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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 PICTURES Battery Charger connected to battery B. Detail of charger mains plug C. Writer D. Tape cartridge, cover closed E. Tape cartridge, cover open F. Tape cartridge in place on writer G. Keyer Detail of Keyer I. Cartridge in place on keyer J. Complete system ready for insertion into pouch K. Complete system in pouch LEGEND OF P/CTURES 1. Transmitter Switch 2. Battery pack 3. Carrying pouch 4. Keyer 41. Transmitter 42. Safety pin 43. 'al, lever 44. Motor button 45. Era, button 46. Drive gear 5. Tape cartridge 51. Cartridge release button 52. Cartridge drive gear Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 LEGFND OF P17111= (cont'd) 6. Writer 61. Diml (ma, be letters mnd mwhers) 62. F.pnee buttmn 6'2.. Writer extensi,, harile G. Writer ,rive ge.r 67. Extension 1,ndle releqse. 7. B.t,ry ,Tharmer ,1. mNin, plmm 72. Web 7. Fin, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 INSTRUCTION. 4 A. BATTERY CHARGING 1. Charge battery as follows: a. To fully charge battery, it should be placed on constant charge for 16 hours. The battery will not be damaged if it is left on charge for more than this length of time. b. :hen fully charged, the battery can be used for six transmissions. c. When two to four transmissions have been made with a fully charged battery, six hours of constant charge is necessary to return the battery to fully charged condition. I. When a fully charged battery has not been used for one month, it loses some of its cher,e. When in this condition, it cannot be used for more than two transmissions. Ten hours of con- stant charge will restore the battery to fully charged condition. e. Unless the battery has been fully charged within ten Co fifteen days preceding use, it is recommended that the battery be given a sixteen hour continuous charge before being used. 2. To charge the battery, connect the battery pack (2) to the battery charger. (7) (green plugs) and plug charger into the mains current supply. The mains must supply alternating current at any voltage between 70 and 240 volts. A small neon bulb in the charger glows when the charger is plugged into the mains socket. The mains plug furnished with the charger will fit almost any mains socket. Examine one of your own plugs to determine the correct pin shape, pin size and spacing between the pins. The pins (73) of the charger mains plug may be unscrewed and reversed if necessary to fit dif- ferent sizes of round pin sockets. If your sockets are of the slit type, carefully bend back one side only of each of the smaller round pins until it breaks off. This will give you an approximately flat pin which will fit into the mains socket slits. The web (72) of the plug may be cut with a sharp knife if necessary to fit wide-spaced pin sockets. 3. After charging, disconnect the battery charger from the mains supply and disconnect the battery pack from the charger. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 1. After thn me' eke been enciphered an, ,ep.,sted into ,ive-digit groups, ycu must writ, th, int,' the tope cartridge. Take the erased tape cartridge (5), o,c, the cover, at.' snap it into place cn the writer AA SlA ,A, ft the ll'Ilstration. ? The cartridge drive ce,r sh,A0,1 meot the writer :ear. Pres, tle eytension handle eel, ase 'eve- and f,111 oot the extension bun tie. Pince the writer on A firm, level surface and Ftendy it by placing the lef: hand nn tcp of the tape cartridge. ft net exert excessive pressureor. the t,pe cartridge. P. Grasp th, extension handle and p1.0.1 it to the full downmard Iti a. Now, rotate tbe di,a (61) un mil the le'ter E is opposite the white index mark. F- ice the handle to the upwardpn and pull it tc the '1111 doumward position. Repeat this ten times, and then press the -.1,,ce button (62) twice. ?. You may now begin to write in the enciphered text of the OP. sage. With the ri_ht. hand, rotate the dial until the first letter or mur:ber ct enciphered teat is opp,,ite the index mark. Push the handle t, the full irpo,r0 position and null it rully an. Pelea,e the handl, and rotate the dial until The next letter or number of en- ciphered text is opposite the index mark. Again, reise the handle fully one and pull it Cully down. Tepent this same operation Per each digit cT enciphored mes,nge text. Caution: he not attempt to turn the dial unle,s the hondle is in either the full up or full dcwn p it 1 n. After each five-digit group, press the space button once. Continue this procedure until the complete message has been written into the cartridge. P. If you should ache an error when writing into the cartridge, write eight letter press the spRee button ,nce, and then re- write the group in which the error WA, made and continue with the rest of the message. 