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Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 BEST COPY Available THROUGHOUT FOLDER 6/24/98 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-O-N-F-I-D E N4-T- A-L CEFLP-A-35 8 February 1963 COMMITTEE ON EXPLOIYATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS AGENDA Conference Room - 308 1717 H Street Friday, 8 March 1963 at 14C0 hours 1. Minutes of the 39th meeting 2. Review of the Common Service effort -- FDD Program on the Near East, Africa, and Latin America. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC 25X1A Approved For Release 2602/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 FDD PROGRAM ON THE NEAR EAST, AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA T. Renorts Comprising the Three Areas II. The Near East A. FDD Renorts 1. Press Information Relating to insurgency in the Near East Weekly - CONFIDENTIAL Insurgency and Counter- This serial remit provides continuous coverage of all matters relating to insurgency and counterinsurgency in the Near East on military, economic, political, and sociological levels, with specific ernhasis on Sino-Soviet penetration efforts. Information is compiled from both non-Communist and Communist publications. This rel-ort, which was started on 1 November 1062, renlaced the monthly Military Information Report on Arab States 25X1A (8 issues in 1962) and the monthly Information Report on Activities of Cypriot Political and Labor Organizations (S 1.ssues in 1962). C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ? 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 2. Special Retorts UAR Press Reports on Sino-Soviet Bloc Activities in UAR (August-December 1961), suiliEFTNo 3385, 19 Jan 1962, CONFIDENTIAL Middle East Press Report on Sino-Soviet Bloc Activities in Sudan (July-September 1961), Summary No 3386, 19 Jan 1962, CONFIDENTIAL Activities of International Jewish Communist-Front Cultural Organizations (January 1959-November 1961), Summary No 3390, 24 Jan 1962, CONFIDENTIAL/NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Turkish Worker Demand and Attitudes Noted in Daily Press,111111111111111723-Ta71-962, FOUO 25X1A Identification of Egyntian Military Personnel in Cairo Press, 23 Jan 1962, CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A Biographic Information on New Cabinet Officers in Turkey, 19 Jul 1962, FOUO 25X1A Political Party Defections in Syria (APril-August 1962), 1 Oct 1962, CONFIDENTIAL STATSPEC - 2- C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-O-N-F-I D E N-T-I-A-L 2. Ad Hoc Reports on the Neal. East Approximately 20 in 1962 III. Africa A. FDD Reports 1. Press Information Relating to Insurgency and Counter- insurgency in Africa Semi--hreekly - CONFIDENTIAL - 29 reports published Information pertaining to insurgency and counter- insurgency in Africa on the nolitical, economic, sociological, and military levels. Compiled primarily from African publications and pertinent West Euronean and Sino-Soviet Bloc publications. Coverage of English-speaking countries is limited largely to material from publications appearing in languages other than English. This Publication supersedes the monthly report entitled Communist Party and Sino-Soviet Penetration Activities in North Africa (8 issues in 1962), and the weekly Press Information on Sub-Saharan Africa (34 reports in 1962) which were concerned with Communist penetration efforts, intra-African affairs, local Communist activities, radical national movements, and other significant Political and sociological developments in Africa. 2. Snecial Reports Impact of Kwame Nkrumah's Policies on French-Sneaidng Africa (June-October 1961); Simmary No 3372; 16 Jan 1962, CONFIDENTIAL Political Party DeveloPments in the malagasy Renublic (April-September 1961), Summary No 3373, 16 Jan 1962, CONFIDENTIAL African Press Reaction to the Twenty-Second Congress Summary No 3412, 6 Feb 1962, CONFIDENTIAL of the CPSU Congress for Labor Solidarity with Algerian Workers 15 Aug 1962, FOUO 25X1A Held in Casablanca, "-w Opposition Women's Organization in Morocco, 25X1A 17 Aug 1962, FOUO 3.. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L IV, Latin America Cuba A. FDD Reports 1. Press Information on Cuba Weekly - UNCL with FOU0 tear-off cover Current economic, sociological, nolitical, and military information, in the form of extracts, abstracts, and concise sum- maries, from, Cuban, Soviet-Bloc, and Free-World nublications. - 4 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 2. Ad Hoc Reports on Cuba UNCL - 31 reports published Information on economic, sociological, nolitical, and military developments. These have been discontinued as ad hoc translations and are now incornorated in rerort B.1. above. Latin America, excluding Cuba A. FDD Reports 1. Press Information Relating to Insurgency and Counter- insurgency: South America Semi-weekly - CONFIDENTIAL - began nublication 16 October 1962 2. Press Information Relating to Insurgency and Counter- insurgency: Central America and the Caribbean Weekly - CONFIDENTIAL - began Publication 18 October 1962 Reports A. 1. and 2. contain current information relat- ing to insurgency activities, counterinsurgency measures, Communist and nro-Communist activities, Sino-Soviet Bloc nenetration, and counterinsurgency-reiated activities of non-Communist organizations; information on regional and international meetings attended by Latin Americans annended as a sunnlement; nresented as extracts, abstracts or cGncise summaries from Latin American, Soviet-Bloc and Free-Vorld rublications. These reports replace Press Information on Latin America, a semi-weekly, FOU0 Publication, 37 issues of which aT,neared in 1962. The nublication contained current information on contacts with the pro-Cuban acti,rities in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela; infor- mation on regional and international meetings attended by Latin Americans also included; nresented as extracts, abstracts or concise summaries from Latin American, Soviet-Bloc and Free-World nublications. _5 _ C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 D-E-N-T-I-A L B. Special Reports 1. Abbrwiations Used in Press Information on Latin America FDD Summary 3820, 20 August 1962, FOUO - 23 pn An alphabetical listing, with foreign and English- language exnansions, of abbreviations used in FDD scheduled reports on Latin America. - 6 - C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 , Near ESt?iCtioT). (Place of publication is the capital of the respective country unless otherwise indicated) AFGHANISTAN Anis CYPRUS 1. Efimeris tis Kyverniseos (Official Govt. Gazette) 2. Ergatiki Foni (Organ of the SEK) 3. Ergatiko Vima (Organ of the PEO) 4. Kharavgi 5. Halkin Sesi (Turkish) A. Bozkurt (Turkish) 7. I tiakki 8. Neolaia (Organ of the EDON) 9. Eleftheria GREECE 1. I Avgi (Organ of EDA) 2. I Kathimerini 3. Eleftheria 4. To Vima IRAN Keyhan Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 IRAQ Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 1. a1-Mustaqba1 2. Sawt al-Ahrar 3. az-Zaman 4. Ath-Thawra 5. al-Akhbar 6. al-Waganl al-Iraqiyyah Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 LEBANON 1. al-Hayat 2. Le Commerce du Levant (French) 3. an-Nida' 4. al-Akhbar 5. at-Tayyar 6. an-Nahar 7. Orient (French) SAUDI ARABIA Al-Bi lad SYRIA 1. Al-Ayyam 2. Al-Manar 3. At-Taliah 4. Barg Ash-Shimal (Aleppo) S. As-Sada Al-Amm 6. Al-Jundi TURKEY 1. Cummuriyet (Istanbul) 2. Ulus (Ankara) (RPP Organ) 3. Vatan (Istanbul) Turkish 4. Hurriyet (Istanbul) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 UAP 1. A1-Ahram 2. Al-Jumhurinra 3. A1-Akhbar 4. A1-Quwat YEMEN fNon Received since Mid-Sen 1962] 1. Saba 2. An-Nasr Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 African Newspapers and Periodicals (Place of publication is in canital of respective country unless otherwise indicated) ALGERIA 1. Alger Renublicain 2. al-Chaab (FLN Organ) 3. Depeche d'Algerie 4. Deneche de Constantine (Constantine) 5. L'Echo d'Oran (Oran) ANGOLA 6. ABC, Diario de Angola 7. 0 Apostolado 8, 0 Comercio 9. Jornal de Benguela (Benguela) 10. Jornal do Congo (Carmona) 11. A Provincia de Angola 12. Boletim do Instituto de Angola 13. Boletim Official da Angola 14. Mensario Administrativo 15. Noticias BURUNDI 16. Hodi Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RISP78-03131A000100080001-5 CAmEROON 17. L-Avenir du Travailleur Camerounais (Douala) 18. L-Effort Camerounais 19. La Presse du Cameroun (Douala) 20. Journal Officiel de l'Etat Federe du Cameroun Oriental 21. Recherches et Etudes Camerounaises CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 22. Bangui La So 23. Bangui-Presse 24. Info-Centrafrique CHAD 25. Bulletin Quotidien d'Information COMORO IS. 26. Journal Officiel des Comores (Dzaoudzi) DAHOMEY 27. L'Aube Nouvelle 28. Bulletin Quotidien d'Information 29. Journal Officiel de la Renublioue du Dahomey 30. Nations Nouvelles (Cotonou) 31. La Semaine Africaine et malRache (Cotonou) FRENCH SOMALI LAND 32. Carrefour Africain 33. Le Reveil de Djibouti Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 GABON 34. L'Effort Gabonais 35. Unigabon GUINFA 36. Agence Presse Guineenne 37. Horoya 38. Journal Officiel de la Renublique de Cuinee IVORY COAST 39. Abidjan-Matin 40. Fraternite 41. Le Journal FEAPAN 42. Journal Officiel de la Cote d'Ivoire 43. Revue Encyclopedioue de l'Afrique KENYA 44. Baraza 45. Mfanyi Kazi 46, Sauti ya MWafrika 47 Sauti ya KAM' 48. Taifa Kenya 4. Taifa Leo LIBYA 50. Tarablus al-Gharb (Tripoli) 51. Fezzan (Sebha) 52. al-Amal (Bengazi) 53. Barpa al-Jadida (Bengazi) 54. ar-Ranib (Bengazi) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MALAGASY REPUBLIC 55. Le Courrier de Madagascar 56. France Madagascar 57. Hita Sy Re 58. Imongo Vaovao 59. Lumiere 60. Nouvelles Malgaches Quotidiennes 61. Bulletin de Madagascar 62. Journal Officiel de la Republinue Malgache 63. Madagascar Medical 64. Revue de Madagascar MALI 65. Barakela 66. L'Essor 67. L'Essor Hebdomadaire 68. Bulletin Statistinue mensuel 69. Journal Officiel de la Renublinue du Mali MAURITANIA 70. mauritanie Nouvella rAURITIUS 71. Action 72. Le Cerneen 73. Le Progres Islamique Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Aii-1-363ii-ed For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MOR'JCCO 74. La Nation Africaine (Rabat) 75. LIAvant Garde (Casablanca/Organ of the UMT) 76. La Vigie Marocaine (Casablanca) 77. Le Petit Marocain (Casablanca) 78. Bulletin Officiel de Royaume du Maroc (Rabat) 79. La Vie Econominue (Casablanca) 80. Maroc Informations (Casablanca) 81. al-Moukafih (Monthly/French/Casablanca) 82. Al-Mukafih (Weekly/Casablanca) 83. At-Tahrir (Casablanca) 84. Al-Alam (Istiqlal Organ/Casablanca) 85. Al-Amal (Casablanca) MOZAMBIQUE 86. 0 Brado Africano 87. Diario 88. Diario de Mocambique (Beira) 89. Noticias 90. Renovacao 91. Voz Africana (Beira) P2. Boletim da Sociedade de Estudos da Colonia de Mocambique 93. Boletim Official de Mocambioue Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002101/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 NIGER 94. Le Temps du Niger 95. Le Niger 96. Journal Officiel de la Republinue du Niger NIGERIA 97. Gaskiya Ta Fi Kwabo (Zaria) PORTUGUESE GUINEA 98. 0 Arauto REPUBLIC OF CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) 99. Congo Brazzaville Information 100. L'Eveil de Pointe-Noire (Pointe-Noire) 101. L'Homme Nouveau 102. Le Petit Journal de Brazzaville 103, La Semaine Africaine 104. Nouvelles de l'IRSC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE) 105. Afrique Chretienne 106. Le Courrier d'Afrinue 107. L'Echo du Katanga (Elisabethville) 108. Presence Congolaise 109. Aequatoria (Coquilhatville) REUNION IS. 110. Dieu et Patrie 111. Le Journal de l'Ille de la Reunion Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 RWANDA 112. Journal Officiel de la Republique Rwandaise SAO TOM AND PRINCIPE IS. 113. Boletim Oficial de Sao Tome e Principe SENEGAL 114. Afrique Nouvelle 115. Dakar-Matin 116. Info-Senegal 117, Monde Noir 118. Le Moniteur Africain du Commerce et de l'Industl-ie 119. L'Unite Africaine 120. Africa 121. Bafila 122. Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire - Serie B: Sciences Humaines 123. Journal Officiel du Senegal 124. Motes Africaines SOMALIA 125, Il Corriere della Somalia 126, Bollettino Ufficiale della Somalia SOUTH WEST AFRICA 127. Allgemeine Zeitung 128. Die Suidwes-Afrikaner Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SUDAN 129. Ar-Rai A1-Ami 130, Sawt As-Sudan 131. Kordofan TANGANYIKA 132. Kiongozi (Tabora) 133. Kusare (Moshi) 134. Mwafrika 135. Uhuru TOGO 136. Presence Chretienne 137, Togo Presse Denyigba 138. Bulletin ?ensuel de Nouvelles Breves TUNISIA 139. La Presse de Tunisie 140. Jeune Afrique 141. Tribune du Progres (Banned at present) 142. At-Taliah (Organ of the TCP, banned at vresent) 143. As-Sabah 144. Le Petit Dlatin 145. Journal Officiel de la Republinue 146. Tunisienne 147. Al-Amal (Neo-Destour Party Organ) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A006100080001-5 UGANDA 148. Mawulire 149. Taifa Ernya UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA 150. Die Burger (Cane Town) 151. Die Transvaler (Johannesburg) 152. Die Vaderland (Johannesburg) UPPER VOLTA 153. Carrefour Africain ZANZIBAR 154. Afrika Kwetu 155. Al-Falaq 156. Maarifa 157. Nwongozi 158. Sauti ya rananchi 159. Umma Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/0i114:. CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 West Europeah Newspaper8 ana Periodicals Providing Information on Sub-Saharan Africa (Place of publication is in capital of respective country unless otherwise indicated) BELCIUM 1. Le Drapeau Rouge 2. La Libre Belgique 3. Bulletin mensuel du Comite des transporteurs au Congo 4. Civilisations S. Etudes Congolaises 6. Eurafrica 7. La Femme et le Congo 8. Problemes Sociaux Congolais c, Revue Belgo-Congolaise Illustree FRANCE 10. Le mOnde 11. L'Humanite 12. Afrique 13. Afrique Contemporaine 14. Afrique et l'Asie 15. Afrique-Express 16. L'Agronomie Tronicale 17. Cahiers d'Ftudes Africaines 18. Colliers d'Outre-mer (Bordeaux) 19. Cahiers Nord-Africains Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2602/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 20. Comptes Rendus Mensuels de l'Academie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer 21. Est et Ouest 22. Europe-France Outre-Mer 23. Industries et Travaux d'Outre-Mer 24. Interafrique Presse 25. Marches Tropicaux et Mediterraneens 26. L'Observateur du Moyen Orient et de l'Afriaue 27. L'Outre-Mer Africain 28. Presence Africaine 29. Revue de Psychologie des Peuples (Le Havre) 30. Sahara 31. Tiers Monde 32. La Vie Africaine 33. La Vie du Rail Outre-Mer ITALY 34. Africa SPAIN 35. Africa 36. Archivos del Instituto de Estudics Africanos Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Latin American Newspapers and Periodicals (Place of publication is in capital of respective country unless otherwise indicated) BOLIVIA 1. El Diario 2. ExPreso de la Tarde 3. Masas 4. El Mundo (Cochabamba) 5. La Nacion 6. Presensa Libre (Cochabamba) 7. Presencia 8. El Pueblo 9, Unidad BRAZIL 30. A Classe Oneraria (Rio de Janeiro) 11. Correio da Manha (Rio de Janeiro) 12. Correio do Povo (Porto Alegre) 13. Correio Paulistano (Sao Paulo) 14. Diario de Minas (Bela Horizonte) 15. Diario da Nolte (Recife) 16. 0 Estado de S. Paulo (Sao Paulo) 17. 0 Globo (Rio de Janeiro) 18. A Nora (Recife) 19. 0 Loberal (Belem) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 L 20. Liga (Rio de Janeirb) 21, Luta Democratica (Rio de Janeiro) 22. Novos Rumos (Rio de Janeiro) 23. Politica Oneraria (Rio de Janeiro) 24, 0 Senanario (Rio de Janeiro) 95. Ultima Hora (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro) 26. Anhembi 27. 0 Cruzeiro 28. Estudos Sociais CHILE 29. Clarin 30. Plecha Poja 31. El r'ercurio 3? 'Ioticias de Ultima Hora 33. El Siglo 34. La Union (Valnaraiso) 35. Estudios sobre el Comunismo 36, Gente Joven 37. Princinios 38. Vea 39. Vistazo COLOMBIA 40. Batalla del Pueblo 41. El Camnesino Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 42. El Catolicismo 43. El Colombiano (T1edellin) 44. El Mario 45. El Herald() 46. El Pais 47. La Palabra del Pueblo 48. La Patria 49. El Siglo SO. Vanguardia del MRL Si. El Tiemno 52. Vanguardia Liberal 53. Voz de la Democracia CUBA Mario de la Tarde 55. Gaceta Oficial 56. Industria y Comercio 57. Legislacion Cubana Resumen e Indice 58. El Vundo 59. Noticias de Hoy 60. Revolucion 61. Vanpuardia 62. Bohemia 63. Cuba 64. Cuba Socialista 65, Verde Olivo Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 66. El Caribe 67. La Nacion ECUADOR 68. El Comercio 69. El Pueblo ((uayanuil) 70. El Univers? (Guayaquil) 71. La Calle 72. ?anana GUATEW1LA 73. Diario de Centro America 74. La Hora 75, Impact() lmnarcial 77. Oninion Revolucionaria 78. Razon 79. Ya HONDURAS 80. Correa del Norte (San Pedro Sula) gl. El Cronista 82. El Dia Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 NICARAGUA 88. La Noticia 89. Novedades 90. La Prensa PERU 91. El Comercio 92. La Cronica 93, Expreso 94. Frente 95. La Prensa 96. La Tribuna 97. Unidad FL SALVADOR 98. El Diario de Hoy 99. Diario de Oriente 100. La Prensa Grafica URUGUAY 101. El Dia 102. El Diario 103. Foca 104. ?archa 305. El Pais 106. El Ponular 107. El Sol Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 VENEZUELA ? 108. La Esfera 109. El Nacional 110. La Religion 111. Tribuna Popular 112. AD 113. Elite 114. Seminario COPEI Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved Fol'. Release 2002/01114 :-C-IA:ROP-780313-1A000100080001-5 CLP,A-34 22 January 1963 CMMTIFF. ON UXPLOITATION OF FOREICN LANGI1ACE PURLICATUINS AGENDA ? Confereace Room , 308 1717 1! Street Friday, 8 February 1963 at 14nn hours 1, lqinutes of the 38th meeting 2 Review of departmental and agency translation activities a, Internal translation activities b. Fxternal contractual translation activities Coordination of translation activities to prevent duplication Translation problems -- availability of linguists; quality of translations; translation aids (dictionaries, glossaries) C-D-N-F_ N T- 1_1-1. Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? i ? -Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 r.o-m47 T-I-A-L tiPATITS OF 11n!inwir-FICHT11 wirriNc; OF TUE COMMITTF.F ON EXPLOITATION OF FnRF.ICNI LA14CLIACE PUBLICATIoNS January 1963 tclmrd iauer, Army Mr, Kernit S. 1idthun, State Mrs, nOTiS M. Freer, ARC Cant, Gregory Alexander, Air Force NSA r,J J uagnaii,.airman, CIA 25X1A Secretary, CIA 25X1A Cuests: Mr, Gerald C., Cooney, Jr., Army Mr, Paul Cook, State Mr, Kreisberg, State P. Thomas Koines, Navy Mr n Donald Mitchell, Air Force Mr. Walter Ellis, Air Force Mr. John Weber, Commerce Mr John Green Commerce CIA 1, Minutes The minutes of the 37th meeting of the Committee were approved, 2, Technical Translations and the Consolidated Translation 'Survey The Chairman introduced Messrs John Creen and John Weber of the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, who briefly outlined the function of OTS as a clearing house for trans- lations of scientific and technical material They sought the Committee's advice as to whether the duplicative listing of such translations in the OTS publication, Technical Translations, and in the unclassified CTS could be avoged by Commviiit'reliance on Technical Translations, in which case the CTS could discontinue listing scientific and technical translations. L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A STATSP EC STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA7RDp78-03131A000.1000800.01-5 Several committee members raised objections to this proposal, nreferring that the present format of the two publi==, cations be retained, The Chairman observed that FDD is required to maintain its index of translations as a coordination device to prevent duplicative translation, and that the CTS in effect is a by-product of the index. He suggested that, since the CTS is prepared primarily for the intelligence community and Technical Translations for the general public, the CTS be issued hereafter with in Official Use Only control so that OTS may he snared inouiries concerning it from the public. This received the approval of the Committee and Messrs, Green and Weber. 3. Review of the Common Service effort .- EDD Program on - i.???? ? Communist Asia; reports (TAB A) All reports comprising the FDD non-scientific rrogram on Communist Asia were rev' with the exce tion of the w, const ere a use u report oned in consideration of the biographic reference aid Appearances of Leading Chinese Communist Personalities, issued by the -CIA aff-6476f-Tintial Reference, The Chairman requested members to determine whether in the opinion of their analysts the report could be discontinued. Committee members expressed varying degrees of interest in specific reports of the program in accordance with their departmental requirements, The DIA and Army members emphasized that they spoke only for the current intelligence am' military analysts of their organizations respectively, and would provide additional comment on the program at subsequent meetings The consensus of committee opinion was that, considering the limited availability and informational nroductiveness of Communist Asian publications, the information presented in the Program's reports was well-selected and useful - C-0-N-F-I.D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 4? Other matters Mere were no other matters for discussion, The Chairman anliounced that the next imeting of the Committee would be concerned with a review Df departmewl aa agtncy translation facilities, The meetin was set for 8 FOrary at 1400 hours in 'MOM 3039 1717 11 Streetr, 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC ApProved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 J L)-E 4:1-T -I -A-I MIMES OF TIE THIRTY...S=7M Mae= OF TBE01?5141,97.1ra ON IL.,AtpLo miaow OF FOREIGN LtitiGTIAM PUBLICATIONS 12 December 1962 Members: Capt. Grefol Alexander,. Air Force NSA auer, Lt. Cdr. Ralph Muros, Navy DiJ PP..IRWMPaliman, CIA MEEMSecmtaLry.) CIA Guests: M240 Edward C. Vogel, Army Mr. Paul Kostolaalski State 1. Minutes The minutes of the 36th meeting of the Committee were approved. 2 Reviev of the Common Service Effort FDD Program on Eastern Euro e. The Committee revieved and approved the FDD program of non-scientific =Torts on Eastern EUrope. In the course of the review recommendations and determinations unre made az follows: An Army recommendation that all information appearing in publications processed concerning an individual military person- ality be collected on a single biographic card and issued monthly vas considered impracticable because of the mach greater contractual costs which would result from collating the ipforatation. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A -Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 An Axmy recommendation that the format of the military biographic card be revised to show the officer's name in the upper left and the pertinent country in the upper right corner of the card vtz approved, The Committee further approved this revised' format for reporting on East European civilian persQnalities. Action OA an Army recommendation for more extensive ex- ploitation of. Soviet and East Eumpean transportation journals was deferred pending identification of the journals involved. The collection of biographic data on East European military officers of all ranks was recommended) in contrast to the existing requirement for information only on officers of field grade level and above. However, current collection capabilities were considered inadequate to undertake an exploitation effort of such magnitude and it was determined finally to collect data on officers below field grade rank only yhen the officer is identified uith a unit or garrison. The Committee rec Amended special efforts to collect information on Albania, on Satellite involvement in the Sino-Soviet dispute, on the activities of CMA. and CEM-associated personalities, and on the impact of the European Gammon Market on the Bloc. 3. Old Busineils With reference to Army recommendations b and c for revision of the Sino-Soviet Bloc Milit art, as listed on page 2 of the minutes of the 3-6TE-76Timittee meeting, Navy and Air Force mem- bers stated their respective deertments Objections to concentration on exploitation of the USSR provincial press at the expense of central press coverage. However, there were no objections by Navy - or Air Forte to the Army proposal to eliminate the index of Red Star. . On the question of the periodicity of the MilitfaRelport, Amy recommended a. monthly publicatio. Navy and Air Force ac- cepted this recommendation. The Chairman announced that yo had already reverted to the three area reports on the USSR, Eastern Europe, and Communint Asia in accordance with Any recommendation and Navy and Air Force agreement. He stated that norilkll FDD coverage of the USSR central press for military information would be continued in Consideration of the requirements expressed by members of the Commite. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Eovever, the index of Red Star mhich appears to be of marginal interest as a common service uill be disseminated mithin CIA only and mill no longer appear in the USSR militety report. 4. New Businesel Axmy meMber requested a meting of the Committee in the near future to review and discuss current facilities for performing classified translation as a service of common concern; such reviev to include the Consolidated Translation Survey. The Chairman scheduled this review for the February meeting of the Committee. 5. January Meeting The Committee mill meet at 1400 hours on 11 January 1963 in Room 308, 1717 B1: Street, for a reviev of the progrpm of non- scientific reports on Communist China, 11i1111111111111111111 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 (IT.47.11,1)-A-33 12 December 1962 commairmE ON RKPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGWE PUBLICATIONS AGEnDA Conference Boon - 303 1717 R Street Friday) 11 January 1963 DA, 1400 houra 1. Minutes of the 37th meeting 2. Reviem and discussion of the Cwmion Service effort 0.- FDD r Program on Cams unist Ania; non-scientific reports (TAB AL) 3. ChiCom, North Vietnamese: North Koran, and Moncplian news- pope= and journals processed by FDD (TAB B) 4. Revieu of departmental activities -- presentations by Committee members of procrans conducted by their resp3c1sive departments or agencies 5. Identification and discussion of publications inadequately exploited under current programs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L TAB A FDD PROGRAn ON COMMUNIST ASIA I.tsCa.....s1mReozomtherourAsian Communist Countries FDD Reports 1. Military Information on Communist Asia Weekly - CONFIDENTIAL This serial report, formerly a part of the weekly Sino- Soviet Bloc Nilita Rep, contains primarily information on military activities in Communist China, and North Vietnam. Coverage of North Korea and Mongolia has been limited because of lack of aopropriate source material. In addition to the five Peiping newspapers (Jen-min Jih-pao, Kung-jen Jih-pao, Kvangming Jih-pao? Ta lame Pao, and. Chung-kuo Ch'ing-nien Pao), the Chigom ,,'overage includes the Chieh-fang-chun Hua-Tao (PLA Pictorial), Min-tzu Hua-pao (minorities pictorial), and provincial newspapers whenever available. Also data from Chinese nationalist sources are oc- casionally included. The coverage of North Vietnam is based on Quan Doi Nhan Dan (People's Army newspaper). 2. Review of the Asian Bloc Press Tuice weekly - FOU0 This publication reports current developments in domestic. and foreign affairs from the principal party newspapers of Communist China (Jen-min Jih-pao of Peiping), North Korea (Nodong Sinmun of P'yongyang), North Vietnam (Nhan Dan of Hanoi), and Mongolia (Linen of Ulan Bator). 3. Economic Report on Communist Asia Weekly - CONFIDENTIAL Presents Information in the form of translations, l'sx- tracts, and stomaries on ell categories of economic activities,- e=e-ot data concerning industrial plants and services facilities, end data on Chinese agriculture, In addition to the five major Peiping newspapers, the ChiCom coverage includes provincial news- papers as well as the strictly economic newspapers and periodicals if available. The coverage of Mongolia is based on Linen and sever- al economit Deriodicals. STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-O-N-F-I-D- -N-T-I-A-L 14, Eternal Economic Relations of Bloc Countries Semi-monthly - FOOD Information on the foreign trade and economic relations of all Sino-Soviet Bloc countries and Yugoslavia, including both those between the meMbers of the Bloc and those between the Bloc and nonBloc countries. 5. Data on Industrial Plants and Services Facilities in Cwwfunist Asia Weekly - COUIDEUTIAL This series contains information in the form of extracts primarily from Asian Courutunist sources on specific industrial and services installati-ns. The information is published on 5 x 8 cards. Principal coverage is of China and Mongolia. II. ?n9cmmunis1 China Onl FDD Reports 1. Chinese Commiroist &Ltoria Commentaries Weekly - FOU0 A survey of current editorials and commentaries in the five major Peiping newspapers along with significant editorials and commentes from Hung-ch'i and other major periodicals. Material of general political interest receives main emphasis, but all fields are covered, Articles are in full, extract, or summary translation. 2. Indications of Disaffection in the Chinese Communist Press Irregular - CONFIDENTIAL Report presents information from the Chinese Communist provincial press, metropolitan press, and periodicals indicative of dissatisfaction with, and indifference to the Communist regime in China among the populace at large. 3. Agricultural Statistics for Communist China Quarterly - ONFIDTIAL Statistical and related agricultural information by - province from Chinese and other foreign language publications Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 4. Special Reports on !Mole of Contents and Brief Revieu of Articles in ChiCam Industrial Periodicals CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET/USIB Use Only 25X1A About 12reporting the content of ChiCom periodicals of the chemical, construction materisls, and light industries have been published separately in 1962 because the peri- odicals were received under the control specification "USIB Use Only 25X1C STATSP EC ???? C-O-B-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ITT3 aps,FIR on North Vietnam Onja. A. FDD Reports ao_2_11.2Liq. Cards Monthly lots of approximately 50 cards each UNCLASSIFIED Tnformation extracted from Nhan Dan of Hanoi on 5 x 3 carfts giving biographical data on all excepting milital7 personalities. 5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L IV. ms_m_2_2211erthICorea0 A. FDD Monthly lots of approximately 50 cards each - UNCLASSIFIED Information extracted fram Nodong Sinmun of Pyongyang on 5 x 3 cards giving biographical data on all excepting military personalities. WI In addition; published 4 ad hoc reports in the political and sociological _ and one ad hoc report in the economic field since the besinning of 1962. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 V. Revaorts on Ilsagslal AD FDD Reports 12 BicWaRIALSML Bi-:monthly lots of approximately 50 cards each - UNCLASSIFIED Information e:ctracted from Unen of Ulan Bator on 5 x 8 cards Giving b'lographical data on all excepting military personalities. Special Reports Mongolian Article on Socialist Patriotism and Pro- letarian Internationalism (Unen 28 Sep 62), 25X1A 21 Nov 62, FOUO STATSPEC Militant Decision of the Third Plenum of the CC of the MPRP (based on Unen and Pravda versions), FDD Translation flo 759, FOU0 - 7 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L T.ABB I. MAC= Newspapers and Period' als A. Newspapers 1. Peiping, 2. Peiping; 3. Peiping, 4. Peiping, 5. Peiping, 6. Peiping, 7. Canton, 8. Jih-pao Ta Mang Pao Chung-kuo Ch'ing.nen Pao ??.?? Kung?-Aen Jih-pao Chin-jih Hsin-ven Chung-kuo Bbin-ven Seven Provincial newspapers on a very irrpgula,-e D. Periodicals Received Regularly 1. Peiping; 2. Peiping, Peiping, Peiping; 5. Peiping, 6, Shanghai 7. Peiping, 8. Peiping, Peiping, Peiping, Peiping, 12. Peiping, Jr 4, 10. 11. "basis Chung-kuo Ch'ing-nien (China Youth) Shih-chieh Chih-shill(Worla Uhovledge) Ehih-shih (Current Affairs) lan-tzu T'uan-chieh (Nationalities Soliaari Hsien-tai Fo-hsueh (Modern Buddhism) p Tiien-fang. (Heavenly Wind) Chung-kuo Fu-:mu (China's Women) Cbe-hsuehIen-chiu (Philosophical Research) Wen-.i Pao (Literary journal) Ch'iao-vu Pao (Overseas Chinese Journal) Hung dETT-(Rqd. Flag) Ching-chi Yen-chiu (Economic Research) C. Periodicals Received irregularly_ Peiping, Peiping, of Fir Peiping, Peiping, Peiping; Peiping, Peiping, quarterly Peiping, Ti-1 i Hsueh-pao (Acta Geogaphic Sinica); quarterly Peiping, Chung-kuo (Chinese Agricultural Journal) Pe116) (raing-k-tio Nung-yeh Chi-hsieh (Chinese Agricultural Machinery) Peiping, Chung-ku:) ITEag-yeh R'o-hsuch (Chinese Agliicult.urol Science) Peiping, Nung-.yeh Chi-shtl (Agricultural Techniques) Lp-tung (Labor), Semi-mo. Chi-hsieh Kiing-yeh (Machine industr), (or3an st Ministry of Machine Building) Hua-hsueh Kling-yell (Chemical Industry) Chien-chu (Construction) IqLung:_kuo Lin-yeh (China's Forest Industry) Ti-li (Geography); bimo., Ti--Il Houeh-pao (Acta Geographic Sinica); Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-T-A-L Periodicals Received Irregularly (Contd) Peiping, Shuili (Water Conservation) Ylangchov, Chekiang Nung-yeh ro-heueh (Chekiang Agricultural Science) T'ai-yuan, Shansi Nung-yeh E..'o-lts-ach (Shansi Agri- cultural Science) Hong Kong, Lu-hsing Pien-Ian (Travel Gazette) [For air El train schedules] Tai pei, Fei-chirgYueh-pao (Bandit Monthly) For compre- hensive and correlated studies of major economic sig., nificance only3 II. North Vietnamese Reuspapers and Periodicals Newspapers - All published in Hanoi Man Dan Quan Doi Nhan Dan (People's Axmy) Lao Dong CfAi..;bor Bao Tan Viet Hoa (for information on Ct.olCom only) B. Periodicals - All published in Hanoi Hoc Tap (Studies) Cuu Quoc (rational Salvation) To Quoc (Fatherland) Thong ffhat (Unity) rguoi Giao Vien Nhan (Teacher of the PeolDles) Nghien Cuu Kinhte (lconomic Studies) Esmallpiqp. (ATITculture) ES- Thuat Giao Thong. (C aiun1cions Techniques) Khoo. Hoc ES; Thuat Nong lighiep (Science & Tech, of Agri culture) 1Ky Thuat Cong Nghiep (Ind. Tech.) North Korean Newspaoars and Periodicals A. Newspaters - All published. in P'yonnyang Nodong Sinmun (Worker's NewspaDer) Minju Choson (Dem, Korea) Bbaongia; Sinmun (Newspaper of the Working People) Nongmin. Sirmun (Peasant's Newspaner) B. Perioillcals - All -published in Plyonayang Kulloja (Laborer) niEa'Fvoyuk (Pecole'- Fduc,:.tion) ',.,... -..... - t- 0 J ... Tang SaoR(Pexty Activities) Ch'esin (Communication's) ^ 411C? oa? ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? t Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA=RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 B. Perioaicals - All published in P'yringyang (td) Chollyok (Electric Power) ohoson Imop (Ebrea Forestry) aoson Susan (Korean F:;.sheries) Rigye Kciagi5 (Mhohine Industry) itbnch'nEbnsol (Architectur and ConstrucUon) Konsolja (Bun der) Ihmsok Rbngdp (Metallurgical Ind.) !4yot'ong Unsu (Communications and Transportation) SaRaR (Commerce) Sokt'an14,2a222. (Coal Ind.) TV. Mongolian_ewer and eriodicals A. II91219Y4PeM 1. Ulan. Bator, linen (Truth) B. Periodicals 1. Ulan Bator, Namyn Am'drol (Party 2. iale] Ulan Bator, iTodolmor (Labor) Ulan Bator, Sotsialist Hodoo Huy (Socialist Agricultur) 4.c r' Ulan Bator, Ulan Bator, Shinjleh Uhaan tElclerez, - 5. Ulan Bator, Eruul 1,Healr5T C. Ulan Bator, Ediyn Dasaz Erhiyn Asuudal ?Economic and Legal Problems) 7. Man Bator, Dzaa,uuchuyd,yn 't_rnen (Tro:cla for Youth) 0 0 Ulan Bator, Proneriyn 'c-jnen (Truth for Pioneers) 0-0-r-F-I-D-E-N-T- -A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 x Approved For Release_2002/01/14 CIA-RDP78-03131A000100,080001-5 CCiNFIDENTIAL CREPLP-A-32 19 November 1962 CaatiMIME ON MKPLONATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS AGENDA Conference Room - 308 1717 II Street Friday, 7 December 1962 at 1400 hours 1. 'Minutes of the 36th Irneetin.g Review and discussion of the Common Service effort -- FDD Program on Eastern Europe; non-scientific reports (TAB A) 3. East European newspapers and journals processed. by FDD (TAB B) 4. ReVieIT of departmental activities -- presentations by. Committee members of programs conducted by their respective departments or agencies 5. Identification sad. discussion of East European publications inadequately exploitea under current programs CONFIDENTI.AL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 7 STATSP EC ^ Approved For. Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDMITIAL TO A FBDP:4.0GRAM ON THE EAST EUROPEAN SATELLITES AITD YUGOSLAVIA I. c-ankera21. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C017IDENTIAL 8_ cJnforznation car Irregular - 65,000 cards per year Information on ,leading personRitties of Eastern Europe, including military, produced on 5 x 3 cards. II. Political and Sociological A. Scheduled Reports 1. Eastern BlIppe LimaL3u_tyrve Weekly - FOU0 Significant trends and developments, particularly political and sociological, reflecting the effects and inner tensions behind generPlly publicized and. more ,-:Abvious reportage of major events in the Satellite press. Occasional Special Features provide more extensive treatment and analysis of perti- nent topics. Based primarily on leading party newspapers and journals. 2. Bloc Press Treatment of US-USSR and East European Semi-annual - C III. Economic A. Scheduled Reports 1. Weekly AssrAs....Remz_ton Eastern Europe Weekly - roluo Current economic information, in the form of ex- tracts, abstracts, and compact summaries, on all aspects of the economies of East European countries. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CODUTDEUTIAL Mvternal Economic Relations of Bloc Countries Semi-monthly - P0110 infonnation on the foreign trade and economic relations of all Sino-Soviet 13loc countries and Yugoslavia. - 3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 COWL:MT:1%AI C. Special Reports 1. Press Summary of international Evalllations of Develo2mItAidebro.szaz9F_LtE2pT:T71 FDD Surmary No 3176, 17 January 1962, 0, 123 pp World-wide press cow-tents on development aid, particularly )y the recipients of sl).ch 4d from either Yet or Etst. 2. Fuels end Pouer Industrx_22122132E12.2. :12.L2-1962 POD Summary No 3589, 17 May 1962, FOU0,34 pp D. Special Report ?ending 1. The Social Sec.?14rity SzpLt_enoiLlagaria EDC: February 1963 Information on pensions, retirement, worker benefits, and special allowances for children, maternity, health services_ - 4 - 01111F3DE21TLL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDENTIAL IV. EllIIREE A. Scheduled Report Sino-Soviet Bloc Weekly - C .Part 3, Eastern Europe, contains in the form of extracts, abstracts o and summaries information on the military, Paramilitary, state security, and civil defense establishments, derived principally from current neuspapera end periodicals, including all available military pUblications. &DO-SPEC This report vill be discontinued in -.1!hvor of that listed lInder "Ca below. C.Propomed Nev. Report 1. Vilitan, Re rt rom Semi-monthly - C est for the title to be siwilar in all respects to the report liotea Ander IV. A. 1. above, vhich it replaces. . 5 COEFIDENTM Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ALBANIAN NEVSPAPEES AND JOILRNALS ES1222r2.1?- TAB B 1. Bashkind. 23. Shenime per Asjitatoret 2, DcMa 240. ShOptarja e re 3. Laiko Vime 25. Teknika 4. Liria 5. Pionleri 6. Puna 7. MI 8. Zen i Ptpullit 9 7ri I Rinise Journals 100 Aktivisti Sanitar 11. Aresimi Popullora 12. Bujquesia Soeitaiste 10 nuletin Univeraitetit Shtetercr te Tiraaes Seria Shkencat Hatyrore 14. Buletin Universitetit Shteteror te Tirane Seria Shkencat Shogefore 15. Dwejtesia Popullore 16. Ekoonomia Popullore 170 Gazeta Zurtare 18. Miquesija 19. Nendori 20, Fria e rartise 21. Mende-Lei 22. Shendetesia Popullore 1 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 , Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - BI.F.WARIAN NritiS7ATER3 AND JOUR:HAM EgUAWCAKE 1. Chernornorski Front 2. Diraitrovvadsica Pravda 3. Dimitrovsko Zrexie Buriavelta Pravda 50 Izvefitiya Da Preadiut PS 6. Khask3volta Tribuna 70 Kolaronmdslm Borba 8. Koelp.erativno Selo 90 Literaturen Front 10. Naradna Arnaya 11. Narodna Kultra 12. Narodna Mladeih 130 Narodrio Delo 140 Otoeheatven Front 15. Oteehestven alas 16. Patriot 17. Pirinsko Delo 18. Rabottdehesko Delo 190 Rudniehar 20. Septerma SeptomAyska Pobeda 22. aoflyska Pravda 23. Stroitel 24. .Sturshel 23. Tekhnidhesko Delo 26. Transporten Glas 27. .Trud 2S. Trudovo Delo 29. Uchitelsko Delo 30, Vecherni Novini %.Ldraven Front Zemedelsko Znaine 32. Journals, 33. 34. Akusherstvo Arkhitektura 350 Biologftya I Khiniya 36, Biologiya IMeditsina Referativen Byuletin 37Q Bulgar ski Ky4gopis Ginekologiya Jo. 39, 40. 42? Bulgarski Tyutyun Bulgarski Voin Bu1garodVet2kaPAII0*-q Bulgarski Knigi Dermatovenerologya. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ii Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 43. Doklady BAN _440 Eksperimentaina lleditsina ifierfologi,ya 5.3 Elektrifikatsiya na Selskoto Stopanstvo 460 Elektroenergiya 47. Farmatsiya 48,? Filosofska Misul 9? Finansi I Kredit 50. Fiziko-Matematichesko Spisanie 511. Geograilja 52. Geologi,ya I Gengraaya Referativen Byuletin 53. Gorska Promishlenost 54, Gorsko Stopanstvo 55. Ikonomicheska Misul 56. Izvestiya n Visshtya Finansovo.Stopanslii 57. Izvestiya na Ikonomicheski Prayni Inst BAN 58. Izvestlya na Ikonomicheskiya Institut 59. Izvestiya na Vif;shaya Inst Stopanstvo Varna 60, Khidrologiya I Heteorologlya 610 ithidrotekhnika I nelioratsii 620 Khigienas Epidemiologiya I Mikrobiologiya 630 Khimiya i Industriya 64. Khimiya IKhimichriska Tekbracheski Refentiven Byuletin 65. Khlrurgiya 66. Ahranitelna Promishienost 67. Kooperativno Zemedelie 68, Kordbostroene 69. Kozhi9 Obuvkis Kauchuk, Plastmasi 70. Leka Promishienost 71. Letopis na PeriodichenVa Pechat 72. Literaturna Nisul 73. Lov I Ribolov 74. Lozarstvo I Vinarstvo 75. lashinostroenc 760 liatematika 1 Fizika 770 14,,khanizatsiya Elektrifiltatsiya na Selskoto Stopanstvo 78. Minno Delo i Hetalurgi,ya 79. EarodnaTrosveta 80. 1:arndhnik na Asitatora Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 81 hasha aodina 32. Eauchni Trudove Vissh Aed Inst Sofia 83. Ilevrologiya I Psikhiatriya 84. Eovo Vreme 85. Otchetnost I Nontrol Ovoshtarstvo I Gradinarstvo Partion Zhivot Pediatri,ya 86. 87. 83. 09. ?oriedichni Izdaniya Biblio Ukazat 90, PimTulk 91L, Flanovo Stopanstvo i Statistika 92. I:oshtenets 93. Pravna Misul Priroda PrIrod I nanic 99. Bialg 103. Schetov?odstvo Kontrol 104. Selskostopanska Misul 105. Septemvri 106. Sotsialistichesko Pravo 107. Sotsialisticheska Turgoviya IOUO Spisanie na BAN 109. Spisanie na Bulgarskoto Geologichesko Druzhestvo 110. Sreden Meditsinski Rabotnik 111. Stntisticheski Izvestiya 112. Stomatologiya 113, Stroitelstvo 114. rjuvremenna 14oditsina 115. Teatur 1160 Tekhnika 117. Tekstilna Prouishlenost Transnort I :'.uobsht.eniya Radio I TelP.Niziya 110 dio Pregled 320. AentgEmologizra 121. aRstenievudstvo 122. Ratsionali tsfija 123,, Standartizatsi:p. abno Stopanstvo 1,24. 125. Sbornik Postanovleniya Razporezhdaniyr, 126. Trud I Tseni Turist Vcberinarna :Mirka Voennomeditsinsko Delo Vinishna Turgoviya lhatresiont Bolesti. Zdra-ve nivotnovadoLvo Voterinarno Deio Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-R0P78-03131A0001000800015 CZECIICSLOVA.K ITEWSPAPMS AND JOLTRIMIS .119.13r8, 1. Ceskoalovensky Hornik a Energetik 2. CeakoBlovens4 Svet 3. Doprava a Spoje 4. Hlas Dada 5. Hospodaroke Boviny 6. Rospodarake Zpravy ze Zabranici 7. jihmeAm Pravda 8. Kultura 9. Kulturny Zivot 10. Lidova Demokracie 11. Literarni Noviay 12. Lud 13. Ludove Noviny 14. Mlada Fronta 15. Nova Stwoboda 16. NovirwVnitraihoObchodu 17. Obrarm Lida 18. Obrance Vlasti 19?, Poehoden 20, Pram 21. Pe Pravda (Bratislava) 23, Pravda (Plzen) 22 - 5 - 24. Pruboj 25. Rovnoat 26. Rude Pray? 27. Sloboda 28. Globodue SlolYensko 29. Slant Blobodnam Svete 30. Si 31. Svobodns Blom 32. Te0anicke Noviny 33. MAtelske Noviny - Bratislava 34. Witelske Nanny - Prague 35. Vychodoalovenske Zoviny 36. Vyotavba Sccialivuu 37. Zdravotnicke Noviny 38. Zemedelsko Noviny Jourrals 39. At Chirurgiaol Orthopaalcae et WaumatoLogiao OrzhoLlovam 40. Acta Chirurgiue Plasticae 41. Acta Virologlea 42. Activita3 Nerimma- Superior 43. Agroehemikalie 44. Aplikace Mateastiky Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 45. ArdAtektura CSR 46. Autcmatisage 47. Amtcmbil 48. Bestecnozt a Rygiesa Prar:e 49. Btologia 50, Bratiolawke Lekaralte Tasty 31. Casopis Lelmiou Cesipjeh 52. Casopis a Geologii 53. Casopio 'pro Pestovani Matematilw a P7BIL7 54. Camay Wet 55. Ceskozlovenese Spoje 56. Chtnicke Lty 57. Chemicte Ymosti 58. Chemicky Prumwa 59. Collmtion of Ch CommunIcations. 6o. Cor et Vaaa 61. Ceskoslovenska Dermntologie 62. CeskozloTensk Epidemiologie: Enrobiologies Immologie 63. CeskoslcreensimParMICIO 640 Ceskvalovonska Fujoiclogie 65, C akoslovenska Gastroenterologte Vyziva 66. Ceskoulovenekn Gymackologie (*; 67. CeskosIovenska Hygiena 68. Ceskoslovensb/ Neuraogie 69. ceskmloYensRa Okthalmolosi 70. Ccmkosiovenskm Otolaryttgologie 710 Ceskoolowmaga Podiatyle 72. Cmoaoslovanfoka Nytsliatrie 730 Ceskoslwennka Reentvaologiz. 74. CesUczlovsmka Sttmatologi.,!, 75. Ceskallownstio, Zdgavotnletvi 700 CetatoAaven,y Cwovio pro ?pike 77. DI-ejepis v Sholo 7a. ftmografie 79. Dikobran 80. Dopnava 81, Drovo 82. ErRoncmicky Casopis 83. nommilm Zemodelstvi 84. ZlektrotttAmickf Ceo*is 85. E1ektrotechnicky Obzor 86. Elektrotechnik 87. Energetika a ea. FarmaeuticAy Ob OE 89. ri,nance tiver 90. .O14 Microbiclogica 91. 1Fysiatrielw Vestntk Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 92,0 aeodetiekr a Karbografieky Obzor 90 Geologicity Casopis 940 Geologiekr Przizkum Y50 Geoloaelly Sbornik 960 Geograrieky CasopiR 97. Hutnieke 980 Hutzlik 99. Stgirby 101, Ja&ma Energle 101. ;ednotna Skala 2te.0 Jenna Mbelmnika a Optilift 103. Journal of HygivaepEplienidlogn -litcrobiolom and oatit olou Kettendity 1050 Emmy Slovenska 1060 Kridln Vlasti 107. 74alztralw Obzor 10-30 Las 1090 Lesnicka Pee 1100 Leszacky Casopis 1110 LOSIXtetri 1120 Leteelw Obzor 113 Q Licle a Zerze 114. Ludove Noviny 115. M6tailaticko.bF3yzt1a1rg Casopis 1160 Msehmtgaes ZemadelstvJ. 33.7. Metwmlogicke Zp.ra. 218 Nezinarodni Zeristielsky Casopis 1190 Myslivost - 7 - 3200 Harodni Vybory 3210 Naz Choy 3220 ftoplasma 1230 Nonialisace 1240 Nova 125. Nova Tochnika 1260 Paltra 1270 Papira Oelulosa 1280 Pedagogika. 1290 Flaxen 130. Planovane Hospodarstvi 3310 Pecialcum Organimes 1320 Pokrolty Materzt,+-iltyp Fysiky9 itAstrenorrile 1350 Politdaka Ekonamit.e 1340 POZantt Teehlzilta 135. Poseted StAgby 1360 Pm** a Mzda 3370 Pmeovni. Leatii 1380 Prawvaik Ceskoslovenskello .Cervenaho Krige 3390 Praeovnik Svamnipa 140. Palk-Make Zubni stvi 1410 PraKielcy Leimr 142. Predvoj 143. Pgthied Korgmsup XorTersaird aVystav 1440 Pr,ir4,43, a Spoleenost 145. Protifasistiohy Bojovnik 3146o Previa Potravin ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 147. Rodinn a Skala 143. Ropa a 'OhIto 1490 Rosati= Vyroba 150. 4oczb1eck7 VChintrrA 15.10 Rcid r TtlbFirkiitne a Narboach Plied&h. 1520 Rowan' GM' (a) Rada Materatiegah Prirodirich Ved (b) nada Teehrzieltyth Ved CO Rada Spoleconsl',Feh Ved 1530 RutP 1690 Stavba 1700 Stavira 171. Strojirenelz Vyroba 1720 Strojimlead 1730 Sto,jradq. Caso 17/1,0 3tu-Ata Gewhysiea. e.)t, Ge0-3..ztica 1750 Svot Tbziikf 1760 Svot Vedy 177. svot yabrazocen. 173. Stfthada 179. T-62 Teghniezlw Magazin 159r. Sbirka. lakonti. 180. Tax-Ma Iroottik 155. Sbornik Cesloslovenske Spoleanosti Zereapi929 /560 Sbornik Lekarety 157. ridelovael Tedualra, 1,58.Sflra 1590 3ilnicm1 Doprava. 1600 Slaboprourly Obzor 161. glowavsiAvi 162. S.,ovisuslca Hudba 163. Slovensko PohlacV 1640 S1zrt a Slovemost 165. 3egiali sticks) Zeta- exlastv3. 1810 Teahrtil.-Atz.Pt 1820 tazia-ka 183. Tvorim, 1840 Uhli 185. Veda a Te-dinliz., laadezi, 186. Veda a avrit 1870 Vetioalm Tvarba 1880 Vealtatit CAV 1390 Teatnik Iliriluteratva Zdrarotait3-1,e1 190. Vestalik, Ministerstva Skolotvi 1910 VestniA 'tlintaterstva D3praiq sPoiov 1660 Statistielce Zpravy. 192. Veataik Ministeratvia. Dopritavy . SpoSTA 1670 Statistilm a 1Cont.,-0':ixt 163. Statril Statig - 193 VilariiSteratzel Finaneri 7194o Ilirdstoe&tova Vre.itsviss' Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 1950 Vestnik Statailk) Urado a Statistily 196. VGestnik Ustredaho thftvti Geollgidkelio 197. Votoritard.M?dithx 198. Veterirarstvi 199. WA:L*1A Lekarstv.I. 200. Veda Hospodarstvi , Vefackhospodarsky Casords 202. Vojerlsket Zdravotaiale Listy 23 Vymleszy a Norrieli, saes 2044. Vrs Si 205. Vystavba Sociallsticke Vies-ale? 206. Zahranietli ()bailor' Zspignik 208. Zbiarlm Zakonov 209. ZdravAni Teelmilea Vzcluehote.e.bnika. 