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Publication Date: 
November 29, 1951
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Approved For Relean 2001/8t t-RDP78-03578A00172M010019-0 01 r ? A "L . 21-1 career Oa co Comnit ee p on Care Benefits uancc of Pay and Allowance 29 November 1951 1. Item I of the egenda of this Working Group, 29 tobe, 1951, rejatee to extension of the authority, presently contained in peraraph 5.4 of thu Confidential Funde eeeulations, which applies provisions of the hieing Persons Act to CIA etyff eoployees ond staff agents. That ,cit generally pro? vides for the continuation of normal pay and allowance where an employee is interned, oissing beleaguered, besieged, etc. There are further provisi no relating to procedures whereby a status of missing, or other type of etatus, can be continued or terminated. rho Act provides for detereination by toe head of the agency concerned that the individual iv dead. thiring tte period of such status, for exeoole, he dependents of the individual may continue to receive an eopropriate =count for their needs from the salary normally due to the indi? vidual. 2. The benefits of this Act are applied only to staff employees and staff aeento of CIA who are paid from unvouchered funds. It is believed that the de? sirability and juetification for such authority are quite obvious. However, it is the opinion of teis Group that, through an appropriate method, the benefits of such Aots or similer provisions, be made availeble to all 'employees of Cu-. In additioo to providing for equitable treatment of Various employees of tiiik, statu tory ouohoriestion of this type enables many administrative obetacles to be over coee. or exeoels, the low provides for a letermination of death by the heed of the agency concerned, which normally would be acceptoble for other legal porposes ouch os tolino the estate of the individual. 3. The oorking Group disnuosed 1820, which wee introduced by.r. Johnston of jouth Carolina to ac000plish substantially the same purpose as the provisions of the original Missing Persons Act, whioh will expire as a wartime statute upon retification by the Oenate of the Japanese Peace Freaty, It has been learned that both the Civil Service Comoission and the General tecounting Office hove certain objections to the BIII in its present form. This Group believes- thaL tti general purposes of the proposed eill would substantially aecomplish the otjeotivez indi acted Above. Therefore, it is recceoeinded that the Career Zerviee Ovesittee, through whatsoever channels it deems appropriate, recommend that CIA seeeort O. 1820. It is evideot that the progress of the Bill will have to be followed cerefully in order to ineure thst probnble revisions will maintain it coneistent with ula oojoe. tives. It would appear appropriate, if takes this eosition? that reoponsibility for action should be pieced on the Ceneral Counsel's office for following the 'dill ET Approved For Release 2001/0 IA-RDP78-03578A000200010019-0 ION SECURITY Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03578A000200010019-0 2 - and ng the A proviionlc of the Bi 4. ViOW .COSSAI on t CONFIDENTIAL essional toes-Aittses of CIA aumort for the , thisoTking Group beli?v.e tbt no further action of this ,,arking roup, 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY IN OR TION Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03578A000200010019-0