited by their original ignition time fuzes. Subatitution of new fuzes in these test units allowed the ignition and satisfactory performance of the propellant charge,, The projectile time fuzes, however, had suffered the same de- sensitization by melted bitumen and, as a result, no projectile bursts were obtained, The moisture content of the unit packaged Bombs, however, showed no significant increase above that of the original sample range at either the 24 hour test mark or the 7-day test mark. In view of their continued initiating and projectile fuze failures, however, the unit-packaged Bombs were removed from test at this point. Some difficulty was experienced with the unit-packaged units which had been conditioned at 160?F for 7 days, in that the cannisters in five (5) units were glued tightly into the projectile and could not be removed. Summary of Results In view of the fact that-no units subjected to this test could be fired either at all. (in the case of bare units) or only by means of new fuzes (in the case of unit-packaged units) firing results do not exist in useful form and are therefore omitted S 4 C ET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SEC T - , from.this.seetion. A su=-ary appears, however, in Table of this report. Test II: Cycling Test` 1) Physical Inspection A total of nine (9) unit=packaged units were uaed in this section and were given a physical inspection immediately after their removal. from test. No variation from' the originaldrawinge'or specifications was observed.. 2) Iioisture Content of Packaged Units. Using the same points and methods for determination,- the moisture content, for each-6f the units: in this test was found to be as shown in the tabulation 'of results, Table III, page. 1.5 of this report, ,3) Firink. Tests All firings except one were quite satisfactory; the single exception was caused by a mortar tube burst* ., 4) Su ary of Results The results obtained in the Cycling Test are tabulated in Table III, page 15 of this report,,. a. Test III% ' Safe Storage Test 12 Physical Inspection A total of twelve (12) units, six (6) bare and six (6) in unit- package wrappers, were used in. this test. .The bare units were in- spected 'immediately .prior to conditioning, and the unit-packaged were given a similar inspection immediately before firing* variation from the original drawings or specifications was observed. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 TABLE III TABULATION OF RESULTS FOR TEST II CYCLING TEST Pro-Firing Condition Firing Record % Moisture -viz. Component Action Height,' Ft. Packaging Bomb Used In Time Quick Prop Prof. Burst - Est, C bs. Number Test Tube Pro j. Fuze Match Chg.- Fuse CY Max. B urst II-1 Unit Pkg. .9.8 10.5 OK OK OK OK OK 130 1.17 11-2 10;0 10.3 ar n -~ n r .. 150 ". 112 11-3 n 9.7 10.3 ti ,~ tt n tt 140 127, IT 4 10.0 10.6 sr rt n a 145 132 1I-.5 tr 10.5 10.0 n tt ss tt et 140 123 1X-6 10.1 10.3 it n a n n 40 B 11-7 9,8 9.7 n si , n ~s . n .. 140` - 127 11-8 tt 10.8 11.0' tr tt rt ~- st 140 127 11-9. 10.4 11.5 sr tt rt n n 125 112 Remarks Tube burst, went up Faith projectile. SECS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 sCIfug -I& Moisture content of all units was measured after conditioning in the test chamber. The results are tabulated in TableIV, pages 17 of this report. -:. 3 ). Firing Tests In general, those units high temperature (160?F) failed because'of time fuze desensitization by melted'bitinen. while the 2) ' Moisture Content tabulation of results shows operational failure ?f several fuzes .the actual burster charge pounder was in excellent condition-arid was readily ignited in each case by. an open flame soon after the f iring test. Two (2) tube ' bursts. were experienced in" this test.. 4) Sumary of -Results The results obtained in the safe Storage Test are.tabulated in Table IV, page 17 of this rep?rt,.' ETest' IV: . Operating Temperature Limits Test l) Physical Inspection A. total of eighteen (la) units were-used in this test. No variation from the original drawings and specifications was observed.. 