210. Zeletniear 2210 ZewleIalta Ekorzirre,:oH 212. Zw..tdolc 210 Ziirovizna Vyroba 214. Zivat 21% ZiyerA Straw Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 EAST GE1RMAN NEWSPAPERS AND .atiRIALS 10 Bauern-E4:ho 2. Berliner Zeitung 3, Bz mAbend 4. Clienie Rundscbau 5. Deutsahe Gesundbeitswesen, 6. Deutuche Lebrerzeitung 7. Mart Frei and 8. Foram 9. Prete Erde 10. Freie Presse 11. Freaes Wort t2. Fteibeit 13. 01,kentvolizist, Der 14. Heudel, Der 15. Randelswoche Junge Welt 17. Kaempfer, Der 18. Iausitzer Rundscbel 19. Yeipziger Volks2eAung 20. /Iaerkiscbe Vo1ks(4timme - 2LAorgen, Der 22. Mationalzeitunc 23. Aam Zeit 24. Neuer Tag 25. Heuer Weg 26. Neues Deutschland 27. Norddeutsche Neueste Nacbrichten, Rostock. 28. Ostsee-Zeitung 29. Saecbsiscbe Zeitung, Dresden Das 30, Schweriner Volkszeitung 31, Sonntag, Der 32. Sonntag 33. Tribuene 34. Vertragssystem 35. yolk, Das, Erfurt 36. Volksarmee, Die 37. Volksatimme, Magdeburg 38. Volksstimme, Gera 3. Volksvacht 4o. Wirtschaft, Die gournels 41. Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica 42. Aero Sport 43. Amtsblatt der Evangelisch- Lutherischen Kircbe in Thuerineen 44, Angeuandte Parasitologie 45. Annalen der Pbysik 46. Arbeit, Die 47. Arbeit und Sozialfueruorge Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 48. Archly fuer Experimentelle Veterinaermedizin 490 Armee Rundscheu 50. Aussenhandel und Ianerdeutsche Handel, Der 51, Bauplanung Bautechnik 52, Bauzeitung 53, Bergbautechuik 54, Chemische Tecbnik 55. Demokratischer Aufbau 56. Deutsche Agrartechnik 57. Deutsche Aussenpolitik 58. Deutsche Eisenbshntechnik 59. Deutsche Elektrotechnik 600 Deutsche Fimanzuirtschaft 610 Deutsche Fischerei-Zeitung 62, Deutsche Landwirtschaft? Die 63, Deutsche Post 64, Deutsche Strassenverkehr? Der 65. Deutsche Textiltechnik 66. Deutsche Zeitschrift Zr Philosophic 670 Deutscbes Rotes Kreuz 68. Diskussions-Beitrsege zu Wirtschaftsfragen 69, Dokumentation der Zeit 70. Einbeit 710 Elektrie 72. Elektropraktiker, Der 73. Energiebeauftregte, 74, Energieteehnik Erfassung, Die Evangelischcr Nachricbtendienst Ost EvangeliscAles Pfarrerblatt Experimantelle Technik der Physik Feingeraetechnik Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb 75, 76. 77. 78. 79. 300 81. 82. 83. Wographische Berichte 84. Gesetzblatt der DDRs Parts 1e II, and III 85. Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektro- akustik 86, Hocbschultlesen; Daa 810 lootopentechnik 88. Kernenergie 89, Kraftfahrzeugtechnik 90. Lebensmittel-Industrie, Die Dar Forst und Jd Funk und Fernseheu der DDR 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99 Narkt-Informatimen Avmsenhendel Maschinenbautechnik Paachinenbau, Der Haterialwirtschaft3 Die Viathematische Hacbrichtea Mbrkbleetter der ?sad Modelleisenbahner, Der Monstsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mbnacabefte fuer Vetcrinaermedizin Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 .1; ? ? ???:- ? - ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP-78-03131A0001000800O1-5 9t ed, .6.47?c?S 0 ch.trl 129. Warx bS t.-Vaggim-14-c- !. . - ? ? 7-Ai; c ?-??- ? r. ? - ? r , 4' ...t .? ? --eet'? ce, eo,,e? .; 4,64 ..; ? 1, La.4.4 Fqrai . ? tY v4 bC ? ".'-? ? g r 1,54 r.;:he ; PkXh!' che t V 1 t, o ? ?- ?- Tf;; 't4Itz.T.1 ???? 4 4.; 4: - 4 I-1? C741 :?JA Ze t ----- 1.? ? - - $?.?, ? Zi + ? t ??? . ? -4 ty's,ero ? e.-? ? A ? 7: 4-14 et 0 ? L ?i ? ??,"s- JA, .V.tY G;Te. d!, ?;-.4 ? 4--,??-? Ct. ?".? t.;-. ? ? ???,?? -t ; ? ? 4 A'.41.?? f (IV 1,'".1, !-???? ? k -7,'? ^ ? ? . .;?"' ' ? ? t ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X6 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Newsnapers MIIIMINIENIMMINIMMINISMINEMINIMINENNESSEIMMil Approved,03131A000100080001-5 HUNGARIAN NEWSPAPERS AND JOURNALS ln Bekes Megye Nepujsag 24, Magyar K,3z1ony 2n Csongradmegyei Hirlap 25, Magyar Mezogazdasag 3n Delmagyarorszag 26, Magyar Nemzet 4, Dunantuli Naplo 27, Mezogazdasagi Ertesito 5, Het es Irodalom 28n Munka 6. Elet es Tudomany 29, Muszaki filet 7, Erdeszeti Ertesito 30, Nepszabadsag 8, Esti Hirlap 31, Nepszava 9, Eszakmagyarorszag 32, Nogradi Nepujsag 10, Evangelikus Elet 33, Orvosi Hetilap 11, Fejer Megyei Hirlap 34, Pest Megyei Hirlap 12, Figyelo 35, Petofi Nepe 13, Hajdu Bibari Naplo 36, Reformatusok Lapja 14, Hetfoi Ilirek 37, Somogyi Neplap 15, Heves Megyei Nepujsag 38 Szabad Fold 16, Keletmagyarorszag 39, Szolnok Megyed Neplap 17, Kereskedelmi Ertesito 40, Tolnamegyei Nepujsag 18, Kisalfold 41, Uj Flet 19. Komarom Megyei Dolgozok Lapja 42, Uj Timber 20, Kozepdunantuli Naplo 43, Uj Iras 21, Kozlekedesi Koziony 44, Vas Nope 2, Kulkereskedelmi Ertesito 45, Vilagirodalmi Figyelo 23, Magyar Ifjusag 46, Vizugui Ertesito Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 47u Zalai Hirlap Journals 48, Acta Chimica 49. Acta Microbiologica SO. Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica 51., Acta Physiologica 52. Acta Technica 53., Acta Veterinaria 54. Akademiai Kozlony 55., Alfold 56., Allam Es Igazgatas 57., Allami Gazdasagok Ertesitoje 58,, Allattenyesztes 59. Auto Motor 60., Az Erdo 61, Banyaszati Lapok 62. Baromfiipar 63, Biologiai Kozlemenyek 64., Birosagi Hatarozatok 65. Demografia 660 Elektrotechnika 67., Elelmezesi Ipar 68. Energia es Atomtechnika 69., Epitoanyag 70. -Erachigisd4sai es Faipar - 3. 71., Felsooktatasi Szemle 72n Fizikai Szemle 73. Foldmuveszovetkezeti Ertesitesi Ertesito 74., Foldrajzi Ertesito 75, Foldrajzi Kozlemenjek 76., Foldtani Kozlony 77., Gazdalkodas 78, Geodezia es Kartografia 79., Gep 80. Gepgyartastechno/ogia 81., Gyermekgyogyaszat 82., Haditechnikai Szemle 83, Hidrologiai Kozlony 84., Honved 85., Honvedorvos 86., Ideggyogyaszati Szemle 87. Idojaras 88. Ifju Kommunista 89., Ipargazdasag 90. Ipari Energiagazdalkodas 91. Ipari es Epitoipari Statisztikai Ertesito 92, Irodalmi Ujsag 93. Irodalomtortenet 94. Jarmuvek Mezogazdasagi Gepek Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 I 95. Jelenkor 122. Magyar Legoltalom 96. Jogtudomanyi Kozlony 123. Magyar Nemzeti Bib liografia 97, Kep es Hangtechnika 124. Magyar Noorvosok Lapja 98. Kepes Ujsag 125. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle 99, Kiserletes Orvostudomany 126, Magyar Onkologia 100. Kohaszati Lapok 127. Magyar Radiologia 101. Konnyuipari Ertesito 128, Magyar Sebeszet 102. Kortars 129. Magyar Tudomany 103, Kozlekedesugyi Ertesito 130. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Agrartudomanyi Osztalyanak 104. Kozgazdasagi Szemle Kozlemenyei 105,, Kozlekedestudomanyi Szemle 131. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak 106. Kozneveles Kozlemenyei 107, Kulkereskedelem 132. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Matematikai Osztalyanak 108. Lelkipasztor Koz1emenyei ? 109, Lobogo 133. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Muszaki Tudosztaly Kozlemenyei 110. Ludas Matyi 134. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia 111, Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja Biologiai es Orvosi Kozlemenyei 112. Magyar Belorvosi Archivum 135. Magy Traum, Ortho, and Helyreallito Sebeszet 113. Magyar Epi toipar 1360 Megyei es Varosi Statisztikai 114. Magyar Epitomuveszet Ertesito 115. Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 137. Melyepitestudomanyi Szemle 116. Magyar Fizikai Folyoirat 138. Meres es Automatika 117. Magyar Folyoiratok Repertoriuma 139, Mezogazasagi TechniAa 118. Magyar HiTadastechnika 140. Munkaugyi Kozlony 119. Magyar Jog 141. Munkaugyi Szemle 120. Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat 142. Nagyvilag 121, Magyar Kemikusok Lapja 143. Naplo Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 144. Nepegeszsegugy 145. Nepmuveles 146. Nepszeru Technika 147. Novenytermeles 148. Orvoskepzes 149. Partelet 150. Pedagogiai Szemle 151. Penzugy es Szamvitel 152. Radiotechnita 153. Reformatus Egyhaz 154. Repules 155. Statisztikai Havi Kozlemenyek 156. Statisztikai Szemle 157. Tarsadalmi Szemle 158. Technika 159. Termeszet Tudomany Kozlony 160. Tervgazdasagi Ertesito 161. Tiszataj 162. Tudomany es Technika 163. Tuberkulosis f Tudobetegseg 164. Ujitok Lapja 165. Valosag 166. Vasut 167. Vigilia 168. Vilagossag 169. Villamossag 170. Vizugyi Kozlemenyek 17 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For-Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000160080001-5 POLISH NEWSPAPERS AND 2MMIALS .Arginnenty 270 Przeglad Eiz1tura.lx43J 20 Dziennik Baltyckl iete Rada Norodom 3. Dziennik Ludy 290 Robotnik Rolm 40 ftiennik Polski 300 Rsolnik Spoldzielca 50 Express 13.1ustrobany 310 Rybak Moral. 6* Express Wieezorny 32, Skrzydlata Polska 70 Genets. liandlowa 33. Slaw? Ludt% 80 (lariats Patamwska 340 Slow* Powszeebne 9, Gamete Poznenska 35, Sluzba Zdrovia 10, Gaza*, Robotnieza & fixisipl 360 Sygnaly blagasyn Tygeclamy 370 Szpilki U. Gazets Zielonogoraks 380 Sztandar Vilodych - 120 Gies Koszslinski 39, Sztandar Ludy, 130 Glos Eaucvcielski... 400 Trybuna Ludia 140. Gies /racy 410 Trybuna Ocomiska 150 Glos Robotaticzy 420 Trybuna Robetnicza 160 Kietnanki 430 Tworezose 170 Kurier Patoki 44. Tygodnik -Demakratyczny 180 &inter Szezecisski 45* Tygodnik Moral 19v Laemose 46 0Tygodilik' Pommel:my 20, Itagazyn Ilustrowany ?Jointers Paski 470 Walks Dflodych 210 a Przelaj 480 Wies Wspolezeszta 220 Nowa 102.1tura 49, Zs i Przeciv 230 Ifoldny Ezeszowskie 50. Zielany Sztendar 240 Polityka 510 Zolnierm Wolnosei 25. Polski Tygodnik Ularaki 520 Zycie Mialostackie 260 Przeglad Drobnej Wytwarczosei 53. Zycie Czestoehavy - 18 ? ; - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 54. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Zycie Gospodarcze 55. Zycie Literackie 56 Zycie Olsztymakie Zycie Badomskta Zycie Warszagy 570 580 Journals 59. Acta Astronomica 60, Acta Mod:id:mica Polonica 61. Acta Geophysiea Polonica 62. Acta lgicrobiologica Polonica 63. Acta Physica Polonica 64. Acta Physiologica Polonica 65.- Architektura 81. Chlopska,Droga 820 Czasopismo Geograficzne 83. Drogownictuo 816 DziefunikLacznosci 85. Dziennik Urzedata terstwo Oswiaty 86. ftiennik Urzedowy Kinisterstwa Finansow 87* 88. 890 900 91. 92. 66. Archivina Automatyki I Telemechaniki 93e 67. Arebiwum ologii ? Terapii Doswiadczalnej 68. Biuletyn PEPG 69. Biuletyn Polskiej Akademii Nauk 70. Biuletyn Statystyczny Btxdaguictwo Okretoue !72. Bull. Acad. Sciences Serie Sciences Biologiques mio Att 94. 95. 96. 97* 98. 990 100. 73. Bull. Acad. Sciences Serie Chimiques 101. 74. Bull, Acad. Sciences Serie Geologiques Geographiques 75, Bull. Acad. Sciences Serie kiatbematiques 76. Bull, Acad. Sciences Serie 77. Cement Waptto Gips 78. Chemia Stosowana 79. Chemia Szkole 80. 1 Chemik 10?. 103.. ? 104. Techniques 105. 106. 107. 108. Dziennik st Ekonanista Energetyka Nnergetyka Przimyskarza Farmacja Polska Pun Fins:age Pizyka w Szkole Folia Biologie& Pundamenty GI= lioda I Technik' a Sanitarna Geodezja ? Kartograila Gospcdarka Rybna Gospodarka Planatla Gospodarka Wodna Handel Wemetrzny Handel Zagratticzny Haryzonty Techniki Hutnik Inuestycje ? Bu.daunictwo InzYnieria I Budounictwo 1TD Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 1090 Koks Smola Gaz D.00 Klatura i Spatoezenstwo 3.320 Las Polski 1320 Materialy Budowlpne 3.11.30? lied:mak 1140 Methaniiacja Rolactwa 13.50 Medycyna Doswiadczalna .1 32.60 liedycyna lietemzeryjna Mc; tiliatto 1180 Nlody Technik 1190 316**tor POIski 1200 Morze. 1210 Motoryiacja 122. lifiyal Gospodarcza 123. Meta 1240 kitiuka Polska 1250 Data Szkola 1260 NoWe Drogi 127. Nowe Ksiazki 3280 Note Praia) 1.29 Now Rob:tie-two 1390 Nukleonika 1310 Pezistwo i Prawo 1j20 Pion 1330 Polska w Statystykach 134.* Postepy Biochemil 135. Poster, rizyki 1360 Postepy Eigienyi Medycyny Doswiadczalnej - 20 1370 ? 138. Postepy Xauki Rolniczej Poznaj Sviat 1390 Poznaj Svoj Krai Iwo Prace Institutu Te1e-1- Radio Tectinicznego 90.0 Prasa Polska 142. Prace Przeissys1owego Instytutu Te3.ekomunikapji ,1 I 3.430 Primo i Zycie 3.44. Pratlealy 145. Problem' Projektme liutnictea 1460 Przeglad Bibliograficzny Pioniennictwa Ekonouticznego 1470 Przeglad Dadcraiany 148. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 149. Przegled Ilpidemiologiczny 1500 Przr.,glad Geodezyjny 1510 Przeglad Geograficzny 352. Przeglad Geologiczny 1530 Przeglad Gorniczy 1540 Przeglad Rodoselany 155. Przeglad Kolejow 156. Przeglad Kolejow Drogow 157. Przeglad Kolejowy Nechaniczny 1580 Przeglad Kolejow Przewozowy 1590 Przeglad Kolejow Blektrotecimiczny 1600 Przegle4 Lekarski 161. Przeglad blechaniczny Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved ForRelease 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 162. PVT-ezlad Mbraki 1630 Praeglad Odleunictua 164, Przeglad Peoiernicmy 165. Przezled Pozarniczy 166 167. 168, 1690 11P. 171, 172, 1730 174. 1750 176. Prz--actled Techniczny Przeglad TelekavArdIsacy PrZ2/12.2.41. USt -;_-vocialustaltga Gospudarczetso Przogigul Wlokierfniczy Przeglad Zuchoritti Przeglad. Zbozatio 0.T.-olLt. Przeti Zuitmkori Przewel (ealow Przczyml D.raelav Prlemgel 6pozyvczy itwito Teielfizja Racliator. 178. Ptoczniki ChEni 179, 1 P4Wril Kczelanne 11,e0 s pole 181. Sgravy ileicizynarodowe 182. Stolica 183. Strazalt 14 8ivdic, Filozari eme 185. sit 186. Syrelan Seria A 1 05zIc10 I Ceramtm, 186. '&akole, Ztrigodom 189. Techtilut I Oexapoccativt; 190. Technika LotniC 191. Technike, ,1,:!,otoryseleyjne 192. Tele Radlo 193, 1/1,41.ozam'.=c.,i c7as.e wiadaackci. 195. Wiadomoeci Gonlieze 196. 177, vli.adarvozci, 1711ex*Pjn,41. LeimrWt4c) WiadarvocA, it17.,r1.,.-Azer:T?) IWaliaa 'Po!, t.:;.g.icv14.> 3z...aty6tyamq.z. cVA 198. 199- 2(30. 2010 202, 4,0,Jrc) P040 204; 0 206. 207. 208, 2090 2100 nil 212. 213. 214. Wiez tiojako `igt3p-als.nzwn.N1c Dia Zarovie ilisi,orycnmy .,0 14,1 Pral 14.714.,e1.4 " 014 Iftdrovie .A0:4,1,5=aft 17_gbele, rt,'? ? '1.,1 4. a 1 1;1 1/4 U Zraest Z7ele yeba Voirlicze Zycie Szkoly gnozej Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 RUMANIAN NEWSPAPMS AND JOURNALS Newspapers 1. Agrieultura Nom 2, Comertul Socialist 3. Construetorul 4. Contemporanul 50 Crisana 6. Dobrogea Iloua 7. Drapelul Rosu 8. Drum Nou 9. Drumul Socialistualui 10. Faelia no Flaeara Isaului 12. Flamm% Prahovei 130 Flamara Rosie 14. Gazeta Finantelor 15. Gazeta Tnvatandntului 16. Gazeta literara 17. /nainte 18. Informatia Bucurestiului 19. Lueeafaral 20. ?alma 21. Muneitonil Forestier 22. Nhncitotrul Sanitar 23. Neur Weg? 4 24. Pentru Socialism 25. Rominia Libera 26. Seintela 27. Seinteia Tineretului 28. Secara si Ciocanul 29. Steagul Rosu (Bacau) 30. Steagul Rosu (Bucharest) 31. Steagul Rosu (Petrosani) 32. Steaua Rosie 33. Tehnies Ncraa 34. Tribuna 35. Veac Non 36. Viata Noua 37. Zori Noi Journals 38. Analele Romino-Savietiee Serla Metalurgie 39. Analele Universitetei Ca. Part= Politehniei Bueuresti 4o. Apararea Patriei 41. Arhitectura 42. Automatiea si Eleotronica Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CfA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 43. Blbaiografia RPR Cart?, Album, Harte - 44, BIRE- Emigre (Buletinul de Informatie Pentru RoMni in ftil) 45. Baserica Ortodoxa Rouina 46, Buletinul Comercial CFR 470 Buletin d?etude et de Recherche 48. Buletinul de Informare Stiintifica 49. Buletinul Oficial al Marii Adunari Nationale 50. Buletinul Trinestrial de Statistic 51. Carnetul Agltatorlui 52. Celuloza si Hirtia 530 Colectia de Hotariri Si Dispozitii RPR 54. Colectie de Leg? Decrete Hotarirl ComunicarileAcademiel RPR Electrotehnica Energetica Evidenta Contabila Farmacia Female. Finante sl Credit Flacara Geologie-Geografie 55. 56. 57. 58, 99- 60. 610 62, 630 64. Hidrobiologia : 65. BidrotehnIca. 66. Iasul Literar 67. Igiena- Revista SoCietatii Iftdicale RPR 68. Industria Allmentaraa. Produse Aninale 69. Industria Alimentara- Produse Vegetale 70. Industria Lemnului 71. Industria Tertila 72. Industria Utoara 73, Justitia Noua 74. Norm*. - 75. Lupta de Class 76. N'eCanitarea.? si Electrificarea Agriculturli 77. Medicina Inter= 78. MetalUrgia ti Constructia di .Vhsini 79. Ifierdbiologia Parizitologin Epidemiblogia 84. Batura 81. Pentru Aparmies Pntriei 82. Petrol Si Gaze 83. Preiia Nbastra Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A00010008000175 84. probleille Agricola 8.Prob.leme 4e Geografie 86. problepe Escaoralce 87, Problem Internationale 88. .Revistacm 89, Waste. chimle .Reviirte. Constructillor el a Naterialelor 91, -Revista de Gepdczie el Organizarea Tezkitorilulni 92 AcTiata de Wens., klicroblologles elX?piderilologie ;3. Revista 14.inelor Revtatt papriair ? Revieta de Pedagogie Revista Statistic:a 97p; Reviata Textile Revista.,Transtorturilor 99!.- &visa 4anatean 3.00 Secolul 20 3.03.0. Standardiz,area 102,. Steam 103, Stlinta si Te4ulea 1040: Stunt Belileta +4e Istorle 105. Studll sl Ce!reetari de Infraudcrobiplogie 106. Stulli el qgrcelarl, de Chlysle 3.07. Studli ei Cercetarl de Energetics, 108. Stuall el Cercetarl de Necanica Aplicata 109. Studli si Cercetari de Metalurgie Telecomannicatit ?Timinciara Viedicala Urzioa Vista Medicala Vlata Militera 'Flats Rceltaesece. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved 5or Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 YUGOSLAV NEISPAPERS AND JOURNALS EINIEZE. 10 Borba (Serbian) 2? Borba (Croatian) 30 Delo ko DneIrak 50 konoulska PcLitUva 60 Elortorski BiItenAmujug Eastro, roma Pcilitika 80 Jedinstlio 90 Kommaist (Smiblan) 100 Kowarast, (Croatian) kasdost 120 Nauldrla Arinlja 130 Hasa Stampa ? 140 Medelzirri.Xamentare'.. 15. No llaketionlja 160 Oslobodjenje 17. -Pobjeda 180 Politika 19. Rad. ? 200 Rilindja Slobecina Dalmacija 22. Tebnieke novine 23. Vettelndi List 2I4,* Vjesak Joanaals 2% 260 Lot-a Chis-wargit3a tiAgosUuriga /Wm Nal= ithigoslavlea 27. At Pharillaceittiea 28. /Iota VoterirmAa 29. Aemzvet 30. Agronmairl Glasnik 31. Azitrits Dtura 32. Ar1.4.3" sa Higijem Rada S. Tokelkole'ju 33. A.rhiv Pravnei D9asimein nuke- 34. Aif:14I7 Atnatt-IN '4????? 350 Bibliqg Jugo Clanel 36. B.S...T2.11,og thigo .11-ijigel Bros= 370 Broliog jingo Periodike 133.1ten ga Pitanja *Tartlet Upmfe Palmed() 390 Blograije Bradovadnja. 41. Bull Saient-ifique 38p Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 420 Ceste Nostovi 430 Clv Zastits 44. Cavatiea -Aeba 45. Dolannentaciont 46. Drastm i. Vaspitanie 47. Ekonoraist 48. Ekonzaski Pregled 49. Elektropriireeda 50. Eirktztotsbnield. Vesni2k 51 Fantmesutsk1 Mama 52, Fannaeavbski. Veatnik ? 530 rimn-dije 54. Front 55. Galenika 56. Geodetski List 57. Geogratski Glasnik 58. Geografski Thwizort, 59* Geoloskl. Vjesnik 60 Glasnik agijenskog Institata 610 Glasnik Hskg Drastva 62. Caasnik Matematicleas,iic Astronamski 630 Glasnik Uraversiteta tt Beogradu 64. Gledista 654:, Mobilo 66 0 Gedisnjak Sltpske Akadermije Nanlm Gradjevinar Pagilms 69. Iironologija Dop.djaja Sta Gde Kad 70. Indeks Mescal& Pregled Prilmexe Statistike FEU 71* 720 73* izgicaddja Juppalavija jugoslovenski Pregleci 74. Jtv413slovenski-Radio Radio TeleVizila 7$0 thigeolovensla) Prormlasastvo 76. 77.? Kant.., 78. Li.jesnicK Irjemik 790 Ifecliaaski alasnik 81 M&tnkiPragled 82. liedStriaamdna 83e Nedjurarodni. Probleuti 84. Medjmambdrii Transport I.W.jtmarodni UgmyriJJ 86. Ilesersili Statistieki %Um Banke FMT ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 87. liana 88. Naroana 89. Warodna 'Ways 90. Narodni Odbor 93.. Narodtu) Zdravlje 92* Nam Stvarnopt 93. Nese Tisane 94. Nae Tema 93. Neuropsibijatrija 96. Nova Administracija 97o Nova Trgorina 98. Pedogoski Rad 99. Paljaprivre.da 100. Poljoprivreda-Zadrugarstvo 101. 3?omorstvo 3.02. Pedaled? 103. Prirucnik Stranih Devisznib. Prasdasa Privredni Pregled 1050 Privredno-Finanslaski Vcolic 106. Prosvetts Dokamentacija 107. Produktivrost 1080 PIT Vestupt 1090 BAdioamater 1100 Radovi Meaticinskag Fakulteta u Zagrebu - 111. Revija Skolstva 112. Rudarsko Metarlurski Zbornik 113. Savremiena. Skola 114. Srpski Artily Celokupno Lezarstvo 13.5. Stutsberd. List FRU 116. Socijalisam 117. SociOlna i Zdravstvena Politika 118. Sceijalva Politika 119. Seciologija 120. Sppljno-Foliticha Doktsnantacija 121. Statisticki Buten (w/Engeindex) 122. Statistita Spoljne Trgovine PIM 123, Sumarski List 124. Sveiellisni V4asnik 125. %tbnicki Pregled 126. Tehnika 127. Telekamunikacija 128. Tdsla 129. Transport 130.' TUberkuloza 131. Univerzitertski Vesnik 132. Univerzitetski Glesnik Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 1337 Vasiona 3311.7 Veterinarski ArbiLv 135. Veterinarski Glasnik 1367 Venn* Jegoslovelaske investicione Banke 137. Vprasanja Nasitt Di 138, Eadrasni Glasnik 1390 Zastita Zdravija 1400 Zaravstveni Vestaik 1410 Zein Sverair 1427 Zeleznice Approved For For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 . = Egammemummememmummimasmiimuimossor 25X1A r Approved For Release 2002/01/14 RDP78-03131A00010008/00p1- , ' C-0-N-F.ID-E-N-T-I-A-L MINUTES OF THE THIRTy.sinirMEETING OF TRH. COMMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 9 November 1962 Members Capt ? Gregory Alexander, Air Force NSA 25X1A .1*c, Klertard iauer, Army Lt, Ralph Muros, Navy 25X1A DIA .r, J J 3agnall, Chairman, CIA Secretary, CIA Guests Mr, Donald Mitchellp Air Force Walter Ellis Air Force Mr r: Edward C, Vogel, Army Mr, Paul Sivak State Mr, Edward P. Sehnitman, Army 25X1A CIA 25X1A 25X1A CiA STATSPEC 1_ Minutes The minutes of the 35th meeting of the Committee vere :!pprovd with inclusion of the following statement concerning foreign scinific publications inadequatArexploited The CIA recognizes that a.considerable number of Eloc scientific journal's are not adequately processed for lack of funds but believes that the publications of major importance from an intelligence viewpoint are being covered, 2, Announcements _ The estabIlFhment of the Foreign Science and Techolopy Center at Arlington Hall Station was announceur The Center, whi(-.11 is designed to serve the interests of all the technical services of the Army excepting medical, has as one of its components an Army Language Research Section: of 6-8 linguists uho will Firovide linguistic service for the Center, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1 C - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Review of the Common Service Effort FDD Pro am on the USSR; Non-Scientific Reports (TAB. A) The Chairman stated that the proposed new report of Soviet Pres:: information _on Africa, listed on page 3 of TAB A, would nkit 1-;c- issee.1, Mdf6iii1-flifen&Id-fof this report will instead he incorpor4teo in the FDD report Press Information Relating to insurgency and Coun.toe lasurgency in Africa, The FDD program of nonscientific reports on the USSR was epprc. ed by State Department ACC, Navy, Air Fovce, DIA, and NSA members, Army member commended the selection of material for the Sino. Soviet.Bioc Military Report and the biographic reports on Soviei ?;1., he made the following recommendations concerning the military report for consideration by the Committee; a., A return to the three area reports formerly produced monthly by FDD on the USS''),, Eastern Europe, and Communist China, for reasons of efficiency in distribution and use of the reports; c. Elimination cf the index to Red Star as an item of marginal interest to military analysts, Navy and Air Force members approved recommendation a, but wished to refer recommendations b and c to their respective departments for further considerationn In conclusion Army member proposed as an aid to the Committee the preparation of a roster of FDD personnel to include telephone extensions and subject specializations, information from which could be provided to appropriate analysts on a need-to-know basis by Committee members, e 2 ,DeEeN-T.I.11-Te Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131=A000100080001-5 The Committee approved this proposal, The CIA was reported generally pleased with the reports constituting the present program, However, FDD was requested to produce, within its capabilities, the following new and additional reports2 ao, A quarterly or semiannual report on Communist paYty cadre problems including information on recruitment and staffing; b: A report composed of selected translations from Partiynaya Zhizn2; c. A special report on Transport Coordination providing information on capital investment in transport facilities in the USSR; d, A semi,-annual report of Soviet press comment on peaceful economic competition, FDD will study its capabilities to produce the desired report:3, 4, Exploitation Requirements .,- Origin and Coverage The need for statements of the requirements on which the various exploitation: programs are based was questioned and discussed, The Chairman suggested that a handbook describing what is being done with foreign language publications, ifle, who is exrloitinr, or translating the publications, what is being produced, how ar:3 the products obtainable, would be a useful reference for the Committee and the community in lieu of a compilation of requireuents, The Committee approved this suggestion, it was decided that FDD would take the initiative in preparing such a handbook, contacting the other departments and agencies for their contributions as appropriate, 5, Review of Departmental Activities Army plans to continue sponsoring cover-to,cover trans- lation of-the military journals, as available.. USAREUR proyides a facility for exploitation or transIltion on specific request: and issues the translated material in the Form of Information Reports. Air Research Division uses approximately 30 uncleared personnel to produce translations under the direction of technii monitors in APIC, The translations are issued periodically on 3 DpE-N-T-T-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 lftg4. Approved For Release 2002/01114 : CIA-RDP78-0-3131A000-100080001-5 -0-N-F'-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Air Force IR formatt, The greater part of ARD exploitation of publications is performed by cleared linguists working with analysts or by the analysts themselves Navy, NSA, and State Department have no formal exploitation programs, 6 Publication inadequately exploited under current nrograms State Department expressed a need for more adequate coverage of journals concerned with Soviet ideological and cultural develop, ments and is preparing a requirement for FDD consideration? 7, Consolidated Translation Survey listing of scientific translation e.^ ? -,"" The CommittOe unanimously recommended continuing the listing of scientific translations in the CTS, 8, December meeting The Committee will meet at 1400 hours on 7 December In Room 308, 1717 11 Street, for a review of the program of non- scientific reports on Eastern Europe Secretary 25X1A - 4 - C-ON-F-I-D-E-N-T-I,AL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release7,2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A060100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L CEFLP-A-31 30 October 1962 COMM= ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS WNW AGENDA Conference Roam - 308 1717 H Street Friday) 9 November 1962 at 1400 hours Minutes of the 35th meeting 2. Review and discussion of the Common Service effort -- FDD Program on the USSR; non-scientific reports (TAB A) 3. Exploitation requirements origin and coverage (TAB B) 4. Soviet Newspapers and Journals Processed by FDD (TAB C) 5. Review of departmental activities -- presentations by Committee members of programs conducted by their respective departments or agencies 6. Identification and discussion of foreign scientific publi- cations inadequately exploited under current programa Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 I-A-L MINUTES OF THE THIRTY.TIFTH MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 12 October 1962 Members Mr, Gerald Co Cooney0 Army Capt0 A. AlbertRestum, Air Force DIA NSA rs. Doris M0 Freers AFC Mro Jo Jo Ba nall Chairmans, CIA Secretary 0 CIA Guests g Capt, Gregory Alexandera Air Force Dr, Henry Mien Air Force Mr, Donald I, Mitchell 0 Air Force Mr0 Walter Ellis Air Force 25X1A CIA 25X1A 9 CIA CIA 1, Minutes CIA CIA 'S J The minutes of the 34th meeting of the Committee were approved following amendment of the first sentence0 page 30 to readg "coverage of scientific and technical activities in India0 the UAR and Sweden relative to atomic energy was required especially after development was begun in those countries q" 2. Annouccements Chairman welcomed the new DIA member to the Committee. With reference to the USIB action in September disestablish- ing the CEFLP as an instrument of USIB and vesting the Committee's coordination function in CIA0 the Chairman announced the intention to reconvene the Committee as required to serve as a coordinating mechanism and as a community reference point for matters affecting the exploitation or translation of foreign language publications. C-0-N-F-I.D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 The Chairman stated that the Armed Services Technical Information Agency (ASTIA), as a result of recent arrangements, is receiving the FDD Scientificjnformation_Report series, the STATSPEC unclassified CTS, andillillsciintific and-teiihtifcal translations for further dissemination o R and D contractors of the Department of Defense, ASTIA, which has hitherto confined its collection activities primarily to domestic sources plans a much expanded collection program to include foreign scientific and technical dat. The Chairman informed the Committee of CIA's decision to terminate its support of the MT project in March 1963 and to participate with the Interagency Committee on Machine Trans. lation Research, chaired by the National Science Foundation, in evaluating research and development in all MT programs, With reference to his briefing of the Air Force Science Advisory Board's Ad Hoc Committee on Machine Translation concernin, CIA's present views on MT, the Chairman said he had recommended accelerated MT research in languages other than Russian, since Russian comprises only 7?S% of the estimated volume of literature requiring processing0 In addition he expressed the need ultimate?, for a machine which would produce abstracts or extracts of scienti articles, in view of the considerable quantity of foreign scientif literature appearing each year and the scientists' problem in find ing time to read full translations of all of it, The Air Force brought to the Committee's attention a number of issuances of the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, and referred particularly to the "fair use" doctrine as it pertair to the extraction of information from foreign literature 3 Ai az Studies ONyNovniber 1961) 3. Edwation of t,W 'Tqw 5ovlet nib 195a-Uovedt-ar 1961) O.> u 11Ler3t, 11,,vc.,p14p-asats Sog.vie- in,them;?-.41rel. 25X1A mmla Prograln. 5u Lat)or and Vtwea Under 25X1A Ytattichsak)svil, 25X1A vTlq...1T.P.vw? 172-Eneir Selectd reifornn.lola Act is,t1 Prev6 IllSormtlou co.1 1A10 .-447ruc os-. the 'T ? 25X1A and ForIFJI Trafo (.1.957-1.9?1) Freas Inforaion cuth 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 4. Bult.ori Four IwduztrienLi GJ6$C Pe ze Inforsatior4 trezioLtb 1962) 1,7 1,trrYf. Vr,'"cf 7tC 1, ox,d. ? ,! Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - ' Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ITh PEAR EAST 3. UM Press Report:4 on Siao-Soviet 25X1A tJM (Marrtrat-Nowmber 1961) la tha 25X1A Aativitlog tu Attic cas or fir Cyprue, (August 1961-Jamary 1962 AMIICA Stao-Saviint RiCEtawtwation Activitdaqi; in MoreIwo 25X1A (Jammry-OntAibt4r 1961) Political Party Developawat,s1 141gatiyraitat 25X1A (April-September 1961) Sino4lovlet Mon Pmetto.aMt1v-Ittr tl thlt 25X1A Sudaa CAlly-Saptertiber 1961) 4. Impact of Xvame Mrtmithas PoltnIclo _fmw42,, 25X1A SwAhtas Africa African Ilrzs Reaation to the Tw*Lty.Suclad of '111,7 CPSU (15 Sirott.1z1mr--- 25X1A 30 Nolper 1960 25X1A 6. SLID-Soviet BictL' "Pmetration A Tuplola (4-Tely--Dtbar i96..) 17, A. 0 ?Or Pmt,imo,ted ck'VaaivatioT:', "?.1 - re;V.A' 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 'AR Pan ca-VWX.== SouthAeicla Pms3 LrratL;m Coamuwiat Party of Iq-dia Octiber 1961) Chlutae Catatadst Lit,eratur Acblevement Statue of Traazportatiran. 1961 t, C. Scrith A.rre 0,,mtim 4.11 AcItivltien of (JW1a- Ftzi cy iu Monvlir4, on Incilan mraunl 4 25X1A PArty 40"" 19621 W.,V.t7.117.1V01; Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 % ? 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ja? tOst?-.4 ?=1,..:=-2?=a,Z5 SCA.451.1 WO. .f* 7?17i r Orgazizstit:4-rt of Inek.c-,w;;tair34, Yotxt.1-1. DzkalasIvzRepr cz ladozeolz 0114,r5..tat--410:,4)ber. 1X).1) Indomsiata iieports Sinc,-Covi,,et xnetir4-7.-4-Kixa. (1 11P-efi-.?-.9.1.1t1,5-r- 1961) .civ-.1.--AD -9 t ??23'N'.?,7;; CP 4, ?.0- ???? 1.4.? y r4.4-Kit Or W./4'A. '1-.4 'it, 1, C4,51r,f) f" A cpviv17-1111 4,064 of ???-t 'Za.11,',!M?ri..."7"9?:' 4. s if ? 4 r F,.t4 4 tt..;?,7- t5;4?? ? tV4--;`? Cs, h , as . . -7,71Te ????? r, ; g .?-?? ,?;.3 t, ,.'. ? 7.7 Ala tiv t1LcA: ?:1-C t Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 so, or-r 4 4: ? 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 ;MaNUTFZ OF THE THIRTY-FIRST MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 8 December 1961 Members: Mr. Nbat Horlick, State Mr. Gerald Co Cooney, Army Lieut. Comdr. Ralph Mums Navy Mr. john Easton, Joint Staff CIA Secretary, CIA 25X1A Guests: Mr. Donald I Mitchell Air Force CIA 1. Minutes The minutes of the 30th meeting of the Committee were approved. 2, Eastern,EstlyiLogiam State member described the Department's changed requirements for intelligence information on Eastern Europe resulting from reduced personnel end modified fUnctions. The prevailing need is for infor- mation reflecting current trends and developments. This requirement is partictlarly well met by reports of the character of the Eastern Europe 214x;..e2a,SEng5 prepared weekly by FDD6 The FDD report on External Economic Relations of Bloc Countries is Etill reviewed with interest although economic analysis on the Bloc is "Alp longer emphasized in the Department. State member concluded with the comment tl'at more liaison between State and FDD -personnel uas considered highLy desirable from the Department's viewpoint particularly at this time. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A STATSPEC 25X1A proram, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 4T-2 member stated his requirements were well covered by the am:nester reported the current program acceptable, .!mg: member approved the program in general, commenting specifically on Army interest In the Eastern.EurtrialPlant ReESSI? FDD, requested Army member to Obtain comment on the military press revieeo appearing in the Eastern, Europe section of the Pla.29.222.4_EInEl2S-EllaMLAWalv The Chairman reported that CIA was satisfied with the present Eastern Europe program and recommended no changes, The program on Eastern Europe was thus approved by the Committee to continue in general as presently constituted, but with some shift of emphasis in the press summaries to follow more closely the most recent developments, Other Exploitation and Translation Natters The Chairman stated that he bad met with members of the Coordination Staff to discuss ways of improving the collection of scientific and technical information on the Soviet Bloc, The belief is widely held that collection is restricted by a shortage of manpower. The Chairman indicated that our evidence was to the contrary and proposed that the collection problem with respect to exploitation and translation of foreign language publications could be solved in large part by the application of additional funds, Of approximately 3.5 million pages of Bloc scientific and technical literature available annually to the US, be estimated 1,7 million pages to be of intelligence interest, He considered the exploitation of this body of scientific and technical information feasible if funds were available to permit oxpention of FDD"s already existing contractual facilities, The Coordination Staff is reviewing the Chairman's proposal in conjunction with its assessment of the collection problem and report to the USIB,due 15 December 1961, The Chairman announced that the Agency has acquired the Morris Friedman collection of over 1,000 translations, a great many of which are in multiple copy, as a service to the intelligence community. These translations are primarily scientific and from Russian source materials. An FDD check has established that some 580 of the translzp tions have remained unlisted and hence unavailable to the community:, heretofore, YDD has prepared a listing of the unreported translations and proposes to retain these for one month to remit USIB meeibee Tee to request copies of the translations they desire. After 15 tImpurmy .410 Pemelning stock ;ill be turned over to the Office of Technical Strolee-, Department of Commerce, for further dissemination eithin novernm?At and to the public. Approved For For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 The Chairman distributed the translation lists to the Committee members for their review and submission of requests? Jamary Meeting of the Committee The next meeting of the Committee was announced for 12 January 1962 vhen the Far East program uill be reviewed, The Committee 'will meet in Roan 308 1717 H Street at 1400 hours. 25X1A Enclosures: 1.> (FLP-A-2; 2. FDD Program ea the Far East -3_ ecre.7.,Ary Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CEFLP-A-29 19 December 1961 COMMITTEE Ca EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUI1GE PUBLICATIONS A-OEBDA Conference Room - 308 1717 H Street Friday, 12 January 1962 at 1400 hours le Minutes of the 31st meeting 2,, Far East Program Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C.0-NF -1 -D -E -N -T -I -A-L TAB A Review of FDDIIIIIIReporting Program For 1961 on Communist Asia (non. Scientific) I. GENERAL REPORTS ON OR INCLUDING COMMUVIST ASIA 411:2 ESiglikkEta 1. Economic Report on Communist Asia (Weekly, Confidential, Initiated in November 1961, FDD Summaries, 5 issues) 2, Data on Industries and Service Facilities In Communist Asia (Weekly, Confidential. Issued in file format, 2 items per page; FDD Summaries, 50 issues) 30 Political Biographic Data on North Korea, North Vietnam, and Mongolia (Generally Unclassified; 902 cards) 4. Review of the Asian Bloc Press (Weekly, FOUO, initiated 25X1A 4 Dec 61; 2 issues) 5, Review of Comaunist Theoretical Journals (Monthly, Confidential; FDD Suumaries? 12 issues) 6. Communist Revisionism and Dissidence (Monthly? Confidential; FDD Summaries, 10 issues) T. External Econonic Relations of the Bloc Countries (Semi- monthly, FOUO; FDD Summaries, 24 issues) 8, Sino-Soviet Bloc Military Re-port (Weekly, Confidential; FDD Summaxies, 32 issues) B P4 .119.9....EFA.'e.n.'Sh..._,a922,1,Sq. 1. Sino-Sovlet Penetratioe of the Yemen (Confidential, FDD Sam 27220 17 Jan 61) 2. Riddle East Press Reports On Sine-Soviet Aetivities In Yemen (Confidential, two reports, FDD Sum 2981, 1 May 61 and 3116, 4 Aug 61) 3, Press Information on UAR Sino-Soviet Bloc Penetration, 15 Aug 15 Oct 1960 (Confidential, FDD Sum 2714, 30 Dec 60) C -0-N -F -I -D-E-N -T -I -A -L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ? Sino-Saviet Activities In UAR2 16 Oct-11 Dec 60 (Confidential; PIM Sun 27572 7 Apr 61) 5. UI R Press Reports On Sino-Soviet Activities In the UAR, 3an4faar 1961 (ConfMential, FDD Sum 30611 13 Jul a) Sino-Soviet Impact In Latin America, Sep-Nov 2 CTODDI FDD Sum 2713, 5 Jan 61) 7. Iraqi Press Reports on Sino-Soviet Bloc Activities In Iraq, Apr-Oct 1961 (Confidential, FDD Sum 3326, 11 Dec 61) 8. Press Information on Sino-Soviet Bloc Activities In Indonesia (Confidential, four reports, FDD Sum. 2709, 15 Dec 60; 27541 5 Apr 61; 3064, 18 Jul 61; 3213, 11 Oct 61) 9. South Asia Press Reports On Sino-Soviet Bloc Activities In South Asia (Confidential, three reports, FDD Sum 27630 24 Apr 61; 3136, 16 Aug 61; 3324, 15 Dec 61) no COMUNISTAI GRIM A, atrialRec 1. MOD Series a. Agricultural Statistics on Communist China (irregular? Confidential, FDD Summary, 7 reports) b. [For other FDD serial reports including Ccmmunist China see all entries =der IA except item 31 2 ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C -041-F -I -D-E -N -T -I -A -L STATSPEC Bc Ad Roe fattss2.12121emta lo FDD Reports a. Information on Transportation In South China Border Areas (Confidential, yrDD Sum 2726, 2 Feb 61) b. Recent Propaganda Struggle In C 24 Apr 61) pasis on Se Reliance and Painmtaking st Chins (Confidential, FDD SUM 2764; Co Industrial Wages and Bonuses in Communist China (Confidential) PDD Sum 2759, 12 Apr 61) a.. Transfer of Cadres To Farm Production In Comunist China end Problems of Uadership Beim the Commune Level In 1960 (Confidential, imp sum 2751, 17 Apr 61) e. Reflections of Sino-Soviet Dispute in Comnunist Chira's Provincial. Press (Confidential, FDD Sum 3043, 16 jun 61) f. Agricultural Disaster in China's Shantung Province/ A Documentary Study (Confidential, FDD Sum 3129, 29 Aug 61) g. Regime Spekesmen In Chinese Comma:13t Pdblications - Assessment of Contributors to Selected PUblications (Confidential, FAO Sum 3209, 10 Oct 61) Food Problem In Caamunist China - Winter 1960-61 - Rationing and the Diet (Confidential, FDD Sum 33201 14 Dec 61) . 3 . C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 i. Manifestations of Popular Disaffection in South China Pavvincial Press (Confidential, FDD Sum 3251, 8 Nov 61) j. Chinese Provincial Party Journal Reports On Rural Activities (Jan-May 1961) (Confidential, FDD Sum 3323, 8 Dec 61) mu Survey of Indonesia Police Reports on Commmnist Chine Activities In Indonesia (Confidential/Noforn, FDD Sum 3053, 30 jun 61) III. NORTH VIETNAM Ap ESIALNELlE 1. FDD Series a. For FDD serial reports including North Vietnam, see all entries under IA. 11 C mO-N-F-I-D-E-H-TIAL - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-Is Ad Hoc (Research) Reports 1, FDD Reports a. North Vietztara Fifth Month and Mid-Season Rice Crops For 1960 (Confidential, FDD Sum 27201 18 Jan 61) b. Bloc Press Treatment of the Korean and Vietnamese Unification Themes (Confidential, rim Sam 30240 7 jun 61) IV. NORTH KOREA A. Serialrts 1. ?DD For FDD Serial reports including North Korea see all entries under IA B. Ad Hoc Research Reports) STATSP EC 1, FDD Reports a. Bloc Press Treatment of the Korean and Vietnamese Unification Themes (Confidential, FDD Sum 3024, T Jun 61) b. Borth Korean Press Reports On Kim Il-Sung's Activities July 1960-February 1961 (Confidential, FDD Sum 2766, 24 Apr 61) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 A STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 V. MOIMOLIA A. SeriallmeEtE 1. FDD Series For FDD Serial reports including Mongolia see all entries under TA 14 Ad Hoc (Research) Reports FDD Reports a. Sino-Soviet Status In Outer Mongolia (As revealed in the Ulan Bator "Unen") (Confidential, FDD Si 2761, 21 Apr 61) b. Comparison of Chinese and Soviet Assistance to Mongolia's Three Year and Third Five Year Plans (Confidential, FDD Sum 32620 lk nov 61) C-ON F Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/1'4 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MINUTES OF TBE THIRTIETH MEETING OF THE COMMIT= ON EXPLOITATION GT FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS -3 November 1961 Members: Mr. Max Horlick, State Captain A. Albert Restum, Air Force 25X1A NSA . U Chairman, CIA Secretary, CIA Guests: Mr. Edward C. Vogel, Army Mrs. Lida Allen Air Force 25X1A 10 1. Minutee The minutes of the 29th meeting of the Committee were approved. 2. ps.__11.2gx.USSPram The Committee was informed of the unintentional omission of the report on USSR Territorial and Administrative Changes from the list comprising the program. This report will continue to be issued irregularly as relevant Information is collected. State member commented concerning the increased dependence of Department analysts on the reports developed under the USSR program. In the currently prevailing situation of heavy work pressures and re- duced personnel these analysts no longer have time to research the Soviet publications personally. Therefore, the collection of intent- Gence information from these publications as a service of common concern meets an essential need of the analysts. The provision of adequate tables of contents of the reports is also greatly appreciated. All of the scheduled political and sociological reports currently produced by !MD on the USSR were described as useful. The weekly Survey of the Soviet Press was rated as outstanding among these. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A STATSPEC STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Of the special reports issued by FDD, Attitudes on Tourism az.2.......Ess ?nage as Exmistaecteth Soviet Press wad ali.lonlal_Aatothn in- the Soviet Press were of greatest value toltate analysts. Of the reports on Comunisu and on the Sino-Soviet Bloc, all of which are required by State, the report on External Economic Rela- tions of Bloc Countries is most highly regarded. Air Force member stated the Air Force is satisfied with the program. NSA member reported his agency s general approval of the program. In reply to ESA query FDD, stated that source coverage for the Soviet MilitaIn....forma......on report will approximate that provided by the Soviet Military Biographic Cards. The publication will not, however, include biographic infmmation occuring in the translations of the military journals, Distribution of the publication is expected to follow the pattern established for the cards. The Secretary reported a favorable review of the program by CIA and particular appreciation of the following FDD reports: a. Survey of Soviet Press b. Information on Soviet Missile-Related Industries c. almanlamat in the USSR do USSR TerritorialAELMEIRIELnEUELasal e. Sino-Soviet MillIEELaERWL f. Statements on Soviet Strate Is_Emeass. .2. Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ? STATSPEC 25X1A STATSPE6 - Approved For Release 200t/fijel4figpalpipplagati(449.02p001-5 A. more timely issuance of the reports on USSR Electric Power and USSR Transportation vas recommended? Deficiencies in the use of terminology were also found in the former report. The Committee review of the USSR program was thus concluded and the program approved as presented with the agenda for the 30th meeting. 3. Other Hatters The Chairman distributed translation request forms for use by members of the Committee in recommending translations. Lists of FDD Special Reports in Progress or Fttojected were also distributed? The next meeting of the Committee was scheduled for 8 December at which the Eastern Europe program will be reviewed. The Committee will meet at 1400 hours in Room 308, 1717 R Streets ecre Enclosures: 1. CULP-A-28 2. List of Scheduled Reports on Eastern Europe (prepared by FDD) 3. Special Reports on Eastern Europe (prepared by FDD) -3. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/04/14 :? CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CZEFL2-A-28 24 November 1961 CCUMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION CF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS AGENDA Conference Roan - 308 1717 11 Street Friday, December 1961 at 1400 hours 1. Iiiinutes of the 30th Meeting Eastern Europe Program,11.MOMMICCIM." 40151PCIW011a Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? -4 Apprtived For Retea-te 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SCEEDIKED REMITS ON EASTERN EUROPE iiiI2ARED BY FOREIGN BOMBE:MS DIVISION (Eon-scientific ) 1. Weekly Economic Report on Eastern Europe Summary (Weekly) FOUD 2, Eastern Europe Industrial Plant Report (Semi-mo) co 5 x 8 cares on an 3 x 10 sheet *3. External Economic Relations of Bloc Countries Summary (Semi-mo) FOU0 b. Baste= Europe Press Survey Summary (Weekly) - FOLTO *5. Review of Communist Theoretical Journals Summary ("Monthly) COEF *6. Communist Revisionism and Dissidence Summary (bnthly) COIF *7. Sino-Soviet Bloc Military Report Summary (Weekly) - CONF 8. Eastern Europe Military Bio8raphic Cards 5 x 8 cards -(Bi-weekly) - Classification varies *Division reports containinc sections on Eastern Europe. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SPECIAL REPORTS ON EASTFIIN EUROPE PRIPARED BY FOREIGN DOCUMMTS DIVISION (non-scientific 1. Recent Information on the Bulgarian Nachine-goal Industry CONF Selected Information on Czechoslovak Fuels and rower Industries - VOW Selected Information on Czechoslovak Precision and Optical Instruments Industry - YOU? 4. Reforms in the Polish Mtnestic Trades System Since 1957 - CONF 5. Operations and Management Problems of East German Cooperative Farms - CONF 6. Difficulties and Shortcomings of East German Cooperative Farms - CONF Selected Information on the Czechoslovak Chemical Industry - COM 8. Press Selections on POlandes Foreign Trade Organization, Policies and Planning - CONF 9. Information on Structure, Technological Development, and Foreign Trade of the Czechoslovak Machine-Building Industry - CONF 100 Information on Wages and Salaries in Eastern Europe COIF 110 Press Summary of international Evalu- ations of Development Aid CONF 120 Agricultural Investments in Four East European Countries (l955-1960) CONF 13, Information on Yugoslav Price System - COIF FDD Summary 2702 12 Dec 6o FDD Summary 2717 12 Jan 61 FDD Summary. 