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FYI-Next Session, the 9th, begins January 23, 1961. Enrollment is picking up. More than 100 business executives have completed the BCIU Training Program to date. The roster of all the graduates, including wives, giving business affiliation and job function as well as address, will be published in August 1961. The register will facilitate keeling in touch and _making it easier it the alumni to assist one anotluer, particularly newcomers in a foreign area. Meanwhile .. . ALUMNI NEWS Many letters from alumni reach Ambassador Randall, Dr. Franklin, Mr. Schaler and others connected with the Program and brings us up to date on what you are doing, your experiences overseas. Reports on the applicability of the course content in foreign assign- ments are especially useful and appreciated. Your observations are valuable to the constant effort to make the BCIU Training Program as effective as possible. BCIU Executive Committee member Theodore S. Repplier, President of the Advertising Council, in conversation with John T. Connor, President of Merck and Company and member of the BCIU Policy Board, before an 8th Session dinner meeting during which Mr. Connor described some of his experiences and those of his firm in doing business overseas. Johnny Johnson (III) visited with Lloyd Mulit (III) in Pernis, Holland in October. Morrie John son (III) has just returned from a 32,000-mile trip through Europe, Africa and South America and will retrace his steps in latter part of January . . . Peru, Brazil, South Africa. He reports that sales are up in most of General Mill's foreign affiliates but increasing competition is causing selling costs to rise. Morrie met Phil Johnson (III) in Rio in October. Phil was on a short trip, is still based in Battle Creek, Mich., U.S.A. Tom Gaines (III) has moved from Bogota, Colum- bia, S.A. to Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Bert B. Miller, Asst. to President of Ohio Oil Company, was not able Ed Stewart (III) has been looking after Johnson & Johnson projects in Brazil, Philippines and Venezuela. Sid Feldmans (IV) on their return trip from India visited with the Capehart Harneys (IV) in Rome in October. Clifford Drake (I), formerly in Cuba, is now General Manager of Texaco Caribbean, Inc. with base in Kingston, Jamaica. David Anderson (I) is now handling public relations matters relating to Central American and Caribbean economic growth from Coral Gables, Florida, rather than Havana, Cuba. Art and Phoebe Corney (V) have been traveling in Canada on Republic Steel business. George and Mabel Gilbert (V) just returned from three months in Australia, two weeks in Tokyo where they bumped into Dr. Edward Hall ("The Silent Language") in the lobby of the Tokyo Hotel. Judith Peterson (IV) reports from Bogota, Columbia, that Spanish language course tapes, books and material for reading prepared by Sr. Pineda, have just reached her for futher language training. Bill Howe (VI) ran into Jerry Wasylyk (VI) in Rio in November. Both are currently back in the U.S.A. to attend a regular Training Session, but came to the Rudy Swanson (I) checked up on the progress of the AU campus for two solid weeks of Spanish language Program by visiting the 8th Session. study under Sr. Hugo Pineda at Bill Ballin's (VI) Jack Thuerman (VII) returned for two weeks of recommendation. intensive language at the end of the 8th Session (Dec.) Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 of junn a (neuJi1 (School rr e ~ ~1~ CIA P~$ 6 O fl@~~O~QZ1xtional Geonomics) o Inter i e, ct1~l" versttyl prtor to an eveninn meetinv ~f rha Rtt, co-:,,., SEVENTH SESSION, September 12 to October 7, 1960, Fourth Row L to R: Dr. Charles O. Lerche, Jr., Professor of International Relations; Dr. Abdul A. Said, Assistant Dean of the School of International Service; Robert R. Pfeifer (Cluett, Peabody & Co.), John W. Lendved (Chain Belt Co.), William A. Goodyear (California Texas Oil Co.), Clark Prather (Texaco Africa Ltd.), Peter M. Kroon (Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co.), Ambassador Harold M. Randall, Director of the Training Program; Third Row: Deputy Director Otto Schaler, John H. Thuerman (Chain Imm Belt Co.), Paul E. Hamilton (John Deere Intercontinental, S. A.), Roy W. Brandel (Chain Belt Co.), Adolf J. Pingarron (Interchemical Corp.), John E. F. Gaston (Texas Petroleum Co.); Second Row: Mrs. Donna Hamilton, Mrs. Theo Ann Brandel, Mrs. Marion Lendved, Mrs. Jacqueline Prather, Dr. Esther Cole Franklin, Director of the Wives' Program; Graham French (Attorney); First Row: Mrs. Maureen Pfeifer, Mrs. Sara Todderud (wife of R. E. Todderud, Eli Lilly International), Mrs. Mildred Pingarron, Mrs. Ena Gaston, Mrs. Ruth Kroon, Mrs. Nellie Randall. Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 Approved For"lelease 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-0352000400270021-0 Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Joseph C. Satter- thwaite described the situation in Africa today during dinner meeting with the Seventh Session. Secretary Satterthwaite is BCIU Latin American Radio Project On a seven-week tour of eight Latin American repub- lics, BCIU's media consultant Thayer Waldo tape- recorded 53 interviews with 67 individuals, as raw material for the Spanish-language radio program series which the Council will prepare for broadcast through major medium-wave outlets in that area. A version in English is to be used by Voice of America, but the broadcasts in Spanish will emanate from private busi- ness. Interviewees included business leaders, both North American and national; national employees of U. S. shown with (L to R): Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Kroon, Dr. W. Wendell Cleland, Co-ordinator of the Middle-East Area Course, and John H. Thuerman (Chain Belt Co.). business affiliates, educators, economists, government officials, labor leaders and representatives of student groups. The complete series will explore a broad set of themes dealing with all aspects of the role of the private enterprise system. At the same time, firm commitments were made for such broadcasts at prime time in every country visited. Local identification, usually with bi-national business groups, was also set up. The programs in final form, to include extensive participation by management spokesmen in this country, will comprise 13 tapes of 15 minutes each. Head table at final dinner meeting of Seventh Session (L to M. Randall, Training Program Director, Ambassador George R): Mrs. George V. Allen, Executive Editor J. R. Wiggins V. Allen, Director of the United States Information Agency, of the Washington PoAtr$&0gdFIpr8~`IR gg&lZbffZM 111 :"01.-Cf~~ B~~Y$$~T'i~ ~ 1t9 7E 9 '~}'n' Alk Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 BCIU Policy Board member 11. E. Humphreys, THE TRAINING PROGRAM Jr., Chairman of United States Rubber Company, in the keynote speech of the 47th National Foreign Trade Convention-Waldorf-Astoria. New York City, November 14-cited BCIU activities, including the Training Program, as making important contributions toward expanded foreign trade. Ambassador Randall talked to the Milwaukee World Trade Club in November about "Preparation of Per- sonnel for Relocation Overseas". BURROUGHS CLEARING HOUSE in its November 1960 issue had this to say ... A first . . . Mrs. Sara Todderud (VII) attended the Special Wives Program though husband R. E. Tod- derud of Eli Lilly International could not make the Training Program Session. A syndicated article by Richard T. Stout, entitled "Ugly American Execs Go to School--4 Week Cram Courses Teach Businessmen the Ways of Foreign Lands" appeared in papers in the U.S.A. The ROYAL GAZETTE WEEKLY. Bermuda, picked Group and individual sessions maximize training effects of the abbreviated foreign training course BCIU Turns On. Charm For U.S. Business The ugly American may soon vanish from the international scene, thanks to the fine work being done by the Busi- ness Council for International Under- standing, New York City. Rapid strides. In the less than 2% years since its formation (July, 1958) J3CIU, through its policy board headed by Charles M. White, chairman, Re- public Steel Corporation, has set up an excellent training program for interna- tional business executives and fostered similar education of American overseas personnel. The United States Information Agen- cy and the Department of State are among BCIU's strongest supporters, and encouraged leading executives of U.S. companies doing business overseas to form BCIU. Heart of the program, which now in- cludes publication of pamphlets, busi- nessman participation on the Voice of America broadcasts, and the like, is the training sessions that have been intro- duced at the American University, Washington, D.C. The School of Inter- national Services is under the direction of Dean Ernest S. Griffith. Intensive course. Director of the training program is Harold M. Randall, former U.S. foreign service career offi- cer who was U.S. representative and chairman of the American Economic and Social Council of the Organization of American States with rank of am- bassador. He is currently on a goodwill tour of the country, encouraging busi- nessmen to use the BCIU services. The training program gives overseas- bound executives a better knowledge of the customs, values, history and lan- guages of selected foreign areas, and improves their skills in interpreting our customs and values to people abroad. During the typical four-week course the participants hear lectures and en- gage in free-wheeling discussions of U.S. institutions and viewpoints, Amer- Meantime, BCIU is turning its atten- tion to another facet of its expanding