2) Moisture Content 22 Moisture content of =only the bare units was determined, since previous- tests had indicated that the ;unit package wrapper was capable of preventing the entrance of water vapor into the.package. The results are tabulated in Table V, page 16 of this report, Firing Tests As previously. experienced with high temperature conditioning, those units in?.;the 160?F part of this test all showed. failure of the initiating Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 TABLE IV TABULATION OF RESULTS FOR TEST III SAFE STORAGE TEST Pre-Firing Condition Firing Record - % Moisture Avg. Component Action Height. Ft. Bomb Packaging Used In Time Quick Prop Pro j..? Burst Est, Obs, Number Test Tube Pro.i. Fuze Match Fuze Chi Max. . Burst III-1 Bare 9.7 10.7 Fail OK OK Poor OK *111 GNP 111,2 10.3 11.0 Fail H " Fail " *106. None 111-3 9.2 11.2 Fail " Fail *106 None 111-4 Unit Fkg? 12.2 11..9 Fail u Fa .*120.. None 111-5 11.6 10.7 Fail. Fail *130 None III-6 11.8 11.2 Fail Poor 50 GND 111-7 Bare 9.3 10.4 OK OK . OK OK OK 135 125 IIZ-B' 10.4 11.7 " " Pail if *125 None III-9 . n 9.8 .11.0 " " OK, " 149 135 III-10- Unit Pkg. 11.0 10.8 ff n a 127 107 III 11 " 11.7 11.8 " It n " ff... .135 125 111-12 11.4- 11.7 " ft ? - if ff ft * 46 GND Observed Height ci 1 co -,4 . 0 V4 -rq Tube burst, went up with projectile. Tube burst, went up. with projectile. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 TABLE . Firing Record TABULATION .OF PESULTS FOR TESL IV OPERATING T. 4PERATM LIMITS `PEST Pre-Firing Condition % Moisture Avg. Packaging Bomb Used In Number Test Tube Pra ., IV -1 Bare 9.7 IV-2 10.3 IV-3 fr - 10.5 .IV-4 Unit Pkg: 10.2 10.6 10..7 IV- 5 n tt iv--6 . tt n - . - IV-7 : Bare 9.9 10.8 IV -8 10.3 111 10.5 I1-9 . 11.1 17--10 Unit Pkg, IV-111 IV12 IV-13 . Bare 9.5 9.6 IV-14 10.3 10.2 IV-15 " 10.1 10.0 IV_ 16 Unit Pkg.. 12.0 13.4- IV-17 " ? " 12.0 13.6 W-18- a is 11.9 12.9 Component Action Time Quick Fuze- Match Fail OK Fail 0K. Poor Fail " Fail " Fail. Fail, . OK " 0K it Height, Ft. Prop Proj. Burst. Est. Obs, Fuze- Chg. Maur.. Burst Poor Poor OK . 1 25 GNI Poor Fail ?25 None: OK. Poor *137 GND Poor 97 GF U " Fail. * 97 . Nona OK OK OX 147 137 " . xr 133 113 U 1r 130 118 tt n 133 Tt " 108 .93 n tt 137 122 0x ox OK 135 ag. OK tt " n # Observed Heights. 'c, Delayed-burst after prof. fell-to ground.. Disassembled for individual component. tests, -. 15 second delay in? projectile bursts 4f tV Ii 4t * 38 GND R Tube burst and went up with projectile. 140 120 64 5 147 132 t 136 121 c+. ~s 134 119 00 CIQ U_ SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECRET -19- time fuze. The failure of the projectile time fine was not as frequent in this test; however,, as in the Accelerated Aging Test Section. No failure of propellant or burster charge was noted# Those units subjected tc both the 1201? and -40?F sections, of this test were 'entirely satisfactory as regards firing results, although one (1) tube burst was experienced. gun ary of Results The results obtained in the operating Temperature Limits Test are tabulated in Table V, page 18 of this report. F. Test V; Safe Transport ,Test 1) Phys .cal Inspection A total of twelve (12) unite were used in this test; six (6) were stripped,of their unit-package: -wrappers while the remainder were left packaged. Inspection of both lots showed that there was no variation from the original drawings.and specifications. 