2719 12 Jan 61 FDD Summary 2723 16 Feb 61 FDD Sumary 2730 16 Feb 61 FDD SU:Mary 2741 13 Ear 61 FDD Summary 2747 29 I4ar 61 Sunmaa-sr 2997 .24 New 61 FDD Sun/nary 3017 5 jun 61 FDD Summary 3014 13 Jun 61 FDD Summary-3048 9 Jun 61 '43 FDD Summary 6 jul 61 FDD Summary 3122 9 Aug 61 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Press Information on the Polish Coal Mining Machinery Industry - COEF 15. Press Selections on Polish LiGht Industry (1959-1961) - CONF *160 Bloc Tress Treatment of US-USSR and East European Ekchanges Jnne- r?cember 1960 CONF *17. Bloc Press fteatment of US-USSR and East European Ekchanges (January- August 1961) CON? FDD Summary 3255 6 Nov 61 FDD Summary 3259 9 NOV 61 FDD Summary 2750 31 123.r 61 FDD Summary 3240 27 Oct 61 *information compiled from Soviet and East European pUblications. - 2 - C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC a.: Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L B. Ad Hoc BeRorts Forty-seven reports were pUblished from 1 Dec 1960 to 9 Uov 1961. These have been listed in the Consolidated Translation Survey. 2. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002M1/14 : C1A-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 spEem rixo REroaps TIT PROGRESS OR PRO=640 TITLE USSR 1 S 2. Key Personalities of tbs USSR rueP!!!!!!11111111 25X1A . Soviet Oil Il rbes and Beim:ries 3. Soviet Press Study on Bationalimm'in the So4 Baltic States (January 1960-Xu1y 1961) 4. Application of the Parasite Laws in We U11111111111 as Reflected in the Soviet Press (Jt nz 1957 Sep 1961) - 5. Education of the "I!!!!!!!!!!!!le tember (Decether ovemb 1961) 6. Selected Annotated Bibliography on iov 1958-Eer AfrioAsian Studies (May-NoveMber 1961) 7. Labor and Wa,ges Under Socialism As Seen la 8. Recant Developments in Sovie eaaa Eco- 11031142 12rogmraming EASTERN EUROPE 1. Press I4formation on 25X1A Industz7 25X1A 2. Press Selee ..ons on 3. Selected Informatio 25X1A Power Industries 4, Ftess Ingonnation 25X1A and Foreiga Trade of Industry (1957m1961) 25X1A 5. Press ItfOrmatien on the Bulgarian Fuels Power ImdUstries (1956a1961) 6. Press Itf?atioz o ftlish Forestry 1962* thti Ptaish Coal Mang oh Lisht Industry? tt-e ah Fuels Alla Techriology$ thn Polish Machine-Building 25X1A and Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 2 noveriber 1961 Estimated Date of Pdblication 14 F-iv 61 19 Nov 61 30 Nov 61 15 Dee 61 Jan 62 8 Jan 62 30 Jan 62 5 Bxe 62 6 Nov, 61 9 Egm 61 18 Lkuc 61 19 Kay 62 1 Oct 62 1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Estimated Date TITLE of Bibiletton NEAR EAST 1. Cypriot Press Reports on 31ac1.6oviet Bloc Activities in Cyprus Since independence (August 19604111guat 1961) 2. Iraqi Press Reports on Sino-Soviet Activities in 110v1 October 1961 UAR Press Reports on Sino ov UhR (August-November 1961) AFRICA 1. Reflection of Communist Influence and Afriem Mationaliom In Guinean Official levs per (March-.Ausust 1961) 2. SIno-Soviet Bloc- Pztratioi Ae1..tvitIes in Morocc.)o (January-September 1961) 3. Impact of 1C*we Mkrumahgs rench- Spaaking Africa 4. Sino-Soviet r310 revaetraz an Activitics in the Sudan (july-Septaber 1961) Political Party Develormnas in Malagasy Republic: (April-etcatemter 1961) 6. Sino0Soviet Bloc Aenstrat?. Thnisia (jWAy-Deeember 1961) es in 17 Nov 61 3 'Ilse 61 8Dec 61 18 'aea 61 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 20 riov 6/ 25X1A 15 Dtc 61 25X1A Il Dee 61 25X1A 22 ate 61 25X1A 2 jaa 62 25X1A 15 Mar 62 25X1A FAR EAST 1. Manifestations of ropAlar Dismffeetion in the Provincinl Press of SDuth Chins (July- December 1960) 8 Nov 61 2, A Comm:Ism af Prot4 attmse and Soviet Assis P ?B Third Five-War Flan 17 Xbv 61 3. Brmach demy of Sciences 21 ribv Li 4. rOCA Problem la Ch1na9 Winter 1960-1961p As Seen From Chineey Cammunist Pdbliea- tions 22 Zr 61 5. South As porte on Sino-Soviet Aettvities In South Asia (Jmne-September 1961) 30 Nov 61 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 TITLE !LFAST (Cont'id) 6. South Asian Press Information on Activities of Communist Party of India (June-October 1961) 2 Jan 62 62 8. Activities se aromanist Rural Areas 7. Status of Trans rtation in Mongolia, 1961 12 Feb (Jamusry-May 1961) 11111111111 1 Drac 61 Estimated Date of Pablication 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Major Laws and Decrees of Indonesian Government (June-DeceMber 1960)30 Boy 61 25X1A 2. Indonesian Press ports oz Activities in Indonesia (August-October 1961) 2 Jan 62 25X1A 3. Organizatiam of Indonasien Youth Groups 1 Feb 62 25X1A 'WESTERN EUROPE Review of the Difficultiec of the Communist Partdes of Austria 14 Vb./ 61 ? 25X1A =ORAL COVERACE Summary of International Evaluations of Development Aid (2) CAMCELLATIOBS 1 Middle East Press Reports on Sino-Soviet Activities in Yemen (Mayactiober 1961) 2. Press Information on Pore s and Prospects of Specialization and Integration of the Satellite Ferrous Mtallurgiml Industries Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 3 Dec 61 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MINUTES OF Tilk: TWENTY-RW.1i MEETING OF tekthl COMMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION OFFOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 29 September 1961 Members: Mr. Max Borlick, State Mr. Richard Bauer, Army Lieut. Comdr. Ralph Muros, Navy 25X1A Mr. John Easton, Joint Staff estum? Air Force NSA Mrs. Doris PeeAC Nr. J. J. Bagnall, Chairman, CIP. Secretary, CIA 25X1A Guests: Mr. Edward C. Vogel, Army Mr. Daaald I. 4itehell, Air Force Mrs. Lida Allen, Air Force Mr. George A. Pughe Jr., Air Force 1. Minutes The minutes of the 28th meeting of the Committee lArere approved. 2. Announcements The Chairmen announced that he had. attended a meeting of the IISTB Coordination Staff at which, in view of the large number of existing committees, he was asked whether it was necessary for the CLP to remain a USIB committee. The Chairman expressed the opinion that the CEFLP could function as efficiently as an interdepartmental committee without the required regular reporting to the USIB. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ? STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Reporting on Foreign Documents Division cooperation with the Georgetown machine translation project, the Chairman stated that the Division had selected four economic and seven organic ebemistrv texts for machine translation and subsequent post-editing by FDD Of these, two economic texts and one chemistry text nave been translated and post-edited for publication, Experience with these texts showed that the machine translation process currently costs 2-3 times as much as human translation and takes twice as long, Specifi- cally, input costs plus machine-time cost alone are slightly more than the cost of human translation, while the present cost of post-editing the translation is greater than the cost of initial human translation would be. FDD, therefore, does not plan to post-edit the remaining eight texts. The Chairman concluded that HT would remain impractical until such time as input cost can be reduced through electronic scan- ning methods and the quality of the MT product is such that post- editing can be drastically reduced, The Chairman recommended the AEC Minutes of the Mee-4124:4.21 Scientific Translation to the Committees attention. AEC meMber offered to supply Committee members with copies if still available. 3o The Scientific and Technical Program The Committee expressed its general approval of the current scientific and technical program, with the following comments and recommendations: Army, member requested authorization to suggest articles for translation under the Eastern Europe program for scien- tific translation. The Chairman stated that such suggestions for translations would be welcome and need not be limited to East European materials alone, He proposed that FMC, prepare a translation request form for Use by all members of the Committee in recommending translations. Army member inquired whether FDD was prepared to accept specific requirements also for scientific information. The Chairman acknowledged that FDD was prepared to do so. Army member reported that the ScientificjAnERIUmilman series was frequently used by research and development personnel who considered the format of the publication improved, the coverage ade- quate and the content sufficiently timely. The Confidential classi- fication, however, somewhat limited the use of the report by field installations, and a narrower subject breakdown would facilitate distribution. The Chairman agreed to consider the classification problem further9 It was noted, however4 that downgrading the classification would exclude incorporation of material from Chinese Communist scientific journals now being received under Confidential or Secret classification. -2- Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Army member stated that the translation of the Voyenno- Neditsinskiy Zhurnal was well appreciated. He requested collection of information on the following subjects of special interest: Biocurrents (Prosthetic devices) Eydropneumatic automation High energy metal forming Irmmetber requested continuing exploitation of information on oceanography. It vas Observed that information on this subject wiU normally appear in the Soviet Bloc InfLivarEWasEStmagla, AOLTESEJEgif.MareD?rts The Chairman welcomed the item Air Force meMber, Captain Restum, to the Committee. Air Force nether said he would ascertain what progress bad been made in the translation of selected articles from Herald of Antiaircraft Defense. Am representative noted that only the scientific and tech- nical reports are desired by AID, and requested that these be distributed ectly. to Air Information Division: Library of Congress. _member commented favorably on Communist publications. 25X1A IT% reported the receipt of 51 issues of 1961 Chicom scientific during the past six months. These consisted of (a) specialized publications in the fields or chemistry, biology, microbiology, geology, geography, physics, radio engineering, conetruction engineering and water conservation; (b) general science or papular science journals; and (c) translations and. non-Chinese language publications. With the exception of the general and popular science category, all of the Chicom scientific journals are given Confidential or Secret handling. from Chinese. STATSPEC 4.0 Other Matters Army member expressed the opinion that specific information requirements levied on CIA are not always referred to FDD in cases where the Division may have information bearing on these requirements. Be referred particularly to information in the working files of IDD personnel which is not referenced by the CCR library or the CTS index. Such files bad, in his experience, produced required information not available elsewhere. He recommended that the Chairman bring this vq;ew- point to the attention of appropriate elements of the Agency. .3. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 hve CEFLP meteria and the Secretary indicated an .interest in the forthcoming joint CODIVCKFLP visit to Foreign TechnologY Division.; Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Darc,on, Ohio. . . 5.. The Chairman announced the next meeting ce the committee Pa. 3. November 1961, at which a review of the 1.16$R non-scientific program vyill be conducted.0.. The meeting will convene at 1400 bows in in Rom 3085 1717 H Street.? Enclosures: 10 CERN - A - 2. FDD Program on the USSR C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CEFLP-A.27 18 October 1961 COMMECTEE ON E)EPLOITATION OF FMEIGN LANGUAGE PuBizatems AGENDA Conference Roam - 308 1717 H Street Friday, 3 November 1963_ at 3A00 hours 1. Minutes of the 29th meeting 2. USSR (non-scientific) Program. 4seromorsarasSOMMIIIMMWS.M.O. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDENrIAL FDD PROGRAM ON THE USSR I. Pam= AnD sommonan A. Scheduled Reports 1. Survey of the Soviet Press - weekly 2, Soviet Education: Trends and Comments - monthly Brief coverage of important current developments, with fuller details of specific aspects to be urovided by special reports. 3. Soviet Crime and Le Develo moat: Trends and. Comments - monthly See remarks under 24 above. Only one has appeared this year (with one in publication), but regular monthly publica- tion is planned. 4. ICEELLIR.Ealet.POlitical and Sociolo teal Serial PUblications - monthly 5. State Structure in the USSR - semi-annual The governmental structure and leadinG personalities of the USSR and its union-republics as of the time of preparation of this report, with changes that have occurred in the preceding throe months. Supplemented, in alternate quarters, by report, Changes in State Structure in the USSR. 6. Biblio?FaRlky of Soviet Afro-Asian Studies - semi-annual Annotated. Does not include articles on China or Korea. B. Special Reports Ad hoc reports issued during the past year: 1. Soviet Press Commentary on US FDD Summary 2629 1C Presidential al September 3 Nov 60 2, Coentary FDD Summary 2705 Presidential i tu October- 9 Dec 60 Nevj2Lles...2.e C CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STPTSP EC - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDENTIAL 3. Attitutm Tourism and Espionage FDD Summary 2700 as cpressc in the Soviet Press 8 M c 60 TU) Soviet Press Comm on Soviet FDD Summary 2718 Soviet Press Reaction., 25Novanter- FDD Summary 2729 lb December 1*-. to sh Con.* 2 Iftb 61 ference C 6. Soviet Press Attacks on the Monroe Doctrine (bi Soviet Press mmen on Cuban Leaez'ship and the Popular So- cinlist Parq 86 Soviet Press Treatment of Latin American...ktCuba October 7:411:L.:."7315! 9 soriet, _Pre Cconmen on Peace aM ---'1-&0-sarmame snuary 9 - 31 May 1963. (C) 106 Editorial AUtOflou in the Soviet Press C 2 - CONFIDENTIAL FDD Summary. 2744 14 Mhr 61 FDD Surimary. 3019 6 Jhn 61 FDD Summary 3046 22 Jim 61 OD SImmiary 3117 7 Aug 63. FDD Summary 3171 11 Sep 61 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC 25X1A ' Approved For Release 2002101114: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDENTIAL IL ECONOMIC A. Scheduled Reports 1. Soviet Industrial Trs2 - weekly (a) Concentrates on chemical, metallurgical, and machinery manufacturing industries. 2. USSR KLectronic and Precision i ment - monthly (a) 3. Information on Soviet Missile-Related. Industries - monthr 4. Commodity Output in USSR Union p1ics quarterly Statistical information on output of chemical products, metas? machinery, instruments, and electrical appliances from the Union-republic newspapers. 5. USSR Agriculture - monthly (See Section 31) 6. urban Development in the USSR - monthly B. Decial Reports. 1. Ad orts on the USSR Puel 13:1ust (Petroleum and Gas These reports, together with=EWE are now the means for covering this industry. They appear e as Summaries The following have been published since January 1961: a. Organizations and Ente rises of the USSR Gas IndustrY .FDD Summary No. 2f1 25X1A 25X1A b. USSR Oil Industry in the Turkmen SSR? c. Plans km Gasut the Ukraine 25X1A d. Soviet Press Comnentary on Euro an Intrabloc Oil 25X1A e. USSR Fuel Indtry iFirsQuartei of t 25X1A f. Sinfficance of Uzbek Gas to the Soviet Econo 25X1A 33, August 1 1 2. .Amortization in Soviet Industryp FDD Summary 2716, 28 Apr 61 - 3 - CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/04/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A0110-101108000-1-Z- - CONFIDENTIAL IlL1411MARY A. SchecluledB?ports 1. Sin-Sovi ort - 'weekly (C) Chapter I is on the USSR% le reports 2. Statement3 on Soviet Strate c Wea no - sporadic (C) Statements of Soviet military and politica leaders with possible implications as to activity and planning in this field. 7 reports. 3 Seviet Zi1ita Bios hic Information - weekly (a) An FDD Slmmw7 which, beginning with the November 1961, sources, will report such information from all sources, and will replace 11:4B,2, below. - 5 - CONFIDMITIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC a TATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDENTIAL IV. REPORTS ON COMMUNISM AND ON THE SINO..SOVIET BLOC USSR inform9.tion also appears in the following: IL Communist Revisionism and. Dissidence - monthly (C) B. Review of Communist Theoretical. Journals - monthly (C) CO Bloc Press Treatment of US-USSR and East Euro. Exchaam. semi-annc'w' Ekternal Economic Relations of Bloc V. PROPOSED CRANGE Boport to be Discontinued. Countries - semi-monthly I. USSR I iculture (rE: A, 5) 6 CODIFIDMITIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 32.3 LP-A26 18 September 1961 CITE ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATICTIS AGENDA Conference Roam - 308 1717 H Street Friday, 29 Septewber 1961 at 1400 bourn 1. Minutes of the 28th weeting. 2, Scientific and Technical Program. C -I ?=-A..L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CON DE 41TI .rA$3 SCIEETIFIC =TECHNICAL REPORTS ISSUED BY FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISION 1 September 1960 - 1 September 1961 Unclassified Scientific Information Report (terminated as of 23 DoceMber ITO)TNiMits Classified Subject Index to the above Scientific Information Ee29.....rt 7 reports 3. Classified Scientific Information Report (4 series; initiated 1 January 1961 to replace a. Biology and Medicine 7 reports b. Chemistry and Metallurgy 7 reports c. Electronics and Engineering 7 reports d. Physics and Mathematics 7 reports CON-FID-EN-T-I-A1, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approvedfor Release 2002/01/14 :_C1A7RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-E-F-I-D-E-N-T-1-A-L DEVELOPMENTS Ei.....m..?............2.2.1RESENTRENE_TING FROMM USSR STATSP EC FDD proposes no change in the current program on the USSR, The four series of the classified Scientific information Re ort, the Soviet Bloc Research on Geogh2RIEFlz Astronomy and Space report, and supple- STATS P EC rdeztary scientific translations cal be continued, Biographic reporting on Soviet scientists aiso be maintained, Asia It is planned to continue exploitation of available Oriental publications for items of scientific and technological interest for inclusion in the Scientific informationlaat, The production of biographic information on Asian scientists for the Biographic Register, OCR, will likewise be continued, A comprehensive report an the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the provincial and municipal level is in progress and nearing completion. Eastern Europe East European scientific publications are currently exploited by FDD for information contributing to the Scientific Information Report and to the Soviet Bloc Research on Geophysics, Astronomy and Space report, Biographic data on East European scientists is regularly reported STATSP EC in card format to the Biographic Register, OCR, C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 4: Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 0-04-F-I-D-E4-T-I-A-1. MINUTES OF THE TWENPZ-EIGTER MEETING OF TAL COMMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIMS 14 July 1961 Members: Nirio Richard Bauer, Army Major Georg* K. KUdravetz? Air Force W. Easton JCS 25X1A NSA Mr. J. J. BgneU, Chairman, CIA 25X1A Secretary, CIA Guests: Mrs. Mabel B., Hemphill, Army Mr. P. Thomas Hanes, Navy Mr. Herman Dworkin, Navy Mr. Hunter Alexander, Navy 25X1A Mr. Donald I. Mitchell, Air Force Mr. Eexiry A Miley, Air Force CIA 25X1A CIA 1* Minutes The minutes of the 27th meeting of the Committee .,ere approved. 20 Ealz.2:v,j?Lt...hel.N.M1_tJliliIEy..Prtyram The Chairman stated that the present meeting was called upon Army request for a review of the current program of military reporting on the USSR; and for consideration of a Droposal for cooperative coverage of Soviet military publications which was sub- mitted to the Committee in CEFIR memorandum dated 5 July 1961. He suggestedl therefore; that the program review begin with a presentation of the Ariv viewpoint. .11Lp22:member referred to discussions held in March of this year in which ACSI; FDD, ad representatives ofliyMpartici- pated. Among the m th matters discussed were e avo ce uplication in the exploitation of Soviet military pdblicationo and measures to achieve the maximum coverage of newly available Russian military journals. These discussions resulted in the development of several Army recommendations for joint coverage of military information an the USSR which were outlined in the above cited 5 July memorandum to the Comittee. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1C 'N STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Army member also proposed that the revised military reporting program initiated by FDD and approved by the Committee in the summer of 1960 was not meeting the needs of the USIB military agencies, particularly with respect to reporting biographic information an Soviet military per- sonalities. In view of these developments he believed the time was appro- priate for another review of the program and coordination of exploita- tion activities in regard to the military journals. Since the present system of biographic reporting appeared to be the Chief cause for discontent with the program, the Chairman queried whether it was the biographic card format or the card content which was found to be unsatisfactory. ArMy replied that no matter what reporting format was used, it was necessary for the biographic analyst to transfer the informa- tion to his own files which required considerable cross-checking and correlation. This activity is further complicated when the information is received on large numbers of card., Furthermore, cards present a :ouch Lreater distribution problem for Axmy than do publications or reports which bear descriptive titles. As for content the biographic cards currently produced by facilities are frequently lacking in completeness andIML,,e'soTormation. In contrast, Army member said, the biographic data reported by FDD in former military programs was arranged alphabetically in publication format which permitted easy reference, was complete in content, and correlated with earlier reporting which saved the bio- graphic analyst considerable time in transfer of information and up-dating files, Consequently, Army was requesting a return to the former system of biographic reporting. am, representative spoke of similar problems encountered In using the biographic cards, particularly with respect to completeness of information, Air Force member requested time for further consultation with Air EiceraPic analysts before rendering an opinion. MA member said the Agency preferred card format but was willing to defer to the military services' needs. JCS member stated his requirements would be best served by satisfaction of the services' requirements. Speaking for CIA the Chairman said that FDD proposes to discontinue the project on the USSR and resume internal production of this information in accord with the desires of the military services. Priority biographic information -2- C -0 -11-F 1 -D -B Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 would continue to be presented in the 8inoSoviet Bloc -- while more routine information would be made available through a separate periodic supplement? The latter would be selected against consumer requirements and information already available to insure reporting of all personnel of possible significance? Sources would include the military journals? To resolve the problem of satisfying analysts who prefer card format as well as those who prefer publication format the Chairman Proposed that the periodic supplement be published on 8 x 10 stock with two items to a. Page, one item on the to and the other item on the bottom half of the page, This would permit slicing the publication in halR to provide 5 x 8 cards for analysts who desire the card format? It was also proposed that the supplement be organized alpha- betically, issued weekly in view of the volume of information, and classified Confidential to permit inclusion of cement and complementary information. Am, Army requirement for reporting all references to military districts, rather than changes only, was scheduled for further dis- cussion withFDD0 Al]. Comm ttee members present concurred with these Changes in the program for reportine biographic information on Soviet military personalities? State and AEC members of the Committee were not present, At the suggestion of the Army member, copies of the basic requirement against which FDD exploits East European publications for military information on the Satellites will be forwarded with the minutes of this meeting for review by Committee members? The require- ment is also applicable for exploitation of Soviet publications. The Committee then turned to a discussion of the Army proposal for joint coverage of Soviet military publications? At the outcome the following agreements were reached: a. Army will undertake thorough exploitation of "Rear and Supply of the Soviet Armed Forces," and will continue with the "Military Medical Journal," -3- Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 c. Army will undertake to provide such coverage of "Military Knowledge" and "Master Sergeant - Sergeant" as these publications require. d. While AFCIN or ATIC representatives were not present to comment, Air Force member expressed willingness to cover "Herald of Antiaircraft Defense." e. FDD will exploit "Communist of the Armed Forces" and will continue its exploitation of all Soviet nonmilitary press for military information. FDD will continue exploitation of "Red Star" as a primary source of military information on the USSR since coverage of this publication is considered too 111110111M intelligence purposes. The Committee approved all of the agreements. 3. Other Business. The Chairman commented that approximately 9000 pages of Russian text in four scientific disciplines and economics have been provided 25X1C the project by FIE4 Following machine translation, the proutw- W.JJ asteditea against the original text and distributed in the same way as reguier trmAlations. Records will be kept to tabulate the time, cost, and errors involved in machine trans- lation toward a determination of the further usefulness of the process. It is anticipated that the cost of machine translation will exceed that of human translation, whereas time-wise the machine will excel the human. ???? Research in Machine translation in seven more disciplines from electronics to microbiology is planned by the for this fiscal year. The Chairman then announced that, barring a request by a member for a meeting, the next meeting of the Committee would convene in September when the reviews of area exploitation programs will again commence0 ecre ary: Enclosure: Guide to Exploitation of Satellite Newspapers for Military and Naval Intelligence (To members only) .4. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1C STATSP EC 25X1A 25X1C 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-031301p908 MINUTES OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH MtICING OF THE COMKIITES OJ EXPLOITATION Of FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 10 li'ebruary 1961 Mmters: Mr, Horlick, State Mr. Gerald Co Cooney, Army Lt. Ralph Muros, Navy or George HUdravetz, Air Force NSA tfr. J. J. BarLa1l. Chairman, CIA Secretary, CIA Guests: lAa'or Elias Bacha Air Force 25X1A 1. Minutes The minutes of the 26th meeting of the Committee were approved? 2. Tjislsa2_?EtasandAfrieaPram The Chairman opened discussion with a reference to the special reports produced on the Near East and Africa, vhich reflect the program's emphasis on reporting Bloc activities in those areas? an member expressed satisfaction with the program and reaffirmed Navy's continuing interest in information on port and harbor construction in Africa. Air Force member wished to defer comment, pending conclusion of an AFIC review of the program? NSA member reported favorable reaction to the Bloc-oriented Character of the program. He proposed as part of the program a systematic collection of information on military, paramilitary and political leaders in that 25X1C orger o pr or . 25X1A 25X1A Army member had no suggestions for program revisions and indi- cated that almost any information on Africa would be found useful? C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 State Department member commented favorably on the program's trend and emphasis. To his query concerning termination of the report on Africa South of the Sahara the Chairman replied that the publication was superseded by special reports designed to be more timely and to meet specific needs. State member then reported a need for short term reports on the UAR, developed rapidly in response to specific requests. Among the reports already produced under the program, State found most useful the aus Toward UninelIELAJami.%20allatel ?ant.silta......s.IL_tieuonsp.E, and the three re ? orts on Communist activit Cyprus. The continuing described as extremely use an s con nua ion consi ereL esirable. Recommendations were made for more frequent consultations between FDD and State personnel concerned with Cyprus9 Greece and Africa. The Chairman requested and was promised a list of State analysts so concerned. AEC member gave approval by proxyto the progrem. The special report on una_of narticu. lar interest o tne CIA was reported to be well pleased with the special reports appearing on the Near East and Africa. Requirements were introduced for reporting on African economic planning, on African reaction to the Moscow conference of Communist parties of the world, and on scientific and technoloi.Lical developments in the agricultural, medical and veterinary sciences and in telecommunicationss transportation, geology, hydrology and sanitation in selected African areas. 3. Other Business Copies of a selected list of foreign language dictionaries, specifically designed for emergency purposes, were distributed to the Committee. The Chairman explained that the list was intended to be basic:, and as such did not include specialized dictionaries. Approved For For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1B 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 40 F....tuall.12,EUMI The Chairman observed that the Committee had completed its review of the exploitation programs of all areas and would normally begin another review of the programs next September? In the interim: however: any member nay request a, meeting for discussion of matters or interest to the Committee? The Coamittee mill be provided monthly with lists of Special :FDE1 Reports in Progress or Projected? to the C The annual report to the WIB Secretariat will be submitted ttee in draft form for review within the next two mondm?? 10.?Lti. Enclosures: 1. CEFLP-A.26 20 30 -3. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1C - ,Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MINUTES OF THE TWENY4VEER METING OF ttim COMMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 25X1A 13 January 1961 Members: Mr, Max Horlick, State Wo Gerald Co Cooney, Army 7Y ESA on, ?S Major George Kudravetz, Air Force Mr. J. J. Bagnall CIA, Chairman CIA, Secretary Guests: Mr, Francis Maxinon State Mr. Henry Holz, Army Mr. Amido A, DeSimone, Air Force Major Elias Bacha Air Force 25X1A - 25X1A 1. Minutes The minutes of the 25th meeting of the Committee were approved, 2, Chinese Communist Publications The Chairman stated that the current situation with respect to the unavailability of Chicom publications was essentially the SSM2 as that described to the Committee in the recent FDD survey. 3, The Far East Program The Committee accepted the Far East program as presented in enclosures to the minutes of the 25th meeting of the CEFLP, Among the proposed changes the planned consolidation into topical series STATSPEC of on Communist China was especially welcomed, . laovever, re was opposition to a suggestion for merging Chicom agricultural statistics with industrial data on Communist Asia in one report. Accordingly, these statistics will continue to be plib- nailed in separate reports. r -7 -11.-P-IGJM_T_A_T Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? STATSP EC STATSPEC STATSP EC STATSP EC 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 State Department recommended production of a new report composed 7-lalected Chine= Communist quotations on disarmammnt. Fp observed that such otations ar covered by the ccehined reporting of and what is therefore required is selection an organ t on statements which have already been reported. reDD arfered to explore this natter* State requested more politica coverage a North Korea and an assurance that the tables of contents of Chinese periodicals appearing in tPeoples Dai3.y" wouLd be translated regularly* FDD noted that the tables of contents are normally =ported by Expanbut that s ti.ny omissions would "W translated and p ed ublish ical reporting on North !Corea will be sun,d through State commented on the .usefulness of the chronologies smearing in the Cowmist Digest and expressed particular intereet in the FDD report 032 Resistance .to CommunaliZfati032 inCbiEia. Pinally, State, in concert vith Air recce, recommended revival of the on Rert on Borth Vietnam. FDD suggested instead an interval of six months during whic.h a determination could be made As to whether the present method of reporting by IPDD and Effon that area was adequately meeting community iequix*w=tto. alternative was accepted. o Econemic Data Reporting in 5 8 vormat gave qualified assent to a CIA proposal to issue two more reports in this format, i.e. 743.rml Machin ) and Soviet Precision ForV.....t. There were no ---octions tobe proposal ommittee. 5. Other Business Eammember expressed interest in Obtaining a current noting of good general and technical dictionaries in ell languages. The Chairman stated that FDD maintains a, selected list of as test dictionaries for each language which is periodically revised ao newrand better dictionaries become available. At the request of Committee members, the Chairman agreed to provide copies of the list. Approved For For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC 60 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 The next meeting of the Committee will be held at 2 porno on 10 February 1961, in Room 1121 M Building. On the agenda for this meeting will be a review of the rear East and Africa programs? Enclosures: 10 CEPLP-A-25 20 TAB A - Special. Near East and Africa Reports Published by Foreign Documents Division -3- Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CEFLP-A-25 2 February 1961 COMMIS EXPLOITATICel CIF MEM LANOUACM PUBLICATIONS AGEEDA Conference Room - 13.21 M Building Friday, 10 February 3.961 at 14)0 hours 1. Minutes ce the 25th Meeting Near East and Africa Program Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SPECIAL NEAR EAST AND MICA RKPORTM PUBLISHED IX FOREIGN DOCIZIMM DIVISION ilivEgiAge Title 2712 Iraqi cam tt Front Activities, Aug-Nov 60 Commist Activities Among Iraqi Kurds 2701 TAB A Date Published 12 Jan 61 9 Dee 60 2b7 Steps Toward Unification of the Fayptian and Syrian Regions of the UAR 20 Sep 60 5 Jan 61 273.4 Press Information on LIAR -- Sino-Soviet Bloc Activities, 15 Aug-15 Oct 60 2678 Data on Cosummist-Controlled United Democratic Youth Organization. of Cyprus 22 Serf 60 9.Nov 60 2691 Data on Commull at Pair of Cyprus, Seu 59-31 Aug 6o 2699 Data on Communist-Controlled Union of Cypriot Fezmers, 1 Sep 59.31 Aug 6o 30 Nov 6o AFRICA Simmer/ No. 2684 Political Developments and Activities in the Trust Territories of Ruanda- Urundi 18 ()et 60 2770 Activities of Leftist-Inclined Groups in Belgian Congo 19 Aug 60 2795 Activities of the UPC Party in Cameroon 2 Sep do 2779 Reaction in Black Africa to Sekou Toure Regi I 16 Aug do 2683 Recent Trends of Leftist UM of Morocco 14 ()et 60 2707 Subversive Activities and Unrest in Portuguese Africa 14 Dec 60 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000 MIMES Cif? TBE TWENTr-FIMEI MISTING OF TiE COMMITTEE ON EXPLOITATION OF FMEIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 2 December 1960 Members: WO Vamflorlicks State Nr. Gerald C. Cooney, Army Mi. Thomas !Wines, Navy Ma 25X1A or George KUdravetz, Air Force NSA s0 Doris Freer, AEC Malik Chairman, CIA Secretary, CIA Guests: Mr. EamardW. Burgess State Major Elias BaCha, Ai;* Force Mr. Walter H. Ellis, Air Force ArlitioL DeSimone, Air Force 25X1A 25X1A 1. Minutes The minutes of the 24tb meeting of the Committee were approved. 2. The Eastern 411122241:25Em The proposed program for Eastern Europe, submitted for Committee consideration in enclosures to the minutes of the 24tb CEFLP meeting, was reviewed and adopted without Change. The review produced comment relative to reports issued under the former program as well as to the revisions recommended for the new program. State member acknowledged particular interest in the Eastern Europe Press Surve ? the Review of Ccamunist Theoretical Journals theasc......m.....aL......teEastanSociolicTrans._,laions and the summaries of the provincial press. Economic coverage in general was considered good. The special economic reports on Bulgaria and Yugoslavia uere specifically mentioned as useful compilations of information. Reporting of sociological information on Bulgaria, East Germany, and Rumania was considered noteworthy? State welcomed the expended coverage of Albania indicated in the proposed program, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 .M2D:member requested Navy and Air reaction to an Army pro- posal Xor inclusion of all military information in one serial publi- cation. Navy and Air members reported satisfaction with the existing format of reports. The Committee also noted certain requirements of the current reporting proem which would make difficult the adeption of the proposal, namely, tio some of the military information reports are prepared internally by FDD personnel and some by external contractual facilities, . b. biographic data is Issued in card format at the request of the military services, c. translations of Czechoslovak military materials require publication under For Official Use Only control to conform with copyright restrictions, de the controls or classification necessary if all military information were issued under one cover woad prevent dissemination to external contractors employed by the services. After discussion, Army nether withdrew the proposal and accepted the Eastern Europe program as presented, Navy member approved thi proposed program end specifically endorsed 646?graphic reporting on card format? There was discussion of the need :or reporting biographic data on personnel below the rank of flag officer and general officer, with final agreement to retain the existing requirement for biographic reporting on field grade officers end senior naval officers, including lieutenant commanders. Air member accepted the revised program, expressing a definite preference for biographic information on cards, Collection of data on test pilots military or civilian, was requested Assurance as given by VDD that any personnel so identified would be reported. NSA metber approved the proposed program in its entirety, AEC member endorsed the program, stating that AEC also favored the card format for biographic reporting, The Chairman noted CIA's acceptance of the new program, Committee review of the Eastern Europe programmes thus concluded? Since Army, Navy and CIA only were concerned in the discussion of community problems in classified translation service it vas agreed to defer this item of the agenda in favor of matters of general interest to the Committee, Approved For For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 oasis The Chairman =flounced that the report an Urban Devel t the USSR would be reinstated aa. a periodic publ cni-ant, cone olltw interest shown in the report by ?AnilY, 1SA0 AM, and MO, ? A CIA recommendation that economic data from oreign lesiguase STATS P EC publicatices be reported on 5 x 8 format, when applicable, arl.s brmir...rft attent of the C t stated that a VW in preparatiat n ores s appear within the month,. ale requested the Committee to ascertain community reaction to the format ffte wareamtatica anti discussion at the January meeting. She Chairmen spoke briefly an the availability ;and ilaformational value of the 1960 Chinese Commlnaist publicaiions, noting that a full review of this subject was in preparation for the Coensittee? Re reported the continuous decline in periodical receipts during the first half of the calendar year end the abrupt termination of receipt of many post4taly issues of the economic, scientific and technical journals !oreover, the decline in receipts of 'the ecomeale jeurnale was accompanied by a marked deterioration in the hard.fazt content ? of these sources? Conversely, the Chicon newspapers continued to be available, although many receipts were in microfilm copy, Political reporting in the pubiications generally maintained its previous quality? It was further observed that diplomatic as tell as non-diplomatie subscribers were equally affected by the restrictions an the avail- ability of the publications. Communit Problems in Classified Translation Service. At the suggestion of the Chaim:Gan, Arne/ and Navy =Imre d.escribed. their respective departmental capabilities to render classified translation service, It was determined through discussion that &JR/ and Navy in teeny instances might cooperate in an exchange of trans- laticn services which could be mutually beneficial ? It was therefore agreed that the Committee members of these two services woad contact each other for the arrangement of reciprocal services as the need arcs? The Chairman observed that CIA would endeavor to met the USIB requirements for translation of the exotic languages in cases where other IB cesnrenents lack facilities and CIA capabilities and workload permit. The Ch?,irman then distributed. a current list of ?pcial FDD Reports in Process or Pro,jected, .3 . Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 The date of the next meeting a the Committee vas =aimed es 13 January 1961, at ultioh tine tbe Far East program viii be zevIvloC,10 The meeting will be held at 11100 houra in Rem 1312L N 9211dirs0 Naelozuree: 10 4311M-A-221. 20 TAB A - Review a avai3.abilit7. of ChiCom publications 3. TAB B PDD seheolaed Par East reports (non-soleatifile)end sPecial 40 TAB C ts (non 50 TAB D - Proposed changes in Tabs A and B Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 COMMIE CU lEXFLOITATI CEFIF-A-24 29 December 1960 CS) FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATICES AGENDA ,Conference Roan - nal 14 ituilding Friday, 13 January 1961 at 1400 hours 1, Minutes of the 25th meeting 2, The Far East program 3. Comraznizy reaction to the publicaticn or selected economic data CM 5 x 8 format C-0-11-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 THE AVAILABILITY AND INFORMATIONAL VALUE (7'1-Mika COARBIEMEESEMOrTirl760 a Foreign Documents Division's receipts of Chinese Cf.fet4 it publi- cations remained generally satisfactory throughout 1959, although Dome serious gaps in title receipts developed late in that year and extended into 1 By late February and early March 1960 there vas already a dis- cernable change in the nature of publication receipts. Many imtortant economic journals ceased to be received and those received ceased to be as valuable as sources of information. There was no similar development in the case of the poliical Jour- nals, The only priority sources obtainable in 1959 but not in early 1960 were the journals Chenghih Haueh-hai (Political Study) and ang:Ef. Yen.chin (Legal Study In the sociological field, education journals remained unavail- able in 1959 and 1960, specifically the antials_alatm (Peopleoe Education) and similar provincial level education journals. This restrictive trend has continued. Most of the economic journals have been unobtainable since the July 1960 issues, mlth nany receipts dropping off in April, May and June. Moreover, it is poasible that even the political journals are coming under the 'wan if one can judge from the pattern of the xida..t recent receipts of attly five titles, of vhich only two are priority sources. The atatus of scientific and technical journal receipts io altIrJat the same as that of the economic journals. The Chieh-fAni_alatREE (Liberation Army Daily) baa unavailable since SepteMber 1958, -gro A Extracts fram Official Field Colrmssollea_21.pevelopments biEML-1-ca ons Procurement 10 Bong Kong ?2allaymilatelm222.1,., 30 Sevtember 1960.; reported cessation of subscriptions to regional press and some other publicationg to foreign journalists in Peiping. (AnConGen Hong Kong, 498 OU0) S-E-C-R-E-T/N-0-F-O-R.N Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 S.Z-C-R-E-T/N-NF-0-11.411 Status of Receivt of Publications 1. Economic The following economic journals received and utilized by FDD in 1959 have not been received in 1960 issues. A few of them have b"..aen mogtw-Maly discontinued: Bung-tsun Chin-aung (Rural Finance) Kung-chou Kung-abang (Canton Industry and Commerce) Haien KUng-shang (New Industry and Commerce) Shanghai Kung-shang (Shanghai Industry and Commerce) TUng-nansTa Kuntp-shang (Southeast Asia Trade and Industry) Yu-se Chin-shu (1len-ferrous Metals) Tsao-chih Kung-jeh (Paper Industry) Shih-plin Kung-jeh (Foodstuffs Industry) Mei-Van Kung-yeh (Coal Industry) Chung-kuo Tsao-Cheuan (China Shipbuilding) Cbung-kuo Ch'ing-kung-jeh (China Light Industry) Ching Chi-bsieh Wavy Machinery) Chien-dhu Ts'ai-liao Knng-yeh (Building Materials Industry) Shui-li Tien-li Chien-she (Water Conservaticu and Electric Power) Tien-chi Kialg-yeh (Electric EquiA-u-at Industry) Chekiang Ssu-chUo (Chekiang Silk Chi-chguang Yu Kung-chu (Nhchine Tools and Instruments) Chu-kung (Coating) Han-chieh (Welding) Yeh-chin Chien-she(Metallurgical Construction) Chung-kuo Kung-jen China Workers) tach.tung (Laborers) .3. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 0 ?v?: thvre yktolraw..4 ax!. zanti.2,12:Ana.thz 'cur 17 (Act,A ks::: cipl,tustte (-2.a turicti 4.a ?e tar' vi-.11tf141 Maal6Da.:4 yrd.47,11t a 1.!Jki.or e,q, Ao,;rt.te af y.T1s.rtiocIA aeLth vt7 be,m Fat:* IwITueg any ct.frSP,- ? :???? ?,,?;;N". ?:?? .,:x?;:3., ) i?rkt ? g ta. -? ?iIrstv-z: 4 t - ? ?? t. . ? kee. c. e r ? `4 ? , t . e. i? ? - 711.'1 F ? ; ? .3 < ), 1960 ot ');,? "?" ? ; r?-xt 1-1?????7 N'ICA 4-es - k? 't?'; ":',t t? ).? ? ? ?', ' ? ? ?) e 4' t 1.1.4 ? ?, k Crkauti.,s1iL2 t.,14.-cr1 *Lift,17Ag-1.1-th Pi.t*;s1) 11:6iTrortity 1>gtILA':;?11Z kL1"0:clrieetf - 15e,i-karg-.;vEr. Ct. ;_?', ..4` , ?-???? ,tr?: ? ?i Pr-r?,A P1,1$;'-$ $ 9 v,3- ? , - ? ", (?71.1.V.:47.,D ?4?? ? , " .j?-? n ?!. - r- ? t" ?. ? I ? We,?.0.rts tRailvd i,Wster TA-:-asatkva) , Xung-1u thiRbimpj Lu-bsing-chia (Travelia.) Tli (Water Conservation E.ectrie Per) 2. Political and. Sociological Receipt of nittional level political uld oociological periodice1u continued to bec-=zatiefectory through July 1.96k, except that eduction Journals; generally unavailable since 1958, re-mit-led unavailable, The two pi7incipa1 natiornalitiem journzils (Min-tzu 1.,).1an-chie3t and Mln-tzu Yen-etiu) were not received, and there vere varaug gei5rand daiWin receipts of the religious journals (Tie nz zld nyzieu7tai Fo:t1q4lizh). The Moslem journalChupg:huo HU-asuAlThased vi.toget'en, -4- s 47,?,(:-, ..?99 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 --Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T/N-O.F.0-R-N This picture has begun to change, The important "readeru digest" journal Kaii2:121a.l.L.-mttnEan (China Semi-monthly) has reportedly been banned and the more Important NUo-chi Wen-t'i Yen-dhiu (mteraational Problem Research) as well am Chengsuhsi (Political Study) may have been discontinued, as seen from the above official correapozdence. Following is a list of the political and sociological jourrial received by FDD in 1960 issues. Only those asterisked have been received in post-July 1960 issues: *Hung-ch'i (Red Flag) Kuo-chi Wen-tli Yen-chiu (Internatianal Problems Research) Che-bsueh Yen-chiu (Philosophical Researdh) Ch'iao-mu Paz, (Overseas Chinese Affairs) *Chung-kuo Ch'ing-nien (China Youth) *Chmks-kuoFa-zau (Chins Women) Hsin Chien-she (New Construction) *Shib-chieh Chih-sbih (World Knowledge) Li-shih Yen-dhiu (Historical Research) Wen-hsueh Kai-ko (Literary Reform) Wen.i Pao (Literary Journal) *Wen-tzu Kai-ko (Language Reform) Yu-wen Hauel-hai (Language Study) Hsin.shua Pan-yueh-k'an (New China Semi-monthly) T'ien-feng (Heavenly Wind(Christian)) Hien-tai Fo-hsueh (Mzdern Buddhism) ftin Kuan-clea (New Observer) *Shih-shih Shou-tee (Current Affairs Handbook) In this category are also the folloging provincial level theoretiml jaarnala (provincial equivalents of the natiamal level Hung-chci: Ch'uang-ts'ao (Yunnan) Chun-chung (Kiangsu) Chung-chou Ping-lun (Ronan) Li-lun Esueh-hsi (Liaoning) Shang-yu (Kwangtung) Shang-yu (ftechuan) Su.hsiang Chan-hsien (Shensi) Tung-feng (Eopeh) Ch'iu-shih (Chekiang) and the municipal theoretical journals: chieh4,vA, (Shanghai) Tau-chin Nun-ch'ang) Ch"ien-hien (Peiping) .5. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SCRET/N_0O..RiNN Scientific and Technical PM has received over the past five years about 200 titles of Chinese scientific and technical publications? (It is difficult to be precise here, since almost each person varies in the number of political, sociological and economic journals vhiCh he includes under scientific and teChnical) About one-balf of these titles continued to be received in 1959. In planning its exploitation program in early 1960, FM selected 55 titles lahiCh appeared to be 1) the best of the journals in six disciplines: Biolcgical and Agricultural Sciences, Chemistry and Chemical Terftology? Earth Sciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Technical Sciences; and 2) those most likely to continue being received in 1960. There follows a list of the selected journals; only those preceeded by an asterisk have been received in 1960 issue. No issues published subsequent to July 1960 have been received? General 41-1C'o-haueh T'ung-pao (Scientia), semimonthly *Keo-hsueh Chi-lu (Science Record), semimonthly Pei-chins Ta-hsueh Hsueh-pao? Tzu-jan Kio-bsueh (Peking University Journal, Scientiarum Naturalium), quarterly Ssu-eh'uan Ta-hsueh Hsueb-pao, Tzu-jan Mo-Haueh (Journal of Schwan University, Scientiarum Naturally/0, quarterly, Chengtu and Agricultural Sciences Chih-vu Heueh-pao (Acta Botanica Wailes), quarterly Chih-.wu Sheng-li-heueb T'uln-hsun (Plant Physiology News), bimonthly Chih-.1411 Pin-1i Heueh-pao (Acta Phytopathologica Sinica), semiannital Ice un-ch'ung Haueb-pao (Acta E3atomologica Sinica), qizarterly Nung-yeh Hsueh-pao (Acta Agriculturae Sinica), quarterly Sheng-hua Hsueh-pao (Acta Biochemica Sinica), quarterly Ying-yang K'un-ch'ung Rimela-pao (Acta Oeconomico-Entamologica Sinica)) quarterly Chemist/ and Chemical Tufinolqa *Hua-hsueh Hsueb-pao (Acta Chimica Sinica)a bimonthly *Hus.thsueb rung-pao (Chemistry Bulletin), monthly *Huahsueh Ebng-yeb (Chemical Industry), semimonthly Hua-hsueh Shih-ebieh (Chemical World), Shanghai, monthly Jan-liao Esueh-pao (Acta Ponca Sinica), quarterly Kao-fen Stu T'ung-hsun (Reports on Macromolecules), quarterly .6. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Earth Sciences Chi-haana Esueb-pao (Acta Meteorologica Sinica), bimonthly Chung-kuo Ti-chih (Geology of China), monthly Rai-yang Yu Hu-cba? (Ocesnologia et Lirraologia Sinica), quarterly Ti-chib Hsuch-pao (Acta Geologies Sixties), quarterly Ti-chib yu Kban-tean (Geology and Prospecting), seltamcothly *Ti-chviu Wu-li Hsueh-pao (Acts Geophysics Sixties), nemiannual *Ti-li Chih-sbih (Knowledge Of Geography), monthly Ti-li Ratteh-pao (Acts Geographiea Sixties), quarterly Tlie.n-ch el Yueb-ean (Weather Monthly), monthly Ts'e-liang Chi-Vu Ratteb-pso (Acta Geodetica et Carbogrsphica Sinica), quarterly Mathematica3. and Pyaical $ciences Li-bsueb Rsueb-pao (Acts Mechanics. Sinica), quarterly *Shu-baueh Hsueh-pao (Acta Mathematica Sinica), quarterly *Shu-bsueb T'ung-pao (Mathematics Bulletin), monthly *Wu-li Raueh-pao (Acts Physic's Sinica), bimonthly T'ung-pao (Physics Bulletin), monthly Medical Sciences Chung-hua 2-k'o Tsa-chih (National Medical Journal of China), monthly .Chung-hua Nei-kvo Tsa-chih (Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine:Ip monthly Chung-hua Shen-ching Ching-shen-kvo Tea-ehih (Chinese Journal of Neuron psychiatry), bimonthly *Chung-bus. Wai-ke? Tsa-ehib (Chinese Journal of Surgery), monthly *Chung-hua rang-she-hsueh Tsa-chih (Chinese Journal of R diology)? bimonthly *Chung-hua P'i-fu-kso Tsa-chih (Chinese Journal of Denttatology), bimonthly Chung-i Taa-ehih (Journal of Chinese Traditional 104dicine), monthly Chung-kuo Shou-i-haueh Taa-chih (Chinese Veterinary Journal), quarterly Ch1u-mu Shou'i Reueb-pao (Acta Veterinaria et Zootechnica Sluice), semi- annual *Jen-min Pao-chiez (PeopleVa Health), monthly Haueh-pao (Acta Physiologica Sinica), quarterly Shih-yen Sheng-huo Reuel:I-pa? (Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Unica semiannual Wei-sheng-vu Hsueh-yo.? (Acta Microbiologica Sinica), quarterly Yao-bsueh Bauch-pa? (Acta Pharmaceutics Sinica), monthly Ying-yang Rsueh-pao Acta Nutriments Sinica)? quarterly Technical Sciences Chi-bsueb Kung-ch'eng Bauch-pa? (Chinese journal of Mechanical Engineer- i4g), quarterly Chin-shu Esueh-pao (Acta Metallurgica Sinica), quarterly Kang-t"ieh (Steel), semimonthly -7- Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Technical Sciences (continued) Shui-li Esueb-pao (Journal of Hydraulic Engineering), Shanghai, quarterly Tien-hsin Kio-hsueb (Science of Telecommunications), monthly Tzu-tung-hua (Automation), bimonthly Yu-se Cbin-shu (Non-ferrcus Netals), monthly Yeb-chin.peo (Netallurgical Neva), semiweekly 4o Newspapers The quantity of national and provincial level newspaper receipts has undergone little change, This is due wholly to the activities of A33/OCR and the AmConGen, Hong Kong in making rapid chom8es in sources of procurement, any of these receipts, however, are en microfilm, 'which exacerbates the normal difficulty of exploitation, The general statements on quality of information available in sources? section C below, applies equally to all newspapers, A growing number of newspapers, including those received on microfilm., are normally obtained through procedures requiring they be handled under CFFIC/AL USE any control, which places sone limitation on unclassified translation procedures. These controlled sources are indicated by an asterisk in the following list, List of Communist Chinese Ne%T_Eez..I.Lec2.i...zy......, ved b FDD in 1960., with Month of Latest Available Issues as of 1 December 19b0 *Anhwei Jih-pao *Ch'eng-chiang Jih-pao *Chekiang J1h-pao *Chieh-fang Jih-pao *Chungking Jih-pao Chung-kuo Ching-nien Pao *Fukien Jih-pao *Heilungkiang Jih-pao Bonen Jih-pao Hopeh Jih-pao *Hsin-hua Jih-pao *Hsin Hunan Pao *Hupeb Jih-pao Jen-min jih-pao Kansu Jih-pao *Elangsi jih-pao Kirin Jih-pao Kuang-ming Jih-pao Kung-jen Jih-pao KWangehow Jih-pao *Kwangsi Jih-pao *KWeichow Jih-pao *Liaoning jih-pao *Lu-ta Jib-pao SE October October October October October August October October October October October July July November October October October NoveMber NoveMber April October October October October Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? *$ign Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CIFII"VT/10r(N'PN 60. CiLl ?1?0 C.13, at.S (MI.:pact A",1-?L'ag 13.111?=Va's,,) Jih-pao Jth-pv-o Th *Sinkian Ta-chuag 5 J.1h-pao Olb-pao Ta 1?tto Mz.t. Jali-pao -*Tierv,sin Jip Ttlnejlat Jih-pao ijt Jih-pg.,c4 Tuile,-eheng ilYuilmezi., * ? . 't ? ? 4. ?A ";>?:- IlSr.r, % t;s4.1.ta MIX' t.-.$ 0 o C'11.,firJer O Oatcbm- t Obsi;11' kAz-,'a7 c.irti..u.ucrt. !I:, 1..T;a ? - .1,??????????1?????S.yer F,0???T??? ???? 4???"????.? 7,4r.:zvem-c-,,,:rIL19o0, the Amce4Ge111. ta A41M.F. rSPO' b??? hot.t Zn-lkl'a nttaLeznat Umt3 ..1t.Lo,u4th agric=lturtil 19- &L1 ta,luatriul tigeta uwid bci mcz,t, t.1.413tuing:1 abc-lut mxtyul-, NAd prd=tim sv=?atl6tic* cr.Intratt,e7 ae.rpiy vith zIaLm* 3f Inreaaed r.mtpul piblighed durtng1.. Lv. 1958 anct 1959. (Ccafidelltial) In ant earlial- heview 32, Z37, 6enteer :71:94:0 the AwCanGen gs,1(1,1 ugricv,Itural priz,aucti,w. zerttlnueace' (Offilal We (W142 gt.,tatemo. raummftrt obaarvralle Irt.ftErzatIcrmizZ vtival,02; ::?01 ..tatinCiTAC vabliatIma now wraLltIXIIL'F. EconczAit, ? ??irtai VA, ??-?? 3 ? 4 - 1 ? 1/7 ? fieldn of 1i Li asLicT*611U.Nii-4, q1AP,pow!,r, rellaun)has deveta T;Pen th tered aa th Azcl.)&610-M a c,atradlotte.',:nal 1.t.1 I 4 r' it v:Lne Lo,1 .ic:??,Ii .113.1 ?af,- Art0 ? POI t Cal, gal d t .1 Slogxmile vxplanttlim of clegafto, have ,..7cinvilmt-dha tirat PrQqw;tion wad t:cancvw mvie ptolalciat -vat lidth Lt ola th '1ts or p:t ictitcm-A."4,vThe, iot report itk.t.2; i7E5 ,::c.tucerned. legri u1turt1's the F. z'zi_ the, 1:12:1=1.3m1 canzodi y1-41:.,e (4.2: canc.:LT" 9 ir-1112AVt. 1:%"r.:. at ?B?c ;311,17,ply nmrS lubC4-7,"ere fcr vry arfl avo staq!!izt.,,Lot Csr- plarrt. o-t:? control,. :si.prLt.1.:;1; vints-r-hArv,-,.-9.t, or p:Istie, for uygl on -,-,hente. bjectg r4Torta andec?..f.toriella eopinar cmtinuougay at rfilportIna. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 "A.r? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SwER-EaTO_PcOiR4i In briefs the reporting of hard economic Inforumion has been largely replaced by emphasis m drives for greater proutuction? better leadership, proper outlook, and camouflage by technical discussims to sloes over the absence of substantive data. The type of information formerly found in publications uhich have either been discontinued or become unavailable is now found only in fragments and by inferanc..- in the available periodicals and newspapers, There has been no qualitative Change in political reporting. The subject matter reported has varied to conform with current intereno, sad there has been a quantitative increase in political and propaganda reports to compensate for decrease in economic reporting? It is difficult to evaluate the quality of scientific and technical reporting, since publications in these fields began drying up at the time a determination was reached to provide more coverage of them, Jai atademic assessmeLtt of the past materials in these fields as veil as the general state of the art may be forthcoming from the Symposium GA Chinese Science to be held in New York on 26-27 December 19600 S.E.C.R.E.TA1-04-0-R41 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIAADP78-03131A0(10100080001-5 Lia-t- A 25X1 C Nor An-hui Jih-yao (Anhwei Ddily) Che-chiang Jih-pao (Chekiang DailY) Chbang-chiong jih-vso (Yangtze River Daily) Chiang-hsi Jih-pao (Kiangsi Daily) Chieh-Fang Jthio (Libe.ration Daily)'ing Jih-pao (Chungking Daily) Fu-chien Jih-pso (Ftkien Daily) Hei-lung-ehiang ah-pac (Heilungkiang Daily) Hi -n Jih-pao (Sian Daily) Hoin-ebiang Jih-pao (Sinkiang Daily) Hsin-hua Jih-pao (lieu China Daily) Eilang-ha Jih-pao (Kg'angsi Daily) Knang-raing Jih-pao (Brilliant Daily) Kuei-chou Jih-rao (Kweichow Daily) Luta QM-pa? (Port Amtbur-Dairen Daily) -14. S Place of P.,:11/1itlu Hofei Hr/schot4 HaLkw Nandhimg chungklas Foethou Harbila SIcal Uramehi Nanking Kanmin& Peiping Kueiyang Dairen Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Liao-ning Jih-pao (Liaoning Daily) Nan-fang Jih-pao (Southern Daily) List A (continued.) Mukden Canton Nei-meng-ku Jih-pao Huhehot (Inner Mongolia Daily) Sban-hai Jib-pao Taiyuan (Shansi Daily) Shen-hsi Jih-pao Sian (Shensi Daily) Szu-ch'uan Jih-pao Chengtu (Szechwan Daily) T'ien-ching Jih-Dao Tientsin (Tientsin Daily) Y6-nan Jih-pao Kunming (Yunnan Daily) .15- S-E-C-R-E-T/11-0-F-0-R41 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Mune of lisimpaper Jih-vao (Kirin Daily) Ch ? ing-bai Jih-pao (Ttingbai Daily) Honan Jih-pao (Ronan Daily) Ho-pei Jih-pao (Ilopeh Daily) Esi-tsang Jih-pao (Tibet Daily) Jih-pao (I-1i Daily) Kan-su Jih-pao (Kan= Daily) Ta-chung Jih-pao (Masses Daily) Liemg-shih Pao (Grain and Food New) Hsin-ven Shao-p"ien (New Photographs) IC'o-bsueh Esiao-pao (Science Tabloid) Chin-jih Tsizt-ven (Today's New) -16- List B Place of Publication Changdhun ? Siang Chengdhou Tientsin Lhasa I-ning Shih Landhow Tsinan Peiping Peiping Peiping Peiping Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 List C 25X1 C Name of Newspaper An-hui Jih-pao (Wiwi Daily) ehiang-hei Jib.-pao (Kiangsi Daily) Ch'ing-tao Jila-pao (Tsingtao Daily) Fu-chien Jih-pao (Fukien Daily) Bei.-lung-chiang Jih-pao (Heilungchiang Daily) Hain-ehiang Jih-pao (Sinkiang Daily) Esin-hu-man Pao (New RIME111 Daily) Husipel Jih-pao (Rupiah Daily) Kuei-chou Jih-pao (Kweichow Daily) Shan-hal. Jih-pao (Shansi Daily) Szu.-ehcuam Jih.-pao (Szechwan Daily) Yans-nan Jih-pao (Yunnan Daily) Place of Publication Hofei Nanchang Tsingtao Foochow Harbin Urumchi. Changsha Hankow Kueiyang Taiyuan Chengtu Kunming Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Nei-meng--ku Jih-pao (Inner Mongolia Daily) Nei-ineng Ku Shang-yeh ((lwaer liongolia9e Commerce) Pei-ching Jih-pao (Pekizg Dai3y) Pei-ching Wan-pao (Peking Evening News) Szu-chluaz Cleing-nien Pao (Szechwan Youth News) Szuftch'uan Jihsepao (Szechwan Daily) Ta-kung Pao (Ta-kung Newspaper) Wen-hut Pao (IfenAlui Nem) Yang-ch'eng Wan-pao (Yang-chveng Evening New) Euhebot 23 Euhehot Ftiping 61 Peiping 18 Chenstu Chengtu 1 Peiping 21 Shanghai 1 Canton 36 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ,a of Nei...22mr. S-E-C-11-E-1Z/N-0-F-0-B-N List D Place of Publication Chish-fang-chtia Pao Peiping (Liberation Army Newspaper) ! ? Chieh-fang Jih--Dao (Liberation Daily) Shanghai les lased Chung-kuo Ch'ing-mien Pao Peipim 135 (China Youth News) Nel-lung-chiang Jih-pao Harbin 1 (Eeilungkieng Daily) Hsi-Chiang Ch'(in-chung Pao Sicheng (Szechwan) 11 (Sichang Masses News) f Esii-ain Wan-pao ghat 4 (New People's Evening Post) Nu-ho-hao-t to Jih-pao Buhehot 70 (Nuhehot Daily) Ihv-lun-pei-erh Jih-pao Eallar 24 .(Bailar Daily) Kuang-chou Jih-pao Centex: 13 (Canton Daily) Kuang-ming Jih-pao Peiping 62 (Brilliant Daily) Kuang-tung Miging nien Pao Canton 18 (Nuangiung Youth News) Kung-jen Jih-pao Peiping 50 (Workers Daily) Nan-fang Jih-pao Canton 34 (Southern Daily) Nei-law:m-1m Ch'ing-alien Pao, Buhehot (Inner Mongolian youth News Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SE List E Naine of Newspaper Place of An-hui Ch'ing-nien INzo (An-hut Youth New) Anhui Nung-Sin (an-hui Parsers Revs) An-hui VI-y*1 Pao (An-hui Sports News) An-shan Jih-pao (An-shan Daily) An-tug Jih-pao (An-tung Daily) Chan-ehiang Jih-pao (Chatx-ehlang Chan-shih Pao (Soldiers News) Chan-yu Pao (righting Comrades New) Chang-ehia-k?ou Qiih-pao (Chang-ehia-ksou Daily) Chiang-chin% Chih-3ring Pao (Eagle of Yangtze River) C20ang-c.h1ang Rang An Pao (Yangtze River Water Transports News) Ch'ang-ehou Jih-pao (Ch'ang-ehou Daily) Ch9ang-eheen 1.71h-pao (Chlang-eh9un Daily) Ch?ang-sha .Jih-pao (Ch?ang-sha Daily) Che-ehiang Ch'ing-nien Pao Rangehou (Chekiang Youth News) ort, Rofti Eofei Eofei Ranthen (Liaoning) Antung (Liaoning) Chan-ehiang (angtung) Peiping Peiping Chang-ehia-Wom (Eopeh) 7-titankow Chcang-ehou Shih (Kiengsu.) Chengehan Changsha -20,0 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Che-chiang &mg-Jen Pao (Chekiang Workers News) Cho-calms !eh-chin -Pao (Chekiang Metallurgical News) Chen-chlang Shih Pao (Chen-chianti; Shia News) Cheng-thou Jih-pao (Chengehow Cbeng-feng Chien-ban. (Brief Report on Rectification) Cheng-feng Chien Pao (Brief Neva on Rectification) Cheng-Ping Kinig-tso Chien-pao (Consiription Works Brief New) Chewping KungAso Cbien Pao (Conseription Works Brief New) Ch?eng-shih Chien-she (city Construction) Chseng-shib Ch'u-hsti Kung-tso Mien. Pao (Brief Report on City Savings Work) Ch'eng?tu 471h-pao (dhengtu Daily) Ca?1-0.191-ha-era Jia-pao (Teitelhar Daily) Ch'ing-nien Pao (Catain Youth News) Chi-lin Nung-2dn Pao (Kirin Farmers New) Chi-nan Jih-pao (Tsintn Chinn Kung-jen Pao (Tsinan Workers Nees) Chi-sau Chien-pao (Brief Technical Netn3) -21- Sawa= Nengehow Chen-chieng Shia (Ktanagil) Chengehcre (Boum) Canton (Internal circulation) CRAM (Intemel circulation) Esiang-t?eIti (amen) Wang7ch'eng (Etnioa) Celit011 Canton (Internal circulation) Cbengtu Tbitsihar Changehun Changchun Tsinan Tetuan Peiping Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ch2i-tsieh Kung-jen (Tsitsihar Railroad Worker) Chia-wang Kguang-kung Pao (Chia-vang Miners News) Chieng-hsi Chving-nien Pao (Kiangsi Youth Neva) Chiang-hsi Hang-ylin (Kiangsi Water Transports) Chiang-hsi Kung-jen Pao (Kiengsi Workers News) Chiang-hsi Yu-tien (Kiengsi Post 88 Telegraph) Chiang-men Pao (Kcfngmoon News) Chiang-men Tsung-hstizt (Koniamoon Bulletin) Chiang-au Cheing-nien Pao (Kieneau Youth News) Chiang-su Rung-min Pao (iCiangsu Farmers News) Ching-8u Tsi-yu (Kiangsu Sports) Chiring-su Yu-tien gsu Post Is Telegraph) Chiao-shih Pao (Teachers? Gazette) Chieh-fang Chienhsien (Liberation Front Line) Chieb-fang Chsun Pao (Tateihar) Chia-wang (Kangan) Nanchang Ilanchang Nanchang Flambee's Kononoon (Kvaristung) 1Congaloon (Internal) Nanking Nanking Nanking Nanking Peiping Foochow Peiping (1 copy of Feb 3, (Liberation Arm* Nem) 1960 obtained) Ch'ien-chin Lieh-chee Harbin (Advancing Train) S-E-C-R-R-TAT-0-F-0-It-N Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ch'ien-chin Pao (Progressive Rtws) Cbien-chu MIns-jan (Construction Workers) Chien-Vans Peso (Health News) Chien-she Jih-pao (Construction Daily) Ch?111-c.hou Jih-pao (Chi:willow Daly) Chin-hu& Ta-chung (Chin-ha Moss) Chin-hums-too Pao (Chiutrangbao Nev) Ch'ing-hal Chiao-t?ung Pao (12sinshai Commaal:cations lbws) Chub:is-hal Ch " ing-nien Pao (Tsingbai Youth Ewes) Wins-hal Kins-jen Pao (Tains hal Workers News) .23 - S-E-C-R-E-1111-04?-0-R4 Peiping Peiping Peiping Shih-chim-chueng (Hopei) Chinch= (Liaoning) Mama (Chekiang) Chlawanstao (Hopei) Sining Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 sEcRET/NaFoRs Ch'ing-iiden Pao Muth News) Chingasal K9naimpao (Conpotition R2 Tress Revs) Chiu-chiang Jih-pao (Chiukiang Daily) Chaumshan Jih-pao (Cbovshari Daily) Chumcbiang Razg-yun (Pearl River Water Transports) Chu-chou Jib-pao (Mu-cbou Dail) Chen-hsiang Kan-pu Pao (District and County Cadres News) Chivau-ebou Jibmpao (ChLuan-chou Daily) ChLuan-nen Pao (Southern Szechwan News) Chluang-tsao yu Fawning (Creation and Invention) ChLual-chung Jih-pao ()ass Daily) Chung-kuo Chin-jung Chou-pao (China Finance Weekly) Chung-kuo Lin-yeb Kung-jen Pao (Chinese Forestry Workers News) Chung-kuo Shao-nien Pao (Cati21/1 Cbildren Neva) Chung-kuo Yu-tien Kung-jeu (Post & Telegraph Workers of China) Chum-su 1U-bao Pao (SinowSoviet Friendship News) PU?webiCi2 'Ca? ing-nien Pao (Fukien Youth Neva) imican/garam Shanglai Kveilin (Evangel) (Internal) Chiutiang (Kiangai) Cbowshan (Chekiang) Chu-ohm Shih (Rumn) Canton Cheuan-chou Shih (Ftk3 len) In-chou Shib (Sze1iuce) Peipiug C:hengte (Hopei) Peiping Peiping Peiping Peiping Peiping Foochow Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SECRETMOP ?woollies Ts i-yu (Fukien ll'hysical Culture) Fuwebou Jib-pao (1Pooelow Daily) 1N:vi Kungmjen Pao (Pumbsin Workers News) ?wits= Jibmpao (Pu-hsun Daily) Ha-erb-pin Jibapao (Barbin Daily) Itai.anan Jih-pao (Nal-nan Daily) P000how P how Pu-hsin (Lia,o-n:Ing) Pa-hsun (Liaonirg) Harbin Hoihcre (Kvartatu..ns) (Hainan Lama) EanK.eartule Jih-pao Han-chung Haien (Shewl.) (lian-ebung Daily) Ban-yu Pin-yin Pao Peipins (=nese Phonebies Ewa) ? Hang-thou Jih-pao Hanel= (Hangehow Daily) ? Itangmbal Yundtun Pao Tningtao (Navigation Movement Neva) ?Nei-ho Jih-pso Harbin (Black River Daily) Heitaung-chiang Chging-rden Pao Harbin (Neilungkiang Youth Hew) Hei-lung-chiang Lin-yeh Pao Harbin (Commoneed. 1 Apr 6o) (HeilungkiEtrig Forestry. Nees) Earbin (Harbin Bei-lung-ehiang Hung-min Pao (Heilungkiang Fara....Qrs Hews) Helolung-ehiang Shmag-yeb Tcung-haun (Neilanakiang Cawstreial Bulletin) Herg-yang Esiu-van (Hengyang Nen) Rens-yang Nuns-to:fan juntz (Hengyang Rural Pits-mleo) - 25 - sEcRE-matioF Rengrang (Email.) Henan:kg Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SECRET/NOP= Nownan Cleing-nien Pao (Bonen Youth News) Roan= Kungajen Java? ..Npnan Workers Daily) io-nan Ta-chung Oman Was No-nan Tu-tien (3lcsan Post & Telegraph) Noorpei Ch'ing-Wm Pao (Bopei Youth News) No-pei (Ropel Militia) No-tso ua T'ung-bsun (Cooperative 33ul1etin) Nouyuan 43112-pao (Now/um Daily) Nsi-ch'ang ChQun (41-cla'ang Mass News Kunge,jan Jih-pao (Southwest Workers Daily) Esi-nan leh-tao Chien-she Pao (Southwest Railroad Construction News) 31;3-pal 'Chung-Jen Pao (Ncirthwest Workers News) Viet-tap Pao (Northwest Rellroad. News) Baia-nen elib-pao Amoy (Anw Daily) Bincb?Shengwah"anmehe Tkinablung Kauai-pa? Oant (Advanced Producers* Movement Express Neva) Nsien-lu Kung-jen (Railway Workers) attenachow Changebow eassgebow Chew:chow Pao-Ving Tientsin Changsha Evayaen (Kwangtung) Nsi-chcang (Szechwan) Chungking Catenstu Sian leathery 26 SECRET/MORN Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 saccaniNarom Esinagebiang Chting?nien (S4ru4ring Youth) Esinachiang Kgo-bsueb C221-shu Pao (Sinkiang Scientific & Teamlogical News) Nsingebiang Nungemin Pao (SinkisAs ranters 1ew) Ureachi Urtumbi ed 1 Apr Eg) thereachi Both-cbiang Shihogyu Kvng-jen Pao Uramehi (Sinkiang Petroleum Workers Newspaper) Esin-cbiang Vic-7u Pao (Sinkiang Physical. Culture News) Esin-chiang Wei-sheng Pao (Sinkiang Public Eealtb Neva) Esumebou Jih-pao (Btu-thou Daily) Esu-cliou Ta- (Esu-chou Masses BU?011612 Chiao-tvung Kung-lu Pan atm Ccomunications Eighway Blition) Eua.nan ChBingenien Pao (Eunan Youth Neva) nan? Pun.= Pao (Thza= Women? s Neva) Numnan Eangeorm (Runan Water-transpcavt) Mine= Kung-hsiao Eo-tso Oman Supply & Marketing Cooperative) Eu-nan Kung-jen Pao (Emma Workers News) BA1.0128/1 KUDgeollt (hm= ilighWay) Eu?nan Lao-kai Pao (Hunan Labor Reform Neva) Eu-nan Mengcobsun (lunan Democratic League Mims) 2T SECRET/NOFORti Urumebi (an internal publication) Thwachi Ilau-chou (Kieman) Esu-chou Cha,agsha Changsha Changsha Changsha Changsha Changsha Changsha Changsha Mangsha Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SECRET/MOM Humnan Nung-min Pao (Hunan Farmers News) T? i-eyu (Hunan Physical Culture) Busman Wei-sheng Ttumg-bsun (Runan Public Health Bulletin) Ru-nan aft-tien Changsha (Hunan Post 83 TelegraPb) Changsha miangsba Chnutgebo? Hu-pei Ch'ing-nien Pao Diva Youth Revs) Humpei Zfung-yeb Chi-shu Wh (Mani .Agricultural Techniques) Wuhan Ribipei Welt-ahem; Pao Wuhan (Hupel Public Health Neve) Rua-nan Raiwyun Pao Canton (South China Sea Transports) Hung-se She-yuan Pao Chaszgehun (Kirin) (Red Comm Members News) laming Jil-pao I-zing listen (Sinkiang) (Ig Daily) Jen-min Ckteang-chiang Pao (People's Tangtse River News) &niacin Chienmhsien i Nanking (An internal (People's Frontier) I publication) 28 co SECRETAOME Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 S-E-C-R-E-T/N-041-0-a-N Jen-min Hai-chnn (People's Navy) Jen-min Hang An Pao (People's Water Transportation News) Jen-min Kfung-chtin (People's Air Force) Jen-min Kung-lu Pao (People's Highway News) Jen-min Tlieh-lu Pao (People Is Railroad. News) Jen-min Tlieh-tao (People's Railways) K'a-shih Jih-pao (Kashgar Daily) K'ai-feng Jih-pao (Klai-feng Daily) Kan-p Hstlett-hsi T'ung-hstin (CatIres Study Bulletin) Kan-su Ch'ing-mien Pao (Kaneu 'Youth Hews) Kan-au Nu33g-min Pao (Kamm Farmers News) Kqp;hsneh Chi-dhu Pao (Science & Technology News Klo-hstieh Chi-shu Pao (News of Science & Technology) o-bstish Chi-alku Pao (News of Science 83 Technology) K (ohs eh Hsiso-lao (Science Tabloid) K'o-hstieh Hsiao-pao (Science Tabloid) Klo-hstieh Plu-chi Pao (Science Popularization News) - 29 S-E-C-R-E-T/11-0-F-0-11-N Peiping Peiping Peiping Peiping Peiping Peiping KaOhsar (Slnkisag) Kt:RI-fens (Eonn) Canton Menge...12ov i[Honan) Kunming (Ymnara) Tientsin Changsha Harbin Sining Kansu) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Kto-hsfieh yu, Chi-shu (Science and Technology) Kuang-chou Ch'ing-Eden Pao (Canton Youth News) Kuang-chou Pu-nti . (Canton Wormri) Kuang-chou Kung-jen (Canton Workers) Kuang-hsi Ch,ing-nien Pao (KiaIngsi 'Youth News) Kuang-hsi (Kwangsi Wawn) Kunz-Jen Pao (Kwangsi Workers News) Lanchow Canton Canton Canton Nanning Nanning Nanning Kuang-hsi Lao-kai Pao Nanning (Kwangai labor Reform Nev) Kuang-hsiMin-k,e (Wangsi &Mae Revolutionary Committee) Kuang-hsi T'ieh-lu Kung-jen (Kwangsi Railroad Workers) Kuang-hal Tu-tien (Kwangsi Post & Telegraph) Kuang-tung Chiao-t lung (Kwangtung Communications) Liuchow Nsnning Canton Kuang-tung Hang-ytin Pao Canton (Miangtung Water-transportation News) Mang-tung Lin-yeh Pao Canton (Biangtung Forestry News) Kung-tang Min-kle Quer= (Kwangtung KeMoTo Revolutionary Committee) Kuang-tung Min-ping Pao (Kwangbung Militiaman Journal) Kuang-tung Nung-t8 sun Chin-jung (Mangtung Rural Finance) ? S-E-C-R-E-T/N-0-F-0-R-N Canton Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 S-E-C-R-EJP/N-04-0-R-N Kuang-tung Yit-pao (Kvangtung Fishing Neve) Kuang-tung Itu-tien (Kwangtung Post & Te3.egrapli) Canton Canton Kueighou Chains-1Am Pao Kweiyang (Kweichow Youth News) Chieni-she Pao Dieilin (Nwei Cent:traction oevs) Peiping Peiping Kung7jen Sheng-huo An- Italian ((Liaoning (Workers Life) Kungi-nting Sheng-huo Wu-hsi (Kiangsu) (Workers & Peasants Life) Kung-lu ho Yen-shu atng-Jen Pao Peiping (Righwa & Trzutsportation Workers News) Kung-sbeng Ching-chi Wan Pao Sista (Incluttry, Commerce & Econathies Evening Nom Low-chou .01b-pao i iLastchcar (Longbow Daily) Lan-chtxt T ? leh-tao I Lestchow (Lanchow Railroad) Lao'4ung..q4?Ing-ktuani Canton (Labor Activities) La.cp-timo Jih-pao Yen-t ?al (Shantung) (Labor Daily) Loo-t Pao Shanshai (Labor II aid; ) Liao-ning Ch'ing-hien Pao Mukden (Liaoning Youth News) Liao-ning Nung-nin Pao gulden (i:iataiing Farmers News) Kung-an-Chfin Chien-she (Public Security Force Development) Kung-jen Jih-pao (Daily Worker) 33. 0-P-041-11 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 0-F-0-R-11 Lien-tui T gu-shu Cbieh-sbao (Introducing the Company Library) Liu-cbou Jih-pao (Limbo; Daily) Lo-yang Jih-pao (Lo-iyang Daily) Mei-dhou Ituang-po (Wearsly Broadcast) Mei-jen Rsin-wan (Daily News Release) Mei-t 'an ittuzg-yeb Tsang-k,an (Coal Industry - Supplementary Edition) Min-cheng Kung-tso Vuai-pao (Ewess News on Civil Work) Min-dhiang Jih-pao (Min River Daily) Min-chin Eiu-hatin (Bulletin of the China Association for the Promoticn of Democracy) Min-chung Jih-pao (Min-chung Daily) Nan-chang Jih-pao (Nanchang Daily) Nan-ching Jih-pao (Nanking Daily) Nan-ch,ung Jih-pao (Nandix lung Daily) Nan-t 9ung Shih Pao (Nan-t'ung City News) Nel-meng-ku eh 9ing-nien Pao Omer Mongolian south News) g-hsia Jih-pao (Ning-h Thatly) - 32 - Bankig Liudhou (Wangai) loyang 010=4 Shanghai %Tatou Peiping Peiping Chua-ching Shih (Szechwan) Shanghai Ch tiaxl-chou (Fukien) Nanchang (iCiangsi) Nanking ancheung (Szechwan) Nan-tung (Kiangeu) Nuhehot Yin-ch 9 nallk Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 S-E-C-R-E-P21114-0-F-0-R-14 Ning-po Pao (Ninalo Ewa) Ning-To vka,-chting (Ninszpo ?ovular) Nung-min Jih-pao (Farmers Daily) P lao-plztg (Artillery Soldier) Pao-tins Jih-pao (Pacting Daily) Fao-t'ou Jih-pao ('uotou Daily) P'ing-k"uang Maks-Jen Po (ing-K"uang Miners New) Po-hai QM-Tao (eo-hai Daily) Ban-ming elih-pao (m-ming DEtily) 6hAn-hei Ch2ing-nien Xo (Stavasi youth News) She:a-110i BUNS?Min Fay (haixteli Farmers News) o Jih-pao 0,4174totar Dactly Shan-tung fto (Shantung youth Ygews) -33- S-E-C-11-E-12 Mow? (Cheklang) Nino? Shanghai Peiping ? Paoting (lovi) Paotou Cam) Rdcmgatal Pving-kqvxmg Niangolj Tientsin San-ming Shih fralden.) Takyuan. Taiyuan Swatov Aati Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SECRETATOFORN Chiang-men Pao (Konsmoon News) Chiang-men Tiung-hsan (Rangy:loon Bulletin) Chiang-su Chiing-nien. Pao (Kiangsu Youth News) Chiang-su Nung-min Pao (Kiangsu Farmers News) Chian,g-su T ii-yu (Kiangsu Sports) Chlang-su Yu-Um (Kiangsu Post & Telegraph) Chiao-shih Pao (Teachers' Gazette) Chien-hsien (Liberation Front Line) Chieh-fang Chtin Pao (Liberation Army News) icn-chin Lieh-ch'o (Advancing Train) Chi len-chin Pao (Progressive News) enien-chu Ktutg-jen (Construction Workers) Chien-k lung Pao (Health News) Chien-she Jih-pao (Construction Daily) SD 31). CO SECRET/NDFORN Kongmoon (Kmangtung) Kongmoon (Internal) Nanking Nanking Nanking Nanking Peiping Foochow Peiping (1 copy of Feb. 3, 1960 obtained) Harbin Peiping Peiping Peiping Shih-chia-Chuang (Hopei) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 14.11j. / SAA: Ura Ch'in-chou Jih.spao (Chinch= Daily) Chih-hua Ta-chun.g (Chin-hua Mass) Cbin-huang-tao Pao (C News) Chi ing-hai Chiao-t 'ung Pao (Tsingbai Communications News) Ch'ing-hai Ch'inewnien Pao (Tcinghai Youth News) Ch'ing-hai Kung-jen Pao (Tsinga' ai Workers News) Cheng-chou Jih-pao (Chengehow Daily) Cheng-feng Chien-hstin (Brief Report on Rectification) Cheng-feng Chien Pao (Brief News on Rectification) Cheng-Ping Kung-tso Chien-pao . (Conscription Works Brief News) Cheng-ping Kung-tso Chien Pao (Conscription Works Brief News) Ch'en&shih Chien-she (City Construction) Ch'eng-shih Kung-tso Chien Pao (Brief Report on City Bavingp Work) Chieng-tu sTih-pao (Chengtu Daily) Jih-pao (Tsitsibaab Daily) CIiilin Ch'in.g-nien Pao (Chi-lin youth News) Chi-lin Bung-min Pao (Kirin Fanners News) BECRET/NOFORN Chinehow (Liaoning) Kinbwa (Chekiang) Chinwangtao (Hopei) Siang Stains SinLig Chengchow (Ronan) Canton (Internal circulation) Canton (Internal circulation) HaiangWan (Hunan) Wang-ch'eng (Hunan) Canton Canton (Internal circulation) Chengtu Ts its ihar Changchun Changchun Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SECRET/E0FORN Chi.nan Jih-pao (Ts123.= Daily) Chi-nan Kungftjen Pao (Taiwan Workers News) Chi-shu Chien-pao (Brief Technical News) Chti-t Kung-jen (Tsitsihar Railroad Worker) Chia-'rang K*Alang-kung Pao (Chia-vang Miners News) Chiang-hsi Ch'ing-nien Pao (Kiangsi Youth News) Chiang-hsi Hang-An (Kiangsi Water Transports) Chiang-hsi Kung-jen Pao (Kiangsi Workers News) Chiang-hsi Yu-tien (Kiangsi Post & Telegra.uh) 36 - SECRET/NOFORN Tsinaa Tsinan Peiping (Tsitsihar) Chiang (Klangsu) Nanchang Nanchang Nanchang Nanchang Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SECRETAMFORN Shen-hsi Ch'ing-nien Pao (Shen; .i Youth News) Sian Shentaisi Kung-jen Pao (Shensi Workers News) Men-hui Nuns-min (Shensi Farmers) Shen..t'ieh Huo-ch'e-t'ou (Shenyang Railroad Locomotive) Shen-yang Jih-pao (Shenyang Daily) Sian Sian Shenyang Shenyang Sheng-ch'an Pao Canton On internal (Production News) publication) Shih-thia-chuang Jih-pao (Shihchianchuang Daily) Shihchiachuang (Hopei) Shui-ii Tien-li Kung-jen. Pao (Hydroelectric Power Workers News) Peiping Szu Ch'uan Kung-jen Jih-pao (Szechwan Workers Deily) Chengicu Szu-eh luau Nung-mi33. Pao (Szechwan Farmers News) Chenstu T tang-silt Lao-tung Jih.-pao (Tangshan loal or Daily) Tangshan (Hopei) Ttieh-lu Kung.jen (Railroad Worker) Canton T'ieh-tao Chien-she (Railroad Construction) Peiping Tlieh-tao Ping (Railroad Soldier) Peiping T'ien-ching Kung-jen Jih-pao (Tientsin Workers Daily) Tientsin Tien-yeh Kungo.jen (Electrical Industry Workers) Peiping TL'an-k'ao Hsiao-hsi (News for Reference) Peiping SECRETMOFORN Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03-131A000100080001-5 T'uan-chieh Pao (Unity News) Wan-hsien Jih-pao (Wan Rsien Daily) Wen-ehou JiYpao (We3achow Daily) Wu-chou Jih-pao (Wuchow D ily) Wu-han Kung-jen Pao (Wuhan Workers News) Wu-ban T ieh-lu Pao (Wuhan Railway News) Wu-hsi Jihm.pao (Wusih Daily) Wu-b.0 ah-pao (Wu-hu Daily) Wu-lumu-cht i Jih-pao (Urtutchi Daily) Yen-an Pao (Yen-an News) Yen-pien Jih-Dao (Yen-pien Daily) Yen-tiai Jih-pac (Yen-ttai Daily) Yin-ch.'uan enh-kao (Yin-chill= Daily) !3.ila-10?u Jih-pao (Ying-ktou Daily) Ying-k5ou Shih Pao (Ying-k'ou City News sEcan,iNce - 38 - SECRET/NCYORN Peiping Wan Rsien (Szechwan) Wencb.ow (Cheklang) Wuchow (Kwangsi) Wuhan Wuhan Wusih (Kis' ngsu) Wu-hu (Anhwei) Urumchi Sian Yen-cb.i (Chi-lin) Yen-t 'ai (Shantung) Yin-chtue,n, (Kansu) Ying-k ou (Shantung) Ying-kiou Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - Approved Por Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ti -^4 1.c4 -4- t 4iQ t NaritIllart SlUneiSnrin Pao tr4lW5 .t75 .219.11,ri ( C:Z? SECIOTATOFORN Nun7aing Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? . FAR EAST MOM PIMPARED BY FOREION DOCLVENTS DIVISION 10 Current Serizljayeala a, Agricultural Statistics on Communist China Summary (monthly) - CONFIDENTIAL (First report 20 Jun 60) TAB B Number of Reports Issued 18 Mar-15 Dae .60 7 Data on Industrial Mulcts and Services Facilities in Communist Asia Simmtaiy relay; in card form to IR/OCII and ST/I ORR) .0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (First report 28 Oct 60) 378 (cards) co Political and Sociologica3. Biographic Data on North Korea, North Vietnam, and Mongolia (monthly; in card form to BI/State) - UNCLASSIFIED 327 (cards) d, Scientific and Technical Biographic Data on Communist China (veekly; in card form to BR/OCR) - DOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 310 tames) e Colmaunist Revisionism and Dissidence Smaary (monthly) - COXPIDENTIAL (First report 8 Jul 60) f Review of Communtist Theoretical Journals Starmav (monthly) CORFIDEMIAL g, Sino-Soviet Bloc Military Report &mazy (semimonthly) - CONFIDMITIAL he External Economic Relations of Bloc Countries Summary (semimonthly) - CONFIDENTIAL C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 6 21 iB Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Number of its Issued Discontinued Serial Rpports, 18 Mar-15 Dee 6o a. Month3.y Indonesian Press Survey (Last report 16 jun 60) b, Data on Industrial Plants in Commis& ahina (Last report 20 Jul 60; coverage thereafter provided in 1, b, above) 5 c. Military Information. Report on Con:mist Mina (Last report 28 Jun. 60; coverage thereafter provided in 1, g, above) 4 do Monthly Information Report on North Vietnam (Last report 3 Jun 60) 3 e, Background Information Report on Indonesia (Last report 22 Apr 60) Statistical Data on Industry and Services in Commnist abina (First and last report 2 Nov 60; coverage tb.ereafter provided in 10 b, above) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 3* ?pecial Reports stmarY Number Title 2529 Press Reports on Chinese Communist Military Polley and Tactics 19584959 CONFIDKORIAL 2533 Information on North Korea, November 1959-February 1960 ?, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2536 Autonomous Regions and Major Adminis- trative Units in Indonesia 1958-1959 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date PUblithea imeoseenoara4 3 .11Pr 60 6 Apr 6o 1/1 N91. 6C) 2573 Information on North Korea December 19584Iareh 1960 - FOR OFFICIAL UM ONLY 18 My 60 . 2581 Development of Chinese Communist Militia, 1959 CONFIDENTIAL 25 May 60 26o4 Organization and Structure of North Vietnam State Science Commission as of April 3,960 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 16 Jun 60 2620 Political, Economic and Biographic Report on Laos - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 27 Jun 60 2638 Standard Translations of Chimese Communist Terms - UNCLASSIFIED 19 Jul 60 2653 Ruling Group of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region - CONFIDENTIAL/ NOFORN CONTINUED CONTROL 3 Aug 60 2663 Resistance to Communalization in China, October 1958-August 1959 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8 Aug 6o 2629 Chinese Workers and Peasants Study Marxist-Leninist Theory . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 17 Ails 6o 2789 State Trade Organs in North Vietnam, 26 Aug 6o 2775 1960 - CONFIDENTIAL Activities of North Korean Political Leaders - CONFIDENTIAL - 3 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 31 Aug 6o Summary Number Approved-For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Title 2774 Chinese Ceramists IMp0. Ce "Democratic Refozse in Tibet - CONFIIXEIMIAL 2790 Food Probloc in China, 1959-1960 - CONFIDENTIAL 2786 Ole 1960 National Asser:oly Elections in North Vietnam - CONFIDENTIAL 8 sqp 60 Selected Materials on SOBSI (Al]. Indonesian Central labor Orgmiza- tion) - FOR OFFICIAL ME ONLY 19 Szp 6o 2798 2675 2673 2685 2687 2688 2693 2696 Date 7 $X3P Rural ernes in Kiangsi a opeh Provinces, June 1959-April 1960 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 22 sap 60 Press Infonzation on SIM Soviet Bloc Activities in Indonesia - FOR OFFICIAL WE ONLY 27 sap 6o =nese Corrawnist Efforts to Create wrzu Support for Peiping Line - FOR OFFICIAL WE ONLY 14 Oct 60 Sore Asiectz of the Housing Situation in Communist China - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 21), oat 6o Scone Aspects of' klanpover Use in Sinkiang, TainOani tuid Yuman - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 24 oet 6o Chinese Communist Ideographs for World Place Nes - UNCLASSIFIED Survey of the Peiping icnint)ih-ipao for 10-16 October 1960 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Survey of the Peiping Jen-min jih?pao for 17-23 October 1960 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2697 Information on Tranzporbation in the Western Regions of Ulna COMMENZIAL 2698 Survey of the Peiping jen-main Jih-pao for 24-27, 29, 30 October 1960 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 9 Nov 6o 10 Nov 60 21 Nov 60 25 Nov 60 29 Nov 60 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 24-C-R-Eme TAB D STATSP EC PROPOSED CRANGES Di THE FM RETORTING PROIRMI ? Reference: " TAB B Foreign Documents Division presently issues two statistical reports on economic activities of Far East ccomunist countries, Data an Indus and Service Facilities in Communist Asia, and Agricultural tatistics "wCiaina. The farmer is an tem by item report in 5 x format issued weekly. The latter is compiled by province and nationally, in tabular form, 8 1/2 10 1/2, and issued monthly. FDD submits for Committee considez?ation that the report, Agri- cultural Statistics on Columnist China, be discontinued as a diliSFate,.. otxn. plied mart and that the sone dam; In unoolelled ram: be combined with the =envoy and eery-Ice racLuties report. 'Atte new report., Economic Data on Communist Asia would be issued veekly lath all sublject matter reported in 5 8 format in the same way as the present Data on Ththixtffiand Service Facilities jn Com:IAEA Asia. ? TM is also seeking to expand its facilities so that similar reporting could be made on North Vietnam end Mongolia. tlhen such operatic= are possible the data on these areas would appear as sections of the new report. North Korea, covered through a research contract is nat covered in the present reports and would not in the new report. Reference: TAB a Strai440114-02 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Releash2V21i4tch-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 TAB D Reference:. TAB B Foreign Documents Division presently issues two statistical reports on economic activities ar Far East communist countries, Data an Indatotrx -and Service Facilities in Communist Asia, and Agricultural Statist:MT- ilarehina. The former is an item by item report in 5 ailrmwm21? roart issued weekly. weekly. The latter is compiled by province and nationally, In tabular form, 8 1/2 10 1/2, and issued monthly. FDD sedans for Committee consideration that the report, Lori:- cultural Statistics on Ceramist Chin, be discontinued es a separate; et:An. piled report end that the -some eat% in unconviled form, be combined 'with the Industry 8310 sex-face raeLiaties report The new report, Economic Data on Con/n=1st Asia would be issued 'weekly with an subject matter reported in 5 8 format in the sane way as the present Data on ineanstry and Service Facilities in Cormunist Asia. ? PD is also seeking to expand its facilities so that similar reporting twald be wade on North Vietnam and Mongolia. When such operations are possible the data on these as vould appear as sections of the new report. Note: North Korea, covered throusi/ a research contract is not covered In the present reports and would not in the new report. Reference: TAB a Sesa3-Cigica-T Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RD078-03131A000100080001-5 MIMS Ct?Tt TWIEN-FOURTH =TM OF THE CCWIETES CET EXPLONATION CF ME= xmeakrz MIAMI r J November 1960 r5-91 rambers: r0Fax Horliek, State Ur. Gerald Co Camay, Army Lite Ralph Marcs.? Navy Major George Ito Kudravets? Air Force Mr? John Bastda Joint Staff ChairrzAn socretay70. Guest= ,joai. Elias Backs., Air Pewee We- Amido Ao DeSksone, MFcrece Nro Lawrence Go Mitchel*, Air Form 1413Q Water NO Ellifa Air Force 10 Minutes The 3211211taS of the 23rd =cans of the Committee uera =prove& The Chain= distributed a list of SvectaliWpg, to in or 111.2Ant.210 and announced that a current listing ouch vould7b6-1iued at each Committee Eeetingo reports 2. The USSR Naa-Scientific Pr4.212 The Committee game gemeral approval to the c&prograu of non-scientific reporting ou the USSR ea presented in enclostwes to the minutes of the 23r1 CEFLR meeting? However, in a few instmaces members recommended changes in report periodicity or retention of information coverage as hereinafter noted? The Lia.m. member reported satisfaction. with the prozam Teammate& Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 The BEA. member, in general accord with the program, rocas- mended specifically that the report on Urban Dave 1t in the LEER be reinstated as a periodic publicaticn=h was tierRif ;_. and giA an a result of tshich the recommendation was accepted for implementation? It vas noted at this point that Air Faroe studies of urban development are revel a demegraphic sltandpoint end would in no way duplicate proposed FrID xseporting 012 the subject? WA also requested inclusion of personnel identificatims in the report 7n State Structure in the WaR0 The Chain= ackneWledged a similar requez=gave assurenee the required dote mad be Included? The Cb.airman answered a query concerning the fate of the Fo.zeLW........,Press Bulletin by stating that the pablication apparmtly leas not required by a majority of consumers, and it use therefore discontinued? Items of information wilich FDD considers partieulerly significant and deserving rapid dissemination exploited and published individually in the In response to NM request the Chairman outlined the origin and development of regetrements which guide the FDD comma service function? Ee referred to the broads continuing requirements for intelligence information which the WU) establishes in its repreca sentatimof coemunity interest's? Such requirements: he noted, are further refined through followew liaison a FDD officers with apprapriate personnel in the MIS components? Adational direction is given by the specific requirements for intelligence information generated tiekoughout the imamounity as a result of new developments at intelligence interest? The selection a inforeation is therefore brewed on the needs of all segments of the comunity, (=pressed generally through the Committee and specifically by the respective comments? Alm member approved the proposed program vsith the reinstated Devel t report? Air Force member accepted the program as presented The Chair= requested information on biographic martins recently initiated by Air Research Division? Air representative stated the reporting was in response to en ATM requirement for bio- graphic data on Soviet Eallitary officer end civilian scientists and technicians associated with developments in the edesile nada It was agreed that representatives of AND end FDD would neet to discuss appropriate ellceatione of coverage of this field? JCS nenber is in agreement with the proposed grogram? C-0-314P-1-041-E-T-I-AeL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 State t member requested continuation or the report on Crim and gal :Navel ts in the MR, suggesting a monthly cover. WV trends e opmentsp discussion it was decided that suCh trends agld !developments could be covered in the FDD hUri of the Soviet Press with supplementary ad hoc reports as mil 0 Other repots coslatituting the 3?rogram were acceptable to State? This completed the review Of the USSR nan-scientific pro- gram, The Chain= stted that the Committee mild In informed of the results of discussions between ARD and FDD relative to coordinating biographic reporting, 3. Other Business Air representative briefed the Comittee developments machinralitranslation under Mr Force contract0 The Chairman referred to a book by imile Delavenay, entitled An Introduction to Machine Transletiest published in 1960 by Themes and liudesen on, a particularly clew CIS2d CCEerehC22> sive expositica Of the subjecte raniber suggested that the problem of providing trans- lations of classified tuterials alight be alleviated somewhat by a system of reciprocal arrangements or Esatual. Slapport among US com- ponents 4Brap1oyarss cleared linguists. Re revested a discussion Of the problem at the next meeting Of the Committee* The Chairman noted es an attendant lyroblem the need at so= overseas posts for personnel quaified to process classified. materials in the local 1auguage0 Re therefore suggested that these ligoblems be considered for concurrent discussion? 40 The Chairman thea announced as the agenda for the next meeting of the -Conmdttee a review of the Eastern Europa program and ia &teem- SUM of comunity problems in ease-Med translation service The Committee will again meet on 2 December in Roomiivi ti &gilding at 1400 hours0 Enclosure L CROLP41.23 J.62;41 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 cs.o4'.X.,13.E.liJX.X.,1141 C2YrisP.4-23 15 November 1960 4CCLOWNTM EXPX4IIMMI ME= PNLICATIM AGEEDA CaWere-dee Room - 1121 IrridAyo 2 Deember 1960 at 1400 hmars --..,,egozgar.,-OICOO.insCO:SIOCCOdscOOT- 10.0 1. lanatea og the 23rd raetivg. 2. &arta= Europe Program. 30 Discussimi ccarmaiv pr-ublergs elexataned trazglantima earvicaa Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0414'-if3D-B-NeT-X-A-1: MB A SCAM= HAM= MOPE KM. PREPARED 37 MB= DOME= =MOE ? NonasoiefotIfia) 10 %slay geonoade Report on Eastern SUMO Sutegary (weekly) POU 432MCIM Bau 2D Baste= Rams Initoetrial-Plaut Report 5 :x 8 msedkac lisc 10 &wet (weekly) - =MN= .? . ? Number a Reports Zoned 3.9 Fob 15 Nov 60 38 30 Bostorn Europe Press Sturm 38 Summary (eedy) - rat arm= tez OUN oho Wm-Soviet Bloclitax7 asiport 18 aussal7 (eek-V) OCUIPZigitteMe 41, Ilktenal Recataide Relations of -Ezloo Cotortries18 &mow (gat 4432023th3Y ) 49 FOR WI= tell CAM 417. Ccalsamitirt Revi and Dissrideoce 5 Summary (monthly) - COV3316TIAL Military Thwart on Banters bangle Summuaw (monthly) CCUP3163=11 90 Biographic Information cle Bast Damp= Unitary Personalities 5 z 8 cards .0 UMELMSVIED *60 Review*: Comnist Theoretical Jotamias Swam (monthlar) COIWIDESTAL *Division reports caataining sections on Basta= Bums **Ete)placed. by item 4 and it 9 C-0-35144-DiamEleFX4C-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Lergeords) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-11-Y-X-D-B-111-54.4-10 Special Rverts 10 Wonlay Booking Systems 3.90-1960 - 14 ela 60 PC111 arriCIAL MB CM 20 Selected. Infontatien cm Bast nommen 4 Aug 60 lediastrial. Pleats - rat GM= NS CELT Bulgarian Irinancial System end. Trade, 19 Aug 60 1959196O 4 . Fat alICIAL WS MT 40 Baser/en Chemical Iblustm Jesnuary 19591.. )c 1960 Fatelleing USS COM 50 Zest Goma Telecommicatians Mader the Seven- 26 hag 60 Tear PIA% 19574965 4b COMPIININIAT? 6n Orgenisatiaa and Administration et Sammie 29 bag. 60 OrgenisaticasIn Aigoalavia P MUM ME MU 70 Bulgarien Constzuctien Services end oct 60 Wading Materials Irat GM= UR COM 80 The road. and Welt Madustries In Bulgarias 7 Oct 60 Mt an= USE OW 25 &AZ 60 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0414'44)118-111-11?-I-A-11 ABC IMMO =ERIS BEEVEMING PROCHAM MS A & B) lisference WM A Eccsvot..ltkcstars STATSP EC It is proposed to continue piblicatices ot this rt, although the bulk of the inforssation in the astitle report comunity on a mid awl contimous buds, inttateation pLeavided to a abort turiget date, ant information ighich is not iturt to ceume its Wawa or size nese it unecometleti to do Boo 2he woad also contain abort nage special reports, issdicating adtustitem, treads and reactions to or sabots of goventwattal cLici, sago the weekly roundevao of the agricultural adtuation Mesta= Buropeo repurts of a palliticaliteconoutio, or sociological-111==de mimeo The resort would no longer anktain Infermstion. concerned solely with vent data each data would anew in the measly Eastern IvAhastrial Plant weltered as 5 az 8 auto ICES on EITITh tri to CI44 Item 39 Baarbrarese DACMOS3MS egiglinda mad be Awed as loagewange asocial reports Ss this aortas, coueentruting an problems areas in each of the Bezellites casal4palavia, and on Bloc-vide reportac It 8. it,rjrtEmu= Eurn Ws =Tort was discontinued as a nostatblar Sunliow saris= ick Jalv. 1960. lisfmatice contained thtweln an the mipatire, imeremilitery, ndlitia and security farces and the alma de evtablishment, no swears In the Ilallowing publications: ac. Sino-Soviet Bloc 11121. 1 ? rt- "r Part 3$ Baste= Ettrakeo Began ca on. as a y on 20 July 19600 ne rept anted= infatuation as order of battles doctrine, trait, equipsztat and polltieasl indoctrination Su Bulgeria, Czechoslovakia, Rest Cierseny, RUMMY, Poland cad Rumba* Eldcwscadc intonation is not inclnded. isa thSs reportol Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0414'44)118-111-11?