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7e7Tore Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 .96 7/-7r 50X1 50X1 Attention: Subject: Enclosure: Gentlemen: Contract RD-128. 4 September 1958 50X1 Dec Alirig; BATF 6 TeT, By 441'313 ems cv.reLAT- 071 yypE Os/ CR CLS iiRF,S I RV CLAWS JUST VXT REV 7**1 AUTH: HR 70-2 ontracting Officer Mr Work Order #4, Task Order #1- (1) Three (3) copies completing remai (2) Three (3) copies proposed modifica Detailed Cost Breakdowns for Recorders Detailed Cost Breakdowns for Ion of Video Recorders Confirming recent telephone conversations with your office, we are forwarding herewith our explanations and suggestions relative to the recorders under the subject work order. We have broken down our proposal herein into two parts. One is based on the conditions as they exist relative to completion of work as it presently exists. The second part of our proposal is based on the increase in costs and fee to nodili'yexisting units in order to improve the performance of these recorders. All funds under the subject work order have been completely expended and it is estimated that $2,771.011 as detailed in enclosure (1), will be required for engineering hours and material required to complete the job and is in addition to the costs for modification of the rejected units, enclosure (2). 4-CO,c13 The allotted contract funds were insufficient to complete this job for the following reasons: 1. When checkout of the units began in January 1958, it was found nec- essary to spend additional time in an attempt to meet performance requirements. Component selection was required and in some cases even this would not suffice. 2. The Agency was notified as early as February that a number of the units could not be made to work without certain circuit "fixes" being made and some additional recorder parts Obtained. We were ? not allowed to make these "fixes" and consequently a large portion of the remaining funds were expended in further attempts to make the existing device work. 7 'gra ? i -, 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 ? / 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 0.,atiPtit Page a 24 September 1958 0 3, Some of the funds were expended in evaluating the "fixes" required on the undelivered items and also evaluating the "fixes" required on the units returned from the Agency. The cost estimate of enclosure (1) is based on completing the work on the subject work order as listed and qualified below: 1. The remaining six recorder units and associated amplifiers will be modified by adding any necessary circuit modifications to the ampli- fiers and adding a filter choke to the recorders. In addition, certain mechanical difficulties in three recorders will be investigated and repaired as explained below: a. Recorder Serial No, 372 The drive mechanism of this unit is binding. Although the specific trouble causing the binding has not been determined, approximately one and a half days has been allocated to the problem and it is felt that this represents a reasonable estimate of the time required to repair the mechanism. If the trouble cannot be found within this time the mechanism should probably be replaced (GFE). Additional time would then be required for this replacement. b. Recorder Serial No, 378 This unit does not record. Although the specific trouble causing the unit not to record has not been determined, it is believed that the trouble is mechanical (possibly a faulty switch); however, should the trouble be found to be in the recording head, the head should be replaced (GFE). Additional time would then be required for this replacement. c. Recorder Serial No, 380 This unit has a defective head -which must be replaced in order that the unit can operate. A GFE head will be needed for this replacement. In addition there is binding of the drive mechanism. Although the specific trouble causing the binding has not been determined, one and a half days has been allocated to the problem and it is felt that this represents a reasonable estimate of the time required to repair the mechanism. If it is not possible to repair the unit in the allocated time, replacement of the drive mechanism (GFE) would be required. Additional time would then be required for this replacement, 2. Two of the five spare amplifiers are proposed to be modified by adding any necessary circuit modifications. Of the five spare amplifiers which are to be delivered, two of them are potted units (1 within specifications and I just below specifications) and therefore, iSECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 f Page 3 24 September 1958 cannot be modified. Three are not potted (1 within specifications and 2 require modifications as stated above). 