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May 11 1954
The Feasibility Report On Ionic Oscillators, as covered
by the agreement on Tack 2, has bon completed and two copies
are enclosed herewith*
If additional copies r? needed, wewtil be happy
supply them.
I trust this work meets with your approval'
DATE: atl I/ u REVIEWER: 037169
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May 11, 1954
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ectr% r,711s:1,
114?00 eamm
This report has been written, after a rather intensive review of the
literature bearing on ionic oscillations, for the purpose of establishing whether
or not it would be feasible to attempt to adapt this phenomena to the practical
solution of certain technical problems now existent and known to the sponsor.
Mathematical formulae necessary to understand the mechanics of the
:phenomena have been omitted from the main part of the report, but are appended to
it along with pertinent abstracts and bibliographical data. Furthermore, illus-
trative sketches and diagrams have been included so that a definite concept of this
phenomena may be gained more readily. Certain liberties have been taken in
straying from the strict scientific use of terms and definitions in an effort to
simplify the material contained herein.
Early studies of gas tubes under discharge conditions did not distinguish
between the nature of low frequency and high frequency oscillations. More recently
Tonks and Langmuir86, have demonstrated that there is a transition zone in the
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neighborhood of 10 mc. The oscillations below this level are definitely ionic in
nature while those above are electronic. For the purpose of this review, only
material below the 10 mc level has been reported.
Fairbairn29, described for patent purposes a form of gas tube oscillator
which contains no resistive, capacitive or inductive components and needs no
external or internal resonant circuits or cavities for operation. He claimed high
output at audio and radio frequencies with as little as 2 milliamperes from a
plate supply of 22-i v. He used an 884 tube and produced a frequency of about 500
kc as well as others ranging below this level. He modulated ionic oscillations
with both AM and FM. The phenomena of ionic oscillations in a gas tube have been
described in various ways by others, including those researchers listed in the
Ionic oscillations are periodic variations in current flowing through a
gas tube caused by vibrating positive ions.. The phenomena might best be illustrated
by a diagram of a simple laboratory type gas discharge tube.
771:" R
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Cathode Crookes' Negative Faraday Dark Positive Anode
Glow Dark Space GI= Space Column Glow
Glass velope
Column Striations Anode
Direction of Electron Flow
When the voltage across a gas discharge tube reaches a
certain critical point the atoms of the gas become ionized and
an arc condition is produced which permits current to flow.
The nature of this arc condition is characterized by several
well defined regions.
At the cathode (the negative terminal) there is a sheet
of luminosity called the "Cathode Glow." Next to this area is
one from which little or no glow is given off; this is called
the cathode or "Crookes Dark Space." Just beyond the cathode
dark space toward the anode is a region of luminosity called the
"Negative Glow." Adjacent to this in the direction of the
anode is another dark space called "Faraday's Dark Space."
From the Faraday Dark Space to the anode is an area of
luminosity called the "Positive Column of Anode Glow."
In an experimental tube, designed so that the anode can
be moved toward and away from the cathode, it can be shown that
the length of the positive column remains constant as long as
the potential drop across the tube and current through the
tube are held constant. As the anode is moved toward the
cathode the head of the positive column maintains its position
in relation to the anode and it and the Faraday Dark Space
move across the tube into the negative glow and thence into
Crookes Dark Space and into the cathode, filling the tube
entirely with a uniform glow.
Striations do not always appear, but when they do, they
are always in the positive column and if they are moving,
they move toward the anode. The positive column and negative
glow are sharp and clearly defined, but fade out as one moves
from the cathode to anode.
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Cousins181 attributes the cause of ionic oscillations in a gas tube
discharge to what is known as the ."pinch effect." Charges moving linearly in
space create a self-circling magnetic field. The circular tiagnetic field forces
the charges within it toward the center of the magnetic field. This inward radial
force is called the Pinch Effect. The region in which moving positive ions and
electrons are at equilibrium in a gas tube discharge is called a plasma and is
subject to the pinch effect. At the beginning of a discharge, the pinch effect
will cause a compression of the plasma. The compression will be of considerable
amplitude and, hence, will travel inward as a shock wave in the plasma. It will
pass through the center of the tube, travel out to the walls, and be reflected
inward again and so on. The discharge oscillates continuously from a wide beam to
a narrow beam and back to a wide beam. The frequency of oscillation is determined
by the number of pinches per second.
Of particular interest is the fact that the ionic oscillator needs no
external components for operation. (2, 8, 10, 20, 21, 31, 42, 51, 69, 79, 83)
In some cases multi-element ionic oscillator tubes of special design can be used
with external oscillatory circuits added to control the frequency (10, 13, 29).
Nany researchers have reported on specific frequencies obtained by
varying one or more parameters of ionic oscillators. They are:
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1.5 mc3
10 kc8
15 to 200 kc31
1 kc to 10 kc79
100 kc2
500 kc-8
300 cps to 150 kc59
200 kc51
10 kc to 100 kc3?
2 kc to 10 kc83
3 to 100 kc78
2 kc to 1 mc15
1 cps to 1900 kc29
4 kc to 112 kcl?
Considerable work has been done wherein the
of any external circuit but dependent upon gases used
air91, 19, 83, 78 argonP, 73 cesium vapor7,9 hydrogen
10 neon;ls 80 nitrogen19, 83, 78 were used
a difference in
oscillation was independent
and pressure. These gases,
H2(wet)19 dry hydrogenP, 19
with comparable results wherein
frequency response was obtained with different gases.
In an attempt to delineate the parameters
researchers approached the problem from one or more
result that for the most part
some few are still to be more
Only one author2 of
of findings that frequency
of these phenomena, various
directions, with the end
several parameters are known and agreed upon while
clearly understood.
those reviewed to date disagreed with the concensus
increases as the pressure decreases. Again it was
accepted that the mass of the positive
In 1953 Donahue, etalP stated that in
Nispock 4-1.24ti
ion was a parameter effecting the frequency.
studying deuterium glows under identical
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conditions as with other gases, no essential differences were noted, and concluded
that prominent oscillations in these glows were independent of the mass of the
positive ion.
At present there are certain parameters which effect the frequency of
oscillation which have been established by several researchers:
Pressure, 12, 19, 20, 30, 31, 51, 59,
Cathode Temperature, 59, 79.