-I-A-11 ABC IMMO =ERIS BEEVEMING PROCHAM MS A & B) lisference WM A Eccsvot..ltkcstars STATSP EC It is proposed to continue piblicatices ot this rt, although the bulk of the inforssation in the astitle report comunity on a mid awl contimous buds, inttateation pLeavided to a abort turiget date, ant information ighich is not iturt to ceume its Wawa or size nese it unecometleti to do Boo 2he woad also contain abort nage special reports, issdicating adtustitem, treads and reactions to or sabots of goventwattal cLici, sago the weekly roundevao of the agricultural adtuation Mesta= Buropeo repurts of a palliticaliteconoutio, or sociological-111==de mimeo The resort would no longer anktain Infermstion. concerned solely with vent data each data would anew in the measly Eastern IvAhastrial Plant weltered as 5 az 8 auto ICES on EITITh tri to CI44 Item 39 Baarbrarese DACMOS3MS egiglinda mad be Awed as loagewange asocial reports Ss this aortas, coueentruting an problems areas in each of the Bezellites casal4palavia, and on Bloc-vide reportac It 8. it,rjrtEmu= Eurn Ws =Tort was discontinued as a nostatblar Sunliow saris= ick Jalv. 1960. lisfmatice contained thtweln an the mipatire, imeremilitery, ndlitia and security farces and the alma de evtablishment, no swears In the Ilallowing publications: ac. Sino-Soviet Bloc 11121. 1 ? rt- "r Part 3$ Baste= Ettrakeo Began ca on. as a y on 20 July 19600 ne rept anted= infatuation as order of battles doctrine, trait, equipsztat and polltieasl indoctrination Su Bulgeria, Czechoslovakia, Rest Cierseny, RUMMY, Poland cad Rumba* Eldcwscadc intonation is not inclnded. isa thSs reportol Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC I I . Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MEM Cr WE TIERIT-FOURTE =TM OF TIE COMM= CE1 EXPLOMATIO11 OF ME= LiktiGUME mamas= r Itemember 190 Milberg: Kr. khz 2orlick, State W. Gerald Co Comey: Amy 1st o Ralph Maros: Navy Major C-eorge Ito lilattravets: Air Fame Jan Reston Joint Staff 25X1A ESA Chairmen, CIA e.ecretary: CIA 25X1A Guests: Major Elias Baths: Air F.tcree Wo- &IMO A. DesSinzne:4jFok= Kro Lawrence G. Uhiteher: Air Form Hr. Walter 11. Ellis Air Force LI Minutes. The minutes of the Pard. meeting of the Co-imittee eGpSOCOWdo The Chairman distr:Lbuted a list of STIzeie3. Revem.toia Process or Pro ected and announced that a cmrt repert io1d be f?ed at mot Comaittee Emetingo 2. Th REion-Scientif The Committee gave general approval to the-oroposed program of nen-scientific reporting on. the USSR as presented in enclosures to the minutes of the 23rd 01070, ineetingo Ilomver: in a few instmaceo members recommended changes in report periodicity or retention of information coverage as hereinafter notedo The Raiz member reporte.d. se.tiofaction with tile rurogr= az presentedo C.041.74.4).13.3-T.L.A.L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-041-1P-I-Da8-11-T-I-AeL The ESA member, In enteral accord with the program, reams- mended aspecifioally that the report on Urban Dave et- --et in the USSR be reinstated as a periodic publication? ,..,.k. and CIA as a result of which the recommendatic - n seas acceyted fi?: - inplems-rntationo It vas noted at this point that Air Force studies of urban development are frau a denoglraPhic standpoint and would in no vay dvlicate proposed MD reporting coz the subject? 11S4 also requested inclusion, et personnel identificatiensin the report-) on State Structure in the MS& The Chain= acknowledged a similar requeetWve assurance the required data meld be included.? The. Mailman answered a very concerning the fate_ or the FDD ForeBul etin ter stating that the publication apparently was not required by a majority of consumers, and it was therefore disconttenedo Items or infomation which rDD considers particularly significant and deserving rapid dissemination will hereafter be fully enploited and published individually in the In reaponse to ESA recitleat the Chairnan outlined the origin and develowent of requiremetits which guide the FDD meson service functieno Be referred to the broads continuing rewirements for intelligence infonaticee which the C211PLP establiehes in its repre- sentatice of community interests? Such requiremente? he noted, are further refined through follow-up liaison of FDD officers with appropriate peraonnel in the USD compmenteo Additional direction is given by the specific requirements for intelligence Information generated throu&out the commaanity as a result of new develeggents of intelligence interest? The selection of information is therefore based on the weds of all sensonts of the ccommnity, encreneed generally through the Committee and specifically by the respective cagiponmateo member approved the proposed program with the reinstated Urban Dery_e_lb report Air Force member accepted the program as presented, The Chairman requested information cat biographic reporting recently initiated by Air Renearch Division? Air representative stated the reporting was in response to an NM requirement for bio- graphic data on Soviet military officer and civilian scientiate and technicians associated with developments In the raissile field? It was agreed that 2epresentatives of ARD and no mild meet to discuss appropriate malocations of coverage of this field XS member was In niaseement with the proposed program? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-041-1P-I-D-E-N-T-X41-1$ State .,-0??,;,_:- 1,_-4,ct member requested continuation of the report an Crime and gal Boveltts in the USSR, suggesting a, monthly cover- Egra trends _.2,i c etl. opmillEi77EFEEraiocussion it was d.?,!ededirat awl trends end developments could be covered in the pm o the Soviet Preas with supplementary ed hoc reports Other reports constituting the program were acceptable to Staten Thin completed the reviewer the OMR nard-scientiric pro- gram. The Chairman etted that the Committee would be informed the results of discussions between= and FM relative to coordinating blograPhic reporting? 3. Other Business Air representative briefed the Committee on Iral developments in madhine translation under Air Force contract? The Mailman referred to a book by imile Delaviensy, entitled An Introduction to Machine Traislaticwa published in 1960 by Thames a7anTad'slis, a particularly clear and =pretax> five exposition of the subject? itstmiWber suggested that the problem of providing trans- lations of classified materials might be alleviated somehat by a system of reciprocal arrengemmts or Ertatual support amaug MB com- ponents employing cleared linguists? He requested a discussion of the problem at the next meeting of the Committee? The Chairman noted es en attendant preblem the need at some overseas pests for personnel qualified to process clasoified materials in the local language? He therefore suggested that these problems be considered for concurrent discussion? The Chairmen then announced as the agenda for the next meettos of the Committee a review of the Eastern Europe program end a discm- aim of community problems in classified translation service? The Committee mill again meet an 2 December in Room 11211M Building at 1400 hours cretery Foalosures: 10 CEFLP.41.23 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 WM:A.23 15 Novembar 1960 CaSIETIE OE EXPLOITATIO1 FORE= IMMO PUBLICATIM AGEIIDA Ccuferenee Rom 1121 111 Building FridAy., 2 Decimber 1960 at 11300 hmaro &X. 10 itirxtez a the 23rd Meeting. 2. &ate= airope Programa, 3. Alsettnisicato coriandisy loco-gams in classified ttwalatIon eervica3 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 IDE.O.a.,3 saw= nsisRE OPE HEMS NERD sr mu= Doom= EMU= Nonasoientlfic) %any Economic Report on Eastern Europe Summery (weekly) POR AM= USE =X 20 Estate= Europe baitiostrial-Plegat Report 5 3: 8 cardb on 8 z 10 sheet (teetly) - =rum= ? ? 30 Narita= &wow Press Survey Smeary (weelay) VCR MI= ESE OXEN SituteaSoriet Moe Military Be . Emaustrx (weakly) CCMIIDEigage.L *50 Ikternal Romanic Rielmtions of-Bloc Countries Stusamy (semieemothly)a WITZU0 iB *60 Review Ve Commtalet Theoretical 0Taunan,la Amory (monthly) 4* CCIPTENTIga *70 Comsamist Revisionism end Dissidenee thazmary (nootbly) (=FM Military Report on bantam Europe Bummesy (monthly) .0 MaIMMTIAL Biographic Zeorination cal East European Military Pero:nal:ties 5 z S cards 66 UNCibikSBVIED *Et, TAB Number ar Rergorts lesuzi 19 Feb .6 15 Eau' 60 *DivIlsion reports containing Genii= on Eastern Europe **Rewleced. by item 4 end item 9 C.00414.V.6I.61)41131.62.444.1 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 38 38 18 18 7 5 5 1273(carda) Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 0.044'401-D-EvMeN4.4-16 lUgoslav Stinking Systems 1958-1960 4. PCS CMCM WE MC 2. fitelected lafornation East Swot= 6o Industrial Plants (SWUM COEN 32 Bawl= Moneta Etetena end Wade, 19istlks 60 3959,03.960 Nfit COMVIAL CEEZ 25 taus 60 Ltite Publiabea 3163.gerien Chellica Zorthitstry, January 1959- Wirth 1960 a' FM Winn) INS COLT 5. Bast Cienon Telesanzunicaticas Under the WWII= Snag 60 Year Plea, 19574-1965 gb aziaireinAL 60 Orgenisation end Atindatistraticac eonamdo 29 km. 60 ergenisaticsts in Yugoslavia 0. NB WWI& UM 7, legurian Construction Services and 14 oat 6o Building Materials ?. PCS CETI= USE OBLX 8. 'The Food mad Light Industries Bulgaria 7 Oot 60 it OFFLCIAL TZIS OY co464144-Dia.adzsafttpi? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-1114-I4N4-31-T-I.41-11 C PRINCIZD STATSP EC -Referent* - TO A Item 30, It is pm:sand to efIntilMO publlestion of this Meat, taititmsb the bulk the in the entitled. ,g .2 ,!:5r satiny ca a rapid and con. buds: 1Mb:tomtit:a provided to a short target date: md.' informatics **doh is slot sent to muse its nature or slim mass it umeconanici21 to dt) soo vi!) mold also cantata short range special reparta,9 LUIS, a trends end =rations to or agitate of "avvateental policieso .g0the veekil round-up of the agricultural situation in Sesta= Etnvip; marts of a political-economdcs, ar socielogical-accousic naturet, The. report mild .= longer contain. informal= ccelowned with pleat at Such data inguld sneer in the ww.kly Rastas Inaestrial Pleat preAred es 5 z 8 cards ocyt .by PitriMtz tri to CI& Item 30 ,ahhstrpz Iner2461,112g elgteiMIA =ad be plac d. longevessopeci1re.orto in thls =Moss, concentrating c problec scene in each of the Satellitw =id 'Demigod% anoi Blocaside marts* It 80, Euro . This report dictinLd am a 112032tb3y *`44t-ird series in July 19600 Infortmation contained therein on the regular: Vaieldlitaar.9 rnilitiamid securitg farces and the civil 4tefense establishment: ntra swears in the following pullicatiz,-1 Q o Sino-Boviet Bloc.' lilit?it--- zi5 .y.4 r Part 3: Eastern Durex? Begun p?Mllesigg=u,on is a ,..-;,-: - ---;r-- -.jai-it:WY on 20 434y 19600 The mart contains informatit wr ander of battle: doctrine: tea1211343, equipment and polltical indoctrination in Ralgarin: Czechoslovekia: Rest GeniMarse ErMaarSt: Pared and RIO IBlogmhic intonsetica is slot Incineec1 in this replete.] Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 113216=0011311119114111.11-11111111MMONNEMINI STATSP EC 9-1?00080001.000V1.?1?CO-8/dati-VIO 1.1 /(J() aseeieu JOd peAOJCIdV frVIMIC.Xelli419 g?a..E4graltaer2a0 4Saa . ? aspos4'42-eam"mws"u"11"4""luat-tio uopsuamosts casiza arm. eVp 74* Vve unIssizzoXIT Te*reatoToots tooTZTIod eVatolzUa 13e1Psdni INat 4444MgeZ ,I3Tuert u=maa=?zi''wl'gmair TITRI Vag prierwaz eldr umfa ceppitunampeso uT tarmsTalleacgior earlasurpstwo lasoas arn, O. =woo 0% awn UT glaoSsz app. tr; paean mom= emp. von , spun GA Gaut aGM ? . GOMM ItaTOUTACIkZa litehateatiGGSD exp. so I. ffk tat r 69 zol.x . apeetencuer meg qat leovz ouq emswr. .;etexics oattvfl b=213 eqq. taxa we 111074=4, Wit titZ0,; gran can. AMIREneque vria so Inarenkt q., pnexposaz qeimmanas amT% vinn. vagenqtatt twat illelaGe 00. so vtoffelz urn ymo c09-xic xrp. pFzt urt CZ ega UMW antutioT " IMO " = . : UOK ?IT inn egq. ?'am21341741 ter-AimitasiVimall tzze4goll odds trEstoA*mg aswep vp.....4.ESPLMIOZZIOD too mean ent lytnot4 1.zo6iatz stig a =wag ett ttid wad lionsaato_mmit rettct eltz oarg mamma to aconeviteam oromon manes at Eten a MS - COUGhteepil *096T saw:4ft 9 al =eft worosormi anon Aots ettortirmoo Imo Gpageo 9 petwavoal pue maws so autestut vans vt =KT WEIMAto GolleatoM aellivsestsTIVIse falatIllet 111?Ta 116T3VMPT gEsTalcutztatt uetTIT&To PeUistes Ves genTranomml RAMON ( 3 pue balm unidowsz, eta %Ta} usodarans Waff teallmattM alategeteolgt ao sC961 ttvavait irr exile IsT P31401428 outquios qauPozetwA, te GT V= taPage 9 s: 120 twang pevituassro eT !Immix= uftszeratorms* beincena VIM& Pwranuell sueT3Ttufw4 =Tama wpm* vas asyquisuoaltod: tannin usolooms wog tornsugozac orqdwatielq vooragoziftcm tags act 1-V?Virgialrainkft?111100-0 9-1?00080001.000V1.?1?CO-8/dati-VIO 171?11?13/ZOOZ aseeieu JOd 130A0.1ddV OdSiViS ? 1 ? 4 OdSiViS ? 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? .:?7' ? ;" ? , '',"? 7 7. 4 ??''t r7.e?-s_ 73, - -.1 ? -."-? ' ? f 7:1 0.. ?:? s. C;.; ,) '? T. ; 1 . ? -;;-1 : i Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ' - ? . ; ) ' 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? ; Alr vme-0 ? ? ? 4's fal?C D-Rv-rirq-z14-1* 4774.0,1.- ? 1st- -,.. .1.?? ? ,.:, .....3. A :,..3 t'l??271.-.4?????-7$ ??..1?? ..... ,7, ,:-...;.,,,I. ...., 1-14.e -t.,-,,.....,-, ,. 7.-,r,40. ,:3t1?..1":,i 51.,.::::_7,---i-il...c,f's R. -..?-4%,"e'tr.. "...-,'",:, I t,'.- es? `) 'VI e,...,1.-,e.,,,,,--!...,!!, .: ,,!...,--.-,, ...,-,...-4 7:;:k-;:,;:c..,7--,',. ','' '2_?2,1-.V.. TV ? ?' V.:4:".1 r.:-.4 ''"?"t j,.. : ..1.,, -,-.......r- -...1 .:!.:7-,4.7 s;..., ,..) ...,. " r? fit-tA.ii-:, '.''..-`,...i.:' ..'".1.?", A *?-.' 't. :FN. -.-.7: -,,,,, ...! --.,-4.-..- -'-? 4.'S 1'1 ,-.1. .7?='" -? ? .S.' s':'':;.--. -.%'..,,,i--'.,: .,,, 1. --',:'' t.."--?.is"`:-. '-,-.: .1 S'.',L. ...: ... 'f,...,".?"?"*," s'...,:r. ,? ....Ct.,. ? sl, ???,, f. - F,-;:' --.--,- ::?,., -......--...- ? '-i.' ,..?_-;,,.., .-.. .,..7...... ti'.2.',. ?? ,..3 - 4., ?.. ,r, ... t .1. e, "11153 :17:cADA7,-,.17a Qf a:a:Btits'a:te 1,--tifx4.-4:15.p:i? y ? C41? , : its:=3 F.;?.`F j.7?7:11. , .1.,????? ",` -7;;;?1-25R ???? s?-.j C.? ,R???F.? If .1 .7, ? Z.: ti ???-?-? ,??-- - - t ? R -s ,p,3 4,1 i ?1 ' ? --"? r" '1 ? . . ? = , ....? ?? ,fr ? .+ .44 11, L-1-121 --kr1 ? tx-a AV4, 1 ? . ? - ? 0-4 1?,..? r". AriTr-'tv? thrn, 1.709..1AzY. ? t.) be Vac lt?J '7;1 ? 11 ss'St - xcd 4.11 Ci 1 014'14' t?i?-s-1,',.;* Off-17? '1 , Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 a? STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Coie*.laa.?",:?4-3,IGOFZI42.4747,AelIak Tse tiovitavklacz ma the Msimlotres eg ms;',PatErv ? _ nlyar aezem s-tz? r_evarKt-orrloma (2:_e73-4 r It-X4- Re??,17-2(-2w c,1) 1t.3=',0V-7?1-7 _ larTs P5v:q ?- tE-1 1tura1 61,tAistiez gar Cmoas-:Izt. Ase-. c" 2 amber -eat China STATSPEC 9. MO re,peated bilettzzal & with 131:-.? Par= to =e,d$zbsto tNte-T., aelet-,tive egstow,tins ocientigi* jemsogle uhida WZ.1 ctve. rve eats"1-Tacie Ioo hrirFre.).; rGferead.t irmtme..ez -aid% ;mak' mitted. STATSPEC ecasiaexablo biblickval7nie .6-NYITeramcflus ta-roziatitr IgEn" to *EMS' =OWL" ederzliSo Me Tazda9mn pra--,ilieetl ettecticife az.rti47--a, U o Nt T,-= rtothati that the. Ccmoittee in its Awei11en4 Fast; awiroVerl a -1-.),rt,:qm,:234,. Itzslesai%7',-th to =view the FM W GSW-s- a r-3 an a cZoitac4-73. eaa....,,-7.,ro, Eler-vicg.1.1 zs,-at&---m' thcmt co ,s-4-rgamte e vx ..wg haezga:Tmay: revluu of the PE-TJ TawQ3rao fte me.le2itigi 1-clporting cm mll 'i,.:73 the MO ,0_ Exi-; .aea, c'n the agmds G,' the n1xLttol: the CcarKatt:, 7.,-faieb le mlied. gm 28 Er-agtv-atTzRo nt 1403 balms' in :Iro,= 11._..P11 NI Daft:Ian VD" hoPToo. tr.') IZI,en.---s.."Vg.P^.^-1-? Dpelcum: 2.0 CI-.01,74:1471 az VDD-Zeaftaa.,--7terz S*2,exatifie ad Techkaten2,- re'403:170, za?4,tet, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC STATSPEC 25X1A ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 niqn..; ? ;;%; g-2-! V:=`!.f. 0,-10 J.1:?%;:1,1 t Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Next 18 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ?Apr6vd For Release,:t1K-14150/842131A-000100080001-5 STATSP EC PRES= FDD PROPOSED CHANGES 131 TIE REPORTIEG MOAN (TAM A Ref? TAB A it; 1. Scientific Information Rear.t Fi'Bal and Eastern Etzrope MD proposes revision or this resort for issne at monthly intarvals in four series sUbtitledg 1. Physics and Mathematics Series 2. Biology and Medicine Series 3. Chemistry and Metallurgy ftries Electronics and Entsr,inearing Series n is further proposed to c3.assify the series COMECRIAL in order to prevent disclosure of intelligence mcluirementes method.s, andsource,e naterias., pcstrzait inclusion of comment relating the reporting to specific intelligence requirarieritsa and facilitate organisation of the reports specifically for intelligence purposeso Ref B STATSP EC Approyed For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 A - -------r-ArifiroVeaT6fReTei1sted2002701714T-C-1A- -031-ITANDTODDISODOT:6? ? item 3. itbstracts urnal-Fizika 4e Abstracts from Refet4.:silly.Zhurnalmihimiya The requirement for items 3 and 4 having been terminated, these reports have been drappra from the program* Item 50 The Soviet Davao s in Information Processid Machine STATS PEC This report has teen expanded to provide international coverage a?developments in these fields. The title is changed to Lore_te Ditypkpummts in Machine Translation and Lan Datme....Pro to reflect the wider rthe. sport. Provisions have been made for the systematic collection and reporting to Biographic Register, OCR, of biographic information on Sino-Soviet Bloc scientists* - 2 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 , STATSP EC Approved For Release 2002/01114: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Item 3. Referati item 4e EM.Lrt=VM Refe Zhurnal-Fiziks. ZhurvaluXhim The requirement for items 3 taxi 4 having been terminate k these reports have been dropped from the program. Item 50 The Soviet Develo tents in Information Process/m.2A emlachine fra1ation This report has been expapted to provide international coverage of ilevelopments in these fields. The title is changed to lbor.ple Davao ts n Machine Translation and Language Data itrisEts to reflect the wider scope o tile report. Provisions have been made for the systematic collection and reporting to Biographic Registers GCB, of biographic information on Moo-Soviet Bloc scientiats0 - 2 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC -ApprOVed for Re-lease" 2002/01/14- :-CIARDP7803-131A0001000800015 MUTES 0? TEE TREETY-THIRD MET/FA OF THE COMNITTEE EXPLOIT&TION OP FORUM LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 28 Septmiber 1960 Miembero; Mr. Gerald CQ Cooney, Army Mtr. Themes Reines, Navy Mx. JOhnW Easton JCS NSA Chairman, CIA a;? Secretary Ckzests: Mr. Henry Major Elias Bath. a? Air Force Dem. Chaaes Brophy, Air Force kr. Henry A. Miley; Air Farce 25X1A Vzci 1. Minutes The minutes of the 22nd meting of the Cogfflittee were approved. 2o The Scientific end Technical Prom ko introduction to the review of the pregrau the Cheiroan re:ecwred the folloz;ing relevant palters tru the Committee's attention: a. List of Soviet Scientific and Technical Publicatiow Received in the United Siiies and Proce_p4EULAWgi6ci.6E? copieo o which rere distributed to the-Committee. b. Encloeures to the minute5 of the 22nd CEPLP meeting, opecifically, Tae A and B vhich liat FDD reports pwodeced bettfeenI January end 1 July 1960 m6e the current scientific and technical Program and TAB C which presents the proposed changes in the progrwg. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A Approved-For Release 2002/01/14 : C1ik-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 3. lilt:11 the papers as points a departure the Committee proceeded with its eeviewo The LI3A member reported his orgenization's appromal of the worAleed revisioms in the eregram, Xs member =premed general satisfactien with the revieed. yrAgremo stated, however: that he had expe.rienced some difficulty in obtaining specific evaluations: and.sked? whether a method other than a .1-3001a1 approach to the analyst p..ight produce better results? The Chairman observed that other devices for obtaining evaluations of reports?? such es the attachment of questicanairee and comeent sheeets, had not proved popular with analysts under pressure of Wark9 Be believed, therefore that the direct approach by Committee members to their respective anal:ysts combin.ed with FDD conts,cts with these analysts had provided the bast means thus far for evaluating the effectiveness of the programo -P member gave approval to the proposed programo He requested specifically, however, that Soviet cryogenics and infra-red research receive separate and distinct treatment in the revised Scientific Informatica Ret nd that all available information on ph? co&ogy d tomicology be reported* The Chairman eAggested at early meeting between appropriate Army sad rim personnel to permit further definition of the Arew requirement for this informatiou Amy expressed dissatisfaction with the slowness of coacerciel eaver-to-cover tranelations of periodicals, and quetried whether sponsoring agencies or foundations might be able to expedite the preparation of the translationsb ne Chairman stated that since mew a these translations ?are produced as a result of grants to cammerciel orgataizations the problem ie difficu3.t to solve,' At the least the intelligence community ? gets the benefit of considerable traeslation work by comeercial activities in this field, To Army?6inqui7 ecncerlaing the order in which issues of nVestailk Stsati" are to be tract:slated, the Chant-an replied, that the .1960 istues are 'being dame firsts, following tihich 194 and subseciaint ism= will be translate& Completion of the project is anticipated within a yelpro Approved For For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC STATSPEC Force member ewessed support of the revised oroseam. Be then asked whether all information appearing in the nsii Scientific series would be 0.1ase2$1ed. The reply to this was that Vale the publication'as a whole would cam a? confidential classic fication. only the items adcompanied by interprotatite Comktent would be classifiL and separately marked?. Air Force representative presented a report on recent developft meats in the STEP program.. An any meeting or ATIo and representatiVes recotaRended to coordinate the selective ahstracting of the scientific ? journals. The objective of .the meeting would be the pOssible roman.; Utica of an integrated abstracting program for prestataticin to the Committee-0 - The review of the S clan title and technical program vuks thus concluded. The Chairman announced as the agenda for the next 'meeting the review of the USSR nionscientifio program. The Cittee 11111 meet for this puipose an November in Room 1121 II Building st 1400 h13421'90 40 The meeting adjourned at 1500 hours. Enclosures: CEFLP-A-22 20 TAI3 A Scheduled MISR Reports b FDD 30 111111111? 4160 d GbangeS Fzesent FDA) Reporting kr wawa C.O.N.Z.L.Dc8.11.T4:410.1, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A STATSPEC STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CEPLPQA 22 - 20 October 1960 MENEM WILOVATI CV FOREIGN IMUAGE PUMLICATIGES AGERDA Conference Room - 1121 M Building Pridtvi, IZovesaber 1950 at 1400 hews 1. Minutes of the 23rd meeting. 2. Review of the USSR on-scientific yirogren TAB A - Scheduled USSR Rei.r Pre :t'-. by FLO nonscientific) Prcgrazu C-0-114P-I.D-3244-ig-X-40.13 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Reporting --Approvedf-or Retease-2002/01/14 f-C1A=RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDENTIAL senErum USSR REPORTS PREPARED BY FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISZON (NONSCIENTIFIC) S4rvey of the Soviet Press Summary (weekly) -- FOR OFFICIAL USE ON:a Crime and Legal Developments in the USSR Summary (bimonthly) -- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY- . 3. Infortation on Soviet Education Sunskary (bimonthly) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Soviet Press Treatment of US-USSR Exchanges Summary (sporadic) -- FOR OFFICIAL= ONLY Soviet Press Commentary az QS Presi4ent41 Campaign Summit*. (sporadic) -- Fat oxerzczaVa 091.1r Soviet Wintry Imformation Report SiMmilax7 (mthly) sr- CONFIDENTIAL. AatuaL Report oa USSR Republic dgets _ Summary (amnual) FOR OFFICIAL :USE ONLY TAB A Nudber of Reports Issued l_ERF 59- 1 oct 6o 5 6 10 Report on-Lahor in the USSR ? - Summary (quarterly) -- FOR OFFICIAL USE QY Comsumer.Goods and Domestic Trade in the USSR Summary (bimonthly) -- FOR OFFICIAL= ONLT 10. Utbam Development in the USSR Summary (momthly) -- FOR OFFiCIAL USE MIX Transportation, Communications sad Electric Power in the USSR Summary (monthly) -- UNCLASSIFIED itlinebsnAged CONFIDERVIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 6 11 Ar3Piiiiied-For RereaSe-2002/0-111-4 : CIA1RbP78-03131A000100080001-5 CONFIDEICIAL 12. USSR Electronic and Precision Eqpipment Summary (monthly) -- UNCLASSIFIED *13. USSR Electronic and Preon Equipment Manufacturers Summary (sporadic) -- CONFIDERRIAL 14. USSR Industrial Equipment (TrattsportatiAt Constructioas Production and Power Machinery) Summary (maathly) -- UNCLASSIFIED 15. USSR Materials and Materials Processing Equipment Summary (monthly) -- UNCLASSIFIED 16. USSR Agriculture and Farm Machinery Sumpary (monthly) -- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY *17. 70g:ftparkiclos and the Aftinistration of Soviet Industry Summary (sporadic) -- FOR OFFICIAL USE OW 18. USSR General Industrial Information Summary (sporadic) ? FCEI OFFICKAL USE OW 19 Report on USSR Ministries Suarairy (sporadic) -- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONIX 20. State Structure in the USSR Summary (quarterly) -- FOR OFFICIAL USE OM Unchanged OWIWIEDEFERIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Mmber of Reports Issued 1 Nov 59- 1 Oct 60 11 2 11 11 1 1 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ^ - -Approved For -Release 2002/01714 ICIALRDP78103131A000.100080001.-5 CONFORMAL 'TAB C STATSP EC PROPOSED CHANGES IN VIE PRES= FDD REPORT= PRCGRAti (TiM A th 3) Ref. VIDA Item 2. prima and Legal Developments in _the USSR Item 3. Dafornation on Soviet Education Scheduled reporting on these titles, both formerly issued on a bi-.mort%ly basis, has been discontinued. In general, future reportips edaution and on crtae and law In the Soviet Union will be done on au ad bac basis on subjects of current interest to the intelligence commumlty in-response to specific requirements or initiated by FDD after @onsultation with the offices chiefly concerned. Pature reports will b bed primarily on. files of information regularly extracted from Soviet newspapers and journals, but My also be based on special research in monograph sources. Sn addition, to maintain sone continuity in Sollowing current trends in Soviet education, it is proposed to issue a brief monthly report entitled Soviet Education: Trends and Conmeats? to cover, with comments es appr6priate, najor developments as noted in the Soviet press. num 5. .Soviet Press Commentary on the US Presidential Campaign ? This monthly series will to discontlnued when coverage through the 15 BoveMber 1960 press has been completed. ? -=---- nem 6: Soviet Military Information Report This report vas discontinued as a monthly Summary series in June 1960. Information contained therein mow appears in the following pdblicztions: a. Sino-Soviet Bloc WalIggy_Egmt, Part I. USSR, This is a veekly FDD Summary. Pdblication was begun on 20 jay 1960. The series presents priority information on order of battle, doctrine, training, and equipments as veil es researdh and back- gmund information. S. CDNFIDENTIAL. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 COMIDE5TIAL Item 19. Report on USSR ifiinistries AP a result of the Soviet Industrial ratorganization of 1957, this title as the description of a series of economic orgenleation reports is no longer adequate or ecaprehenalve, anl should therefore be dropped. Most of the industrial ministries have been abolished and replaced by (1) committees or administrations under the council of Ministers USSR2 or (2) sounarkhoz organs. It is proposed that the organisation wad functions of bodies of the former type be published with aPpropriate titles on an ad hoc basis. The report series The SovnarIghoz and the Administration of Soviet Industry. has already been iirEted to handle sovnarkhoz organization and administration. Item 20. State Structure in the USSR Tie first report in this series was published in August 1960. It will be issued about once in every quarter. Xt i tentatively planned to present a complete listing of the top state organs of the USSR and its union republics, including chief personnel, annually or semiannually, and to pAblish changes only every quarter. KW BEMIS Xn addition to the changes in the present reporting program indicated above, the following new serial reports are proposed. FDD Changes in Soviet POlitical and Sociological Serial Riblications ??????=. This will be a brief nonthly listing covering changes in editorial staffe and fonsats? new ptIblications, uspealeica of publications, etc. referred to in Soviet elfAuves. The first report in this series VW ISSIMI On 10 October 1960. CCAFIDEMAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ..1 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080004 1- &a Nammts OF TBE TEMIT-PrIEST ISOM or TBE COMMITTEE ON =AMNION 07 70ZEIGN LANGUAGg RIBLICATI316 15 April 1960 /ambers: Mr. Max Horlick, State Mr. Sidney Friedland, State Mr, Gerald Cooney, Army Mr. P. Thomas Koines, vy Ms) Elias Dacha Air Force NSA Chairman, CIA Secretary Guests: 10 Minutes The statement con.ceraing interest in Data on Iltviustrial Planta in Comtmlnist Chine. page 3 of the minutes of trrr?tvenTiTtle to read: "Interest in this report as primarily Meeting, vas sham by NSA and CIA." 20 Western Worlt.... 25X1A 25X1A Committee comment on the current program was generally favorable, There were recwroendationa for additional subject matter coverage and a ,CCI2Cer21 for timeliness expressed in the case of individual reports. Thus, State, NSA, and CIA felt that the time-lag between events and the published ranort of' events limited the usefulness of the two Navy expressed satisfaction, with the scope and content of the program as currently constituted. Air Force singled out the international Communist Develo ts report: East-West and Ditra-Orbit glny21_024_2211 Activities in t e Arctic and AntarctanTarthe cations of Egprogra= t expressed -erest in all report? comprialle pmexsal, with the exception of International Communist IlLeiv s tO appreciated, r .-tex was versally The Consolidated Translation Surve xulth i la C-0?401PealaaNa-NceTal-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1B Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - 0-11-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L On the proposal to merge the two reports on Africa, liavy recommended against, while 3tate reported its South Africa desk opposed and its Worth Africa desk concurring. NSA and CIA offered no objections to the proposal. The Chairman stated that the proposal resulted from manpouer adjustments designed to center the total FDD reporting program on the internal and external activities of Soviet Orbit countries. He also reported a growing conviction that FDD might better serve the needs of the intellibence community by adapting its schedule and scope of reporting to support specific intelligence projects, planned or in progress, instead of producing periodic across-the- board compilations of intelligence information. Further refinement of MD reports to meet specific requirements is currently under study. Comments relating to individual reports of the program follow. te described the 1B as a valuable mejlipM11111111MI in re,Ard to the sociological data provided, The political coverage of the report, however, is not sufficiently current to meet State requirements, Although the biographic data on military personalities is often useful, other military information contained in the report is too specialized to be of interest to State analysts? In economic reporting, topical follow-up and coherence were desired wherever feasible, e.g., progress reports on the construction of an installation. C/A considered the report a good source of bioEraphic information, and particularly informative on groups and peoples, such as the Kurds. Reporting on the economic penetration efforts of Bloc countries generally, and on Soviet tapping activities in Syria specifically was requested, b. The Information on North Africa report is regarded as a useful source of backaol7w9nrWal=romatn by State analysts. Here also the predominant interest is in the socioloL;ical data provided; more voluminous reporting of such data, as available, would be appreciated, Occasionally, *political informtion on areas remote from U. S. missions is useful. tAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Appro.ved_For. Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78 03431A000100080001-5 CIA requested inclusion of all avallRble information on ChiCom aid to Algeria and Libya. Interest was expressea in reports concerning the e4ploitation of petmleum resoureno and guerilla operations against pipelines. Irtormation indicating Bloc interest in the economic plarvang and vent of rorth African countries was also desb:ed. c. Information on Africa Soup ,of the SaWa wae Meirise ftsignated Birreara a useful report, produetiv4 of pvimgry C5 well as secondary information: and stipplemeatiu:z embassy coverage of the area. Information deriving from French and lOrtucpese publications was considered especially coo-d. The economic section was regarded as the best plrt of the report, CIA requested informatim, as aTailable:., on the ,AolicieG awl political influence of European busineso finTs havilg concessions in the area, d. State emalvsts receivine the Xuternationsl Commaist R2E12RETaIs report appreciate azi. use It. No =Una-Elms chre suaPsted, e. State meMber reported that the gast-Weat.:andjatra-Orbit_ Travel and Contacts publication was being raaa7mNrconsld Interest by analysts concerned with sociological data. Xt felt that some .of the less signifivant items could be eliminated vtbovrt impairing the usefulness of the reparat. The csonsi4ermtl improvement in timainess of mporting was ematerled CIA commented favorabLy on the ,vepotis czverkm of Soviet activities in Syria. f. Vavy and CIA expressed particular intervat in the tctivities in the Arctic and AntFotic mpart, cepeixte v with roGara to information praagd on operations it the Antalvtic. State commented on the baq:taround im.lue of the report: but founA muCh of the scientific data too detailed for ukleo g. State and CA were mueh pimsed with the coverage a (.124Aard intra-Bloo tate actIvities prowldea by' the Exkernpl. Etonomic Belatips of Bloc Countries report. A requea was Eade folrirauzion of informaion al :the =tension of Bloc conummications services and cl,v11 air routes into peripheral axeas, ana also of indicationo of Soviet interast in copper aoi ttn deixnitso 3 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? - - ? Approved 1-or-IR-eleas21)02/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 State c?ember requested to be informed of articles, which might appear in the peripheral press, concerning finarcial claims arising out of the nationalization by Satellite countries of Swedish, Dutch, and French properties. Ire also queried the possibility of resumirtg the indexing of Monde" and "La Stampa, noting that USIA in addition to State needs these indexes. The Chairman said the indexes would be rein- stated in the program. 3. The review of area prtN,Tams having been concluded with this meeting, the Chairman proposed that the Committee recess until Septanbar. BB also suggested that in , .. is L "1" the Committee might find it advantageous to review the MD programs jointly, STATSP EC rather than separately, thus hiving the ow---N program for an area available for evaluation and making the determination of priorities an easier procedure. The Cormittee accepted this proposal avel. elected to 'review the USSR Scientific and Technical program at the next Metinc, to occur 9 September 1960. The meeting adjourned at 1530 hominy 1111111? 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved r Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-.0-3414.Z.D4.414- xams OF 'TIM TWRIVIETE =TM OF TEE COMM= CO ECP1.032ATION OF FOREIGN TANGUACIE EUBLITIOS CAV 18 Starch 1960 MelBbers i MN z Borlick, State Mr. Sidney Friedland, State Lt. Itobert Bathurst, Nosy Mr. P. Thomas Koines, Navy Georg p Valravets, Air !brae Guests!: 25X1A NSA 25X1A Chailiesn, CIA Mr. Lester Sterner, State It. Ralph Mums, Navy Bliss bxcha Air Force Ptisaztes The minutes of the 19th meeting were approved. 25X1A 2. Wahine! Trens. The Chairman distributed examples of MN machine translatio:: for the purpose of .competrison,ai follows: a. Copy of an article* from. Pravda. b. An 1191 translation Of the article, done in October 1959, A The most recent ISM rim of the same article. d. A translation of the article .as it is cowected to appear following introduction of new IBM programming techniques. Approved Flor Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ____pproved-Fer-Release 21302/01-tt4-.-CIA---RDP78=0-3134A0D01000813001-5 e. A counewcial translation of the article, done by Consultants Bureau. The Chairman informed the Cormittee of a time study currently under way in PDD to determine what combination of qualifications best equips an individxml to potitedit machine translations. Accordingly, four groups of people have -been selected to edit MN and amchine 113218 OM VOUID is coMposed of individuals knowing bothilemistry and Russian. ? A seconCl. group knows chemistry but no Russian. A third knows Russian but so chemistry, while the fourth knows neither. chemistry nor Russian. 3. Par East Ira.lim All metabCrs attending =pressed the general satisfaction of their respective Components with the present 111r-East Program sal recommended no major changes. Specific contents concernicig. the reports covrising the program folloW. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A --Apprevecl-F;Hr-Release-2002/0-14-1-4---:-GI-A-RDP78-0-3-131-A0,00400,080041t--5--- - ifeekk Report on ist China State fouM the statistical and economic data in this report most useful. An expanded political and sociological coverage was suggested, and inclusion ot more reporting on Outer Mongolia as information becomes available.. CIA desires more detailed economic =porting and emvhasized political coverage at both national sal local levels. The series on Envernment organizations is partiou3.ar1y useful. Mai Infoon-Commnmistrma China State interest is centered in articles concerning military policy, disarmament, militia and security forces. CIA reqUires sustained emphasis on military reporting at both central. ani Iota levels, in particular information on m13.itery theory and on relations of the military with the civil population. Data On Industrial Plants in Communist China Little interest was shown by any of the members of the Cogitate? in this report. on Norma rth. Vietnam State, NSA, ani CIA stressed the usefulness of the chromology, biosraphic data, ana Party pronounceiaents appeasing 1n this report. It I= acknowledged. to be a primary source of inforadtion on party and government at the provincial lervel. Monthly Indonesian press S State described this as the most useful =port available to analysts concerned with the area. Concentration on the provincial press was particularly appreciated. DU 4iatemextted that the value of the report was diminished somewhat by the time lag in its receipt. C7A interest in the repo? rt lay primarily in the official pronouncemeas and biographic data.' Approv d For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 v.?.-r. EF?,17.,',.,3,5,,trtasamoseam.aftmext*rasia.nt.--,...m.m.-use.viecrlana?-?mor..m.n000tiumsrnAt4 ..,..1 Approv, d For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0411,-F-Ii?D-E-Rdr.40A-L 25X1C tio, rt on Indonesia State fl this report-to be productive of information not available eleewhere, and useful in support of the ?VIS program. The CIAlview was that the report could be discontinued. The Chairman said he would assume that only State Departaent desired this report, unless he was informed otherwise.. Information On Laos State aed ESA members inquired concerning the fate of this report? and were, informed that receipt of Source publications stoppecl after three reports were issued. IBA expressed interest in reporting on Laos and Cambodia, and was assured that reporting would be resumed if publications become available. , State Would like to see more information on forth Korea. Air librce trember asked whether adequate coverage was being afforded ChiCom 'scientific publications in view of the rapid advance of science in the CPR. The Chairman referred to the results of a. survey conducted some months ago whereby it was determined that 60 percent of the. scientific data appearing in ChiCom publications involved rerints of Russian or U. 5, material, and the. mat dealt primarily with hygiene and agricultural science matters ? Be thought, however, that another survey night be appropriate at, this tine. In this connection he noted that the Notional Science POundation is proposing a national symposium on Chinese science for next autumn. 2X1C Mr Ibrce member was questioned concerning the status of the ChiCom STEP program and replied that it vas proosessing, but with. some difficulty because of =mower problems Etaxl unavailability of some publications. While Air Force does not plan to afford general distribution to the abstracts for budgetary reasons, CIA will receive copies for further disseminations, the details of which will be -worked out between Air Force and CIA. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved F-or Release 2002/01/f4 :-CIA-RDP78-03131A006160080001-5 ABC zuember expressed a need for coverage of bilateral isivolvina the MR, East Enropeen Site.tlitess eia s Chii, psrticulerly-exchanges of scientist - ? , ? . ? ? , ? ? . 1 ? 25 from the Committee representative. 4. The Chairman announced the Western V.brld program as the agenda for the .next Comittee meeting. CIA will have as one of its proposals for the proi7am that the two Africa reports currently in the program be combined. Members e,re requested to bring this proposal to the attention of analysts concerned. A list of reports comprising, the Western World program is attached. The meeting adjourned at 1515 hours. The next meeting will be held 15 April 1960 at 1400 hours in Room 1121 N 1A? 25Xil A fr- _ - 5 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? 25X1 C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 _ CP-A-19 31 Nhrch 1960 COMITTKE oN EXPLOITA7.70N OF FOREIGN lifirtCVAGE PMEMATIOR3 'AGENDA Conference Room - 1121 14 Building Friday, 15 April 1960 at 1400 hours 1. Minutes of the 20th meeting. 2. Western World Program ? n.roation on aa c. Information on Africa South of the Sahara d. International Communist Developments e. East-West and Intra-Orbit Travel and Contacts f. Activities in the Arctic ana Antarctic e. External Economic Relations of Bloc Countries h. Consolidated Translation Survey Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A C-0414.410,DosE441.-TeDI-AaPli MIMS OF THE HMO= MEDD OF THE COMMIE ON ELPILWATEd oF FoREION LARDUAGR REL,TCATIOSS 19 February 1960 /tubers: Mr. Mhx BOrlick, State W. Charles rape, State Mr. Richard Bauer, Army It. Robert Bathurst, Navy Er. P. Thomas Wanes, Navy Maj. George Ehdraveta, Air Fbree Elias Bache Air Force NSA Guests: Nro Ralph Mures, navy Mr. Charles A. Brophy, Jr., Air librce 1. The minutes of the eighteenth meeting were approved with the following emendations: no Alternative lb" in paragraph 7 was deleted at Amy request, as not constituting anArsuP recommendation. b. State Department requested clarification of paragraph 3 relative to receipts of CalCom publications, whith, according to the Department's understanding, had been reduced to half The Chairman stated that the paragraph in question accurately reflected the FDD situation during 'vember and December 1959, It did not intend to imply that multiple copies were freely available. As the Committee is concerned with the FM function of exploiting ChiCom publications as n serVice of =moon concern for the Intelligence community, information on availability of publications to MD was considered importanto As to January 1960 receipts, PDD is receiving, from various sources, essentially the same ChiCom publications for common service ? exploitation as it has in the past. Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDF'78-031-31A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA4RDP78-03131A0001000$0001-5 CftOcalp4PeacoD0Follar4.0.1k..11 In this connection Army member reported receipt during Januaiey of a larger number of ChiCom publications than had previously been acquired, and Air Force meisber referred to the receipt of new ChiCom scientific and technical journal.s via South Africa. 2. The Chairman reported on an IBM presentation of machine translation which he attended. 13311 resumed developeent of mechanical translation in September 1959 under Air Ikrce contract. The machine in development utilises a photoscopic memozy disc with a storage capacity of 500,400 entries and operates, in effect, as a mechanised dictionary without regard to any specific discipline- Translations, at an estimated production of 100,000 words per hour, require post - editing. The Chairman propoeed swiplying members, =familiar with the IBM product, with copies of translations of Pravda done by the machine. I. State Department? Navy, and 1113A members produced the results of a survey of their respective components' annual translation require.. loenta, requested by the Chairman in order to coapile an over-all figure for the use of the Planning Research Corporation. Amy and Air Force requested a time extension to permit incorporation of estimates from all their components concerned. The Chairman stated that, when all estimates have been received, a collation will be prepared without attribution of flaunts to individual. MB members. 25X1A 5, Air Apiece member queried the possible impact of a skyrocketing requirement for translation, once machine translation is fully developed. The Chairman estimated that machine translation costs will approxleate present Inman translation costs if all placate of the process, such as and post-editing, are considered. Bence budgets will continue to be a controlling factor. - 2 - C400-N-F...I=DmasiNJZ-1.4-1. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 20-02/01714 CIA-RDP78-03131A00010008601-5 Cm0-NeF04-D-E0114-I-A-1. Azmy Ember stated that an analyst with expert knowledge of a subject will accept low-quality translation more readily than an analyst of limited knowledge. Acknowledging the varying requirements for quality in trans- lations, and that the experb can resolve crude translations In his mind by reference to context, the use to which a translation is put, the Chairman observed, may demand. intelligibility and accuracy of the highest order; for example? an atomic scientist in his laboratory testing out the results of foreign research made available in trans- lation may require utmost accuracy. 6. Eastern Euro r Program State Department analysts find the broad, comprehensive articles in the Week17 Economic Bert on Eastern Eu.r?ore useful than those of a specialized, t character. ere are no particular veggestione for modification of the formate the report, beyond a desire for shifts in emphasis in accordance with NIS schedules. The Eastern Europe Press Survey was stated to be one of the most valuable reports received. 2ts expanded index and bracketed comments are particularly helpful, the comments especially so when they bear reference to pertinent subject matter in previous issues of the report. State analysts would appreciate being apprised tintliedistay of develop- ments which the FDD officers, in reading the press consider of more than routine interest. In conclusion, the State feLsber reported analysts well pleased with those portions of the PDD report, Eldernal Economic Relations of Bloc Countries, dealing with Eastern Europe. .LINE Arley member reported a greater-than-expected interest in economic data among the technical services, extendlagto and requiring covezsge of such data as appears in the East European provincial press. Another requirement, strongly sported by military personality researchers in ACM, was for publication of military personality information on 5x8, light stock, card format, in order to facilitate the processing and_tiling of this information: The Chairman asked whether the requirement would apply to Soviet military personalities as well; the Army member agreed that it would? To the TechniCral Services' request for expanded, economic exploitation of the provincial press the Chitirgain replied that FDD had recently undertaken to. provide press, coverage. 