3. Final data and test reports are proposed to be completed and submitted to the Agency. We are submitting herewith as enclosure (2) our detailed cost breakdown in the estimated cost and fixed fee of $4,741.93, which is our proposal for the modification and rework of the wire recorders, microphones, and earpieces returned to us as enumerated by serial number herein below: The returned units were evaluated by Quality Control and Egnineering Departments. It is opinion that within the meaning of the interpre- tation of the contract specifications with respect to "accurately recording" a certain video pulse and voice modulation, these units met contract specifi- cations when shipped. It is felt that certain design "fixes" are required to improve the performance of recorders and amplifiers. The cost estimate of enclosure (2) is based on making necessary modifications to each recorder listed and qualified below. Serial #352 We propose that this unit be modified by adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #353 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier and adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #354 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier, adding a filter choke to the motor circuit, and removing the mechanical noise from the mechanism. Although the specific trouble causing the mechanical noise has not been determined, it is believed that the time estimated is sufficient to repair the unit; however, should re- placement parts be needed, these would have to be obtained as Government Furnished Equipment and additional time allocated for their installation. Serial #355 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier and adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #357 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier and adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 SECRETA Page 4 Serial #361 24 September 1958 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier, adding a filter choke to the motor circuit, and correcting the drive mechanism troubles. Serial #362 We propose that this unit be modified by adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #363 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier, adding a filter choke to the motor circuit, and rep7irnglhe latch, connector, and motor switch. This unit-was received by with a broken amplifier connector and a broken latch (on cover). The Agency indicated that this unit had an intermittent motor switch, motor noise (very noisy on recording wire), and that the amplifier was out. Because of the broken connector, it is not possible to evaluate these troubles. However, the cost estimate is based on making the modifications which would normally be needed in such cases. Serial #364 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier and adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #365 We propose that this unit be modified by adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #367 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier and adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #369 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier, adding a filter choke to the motor circuit, and:-adding polarity markings on the battery holder. Serial #370 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier and adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #371 We.propose that this unit be modified by adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. S Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 r Page '5 September 1958 Serial #373 We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier, adding a filter choke to the motor circuit, and adding ----polarity markings on the battery holder. Serial #371. We propose that this unit be modified by adding circuit modifications to the amplifier and adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Although this unit is acceptable as is, better than marginal performance can be obtained by adding the amplifier modification. Serial #376 We propose that this unit be modified by adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Serial #377 We propose that this unit be modified by adding a filter choke to the motor circuit and investigation and repair of recording problems. Although the specific trouble causing the unit not to record has not been determined, it is believed that the time bid is sufficient to repair the unit. However, should the trouble be found to be in the recording head, the head should be replaced (GFE) and additional time allocated for this replacement. Serial #381 We propose that this unit be modified by adding a filter choke to the motor circuit. Microphones and Earpieces We propose that these items be repaired and adjusted as needed. In addition to the above qualifications, the enclosed cost estimates are based on the following: 1. Since the modifications proposed above for the units are circuit ',fixes', and do not represent a complete redesign of the unit, it is probable that the modifications of the amplifiers may not be identical. Because of this, no revision of the drawings or handbook is contemplated. 2. An effort has been made to establish a quantitative checkout pro- cedure, but this has not been found feasible. Instead, final checkout will be performed by comparing the units to a unit that has been mutually accepted as a standard by and the Agency. Furthermore, in order to minimize the troub e arising from accept- 7ce_t7 ts, it is requested that the Agency accept all units at npriassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 4. Page 6 CONEiDENTAL 214 September 1958 3. Due to the restricted space it will be necessary to mount some components on the printed circuit side of the amplifier board. These components will be secured to the board by the use of an adhesive. It should be pointed out that the contract specifications are not definitive and require considerable judgment in application. Most of the recorders rejected by the Agency were concerned with problems which were qualitative rather than quantitative, i.e., matters of judgment. These problems had been discussed with representatives of the Agency and modifications to the recorders which would minimize them were suggested by although the 50X1 Agency would