Current Density, 10, 12, 19, 20, 28,
Diameter of Tube, 18, 19.
Gas Used, 8, 19, 20, 21, 39, 31, 42,
Ionizing Potential, 21, 28, 69, 83.
Electrode Spacing, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21,
Important work has been done on ionic oscillations in carbon arc dis-
charges and it has been found42, 20, R
- that there are two distinct ranges of
oscillation. One in the audio range from 100 cps to 400 cps, wherein the frequency
is dependent on the electrode materials, size and separation, and also the current.
The other range is in the RF up to 90 mc. The frequency of this range is inde-'
pendent of electrode material, arc length or current, but dependent on atmosphere.
Both of these ranges of oscillation are independent of external circuits.
A practical consideration of the experimental results obtained by the
foregoing referenced researchers leads now to the work of FairbairnP He used
commercially available tubes and found the following frequencies under ionic
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500 kc
Tunable from
400 to 1000 kc
1000 kc
Tunable from
500 to 1500 kc
15 kc
Tunable from
lops to 20 kc
1400 kc
Tunable from
900 to 1900 kc
SN7 Strobe
Tunable through
Audio Range
Fairbairn reported that some thyratrons used in high current circuits
were found to oscillate as low as 8 cycles per minute with current changes up to
1 amp; that other gas tubes (not identified) had outputs up to 9 mc; that no
frequency of oscillation was found for neon.
Chetverikova10 (Moscow) developed ionic oscillators operating them both
with and without external control circuits in a similar manner to Fairbairn.
Cobine14 (Harvard) developed a wide band noise generator using an ionic
oscillator in a magnetic field.
Experiments conducted by this laboratory confirmed Fairbairn's results
within experimental error. In addition, experiments here demonstrated that type
Ne-2 neon tubes can be made to oscillate through the audio spectrum.
The ionic oscillator is the simplest sinemave oscillator known, requiring
no external circuits. It will oscillate when dc voltage is applied between cathode
and anode. The dc voltage needs only be equal to the voltage drop across the tube
when the gas is ionized. Ionic oscillators can be tuned by changing the voltage
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in the case of a diode oscillator or by use of a variable resistor between grid
and cathode in a triode. Ahen noise is present the oscillation frequency signal
can be 100 times the noise level. AM or FM modulation can be used. It can be
loaded very heavily; needs no coupling circuit and works almost as well into a
low impedance load as to a high impedance load. It is not effected by body
It is apparent from a consideration of the foregoing report that there
is a wealth of information available on ionic oscillations. However, the work to
date has been of a fundamental nature and only three of the ninety-four contri-
butors have applied this knowledge in a practical way. The potentialities
inherent in the ionic oscillator for subminiaturization of radio transmitters
are far greater than those of the transistor. Therein lies the solution to many
existent problems.
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C.7 ri-A3) ---763,1--
%2 L. a
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By E. V. Appleton and A. West,
"Philosophical Magazine," Vol. 45, Page 879, 1923
Appleton and Nest detected oscillations while studying ionized gases.
The discharge tube used had a diameter of 3.7 cm and the distance between electrodes
was 22 cm. With a hot cathode, the anode potential was normally 80 to 120 volts,
but this was increased to 600 to 800 volts in the case of a cold cathode. In both
cases the discharge had to be started by an unduction coil. Oscillations seemed to
be most easily obtained when the induction coil discharge had continued for some
time before the steady anode potential was applied. Their production also seemed
to depend on the presence of a small glow at the surface of the anode. Ahen this
glow flickered instability of the discharge resulted.
Since the frequency of the oscillations was independent of the external
circuit constants, the oscillations are of a new type, being ionic in character.
Usually the frequencies were of the order of 100,000 cycles per second. In the
particular tube used the conditions most favorable for the production of oscillations
were those in which three or four complete striations were present. It was noted
that the frequency usually increases with increase of pressure and also with increase
of anode potential.
S 7
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By V. A. Bailey
"Journal of the Prodeedings of the Royal Society," N.S;W.,
Vol. 82, #2, Pages 107 through 113
A theory of emission of electric waves by discharge tubes, by the iono-
sphere and the solar atmosphere is developed from Maxwell's equations. The electric
fields which can exist in a medium consisting of electrons, positive ions and
molecules or atoms subject to static, electric and magnetic fields are considered.
Solutions of the equations for plane waves are developed which specify possible
frequencies and damping co-efficients of waves transversing the material with a
given (real) phase velocity and of the waves which can exist in the medium with 's.
given (real) wave length, also, the possible refractive indices and attenuation co-
efficients under which waves of a given real frequency are propogated in the medium.
If the collision frequency is small, the wave may show negative absorption, i.e.,
the amplitude grows with time and the gas should be capable of generating oscil-
lations. This gives one explanation of the origin of solar, stellar, and iono-
spheric noise.
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By L. Brennan, J. Saloom, and R. Wellinger, University of Illinois
A three-electrode oscillator as described by G. Wehner has been investi-
gated extensively. It is shown that this structure displays the same behavior as
some gas diode oscillators enclosed in glass, thus establishing a close relation
between the diode type oscillators and the Wehner structure. A systematic set of
data shows the varieties of wave length with each of the parameters involved in the
oscillation. These experimental results disagree with the majority of the formula-
tions published to date. The system oscillates in different modes, and as the
cathode current is increased continuously the frequency remains constant except
for discreet jumps. Further, the transit time of the beam electrons between two
electrodes is always an integer plus 1/4 times the period of oscillation. A theory
similar to Wehnerts based on the model of the double glass klystron oscillator
should describe the oscillation satisfactorily; however, this model implies the
questionable assumption that within each dark space there exists a layer with marked
resonant properties.
G. Wehner, "Plasma Oscillator," "Journal of Applied Physics," Page
63, January, 1950 (describes very high frequency plasma
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Moscow, Elektrichestvo,
No. 2, 1951, Pages 16-20
M. M. Chetverikova, Candidate of
Technical Sciences
Scientific Research Institute
of Physics, Moscow State University
Submitted September 9, 1950
(Note: This report was delivered at the Section of Radio Methods of the
All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Com-
munications imeni A. S. Popov (VNORIE) on 20 March 1950 and at the Scientific
Council of the Scientific Research Institute of Physics and the Physics Faculty of
Moscow State University imeni Lamonosov on 14 June 1950.)