2) Moisture. Content Moisture content of the units stripped from the unit package wrappers was measured immediately before conditioning; that of the packaged units was measured immediately after testing. The results are tabulated in Table VI,' page 20 of this.reports 3-)_ -Altitude Testing No effect of increased altitude was noted in any. of the units them- selves, whether or not they.were packaged during the test. The unit- pabkages themselves, however, were found-to be subject to "bloating" as the result of a relative .;increase in internal pressure during the simulated climb to higher altitudes. This "bloating5 of the package SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 TABLE Vi TABULATION OF RLSULT'S FOR TEST. V Pre-Firing Condition moisture Avg., Packaging Bomb. Used In Number Test Tube Pry V-1 . Bare 9.9 10.4 V- 2 tt 11.6 11.8 V-3 11.4. 11..0 V-4 11.9 11.2 .V_5 10.6 10.8 Vv6 11.6 11.7' V-7 . Unit Pkg. 10.8 10.6 V--a . tt tt 11.9 11.8 V9. It tt 11.4 10.5 V--10 It tZ 11.~9j 11.3 Y-11 " " 11.7. 11.8 V-12 Tt tt 11.8 .11.6 TRANSPORT TEST Fir:] n; Record Component Action Time Quick Prop Proj Burst Fuze Match CIg. Fuze Oh& OK Ox OK OK OK' tT it 9 tt tt ct tt tt tt it tt tt it it it tt Slow it it tt OK ' tt tt Tt Tt . 9 tt tt tt t tt tt n tt it tt tt tt tt tt Tt Tt it it It it if it it Slow it Heigtai?, Est. Max. {Otis. Burst 203 188 192 .182 174 164. 186 176 146 106 119. 109 133 128 115 142 124 157 123 100 137 109 12 Tube burst at. base., Late projectile burst (fuze slow) Late projectile burst .Note: 1... All projectiles loaded with 14 oz. of sand and. paper:. SEC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 by entrapped air from within the Bombs,,.caused a very slight rupture of only one package; the remainder held since th. did. not bloat to .any significant degree -except under very without failure Four (4). of .the unit... packages exhibited sympti hs o,f slight pin-hole leak high rates of simul4t4d climb . ( . e?. ,.quick reduction in external 4) The units subjected to the Safe Tranoport Test.were satisfactory as air pressure). Test. Firing; conditioning, The results obtained in. the -.Safe Transport Test are -tabulated in: 5) Summary of Results rather than the result of t regards the results of test. firing, although one (I) tube burst was observed. The tabulation shows two, (2) projectile time fuzes whichh were slow in acting; this is believed to be a manufacturing fault-. Table VI, page 20 of this reports G. Test VIt Vibration Test 1) Physical inspection completed. No variation from the original drawings and Specifications A total.of -. twelve (12) unite were, used in this. test, all of which were kept in the unit packages throughout the testing procedure, Physical examination bias performed. after the .vibration, testing wa observed..' 2) Moisture Content Moisture content was measured immediately after-the Vibration. Testirng. . The results'of these measurements are tabulated in Table VII, page 22. of this report, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 ` TALE VIZ T' OF RESULTS FOR TEST VI VIBRATION TEST Pre-Firing Condition % Moisture Avp;. Firing Record Component Action Height, Ft. Packaging Bomb Used In Time Quick Prop Prod. 3urst Est. -: Obs,_ Number Te6t Tube Pro , Fuze Match C fuze C '. .. Burnt . ,`, VT-i Unit Pkg. Vi.-2 vi-3 VI -4 VI-5 VI-6 .t ff ft ft . V1-7 VT-B VI-9 VI-10 . VT-11. VI--12 0 11.5 -12.0 OK OK OK OK OK 124 109 11.5 12.0. -~ -~ Vt ~- If 135, 120 0 11,6 11.7 .n ft . It n fr - '.135: 120 11.2 11.5 f f ? tt tt ft If 130. 115 12.1L 12.1 It tt It- M 135-120 . 11.6 11.r~ cs !1 if ti tf ff 109 94, 8.6 10.2 9.5. 10.3 1?2 . 10.5 10-0 10.9 10.2 11.0 .9.3 11.3 OK OK Off ff ft tt ft U ft OK U. ft. it tf ?U U, 2.r f- ft ft. tt 126 ill 140 125; 135 120 126 111 _ 155 140 150 135. r: T Remarks Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECRET _23_ 3~ . Vibration Testing Physical inspection of the packaging, packing and the units themselves showed no damage attributed to the teat conditioning. 