not give the authority to incorporate them. 50X1 A demonstration of possible circuit modifications to the units was given to the Agency during a meeting held at 4 June, between Agency 50X1 Representatives and personnel, was requested to submit 50X1 a cost proposal incorporating these changes. EXperience has shown that the reliability of the amplifiers is very poor and that it is very difficult to obtain repeatability in test results., Inasmuch as the pr odifications are circuit pfixeso rather th61 a complete redesign, can not guarantee long term reliability; How- ever, it is felt tha these nfixesn are the best practical solutions. In additions the design "fie may result in only a compromise correction of the various faults and that proper over-all operation can be reliably achieved only by complete redesign. In view of the circumstances surrounding this work order, and more spec- ifically the specifications, our proposal contained herein is based on exerting our best efforts to meet all requirements and suggestions of your office, and therefore we would deem it feasible that adherence to all details of the specifications should not belheld'mandatory. In view of the developmental nature of this work order and also based on the contractual provisions of the subject contract, relative to cost lia- bility, and in view of continuous efforts to satisfy all your requirements, we do not believe it feasible for to continue this work at its own expense. We appreciate the difficulties that have arisen in this program and will be pleased to cooperate with you in order that this equipment can be com- pleted and modified to meet its operational requirements. If we may be of any further assistance or if any other data is required, please advise the undersigned at an early date. Also, your suggestions and your decision in this matter would be appreciated at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, Contract Administrator 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 ? TITLE Wire Recoiders - Costs to Complete Remaining Items Task Order 1 Work Order 4 BID NO. DIRECT LABOR COST ANALYSIS CA.18. REV. 7.57 ITEM NO. ENCLOSURE 1 50X1 PROJECT GROUP DRAFTING 4224.18 ENGINEERING SHOPS TECHNICAL WRITING MANUFACTURING QUALITY CONTROL TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 189.67 $ 1,413.85 ANTICIPATED LABOR INCREASES $ TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 1,413.85 VERHEAD 95 % $ la3113.** TOTAL O.H. & DIR. LABOR $ 2,757.01 MATERIAL SUBSISTENCE TRAVEL PREMIUM PAY OTHER COSTS TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $ 2,771.o1 PROFIT % $ FEE % $ TOTAL AMOUNT PROJECT GROUP ENG. SUPERVISION PROJECT ENGINEER SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEER PROJ. PLANNER JUNIOR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN & ENG. AIDE FTI ND SUPER & DESIGNER DRAFTS & DETAIL DUPL. MACH. OP. ENGINEERING SHOPS SUPERVISORS MACHINIST SHEET METAL & PAINT SPRAY OP. TECH. & ASSTS. TECHNICAL WRITING SUPER & TECH WTR. TECH WRIT. ASST. HOURS RATE COST DETAILED ANALYSIS 33. 6.36 69,96 92 5.59 5111,28 182 3.35 609.70 16 1.89 30.2li MANUFACTURING SHOP SUPERVISORS METHODS ENGINEERS SHEET METAL MACHINISTS SUB-ASSEMBLERS FINAL ASSEMBLERS INSTR. ASSEMBLERS MFG. ASSISTANTS PLANNERS PLANNING ASSISTS. ENGINEERS DESIGN DRAFTSMEN ENG. ASSISTANTS DRAFT.aDUPL.MACH.OP. QUALITY CONTROL QC SUPERVISORS TEST SUPERVISORS ENGINEERS INSP. SUPERVISORS TEST ASSISTANTS INCOMING TESTERS INCOMING. INSPECTORS SHOP INSPECTORS ASSEMBLY INSPECTORS MATERIAL PURCHASED PARTS RAW MATERIAL SUBCONTRACTS DINER HOURS RATE COST 5.5 311 1.6 14,131 3..37 2A.116 1PR J, 3.47 5.55 16 1,85 _2,969 31.40 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 3.311,40 13,88 1.3? 3.14 40 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3 150X1 ? TITLE Modification of Video RecordersC OST ANA LYS IS Task Order 1 Work Order It CA.18. REV. 7.57 BID NO. DIRECT LABOR ITEM No. ENCLOSURE 2 - PROJECT GROUP 1,962.90 MATERIAL 35.00.__ DRAFTING SUBSISTENCE ENGINEERING SHOPS TRAVEL TECHNICAL WRITING PREMIUM PAY MANUFACTURING OTHER COSTS QUALITY CONTROL 27048 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $ 142390068 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR $ 2,233,68 ANTICIPATED LABOR INCREASES $ PROFIT % $ TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 29233448 FEE 11=2:1111tg5 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 14741 93 RHEAD 95 % $ 2 122 00 AL 0.16 a DIR. LABOR $ 4,355.68 PROJECT GROUP ENG. SUPERVISION PROJECT ENGINEER SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEER PROJ. PLANNER JUNIOR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN & ENG. AIDE DRAFTING SUPER & DESIGNER DRAFTS & DETAIL DUPL. MACH. OP. ENGINEERING SHOPS SUPERVISORS MACHINIST SHEET METAL & PAINT SPRAY OP. TECH. & ASSTS. TECHNICAL WRITING SUPER 8 TECH WTR. TECH WRIT. ASST. DETAILED ANALYSIS HOURS RATE COST 23, 86 380 ho 6.36 133.56 5.59 h80.74 3.35 1,273.00 1.89 75.60 MANUFACTURING SHOP SUPERVISORS METHODS ENGINEERS SHEET METAL MACHINISTS SUB.ASSEMBLERS FINAL ASSEMBLERS INSTR. ASSEMBLERS MFG.. ASSISTANTS PLANNERS PLANNING ASSISTS. ENGINEERS DESIGN DRAFTSMEN -ENG. ASSISTANTS DRAFT. it DUPL.MACH.OP. QuALiTY CONTROL QC SUPERVISORS TEST SUPERVISORS ENGINEERS INSP. SUPERVISORS TEST ASSISTANTS INCOMING TESTERS INCOMING INSPECTORS SHOP INSPECTORS ASSEMBLY INSPECTORS MATERIAL , PURCHASED PARTS RAW MATERIAL SUBCONTRACTS OTHER Cetr-v " ILICA JAL HOURS RATE COST 35.0o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-03424A001300050001-3