The article presents basic results of the study of high-frequency
oscillation generation by means both of gas-discharge devices specially developed
for this purpose and of industrial thyratrons and gas-filled rectifiers (gasotrons).
Oscillations were studied with generator circuits in which external oscillatory
circuits were present and absent. Oscillograms illustrating the oscillations are
given. (All figures and tables are appended.)
Oscillations in gas-discharge tubes with liquid or filament cathodes
containing different gases at different pressures with different discharge and
heater currents have been studied by many authors. These oscillations range in fre-
quency from several tens of cycles per second to centimeter waves. It has been
experimentally established that these oscillations cannot be explained only by the
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presence of oscillations in plasma. With the aid of gas-discharge tubes it is
possible to excite oscillations of different types including, for example, oscil-
lations analogous to those in the retarding field of an anode. Oscillations can
be localized in both the anode and cathode regions of a discharge.
A large number of investigations by Soviet scientists has been devoted
to "stenotrons," in which the effect of constricting the discharge is used to excite
oscillations. Investigations were conducted at the All-Union Electrical Engineering
Institute imeni Uliyanov (Lenin) (VEI) by V. L. Granovskiy jointly with L. N.
Pykhovskaya and G. L. Suyetin (1). The majority of researches on oscillations in
gas discharges have been conducted with the aid of special experimental tubes
having little in common with gas-discharge devices of industrial types (gas-filled.
rectifiers, ignitrons, thyratrons, powerful mercury-arc rectifiers). The problem
of oscillations in gas-discharge devices has received insufficient attention in
the literature.
Oscillations in thyratrons and gas-filled rectifiers were studied in the
absence of an external oscillatory circuit on the apparatus whose schematic diagram
appears in Figure 1. For filament heating dc was used, since ac heating causes
strong modulation of the oscillations being studied. A 114-volt storage battery
was Used for plate power supply. In the investigation of oscillations in thyratrons
the grid was grounded through resistance Rg = 104 ohm, which was necessary for firing
of the thyratron. After firing the grid could be disconnected. The voltage drops
on thyratrons and gas-filled rectifiers were measured with a high-resistance volt-
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meter, while frequencies and amplitudes of the oscillations were measured with a
cathode-ray oscillograph EO-5 which was calibrated for different values of ampli-
fication and synchronization. The frequency F of the oscillations and the ampli-
tude Ilk of the ac voltage component were measured at the plate in dependence on
the de component of the plate current Ia with heater current Ih = const or in
dependence on Ih at Ia= const. The results of measurements of frequency F and
amplitude of oscillations Uk from the filament current Ih are not cited here.
The article presents some results of the study of oscillations in
thyratrons Ta-0000 and KU-635 and in the VG-237 gas-filled rectifier. Evidently
these oscillations originate mainly in the plate region. Oscillations at the grid
of a thyratron are insignificant in amplitude and chaotic in form.
Circuits without external oscillatory circuits. Oscillations are observed
in the TG-8/3000 thyratron for nearly all values of discharge current which are
allowable for it; from several milliamperes to 2 a (Figure 2). Starting with Ia =
1.7 a, the oscillations take on a disorderly character. Quantitative measurements
at Ia 1.7 a were not taken.
Figure 3 shows the form of oscillations for Ta = 250 ma, F = 102 kc,
(Figure 3, a) and for Ia = 1.2 a, F = 75 kc (Figure 3, b). These and other photo-
graphs reproduced were taken at different amplifications and oscillograph sweep
In the KU-635 thyratron, however, oscillations arise intermittently at
Ia 411 0.3 a (Figure 4). The oscillation frequency changes from 24 to 50 kc when the
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discharge current is varied from 0.3 to 2.5 a. The amplitude of oscillations tik
is considerably higher than with the thyratron TG-0000. The characteristics
shown by the solid and dotted lines are for two different specimens of the KIT-635
thyratron. The small difference in frequency of oscillations is explained by the
fact that the internal parameters of the thyratrons (electrode configurations and
pressure) were not completely identical.
The oscillations are of a stable character and their form, close to
sinusoidal at the beginning (Figure 5, a), becomes distorted as the discharge
current increases (Figure 5, b).
In the VG-237 gas-filled rectifier oscillations were observed only for a
very small range of variation of the discharge current (from 2 to 450 ma).
Beginning with 14 ma, the oscillations become chaotic, and their amplitude rapidly
decreases. (Figure 6) At Ia = 450 ma oscillations disappear. Clearly observable
oscillations occur in the range from 2 to 13 ma. Oscillation frequency has a
sharp minimum at I- 5 ma, while the amplitude has a sharp maximum at Ia is- 6 - 7 ma.
The form of the oscillations depends to a considerable extent on the value of the
discharge current.
In order to isolate the high-frequency component, the oscillation generator
was set up connected in parallel with an external oscillatory circuit (Figure 7).
Operation of the generator was studied on two specimens of thyratron KU-635 at
Ia 02 2 a. The resonance frequency for one specimen was f = 47 ice, for the other
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f = 39 kc. The greatest amplitude of voltage on the oscillatory circuit was 60 v.
Tuning to resonance was accomplished by varying one of three values, Ia, Ih , or
0 = 014-C2, with the other two held constant. Rough tuning was accomplished by
varying C2 and Ia, fine tuning by varying Cl and (within the allowable limits).
The power isolated in the oscillatory circuit was of the order of 1 watt.
Connecting the oscillatory circuit as a load for the high-frequency
component of the thyratron anode current distorts the form of anode oscillations.
In view of the small internal resistance of a thyratron, series connection
of the oscillatory circuit to the main circuit seemed most rational. The internal
resistance of the thyratron in this case goes into the oscillatory circuit. When
R 0 20 ohm (including the resistance .of a thermal miliammeter) the current in the
oscillatory circuit reached. 330 ma, the power 2 watts. For excitation of high-
power oscillations with gas-discharge devices of the usual type (thyratrons,
mercury-arc rectifiers, ignitrons, etc.), development of special gener'ator circuits
is necessary.