4 test Firing. The units subjected to the .Vibration Test were satisfactory as regards the results of firing; in view of the fact that these units were uniformly excellent in their performance, the .results of this test can be used to supplement those from' the Original Sample Performance Test, page 11 of this report. ? Summary of Results The results obtained in the Vibration Test are tabulated in Table VII, page 22 '.of this report. H. Test VII: Rough Handling Test 1) Physical Inspection" A total. of twelve (12)-units were used for this test. In viers of, the fact that these units were to be intentionally damaged to determine their physical resistance characteristics, only the bare units were given a physical inspection at.the beginning of the test. There was no variation observed-from the original drawings and. specifications. 2) Moisture Content Only the projectile moisture was measured. in this test, since it was believed that physical damage to the tubes would cause a large number of tube bursts in firing and this, in turn, might mistakenly be attributed to tube moisture content. The results. of these measure- ments are'tabulated in. Table VIII, page 24 of this report. 'Measure- ment of moisture in all units was made immediately after removal c'i' the unit package wrapper. 0. d fir .^ft 1~~ .rs_J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 { t r,l m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 TABLE V TABULATION OF RESULTS FOR TEST VII Pre-Firing Conditioi % Moisture Av*. ROUGH HANDLING TEST Firing Record Packaging Bomb Used In Time Quick PropProj, Burst N aber Test Tube Prig Fuze? Match Ch ;s raze- CM. VIII. VII-2 . vii-5 VII-4 VII -5 VII-6 VII-7 VII-8 Unit Pkg. n 0 - tt 11 tt Bare n VII--9 Unit Pkg. VIT10 10.3 10.2 9-7 10.1y 9.9 9.3 9.9 U. 5 10.8 10.5 VII-11.. Bare - 10.5 VII-12 It 10.5 it fI Component Action fi ff tf 9 f! TV tf IT if It tt if If it ft 11 - if it R1 it If 17 fI ft if 9t it it ti - ff Height, Ft. Obs. Burst Remarks 123 93 101 81 150 130 131 111 131 ill 140 130 116 106 108 98 123 108 Tube burst, but projectile unhampered. 25 GND tube burst, went. up with projectile;, 126 ill 123 108 ground burst.- Observed Heights Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 . ivy" E1 21 Drop Testing All drop testing consisted-of a free fall froari' a height of ssven (7) feet the unit being strike in the required position on a concrete slab. The results obtained were as follows: Bomb Extent of Testinn Results Obseaeg 4) VII-1 2-drops each end; total 4 drops. Unit barb* None significant; slight fra; of mortar tube muzzle end. VII.-2. 2-drops'each end; total 4 drops. Unit bare,. VII-3 2 drops each side; total 4drops. Unit bare. VII-4 2 drops each side; total 4 drops. Unit bare, VII-5 Alternate end drops .to. destruction. Unit bare. None significant; mortar tube knocked slightly elliptical. 4th drops Propellant-cavity cover paper split slightly. 7th dro . Slight show of powder leakage; cannistsr of projectile opened up slightly. 120th drop: ' Tube base wooden plug split. Unit useless. VII-6 Alternate side drops to 8th s Slight split in destruction. Unit bare# propellant cavity paper cover; small leakage. 10th. drop: Increased above split, opened.second split in paper cover. 12th drop; Black powder leakage apparent in considerable quantityy 16th drops Significant leakage of propellant powder from cavity. 28th drags.. Large leak,'unit useless. VII-? through -12: same procedure and sequence was used for testing these unit-packaged units as was used for the bare units.,. No damage was observed in any of these units? Test Pirin All of the units subjected 'tb. the Rough Handling Test were isatiefacto as regards the results of firing. These results are tabulated in Table VU1, page 22 of this report. Irl ET SECR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SECRET VI. DISCUSSIQ Th CONCLUSIONS Initial inspection of Table ,: "Summary of Failures f mm L11: Test Conditions" appears to indicate .that failures in the Leaflet Bomb .aecur in 80% (8.out`of 10) of-the test conditions' considered.. Closer in- speation. and evaluation of the failures however, brings the entire. picture. into clearer focus and . points out quite clearly those areas in which the Leaflet Bomb is most susceptible. The analysis of these areas is as foilowss. 