021 the recormendation Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C for publication of military personality data on cards, MA concurred awhile other members preferred. to review the proposal with their respective components. The Chairman agreed to explore the feasibility of providing the recommended service. Air librce Air Force is satisfied. with the program. NSA MA analysts have expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the current program. The 163.itary Information Report is extremely valuable and used daily. However, MA filing methods do not permit the use of source abbreviations and, as a consequence of the present format of the military reports, MA persomel are obliged. to consult the full list of sources and type out the complete source title on any it selected. If feasible, MA would yrefer to have full source titles accompanying each item in the reports. It was decided to consider MBA's preference as well as any other expressions of preference for AiU titles by users of the reports, The NSA member also requested that data on military personali- ties be reported even if rank is not desimated, and most especially on military personnel, regardless of rank, who are associated with scientific and technical fields. Assurance was given that this will be done, The W Economic lizptrt on Eastern a. ts, a 4.- was described as very valuable = . freq = us- 4 Cozrvers ,1 e Eastern Buro_pe Press Survey) because of the time lag. in Its appearance, serves only as background inforeation. Coverage provided by the Press Survey and the Veekl; Bwnovic rt is considered satisfactory by'Svy s. The iavy ember ? zepbed a requirement for information on all Polish or ether Satellite scientific personnel engaged in Antarctic operations. Be requested further that data on military budgets., of the nature of that appearing in the ? Becic itrtnom be incorporated in the Nili na- tion It- i?ppropriately .cross-referencel. The literatilm-2 of ship types and naval ranks to facilitate proper identification was also expressed, C 00..N.Fa..110.11a2ciactkule Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CXA CIA analysts express interest in receiving core information on Albania, Bulgaria, and Rumania, as available in eourcepublications? and more timely reporting generally, if possible. There were mo recommendations for changes in the program. The Chairman distributed a hbmorandum for the Committee, outlining a proposed classified index to the SIR, which will be issued separately but keyed to the unclassified SIR. This alternative to the recommendation that the SIR be issued in its old format vas found to be the only practicable solution, in view of the report's present status. 7. The meeting adjourned. at 1530 hours. The next sheeting will be he3s1 in RoomU21 HBuilding, 18 March 1960. Enclosure: CLP-A.18 25X1A Ca0044?441?44102',614441 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP-70-03131A000100080001-5 Cia041001PapiuDDAS204104g44. agflikeikel8 29 Pebruary 1960 OCODUNCI InPLOTUTION CWJ LAA= PEOPLICAZEM AMDA Conference Boca na IN Bunting Maw, 18 Mash 1950 at 1400 hours iv ituratee a the alneteeath stetingo 20 The rex East Programa 62041.44?141*213.41404cAcpla Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002101114 :-CIA-RDP78-031-31A000100080001-5 =MS OF TRE =BMW MOM OF TO COMM= ON EXPIDITATION OF FORUM LAMA= POBLICATIO/6 15 January 1960 Members: titre Sax rlick? State Mro Richard Bauer, Army TAG Robert Bathurst, Navy Jiro Po Thomas Noises, Rory Raj? Mies 33s,cha, Air 'bre? 14ro John Easton, JCS ,CM Secretary Guests: Mks Charles r? J Three 10 The minutes or the 17th wafting were approval:. 20 he Chairmen informed the Committee that he baddieareed with a proposal by Chairman of ooDrs that CODE, CEFLP, engage joiatly in preparing a paper on emergency planning* 40 The Army member noted that the publication Liberation Army Warrior had not appeared on the lists of plIb1ications.1 export meaia of tle- 'USSR or East European Satellites. 50 The Davy member 25X1A Chairman thanking of the Colanitteeo t a letter be drafted by the for his services as Secretary concurred in the p-xoposalo 000,141...F.DIrsDolgekNolia444sL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 6. The Chairman announced that =ler ea MI contract, is surveying the volume of goverment-wide requirements for translation Since intelligence community require-s mets form a significant portion of the total, an associate of the- Corporation has asked the Chairman for an estimate of the annual yam) of pages required by USD components? To assist Comittee members i preparing their individual estimates, the Chairman tributed tabular forms providing spaces for page estimates by aategax7s .324321Pages area, IOW, =I source? listimates will be collated later without identification of individual USD components') Ambers agreed to submit their estimates by 19 February? 10 return for USD figures, MMMMMMEhlic offered to provide the Chairmen with figures on total WS? 02vernment translation requiree meats and provide copies of machine runs being made by pages, lanai:gee, and subjects, on the Consolidated Treaselatip.ii.pur.m? 7. ZL0 Scientific and Technical Pro abate Department and Air Ibrce members had no specific contents on the program, At analysts are generally well pleased with both quality and format Of the scientific reporting? However, one gray of analysts whose requirements cut across several disciplines, found the use of the Scientific Inforsation R rt time consuming in its present forsat ecc v?1zct in order of preference: Return to old format, if possible, b.> Introduction of a "highlights" section in present format, c? Inclusion, or attachment of an intelligence index? The Chair:Ian observed that reinstatement of the old format, involving a change in classification, was not feasible since CMS offers the publication on subscription? On the other hand, ease adjustments to provide highlights or indexes may be possible? The problemviii be studied with ONO The Army nember reported analysts? general satisfaction with the author index of the Map and expressed interest In a semiannual I ndex of the siR according to institutes, authors, and general subject headings. - 2 ? C 4004117.D.I?adoE.44?141?1. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A STATSPEC STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 The cement on was that they are much improved very usefu3.? font. Dm is well satisfied with presez* content and ESA 111BA is well pleased with the current program and has no suggestions for change. The ITSA member submitted a marorandue for the record listing in priority order the MA requirements for abstracts and translations of Soviet scientific and technical jounials. MA specifically requested cowlete translation of Vestnik and V- L:.1.2..L.L.,t to include letters-to-the editor. The chairman suggested that sane member tide* be willing to 'provide the funds neee.seary for this project, whereupon the MA member stated he thought MA might have the required funds? CIA CIA expressed satisfaction with content of the current program, but would appreciate an accelerated dissemination of reports. 90 The Warman introduced the following new or revised reports to the Committee: 100 The meeting- adjourned at 1530 hours. The next meeting will be held 19 3ifiebruary 1960 in Roam..1121.111 Building ' Enclosure: CEPTANA-3.7 FIELNI? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ApproVed For Release 2002/01/1-4 : CIA:RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? CEPLP-A-17 4 IN?bructry 1 CONCEITERr XPLOTEATZION OP PCMIGN LAMA= HIBIX,NLIONS AGENDA conference Boon - 1121 NBuilding Friday, 19 Febniary 1960 at 1400 hours 1,4 Ittairtes of the eighteenth neetilngo Survey of USD Translation Requirements 3. The astern &trope Program Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ce.0411.4..Z.D.F0414DI?441 CIEFLP..A..17 4 February 1960 COMM EXPLOITATION OF FORE= LANGUAGE HIBLMATION3 AGENDA Conference Roca - 1121 }I Building Fridays 19 Sabruary 1960 at 1400 hours 1. Minutes .of the eighteesith meeting? 2. Survey of MD Translation Bequirenarts 3. The astern ihnvape Program Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 1 I Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 HINVE OF TIE SEYEDIMERM MIZIEVIG OF THE COMOVREE ON EXMOVATION OF PUIMI LANNAGE PUBLICKMES 11 December 1959 Members: RN Gerald Cooney: Army Lto Holbert Bathurst, Nan' 3tro ?Ilienry Holz, Navy )j0 George Kudravetz3 Air liorce Bliss racbAs Air Airco' NSA CIA -Secretary nr? 13eoet Selenee n itre firohn Weber 0115;--Deptinerit -0-f-reouceree Dr o Samuel Her:an National Institutes of Health 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ree la Dranntes 4Inute or the 16th meeting were approved* The Ch4rinan appointedo be Secretary for the Consaitteso vice retiring* Drie....fim.V....:pHi% lona Science Foundation nr?. Scott Adam epoke on the priogram of ISSF9 =vier the Miami Defense Diucation Mt, IA supporting and stImIgating:the exchanwa of scien4ific information? lie reported the following major developments i3a the trans- lation and abstracting of scientific puteications: C.-0011-Fel-Da?B-114.44-1:t Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ? - 'Approved Por Release-2002/0ITI4 TCIA--RDP78:03131A0-0-01110080-0-0 ao NSF sport of ZS societies engaged in the production of 39 scientific translation reports* be Progress toward the estah.lishment of a Pau European ?anu1ati?a Center which would mechanise translations with Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce? and the John Crerar Library* de Support of scientific ebeftsacting socie ? ties such as the listionba. ftleration or Abstracting and ?IndexingServices? in the production of scientific abstracts eD Survevy,eualuatikak.. end tranelation samt4 reviews of vhdivilncee and developmenite so:dente, written in Indonesia, 25X6 Wistaallitas a724 especially tbs. reviewa Joined by. the Chinese s on the tenth anniversarY of the CM, ? Establishmant of committees within scientific Societies to monitor folbeign information for their meMberehlis* ?-. 2n:connection with his pretentation, 41rb!.,klame distributed copies of a booklet entitled, Providi %Eh Scientists. with Soviet Scientific Infomation which was ssued 19 e Office =nation Service, National Science Awntdationo Office of Teduatal Seridees Commerce Ian; John Weber spoke on recent developments in the OW trans- lation elparinghouse p+rogram, .in particular as to how MS is utilizing appropriated funds in performing its services* The presentation informed the Committee on the following activities end plans of the MS: at) 023 hem $51,00000 avalla:blet from appropriations plus a revaaving fu sl fed by sales of pubseriptions* Since isles do not fully cover printing. evenses, they are subsidized by - budget funds* Ponds pfinemit anz to provide services which could nab' be?undertaken. otherwise& 2 C-041?DPI-D44,11-T-I-A-Zi Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-11-F b. OTS has Mow available for contractual services, part of which goes to John Crazier Library, which acts as a service agent for CMS for translations produced by 1/010430Verilw, mental sources. co MS requested additional funds for Pre,61, however, the request was denied, and WS ACM thus have eseentia.Uy the came rumis in Irf-61 as it has in rb4o9 do A survey of tranalations of monographicwtype literature hag been made which will be most useful to science. Wens other than the Technical Translations report will have to be developed in order to provide proper dissemination. e. There are seven ars deposit libraries', located at. Massachusetts Institute of Techno3.ogy, Carnegie Tech, UCLA, Crerar, Georgia Tech, Pennsylvania State University, LIM the Librazy of Congress. f. NSF supplied OTS .with 35 bibliographic cards on all translation work undertaken under the PL 480 program. These will basin appearing in the &unary 1960 issue of Technical Translations. g. MS currently publishes abstracts prepared by Air Matelligence Division from 99 selected Russian periodicals and monographs. AID but restrictions may, however, require reduction of the number of sources abstracted. . h. Subscriptions to the Zaternational_ph teal Cooperation ... report total eomewhat less thas.37,0000 and to the tific In.a....?....m.Arma ion R rt several hundred. Ways are being such at splitting the reports into several reports or reducing sOscription prices, to increase the acceptability ofthe reports, and thus the number of subscriptions. al conclusion it was noted that the relatively few criticisms of the tranaations received by OVS were limited to style, indicating that the recipients were primarily concerned With the oontent of reports and maimed now of information. National Institutes of Health The briefing by Dr. Samuel. Berman was poetponed until 'a future meeting of the Ciemmit-tee. '.3... Cusbieibr.4414WP.1-21-Aftla Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 3? The meeting adjourned at 1600 hours. The next meeting viii be held 15 January 1960 in Boom 1121 X Building* loDsure: C.101X-A-16 1111111? 4 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CEFLP-A46 January 1960 COOMBE ON EIFLOVATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS AGENDA Conference, Boom - 1121 14 Building Friday, 15 January 1960 at 1400 hours Minutes of the seventeenth meeting Bloc Scientific Program Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY LIST OF SOVIET SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE UNITED STATES AND PROCESSED BY USIB AGENCIES FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 1 NoveMber 1959 The attached list represents current Soviet scientific and technical periodical publications being received in the United States. The first column on the right indicates those periodi- cals abstracted under Air Information Division's program and distributed by Office of Technical Services, Commerce Depart- ment, The second column indicates titles which axe currently being translated caver-to-covers Destgnations in this column indicate the organization responsible for this service. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A0001000800-01-5 92ELTIEltions Involved in Cover-to-Cover Translation AGU American Geophysical Union AlBS American Institute of Biological Sciences American Institute of Physics BWRA -- British Welding Research Association CB =CD Consultants Bureau, Inc. CEP -- Cleaver-Hume Press, Ltdo CTT Columbia Technics]. Translations GS The Geochemical Society HBTT -- Henry Brutcher Technical Translations ISA Instrument Society or America ISI cm- Iron and Steel Institute NAS-AGI National Acadew of Sciences - knerican Geological Institute PERA -- Production Engineering Research Association PP -- Pergamon Press, Ltd. ERG The Review of Russian Geology, Columbia, So Carolina SIAM -- Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Taylor and Francis, Ltd, b Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 :-GIA-RDP78--03131A000100080001-5 6 SOVIET SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PERIODICALS AERONAUTICS AID Complete Abstracts Translation, Civil Aviation Grazhdanskaya Aviateiya Express Informations Ekspress Informatsiyas Aircraft Construction Samoletostroyenlys Herald of the Air Fleet Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota News of Eigher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education USSRs lzvestlya Vysahlkh Uchebnykh Zavedenly Ninisterstva Vysshego Obrazovanlya SSSRs Aircraft Construction AviastrQyenlye Geodesy and Aerial Photography Abs Geodeziya i Aerofotosiyemka Wings of the Nation Kryrya Rodiny c? 1 ?=' Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AMNION= AID Complete Abstracs, Translation Abstract Jou*al: Reterativnyy Muscat Astraeobyl Geodesy Astronontra, Geiodeziya Astronomical Journal Astronomicheskiy 21innval. Abs New ?or the Astrophysics Institutes Academy-or Sciences Kazakh SSR IsveatiYa Astrotizieheshogo Instituta, Madmen Nauk Kazakheitoy SSR 2 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 BIOLLIGY Abstract Jouzzal g Referativnyy Zhurnal g Biology Biologiya Agriculture in POvol'sh'ye Sel'skoye Khozyaystvo Povolzh'ya Agriculture in Siberia Serskoye Khozysystvo Sibiri Agriculture of Tarbnenistan Sel'skoye Khowaystvo Turkmenistana Agrobiology Agrobiologiya Animal Husbandry Zhivotnovodstvo emplete Abstracts TranslatiOn Biochemistry CB Blokhimiya Biological Effects of Radiation Biologicheskoye Deystvi,ye ILE,21uchenty Biology in School Biologiya v Shkole Biophysics Biofizika PF Botanical Journal Botanicheskiy Zhurmal italletin of the Mose-ow Soclety of Naturalists, Biological Division Byulleten' ftskovskogo fd.shchestva Nspytateley Prirody, Otdel Biologicheskiy Butter and Fat Industry Nasldboyno-Zhirovaya Promyshlennosti Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Cotton Gm/ins liblopkorvoel.stv Cyt4ology TfAtologiya Aprtroved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete Abstracts Translation Entrsziplogical Review likraw,tologiclaeskoye Obozreniye Fertilization and Harvest Mobrenlye i Uroihay Yorest Products Wustry Lesnaya Promyshlennost' Forestry Foreman Master Lesa Herald of Agricultural Stiencea Vestnik Serskokhozyaygtvennoy Hauki Herald of Leningrad Universitys Vestnik Leningradskogo Untversitetas Biology Series Seriya Biologii Journal of Genera Biology Zhurnal Cbshchey Biologil Meat Industry USSR MYssnaya Industriya SSSR Microbiological Journal Mikrobiologichnyy Marna Microbiology Mikrobiologiya News of the Academy of Sciences Armenian SSRs lzvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSRs Biological and Agricultural Sciences Series Seriya Biologieheskikh SerskokhozbyaywhrelmAykh Nauk - 4 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ALM A M' Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Oomplete pstracts, Translation News of the Academy of Sciences Azerbaydzhau SSRs Itv@stiya Akademil Nauk Azerbisydzhanskoy SSRs Biological and Agricultural Sciences Series ? Seriya Biologicheskikh I Lel'siokhozysystvenykb Sauk News of the Academy of Sciencls Belorussian SSR s lzvestiya Akademlii Nauk Belorn esky SSRs Biological and Agriculture a &Aeneas Series Seriya Biologieheakikh orskokhozray- stvetwykh Nauk News or the Academy or Seim:tiles% Estonian SSR: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estallskoy SaR8 Biology Series Seriya Kologicheakaya News of the Academy of Selo Imes Kazsith SSits Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kakhskoy SUR s Soil Science and Botany Seriya Pochvovedenlya a.BotaniAci News of the Academy of Sciencrs USSR lzvesti,ya Akademii Nal* SSSk Biology Series Serlya Biologicheskaya News or the Academy of Selene-ma Uzbek IMRs lzvestiya Akadsmii Nauk Uzbeklloy SSRL Biological awl Agriculturaa Scieneen Series Serlya Biolozicheskikh i 514.'skokhtnyay- stvennykb. Nauk News of !Uglier Educational znetitutions, of the Hinistry of Nigher Education UWIts Ivrestiya Vysshikh Uehebnorkh Zmvedenly itinisterstva Vysshego Obrazolianlya SSP s Food Technology nshehevaya Tekhrologiya Forestry Journal liesnoy Zhurnal News of the Timiryazev Agrimultural Acaci-emy izvest Lys Timiryszerskoy SeVakokhozyay stvemnoy Akademil Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete Ostracts Translation Paleontological journal Faleontologicheskiy Zhurnal Plant PhysiologyAIS Fiziologiya Rastenly Progress of Contemporary Biology Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii Protection, of Plants From Pests and Diseases Zashchita Rasteniy ot Vrediteley ?Bolezney Reports of the An-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni V0 I? Lenin Doklady Vscaoyuznoy Akademii Serakokhozysy- stvennykh Sauk imeni V0 Io Lia Reports of Ukrainian Agricultural Aad eky of Sciences Doklady Ukrainskoy Sellakokhozyaystvennoy Akademii Nauk Science .and Advanced EXperience in Agriculture Nauka? Peredovoy Qpyt v Sellskom Nhozyaystve Scientific Reports of Higher Schoolsg Nauchpyye Doklady Vysshey Shkolyg Biological Sciences Biologichesklye Nauki Forestry Engineering Lesoinzhenerngye Delo Selection and Seed Culture Selektsiya I Semenoradstvo Soil Science AITAS Pochvovedonlye Ukrainian Botanical journal Ukrainskiy Botanicheskiy Zhurnal Uzbek Biological Journal Uzbekskiy Biologicheskiy Zhurnal Wine Making and Viticulture USSR Vinodeliyei Vinogradarstvo SSR Zoological journal Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 v App.-dyed For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CHRISM' Abstract Journals Beferativnyy Zhurnals Biological Menistry Biologicheskaya Khimiya Chemistry Khimiya Alcohol Industry Spirtovaya Promyshlennost' AID Complete Abstracts Tr?.nslation Caoutchouc and Rubber Ab Kauchuk I Resina Chemical Fibers Ehimichesklye Volikna Chemical Industry Abe Khimieheskaya Promyshlennost? Chemical Machine Building Ehimicheskoye Mashinostroyenlye Chemical Science and EndustrY Xhimicheskaya Raaka I Promyshlennosts Chemistry end Technology of Awls and Lubricants Abe Khimiya Tekhnologiya TOpliv iMasel Chemistry in School Xhimiya v Shkole Coke and Chemietry Koks Colloid Journal Kolloidnyy Zhurnal Crystallography Kristallografiya pcpress Informations gkspress Informatsiyas Silicate Materials Silikatnyye Materialy - 7 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? , ApProved Poi Release 2002/01/-14 -:--o-l-A=RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Synthetic High Polymer Materials Sinteticheskiye VysokopolimerAyye Ms,terialy Glass and Ceramics Steklo ? Keramika Nigh Molecular Compounds Vysokomolekulyarvyye Soyedineniya Bydrolysis and Forest Chemical Products Industry Gidroliznaya i Lesokhimicheskaya Fromyshlennost' AID CQmplete Abstracts Translattam, Abs CB Journal of Analytical Chemistry Abs Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii journal of Applied Chemistry Murata Prikladnoy Khimii Journal of General Chemistry Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Altai journal of Physical Chemistry Zhurval Fizicheskoy Khimii News of the Academy of Sciences Armenian SSRg Izvestiya Akademil Nauk Armyanskoy: Chemical Sciences Series Seriya Khimieheakikh Nauk News of the Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSRg Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSRg Chemistry Series Seriya Xhimicheakaya Abs Abs Abs CB CRP Mews of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Department of Chemical Sciences Abs CB lzvestlya Akademii Nauk SSSR9 Ctdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk News of the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSRg Izvestlya Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Chemical Sciences Series Scriya Khimicheskikh Nauk ? 8c Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 News of Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education Mils Izvestlya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Ministerstva Vysshego Obrazovaniya SSSRg Chemistry and Chemical Technology Khimiya 1 Xhimicheskaya Tekhnologiya Oxygen Xislorod AID Complete potract e Translation Abs Abs Progress of Chemistry I Abs Uspekhi Xhimii Ras3.1ochemistry Radiokhimiya Scientific Reports of Higher Schoolss Nauchnyye Ddklady Vysshey Shkolys Chemistry and Chemical Technology Abs Xhimiya i Xhimicheskaya Tekhnologiya Sugar Industry Sakharnaya Pramyshlennosts Symposia of Translations and Reviews of Foreign Periodical Literatures Sborniki Perevodov i bzorov Inostrannoy Periodicheskoy Literatury: Chemistry and Chemical Technology Xhimiya IXhimicheskaya Tekhnologiya Chemistry and Technology of POlymers Xhimiya i Tekhnologiya Polimerov Chemistry and Techology of Silicates Xhimiya I Tekhnologiya Silikatov Chemical Substances for Plant Protection Xhimicheskiye Sredstva Zashchity Rasteniy Ukrainian Biochemical journal Ukrains'kyy BlokhimichAry Zhurnal Ukrainian Chemistry Journal Ukrainskiy Xhimicheskly Zhurnal Uzbek Chemical Journal Uzbekskiy Xhimicheskiy Zhurnal Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ELECTRICITY Abstract Journals Referativmyy Zhurnals Electrical Engineering Elektrotekhnika Electricity Elektrichestvo Electric Fbwer Stations Elektricheskiye Stantsii Herald of Communications VestnikSvyazi,. Herald of the Electrical Industry Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti News of the Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSRs Izvestiva Akademii Nauk Kazakhakoy SSRs Power Engineering Series Seriya Energeticheskaya Power 1!.gineer Energetik Power Engineering Bulletin kAergeticheskiy Byulleten' Power Machine Building Energomashincetroyeniye -10- AID Complete AbstTacts Translation Abs Abs Abs Abs Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 PP selected papers Approved-For Release-2-00210111-4--CIA-RDP78-03131-A000-1-00080001-5 ELECTE /C8 Automatics Avtomatika Automatics and Telemechanics Avtomatika I Telemekhanika Automaticss Telemechanics and Communications (in Railroad Transport) Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Svyazt (na ZheIeznodorcralmxmlTransporte) Electrical Communications Elektroswyazi. Express Informationa Ekspress Informatsiya: Radio Engineering Industry Radiotekhnicheskaya Fromyshlennoste Foreign Radloslectronics Zartibezhnya Radioelektroaika Mechanization and Automation, ot Production Makhanizatsiya S. Avtomatizatsiya froizvodstva News of Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education W8Rs lzvestiya Vysshikh Uchebaykh Zavendiy Ministerstva Vysshego Obrazovantya 888Rs Electromechanics Elektromekhamika Instrument Building Priborostroyenlye Radio Engineering Radiotekhnika Radiophysics Hadiofizika -11- AID Complete Abstracts Translatioa Abs Abs ISA Abs PF Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Radio Radio Rada? Engineering ahdiotekhnika Radio Engineering and Electronics liadiotekhnika iElektronika Scientific Reports of Higher Schoolss Rauchwe Doklaay Vysshey ShkolyS Electramechanics and Automatics Llektromekhanika i Avtomatika Radio Engineering and Electronics Radiotekhniki I Elektronika AID Complete Abstracts Translation Abs FP Abs PP Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MINEERING AID Complete Abstracts Translation Abstract Journal: Construction and Architecture Referativnyy Zhurnals Strolterstvo Arkhitektura Abstract Journal: Referativnyy Zhurnal: Machine Building Mashinostroyeniye Applied Medhanics Prikladnaya Mekhanika Architecture and Construction of Leningrad Arkhitektura i Stroitel'stvo Leningrada Architecture and Construction of Mbscow Arkhitektura i Stroitel'stvo Moskvy Architecture of the USSR Arkbitektura SSSR Atomic Engineering Abroad Atomnaya Tekhuika za Rubezhom Automdbile Industry ? Abs Avtomobil'ogya ProMlfshienmost' Automobile Transport Avtomdbil'ogy Transport Builder Stroitel' Building Materials, Parts and Construction Stroiternyye Materialy? Xzdeliya i Konstruktsii Bulletin of Construction Engineering Byulleten Stroiternoy Tekbikki Bulletin of Technical Information Byulleten' Tekhnicheskoy Informatsii Cement Teaseut Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CB Approved For Release 2002/01/14 :-CIAARDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Beton i ?Zhelezobeton Construction and Road Machine Building Strolternoye IDorothnoye Mashinostroyeniye Construction of Eaterprises of the Petroleum Industry Stroitelistvo Predpriyatiy Neftyanoy Promyshlennosti Construction Industry Stroitel'ava Promyshlennost' Electric and Thermal Traction Elektricbeskaya i Teplovaya Tyaga Engineering for Youth Tekh.lka-Molodezhi Express Informations Ekspress Informatsiyas Aircraft Engine Building Aviadvigatelestroyeniye Automatic Control of Production Processes Avtomaticheskoye Upravleniye Proizvodstvennymi Protsessami Automobile Construction and. Automotive Transport Avtamobilestroyeniye I Avtotransport Cable and Cable Equipment Prokatka ? Prokatmoye Cborudovaniye Chemistry and Refining of Petroleum and Gas Khiatya I Perebotka Nefti i Gaza Computer Engineering Vychisliternaya Tekbalka Control -Measurement Engineering Kontrorno-Izmeriternaya Tekhnika Electrical Engineering Zadustx7 Elektrotekhaitheskaya Promyshlennost' AID Complete Abstract Translation Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? Express Information (continued) Forge and Press Production Kuznechno-Pressovoye Prolzvodstvo General Engineering Obshchetekhnicheskaya Leather-Footwear Industry Kozhevenno-Obuvnaya Promyshlennostl Lift-Transport Structures Pod' yemno-Transportntyye Sooruzhenkya Machine-Tool Building Stankostroyeaiye Oil Field Neftepromyslovoye Delo Power Machine atilding Energeticheskoye Mashinostroyeniye Processes and Apparatus of Chemical Productions Proteesay ? Apparaty Ithimicheakikh Proizvodstv Rocket Engineering Raketnaya Tekhnika Shipbuilding Sudostroyeniye Textile Industry Tekstilinaya Promyshlennoste Tractor and Agricultural Machine Buildimg Traktornoye i Sersho-Khozyaystvennoye Machinostroyeniye Transport Machine Building Transportnoye Machinostroyeniye Wood and Paper Pulp Industry Tsellyulozno-Bumazhnaya Promyshlennostp Heat Power Engineering Teploenergetika -15- AID Complete Abstracts Translation Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Herald of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Railroad Transport Vestnik Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Iseledovatel skogo Instituta Zbeleznodorozhnogo Transports Herald. of Machine Building Velitnik Mashinostroyeniya Aid Complete Abstracts Tranelatton Abs ?ERA Hydraulic Engineering and Soil Improvement Abs Gidrotahmika ? Melioratskya Hydraulic Engineering Construction Abs Gidrotekhnicheekoye Stroitelestvo illumination Engineering Svetotekhnika Industrial Power Engineering Promyshlennaya Itnergetika Instruments and Experimental Technique Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta Instrument Building Prik;oroatroyenlye journal of Physical Engineering Inzhenerno -Fizieheskiy Zhurnal Machine Builder Maehinostrottele Maine Tools and Tools Stanki ? Instrument Measurement Technique Izaeritelinaya Tekhnika Mechanization of Construction Mekhanizateiya Stroitel'etva Meteorology and Hydrology Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya Mining Construction Shakhtnoye Stroiteretvo Motor Highways Airtomobir ayye Dorogi Abs Abs NSA TF Abs Abs PRA Abs ISA Abs Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete Abstracts Tranglatioa New Books Abroads Bovyye Knigi Za RUbeihoms Engineering Series Seriya Tekhnika News of the Academy of Cometruction and Architecture USSR lzvestiya Akademil Stroiterstva Arkhitektury SSSR News of the Academy of Sciences Armenian SSRg Izvestlya Akademii Nauk Armyanakoy SRg Technical Sciences Series Seriya Tekhnicheskikh Nauk News of the Academy of Sciences Azerbaydzhan SSRg lzvestiya Akademii Mut Azerbaydzhanskoy SSRg PhYsicotechnical and Chemical Sciences Series Seriya Fizi iheski4 i Khimicheakikh Nat& News of the Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSRs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Belorusskoy 86R8 214ysicomathematical and Technical Sciences Series SerAya Fiziko-Matematicheakikh i Tekhnicheskikh Nauk news of the Academy of Sciences Estonian SSRg Izvestiya Akademii Hawk Estonskoy SSRg Physicomathemstical and Technical Sciences Series Seriya Tekhnicheakikh Fiziho-Matematicheskikh NaUk News of the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSRg Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Uzbekakoy SSRa Technical Sciences Series Seriya Tekhnicheskikh &oak - Abe Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Cnmplett Abstraats Translation News of Hir.,her Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education USSRs Irvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenly Ministerstva Vysshego Obrazavaniye SSRs Architectural Construction Stroiterstvo I Arkhitektara Machine Building Mashinostroyeniye Bev; Techniques and Advanced Practice in Construction Bovaya Tekhnika i Peredovoy Qpyt v Stroitel'stve Plant Laboratovy Zavodskeya Laboratoriya Bolygraphic Product ion Poligraficheskoye Proizvodstvo Polygraphic Production Abroad Poligraficheskoye Prolzvodstvo za Rubezhnm Power Engineering Energetika Railway Engineering Tekhnika ihelezaykh Dorog Railway Transportation 2she1ezmodorozhnyy Tra,nsport Refractories Ogneupory Refrigerattmn Engineering Kholodirnaya Tekhnika Rural Builder Sel'skiy Strolter Scientific Reports of the Higher Schools ilauchnyye Doklady Vysshey Shkolys Construction Stroitel'stvo Machine Building and Instrument Building Mashinostroyenlye 1.Pribornstroyeniyo !lower Engigsering Energetika Abe Abe Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Complete Abatracts Tranalation Shipbuilding Sudostroyemiye Standardization Standartizataiya Sympoala of Translations and Reviews From Foreign Periodical Literatures Storniki Perevodov i Obzorov Znostrannoy Periodicbeakly Literaturys Machine Branding Maah1nostroyen4e Problems of Nuclear Power Engineering VOprosy Ysdernoy Energetiki PrOblems of Radar Engineering lipprosy Radiolokatsionnoy Tekhniki Problems of Rocket Engineering Voprosy Raketnpy Tekhniki Technique Movies end Television Tekhnika Xino I Televidtftlya Textile Industry Tekstirnaya Prnmyahlennost' Transport Construction Transportnoye Striteretv Urban and Rural Construction Gorodskoye i Sel'skoye Strolterstvo Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering Vdtheiy 1. Sanitarnaya Tekhnita Welding Production Svaroctshnoye Proizvodatro Young Engineer Ifunyy Tekhnik Aba BUIRA Approved For For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 FUELS AID Complete Abstracts Translation Azerhaydzhan Petroleum Economy Azerbaydzhanskoye Neftyanoye Kbozyaystvo Coal uga' Coal of the Ukraine Ugol' Ukrainy Gas Industry Gavavaya Fromyshlennost' Mews of Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education USSRg .ILvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Ministerstva Vysshego Obravavaniya SSSIts Petroleum and Gas Heft'i Gaz Peat Industry ftrfyanaya Promyshlennost' Petroleum Economy Neftyanoye Khozysystvo Petroleum Worker Neftysnik Abs Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 OHOPHYSSM AID Complete Abstracts Tranalation ???????? Abstract Journals Hertrativnyy Zhurnals Geography Geografiya Gvsophysies Geofizika Bulletin of the Nbacow Society of Naturalistss G/pological Divisigm Byvilleten. Moskovakogo Obshcheetva Ispytateley Trirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy Balletin of the Seismic Network USSR Myulleten2 Seyamicheskoy Sett. SSB Geochemistry Abe Geokhimiya Geodesy and Cartography Abs Geodeziya 1 Martografiya Geography in School Geografiya v Shkole Geology of Petroleum Geologiya Nefti Herald of Leningrad Miversity s Vestnik Li 1k Universiteta s Geology and Geography Series Seriya Geologil 1 Graf ii News of the Academy of Sciences Azertaydzhan SSE& isvestlya Akademil Bauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSRg Geological and Geographical Sciences Series SeriyaGeologo-GeograficheskahNauk 2i Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Re% Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 News of the Academy of Sciences USSRs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRs Geography Series Seriya Geograficheskaya Geophysics Series Serra Geofizicheskaya Rews of the All-Union Geographical Society Izvestlya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshdhestva Scientific Reports of Higher Schoolsg Nauchnyye Doklady Vysshey Shkolys Geological -Geographical Sciences Geologo-Gcografichesklye Nauki 22 AID Complete Abstracts Translatio Abs Abs AGU Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A-000100080001-5 MATHEMATICS Abstract Journals Referativnyy ?Journals Mathematics Matematika Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika Mathematics in School Matematika v Shkole AID Complete Abstracts Translation Abs Abs PP Mathematics Symposium Abe Matematicheskiy Bbornik News of the Academy Sciences USSRs Izrestlya Akademli Nauk SSSRs Mathematics Series Abs Seriya Matematicheskaya News of Nigher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education USSlis Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Ministerstva Vyashego Obrazovaniya SSSRs Mathematics Matematika Progress of Mathematical Sciences Uspekhl Matematicheakikh Nauk Symposia of Translations and Reviews of Foreign Periodical Literatures Myrna' Perevodov i Cbzorov Inostrannoy Periodicheskpy Literaturys Mathematics Matematika Abg Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved FOr Release 2002101/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Theory of Probabilities and Its Application Teoriya Veroyatmetey I Ireye Primenenlye Ukrainian Mathematics Journal Waminekiy blatematicheekly Zburnal 24 AID Complete Abstracts Translation Abs SIAM Abe Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 _ . Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 kiMICINE AID Complete Abstracts Translation Antibiotics Antibiotiki Archives of Anatomy, Histology and EMbryology Arkhiv Anatomii.9 Gistologil i EMbriologii Archives of Pathology Arkhiv Patologil Azerbaydzhan Medical Journal Azerbaydiban Meditsinskiy Zhurnal Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Byulleten' Eksperimentarmoy Biologii Meditsiny Chest Surgery Grudnaya Ehirurgiya Clinical Medicine Klinieheskaya Meditsina Conditicms of Life and Health Usloviya Zhizni i Zdoroveye Experimental Surgery Eksperimentarnaya Ighlrurgiya Express Informationz Empress Informatsiyag Public Health and Medicine Zdravookhraneniye? Meditsina For Socialist Public Health of Uzbekistan Za OftAalisticheskoye Zdravookbranenlye Uzbekistana Health Zdorov ' ye Health Preservation Okhrana Zdorov'ya Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CB Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Herald of the .Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR Herald of Ophthalmology Vestnik Oftalmologii Herald of Otorhinolaryngology Vestnik Otorinolaringologil Herald of Roentgenology and Radiology Vestnik Rentgenologii 1 Radiologil Herald of Surgery imeni I. I. Grekov Vestnik Xhirurgli imeni I. I. Grekova Herald of Venereology and Dermatology Vestnik Venerologii I Dermatologil Hygiene and Sanitation Gigiyena I Sanitariya Journal of Higher Nervous Activity imeni I. P. Pavlov Vysshcy Ncrvnoy Deyatermsti imenl I. F. Pavlova Journal of Microbiology Epidemiolowy and Immunobiology Zharnal Mikrobiologiiv Epidemiologil 1 Immundbtologli journal of Neuropathology and Pgyohiatry /meal S. So Korsakav Zhurnal Nevropatologli 1 Pe1khlatrii imeni SO SO Korsakova Kazan Medical journal Xazanskiy Meditsinskiy Zhurnal Laboratory Practice Laboratornoye Delo Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Gigiyena Truda Professionallnyye Zabolevaniya 26 AID Omplete Abstracts Translatim Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 PP PP Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete - Abstracts Translation Medical Abstract JbUrDaig Part X Internal Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Endocrinology, Neuropathology and Psychiatry, Health Resorts, Physical Therapy and Physical Culture, Skin and Venereal Diseases Meditsinskiy Heferativnyy Zhurnals Razdel I. Vnutrenniye Dolezni, Infektsionnyye Bolczni, Endokrinologiya, Nevropatologiya i Psikhiatriya, Kurortologiya, Fizioterapiya i echetnaya Fizkurtura? Kozhwye i Venericheskiye Polezni Medical Abstract Journal II, Surgery, Neuro- surgery, Traumatology, Orthopedics, Urology, Oncology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngolocs? Opthalmoloas Stomatology Meditsinskiy Referativnyy Murnals Razdel It Mhirurgila? Heyrakhirargiya? Travmatologly& Ortopediya? Urologiya? Onkologiya, Oto- Rim-Luring logiya? Oftalmologiya, Stomatologiya Medical Abstract Journalg Part III. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lnfants Diseases Meditsinakiy Referattmyy alurnalg Razdel III, Akusherstvo Gintkologiya? Deteklye Bolczni Medical Abstract Journalg Part XV,. Organtzation at RAlle Health, Higtory of Medicine, Hygiene and Sanitation, Epidemiologyi. Medical Radiology Meditsinskty Rsferativnyy Zhurnals Razdel IV, Organizatoiya Zdravookhraneniye? Istortya Meditsiny, Gigtyena Sanitarlya? Epide- miologtya? Yaditsinakaya Radiologtya Medical Assistant and Midwife Fel'dsher Akusherka Medical Industry USSR Meditsinskaya Promyshlennost6 SS51 Medical Nurse Meditsinakaya Sestra Medical Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases Meditsinskaya Parazitolcgiya i Parasitarnyye Polezni 27 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/1.4TCIA:ROP78--03131A000100080001-5 AID Cmplate Akatracts Translation ..??????????????.???????imeir.....????????????? Medical Radiology Meditsinskaya Radiologiya Military Medical journal Voyenno4leditsinakiy Ihurnal News of the Academy of Sciences Kszakh SRg Izvesttya Akademil Rauk Xszakhstoy'SSRg Medicine and Physiology Series Seriya Neditsiny i Fiziologii New Surgi al Archives Novyy Xhirurgicheskiy Arkhiv Obstetrics and Gynecology Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya Ophthalmological journal Oftalmologicheskiy Zhurnal Orthopedics, Traumatology and Proethesis Ortopediya? Travmatologiya i Protesirovanlye Pathophysiology and Experimental Therapy Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya Eksperimentarnaya Terapiya Pediatrics Pediatriya Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology Pediatriya, Akusherstvo i Ginckologiya Pharmaceutical Affairs Aptechnoye Delo Pharmacoloey ad Toxicology CD Faakoloiy i Taksikologiya Physicians Affairs Vrachemoye Delo Physiological journal FiziologiChnyy Zburnal 28 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AD Complete Abstracts Traaslatiou Physiological Journal USSR imeni I. 140 Sechenov Fiziologicheskiy hhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova Problems of EndocriUoloay and Hormone Therapy Problemy kadokrinologii ? Gormonoterapil Problem' of Health Resort Science, Physio- therapy and Therapeutic Physical Cultura Voprozy Xurortologil, Fizioterapii Lechebnoy Fizinheskoy Kultury PP Problems of Hematology and Blood Transfusion PP Problemy Gematologii 1 Perelivaniya Krovi Problems of Maternity and Child Care Voprosy Okhrany naterinstva 1 Detstva Problems of Medical Mesiistrjr Voprosy Meditsinskoy jj Problems of Neurosurgery Voprosy Neyrokhirurgil Problems of Nutrition Voprosy Pitaniya Problems of Oncology FP Voprogy Onkologli Problems of Psychology Voprosy Ptikhologii Problems of Tuberculosis Problemy Tuberkuleza Problems of Virology PP Voprosy Virusologli Pdblic Health of Belorussia Zdravookhranenlye Btlorussii PUblic Health of Kazakhstan Zdravookhranenlye Kazakhstana Public Health of the Russian Federation Zadrasockhraneniye Rosslyskoy Federatsil Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID earaplete Abstracta Transiation Public Health of Tadzhikistan Zdravookhranenlye Tadzhikistana Public Health of Turkmenistan Zdravookhraneniye Turkmenistana Soviet Medicine Sovetskaya Meditsina Soviet Public Health Sovetskoye Zdravookhranenlye Soviet Public Health of Kirgizia Sovetskoye Zdravookhranemiye Kirgizii Soviet Red Cross Sovetskiy !Creamy Krest* Stomatology Stematologiya Surgery Mhirurgiya Symposia of Translations and Reviews of ForeigA Periodical Literatureg Sborniki Porevodov iObzorov Inostrannoy Periodi@heskoy Literaturyg Amtibiotics Antibiotiki Modern Problems of Oncology Sovremennyye Problemy Onkologii9 Modern Problems of TUrberculosis Sovremannyye Problemy Tuberkuleza Problems of Pathology of the Cardio- vascular System Voprosy Patologli Serdechno-Sosudistoy Sistemy Therapeutic Archives TerapertiCheskiy Arkblv Urology Urologlia Veterinary Medicine Veterinariya Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MINFRAIS/METALS Abstract Journa3. s ? Referativnyy Murnal s Geology Geologiya Metallurgy Metallurgiya Automatic Welding Avtomaticheskaya Svarka Coal Foreman Master Ways Express Informations Ekspress Informatsiyas Cold Forming of Metals iholodnaya Obrabotka Metallov Ferrous Metallurgy Chernaya Metallurgiya Foundry Practice Litsynore Proizvodstvo Metal Sciences and Heat Treatment Matallovedenlye 1 Termodbrebotka Mining and Or Dressing Gornoye Delo i Obogashcheniye Nonferrous Metallurgy TsvetnayaMetallurgiya AID Complete Abstracts Translation Abs Abs Forge and Press Production Kuznechno-ShtampovochnoyeProizvodstvo Foundry Practice Aba Litepoye Frolmodetvo Geological journal Geologlebnyy Zhurnal Or? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 NAS PP Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Complete Abstracts Translation Geology of Ore Deposits Geologiya RadnOsh Mestorozhdeniy bletallumist Abs (2) Metall-on Metal Science and. Metals Processing Abe Metallovedenlye 4 obraboW tslet4lov lit-itking Journal Goinyy anirnal News of the alcadczny of Sciences iinteaten SSRg Lsvestiya *admit Nauk Answanatoy SSW, GeologicAl Sciences Series Seriya Geologl.cbeskikh *silk NeWEI of the Asada/J.0f Sae/Ices KfAsaVi SSR: Izvestiya Akademli Nauk BM: geological Series Seriya Geologicheskstys. Metallurgy, Dressing and Befractorles Series Seriya 074ogashchemiya Ogzetworog Mining Series Serlya Goraogo Delo News of tb.e Academy of Sciences USW: IzvestUra &admit Es.auk Geology Series Ab8 w.AtTAGE Serlya Geologicheskaya News of. the ACadem of Sciences Uzbek SSE2. lzvestiya Akademti itiuk liabigOkoy Sal: ? Geological Series Seriya Geologiebeskays, 32 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete Abstracts Translation News of Eigher Educational Instituttons of the Ministry of Higher Education USSRa Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenly Ministerstva Vysshego Obrazovaniya SSSRs Ferrous Metallurgy Cher/lays 14etallurgiya Geology and Prospecting Geologiya i Razvedka Mining Journal Gornyy Zhurnal Nonferrous Nttalluray Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya Nonferrous Metals Abe Ttvetnyre Metall Notes of the All-Union Mineralogical Society Zap iski Vaesoyumbogo Mineralogicheahogo Obehchestva Physics of Metals and Metal Sciences Abs PP Fizika Metallov iMetallovedeniye Prospecting and Conservation of Mineral Resources Abe Razvedka jOkhrana Nedr Scientific Reports of Higher Schooles Nauchnyye Doklady Vysahey Shkolya Metallurgy Abe MetallurgtYa Mining Gornoye Delo Soviet Geology Sovetskaya Geologiya Steel Abe IST Star 33a. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete Abstracts Translation Symposia of Translations and Reviews of Foreign Periodical Literature:. Sborn1k1 Perevodov 1 Cbzorov Inostrannoy Periodicheskoy Ilteraturys Problems of Modern Metallurgy Problem Sovremennoy Metallurgli Underground Gasification of Coal Podzemnaya Gazifikatstya Ugley Uzbek Geological journal Uzbekskly Geologicheskly Zhurnal _ Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 PHY.SIa' Abstract Journalt; Referativny, Zturaal Mechanica MekhAnika Physles Fizita Aout? Joutraal Akusticheakiy Zhurnsl Atmic Energy Atmaaya Energiya Atamies Energy, Supplamea7pe to tht Jural Prilozhenilie k Zburcalu Atamnaya Energiya Express Informationf)' Ekspresu Znforimmtairyat Atomic Emmrgy Ata Enersiya CtiaTTlitte Abst:tA&,ta Tre.m11:30tio4 ...?