.In working out the design of a gas-discharge device intended for the
generation of high-power, high-frequency oscillations, the liquid cathode with a
non-fixed cathode spot, which does not limit the current to be converted, is of
basic interest. The gas-discharge device with a mercury cathode selected for
experimental purposes was a type RMNV-500 uncontrolled metal demountable mercury-
arc rectifier.
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*04 ww?
The results cited below-were obtained by use in studying the RW-500
plate assembly. The deionization grid was removed from the anode sleeve and two
electrodes gl, g2 (Figure 8) were placed at a given distance from the anode. The
electrodes were connected to vacuum bushings built in to the flange of the anode
The oscillations were investigated with the excitation switched on.
They were observed on a cathode-ray oscilloscope type EO-5 calibrated for different
values of amplification and synchronization. In taking the load characteristic
Viz = f(1g2) we measured the frequency F and the oscillation amplitude Uk as a
function of the load current 2. Using the circuit in Figure 8, oscillations were
obtained in the range from 4 to 112 kc. The amplitude of oscillations Uk was
measured in the range from 6.35 to 58 v. Oscillations with frequency F = 4 kc and
amplitude Uh = 17.4 v were obtained at C2 = 25 ufd, C4 = 1.5 ufd, C5 = 0, and
C1 = 0.5 ufd. The dc component of the discharge current 1g2 = 0.2 a.
Oscillations with a frequency F = 112 kc were obtained at Cl = 1 ufd,
C2 = 22 ufd, CA = 1.5 ufd, and C5 = 11,600 uufd; the de component of the discharge
current 1g2 = 4.5 a. Oscillations of the amplitude ph = 58 v were obtained under
the following conditions: C1 = 0.5 ufd, C2 7: 25 ufd, C4 = 1.5 ufd, C5 = 0; the dc
component of the discharge current Ig2 = 10 a. The form of the oscillations
F = 14.8 kc as recorded by the E0-5 cathode-ray oscilloscppe are shown in Figure 9.
The dc component of the discharge current Ig2 = 2 a, Ug2 = 36 v.
In Figure 10 the curves 1 and 2 show the dependence of oscillation
frequency and amplitude on capacitor 02, while curves 3 and 4, 5 and 6 show the
dependence of the same parameters on the discharge current 'g2?
Eur: T
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Neither varying C from 0.25 ufd to 2 ufd nor disconnecting Ci and gi
from the circuit has any effect on the frequency or amplitude of the oscillations.
In the circuit shown in Figure 8 the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations
are determined by the external parameters of the circuit and the value of the
discharge current. We studied oscillation phenomena in eleven different circuits.
The form of oscillations with frequency F = 21.8 kc, Uk = 33 v for one of the
variants of these circuits (Figure llj Ig2 = 2.5 a, C = 3 ufd) is shown in
Figure 12.
Tho frequency and amplitude of oscillations for different capacitances
C and discharge currents Ig2 Or Igi for the circuit in Figure 11 are cited in the
table. It is not difficult to see that in this circuit the discharge currents Ig2
and Igl have no effect on the frequency of oscillations. The amplitude of oscil-
lations Uk, however, grows with an increase in Ig2 or Igi. It was also established
that in the circuit of Figure 11 connection of capacitance and inductance in series
between electrode gi and the cathode does not effect either the frequency or
amplitude of the oscillations.
Further study as to the possibility of increasing the frequency and power
of oscillations generated in gas-discharge devices is needed. It is also necessary
to study oscillations in gas discharge devices as causes of breakdowns and sources
of interference. The relation between back firings and oscillations in gas-discharge
devices should be cleared up. Superimposing the characteristics F = f(Ia) and
Uk =
f(I) of thyratrons TG-8/3000 and KU-635 with the values of their mautimum
" C R T
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allowable back voltages shows that to an increase in oscillation amplitude for
thyratron (KU-635) there corresponds a decrease in the allowable value of back
voltage. This proposition should be checked with other types of gas-discharge
Participating in the investigation of oscillations in gas-discharge
devices were studeht V. I. Shelyubskiy (thyratrons and gas-filled rectifiers)
and scientific associates P. P. Klimentov and T. M. Sviridov (mercury-cathode
L. N. Bykhovskaya and V. L. Granoyskiy, Dan SSSR, Vol. KLIX, No. 5, (145),
Page 348.; LE_EhaLA Tear Fiz, Vol. 16, No. 9, (1946).
V. L. Granovskiy and G. L. Suyetin, BAN SSSR, Vol. KLIX, No. 6, (1945),
_ Page 420.
G. L. Suyetin, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol. XVII, No. 7, (1947), Page 809.
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Figure #1.
Q ry,
50 -
Figpre A .
Figure 41.
Figure #11.
Naa, c-? Ar-7-r
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\.) c.4\w)
By T. C. Chow, Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University
"Physical Review," Vol. 37, Page 574, 1931
The author conducted experiments on the properties of moving striations
in an Argon discharge tube. The author took Langmuir probe measurements to deter-
mine the voltage fluctuations in an oscillating tube. He found that moving
striations do not appear distinctly until the gas pressure is below lmm mercury.
He concludes from this that the disturbance is small in the cathode region com-
pared to that in the anode region, which agrees with the fact that the traveling
striations are present in the positive column. He found no voltage fluctuation in
the Faraday dark space. He tabulates the range of striation velocity and frequency
with respect to anode current and finds that they are approximately constant. He
found that the frequency of motion of the striations varied with the external non-
inductive resistance. When the battery voltage is high, the Faraday dark space is
present, and when it is low, the Faraday dark space disappears. He also found
that inductance increased the frequency while capacitance decreased it. He found
further that an increase in filament currents decreases the frequency. The author
tried to relate the flash frequency of the striations, i.e., the frequency of,
motion of the striations, to the theory of plasma ion oscillation derived by Tonics
and Langmuir, but does not find a significant relationship other than the fact
that the wave length coupled with the flash frequency is always an integral or
half integral multiple of the length of the tube. The author offers no explanation
of the observed phenomena.
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CZ!C5 . R T
By J.D. Cobine and C. J. Gallagher
Radio Research Laboratory, Harvard University
"Franklin Institute Journal," Vol. 243, Wl,
Pages 41-54, January, 1947
Cobine and Gallagher indicate that when both oscillation and noise are
present in gas tubes operating without external magnetic field the oscillation
amplitude may be 100 times greater than the noise level. Another type of
oscillation observed by Ballantine is discussed. "This oscillation was detected
for currents as low as 0.38 ma, which is in the Townsend discharge region."