1) Time Fuze Failure Occurs only under 160?F conditions. . Occurs in 'both packaged ands unpackaged units. Can. be definitely attributed to the melting of the bitumen fuze, covering. 2) Quick Match'. Failure Occurs only in. unpackaged units. Occurs ' only under high 'moisture .Conditions. Can be definitely attributed to water wetting. 3) Propellant Charge Failure Occurs only under same'conditi?ns tributed to water-wetting... 4) Projectile Fuze Failure as " (2) -Can be definitely at- Occurs. only under same-conditions as (I).: Can be definitely at- tributed to the same causes as (3)~ 5) Burster Ch Me Failure Occurs only under same conditions as (2):and We Can be definitely attributed to the same causes as (2) and (3) S --No . E r . .. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 w,n:tviLZ 1 TABLE IX SU".11ARY OF FAILURES FROM ALL TEST COIDITIONS Test Conditioning "As Received" 160?F --90% RH 160?F 22% RH 120?F - 22% RH -40?F -60?F Cycling Time Quick Prop. ; Prof. Burst No. Samples Fuze Match Chg, Fuze ' Bare Pkg. Bare Pkg. Bare Pkg, Bare Pkg. Bare Pkg. Bare Pkg. 15 0 28 28 11 11 6 6. 6 6. 3 3 3 3 Bare. Pkg, 9 Altitude. 40,000 ft. Bare Pkg. 6 Vibration Rough Handling Bare - Pkg.. 12 Bare 6 Pkg. 6 0 0 -28 28 28 0 0 11 .0 0 0 0 '1 t1 '11.0 9.7 .0 1 0 0 10.6 Tube Tube Moisture % Burst Nin, Avg, 9.1 9.6 11.8 -- 0 9.2 9.9 1 11.6 11.9 1- 9.5 10. Q 0 ll.'9 12.0 . 9.9 . 10.12 10.5 9.3 9.8 10. 4 11.7 1144 10.1 10.8 10.2 12.5 10.5 12.2 10.3 12.0 1.9 11.6 . U.9 8.6 10..6 12.1 -7-;'. Er Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Tube Bursting Occurs under a wide range of conditions, including the as receivede sample.. Occurs ,primarily but not,`exclusively in the units which were tested in the packaged condition. Occurs in tubes having widely differing moisture contents. Since this. information is inconclusive, and there was no pattern observed in th'e method. or configuration of tube bursts, this type of failure would appear to be random. It is certainly.cau,ed by. excessive breech,pressure -during firing; this was adequately. proven in Test A, jihen th? cardboard liner,'was left wrapped around the projectile ',during firing. If this failure is random d is caused by excessive. breech pressure, then it must:'be.attributed to the fact that the design and material Of the tube has onlylinarginal.strength.for'its function. Conclusions. 1) The Leaflet Bomb will not fuhcti?n after being stored at a temper.- ature of 16011F, but can survive a temperature of 1200F. The.Bomb cannot survive high humidity without being its unit package. 3) When stored in its unit package at. temperatures not exceeding approximately 120?F, the bomb appears to be reliable under all the simulated-test conditions to which it was. exposed. Tube failure is random, not depending on any controllable variable. It appears to be caused by only marginal strength for pits function. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 SEC ET APPENDIX A FROM LETTER TO CLIENT, DATED DRCE1 BER 61_1X354 Subjects Proposal for the Modified Engineering Testing of the Leaflet Bomb During the writer's ,recent visit to your. office, Messrs. requested that submit a proposal fora mo _29- .ed 50X1 engineering test.agenda- of the Leaflet Bomb and its unit packaging.. At that time briefly outllmed the test areas of interest for the bomb. 50X1 The following reflects the agenda developed here at based on 50X1 50X1 outline and later modified slightly during a telephone conversation December 2, 1954, between 