*?????????????????nl...?????????M? Abe Aba ATI_P Abe a, PP Journal of Experimental and Tte,pretical kVain Aba AIT Zhurnal Eksperimeatml'noy 1 Teoretieheakby Fiziki Journal of Technical Physica Zharnal Tekbalcheskoy Fizikl Newm of the Acadmly of Selenc*& Armenian SSN' Izveattya Akademil Riauk Ammiyaakoy 5aRg Physicomathematical Wients Series Att3 Serlya Fiziko-Matematicheltikh Namk Newa of the Academr of Sniences 2zweatlya Akademil Maa. SSSIO Physite Series Abs Serlya Fizicheskaya rey CZa Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 terATt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Biews of the Academy of Sciences Uzbuk SSRs Izvestiya Akadamil Nauk UgbOxakoy SSRs Physicamathemstical Series Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskikh Sauk News of Higher Educational Institutiens of the Ministry of Higher Education USSRs Ivvesttya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Ministerstva Vysshego Obravgvanlya SSSR2 Physics Fizita Optics and Spectroscopy Optika i Spektraskopiya Physics in School Flake v Shkole Progress of Physical Sciences Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nat& Scientific Reports of Higher Schoolss Nauchwe Doklady Vysshey Shkays Ehysicomathematical Sciences Fiziko4tatematichesklye Nauld AZD Cnpplete AbAracts Tranalation Abs Abs Al? Abs ALP Solid State Physics ATT Fizika Tverdogo Tela Symposia of Translations and Reviews of Foreign Periodical Literatures Sborniki Perevodov iObzorov Inostrannoy Perindicheskoy Literaturys Mechanics Mekhamika Problems of Modern PAysics Problemy Sovremennoy Fiziki Ukrainian Physics Journal Ukrainak4 Fizicheskly Zhurnal Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 -Approved For Release 2002/01/14 :-CiA---RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MISCELLANECUS AID Complete Abstracts Translation Baking and Confectionery Industry Khlebopekarnsya 1 Konditersksya Promyehlennost' Book Register Knizhnsya Letopis' Brochures of Verbattm Reports of Lectures of the All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Know1edge3 Brashyury StenogrammT Lektsiy Vsesoyuznogo Obshchestva po Rasprostraneniyu Politicheskikh Nauchnyth Znanlys First Social-Political Series on froblems of History of CPSU? History of USSR, and Universal History ad Military Knowledge Pervgya Cbshchestvenno-Politicheskaya Seriya po Voprosam Estoril. MS, Istoril SS.Sk Vsesdbshchey Istorii / Voyennyth ?gamily Third Series -- Ratural Science on Problem of Biology, Medlcine? Geology, Geographyp Chemistry, Physics? Astronomy and Mathematics Treteya Seriya Yestestvenmo-Yauohnaya PO Voprosam Biologil, Meditsiny? Geologil, Geografil? Khimii? Fiziki? Astronomil Matematiki Fourth Scientific and Teehnical Series on Questions of Engineering, History of Technical Discoveries and Inventions, on Advanced E*perienee on the Most Important Leading Works in the Field of Technical Progress in USSR Chetvertsya Seriya Hauchno-Tekhnicheakaya po Voprosam Tekhnfti? Istoril Tekhnicheskikh Otokrytiy ? Izobretemiy? o Peredovag Opyte, o Baltoleye Vydayushohlkhsys Babotatb v Cblasti Tekhdicheskogo Ptogressa v SSSR - 37-S Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved -0-or'ReleaSe 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Bulletin of Inventions Byulleten' Izobrcteniy Bulletin of the Ministry of Higher Education Byulieten' Ministerstvo Vysshego Obrazovantya Bulletin of Technical and Economic Information Byulleten' Tekhniko-Ekonomicheskoy informatsli Canning and Fruit prying industry Konservngya 1 Ovoshchesushirnaya Promyshlepnosts Communications of the Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR - Soashcheniya Akademil Hau k Grazinakoy SSR Communications of the Far Eastern Affiliate tmeni Vo L. Komarov of the Academy of Sciences USSR Soobshcheniya Dal'oevostochnogo Filiala tmeni V, L. Komarova Akademii Hauk SSSR Communist Kommunist Express Informationg Ekspress informatsiyas Food industry Pishchevaya Promyshlennosta Firemen's Affairs Pozharnoye Delo Herald of the Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR Vestnik Akademii Haut Kazakhakoy SSR Herald of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR Vestnik Akademii 'Sauk Latviyskoy SSR Herald of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR Visnyk Akademii Ha& Ukrain skol BSA Herald of the Academy of Sciences USSR Vestnik Akademli Bauk SSSR Herald of the Higher School Vestnik Vysshey Sky 024 3Att AID Complete Abotractg Tranalatlem Abs PP Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete Abstracts Translation Herald of Leningrad University Vestnik Leningradskogo Univereitetas Mathematics, Meanies and Astronomy Series Seriya Matematiki, Mekhaniki i Astronomil Physics and Chemistry Series Seriya Fiziki I Xhimii Herald of lioscow State University Vestnik Moskovskogo Univers it-eta z Biology, Soil Science Geology and Geography Series Seriya Biologii? Bochvovedeniya? Geologii Geografil Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry Series Seriya Natati? kkaiki, Fiziki 1 Xhimil Herald of Statistics Vestnik Statistiki Information Index of Most Mmportant Bibliographic Lists and Card Files Complied in the Libraries of the Soviet Union Informatsionnyy Ukazatel' Vazhneyshikh Bibliografichaskikh Spiskov I Kartotek? Sostavlennykh Bibliotekami Sovetskogo Soyuza Information Index of Standards Informatsionnyy Ukazatel' Standartov Journal of Scientific and Applied Photography and Cinematography Zhurnal Nauchnoy i Prikladnoy Fotograni Kinematografil Knowledge is Power Znaniye-Sila .39. Abs Abs Abs Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AD Complete Abstracts Translation 'labor Safety in Industry Beinpasnost. Truda v Promyshlennosti Light Industry Legkaya Procwshlennost ' Little Flame Cgonek Maritime Fleet Morskoy Put Mechanization of Labor and Heavy Work Mekhanizatsiya Trudoyemkikh i Tyazhelykh Nabot Military Herald Voyennyy Vestnik Military Science Voyennyye 2maniya Motion Picture Technician Kinomekhanik MUnicipal Economy of Moscow Gorodskoye Khozyaystvo Moskvy New Books Novyye Knigi New Books Abroad Novyye Knigi za Rubethoms Biology, Medicine and Agriculture Series Seriya Biologiya, Meditsina& Serskoye Khozyaystvo Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics:1 Geology& Mechanics and Astronomy Series Seriya Fizika? Xhimiya? Matematika, Geologiya? PAkhanika? Astronomiya Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Re1ease-2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Complete Abstracts Translation News of the Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSRs Izvestlya Akademil Nauk Kazakhskoy SSRa Mathematics and Mechanics Series Seriya Natematiki 1 Mekhaniki News of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR Izvestiya Akademil Nauk Latvityskoy SSR News of the Academy of Sciences TUrkmen SSR Izvestlya Akademii Nauk TUrkmenskoy SSR News of the Academy of Sciences USSR& Izvestiya Akademil Nauk SSSR: Problems of Mechanics and Machine Building Problemy Mekhanikl 1 Mashinostroyeniya Problems of Metals and Fuels Problemy Metalla I TOpltva Problems of POwer Engineeringp Automatic Control and Electrical Communications Problemy Energetikio Avtomatiki Elektrosvyazi News of Nigher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Nigher Education USSR: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Ministerstva Vysshego Obrazovaniya Mita_ Technology of Light Industry Tekhnologiya Legkoy Promyshlennosti Technology of the Textile Industry Teklutologlya Tekstils nay Prosystalennosti News of the Karelian and Kola Affiliates of the Academy of Sciences USSR Izvestiya Kareleskogo IKorskogo Filialov Akademil Nauk SEiSR Mews of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR Xzvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademli Ilauk SSSR Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID i.omplete Abstracto Translation . 111.11111.0?1011011.0?6:+140. Paper industry Bumaihnaya Promyshlennost. Planed Ecoamy Planovoye 1030214Ystvo Problems of Philosophy Voprosy Filosofii Producers' Cooperative Promyslovaya Kooperatskya Professional-Technical Education Professioaalloo-Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaaiye Register of Book Reviews Letopis' Retsenzii Register of Journal Articles Letopis' Zhuraalnykh Statey Register of Newspaper Articles Letopis' Gazetnykh Statey Reports of the Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR Doklady Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy &SR Reports of the Agademy of Sciences Azerbaydzhan SSR Doklady Akademii Sauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR Reports of the Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSB Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR Reports of the Academy of Sciences Tadzhik SSR Doklady Akademii Nauk Tadthikskoy SSE Reports of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR Abs Dopovidi Akademil Sauk Ukrains'koi RSR Reports of the Academy of Scleinces USSR i Abs AIRS, AU., CB Doklady Akademil Sauk SSSR Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01114: tiA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 AID Compl*te Abstracts Translation ????????=411.110...0.10..111.1.1?01.11?1011?????????? Reports of the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR Doklady Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoy SSR River Transport Rechnoy Transport Site and Life Aba Nauka Science and Life Namka I Zhyttya (Ukrainian) Scientific and Technical Societies of the USSR Sauchno-Tekhacheakoye Obehchestva SSSR Soviet Biblizgraphy Sovetskaya Bibliograaya Soviet Photo Sovetskoye Foto Soviet Press Sovetskaya Pechat' Tractors and Agricultural Machinery Traktory I Serkhommashiny Woodworking Xndustry Derevoobrabatyvayushchaya Prnmyshlennost Toung Generation Smens Young Naturalist Yenyy Naturalist Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14CIATRDP78-03131A000100080001-5 147ED1!S OF Tlin SVIsEIMI MEWING OF TIIE.COMINEE ODI EKED:2AT= OF PORE= LANGUAGE FaBLMATIOLS 13 November 1959 Present: Aro bfax Norlick, State Charles Paine, State Hr. Gerald. Cooney, kray Ito Robert Bathurst, Navy Maj., C4orge lEudravetz, Air /brae thje Elias Bachal Air Force 25X1A Nr0 Sohn Maston aCS sPOPer, Mro .10 j. Bagnall:, Chair:mu, CIA Consultants: Kra Charles A. Brophy, Jr., Air Ilbrce Secretary, CIA 10 Minutes The minutes of the 15th meeting were approved* 29 A second working draft was presented to the Committee and discupBedo The Air Force, Army, Navy, State, Ate and ESA mmbers offered Dc) objections* The JCS member reserved the right to offer anteadments at a le.ter date, ' 3. The meeting adjourned at 1530 hours* The itn=t meeting vtill be held 11 December 3959 in- Room 1121 I Builditv. ? Enclosure: CEFLP-A-15 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CRFLP.A..15 17 November 3959 COINZITEE ON EXPLOVATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS AGENDA Conference Roam - 1121 14 Building Priday, 11 December 1959 at 11100 hours 1. Minutes of the sixteenth mmiting 20 Briefing by leatiohal Institutes- or _Stith, National Science Foundation, end Office of Technical Services., Department of Commerce a Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 MIMS OF TIE TIME= MOM OF VIE COMP= ON EXPLOIZATION OF FOREIGE IANCITAGE ElIBLICATIO 16 October 1959 Present: W Chwles Pailm.D State bk. Ric.hard Balmr, Army Nro Gerald Cooney, Anny Lto Robert Batliurst? 1.4hvy MX% BOOZY Holz, Navy 1100 Ger ge Kulasvetz: Air Ibree Ea as ree ESA Contrultants: CIA Secretary: CIA 25X1A Migtiteits othe llith imilsbing; were approved6 PM. requeSted that paraiprapb. r % ead. U M re,presentati G smixamatime ?.9 on chawrIL...Pub3. ens The Chairman arinovnced comwletion or a repo. rt for the Comxmittee on the etyczNillt Value of Chinese. Commaist Publicatiom by A copy is attachede ? Transmittal of Publications 40 Et0,2. 154e Chairman is representing this Committee in the four briefing sessions of the una Steering Group on PAmergency !taming The Chairman requested that each member transmit his agmayes contribtrUon for'rkthe Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1C STATSPEC --Appr-oved_ForRelease 2002/01/14 :-CIA-R0P78-0343-1A000400080004-5 C-Oditt,14-X-DJ?41-T-I-A-14 Emergency Pluming petper by I November so that a coordlnated Eimergency Pienning report can be circtaated. to the members before the November meatinga tt3:31.1.tijtnjLeLtific P_.amenro MAU ?.They are- interested in au of the current MR. nonscientific recortS except USSR Industrial ui MR Materials and Iftterials ?rodeos * Ali and. USSR ery find e rota very useful =A not reettrzeol any champs. AR.1ff Reigar4ing the currect program, Arnyy wants a wider cowerage of militai7 tactics if the information is available* They are least interested in the COnstmier 0306.23 alla Domestic Tirade in the USW teporta ? /fro Bauer added.that 4ftz"..=-6?I'mFEi"2.t 121...)resInte se-ww"61mooverage 25X1A of ecommic information, but was told that bettkr .iniorma.a tion is receiv? in the central press ra ex. Ac.1-t. provincial. newspapers? .ATmy is ve17 hsvpy with the remaining zworts in the programa Cv.04-P440111,1?,Nd24-A.,1, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 iiriculture Crime, and Labor reports* The Information 4SSR glectronic end Precision, ui and rtation, Communications and Electric er the USSR are usefulo vy C01201.1Ainvy need for al=avallable information on strategy wad tactics In the Mi1ita37 Report; all available. material on measuring evices is desirable; and more specific inibrmation on trangeitting procedures, particularly the Arctic areas. ChatigOtio AIR NIECE Air is pleased with the program and ?had no suggestions for PEA Crime and Le s in the USSR is the only report on the whi it: :es no use of Errgirculture Urban Develop, manta Soviet Education, Consumer Goods, ;and E001101110 FiLaing reports are second priority; the remaining xxporto are of first priority to then end zoo changes are recomendelo ABC ABC telephonically concurred in the current program as it is being reported* CIA CIA felt that all the reports wore of value and should be continued, but made the following suggestions: Bo The Report on USSR itinitatries should be an ad hoc report due to the problems of Empower end source material? be They would like to see the time factor improved, if possible, on Sovie.113....iUmligbrmatiian Report co Chronology in the Survey of the Soviet Press is not needed. do They would like to see it de-asphasis of notional level aggregate figures and greater emphasis on the local detailed tem:nation? C.00-11E-F4-4.14146.3.-Aftli Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 e. Would like biographic information down to and including plant directors or ess.nagers included in the mortingo to Would also like an increase in photo coverage in the Urban Deve,.....122......tiLe...USSE report? 25X1A 25X1A EMMI allnounced that a new report, to be published as t .taillEa-VUr4" iz Structure in the USSR would be out in two to wee.kso This wir1 cover the moral administrative organization? The Chairman added that there is a high CIA need for increasing cophasis on SinowSoviet relations and these develcpments will be care fully watched and reported? 79 The meeting adjourned at 1530 hours? The next meeting will be held 13 November 19 59 in Room 1121 X Buildingo 25X1A Secretary Baclosures: 10 CtialaPMA'A?14 go Report on the Current Value) of Chinese. Comunist Publications - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14 :-CIAADP78-03131A0001000801:101--5 OEFITP-A-114. 22 ectotter 19.59 COMMIVE Off MPLOIWRYN OF MREIGi IMMO FraTATIMM AGENDA Conference Ro U21E Building aPridAys, 13 ".Evember 1959at 1/4430 hours la Ilivattes of the fiftwathiDec-Vv.Lage 20 Emergency P1arelth.,g1 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 c AL FORUMDM-MHO ITWEI-Y0.f...1 03.P.tX2 toth COMELSTSEalt0,11,vaxe FM ISAGUAGE1 PUBLCCATMA:?,13 (Ai 0.1111MI2 WiVE: OP CEINESE =WNW PUBLMMVMH Introduction enr,PriadoW4--tZ.enan,......3.11,4raS, Concurrent erioing ftv the inteiLlzun Qum- munity in laterorvAng tha data amileble on Camuniot Ulna/ thtwei has a*NelovA vitWn the /met tgo years a problem aa the chnawm in the availability e oilitzty and ckmoVilln omioltz;ica data from piblicons. 1. The Prot)lvp of Remipt. Sotirk- F,Ater.icaz . Although th.e.m tan cmtinueca. to-1.1-* Mau ck:;:7 pub- 1ikdMasada v.ot been thVaLtIT COIlLitMegN! the ebiliti ce! SpOe 1116 titles. Duking tbliz yft-cic4 rp.mthlx lyzwitylie-aLP befgres trzekliwl.kUbeeme otirm. (7,41=ga in, pgrsi-2;01.ity UX1dQ 1,11,:th..aNacb cx? tkv?7yz:_ 1,-3-czApt tartbi tit1(,,io1(11.-natf erAibfracl) .dix'S!`slAlillt. mmplol, tta Ye2).-ezhizt...2so(.10-t-eAlurelk elat-zend from mcaltbly. to ti thy ectwarh-fgJ E-Tridat tbn ebaargas. in twril 1,958- it1-,,c etmz nma. returavable. . The -amt.-lain Vizith.4.4ao Parl 4roople395 J(urlm11) i4dtbrice-4meZreat:Zia-fly- :11,n tkelq-f.aw2 Teogivd in 'MD on.'4 in Doptmbar 1959, In oljaar vzseig, and Lac,: vppao.t-,-Yrat v4:alcatimo 043O ShaiYU ats,-,PT: Transwetat4m.1-. ?=111,04.ant119e-t,taC.::, 2. DawrioTation ar it a. Da tclrl',.araticmby Combinatim A dt;tflriorttion of infarmstion itt463,17,a1x117-12 eizalmed up- n the srarvcr, e Dc.s,urct-z,s? tnrimpleoi FOUr M'irrateSiahat.1ina-tion 'Eartircamteta Ektmr)a Caubfk-f4poai i (013117VOMBFTC-)67,ibil, Jezaclata_Ti-yeb, xv,z. anatio ta-of (NI% TXCII,;,011 . . *Mar. t-aka1tic Nam,' IzScrifj. -11:513Firt ViA73ZaTt;.:i'-?,A1a4n cblen-ato tttett-1:-;r CW.Ktervration tmd RFthiTP,- - IFAY 1.,v2-7,1ts Constructlpab- eine:a-11 CP?.ter erwanireiticm e=nd Blactric Po7sarr do -.1??1,11,z Vro: resuittas 1,0?121:itatlev,,....zs is- ,...v2,1.oictf2.,EnTbly to thin arlainna. rialraiottioaa. Chitotaa Catriz-tart. Cillanted litounktv) god ths Tpunrctri -"TieirricrYk) camtsi cAtioa iS1876) try thl's alti.husa TN. Olane, snA Statiotics), an iearlor t ala Tetant soureR. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Deterioration by Policy Begtnning in 1958 and surging forvard in 1959 isaa the policy of "politics must assume leadertglie in China. Above being a theory in an phesea of Chin ena activity) it vas also a concept that had to be discusaed. Without ea.cet?cn all aerial publications in China have been present g quiaities at verbiage on hag the big leap formrt mat be pushed wIth planned Managemiant and With politics as the iced. Fran the Chinese point of view this has been au important use of all pUblished literature. For our intellisAuce community it hagL mant that ;factual data he be replaced in :uarge part by "pay talks." c. Deterioration by Intent This is en inferential point,a, China during the past 18 months has been in econvaic mnd political 2erment. After s, rash of published data. vbich Chin rather balatmdia adiAttAd was unreliable and/or clxmright fabrication) inetructions may have bottn give= to uithhold factual reporting except for ilgIrgailrBil7taffoux until the cadreo Imre aurer of their grounds. Nrilsiaregara For certain categorieg of Irfo.ft,tion) Chinese neuspaper have been the min sourcst, yaau mad plan fulfillmealt and budget reports on tha national And provincial: lvTel; agricultura etatistic*; trawportation; indugtrial plant dete; and militsry. MMlitary infor- mation heti been drauu slmcst exclusively from the Chich-fe. -Chun Pao (Liberation Amy Daily) until it became unavalUbl;ei=Septom At Present all military iaformItion) except se indicetM, under perioiimla below) must be draTen fram dally notersper@. During thf pant year there has bmn a serioua dGvelopmsnt in nelospoper procurment and exploltation. During 1958 betueen 30-40 titles Imre receXved fairly regulorly in hard copia, i.e. origiamla) 75 percent of uhich cam through regula frosa Ung The situation an procurament changes almast monthly) umual/y for the mrArge. The recRipt or Jay 1959 title ich la repre4entative of the general condition) givm the following picture: 25X1 C 4P-,1 .043 .41 4!c.T-44.-.1tg Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Clay eight of the titles received on microfilm normally arrive in hard copiea in from ftur to ix months atter dote of publi- cation. Five of the hard copy titles ore published in Peiping. The other hard copies for July are from Shanghai (2)0 Ronan, Tibet: Mansu, Kiangsi, Kirin Winghel, Wingtao, and Shantung. Microfilm copies vere ftam Chekiang, Emnkom; Chunskingj Hopehj Nanking, Mengsi, Liaoning, Lua-ta (Port Arthur-Dairen), Canton, lamar Mongolia, Shensi, Sian, and Tientsin. in FEFD the exploitation of tho preas 1g effected: both by a. fewer title b. inferior quality of data (tot* Xfttloduction) c. difficulties arising frna need to proolgs vAntitilmi og mictrafiLm (The Jay receipt% involved appymximaly 1,500 framna of microfilm. It ie estimattd thtt the overall e%ploitstion ctt nvmpapar on microfiVmmvalw thme timeg as long Its hard copy.) Periodicals Below is presented e, picture of the present statua of thoge periodical sourcss which have been wed mgularly by the egploitstion facilitiee of the WIS. Not all itioxi ?repartAtd on, bum only thode vnich hwe &supplied the most Ind the beat information. Three categories are presented ar important soumes not c nt1y rtceived t. eourcee formerly imnorUnt, now' a lesa value c. little chsage (These sources hwve Chmaged little in the type of factual date raportwl exavt that im all czone much wcil is devoted to the "pep take ventimed above and less apace to aubstsntive data.) In secticia@ sle the underlired date i* that for the issue received in FDD. Periodicalt mwal14012JaMicogrsINIXDSirsiet 1. Nftufteturing rmortent sources not received carrently (1) Chi-eh'e Ch'e.liang (Rolling Stock), tramthly: jun 58 .3. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-01131A000100.080_1301-5- C-0-3-P-I-DcPE-11-T-4,44b Sources formerly isvortant, now of Lew value yeh Chou WW,chine Industry laak14), h@leh ,,:.. 7;0. eml, tains acre plant level but proff 1N. nd natiGnal level information than formerly. (2) Ch?1-cWe (Automatic), monthly; information mare oa Tr4BIZZlevel,2 less on economic level than formerly. (3) Ch?1-0We T o la-chvi (Automobile end Tractor). . ,. per 4 _-2, t'.,; Z;t.:1 Ch?1-0We above ag otficial publication of the 6th Bureau, Pit Ministry of MachiAe I:Wilding. Like the Chel-ch'e it concerns iteelf with technical rather thatat?proKaion and economic data. Little thweiv (see explanation above) tL)-kuo eh? . -4 (China Light IhduatrY), , _ - (rapar Duitatry), =tab' eni-naieh aih-t-5ao (Machine kAlilding), c1i-e119 Cktwivine Tools and Tools)) (5) --11,,.?4(21.1,00baie-h (lattavY MatlinfarY), reallthicY (6)ti:Ltitt..4,.............Teao-chuon (Chins8a VilirterallY ) (Electrical Equipzent Dadustry), RIOS Chemical Indumtry a. Now b. None c. Little chango Oce explanation above) (1) (Chemical lnduotry)1 maathly Buevmhesueh Obt-chieh (Chtmical Mead), manthlY Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 3. Mailes Important sourimri not received currently (1) C. .4 kuo Fengc.chih (China's Textiles), billeeklY september 1959 micron3zu period. August 958-Ju1y 959 ware received and are now being agploited. %ere is no a deterioration in quality of data.) b. Sources formerly important, now of less value (1) Fl_,z-cbitl Tung 'ormipx jes (Te.Ntiles Journal; nom includea Weing journal), ac usl data has given my to t@ebnical informtion. c. Littl change (1) aakiankjEta:5TE (Chekiang Bilk) 4. metallurgy a- lOyortant 3ourcas not received currently (1) Yell-chin Pao (Metallurgical Nevis.), mekly; my 158 TOMITiliFTWo JUly. 1959 imalues Tare roceived'ffiliM,, routine channelsinSeptember 1959. Fariter reemiPt io spezulstive). (2) Yoh-chin Chien-she (Watallurgieal Construction), Waire'srion2lm-MnialAov 58, (only tame received). (3 ) tiett (troll; and:Steel) monthly; ; ably 1959, recantly recei mceipt itz aseculative). b. Now Little change (see explantotion above) (1) Tu-as Clain-au (Non-ferrous bitmeklxy (2) .92117.11.......,m-sh govah- CAct s letallurgica SinicuL traz-terly (3) Han-cheb, efelding), =ably (4) C1.2.u.?121g. ((Casting), IDCalthly Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Construction and Construction Materies a. Itportant sources not received currently (1) Chien-she lboh-kgan (Construction Mathly), monthly riraiffr" (2) Chien-chu Chi-shu (Construction Technology), semi- 11E5EW?giaga (3) CW nghih Caen-she (Municipa/ Construction): me11i 8cpt receipt of July 1959 issue, vbiarariBrayed t: significant drop in quality of information). U (Conatruction Workor), coLthly jen Chou x) (Construction :ore M_ 03, b. None. c. Littln change (see osplanation above) (1) Chien-chu (Congtructicn), biwtekly (2) Chien-chu (nginomoing and Construction), (3) Chien-chu liamg- b. (Ctratxttaticra Mterials Eld-aWy smn (4) Chisn-chu She-ehi (Construction Designing) uMx='-r6Wr7ireiik;11 in Augutat 1959. 6. Agriculture a. Noaa b. Sources formrly atIztant, now of leen value Cone (1) Shih- in KUnt-;:fah Med Industry)? biweekly; formalr goo .ource or tm on storage facilities and other aspects of distribution of agricultural productz. Recciptn mmumed recently after an eight month 2gpse. Preeentty denim ulth technical impact@ of emall-acele 9roduction ?acilities, marginal foods nuch ea zoning*: eta. He proven to ta af no current value to our conGumer3. .6. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved POT Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-031-31A000100080001-5 C-0414talc=D-E-11-62-I-4-10 Chuns-kuo Nuns- (China Agricultura), bilseekly. ast came cal and small scale. Littla change Qsee explanation dbove) (1) Jo-tdi Tao-vu (Tropical Crops), semi-manthly (2) Hua. Nuns-yeh Vo-hsueh loung * Eget Cbinst ence _eft* 71 Inan (3) aiwnticueh (Shensi Agricultural Science): y (4) (vrhanised Agricvlture), sali.monthl/ (5) cUO -leen (chin Wo Reclamation), emml-mnnthly huaNuns-yeh NechonizedAsriculturo). (6) Cbung-kuo Tsa-chih (Chintes Animal ius- ? *, 0. bi.42touth34 7. Mter Conservation (See Electric Po) 8. Petroleum a. Important sourcee not received currently (1) hiht Lien-chib (Petroleum Refinins)? monthly (2) Shih-yu lipan-t'an (Petrolem Survey) biweekly, 17 NEIN 19590 b. none C ? Wile 9. Xining b. None c. Little change (see explanation above) (1) al:KIIEESA?Li(Coel Mining TechnolOgY), mcnthlY (2) itan Kung (Coal industry), biweekly Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For-Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A0001-00080001-5 10. Finance, Economic Plans and Statigtics? Trade, Moppolmr a. Mvartant aources not received currently (1) -dhi Yen-chiuiStatieti*al Researat monthly. piIiXon in SepteMber 1950. 12) Chin Y-hiu (Financlial Remirdh), quarterly. b. (3) jen-min Shui-vu (People's Taxation), Dec 1958 Sources formerly important now ar leas value (Finance), biweekly. Valuable it found ar frequency than hitherto. c. Little change (see explanation above) (1) Chi-humyii '?unhi (Flans and Statistics), biwekly; pu cm on resulted from a, merger in Decembor 1956. of pe,-Chi A 4,t444D0 (Statistical Work Bulletin) and Chilnita - Econow). ( ) -chi Ten-chiu (Economic Research), bimonthly. cation is only 60 percent as large owever, a@ the 1.958 lames). (3) stmt10jal:25i(China?6 Finance), biweekly (4) (Chungking industry end Commerce), (5) atelaj2gHDAgss(Canton Industry and Commerce); biweekly (6) IlooCentrol Cooperative Neva), TOM 11221,...n. New Industry and Commerce), biweekly (8) nen (Southeast Asia Commerce); 4r an ?5841arc1 959 issue* of this "Internal Ube Only" bulletin wore first received in PIXD on 13 October 1959. Initial evaluation indicatom marginal value, but occasional date on the sUbject of foreign trade; this justifies regular exploitation aime so little data on China' foreign trade is pUblished in Chinese publications. C .04i4r4,1444?N?T-I-to Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 (9) Lao-tung (Labor), monthly 11. Transportation a. important sources not received currently (1) T'leh-tao Chou-kan (Railway Weekly), lankly; (Three 2Z711)59MW?ueswere received recently, but continuing receipt is speculative). (2) T'ich-lu 8beng.4nz Munn-Wan (Railway Operations mon ued in Jan 59. The information it carried is reportedly carried in public notices, not received in nre, b. Sources formerly important, now of less value (1) lu (highway), monthly. Now contains little way information; it concentrates on articles of current political movements, 24eaches and reports by ChiCom leaders, etc, i.e. general re-hash. (2) Shui Neter Transportation), monthly issues from 1958 to June 1959 not received. The few recent issues received are like the n5EL.11, above. c. None 12. Poste and Telecommunications a. Important sources not received currently (1) Jen-min Yu-tien Rung- en Ohio!' Poste and Telecommunications or r mon y; notreceived since 1957. (2) Local and provincial Yu-tien (e.g. Shanghai Tu tin Shanghai Pasts and Teirenications). A number of these mire received with varying regularity during 1958. None received currently. ? b. &Areas formerly important, now of less value (1) Jen-min Yu-tin (Peoples Posts and Telecommunications). F-73.7'forernaninvaluable, and almost exclusive, source of national level information in this field0 it now ig highly concerned with politics and avoids atatistiosp especially on plans and fulfillment. On 3 October 1959 it merged with Jenin YUctitfl (Peopleie Telecommunication Marker) and will be called Jen-min Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 TU-tien Pao to be publighed ti ce mekly, about pages per issue. Frequently, vben this happens to journals. in Chins they cease to be available outside of China. c. Little change (see explanation above) (1) Tien-hsinrMin Chi-mhu Teung-houn (Telecommunications igreglatitlE174137TEAY (2) 4rien.hain Vo-haueh (TalecommunicatUns Geleum), monthly - (3) Wu-hsien-tien (Radio), monthlY 13. Electric Paver a. None b. Sources formerly important, now of lees value (1) Shui-li yu Tien-li (Water Conservation and Electric iillan7laRla3,mthis periodical combines the formnr Jen-min Ti (People's Zlectric Pam? Daduotry)? (Chine Water Conearvation), and A ? rairGr? 4: en Pao (Water Conservation and - ower o!r al=li isie publication nou a devoted 81ot exclusively to the technical side of the electric power industry plus speeches, movements, etc. concerned with solving operation and production problems. (2) Bhui-li Shui-tien Chien-she Nater Conservation and RWarelaFrc-707--2-Tr-Perah-TiMIction), monthXy. This pUblication combines the former Bhui-li Fa-tien (Hydro- electric Power) and Ch t-kuo SharnilErElater Conservation). ComeTx same 68 or 1) above. c. None 14. Geographic a. None. b. None. -10 - Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 c. Little chenge (see esAW.' uaaticat aborve) 141-1.1 Ckiih-ettita (tleuvaphical Saw:Lady)/ =Maly (2) (Mta. Cti4::%vAphic:Al Unica)/ tisAtrterly 15. Political and Sociological a. Nang a b. None. Little chmnso (me explanation above) (1) Chst.;hsuall Ten-ablu Oblicsoghicel Romareh ,n3pc4fiwaviiPsafft$,Almimegaraw0A0,04..tews.40. bimonthly 942) abe..ty..chill Baufghwhzi (Politica fitutileo)/ =Ably (3) Hung-ch'i (tediaels), bavelkiy 0) Cho -.fa yen-chiu rAdmialstrativo oud Levi Roseerchb (5) -1Ant asn-bsian (Thec'gmtaca Front)/ btatarchly (6) Hain Crivi,n 4the New CmatructionL monthly (1) Chung-kuo Ch?11litnien (Cblati?6 Youth)/ blvmlax (8) aat:s:arall (dlain"s'a Women)/ amthly (9) 'Ytt-tzto-yuan (V.totructor)/ monthly 40) Nin-tau Tituan-enieh Nationalities SolidArity)/ Ittinxtthly (a) Min-tau, Yen-tatktiu Naticraisaities RP.Aotgazvb)/ lezIntb.4 (12) latik&c.chiceh CaLh..ettib. !arid ICiameleage)/ Wilma/ay (13) Kno-chi Wt?1 Yen-chiv. (Fietwarch i nt.srnationtl: ro ) Cbitto-houebi gu Yen-chiu ereaching and liesserzn)/ oontb.,14 16. Religion to luiportant *ources not :received currently Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 (Heavenly Wind), a Christian journal, monthly (2) Chung-kuo Mu-azu-lin (China Moslem), thly; one Logue b. Bone. c. Little change Olee explanation above) (1)110,in-tad FO-hsueh (Modern Buddhism), monthly 17. Education a. Dsportent sources not received currently (1) Jen-min Chief,- (Peoples Educmtion)? monthly; treportedly discontinued publication). (2) Provincial Education Journelo (e.g. Anhwei Chian- Bonen Chiao- etc") for about 13 pr wiper r.vd by FDD, have not been received @ince mid-1958). None. C. None. 18. Military L. raportant sources not received currently (1) Chieh- -Chun Pao (Lib:erotica Army Dalai), anilY; (2) Jen-min Halc,chun (Peoples Navy), ,,..othly; Aug 1957 (3) -an Chien-ehe (Public Security Construction), (4) JenAmin K -chun (Peoplem Air Force), monthly ftelonol and unit nempapers. Never received. -12- Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C.1 25X1A Approved Far Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 10311723 OF TIE MEM= 145:ETING OF THE COIMECTEE ON EXPLOVATION OF MUM LANGUAGE PUBLIMIONS 11 SepteMber 1959 Present: Mr? Jih:x HorliCks State Mr? Charles Paine, State W0 Richard Bauer, Army fte? Gerald Comm!, Army Lt0 Robert Ethurst? lhvy 25X1A Mir Be Bblz Miro Lewis Bvam's, CD Bagnall, Chairman, CIA Nanutes Minutes of the 13th meeting were approved? Chairman read notice from White use advising of the Fresidentes request that verbatim minutes of interdepartmental committee meetings not be kept? 20 .....maclr.....r.Emexl13...rz libet of the meeting was devoted to discussion of this paper? Noteworthy points weres a0 Chairman of WIS.; Steering Group on Bzergency Planning was present and provided guidange as to UM thinking on a number of points? b0 On query from State representative, Chairman said he would provide copy of agreement between CIA and State re Awar as well as amy other relevant papers? c0 JCS representative raised question of need for existence of CommitUe as same agencies are represented in ASDIC0 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0 L do representative indicated his Committee was pre- paringlistif relocation centers and that copies could be made available to Committee members to aid in a decision on a meeting site during an emergency? Army representative objected to ASMGD as meeting site, e? Chairman announced that MB hail moved completion date for eirlergency planning papers to 1 Deoetber 1959, Copies of any forthcoming guidance papers will be sent to Committee mmbers0 f? General agreement was reached on three general categories of documents for exploitation during an emergency: (1) Captured documents (2) Fbreiga language publications (3) Other documents go State and Army representatives raised question of jurisdiction of Committee beyond foreign language publications, Chairman explained that USIB needed emergency planning for intelligence activities and that they would expect CE231a3 to come up with the planning for exploitation or translation of any type of foreign language material as no other committee would logically plan for this, Chairman USD Steering Group confirmed this and noted that the question of jurisdiction is not involved, h0 Chairman called for review by members of emergeney planning in their own agencies and submittal by 1;November of proposed amendments or Changes in the working draft, A new draft would 'then be prepared and forwarded to members for final meeting on emergency planning on 13 Dovesliber, 30 UidatYAL2.11....9a...ati?11.......MSurv Committee generally agreed that the time and effort involved in updating the Mploitation Survey was not warranted at this time, 40 ME_RWEESE The Committee noted the following new reports issued by MD under the Committee program: A.....Abcmgag_Pconpmic Relations of Bloc Countriei Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 DAL 50 The meeting adjourned at 1600 hours') The next meeting trill be held 16 October 3.959 In Room 121 ! Bundingt, Enclosure: CEIFLP-A-13 - 3 - COFIJXdAabL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A -ApprOved-FiirReleate 20-02/01114 -CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CEFLP-Am13 14 September 1959 COME ON Elawyetens OF FORE= LANNAGE PUBLICATIONS, AGENDA Conference Room - Dz. II Building Frieay, 16 October 1959 at 1400 hours Minutes of the fourteenth meabingb Reviev of Mail Program - Nonscientific ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 App-rovestFor._Release-2002/0_1114-:-CIA,RDP78-0-34-34AG00-100080001,-5- 25X1A MENUTES TE THIBTEENTE IM1130 T1111 CCENIVM EXPLOMATION CRI FOREIGN MUM PUNAI0ATIO13 14 August 1959 Present: Kr. Mut Borlick, State W. Charles Paine, State Mr- Henry Holz., Navy IIMPIERIM BSA Mr. J. J. BaStailp chain, CIA 25X1A Cceoultants: CIA. 25X1A f3ecretar7, CIA 1. The thirteenth meeting convened at 1400 hours in Room 1121 MI auilding Ste minutes or the twelfth meeting were approve& without emendation. Ryct c?S .oviett Technical Literature All members prowent concurred in the draft report with a minor emendation. 3. The Chairman distributed copies of dispatch mhich 25X1A game details of a meeting en foreign language translation capabilities. This meet vas similar to the ons attended by the 25X1A Chairman during his visit last year. The Chairman then suggested that WM could revise tha exploitation survey listing if the Committee wanted to support it vith their contributions. This will be on the agenda of the next meeting. 4. Eme.imuilti_Lintsi After a. discussion of the potential role of the COMmittee in the event or hostilities a general agreement was arrived at. /t UM8 considered important that the Committee have some idea of the emergency exploymnt of such facilities asAID, Navy Translation Sections and Army translation. - - - - Tile umbers apeed to traniiiiit-to tb-e?Bitorkitary or the Committee their razors on Emergency Planning by 1 September so that a coordinated draft can be sent out prior to the next meeting. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ? ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 5. The meting adjourned at 3.530 hours. The next meeting will be bald 3.1 September 1959 in Room 1121 ti 1:nc1osure: CEFLP-A-12 1111111? -2- Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CarLP-A-12 28 August 1959 MICE= CU EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN IANGUAUE PUBLICATICES AGENDA Conference Roca - 1321 24 Building Friday: 11 September 1959 at 1400 hours 1. Minutes of the thirteenth mooting. 2. Basargenoy Planning 3. Revision or Exploitation Survey Listing C-0-N-F-I-Dag-Nar-ImAge Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved .F_or.Release 2002/01/14 CIA,RDP78-03131A000100080001- ? ? MURES CR TW,SFPR. 1?7,tiz"FaTiG OY TEE (301-3/ZTRE Mr10171140.Vg OF IMEICal LetlIGIRM REM:MAIM 17 July 19 59 Present: 25X1A 25X1A tkramiltants ; It.0 Halt Ibrliehp State Charles Paine9 State Richaid 'Bauer: Pc,my Isto Robert Batinunito rta,i0 Gnome 112miravette: Air DIP:me Mr. Sohn raStron gas AWMMUWWW**AWFDt NSA -WU Cheivrian 25X1A lb The t-qe.l.nh metille convened at 1400 Maws in Room um; 131ding2 The mizrites of the eleventh Mietirc, were appmred without eryerzbtion0 The., Arqr timber suggested. 1,thAt the mmes of raeszibersbe elazinatoit from the conteub of the efointaittes ifitaleatS anti olly co72.sttitee?:os re:?erred. to nominal:!,y.t e0g03 the "Mailman" or nil.riny, Eavyl etc; amber se.idD 000" This sy r-estion was concurred in by the Committee,: 20 The A.0.3,,sr Chaixm. ttistributed. copies of a &raft it for Cornitbee approved for submission for the USMkrov.19:1_,.. Report to the national Samarity Ctrunci3.0 The park_18,:iaohl as smentteag was approved by the Colinittee, 30 Spec:i..'&.%--t. Kk*-3:13 Rept T?he PtettiI'5? Ohioarraan reviewed the iler-raa of reference or the combined. rvorb caxiered by the la3M on the proauctIon of un...elsos.:1.f1e1 tifOraratiom f3x So?-p?tiet scieatific and tecluaiml.literaturep 4:aatti opezeci. thea'.itaetiPV '1;0 6thiCUBSIOR. on the format anti. scope of the 7..F.,..Rorbo. Tale edarezttka.)e. cc-12,-1.arled that:. a. The combined effoxts of the connualty should be repz:rted mther th.n iterlize.ti.ora of fimitrieols1 agency production0 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A A A?d -For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-atiP 0-01 1A000100080001-5 bet All appendix would be added vith statements from Offie: of Wallies' Services Dapartamtint of Commerce and Natio:val. - Science. Foundation e41aining how the inte3.1igenw community hgts .ed the prograiss, and their dependeace on this cooperation,0 co A second appendix should be added showing a listing of aU currently available ecientilfic and technici4 journels which the oaf:amity is exploitingo After the producing members haw submitted their contrilmtions to the report the Acting Chain= Should compile the combined report and send the lommittee copies of the first draft for review and cosies** 40 The Army member said they had encountered a problem recently of determining the availability; of translation a ftglish language material into foreiga languages, such as training menuels tato Spanish, etas) Ile suggested that the Committee review the facilities available for reverse translation in some faure agenda with a view to reeftmending some means for keeping the community informed on the availability of such material* He then distributed copies of "Selected List of Czech and Slovak Dictionaries and Other Lexicographic Aids" prepared by the 525th 1113.itary Intelligence Grow at Fort Meade; Maryland for the information of the zedsberso 50 The rimetillg adjourned at 1539 how's() The nmPt nmeting will be held 14 August 1959 in Room 1121 Pi Buildinso zaciosure: clarls?-A-11 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Cw0-11-1P-I-D-NoN?SeI0A-.1i ?? cEerr...x.ibaa 27 ally 1959 COMMIE ON EIMITATICif OP Foxams usatm axeffacaxoss AGENDA Conference Boca .4. 3321 11 Building Friday: 14 &Iv:* 3.993 at MOO hours 10 litizotes a the twelfth mating. 20 itnergene7 Planane Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0.4144-13-1141.1-T-I-A.L1 MIMS Or OE BMW= IIMING OF THE CON T1 ON reElLOVATION OP FOREIGN TAIMAGE PUBLICATIMS 471.123,e 1959 Pxsesent: WO Charles PaIneg State RichEad .Bauer,* Amy -/ Ito Robert Bathurstg Vary 3 25X1A 0 MIAs Es.cb,a Air Force/ USA s 0 1',B eerg 'afro John Basta.% %11Z lie Jo Jc,13auartlis Consultant e W. Max Iforlickg State W, Francis Dawson: State / Re, Charles Broyhy, Jr, Air FOrce Dr. Simcm& Sabuind, ANC 25X1A 10' The e:f.eletith meting corarened at 1400 hours itt Itscv 1121 Y4, 1uilding0 Eike minutes of the terth neat were annvind ulthout, emendation0 20 Azomus; Pivort The Chairmsn acaounced that consideratioa of the Committees Annwil BePort 1ii be.= delayed by' the USIB dmn to s full agenda. 3Public Law 4.80 Rags * The Chairman izforined the Committee that there 'would be no Pak. 480 funds in, the 1:44J,kbrarcyO Contevess proexam for trattslation that Rational 3cience Foundation had laiDen reatteed by the Bureau of theBak-let firm) 8 to 3 million dollars and further reduced Just recently to 2 tailliano C(4)-11.17.1.-D-E4Pf-I-A-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C.03-484?X-31-34142-1044, Procurement of !flax Staab Publications The Chuinasn preseistst a (ben reply in =suer to a =ma- raud= frog the Chairman of the Cumitteect Proem:mega of Foreim Publicationsv The 1=309 forif stated that this ComMee felt wad be better to wait for flmal =swat Croat Chafrite&Cip 25X1A Pritarltales ftwatitime.? all e.avaz before subnite r tin eaV rartro,v atigat-.1% s that It Timed be desirable to tgt Nevipt&hs*-41 the Peoule's Liberation NvA eibut eaLiftvalat ozawastoa the ftuTit STATS P EC 50 E2EESSEAELE The c-1201Mall rata the t0211 Bp:votive- to &Wats% ectsmitfto ertermacy pluming? Several 'z the 6krogaittne veva- to the efiVet ths-ai aorivilks at exuemermw piang mem-edam ta the USD planning lstapert zwuld be necessary to consider haw the ootramity voulA fumetion, cargloitation during au avirgency as the Committee per :3e nould probably 1m dissolve& Nopies cpt tkin-D-70:112 telia-D-7.1/1ai 111C-D..96/2 are attached- for Cite members? bit Iriala be ea the agazda of a later Coit tee meetingri Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 4 STATSPEC STATSPEC 7? lifsLatmr.ts A copy of the new semiannual FDD report, ?"soviet Economic Planning and Administration" was brought to the att,eirhion..of the Committee? This issue was subtitled, "Scrfnarkium OperatiOnS. and Iftagement0" The new report will replace the previous series =the' latter subject, but will be broader in scope NW proposed a new report, "External Economic Relations of Bloc Countries," to be published monthly, with the first issue to appear about mid-auly, It will cover the organization and operations of trade and economic organs in internal and external operations? It will include information previously published in ?Foreign Press Reports on latemational Trade and Shipping," which has been discontinued? 80 Mr? Brch of Air Force stiggested that more deacriptive titles be used in as the titles of some he had ordered were misleading? The Chain= agreed and said he would notify to comply? 9 ThezDeeting adjourned. at 1600 h.ours? The next meeting will be held in Room 1121 II Building at 1400 hours 17 3u1,7 19590 Daclosures: lo =I2-A-10 3 ?c Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC 25X1A - Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CIEFLP-A-l0 2 July 1959 COMMIE ON EXPLOTPATION Or POSEIGN LA1C4JACE PUBLICKEIONB AC-NDA Conference Boom - 1321. Building Fr1day2 17 July 1959 at 1400 hours 10 Itimutes of the eleventh meting? If individue3. departmental contribabions to the U:Sn report on unclassified scientific and technical productiono now in prepa- rations are not completed in time for a special meeting2 then the format and consolidation of the report will be considers4 at this Weetingo Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release- 2002/01/14 : CiA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L USIB -D-40. 5/1 3 June 1959 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD First Annual Report of the Committee on Exploitation of Foreign Language Publications The attached First Annual Report of the Committee on Exploitation of Foreign Language Publications will be placed on the agenda of an early Intelligence Board meeting (probably that of 16 June) for noting, 25X1A Executive Secretary Attachment C-0 N.-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ?Atta.ciarnent to USIB-D-40. 5/1 22 May 1959 FIRST AITNUAL REPORT TO THE UNTrED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD MOM THE COEMMEE ON EKPLOTRATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS 1. This Committee was established by DCID No. 2/4 in implementation of NBCID No. 2, paragraph 9, to carry on the work of the previous Ekploi- tation Subcommittee established under NSCID No. 16. It is composed of representatives of State, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Security Agency, The Joint Staff, Atomic Energy Commission, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Central Intelligence Agency, and adopted its general objectives 2 June 1958 (Tab A). 2. Meetings: Ten regular meetings have been held during the first year of its establishment. 3. Program Review: a. All re ortin ro ams of Foreit Documents Division CIA STATSP EC were reviewe uring ge year an numerous e a ed a us men s in individual reports reflecting changing trends and emphases in the requirements of the Committee members, were recommended to and effected by FDD/CIA. The current extent of these programs is set forth in Tab B. b. In conjunction with the review mentioned in "a" above, reporting programs of the other USIB agencies were outlined for the Committee by the respective Committee members. c. Current activities and anticipated programs involving foreign language exploitation by other government agencies were reviewed through presentations made to the Committee by representatives of the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce; National Science Foundation; and National Institutes of Health. 4. Coordination: a. Close liaison was maintained on a continuing basis among the member agencies in the interest of coordinating the work load of existing exploitation facilities and avoiding duplication. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 _ Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L ? Attachment to uSIB-D-40. 5/1 c. Detailed coordinating arrangements were effected during the year between ACSI (Army) OBI (Navy), and FDD (CIA) in utilizing the services of military linguist personnel assigned at various locations in the US. 5. Counterpart Funds for Translation Overseas: The Committee has reviewed the developments in the programs of National Science Foundation and the Library of Congress for the use of Public low 48o funds for translation of foreign language materials overseas with a view toward assuring that the interests of the intelligence community may be served in these activities. In addition, the Committee submitted material for translation under the NSF program for fiscal year 1959 and estimates for needed translation under both programs for FY-60 and FY-61. 6. Future Plans: The Committee plans to: a. Conduct periodic reviews of all foreign language publication exploitation programs both governmental and nongovernmental, and continue to take coordinating action for the avoidance of unnecessary duplication. b. Follow, review, and levy requirements on the developing translation programs overseas using Public Law 48o funds. c. Follow closely future developments in the field of machine translation and develop plans for the utilization thereof by the intelligence community. Enclosures: Tabs A and B BAcia Chairman, ? Mt( tee o&v** oloitation of Foreign Language Publications -2 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Attachment to USIB-D-40. 5/1 Tab A CEFLP 1/58 2 June 1958 COTE E ON EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS STATEMENT OF GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1. The Committee on Exploitation of Foreign Language Publications was established by DCID-2/4, under the provisions of Rational Security Council Intelligence Directive No, 2. 2. The Committee will provide guidance to the exploitation operations of the intelligence community by determining and recommending actions necessary for the development of a sound program for the production of (intelligence) information from foreign language publications. 3. In pursuit of this objective the Committee will: a. Review the requirements and priorities of the respective intelligence agencies for information from foreign language publi- cations and the capabilities of current exploitation facilities to meet such requirements, and establish an interagency requirements and. priority list for the guidance of CIA. b. Review periodically the exploitation products (from foreign language publications) of the respective departments and agencies of government to determine their effectiveness in meeting interagency needs. c. Review the current coordination of translation service and recommend any steps necessary to improve this coordination. D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 SUMMARY OF AMBIT= OF FOREIGN DOCUMEMS DIVISION, CIA AS A SERVICE OF COMM3N CONCERN TO ME ituivr.T.IGENCE COMMUNITY 1 lviay 1958 - 1 May 3959 A. Foreign Language Publications Ekploited 1. Volume (No. of Items) USSR 20,378 Eastern Europe 74,488 Communist Far East 20,985 Free World 75,279 2. Languages Involved (No. of Languages) USSR 7 Eastern Europe 12 Communist Far East 5 Free World 36 B. Reports Produced (in pages) 1. Volume USSR 89,326 Eastern Europe 73,201 Communist Far Fast 29,982 Free World 36,166 2. Subject Matter Economic 65,658 Scientific 58,333 Political 57,810 Sociological 15,838 Military 12,828 Biographic 11,979 Geographic 6,229 Attachment to USIB -D-40. 