program. In cooperation with the De- partment of State, it has set up a formal visit program for foreign service and USIA officers. In between assignments, the officers visit corporations operating in their overseas territories and fill them in on conditions. The program has scan society, the arts in America, and American and foreign cultures. The de- velopment and functioning of our eco- nomic system, American foreign policy, folk lore and urban culture, labor in American foreign relations, and pat- terns of cultural change at home and abroad are among the many other subjects covered in the sessions. Wives of the executives are invited to the meetings during the fourth week. Guest experts. Government service officers are frequent visitors to the ses- sions, generally giving private and group discussions in their special fields. enabled business and government to ob- tain a maximum exchange of knowledge. b;xpanding front. BCIU has also in- spired the formation of councils in other nations. Mexico's Associacion Pro En- tendimiento International was formed by Mexican and North American busi- nessmen to aid Mexican-American rela- tions. Another counterpart has been Internationally - experienced business leaders, loaned by their corporations, are helping to provide a sharper look at foreign business conditions. Participants in the program have in- cluded top executives from domestic and overseas branches of major cor- porations. Plans are now underway to have some of these companies bring back their most promising overseas- based executives for future sessions. But there may be a long wait, for each of the eight annual groups is limited to 25 members on a first-come first-served basis. formed in Colombia, and work has be- gun on similar councils for the Philip- pines, Iran, Pakistan and Vietnam. These groups are providing a con- centrated effort on the part of U.S. business abroad, whereby American firms can work with local business and agencies to enhance U.S. prestige. Burroughs Clearing House Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 Approved Forelease 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-0352000400270021-0 Frank X. White, Vice President - International, American Machine and Foundry Company, with 8th Session for dinner meeting during which he cited cases of international business Seventh Session participants Adolf J. Pingarron (Interchem- ical) and John E. F. Gaston (Texas Petroleum) in conver- sation with J. K. Evans, Washington manager of Asiatic expansion. Next to Ambassador Randall is Mr. Robert E. Simpson, Director, Office of Economic Affairs, U. S. Depart- ment of Commerce. Petroleum, and Dr. Carlos Perez de la Cova, Charge d'Af- faires and Petroleum Counselor, Embassy of Venezuela, during one of the evening programs. Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 Aft Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 it up from the London Express Service. Ampex In- ternational Vice President Riff Gale clipped it in Hone Kong from THE CHINA MAIL. COMMERCE, India's financial weekly, published in Bombay, describes Training Program and other BCIU- sponsored activities under title "People-to-Business" in its 1960 Annual and Golden Jubilee Issue. A joint State Department-U. S. Information Ascncv- International Cooperation Agency directive "to all American diplomatic and consular posts" states that "members of the BCIU should be given all appronriate assistance during their travels abroad on BCIU business". The messaee describes the programs which BCIU carries on to "improve the image of United States business and the free enterprise system over- seas". EIGHTH SESSION, NOVEMBER 7 TO DECEMBER 2, 1960. Standing (L to R): Gerald D. Bartremt (Minttte Maid International), John M. O'Gara (Caltex), Herbert J. Baldwin (Texaco), Robert J. Woodward (Shell), R. G. Brown (Texas Petroleum), Ambassador Randall, Director of the Training Program, John Kozma (Republic Steel), Alexander M. Selian (American Machine & Foundry), 1. David Knapp (California Chemical International), Harry B. Paul (Atlas-Goldschmtidt, G. m.b. H.), Stanley W. Beetham (U. S. Rubber Interna- tional), R. Loren Biggs (First National City Bank of N.Y.), Dale Kleist (Owens-Corning Fiberglas International), Otto Schaler, Deputy Director of the BCIU Training Program. Seated.? Mrs. Baldwin, Airs. Woodward, Dr. Esther Cole Franklin, Director of the Wives` Progrant, Mrs. Kozmra, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Biggs, Mrs. Brown, Airs. Kleist. AVAILABLE: "Rights of Businessmen Abroad under Trade Agree- ments and Commercial Treaties" in ready-reference form lists, by countries, the provisions of international agreements which relate to trade and investment. 