Hence, this cannot be a plasma oscillation since a plasma or arc column does not
exist for this type of discharge. It is interpreted as the oscillation of positive
ions in the potential minimum at the cathode.
Effects of grid bias on the amplitude and frequency of oscillations Are
shoihn in graphs. Oscillation frequency increases continuously as the current is
made more negative. The amplitude of oscillation varies irregularly with a
general trend toward slower values as the bias becomes more negative.
Ballantine, "Physics," Vol. 4, Page 294, 1933.
Appleton and West, "Philosophical Magazine," Vol. 45, Pages 879,
1923 (Ionic oscillations instriated Glow Discharges).
J. J. Thomson, "Philosophical Magazine," Vol. 11, Page 697, 1931
(Ionic Oscillations Within Tubes).
Tonks and Langmuir, "Physical Review," Vol. 33, Page 195, 1929.
Langmuir, "Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences," Vol. 14,
Page 627, 1928.
H. Kniepkamp, "Zeits f. Tech, Phys," Vol. 17, Page 397, 1936
(Low Frequency Oscillations Caused by Path Change).
K. H. Kingdom, "Physics Review," Vol. 33, Page 1075, 1929
(Oscillations between 650 and 700 kc caused by vibrating
Positive ions in the potential minimum at the cathode).
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By S. W. Cousins, and A. A. Ware
Department of Physics, Imperial College, London
"Physical Society of London Proceedings," Vol. 64B, Pages 159-166,
Charges moving linearly in space create a self-circling magnetic field.
This circular magnetic field causes charges within it to go toward the center of
the magnetic field. This inward radial force is called the "pinch effect." A
discharge tube in the shape of a torus was filled with gas at low pressure and
subjected to a high current (100-10,000 amperes), discharge consisting of a cylin-
drical beam or plasma inside the toroidal ring. This plasma, since it consists
of moving positive ions, is subject to pinch effect forces. At the beginning of
the discharge, the pinch forces will cause a compression of the plasma. The com-
pression will be of considerable amplitude and, hence, it will travel inward as a
"shock wave" in the plasma. It will pass through the center of the tube, travel
out to the walls, and be reflected inward again, and so-on.
The discharge oscillates continuously from a wide beam to a narrow
filament and back to a vide beam many times per second (on the order of 1/2 million
per second) depending upon the gas used and the pressure. A rotating mirror is
used to photograph the oscillating plasma. When a pinch occurs there is a temporary
decrease in gas current; the actual gas current minimum occurs slightly after the
instant when the discharge is narrowest. These decreases in gas current constitute
I'd f
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Sams T
high frequency oscillations (on the order of .5 mc). The ionic oscillation
frequency depends uponthe diameter of the tube and is given approximately by:
r k(7e 4-17-4] Ye.
where d = kilometer of discharge tube
Te = Temperature of electrons
Tp r Temperature of positive ions
k = Boltzmann's constant
DI tr. Mass of a positive ion
1...Period of pinch oscillations increases with gas pressure (frequency
2...Period of pinch oscillations is directly proportional to the square
root of the atomic weight.
3...Men the gas current is large, pinch periods are shorter (higher
currents create stronger magnetic fields whose pinch forces are stronger).
4...Main gas current oscillations (of the order of 55 kc) have lower
frequencies than corresponding pinch oscillations and are larger in amplitude (on
the order of 100 amperes).
5...During the part of the cycle when the plasma is very narrow (pinched)
the self-inductance of the gas circuit increases considerably. Hence, the observed
decrease in current when the discharge is contracted can easily be explained by the
increase in inductance of the gas.
H. Alfven, "Cosmical Electro-Dynamics," Oxford Clarendon Press, 1950.
Thomson, J.J. and G. P. Thomson, 'Conduction of Electricity Through
Gases," Vol. 2, Cambridge University Press,-Page 355, 1933.
Czz I, -11
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L. Toldcs, "Transactions of the Electro-Chemical Society," Vol. 72,
Page 167, 1937*
A. A. Ware, "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London," Section A, Vol. 243, A63, Pages 197 to 220, 1951, "A Study .
of a High Current Toroidal Ring Discharge."
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By L. H. Dawson, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
New York Meeting of the American Physical Society, February 26 and 27, 1927
Abstract 18 from "Physical Review,' Vol. 29, Page 610
The striae of the positive column of a discharge tube move along the tube
when the pressure of the gas in the tube is varied. The curves of this motion have
been obtained as a function of the pressure, the distance apart of the electrodes,
the diameter of the tube, and the density of current for wet and dry 112, H, N2,
air, CO, and CO2. The pressures made by a McLeod gauge ranged from 0.6 to 0.05 mm
Hg. With these curves the discharge tube may be used as a synthetic and quickly
responding pressure gauge. The motion of the striations increased with the diameter
Of the tube being roughly 10 times greater in tubes 30 mm in diameter than in
tubes 16 mm. in diameter. For tubes in which the distance between the electrodes
was less than the maximum distance of motion of the striae as the pressure was
diminished the positive column marched into the anode without distortion and
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? ? -'33-"
By T. M. Donahue, Johns Hopkins University
(This Work Supported Through ONR contract under
the Direction of G.H. Dieke)
A study of glows in hydrogen by means of photo multiplier tubes used in
conjunction with an oscillograph has revealed that such DC discharges can exist in
both oscillatory and non-oscillatory states. The oscillations found generally have
a frequency of a few times 10,000 per second. Two distinct regimes for these dis-
charges will be discussed:
1..Law Pressure, Low Current (below 0.2 millemeters and 1.0 milleamperes)
The positive column appears homogeneous, but there exists in it
moving striations. The most prominent of these travel toward the cathode at a
speed higher than five times 107 centemeters per second. The frequency of oscilla-
ton increases linearly with current and decreases with pressure.
2..Higher Pressure and Current
Stationery striations begin to appear in the column. Oscillations
do not usually exist, but they may appear. Generally, this occurs when there are
a few standing striations at the head of a homogeneous column. In the homogeneous
column moving striations are found, all of which Move Toward The Anode. The light
in the stationery striations also oscillates. 1Then deuterium glows were studied
under conditions identical with these no essential differences more noted. Thus,
the prominent oscillation parameters in these glows are independent of the mass of
the positive ions.