50X1 In general it is our belief that these tests should be performed primarily to obtain the maximum amount of-information possible on the effects of moisture on the black powder propellant and burster charges of the bomb, ' and on the physical strength of the mortar tubes. Knowing these effects, the.. protection afforded by the present unit package can be quite easily determined. With this view point in mind, we propose the following agenda Test As Original Sample Performance Test . Since it 'has been reported. to us that : a relatively high failure rate has 'been experienced in the field with this unit, it is felt that an original., sample per- formance'test should he conducted before any other environmental tests are per?" formed. In this manner the reliability of-the igloo-stored units and possible causes for their field failures can be established. -Should deterioration already have occurred during storage, the test will ' signal this 'condition and allow the necessary early revision of the. following test agenda. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 S jK -4 I 1) Fifteen '(15) units required for test. 2) Select ten (10) units for immediate firing, after determining: a) Percent surface moisture of the mortar tube. b) General condition of the bomb exterior and'its packaging. 3) Select five (5) units for propellant and'-burster powder inspection. a)' Remove powder charges, obtain representative samples of each and dessicate to determine, moisture content. 'Inspect internal components, such as joint bonding, wrappers, etc. Test ?, Accelerated. Aging Test (160?F, 90% RH for 2 weeks 1). Thirty seven (37) units required.for:test. 2) Place 28 bare units in test after determining surface. inoisture .content of each mortar tube.' a) 'Measure surface moisture content of mortar tube each day. b) Test fire one unit each alternate -day, c) Draw charges- and determine powder noisture content, one wilt each alternate day. Continue (a), (b) and (c) above until a firing failure point has been reached; at this point attempt test firing of twc additional units from sample: Make moisture determinations of powder and inspect internal components of all units failing to fire. Dry remaining samples at 1120?F?,-5(j% RH for one week and test. fire to determine recovery. 3) Place nine (9) unit packaged units in test and run for two weeks. At completion of run, strip six (6) units, determine surface moisture content of mortar. tube, and fire immediately. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 ?31_ b) Draw . powder charges of remaining three (3) units and determine Test II, C3ycling Test Four cycles. as follows: 4 hours 0 125?F, 90% RH 2 hours @ 80?F, 90% RH 2 hours 0 -10?F 16 hours -0 460F,, 22% Rte .Nine (9) unite packaged items required for test. Strip six (6) units .from unit package after test, determine surface moisture of mortar tube and fire immediately. 2) Draw powder charge,from three (3) remaining units and determine moisture content. Inspect internal components. '3) Compare results -with those from Test-A. Test III, Safe Storage Testj Part -A (160?F, 22% RH, 36 hours) 1). Six (6) units required for test, three (3) unit, packaged, three (3) bare. After coriditionina,,remove items and fire. after 24 hours at room temperature. In view of, the insulating properties of both the packaging and the, these units shall be allowed to remain in the conditioning chamber at 160?F for 12 hours longer than required .by the nominal test. Test III, Safe Storage Test, Fart D (-60?F. for 36 hours) 1)' Six (6) units required for teat; three (3).unit packaged', three (3) 2) After c diti on oning,, remove items ;and fire. after 24 hours at room tem e t r p ra u e. ,-= ~,, ..J : i lJ 1 1 .LJ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 3) In view of.the .of both the packaging and the unit