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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 27, 1956
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP78-0330OA001600010007-5 25X1 Y I CO N H D E TIAL SUBJECT : Monitoring of Contract with 1. TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING: The meeting was held 14 November 1956 in Westout Building, Washington, D. C. 2. ATTENDANCE: 3. PURPOSE OF MEETING: To review existing projects, to discuss proposals for an Infrared surveillance system and an Infrared narrow beam communications system 4+. DISCUSSION: a. P-1010 - IR Miniature Commo System (Task V) returned the two prototypes C units in working order, stating that one unit was not optically aligned and the other had a cold solder joint in the amplifier switching circuit. In future units the optical plate bracket will be changed to prevent any misalignment problem as encountered in the past. It was suggested that mercury batteries not be used in the C units, as most of these type batteries leak around their rubber seal and cause corrosion of the surrounding com- ponents. The existing Task Order V expires 21 November 1956; a request for time extension has been in the hands of Contracts since 9 November 1956. In talking to of Contracts, he assured us that the extension sho be processed on or near 21 November 1956. stated that the remainder of the C units will be finished in Junt4 1957 and the paper work will be com- pleted during February and March. 27 November 1956 CLASS. CHANGED S ~JI, NEXT REVIEW VIEW DATE : NO CHANGE IN d-LA ^ DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENT NO. DATE: 25X1 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP78-0330OA001600010007-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP78-0330OA001600010007-5 i F1D N mAL b. P-101D - IR Surveillance Transmitter (Task VIII) b e approximst l $ e y $ 000 more to complete Task VIII. e request quest for money had been held up since their money was to be taken out of FY-56 funds; however, the request is now in the hands of Contracts for processing. co P-101B - IR Commo System Task I inquired as to the " m b-2-- --- -- ess from --------- purchased by of n,,,. ?- ..4. J-- was ?ivan a letter he -- - r-L-1J'uremen-. or the mirrors. d. Security .a,,, .,.a recent.Ly moved to California from has a problem of getting their new employees cleared; and., therefore, asked that we check on the processing of the below listed names: 25X1 25X1 25X1 2oA] e. Proposal for Infrared Surveillance Transmitter E deli proposal for the study, gn, and development of prototype units to be used for infra- red surveillance activities. It was decided that the contract should be broken down into three phases: PHASE 1 - Approximately 6 months for study of the various problems involved PHASE 2 - Approximately 6 months for the construction of 4 engineering and design models PHASE 3 - Approximately 6 months for the construction oYon Y i things as: nal engineering models The initial 6 months study phase is to (1) Microphones (2) Modulation and Amplifier (3) Range (4) Shape of Transmitter and Receiver (5) Methods of aiming with regard to easy installation CON I DENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP78-0330OA001600010007-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP78-0330OA001600010007-5 (6) Power Sources 7 Types of Detectors (8) Types of sources f. Proposal for Narrow Band Communication System was also asked to submit a proposal for a study of a practical limits of IR Commo system with regard to security and range. It was thought that a study of this problem would require from 3 to 6 months at which time a final report would be completed on the feasibility of the various narrow beam IR communications system. Distribution: 1 - P -101C 1 -P-101D 1 - P-101R TSS APD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/07/16: CIA-RDP78-0330OA001600010007-5