REFERENCE: T. Donahue and G. H. Dieke, "Oscillatory Phenomena in Direct Current
Glow Discharges," "Physical Review," Vol. 81, 17:2, Pages 248 to
261, January 15, 1951.
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By T. Donahue and G. H. Dieke, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland .
"Physical Review," Vol. 81, A, Pages 248 to 261
January 15, 1951
This article discusses the results of a series of experiments done under
the auspices of the 0.N.R. and directed by G. H. Dieke. A more detailed report
was published in 1948 as Technical Report A. of this project. A paper presented
to the 1951 Gaseous Electronic Conference by W. D. Parkinson reports on another
aspect of this same research.
The experiments recorded dealt with varying intensity of light in a given
part of the discharge as the pressure and current were varied. Both oscillations
of the light intensity and tube voltage were measured at different currents used.
They concluded that the voltage and the light intensity oscillations had the same
frequency, but the magnitude of the voltage oscillation was only a few percent of
the all-over tube drop (example - 5 volts and 200 volts). A long type tube was
used in most of the experiments (30 to 50 cm) and the frequency was about 1 to 5
kc. They noted that the magnitude of the voltage oscillations remain constant
even though the external resistance was changed. A shorter tube, a GE-H6 mercury
tube with 2.5 cm between electrodes and 0.25 cm in diameter, gave a higher fre-
quency of oscillation (10 kc) and a larger voltage magnitude of oscillation (50 v).
They also presented a table that showed a strong trend toward the similarity between
the voltage oscillation magnitude and the excitation and ionization potentials.
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r) Ve
( e v)
4 V
1 i.i_s_..._._g_.t4iL._6_4-_
Table ?showing, 6 irni ty be t ween voltage
cosellia tiara. mash toxic (4 be) ab.ci eAcitatiaA roten.ti a
is n ionita tenlid 1.
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The voltage oscillation magnitude almost always appear in between these two values
or a little less than the excitation potential. They also presented a very worth-
while, in my opinion, qualitative theory of the mechanics of moving striations in
monatomic gases in terms of the electron and ion flow. In concluding, they stated
that further work was to be done and they hoped to publish results that would enable
them to present a quantitative theory.
M. J. Bruvestyn and F. M. Penning, "Reviews of Modern Physics," Vol. 12,
Page 87, 1940.
F. W. Aston and T. Kikuchi, 'Proceedings of the Royal Society," Vol. 98,
Page 50, 1921.
T. Kikuchi, "Proceedings of the Royal Society," Vol. 99, Page 257, 1921.
R. Idhiddington, "Nature," Vol. 116, Page 506, (1925), Vol. 126, Page 467,
B. V. Manen, "Physica, Vol. 1, Page 968, 1934.
A. H. Gorcaq, "Physica," Vol. 2, Page 535, 1935.
Dieke, Loh and Crosswhite, "Journal of the Optical Society of America,
Vol. 36, Page 185, 1946.
H. V. Loh and G. H. Ilieke in the "Journal of the Optical Society of
America," Vol. 37, Page 837, 1947.
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By Carl Ekart and K.T. Compton
"Physical Review," Series 2, Vol. 24, Page 97, 1924
An article describing experiments made in studying the fact that in hot
cathode tubes arcs can be maintained with applied voltages less than the minimum
critical potential in helium and in mercury, but not in hydrogen and neon. The
theory given is that hydrogen and neon do not have metastable states and, therefore,
cannot ionize by accumulation of energy. The authors found that the arcs with
abnormal low voltages oscillated if a high resistance was placed in series with the
tube. Though the instrumentation was crude, it is definitely established regions
of oscillations when a mercury tube had an average drop of 15v and a current of
0.3 and 0.7 amperes. No measurements of the frequency were made.
No bibliography was given.
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By K. G. Emeleus
Articles of Interest in Book #22, 25, and 30, 3rd Edition, 1951,
The article mentions ionic oscillations as occurring from 104 mc down to
audio frequency.
It derives a formula (107-109 cps) (Langmuirts formula) for calcu-
lating electronic oscillations for the upper part of the range. The formula is:
F = 8980 N-2--1
N a Electrons per C.C.
The article further states that these electronic oscillations have no
external field and cannot radiate, but suggest a couple of methods by which they
might be utilized (such as electrodes). States the positive ion oscillations cover
the lower range (up to 1.5 mc for Hg). States that a complex relation results unless
a high temperature is assumed to exist. Emeleus then derives the formula for the
upper limit of the ionic oscillation frequency to be:
F = 2.09 x 102 WM)*
ME Molecular weight
N Positive ions or free electrons per C.C. in plasma
The article further states a complete spectrum exists with peaks.
Part 22: "Random Current," Langmuir and Mott-Smith, "General Electric
Review," Vol. 27, Page 762, 1924.
"Oscillatory Glow," Takamine, and "Science Papers," Institute of Physical
and Chemical Research, Tokio, Vol. 20, Page 63, *403, 1933.
Part 24: "Striations," by J. J. Thomson, "Philosophical Magazine," Vol.
18, Page 441, 1908.
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"Physical Review," Compton, Turner and McCurdy, Vol. 24, Page 597, 1924.
McCurdy and Dalton, "Physical Review," Vol. 27, Page 163, 1926.
Holm, "'Lefts f. Phys.' Vol. 75, Page 171, 1932.
Paul, "Zeits f. Phys.," Vol. 97, Page 330, 1935.
Druyvesteyn and Penning, "Physica," Vol. 5, Page 217, 1925.
Part 30: V. J. Francis, "Fundamentals of Discharge Tube Circuits,"
Methuen, London, 1947.
C. J. D. M. Verhagen, "Theorie en Metingen Over de Mnpedante de
Stabilitied Van Gasontladingen," Delft, 1942.
"Plasma Oscillations," Penning, "Nature," Vol. 118, Page 301, 1926.
Tonks and Langmuir, "Physical Review," Vol. 33, Pages 195, 990 or 980,
Merrill and Webb, "Physical Review," Vol. 55, Page 1191, (1939).
Armstrong and Emeleus, "Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical
Engineers," English, Vol. 96, Page 390, 1949.