1960. At $2.50 each direct from the United States Council of The International Chamber of Commerce, Inc., 103 Park Avenue 17, N. Y. "Glossary: International Economic Organizations and Terms" identifies international organizations and terms and symbols that are frequently used to designate important international organizations. September 1960. At 300 each direct from the United States Council of The International Chamber of Commerce, Inc., 103 Park Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Copies of a talk by Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States William Sanders before the 8th Session on "Crisis in the OAS" are available from the BCIU Training Program without charge. Copies of a talk by Sr. Rogtilio Frigerio, prominent Argentine businessman, to the 7th Session in which he outlined his views of current status of Argentina's economic evolution, are available from the BCIU Training Program without charge. U. S. Under Secretary of State Douglas Dillon at Williams College spoke on "The Challenge of Over- seas Service" and said: "Although it (BCIU) has been in operation for less than a year, this program holds out great promise-for the private sector of our economy is the very antithesis of the state enterprise that is central communist doctrine." (Free copies of full text available from BCIU Training Program). Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 131/2 minute, 16mnP IDUI W Rpstt X2402/11 is available for loan without charge to industry and business groups by Public Information, Office of In- ternational Trade Fairs, U. S. Department of Com- merce, Washington 25, D. C. Film shows trade fairs as instrument in promoting sale of U. S. products in foreign markets. A practical introductory guide to "Doing Import and Export Business" by the Foreign Commerce Depart- ment, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington 6, D. C. 137 pp. $2.00. "Foreign Commerce Handbook"-a new 1960-61, comprehensive reference book as to procedures, prac- tices, techniques, and policy pertaining to all important phases of international trade and investment. Foreign Commerce Department, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Washington 6, D. C. 142 pp. $2.00. LECTURERS The Albert Motts are now with the University of Maryland-Armed Forces Education Program in Bordeaux after their tour in Germany where they witnessed the Oktoberfest in Munich and did a lot of touring in their fire-engine red Volvo. Something different but quite effective in hospitality was the helicopter ride to his Greenwich, Conn., home for three Cameroun UN delegates arranged by BCIU Policy Board member Sam Pryor, Vice President of Pan American World Airways. En route, the group circled the Statue of Liberty, then toured Mr. Pryor's famed international doll collection. From left: Mr. Richard Wheatland of New York Airways, M. Celestin Pigui, M. Benoit Bindzi, Mr. Pryor and M. Deb a Don. : P4a D1?7* =W,,5Z* RQ2ai4a1-'1hr9 Silent Lan- guage" in the Cultural Analysis series, has just re- turned from Japan where he spent three weeks work- ing with U. S. and Japanese firms toward establishing joint enterprises. He is presently in Europe-England, Holland, France-on a similar mission. Edgar A. J. Johnson, who lectures on Business and American Society and the American Economy Today in the American Civilization series, was elected President of the Economic History Association (Pub- lisher of the Journal of Economic History) for the next two years. Charles Heimsath has returned to Washington from his survey trip to India, under a Rockefeller Founda- tion grant, centered in Madras, Bombay and Delhi. He is preparing his notes on Indian social reform move- ments during the 19th and 20th centuries for inclusion in a book on which he is working. Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0 BCIU BRIEFS Approved BCIU Policy Board has added Neil H. McElroy, Chairman, Proctor & Gamble Company: Stephen D. Bechtel, President, Bechtel Corporation; John S. Bugas, Vice President, International Group, Ford Motor Company; A. W. Steudel, President. The Sherwin-Williams Company. BC!U Executive Committee news is that Anionic T. Knoppcrs, President of Merck Sharp & Dohmc Inter- national has been named Vice Chairman; Kerryn King, Vice President & Assistant to Chairman of Texaco Inc. takes place of Marion J. Epley, Jr.. now Sr. Vice President of Texaco at latter's request; James P. Delafield, President International Division, General Foods Corporation replaces George Bryson. Vice President General Foods Corporation. Committee member George R. Vila is new President of U. S. Rubber Company. Charles E. Allen is now Vice President International of Hill and Knowlton, Inc. New Executive Committee members are John Galla- gher, Vice-President-Latin America. Scars, Roebuck & Company; James Farrell, Jr., President, Farrell Lines. BCIU's affiliate in Mexico. APEI,* has eight junior companies successfully in operation under adult busi- ness sponsorship, expects over 20 by February. David