5/1 Tab B TOTAL: 191,130 TOTAL: 60 TOTAL: 228,675 TOTAL: 228,675 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Attachment to USIB-D-40. 5/1 Tab B (continued) C. Coor'dination Through Central Index of Translations 1. New entries added (also listed in monthly publication) 2. Total items checked against index 3. Duplication prevented (items) 4. Estimated known saving to the intelligence community by checking against index A Few Noteworthy Reports: 23,221 11,243 1,571 $4o3,600 National Economy of the USSR (a statistical handbook) RSFSR Criminal Procedural Code "Kommimist" Article by Ponomarev on International Communist Movement State Statistical Bureau Reviews Major Aspects of Chinese Economy Through 19 56 Information on Soviet Academy of Sciences from 1957 Yearbook of Soviet Encyclopedia Chinese Communist Communes Secretarial Minutes of the Plenum of the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 15-19 December 1958 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 a 25X1A 25X1A Approved-For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78431-31A-000l0o0800ti-5-- - C040154.212aleetaectled104 MEWS CW 'OWE SEETIMG CV US COMMEZER 4:11 XVFLONATICE OP ITNIEIGO IMMO PONLIONZICGB 22 lik7 1959 Fremont: We Charles Balm, State Wm Hobert Bathurst., Navy Dare SO 10 02,503.10 Coalman? CIA Consultants illieecrattaiya 10 the tenth meeting convenad at 1400 hours in Baara112 Building* the oinutes of the ninth meeting were approved with the following egsandation by itgro Paine: ,Page 28 nerib to last paragraph, section "n" has been changed to section "no" 2A m1 The draft of the Amami Report of the Committee vas discussed and MINCIaedo A cooy of the vport as approved by the Committee and foruarded to the Intelligence lloard I:ill be sent to the *embers as soon as reproduced by the USD Secretariat, Public Law 480 Ponds II Aq.dvises that NSA is =hie to provide of the program as discussed at the ninth 49 The meeting-adjourned at 1900 hours* The next meeting will be held 19 trink0 195) in Room 1121 II Building* Fatal? sure g CEFGP-A-9 25X1A Secretai7 00041...V.Z.U.E.QuaTaa...A.Dis Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? STATSP EC ApprovedforRe1eas-e-2002/01114 : -CIA---RDP78=03131-A000100080001--5 CCOINTS2 EXPLO/TAT1 ? CEEPLP-A-9 19 game 1959 IN FOREIGN LANOWE pufflacAncra ? AGENDA Conference Roan 1121 DI Aladin rriclet.YR 19 June 1959 at Alm home 1. Mizeites at the tenth usetins C-0414?-i-D-8.414-1.0A-1 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002101/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 i;?r. ?,,,x1;a rif.7 c".," c-bf - jc, - ? ? -,2,4 f '11- ? "\. ?;.Y.' ? tjt:7 JT?14: ," t ;z? ? L c't ? ? :13-,11:4111,1, , 1; ? r r, )? - ? e'; 41 ? I t. at 0amati c'lal.a . .4,1 a ao 4R Pa I` 'al' '4. L? Int.24 Sclz Eir;74-41 ?,; teS;t:,:j?1.;iettelCil.a p 1, el ??>,:z.???,,y- . pmatte0_, ,ast-( mutt SIEMIAIN' of ? .A rebTonded it-2a5?t a sectiota ha5 alvealy Ite4la addrad. to the ? -1. .?-0'.ied 1U.tryrabiieattonkL" uhit,1.1 irAcluaev, brief' ru..71bes-ns 1,14?. 4m/wag n- is b"Iisvea. Vint thin is 'Oa tiEst_ tem, be done vithilirmr?octver, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Appeed f Or Re lease-2002/01114 -:-CIA-RDP78-03431A0001-00080004-5- te.taArequeed that ta-e b. j ijd ?t `4" ? cal , -eatNrti hel"4-tr,,, ?r,nrt (1,9_ 't ?tc t tn Oldrie e,g3,:P.14 US1,1:2ttl, 4)0, 2)1,1:6'; i?z7.1.:Iti,Cea TS:1: '17:c.?r 4.1. c thcT-1.1-att$-Z ."&r.,5:th c :Trtry $?"' 11P -0,51t to la 4 trilr v1-15P, pri-7voea tht tj CC eator:t..041, ? .3,.3 2id that gr'..E1,t:x [- bi 17,11t, atf.-?b nt oe all g.r-aa,ed that PDD tx h46 bet/ alacoutivad,. 11,. The n.-Tortft:ixz.1 foelr.m tradn at th fFq4. and St,Ekt. rrtk.f4:. V.,...) - ? Lhc.provInela::? ? v 3AY' t ci th ,?!1.t 1.'"-Y!QVI-1.. ? ,-,.?.?1. a 4 - i.ter,a,j4 ? Kiii?.1.rt-Pietz " ? " asr; w).et ",`A 1,3 P.; -11 ? V: ,t, s., ? L) ?A. t but , Th.P USSR Production Ynduotrl.n1 VLW (Ion, 1., Tyr-111 (3. 4r1.4r.,1 -6, .4 ? . rfranzi.pcxetaUcl.1, an.a wt-4,1?14:, Av. . ? .,. 100 51i. '77;4 j'..%.1 . . ? ? "? _ X.wit '"Ar'14,71--P4rV Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ai3peoved Foe Release 2002/01/1-4 : CIA-RDF78-03131A0001.00080001-5 Data on. pan astmetive lortastrie:.-; 2t3- of %Nam tago3 but; he t.e.h,1 a geotableti listiug of the i&Aztstries uottl& b ti311L to anAlysts* Mt:W.451os in the Arctic ari-4 Antamtie :313 og'Lu 1=13=71=.6.=.7.WKW.IMereler....X.,..:Vitsuaraed..n.ct infomation on Soviet Ilitice;tion wooz, bc,4 zeccatlas.-7 edu...gtiort were oovareilo a 0. Air Force ig Dot J.m,eraoted fLyx the ftrepiTt:rts emitieritiwz on th M torce rertaterasni;13:, Bore vp3,12-2, if o eft dlelaartelty of atthiGreing reaort rciasistisfeczory o armlyubs trz, tilt,at the rer...4or.its 'DreqSa3.',1/ istmad. rzzairi, CY:5 Vat-leaB a. othcousranre raftniaesedstrong cleatms? for a eilif-a to z. 0,3-,A2zmatcy.c., bm-flIttioN-risko OM -awl cItht.t-m orgasizationny vozt irthxtiatv:Sza, art7.- raletad. Iver-oxto organil _ or -araance bnzis. C12215..rma qus,rie4.1, of eyiam-livg the Ireorreatirouo,Sovify seconlea7 erlaz.,ftztioart,Li t3 11,-2 bulk ris:thtz.ozCOt71tL he loac conee?.k.siing. to cirnyw. Vaz. ae&hilria thera 2.-seatteat-Arl udier a sc-amiar,?,,f etactecion.t r.s mica Interests/1 in ME 13 pitz...7.,H: eerp, rt ? 4.1 fa.roalassumt04.?rmi=amorx?ssz....1?7... aracsmx.yesrrs,0,0,Z, orm tz) OY.t `.:z&a 11Zt- irars-1:01t-C41.0:0, 1=0,Eca.c.171`? tt.:47arrti& tb.f" 44 IP Strzte Depp.,VA,44--z-4:;.t%tz kg( -:? :?=3 ..,? 1,1.4. ?_.,,44 gym etittE:-Zzora etyialitiordner: 1'7:he Str-If:T r e,? 07-ZTZCT, 97;00-11(41:1 r.;;;:e cjorei ?.';?;1 ,;; t4 4;ps 4," I,? .1-7..Z../: 1:7.*:--Z?Z:":21i1 ?'-g.1....P.,1", t--,t,"-e"-- / "7 .417t '''': "-"1:1.4":*-1. -.."'.4 r ? ,,? c-e,' ,.s--.,,,g-- *:.' ,f-- -1 ....--,-..* l' i. - . --.1%..,,, r. ., ??? .-? a ,r 0 ..S' ,,, , i... .., ? -4,, , , i= . ,,,z,...f.:.....1:7,q,-,,,?::.":.., 6..1.: Y ' ? *-A;?:..t.-i,:!_:.Y. t _ ?n7:tbblEeii az ff2:11 a fl*Cr..ratIft 1:1,1-::;"Ifa t.SPil).= t.C= ''r ?:-,i 1,s...?3. :',..:{_taa t-374 ;./. 4ae''SZ .' ... A; " ?" ' 370.1:071..3Z-C11-2j info,1,:;All it f1.011::i '''..- "" i'4 Z ..'ZI`')1*'''''.. ."1 '"I"- 's"..? ?'' "- .. -I 1.t.1)- s .t- ..7, k,--5 ? A -,..? ., -44 A, .,-? r .4...e. .a.,'.(4,.r.,,,,,, r ..:',..t a,' !,1 ^ ir, c... r. . - ..' ' ' ' iY,Y eil,*7sC2rrti 0::.:rk5-ril etZ fCir .4417V4.1f11.' eE::"a'r-lr'n'ollZ, Z.1 C r- 0 3T-4.:7 t.,?,4,1E.0' pry,?,- --,;:i:''''1;.r .-',-I, it-re-:-.-4 `1: . -, A',, -e,0---., - -..1 4...tro r .1,.1:4;44. u? r /*, ', 1 :-...? . -,., :-.-..,?,-;..?-- ,v;.)...., ..,.. ?s, ,.,..4, ..,1 .....'?L,....,,..,,,-L-1..,,..-4,k?,....4.,r ....':-11 ...,'"I'..k'',,_,P.,,,',...,:'`I.:'? '5,--,-?,.; Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A STATSPEC 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDFC78-03131A0-0-0100080001-5 STATSPEC STATSPEC 0..0434? raZ &ID ta 41. Cal 5a errAt5slo satiay therequirfo..:slats *2 StateIs km -ate. feat ea...let:ions of inf.?crintica on scienea,, hoAtht,d education ti-mNa 'gm 4. reeCeiTerak, hes- Ofitidi but these pub *titrmalt be of weatier ustaltariraa if data GT rszt7sim,1 pertinemee zmze czatztled ma. the. iugavnation faaall i.72 thzri me mom current. He daabte9, that the subjNlat or gmele/P3 aDs'IalalE3 ms apprzvlqate for eavarege im RrvvincIal weas summariesp and reeee- nsnded deletion a tbe sub ,?-ot henee2orth. la summation.: he raI*rted?, DerBonnel reauctions reouive State analynts to plage oov., drapeadmico avO. al 1 111141011111 x-Pance en EDD 7.v.xticul9Ay since bg 1960 GPSCO alloca- lams 'All. not pariwt. 4,ao zze%,ention Oor reerence ori* foreign imspage miblicatims. ... elaVtrieBill2; the garizem Eurg,v, p,:logarez unt_vv Nr. Norltak evoegoeti.Stato Demwto:eat Irsterest In Tilts reffsexence. to Poland., anelzfets ecalearzed1:::r.e.d 1.22, CiSble sxamstry o.1.) current ennts to pl.-ov.rInclea. :93:-.3zasa coime.v. P.i.-zduc.V.Lari a, quarter-4 YepOrt onaecialtsteel develomvmto Poland. emd of the yablIcatim. "blaaitor Poiikit1.m-a retmagtentled. riepwzrias oglccal tie.czotivl.t1R4t1130)-Arie. Ists& inttp aan 4"." ZtitadY 10.1-F.E,:;.:4.2.all, Inrtiollarly since State aw gvveramnt oromizetim.. Przcra?.age of the gaillara:qat:cltyc2ingomatire ern Ansvile. collated dats on arxist eny subciclet la walcoma. The Weelay Ecalmic Revort oR Irac:kkza FitirOT*..1 e tributes State Dapartmeat wmk, an tIt'k kagp no ao same or An224zts ftel that 7Juspolovel Algegle0 ohauld be ezploited reori- I si...1V 5 rfir,a 30',-4Nzn I.510.5mLe TrWas -ElEST' - weiNtl. to amteNoto camerae-A s. with CsedbgsLovarda,aneagirAbst,racts:.Climehlovia ia a uail- ilk2a. 171b/icatiom Analyzts have nctsd that Wae Oa vell*rtz 2pany translations availoble uhich era not y:eil?tive.d. by the retartmnto ir..9 *MP C-041-1T-Z-D-E.434'-X-A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC STATSPEC STATSPEC STATSPEC STATSPEC STAtS P EC a Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 1:Y`Yi.!at 011 Ruivaklan desk havejjIdL-.?.ated tku,!:ir thA t2LIAd Jr, (2.oz::.!!rage_ 1.p. vi:c.?.cfmev.,:ted that, ocqf,--..c..t..1,d artAcatjits, frau tile haf.i'4citycick ".1-7Ltetifi.. Lator1311 i" . elipTioitation tk2Eat Ceman central vitn all p321tiaalLdAociologicn rprtiiica-gnnizd c.;_l a Ailoisr&ohlc ar?:;t atA t4et bu1 o,th f;:ewpPq..ale thel-e pcitn :' mith fcnt1ci Lii_ PPM prx. 1/1 Ter. =V vuxi tat'a ilforTvrt, nf e:]Eia inx(1,1:-a: al: on t ?I,, 41, 'T ?. 1 11?i r,rf-"rer oraaulat.lafi or dr,t4,, -a 4-11' clir7x)jV ct.t Or, Rolz repoTtler.4 1rtrY.Attc,r). (?x3.,zomissi?T-Liti 1. at,*,,,f(?:p? aqd i!'.317,at.-1c,aritt??*.t t V --,'' 1 -1-..)-':'-';'-'-'-':';-.-1: ,-. r':;,:t 4 :,-; . ll k--?!, ic l,X" l? ?.1",-.---'-'-'e, ',.' ',"r'''.1. '''; .1' ' . ..-,...... ,.-.,t ,,,; tt,.... 3-,-.....? .4- ,y, - ,..--'?",;'' .., ._ 'fi t? e-ti''-' r ..-.--:'.; (1: a?,','.::-.. '''.' i',-4 Cr ` ..-'1(?-'n'ii ''' RCalj?E'-'''e .f'. ql:-.1 '.1:=1.:..r.,...1'IY, _... _ i'.1, ?'!' e'..,-4' tl'e'l d -.1' ' f ll :5' r.:::i."- el '1i'l....;" ,'2'. i.' ".):.`t t'T'..-`i 7'. ?C,',. "4';'ri ;11 i'-.''.; '11,..7:1,,,I,ek,:i, b-f?,-4; Tic,:a. 1.1..!..'.,',T.,.',C1:;,"::t. ..... .....", - 4. _. .....c.., ,34.',)".?c-n-t.'.'7:7'. ,'.':', ..1 it, ',::;;--i'r,*1 :9, e-.- .J. 5.... ? 1 , 1 . ::$1..-:7-..):'''..... -:%1 i.J. .!!..11.1'.,.., :.'-'.....`;-Pt'-,Y1.? ':,-2_,?.'-'-'r; t.., .'... (',.!.:0-;:i..11:1 ;:-1- 1 c-,-..,.. .?:, .-;:z. C r.,11 NJ' ,10 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC 25X1A STATSPEC STATSPEC ? . - - -Approved For Release 2002101/14 : CIA-RDP-74-03134A0001-00080001-5----- - - - ? tk). bz,,t r-r , ;-?.?-?" s?' ? ,^ Vt.." "". ? ; 7.;1;% Vi ? f') 1 et.; ? ? - . . L'? - ? -- ??:. ? ?1.73 r ? , . . '' A.., ;. . .7. ? 2 . ? - ? ,s tan., : ? t 4 AL; ; .-, ?;._ _ t: f21. ',,' t741..t :ear '.;;;-:?Lt;:sk% 4,7311::Clit:m?'.1. ??? j,.14J4t. .1: .. L t 4,4 4 ? ??.: ? 4,4 0 .4.2?.? . ? ?41. ? - ? ? .4 ? ir? atatJa. !:(1, ? ? , .53,1A thn . . . I- 4 414.-t.' t}tt ao Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ? STATSPEC STATSPEC STATSPEC 25X1A a -- Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CIA COXDTdIlL The chairmen, presentinvtLti opinion, stated -that all reports currently being produced are useful to CIA, end scam ars considered quitia valuable, elkpropo, zed no cheames in the current ptrtigrent, but an effort be? merle to expedite the-receipt mad exploitation of the foreign leaguage rablications? ead he dickqeminationthe Watmation in 1=a-etas esTracially with ivarect to the Marone !Fess agqtAniM" ? Commuting on the mivartimlly Exqiceessed interest in emcise and timly repm-tina? the CnaL.t stated that action had a1ree4$ be taken to return muda a the doeummt--. resen-ch function to MD and STATSPEC to utilize. the 25X1A STATSPEC o? =tcp 0,0 ,em.: y revir=mts. gsbrovzo interne.I saection c trfAlslatiOns to be st,orzood, eatarda14.9 . improvnt in the quality and timelinessof repoots nay be anticipated. It is plvti-Aed wizen agpro-artecte to 186120 such translat ei:?A in a suklect with the cover title of "Selected Translations cal (Subject) 000 4b* 5. ?3e Chairman -ilam distributed ccies of.3%1 article vthich he had written for Intelligt-- Studies catitled."The ,E.vloitationof RilaSiSa Scieratific Litiulature fartia-W-ligence Purposes," md. 000106, - of the iIrst report on tr*Srilftterials and Materials Procasss ct in we tormat. 6. Publications materias ex-aerimentw. of the Comittee on Procummint of Poreit-d eL that the Made% covering the 21.rat tim welts which is bell% gr1/4-*ared an a 90-deg as..s, is on One in 14:Lng of Buildikw, Code 3.43, The lei= will be family amounQe'd. kyamt tmet. It ereneed Illd7A Mere, if) or oraZ cow of reports on the Etwopes ald the Fale East &az- irz theexp, -arivantsi pericd. a cvoss-z. ?Itastoz.%--In 7. %tie Comi- tt&e will met nest on 5 Decerabm. 1958 in .11,tolt. VI Building at 1400 hours, at13-bich time a otareaticra of 'inthzs on the _Vest EuropeanProsrayit at-id a review of the Far Mast Prommo till in conducted. 'E7 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001 244.cmatace zot2 mamma To POREIGN NATIONAIB Seritember 3.958 IEDICSANDON Itlemiberra of the Committee on WaiDitation of litn*ign Language Publimtions SWARM Notes on Survey *rip - Simmer 1958 s The attaebea notes on field exploitation of foreign langussza publications resultel from the aurve7 trip I made of certain posts between 3 !Ago end 15 August and are forwarded for your informtioa0 20 the notes have been purposely kept brief end I trust vtU not be found too elliptical? %hey Concern only the actual edged- tation of foreign language publications or major problitans relt*ed *thereto? 5-114.4-Nat RV MEM= Si) ME= Emactwas Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1C Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Next 11 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A ? ? : Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A0001000800 25X1A 7,12I;I:i-0-3? (.4 _ - A h ! T,'.',....,..,? :-..,.:.,..,,- :... .... 441 .',,,. ? . .a'.. .-0,.., ':..:, ..".? 2.-A7a.isa ...r.... . . , rt .? - " 5 S2 ::;1.5:S ? , ttf' r 25X1A A ; 1 4p-j: ePit.JA Srs.2. ..Alt .A21'4 .2c-t:Aricka -- - ? '?-? - .44::?1,1;iti7u bi- ,4. Yr'ttg'Dt & bt4 r,r4:474.4; tink F2_B 4 tv ''' (1-41.1"C?,_ .....4.1 et....tmt yrs:, vi....V131.41 4,1.-- ,,Z; ::..... '.- -.- j,i -I. .1...L.s1' fk-5;.','-r_71.-,-P ' W,...,1, ',IP' .g.-.S.,i,'.--;:* .. , -,,f,- it-i,......1. '.1_i7.',,,iL?i? .F.-. all...'4,3 ,,,,,,i- ?,,...i '3 ?V ;!.p.-"fp?.-',,,, e.e.i.i. 7, i ,W r..:.c.-.1,:t.', ,...A.17:',1!,?1,..S.,,,:k., ,?.., 1 L;i: ..17 A* 1 ...,-.L el..; , ?A._, ,,, E.,;:..,1 :,4..r...,..:t 4% e,,..a, ,,.....,f, s .,{ , ,_,.. ...,. Of: i ,?...,,,:t, -.:.; A...L's,;_. ..., ,,..?1:...?-sN 4.4 ,..? ? .L?,,,. . . 1 4. . ....---!". Si,,..a ...4..,.......,,,..f.,,??pi.,1 ' %?...0....... . stc...a.4..-:. V..11,....., -1,1 c, ? ...... 2: tht?..n; e.-t:-.u/ttarnmA,4: a tilt CI t tycs- , ?1, ? ;11, ....'1,Y2F1',-11.W.Ar/ 1,11. rqr'. ,rix ? ? .P; ? rt!i1 th.i.i:'g":774 et 'CI rs," ? ? .. 4 e ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: GIA-RbP70-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EQ STATSP EC nageVellY Or the Sailigt fterte *-7, Two viearpalutg;CJ comecl =go iumito (2) vget234 tiendb Atitl ecomtg veal doloo. Woad tastrulpotitAlisatecl, 21161 CUCTISIM asked Ift4, Zoom* tar hailk cements Ott * t120 ark STATSP EC lirk Bauer add he laid a* sweat* comen.ts *axewt, thst "Mit. Cousumarz, Gocift InAttstrise mar14 tio rat 'UM the one *vat with itexy as do tbe PAD. maturts. abattum aViod vaxpat.. .expleitstfActa %Ulu tbz?; Army* W) Baler olted tlut 5.3.3th&t BA. MUM, iist3 the oft vzosildlity 41.,1411. xtreermt 5,1* Amy bais) tamed thog 519th 111 Eza at Fart Brtsig sw/ the tItact. RW4. Re maid that thme unitt szte unable to take icouttatilag eaztlatetion projectv but that no night uge then so= tvzt Itatite on Armitv irmatatica. Itirt Balzer real a littt cdt laususimikavalazigle0 Re atzgeatied that ITO zaght, Ulm aver ealibutat. mtlitiry 440.11611ail rtr tketaalZWItS Mita tat* anY. ratzvc atter stot.leatt tingt ce444.:zot etfrtrl. . . 0;934=43- atostAa. that Arozy ayri ?OTA 3%mvld met coctra; 513tUt4t AlCareal? 470sa t4tit f.?*Milall Inn aWa.-a itleg tela 53,11:0A AZ* 201Writhel, Dixartagnt. 4t- Um- 14t*. 201111.41m4: earemago24 'thati Ifoggioved swam to be 404111447Vest.1* b:141*,ge tzoc,e1 Dozertrieto vith Rune= lervag4 vrk 71.r.74Wtik. tor ?Varal. thty. Win rt.ZPIN't BeBerve credita4.. Re aaid tlusst 1.t 4 t.may 41z,t4.2.4c41 wczeon to other. 1?A-,,a-vutsee* "Nr.t %Tara= c*=oeuteetb Rao . . 31114v.m.ortAt14=2, Cts,wmtcztlnah Meat-114e rCSOM'z tb USW ,T, to votilmtiv,r1q- 0.1vm.o.d liecaawrtstion amtica me zWialty lAtmergite4 itbA. lawmitticsa aacl road Ulm to ow iug .ref-agedv,,. X?.z.L edgMtaS. ftWeldM MatS113fr4 zw.1/, such ttcrov=t1. ohm cao-animftNE450TezzQa..xt Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 -Approved ForRerea-se 2002101114- TetAIRDP 78=03"1-31A000 TO 008 0 0 01 =5 - Aaked concerniug the of Soviet latent material, the Mailman /explained that FDD loolva to the Patent Offiea to cover this. Ejai..=.=.=SyAeaonel Securi - 11111itaid that MA =hes ute e33. reports listed =der the 'program; for buckgivand if for notching 460. ?UitereneD3 vazies downward froti high-degree. The "Sovi t Military Information Report:" "Tralnaportation Consunicationas and Slectric Paier in the USSR, "Activities in tb: Arctic and the Antarctic:" end "MR Territorial- Administrative Changes," are movies of "high degree". Re.st41 he. also believed the biographic cards are' highly useful. The italpving could be draped as far as MA purpoies are cc 1: 211113SR Agriculture and Forestry: "Annual Re on Crim in the UeliMo" "Report if-n labor in the MR:" and marts. tgzsixlsrable interest in the milltary jemmies end wculd? like corgplete translations of "Sovietskaya Avistsiya" %amid of the Mr Fleet." - The Mr Force is doing the latter. STATSP EC 10. CIA Speaiting for hie Agency, the Chairman said that CIA is he vith all zteporte except the followizvg: "Agriculture and Forest*" ---- wad. omit 'forest:2r" cover4100 "Soviet Pcevign Trade parsenner would discontinue Biographic Card Ak!overage %Mad resume coverage oe pram/natal Pram Navy end Air Poe caicurred in droppini the Foreign Trade Personnel 3report, but State and glA subsequest31 requested its continuance. The Chairman then surmarized the highlights of the meeting: S . It was proposed that new sections on military menpumr and training be added to the "Soviet Military Information Report." b. proposed that the "COMAaintan section of the Soviet MIR ?3e diScontinuell. ' c. Reqiiested that "Survey of the Soviet l'Aress" be printed oin en one side or the nage. ? c..416azir.x.,z.a,a4414-11.4. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC :-CIARDP78-03431A000100080001-5. C-4147-44!-4-4S:srva5426Xv.iik .4; JU.MU be noidettly exceplit, tbo Zetert, Oda Ida be maosevitte until itivintliopty alliteomizott, Evvrtpht ftritstry end lumbar *FLU ba 1121ted 1?4 ed hoe tram? laticee**- Woorenil addad to Oa In addition, maw- repartlag up tvismaticeis realana commie mamas (sovneaboves) le stanamerl* Mart la -am le plabLiestion* Perlizfteitv sill be tletandsed later* II* ?be Main= tilatribated lariat cosies of 7111) reports- : "Mit Industrial Thipipent" and "MR Eleatreinic and precision Eigigaiwnt." 1.2. The Realm MS adjourned at 1530. 2be nen =tam was ? scheduled tor 24 October at 1400 Sau Roca 3224 tit Buillilps, 25X1A STATSPEC .08.w . 050414Pc,ZEIDAVAREMaItagslo Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A - - --Approved For Release 200-2101144 : CIA-RDP78-03134-A0001-00080001-5 Ca.0414PGZseszliPaN4wie4Aw.L MIMS Cr TES MIRTH MUM CO3 SE COMM= ON IMPLOXIMON OF FORUM 'MUM IMLIONE10163 22 August 190 Present Members 0 Raja 134 State Piro Richard Bauer, Amy biro Thaw Roam, Army Ro Bo liathhurst, nary itudravetz Mr Faroe rem p MIA Consultants: biro Sethi* Ga 230241.1.rao State Nri2 Charles3 iffseabe, Arm Charlee Asr Brophy', Jr, 141r Pores lira Bache Adz lime 25X1A clit 10 lias fourth tasting of the Coeudttee mowed. at lhiltb him= in Room 1121 Building? Ihe raizateiv of the third meeting were approved with the tonguing eseendations- prokonedb Rro Bauer: Base two, periastagh one line eight *toad read "Gambino a bawled/0 of raw itz Rastas ismages," Itge IMOD Paragralta %trees 1ins four, "attaches in Moscow, P21301114 Ita Budapest," Page four, pazegraph three, "Wo Names, of Ordnance Corpse" 20 Wo Bauer reported that he had consulted losith Research and Development persomel consitrning the formation of eat ad hoe grow of representatives of the technical services l!ho milli rendew its scientific prop= indeta.13.o It was decided to wait the return of Cannel Comaty rallbeasptember before taking specific actiono CAmOgpitzaFalabli24141040.-31:415:if Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1 C ? Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ca01014136143?110204444iPla 30 M.0 Donor stated tblvt Ita enIsavadezel no eougasints vita mama to Qs 2, or ecatout soieuldfle reportIng, bat that diem tribut2nn swum& to be a contland343 problem? its summated. Vast the prcRgam Ed** emempasSztear be name& for eta* to tbe eletcer caratttoe on ihnunses'e Haershile, Ewan Swett, We =gunny a, genies by 198ninig sztralealm tine reprafbD6 Ititatr Thifterate5 elamtei Msmoot Uni Mang %Mt he too felt that catalpas :we be rade eammis at Whztib eaSentine Infoavastplen reroats edst ewn rat the mat QC iimaistaing lletS34364) 6. &tie Verbal Ifirtire the Comettnee stecanatmard 043014% tittanvi a list ce 11843fttfrIfte publlosztgola emileitealett Nalmato IsEmeti tble conziontlzys and a llet a? sign2ilennt 8019F:title :4ibons0 70 1490 Raw repliked tbst thle Atom destegglase, easi ongnesteft the 2nolus2on trilso efr a cleat ebertratat ow& newt? ? Eh) katim gta54ssn-noVA, eat: WEI iiamslastlen ISASsIge tteginnftgSn&mew 3.959k tut Oat FRB hes *mpsteek and will contlrew to mintt 34Minity.of sotentifigo tomataids= unt21 essurass els remensibUtty0 90 etnueeslin on Oa teals of annittsys eaments tffint the 801sanfite retwen tbse WM was sattistastary es it stook, Acotilre agt$2211222 not presentea 1ir0 Dass821.9 utio moats& on tbe cagetalities tagna IstMEMEXO for tbe airsaoltatUte of Almelo. 2angatios wastinrials %melt= lattbabstlans vSeited awing his recent'tsip nowt tba =el& Ms* sPz,44p4 vist Cacedttee wale pagnidell 'KS written moon on Me glatinp ab a lutbur date0 mu* reteer effleastaa soisrva Ce047,474400268,001:1149440 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC ??? ??? . _ 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Cs704141c=i42,-Alcadf%.I.RA4a 120 reporting tor the Pmeusrezent Ctemnitteep said tbat the coneludad an emanation of zaceiptia from the teza and !astern Burma, acid risat consitiar South America and can Par Mato annvensed that trlips nada tty Mao ilepartwaret and CIA Invourannt porsoma had zonated in denvalopmant additsional 25X1A ea kVatiA arietterao IMMO ware raw being Po Po 00 ?so 130 Avtin g Chaim& the& sat the date tor tlie next &planation Cleinsittee vierbing on tise 2roth ar eeptester ulna a &wiry at the TEMS 3210t3POCISIAMO PINAgZean win enastittate the agenda? Mu welAting adz> 3carnsa 1530 Worm 25X1A aselosura g ClarLP464 MAIL tililloGratacy 3 CO cesoctspgra,i0aDaSia467144. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A ? STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14 CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080Ci01-5' 043414614Wrott-4)&i,--Arplz caus41._.-4 15 eftstimanr 1,9fe CO26412TEN InLOMMIDN CWPUREME LAMP= 1UE14)=SYMB AGENDA Oriatixam Boma 1v 3,32X Banat* Meillare 26 Stiptwabor 295S 66 ,21.140 /mars 10 iewitto ths fourth malting* 20 Olsocatitanwis et la ard TA MCA& 120 24 is Indetzu. stood Oast vast for thia has caosi deadnishetio 30 DiscuseSon of Wm WM palograms8 ocet-onlexaltio subjects The takeigks ? gas am. bat% propentts FED OoPriett Atilltary UtorstAionIteOssoothly) Emort EratiacOna Mabletriat likee4pmesa Diouthlw) 2gostalor? Clonsainissaions9 eat aleseale Awn in that MS Om/WO AirtIvities itto &retie tits Pefgarette ileinowthl.y) Date en MR attrastive bittolaries Olsontlaly ifiSaftreataUV esti PownStay Rivet MEE Skerritorratiiire amass CulsouthU) 40:14421y Throtrt on, Maws in &Mat Foreiga Sbmis Peoicaratil Oedema). Ewa* ilivasation Vie Beriamatal Report es Wholesale ea natal Ueda in Os Assual itaprot CAIR Mat 13201.11e Nssturt on WM Ministries (ffittlfttle) Cepagaille) Palm% en (WM ism tbio 119321 Darrow of ttat Soviet Item Niekly) Urban Dzwelostvatift tee VIM (metal E *; co labor in Um WEE (ctuartately C-1441-1104$10.--E4Vikblv4IgA Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ---Ajp0eitiverdTiarReielase-2002/Gltrit. : CIA:RDP78:173131AUGUID-orracrootz ? 25X1A C23043414.14-DialeNtasX4pAgala NEENZES OF TM UM MEMO OP WE COMMEE ZPLOVIVION OP Ft=3011 LOW= PUMIDAMM 25 gay 1958 Present Finters: tiro EichezeThou% Sttaft Ps? Righttrd. Eamr.0 Army EGI . ? szkra: SI*6 14ro Fe Jo atintece, 25X1A - Air librm zuk 25X1A Moo Doris Frmr. Actin mee Qmoultsubs: NR40 53noaore Bbyer, Arg5P Nies Isabelle taller, Awe% itso frosphen &mum% Array ilre Ma Do Diekmanp Amy ItV0 IT0 Ro Roam% Esvy Ile Merles Ao litv-gby; cYroa iLtr Force 25X1A thira w4tbals comma et 1400 holm in Rom 1121 X L'IxMingo Sreie minutes of tbz seeentl. metittg we= syBrairal withort arz.a3lationo 20 The Agnes Mai.% 0=3 aistrivasa copies of ir63!:-4 nr. E0 0 leat60 WO:MUM on S.-mist Eillxiosa elmavy Boo 14/820 Sinot.Sovlet Moe Svierbiric &Worm Fa en rapmsted Peo Bauerv IiiparbzczEk &sip to infcm the tQtee. a Awes facilities?Zor eRitloiting for&o. leagusze znateso Cm.06.21,440Icaga.olgue..IeDAGI0 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A _ Approved For Release 2002/01/14-: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 30 RiPAIMEM OP WC ME ktro Beater reroorrsea Vat a lecertA1 mimes for EL WO increase of six transistor positions bai bawl dei1ea0 Congequiatlys AM has tinned to utilise the Russian Czechs Germans and tikoanese language mobilities of poe n the ,25th I Grozp0 AO' is developing tra lation progrvms for the 2ON,300 men of -the Skfth IUBattalion at Bbrt Bragg who exe colvetent in West Etropean ? MOWstelavmpk-vas as well as for wt.-camel of Ca .1.0,4219th EI ftbftlion Port Nova- e?le.os-in-mm oaseso ccobitba a knowledge of Mime Runnette and. other Par astern lanuagess some Izith a scientific or techlical bacilgro 0 Oversees the MAME internotion Centers ACM estlablishw3. a translation pool cm-nosed of eight trmambors and two tzfoists0 The izajori.ty of the trameltolors are rsultilingtral3 as a gmun they represent linguistic ecapetence in Hussion Bulgarians Dalish: Combs Comma U'Lranians Litinsnians Eungarian0 Dtr0 Luer thought it was highly ?bb1r tlmt this group mould in =prated and its-work coordimtcd with otltr programs parbicularly thwt of W.NE0 To Acting Clairinasos query CB to utothm? MAME cont."1-n1ated covering periorlicals or perfoxviingselok..4ed trzaslation servicee Mr? Balm replied that the cagy function he t4:01052atii:42 pool had at preseNb was ,,axt of providing swam, rt for the &timbals in amaze and Budellevb in the proxneation publici.on acquisition =Torts? Ede afford, considerable mlict.._ti to the attaches Vim heretofore beat required to presare a rep-orb on each rablicotion acvired0 It will also provide a productsn mot cases a translated tate of cor&tarts, which shot lt1 be mat UMW. torsonlimuist Ne-efnrcbars0 WARM is plasnings hoverer, to enter the field of aboLvectingo =A ek tIwt presesit time gteprada5 art abEtrattt plibilAU5iV4 on Bast Cearmsn scimatillo rand technical litexstme leat&tit leviergis to issue on a Imlay or blmoz-illgy basiso This will be a thorough. Barmy of he literatureo orgmized, cmcording to the scientific disciplines* RN Dame tam, mamma thasrb he had mm1174101 arrangements with zoba, (7,,m,,,pc of OW Whereby MS will zee:5,1w 23 copies of each scientific or techniml tranfC.Wtion protimed by itC3160 In the process of reoviding further dissamimbico of thew t.vanslatiass CriSU =fame the =I tamer sheet, substitute itat3 MA.9 'in* idtv ?ify tas produtfev ibra:., toki-4),., of the kw translations? c, 2 - CONPIDEETIAL Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 :;:7ApprovedforReteass,2002/011,144,CIAADP78,03131A0001000800_01,5________ Er idle; tbe- Cbrro hagi faitr-mat ction vrodual,N6 erzartimtati* teebizteal, trandlatclow Sirsvit leatm.sto Orld.ituiC.M.3 tralVGf tm, et17.70 linsteatlai.d.the,-K t4.4;:r tranglatiou It is platrartd. to itei.rano* tt4s. =Aber istiota awe T.tuter contruto STATSPEC 0-mPs or -----kkt.ji -1?b7prau raid that tto--tmr,rsiattort c5iir.pabilitie6 a 4m ..t.r4 lireatta and thvy l'on a prottile2 a mtk.11.4 tiluer A.2-tkl :;1.: MtiktyriA.11., Vs\',,-,t , :...,r potft.ttlaillar svaitzbao in -M.r_ir faelit of EvIteitlar-a '',20Zy tX-Ypil tnt1.:?;:/? A' 4 ttavide-.1 this Caalitty:-.ta they Mb, be. Mti_El c,--matrv or.o of tt,ratfka.:_. 't.a being preAuteed . to the Qutirs' 4x.m.o.r4t,y, le th,-..--,y. wreld, 1.1.111;1 to malt* use cit ,.,,6.71V.1.43 MiJ,to Evanttwx. ca ''',1,1-s- orkerall to 1..'s.voist 'ate Mdtd-im.:fic;e214 wildt thi-ac_ N, Itee Actssgke. c.;;-tairtram. tbAmt astwl, .f:or ..-...,. ? -dvaw.4 ifslatAl..m f3.,ty mviTd.reza-mto gat br::.uw varlfit-.;', 'pr lemrssExT tr? 11.43V, ARM that tb.c4 asgreitti.te tva*11.1e.r bmt wort:Iota mrs.1-xx. Arget'2 Rsokw1rcla,5 70..".b411.m1 rapl--.Tizimb-Attvir; ittor.a itxrlf.mkg t:Ifr);.4r? -a-Tirtaav I:IA*4-112 CYr t:Na gittiT.-20rAg."14 AttiDS drealal refiNgtMeet *bat gaw-A-4. a grow rrx=wkt', Samer firald he wes,9411 kwee wirbiwlerl otixteat---m% TvirulawU. w;g:,...tstri,mv tiaig At t;t r?oz....r owl& thtltX m S.D kel `,P:4 etairlVlit thiprogma 2 tyrrilmte Avikthe SR o Ub1i tv-" sl t ,t d-ClOirditatigt 0 khailM4.1 AT of t11trattelaiens,). Tta fosldra50,-- -imaratve.:11 e",M> clt.rtuttratalastioinc., C11.-.0c4.11 tr? 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC ? 25X1A 25X1A Ap p rove d For Re I ease.2002101/1-4' :-CIA=RDP78:031'31 A000100080001-5? c.0..44?.X.11,4,447 gr4=A---.10 mAtea ,tur OP stleM rktfr Ct itl.'atiCrint St gattSd thittas* he hut balsa wasietsmrd voltiLd t.,* lasa, apptvo,...rrw,t3. att a. eziraits tsl,aa,Sett, Mt_tkis4 bg*: r.dlat4. 's ittMmst rmiet4t.triet&LLerablv:Zi,a,7 ttsmIxa..1 limited to the politic,..4.12,0 aociol,ogkcal, am! et7.0t:ZZO.A tIksa etz aps:Iteziti`W BritV Eme,?a=-:.rt: Elif-vew 1:41 Ke-xeleattm sctoi ff of ael.croillifie aaveisq,u-s ?f.cpxt txlm tyrafia9 or tt,t14-ige mports,, fAVA:igtet.V ttfe c4a,zi minitattogi-, (tymtzgist anit valookilile tor TM c??,b,oigliii:a., ,ftt tillstom atv ML R) ACAKI ......4..41,24..t.oCCI1.111ROCarAWCIAMI43fsfALVLIEIK) axpreemi ?,:.rarAser:- t. .4.P.,,Vx6it.,u 111,1% title proc.s. rciparttd, vmerea, att-V rottawitiorl, with twItaito,,?a, itiginr4racc, -471:fniaclatA-/- lua MAME:41X OF 024,7010 i5r6VA ATIRIrr trAualltelw6loo fA e.isouluttWag Oyauk *14C1, IL Diit.Warai;i3, t'a_st gmr-t,t' t'at: Ptr--4,;Mar&, Ismail Like P.sti grgakee titorogrei$1:44 tbble Vim Ita-os7 vol,?ad. tilmt xalLt.-t-arica elz-siivNalr4g dywkAmr, thAt. 3attae troa,-1.3At:t etwarizt'7.-aring razoetizt, tis,41; ror1.W2.-SiZth tIrE nizmagitei;m4 thmfog", Ittassitz,4& for theiR?seizati.6045. Mt-tilos MaU'Itun retOged, that FMoiiL yaasibly j1acgma bap. fans:tarsal for audb.Wwinge aided that Afavy"s use or tota 5v4t"MW.L 66..engiCatirAtt. SIB -ergoseidivester-- roiture &or,. I vearteAtel VairOF.1.3 $ . ter.".11?1171153 co. solata wacwiSIP,r4PICire.e.1u ettaOttimig.W.2,1AIS, aita* tn. ka vr4 `?1674. 'KVA ? ? g seln? ? -r", t? ????? *Ow intaltlepom r5-4,t,Jfcfeicaoited, sectem1-41':14 inforaa,t.Wil NO, ,,,-?Wtart,nri.i?gt-6--A. asiat Mmvstas Rao Piglit7et ?./X-N,A Aas' troej?,:e witb oakkfq 0?* rk-RAziretivip 'peirjory=,4- rvp.. re..?r nYgi be tem tv,virdtlmit of ass xtctaamitsr.gid yulWAion i-,171ta-cwt 4,w,car rawAlifito3.5, me-Ark-A a2 rstifyt*-..P ?Tecc,..rixtfoik X - C!?:::01,7n,tn:15 , Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSP EC STATSP EC STATS P EC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Cc.0.204.via0c.P0424.444:4* - STATS P EC t io ma be o zed In the SIR nagintMl. maid refer btit publicatns il as tbe STATS P EC felt tbat isevimel vine useful to extrermit elsaysts as well as to private consults to whoa the reitiorcas ere 'being distribttimi0 STATS P EC Acting Chain= recalled the WI direvtive requiviDE the release of unolassified seieltifie Intimation as the prizmay =won for tire publiestion ar the vaulassified Silt0 AdONIC OregeffSSIOli Nrso ?rear vvorted that AIM We Saki/1g use of bath rim reports* Ike mriee of ebstzacts plszysles9 bicaotm eat eteristry vent especially appreciated. Ste mtluesta tlactp if poosible" AZO be proridth with a. list or M12%torts in progress. 5. Acting Clain= sugstsfbed ttais inasmuch as no major changes in the otuvralt wogs= had bea offered that the neat meting 'be held on Pritlan 22 August 1958 egoi, which time tate Tamireisn have returned. The werMs adjourns:1 et 1530 hmrs* Enelosnras: , CETLNAza Acting STATS P EC 25X1A STATSPEC 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 ApproVed-For RefeaSe-20-02101114 : CIA-RDP78-031-34A000100080001-5 t;Lt-PUt 15 Auguet 1958 CCELSZWEE o72M401TATTCLIOFvOi: 7,11%W: IFOLICAWCM 1%,GENDA Canges'encle, Room - 1121 L'-'4 Buildtag Flmidwp 22 Aug:41ot 1958 at 1400 pzare. =2:1=0:171=1Pa=ess=sx.avs...=15,A klinuteli a tae. third aectirz. 2. emelusian of Salentific and Proxem. 3. alsettesim faraweas cmploitaticta by chatrmu. 4? e, koTh#4.3 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A 25X1A ' Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CeD064i6F101.9E02.3141.4els OP WE MON) MEM OP WE COBS. Or MEM LAMP= PINEMATIOTES 32 July 1958 neesent 41'15 -11&tabers: Fir, Richard etalhowa, State &Do Boxy Bats, ilngf I. R 0 BO Bratinallt, IZENY Mr, F0 Ja ainaragni NaVY je George rairswatszo Air Rave 25X1A JCS EOLOMATION Vaservews: Inas ELierabath Nedesso Arzy Dro Joan Barry Aviv DIro Jo tie Stonetceackw, Army Hiss Isabela RE13.4ars Azr Natio .liteadore ?twerp raw Stegm Evitanusa2 Army Dr, ILlai Do Diem% kw Kiss Fratoos oT, Bobeyv Amy ChFreles L. litalbet Amy kik, John So Snearwi, Ban' 25X1A Grleatil tiro ROA ?Matte, MP Nro Scutt Maass EIN Mr, John Green 0113 Cia0641..P4.01:10EreNallipiwA-1. Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ce,Ocerv4P4.0D,ZearaZoidattleal 10 The Acting Chegirman convei ed. the meeting by counentIng that the Committee had for soma years been concerasd. with the problem) of providing the intelligence co:amity vitt Waded infOnaatiall from Soviet scientific and teebnical literature* Ste Iproblem was of such proportices that only by marshalling ell avai.3.ab1e facilities =I ntinimizing cation of effort by infortAng each of the others Anus elta. prodAtation cou1d. even an approach to a solution be made, In accord. with these objectives the Committee proposed at this t to review the ezticipated efforts end sow of coverage of existing facilities for fiscal 19990 Acting MAUI= taken introducel rato Rabb Matte, Rational Science libundetions who addressed the Committee concerning the libundatimes progno for this 3tear0 20 DIAT'IONAL SCIENCE INREMATION (Mine stated that his remarks would be of a general nature, and statistics would be drawn from inanory. The 161? programs he said, has nrach broader objectives than it has been able to achieve* Ms main objectives hmerers is the dissemination of the msults of foxsign scientific rematch, which for budgetary renews, is 9909% devoted to the literature of the INEMI0 Oe natal, for purposes of castaarison, that in 1956 the ,e14) Vatlaet Ms 4135,000, while in fiscal 1958 .svproxice mately $8600001) was spent on. the programa Wite tentative buctpt for fiscal 1959 is 42100,0000 The proUtam eir4t371MS tamplisitionsi ebetzacts? trans., lationss reference materiels, and bitadomwhie control? kt the encl of Pre.58 Fb17 vas sgstorting 28 joawnal traw3lations, 2gwries of abotracts, and one series of selected trauslictiOnae During 'n"59 OP hopes to add six nsw jorrnal titles to the lists increase tho seties of abstracts to ? 4 ana =wort 3 or lt series of selected tralasiationes probably in the field of pure rtathemieso kbre eaolsasis will be placed on studies awl bibliographic. reference, Mie trnattla pointed out that WIF itself has no requirements for scientific iteormaions no doas it watract dimclay for the production of =eh information0 Its function is to Import research in the form of grants to institutions* ? %he Acting Chain= asked %drafter NW was considering coverage of the"PiaferativaNy ararml" for 1959? WI OeDette waled. that ESP had stwortrei the 31.481,luvey? series beginning with issue of 1957s and had also made a grant recently for tranatation of the geology SerleSO Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Er? ?Tette was askea. for coment on the Dingell RI11? which is a riskr to the wended Mitural Security Mt of 19549 as to whet-her REF pro.= poses to use a portion of the comterpert fmtds mule avallable for mut, processing? abstracting, and translating of foreign literati= overeaw? O 0Matto enplained Ora these counteTpart ftznfi.s by les could arm be trloilized by goverzwacet agencies flor somposes of research and. irCtonarbion collection, inclurillz the acquisition processing, abstractins, translating, puhlicetion and dismendnation of sciLtific and technic91 irAitaWati011e IVA 1132elgiMilt to the Presidential Smamental. Bt-2.1 was submitted by the &menu of the &Apt requesting an algropriatice of 40238,000 to be .used for technical Won-1141w collection? such as foreign publication pzNocur? and .el&Iploitationo addit:tonal. threat million is being requested for research abrozza, Sze comftdes involved in these comterpart rtnlas ere Pinlends 111,Teipslisvia.? Indonesia, Indies, Pakistan, Chile MA igrrida. Presumay each memo', interested in using the funds will present its proLl4r. nan& be expected to justify it, An agency to admin%ster the prow= raw be eggolee4d, she Ain abatalea IttNa ileaVelleM1 Nro Sean' Adams of MX who distributed to Cainittee =Albers a mater entitled., "Problems ill Coasreuni. eating Russian Salami)" which vas pregamd. by }-em, Kr Maris rmarked. that Elligs Russian scientific tavanslation pro is id-Maar to EBra, It originated. in 1956 when the mate Agpropriations Cosoltime directed. ME to provide "avow& want or contract, a &wii =41tP, translation serwice for the punume of Inking astailehte to American Beim-biota the f1A1 finditga of. Russibn scientists? Ws pro grea eniphste f; the translation or ortfoss1 research waiters? Since Russian medics]. literature is voluminous, (there are flora than %0 blomelica3.: research inftitutes, most of Which publish papers in thiefr conectold vorks) selection is a problem, a) cover this field broadly,. a swat from Public Realft Service tias given to Eacerpta radica to produceabstme".s43 from Soul.,etecljoinmalso Zumeektz WI= produced 20900 abstracts the first year with a 70$ increase espected this year, totaling szprcarimestely 5,100 trent:acted astracts, 2be ebsgracts are published,a "Abotracts of Soviet Ybdicine,ti which hes two parts:. (a) detnitat to the basic mum', sciences, (b) to clinical medicine; both are issued csarberly, Mt? program incluaes the cover. toc.cover translation of the follairft eight reward?. jauonals Isfilich are ? representative of the basic biomedical sciences: 3 0.046.rea4toBaNdiN42.Aca, Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CIA-RDP78-031-3TAD0010008000-1--5 ? C000N.F.I-DeataN.Tea.,A.L Idodhemistry Bulletin of Experinental Biology and Xbdicine Biophysics Journal of lacrobiology, Emidemiolczy and Immunctdology Problems of Oncology Problem of Virology Sechenov Physiological Journal of the USSR Problems of Hemtology and Blood nem/A.1am (Vbs. 1 and 2 are published by Consultants Tureau New York; Nos. 308 are published by Fergana Institute of new York and London). WIR also haa 7:000 rederal Goverment grants placed with scademaes and private Institutions for medical research, the results of which are uade freely available to researdh scientists. NM has in preparation a study of the Academy of Medical Sciences, it organizatica? fAnctions and 'budget troceftres and the Five Year Flan in Eedieml and Rbe,lp -;;71cal Research has been t.;anslsted. It is also planned to do a cover0to-cover translation of Pavlov's journal of Higher Etrvous Activity. In addition to the translation of Euesian revier papers, N/H plans to continue in the present fiscal year its program of production of materiel for evaluation by professionals in the field. OFFICE OF TECIMICAL SEEETICESPEPARTIM c COMERCE The Acting cheintom then. pftsented I. John Green of OTS who descrEbed OTS us.a clearing house and dissemination point for scientific and technical Information. He renceted that Congress had appmmelated half mallion dollars in Q7u3,y for OTS operations and in the interim, hesaid, math hes been ac ouo. shed. meats have been concluded for OTS to obtain coplee of the ft? the purpose of making them en 2. a sunsoi respect to the information wed/teed by AID in card form, OTS proTosee to organise and sell the cards on a subscription basis as publications. These *maid be available by mid.August. OTS plans to rem/sone the "Scientific Infort tion Report" produced by FDD, and to havo it available on sUbscription by mdd0Augast. W. Green stata that he and W. O'Dette had arranged a cooperative effort whereby the Cterar Literary would collect nomgovernmental tranelationm and OTS would collect government.produeed translations, with a view toward the eventual production of a joint Cdamerce/ REF tranelstitn namthly. Meamthile? OTS will reproduce the scientific section a the "Conmolidated Translation Sarrey" utilising material assethled by FDD. Efforts will be made to provide a reference service by. md&Septetber, beginning with .a catalog of ATIC materials. W. Green expressed appreciation for the cooperation received from FDD and ATIC. 11- t Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSP EC STATSPEC 25X1A STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Cm04,1iiipFc1.0c0E0)111,* Tt-vIsAca? Maj. latdravets inwired at this point if aes limas" banns ottloyv who said that he hed discussed this vith Legislative Counat righted material. The Acting Maim= referrad this query to tha ight Offices, Library of Cmgress. The Legislative Comma infitztamd that coserright s registered with the Oopyright =imp Library icessi and. from nstioms 'which the US has a bilatera1 reaming1 copyright sgrieszent must carry the copyright restricticei in aped& ate the copyri,?At is not eriewcable in this coutntry. Re added that few registrations are made vith the Cowrt Cerien ft= the Stzvicat iftemean Satellite nation except those dealing with music scores. Ee aaded that if a US Goverment ccwright caveat Imre pat cm a publication; s.t. oderte :rovaat in mom comp..licationia than if it had bum omitted, Ete;ine, Legislative Cransel saggested. that Fast Maktwean copyright claim be ignontde 5.. Emmen oF T An Palle 164. George 102driavirtz tho Air Force veportivid that we Mr. Forces pinCaSSZ 138 Saviet scientific sad tgadinical. yublications IFAV abgtracted. The abstracts are provided to GTS and will thp.s be mailable to 13:iduzst37. Air Farce Diana an ezxrma.ed effort sin= the Soriete ere coming out vitt) retr publicationsp shich 26 have `easelectt.4 end added tc3 the list for cover-to=cover ahstracting. Flans have also teen fonatlatAbd far translation oir Satallite *tit:LI:rations. ATIC la in the process of selecting the patalcatiov to bp1,3rix...zszed. ailditicny ATIC has my9..artaken translation of a water of taimiLficant montraaph uhicb will Iv made available to the goveltramet agagnies4 eloo ceeketzd tarcugh OM Air nifree eltsCrIla twilities also Acoverepto=cover tram,. intim of "Ewald or the Ate Fleet" ace have bitenn /aft reviavs csa 515 cards:, nver astranting to 75 Ter /math tat VI:deb will inmmaw to 100450 per weevh. CoOtiaNciF-1.0=EG:3(0 Tc.I04A-L Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 Ce)04i4P0467D=130,N42.404.16 7* The Earatiag adjourned at 1530 hoUree The next meting will to hold 25 July 1958 in Room ll_Pl 11 Battling* The Agenda is attached.* Enclosure: CEFLP-A-2 4. 6 C0014143,174.3Dolgoliar.TxA.Is Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 25X1A S. ?! ApproVed For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 CuAtklicTgac02.30Nalt?I.APIN CIEFLP44062 22 Ally 1958 COSIESZ ON =PLO OP mg= IMMAGE PUBIZATICCIS CCMINEVNION CO' SCIERTIFIC ADD MINI= mote= 1, Mattes of the first, mating, 2, ItsiVient of the existing 2epeating promare. 3. Bew anctior amended reggramnts for inforasstion, Cea0aNalreZeettarr41614sIcA4A Approved For Release 2002/01/14 : CI -RDP78-03131A000100680001-5 Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-R =am or sis PIMT PiMa*M1 Or ME coIAMMIC OZ li=s1,40112aTia OP ME= 1211MIMID 2 ehtne 1958 Present ambers: lir Rapti wpm, nate Z&, Richard Whoisa2 State Mr0 Richard Baigres, AMY M' 0 if2117 Nat 7,0 &TOY )&40 George, Ximiravetz3 Mr Force 25X1A Nee aim fterton.5 Ihe first meeting of the way established C052113ittree convened at 1400-hourn in Boca na MDalt:Lingo 20 Ste Chairmen itif3clussed, the charter of the Committees Direcbor of Ombra Maelligerao rrizteetive roo 2/4 yara-mat to tnz provisions of TECID ED 29 PreagrOPII 9., of 'which each rnsfinr was criven Tate Clutinala, brougut' ettastioa to the definitIono of "erp,loi- taiors arid truhtiostims" as defined in MID 2/16e 3 ase Chairma then distributed, draft of 12012 General Cakiectivesa" The Ooramitteiktread Uwe objeatImis_ Awd after agreeing an a few eseminewaso passedtheObjectiveoe A tow of the rented, MN? 34956 dated 2 June is attached? 25X1A 25X1A 40 The Chain= also distribute drafts of COEN 2/58 "Prcwradi Program A.. -.-p& eee,,,Dbrar *58" lko Balzer proyczed aW. the Committee agreed to zm-itt ieiiTetittniea Etogteas qv tte matt meting* ate Cowattleta agreeA. tbat it tiouta. 'to clearable to imita regaketersaativlas ofCO9 1,.,t1)-awa Se_ : Ittemdetioa *ma Estioas.1, Trae,ti- tubes a Reath to the July ateebing to prftleat their- wesozedive. zoog-gme in the select:Mc mi technical fiel0.50 A copy of the protyA4s,4 dstati, 2 clilm irectva'Peacktmla Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 - _ 25X1A .-ApflritiVe'd-FOr ReleaSe 2002/01/'W CIA:RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 5? lite Chairman meriposed *that the Comaitime ett at least oime a, month excepting qty:n the veight of bnaleass in the consomme of Camittoe opinion requires rezular metiass each two ts-eartts, xt was am swam-acts. the Ctsmittes 'alit to look into mechanical translation ma dictionaries around December, 6, Also attached to the minutes is et listin of 7acientific and technical reports? MD is :interested in a vevy critiwa, evaluation of these-roorts to we if thw are meting Commaity needs, Wth Actim Catml=stt &wing Eligl 011=00 overneas? conclu.renc3 of the Comitheep the u clesi&ated 8, Wae ecai,vn =teas& an invitation to eal.tteo .13=Ivn s$ and those they wish to brim with tbk:01) to theItsattfAisk men Ittoduatti Itthibit B ant S Auditorimp Mmeday,26thme 1958 from ozo to Ito) hours? Those vier/rag to attroad. should notigy tile Acting, ChaiimPn try 9 June? 9, Copies of the nw 7..leporb "Eastern EmPopo Press survey Imre 6,1m-A,..2. to the Committee, tkhis um be a =la umkly rq)ort. 100 We Balm'? requeirtaf tbls Comittee could Mgcot the 'galley of issuing an agenda wita the preceding meeting minutes? %his vas adoptet ToagMc for the 11 JlAy? meti.ns is,..01--d? Baclostwear, 1, CRISP dtd 2 Alin 2, CIEMP 2/58 dtd 2 au= 30 11.c, Avec, 2 COMDELITIAL STATSPEC Approved For Release 2002/01/14: CIA-RDP78-03131A000100080001-5 STATSPEC 25X1A kpproved-For Releate 2002/01114 : CiA-RCIP7M3131A000100080001---5 ? " C4.04447."3:"D0241.05.I.40.1. =I2 1/58 2 June 1958 CCHICTIEZ Crfi EXPLO1021011 OF FOREIGN LOGUAGE MEM= MOF COMM OREKVIVES le Tbe Committee on norplothttion of Foreign. Language Publications was established by DCID1,2/14 under tits provisions of Nationel Security Cowell Intelligence Directive Woe 20 2. The-Consittee guldiince to the exploitation operations of the intelligence community by determining and recommensting actions necessary for the development of a sound program for the production of swelled information from foreign Iraguage publicationse 3. In pursuit of this obaective the Committee 1?1111 a. Review theremuinments exit priorities of the respective iztallizgence Npncie:ifor information from foreign lanswee publi- cations =1 ?the capabilities of =Tent ezmloitation facilities to rest smch refauirements sad establish an interaggrtcy requSixemerrts and prlority list for tllo guidance of CIA. be Iteriee periodically the exploitation produeU of the respective edeparalts and ageraiesofEovernmen% to deteraine their effeetiumese in meeting interagvney needs? co !Wiley tht, warm* csortination of tranalation servims sad mcozzazed atepa =canary to Lwow this coordlatelicene C04300Z