Cobine and Gallagher, "Journal of Franklin Institute," Vol. 243, Page
41, 1947.
Etheleus and Neill, "Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy," Vol. 53-
Al2, 1950.
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By K. G. Emeleus and T. R. Neill
"Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy," Vol. 53, Page 12, 1950
Probe measurements have been made of the high frequency oscillations
generated near a hot straight wire cathode in an electric discharge through mercury
vapor at low pressure. Their frequencies are of the order of 1,000 mc. An
oscillation pattern exists in the space within about 1 cm from the filament of a
character similar to but in some respects simpler than that previously found for a
flat cathode. A theory of the maintenance of the plasma oscillations through
coupling with transit time oscillations extending to the cathode is discussed and
it is also shown that the power delivered to the oscillating sheet of plasma is
probably sufficient to compensate for frictional collision loss of energy in the
plasma oscillations. This article deals entirely with electron (high frequency)
Appleton and Childs, 1930, "Philosophical Magazine," Vol. 10, Page 969.
Armstrong and EMeleus, 1949, "Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical
Engineers," Part 3, #613, Vol. 96, Pages 390 to 394.
Merrill and Webb, 1939, "Physics Review," Vol. 55, Page 1191 (high
Frequency electron oscillations linked with electron scattering).
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By K. G. Emeleus
"Physical Society Proceedings," Vol. 64, #374B, Page 166 to 169
February 1, 1951
A brief general discussion of both low frequency and high frequency
oscillations in the gas. He mentions numerous other works. He states tilt there
probably exists an analogy to ion plasma waves and the low frequency discharge.
He states that possible turbulance exists in the plasma and anode spots. He further
states that it may be possible to relate this turbulance to similar hydro-dynamic
models. He states that a definite correlation needs to be proven between gas flaw
and electron flow before hydro-dynamics can be applied to the problem. In con-
cluding, the author stated that it is a definite experimental fact that instability
of discharge of many forms is often associated with oscillatory disturbance at
large amplitude.
E. B. Armstrong, Thesis, 1942, University of Belfast.
J. Buckus, "The Characteristics of Electrical Discharge in
Fields," edited by A. Guthrie and R.K. Wakerling, Chapters
11, published in New York by the O'Brien Book Company.
V. A. Bailey and K. Landecker, "Nature," London, Vol. 166,
1, 2 and
Page 259,
M. J. Druyvesteyn and N. Wormalty, "Physica," Vol. 4, Page 51, 1937.
K. G. Emeleus and A. H. Gregg, "Philosophical Magazine," Vol. 16,
Page 1079 (1933).
I. Langmuir, "Journal of the Franklin Institute," Vol. 196, Page 751, 1923.
M. Ryle, "Report on Progress in Physics," Vol. 13, Page 236, 1950
(The London Physical Society).
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By R. W. Evans
"Physical Review," Vol. 44, Serial 2, Page 799, 1933
An article discussing experiments using a mercury tube and a hot cathode
and approximately one micron of pressure. The tube was a spherical bulb 9 cm in
diameter and was kept at a constant ambient temperature. From the diagram of the
apparatus it was noticed that the filament and anode were about 1 cm apart. The
reason for a much larger tube than the distance between the cathode and anode was
that the author was attempting to form a resonator. The frequencies present were
2 x 104 up to 106 cycles per second. Many of these higher frequencies were harmonics
of the fundamental frequency.
The author noted that:
1...The oscillations did not start until a certain arc current was flowing
in the tube. The value of this arc current varied as the anode potential varied.
Usually the critical current value increased as the anode voltage increased.
2...The oscillatory state was easily destroyed by a magnetic field.
3...From #2 it was concluded that the shape of the filaments and the
heating current they required probably is important in the study of oscillations.
4...With Oxide coated filaments oscillations appeared at lover ioniza-
tion densities.
5...Straight mire filaments produced oscillations more easily than spiral
S 7
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6...The author noted that a high audio frequency and an r.t. frequency
of about 106 cycles per second appeared at the same time.
7...Noted the oscillation frequency would stay steady over a vide range
of current and then suddenly jump to another frequency and again remain cpnstant
over another range of current.
8...Concluded the tube resonance situation was similar to a Helmholtz
In concluding, the author discussed J. J. ThoMson's theory of waves
traveling through an ionized gas. The formulae for the velocity of the wave limits
being: 10N6 WAVES 77 /0/4/ TEMP
7e ELEcT120,41 TENT
( * Te s 0 10. WA Vi
Mi Al E MASS' F 70s rrvie E' /ON
The author noted that he had an electron temperature of about 50,000 to
80,000 degrees cm which would give a wave velocity of 1.5 X 105 cm per second.
This would give a bulb resonant frequency of 1.7 x 104 cycles per second. The
observed frequencies were slightly higher than the calculated value. A table giving
different frequencies at different anode currents is shown below:
VOLTA GN 37 voi-75
/fMfops CuirR For 64,4 FWEGI OF FuNp.n,.'7AS.
goo 2.0 X m'y
3oo c6. x.
goo ,.q4' x /04/
so 0 118 x
90 X &IV
700 /.218. X. /0 f'
?d0 /.To to4"
-2 -
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Brown and Cowan, 'Physical Review," Vol. 38, Page 376, 1931.
Tonics and Langmuir, "Physical Review," Vol. 33, Page 195, 1929.
J. J. Thomson grd J. P. Thomson, "Conduction of Electricity Through
Gases," Vol. 2, Page 353, 3rd Edition, 1933.
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,t1 1r),2
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By Thomas E. Fairbairn
A patent (U.S. patent No. 2,6070897) was issued August 19, 1952, on a
new form of gastube oscillator which contains no resistive, capacitive, or
inductive time-constants, and needs no external or internal resonant circuits or
cavities. This new ionic oscillator can deliver high output at audio or radio
frequencies and has good stability over long periods of time, This is the simp-
lest electronic oscillator known, and operates on as little as 2 milliamperes
from a plate supply of 22- voltsor less. Fig. 1 shows the ionic oscillator's
simple circuit.
t,s6AS. -7--u
v 64711(4 Lc,,Lc 1 fi t 101 v lz /NG ,0L''. L
Fig, 1-The utter simplicity of the
ionic-oscillator circuit. The
battery voltage is made equal to
the normal ionization drop across
the gas tube,
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Lashington found that when a
certain critical voltage is applied between the plate and cathode in an inert.
gas or vapor-discharge tube, the ionised gas generates oscillations in the audio-
or radio-frequency range. This is something like the oscillations in a resonat-
ing crystal but with the added advantage of much higher output.