construction, these u its shall be allowed to-remain., in the conditioning chamber for 12 hours longer than. required by the nominal, test. Test IV, Operating Temperature Limits. Test 1) Twelve (12) units required for this test. 2) Depending on the, results obtained ,from Test I; A>ccelerated Aging Test, the high temmperature test of this unit to determine its operational limits may or may not be elizrinated. If successful firing is made at 160?F after 24hours at this temperature in 'rest I, further high temperature testing shall be eliminated. limit is determined. If Test I 'shows failure of the units. to fire, six (6) units will be tested at 120?F, 22a IRH. Fa-lure of units to fire at this temperatures' will be followed by successively . reduced:, temperatures until a satisfact647 upper firing temperature limit, ha,s been determined. Six (6) samples each will br+ subjected to -40?F; an unsuccessful firing of the unit at this' temperature zei11' be''followed by .successive increased temperatur.ea until the successful lower firing temperature Test V, Safe Transport Test (4 hours at 40,000 feet. altitude at room temperature l) 1) Twelve (12) units'required`for test. 2) Subject six '(6) unpackaged- units to test; fire' four (4) immediately after units have been brought back to ambient temperature, break down two (2.) units for internal inspection. Subject six (6) packaged units to test; fire four (4). i_rmnediately after units have been brought back to ambient temperature, break down two (2) and inspect. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 -33- 4.) Should the unit package envelope burst because of the high pressure differential encountered in this test,. six (6) 'additional. packaged units shall be substituted-and a limit determined for the maximum -safe altitude at which these units can be transported. Test VI, Vibration Test (10-60 cps,. in 5 cps: increments, 15 minutes per increment, mina um acceleration of, 2 gt o ) 1) Twelve (12) units required for this test. 2) Submit six ' (6) units to vibration test with.lot gitudinal axes horizontal. Fire- four (4) units ipmiediately, break down two (2 and inspect. Submit six (6) units to vibration. test with longitudinal axes vertical. Fire four (4) immediately,-break dotes two (2).for inspection. Test VII, Salt Fog Test This test shall not be. performed, since it is firmly-believed that the Salt Fog Test would cause immediate and total deterioration of the unit possibility of recovery by diving.. No-.effect would be made on the 'packaging. Test VIII, Rough Handling Test (Multiple drops from 6 foot height) 1) Twelve (12) units required for this test. 2)- Subject six. (6) unpackaged units to the following drops, 'two (2) units per drop. a) Two drops, each end from 6 feet onto steel plate, longitudinal a is vertical. Inspect for damage and test fire. Four drops from 6 feet onto steel plate, longitudinal axis horizontal. Inspect and test fire immediately. . c) One unit dropped from 6 feet, alternating ends, longitudinal axis vertical, until obvious failure occurs. Evaluate damage and, if possible, test fire. One unit dropped from 6 feet, longitudinal axis horizontal; continue drops until-obvious failure. Evaluate failure and., if possible, test fire. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9 lJVl1~l 1LJLli1 I It L Repeat procedure outlined in'(2) above, using packaged units. Evaluate damage,. and record additional protection if any afforded by the unit package. Test fire at ',completion. Test IX, Plunge Test-. This test shall not be performed in view -o.f .the fact that the effects of packaging "breathing". can be observed during other?tests, in addition to the. fact that-it is believed that a'high rate of ternperature change would not cause physical damage to this unit, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP78-03624A000900020001-9