5. When the message has been completely written, remove the cartridge by pressing the cartridge release button and little'- the cartridge off the writer. The cartridge will then automatically re- wind. Caution: Do not remove the cartridge from the writer until the entire message has been written in. I,' the cartridge is acci- dentEdly removed before the message hes been completed, you must erase the cartridge and rewrite the entire message from the beginning. 6. YOUr messages, coca enciphered, may be of any length up to 115 five-di ,it groups. If a message is longer than 115 groups when enciphered, it must be broken into two messages. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 C. ERASING 1. Erasing removes any previous message which had been written into the tape cartridge (5). You most always erase the tape cartridge before you write a message into it with the writer -(6). 2. To erase a cartridge, follow these steps exactly, a. If the lid is on the keyer, remove it by lifting the lid and sliding it sideways, off the hinge. b. Connect the keyer (4) to the battery pack (2) (greo plugs). c. Check the motor button (44) to be sure that it is in the off position (away from the arrow). Fold out the keyer crank and wind the keyer until the small gear wheel begins to revolve. d. Place the tape cartridge (5) in position on the keyer so that the yellow stripes coincide. e. Push the erase button (45) in the direction of the arrow and, while holding the erase button in this position, push the motor button (44) in the direction of its arrow and hold it in this position. The tape is now being erased. f. When the motor stops, the tape has been completely erased. Push the motor button (44) in the opposite direction from the arrow. g. Remove the tape cartridge by pressing the cartridge release button (51) and lift the cartridge away from the keyer. D. ASSEMPLIN) TRE EQUIPMENT 1. Two leather insoles (8) are furnished. If necessary, the insoles may be trimmed slightly to fit the shoe comfortably. Place the insoles inside your shoes, with the smooth leather side up. Push the vire through your sock at the instep and run it up- ward inside the sock, bringing the end out at the top. 2. The transmitter (1) fits into the smaller compartment of the carrying pouch (3). The two white and two brown wires should be threaded through the hole in the bottom of the compartment before the transmitter is placed in the poueh. (See illustration). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 S?ci e,lt,s of the sl ,rt ,r,nsmitter conrccting cord I nto t2.e -ocket tbs. battery psck (2). Urn the plug lock to the locked pc,itisn and insert the battery ;act: int, the laruer 2,mpartment.the,s,reen s?sc's.et :sf the t ? ttery p,Ick f:-.ould be visible through the he in tne hit ,n cf the c,mpartsmselt. 'lice the b2t.ton the Fsttes, the pa,ch around ysur waist under your shirt with the eisssic telt. The 0 Pc hr p,siti,led sn your right side. the sntessa wire, ns On. white w!.re ge. ver eash 2-ss' ?r,I, t tschsd ysttr underFhi, tt, the elastic telt in the r,tr. ts, ,25re goes Jcs.2 each tr,u,er ler., or nnecting with the wit, from each ins,1c. Tc make this csnnecti,n, slide bt.ck cC plsstic cover From the small e,ket, insert the tip of the Inscle wtre until it etc PC into place, then slide the cover back into place. 5. Chec, the key, (1) tr. be certain t!ust the transmitter a,trt(i) and mot,. button (4,-.) are in the off position nr,1 thst the safety pin (L2) if in place. F21r1 ...ut the 2eyer crank, wind the ,eyer ',he drive gesr (46) rotates slightly, and fold the crank hack into the closed p,sltion. Place the cartrid, (5) contsininc; s'ss rosssge to be transmitted into pos it ion on the keyer at tIlat the yells, line, coincide (see iLlustratirsn). 6. :',ake a sms11 I. in the inside tcp lining of the right tOde tt,users pocket. Place the keyer in this pocket and push the key,..r cord '-lrouc.b the hcld in the pocket. In,ert the green keyer plug into the Green battery stscket, flee 'cc' the hole provided in the bcttom of' the carrying pouch. Turn the plug into to the locket, position. 7. When you are full; dresded and have the keyer in the right aide trousers pocket, no part of the equipment should toe visible. F.. TFANSYSTTING Upon reaching the transmitting area, place your hand in your p,cket and extract the safety pin (42) from the keyer. PreS5 the Icy lever (43) in the direction of the arrow and hold it ti3htly lee this position trio seconds. (When the IDY lever is pressed, the transmitter suitch (i,1) automaticolly turned ON.) After 10 :ecange, release the ID! lever and immediately push the motor buttcn (4,4) to ON. The message Is now being transmitted. Keep your hana on the keyer to feel when the motor stops. When the mot, stops, pain the motor button (1.4) to the OFF position (away from the arrow) f Ind turn the trahmitter switch (41) to OFF (Away from the arrow). in not ma, more than one transmission from a given transmitting area. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 F. ACICNOWLEDGENIEIV2 OF MESSAGES -41 Receipt of your messages will be acknowledged by the base ,m its regular broadcast. If you have not received acknowleizement by the second broadcast schedule following your mes,age tranrmiss,ons, ,ou should assume that the base did not receive your message and yc, should retransmit this ,ame message again assoon as practicable. A, oven, the Bose acknowledges receipt of your message, you ma, erase the cartridge containing this message. G. REMOVTNG THE EQUIPMENT 1. The equipment may be removed from the body in the reverse order from which it was assembled. The transmitter may be left in the carrying pouch if desired. 2. The plugs which connect the insoles to the brown antenna wires most be carefully disconnected. To do this, slide back the plastic cover from the connector and bend the connection gently, as If to break it at that point. The plug should separate easily from the socket. Do not attempt to separate this connection by pulling on the wires. H. SELECTION OF TOANS015Phd SITE 1. Your radio signal will be heard bet if you stand still with both feet on the ground and face directly toward the receiving antenna while transmitting. 2. The radio frequency on which you will transmit his Fume of the characteristics of light; the distance over which it may be trans- mitted depends upon the type and number of obstructions between your transmitter and the receiving station. 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 I. SFCURITY 1. You must avoid any overt personal actions which would tend to compromise your activity. a. Do not divulge the existence of your transmitter and cipher material to anyone. b. Plan all your activities carefully beforehand end make sufficient preparation so that you are not interrupted, are not observed, are not missed, and are not hurried. Be prepared at all times with a logical sounding explanation of your activities in case you are unavoidably surprised bye firend or a member of your family. c. Choose the hiding places for your material carefully. Select sufficient places for hiding so that not everything is in one spot. Group the equipment and materials which are used to- gether for hiding in the same place. d. Practice the manipulation and carrying of your equip- ment enough times before actually using it so that you are confi- dent you can do it in a manner which will not call attention to Yon. 2. Aside from your personal security which is most Important there is the factor of radio security. a. If possible, you should choose c different site for each transmission. S. Do not make transmissions frcm the same site on two successive occasions. c. Avoid mmking transmissicns in an area where there are no other people. Your best protection is to blend in with other people and their Rctivities. A. After making a transmission from a spot, move immedia- tely but in a quiet manner away from the area. For example, If you make a transmission ln an area where there are taxies or streetcars, you may leave the area by ,me of those means or by a brisk walk. If you have driven your car into an area where there Is moderate traffic and have covered your exit from the car to make a transmission you should get back into the car and leave the area immediately after the transmission is completed. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 A. If there are no obstructions whatsoever between you and the If receiving antenna, a maximum transmitting distance of 6 KM may be achieved. B. If you transmit from an area containing houses or buildings which would obstruct the path of the radio waves, you must be within 3/4 KM of the receiving antenna. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 C. If you transmit from an area containing houses or buildings but are able to position yourself so that the radio waves are not obstructed by buildings, walls, metal fences, etc., transmission distances of 4 KM may be obtained. D. Scattered trees and bushes which might obscure the path between your transmitter and the receiving antenna will not affect the range of the signals. E. Heavy growth of trees such as in a forest will affect the range of the radio signals and should be avoided or allowances made when cal- culating the effective range of your transmitter. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 A 2 71 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 71 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 6 C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 D 52 5 51 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 E 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 G 4 46 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 42 41 43 44 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 t J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5 K Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/05/29: CIA-RDP78-03330A000700040001-5