A very simple experiment convinced the Navy and patent men that the
oscillations were generated in the ionized La of the tube and not in any external
circuits. Fig. 2 shows the basic circuit used in the experiment -- nothing but
Iles EN.
?YP4-71',M6 -To/m7
t- r4V 5Cdn
A ? W' a e, v
Fig, 2-Circuit used in original ionic-
oscillator experiments. The full 22L'
volts is applied first to fire the 884;
then the voltage is reduced to the
optimum value for stable sine-wave
' r ?
4. 11.7_4 :1/ u
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an 884 thratron, a 6-volt filament battery (a.c. can be used as well), a
tapped 22.volt B battery, and at oscilloscope connected across the plate*.
cathode circuit to show the output waveform. The physical setup in shown in
the photograph. If you check the settings of the scope controls you can see
that the frequency of oscillation of the 884 is about 500 ke.
This experisiont showed that any gas-filled tube (except certain neon
bulbs) will oscillate when you apply a 4.e. voltage across its plate and oath-
ode equal to the voltage drop of the tube when ionized, and it will generate an
almost perfect sine- wave (not a saw-tooth as in other gas-tube oscillators).
Many gas tubes besides the 884 were tested in the same circuit- and they all
oscillated in the same way, except that each tube had its own fundamental
frequency of oscillation just as crystals have.
The ionic oscillator in this experiment put out enough ra. to be
picked up on a home receiver at distances of 10
ot or more .0- without an
The ionic oscillator can be tuned over a limited range by changing the
plate-cathode voltage in diode types, or by inserting a variable resistor between
plate and grid in triodes and adjusting it for the desired output frequency.
Some of the gas tubes tested and their fundamental single-frequency
outputs are as follows t 884 500 kap tunable from 400 to 1,000 kc; 8Q5
1,000 Ito tunable- from 500 ke to 1,500 to; 2050 .- 15,000 cycles tunable from
about 1 cycle to Z0,000 cycles.; 003/VR105 .- 1,400 ke tunable from 900 to 1,900
Ice. The Navy 8N7 stroboscope tube has an output of about 1,000 cycles tunable
over the entire audio range.. Neon bulbs have no frequency of oscillation as
yet discovered. Fluorescent lights oscillate over a very broad frequency band
and can be detected almost anywhere on the dial, but have definite peaks at
certain frequencies. Some large thyratrons used in high-current circuits were
found to have outputs As low as 8 cycles per minute, with current changes of up
to 1 ampere. Many other types or goo tubes were tested and frequencies as high
as 9 mogaoyeles were noted.
0' 0;
Lather frequency modulation or amplitude modulation may be applied,
depending upon whether the modulating voltage is inserted in series with the
plate or in parallel with the grid and cathode. A .01-volt a.c. signal applied
between the grid and cathode of a triode.type gas tube as shown in Fig. 3 will
modulate the output of tho ionic oscillator from zero to well over 100 percent.
(Vlith over 100 percent modulation you get a pulse-modulated carrier.) A .01-
volt input to the grid will produce as mueh as 1.5 volts change in the output
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78-03153A001900030009-2
carrier. This represents an a.c amplification factor of 150, and also shows that
grid control is possible with gas oscillators.
Yfhen a sound-powered or crystal microphone was connected between grid
and cathode of the thyratron (Fig. 3) the voice-modulated output could be heard
clearly on a radio receiver tuned to the fundamental frequency of the 101110
'When two ionic oscillators with different fundamental frequencies were
connected in series as she= in Fig. 4 the result was a frequency-modulated carrier
with an output of at least 4 volts r.f. The percentage modulation of this series
circuit could be varied with the 50,000-ohm control of the upper triode.
Now let's look at the differences between this ionic oscillator and
other more familiar oscillators. First we'll compare the ionic oscillator with
the relaxation oscillator which also lades a thyratron (or a gas diode) and may
confuse a person who is het up on his electronics. The relaxation oscillator
.:50Utt ?!:)* riED 6? TA 1KE
FtYg CT nit, I-1
c TEA 5E v
tha 00-V i)R1 CK
1R/Ez. WI -r 1114
7C). " 677 446 RES
_Fig. - -Circuit of a voice-modulated
ionic oscillator. The carrier fre-
quency with an 884 is approximately
500 Ice; with a 6Q5, approximately 1 mc.
gives out a sawtooth waveform, whereas the ionic oscillator gives out a sine wave.
The relaxation oscillator has a top frequency limit of about 50 Ito because of the
electron transit time between the plate and cathode elements and the ionisation
and deionization time of the gas. The ionic oscillator has an upper limit of
over 1,500 Imo In the relaxation oscillator an external R-C time-constant network
sets the frequency of oscillation; but an ionic oscillator using the same tube
type has nothing but a battery in the external circuit.
In the gas-tube relaxation oscillator the grid loses control over the
output waveform once the oscillation starts, but in the ionic oscillator the grid
maintains control_ at all times. This is proved by the voice-modulation circuit
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78-03153A001900030009-2
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/29: CIA-RDP78-03153A001900030009-2
shown in Fig, 3. In addition, the ileac oscillator works at a voltage equal to
the plate-cathode voltage drop of the ionized gas tube used, but the relaxation
3 TA?IE/
7-e 5 r
56c ET
coc,?e s " e
5-6-KG nw4
The physical setup
of the circuit shown
in Fig. 2. Sweep-
oontrol settings
show the sine-wave
oscillations have a
frequency of ap-
proximately 500 lel.
oscillator iust have a much ugher B supply due to the voltage drop in the
external 11-C network.
In comparing the ionic oscillator with the inductance-capacitance tuned-
tank oscillator or the crystal oscillator, the ionic oscillator can be loaded
very heavily; it needs no coupling circuit, and will transfer almost as much of
its output to a low-impedance load as to a high-impedance load. In the LC
oscillator the resonant-tank circuit determines the frequency of oscillation,
whereas in the ionic oscillator the ionized gas itself determines the resonant
frequency regardless of the external circuit,
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