Anderson, (1) now in Coral Gables with Esso, has asked for full background on Junior Achievement there. Dave's interest is in stimulating organization of the movement in Caribbean Countries. Dr. Anionic Knoppers. Vice Chairman of BCIU Executive Committee, will he travelling in India late in January, plans to consult Indian and American business leaders there with it view to sonic suitable form of bi-national business association for better understanding similar to APEI in Mexico. Talks in the U. S. already indicate that there should be a ripe field in India for such an approach. Metropolitan Broadcccsthre Co. is working closely with BCIU in connection with its expanding overseas serv- ice through its World Wide Broadcasting Division. It is carrying our story in various ways on its radio feature "American Business Bulletin" beamed to Latin America, Europe and Africa and will assist with Latin American outlets for BCIU's own radio series. described in this issue . U. S. stations affiliated with MBC are also telling about the BCIU Training Pro- gram. The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association's In- ternational Steering Committee adopted the following formal recommendation at its annual meeting at White Sulphur Springs in September: The P.M.A. should support the BCIU and encourage the sponsorship of courses at American University in Washington, D. C., for preparing American families to go abroad; the P.M.A. should cooperate with other industries and groups to improve facilities for this purpose. Data on such courses should be assembled by P.M.A. and made available to member firms, and the members should be advised that BCIU appears to be the best organization for [his purpose. UN Delegate Hospitality. In the current, most eventful General Assembly of the UN, its membership ex- panded to welcome a score of new member states. Many of their delegates are strangers to the United States. To make their stay more agreeable, and to make closer friends of these new members and their For Release 2002/02/11: ClAor 8 X17~ 169 companies to o[ erin ormalkosp-I"a yin of gn executives and their wives. BCIU Chairman Charles M. White gave a dinner re- ception in New York for delegates from Liberia. General Foods was instrumental in attendance by delegates from eight African and two Latin American nations at a dinner of the National Urban League. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hill (Hill & Knowlton) gave a very informal dinner party for a dozen delegates from African and Asian countries, with a variety of American guests, several of whom later invited some of the foreign guests to their homes as well. BCIU Executive Committee Chairman Bramwell Ault is arranging a similar affair, as are executives of American Express, RCA, Texaco, Westinghouse, etc. American and foreign guests r.grec that these informal gatherings are surprisingly successful in sowing seeds of real friendship and overcoming misconceptions that so often persist unless such relatively modest efforts are made. Others wishing to offer home hospitality arc invited to consult BCIU New York or Mrs. John W. Nason, who heads a private hospitality group at the UN and who has been exceptionally helpful to BCIU. RECOMMENDED READING Harland Cleveland, THE OVERSEAS AMERICAN, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N. Y. 1960. 316 pages. $5.95. Facts and practices for most productive performance of overseas business missions. Henry C. Wallich, THE COST OF FREEDOM, Harper & Bros., 49 E. 33rd St., Clarence Randall: "A superb book that every businessman should read." 1960. 187 pages. S3.75. AFRICA George H. T. Kimble, TROPICAL AFRICA, Volume 1-Land and Livelihood, Volume II-Society and Polity. The Twentieth Century Fund. 41 E. 70th St., New York 21, N. Y. Nov. 1960. 1110 Pages, tables, maps, photographs, index. S_t $15.00. 2 volume study presents compendium of solid infor- mation written virtually in newspaper style. MIDDLE EAST Wilfred Cantwell Smith, ISLAM IN MODERN HISTORY, The New American Library of World Literature, Inc., 501 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. 1959. 308 pages. 50e. Study of the conflict between demands of an ancient faith and the pressures of the modern world. RECOMMENDED SUBSCRIPTION Free sample copy of the International Development Review will be sent you upon request to The Society for International Development, Room 707, 1725 K Street. N.W., Washington 6, D. C. Current issue contains articles on "Transplanting Administrative Techniques", "New Skills fo:- New Societies", "De- velopment of Natural Resources" and others. (FYI) ... Gerald Winfield, Lecturer in the Training Program's Cultural Analysis series on "Communica- tion for the Attainment of Change", is Chairman of the Washington Chapter of the Society. Approved For Release 2002/02/11 : CIA-RDP78-03527A000400270021-0