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Approved For Releas 01/07/227N:-rCITA--RDryjP~77p8-0313OA00010N90004-5 TA M OF 7=10 UNGUMM AMLICATI4SS 7 February 1958 Consultants: Richard Can, State Charles J& r. Air Force 1. The gist meeting or the Exploitation Subce?ittee convened at 1.k40 houas in Room 1446 11 Building. The minutes of the 90th meeting were approved with the foLtoeing tents: W. Wald - Page 2, paragraph 1, line 1, should read - "Mr. Wald said the general. reaction ranged from satisfaction to enthusiasm.." .~~ r .r.. Page 2, paragraph 3 should read - "Par East Free World - The material acn dad on Thailand is marginal for Stat&s purp sex. Much is already covered in some form or another, and.Mr.. Wald s>kggye?sLted that vork could be shifted to different t ics Spot requests an Japan n anc-"~au a or another area such as Burma. a ? ? MW %a tiam and this has served State,. altho the went favorable situation, in which _a number of State's analysts change rapidly -- as a future `lvaa vae awe, -Could Page 2, paragraph 6 should read - " peeial S. stelae gubl catL . " Continuation of the Western World Program extended, AMU - Mr. Bauer said that the Par East people working on Ltd, Casa, Vietnam, Thailand, and Burma found that the FDA reports on these areas contain not too much material of value to them. Cr0 N -7-I D-E-N-T-I A . DOC -7 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP78-031I1 0 "D Royal Wald, State Richard Baaaer, Army John Shearer, Navy OHIO CLASS __L -PAGES Approved For Releas 01/07/27 : CIA-RDP78-0313OA00010b490004-5 C.O..J. '..I..D.I ..T -T'-1-A-L One of the chief problems of the desk analyst is that they need more chant informeBtion than FUD can give them, although the basic information is quite satisfactory. Amt's resquireements in the Free world we lar l y swat by specific requests. He said there was quite a , probl cm in Indonesia and asked if it would be possible to have ft. concentrate on the publications that are not public and have the regular publications done on contract. The Cixmn said this would be quite feasible. Mr. Bawex odd that be7ond arrangements they have worked out with F1 in working liaison, there are few additional enments on the program. He said the Information Beport on Arab States & Israel is valuable and they have no objection to chef raging it to a monthly publication. They are still very interested in Africa; both reports, Information ismat on Africa South of the Sahara and Information R rt on North ica are us , especially the economic Item. As to the International reports, the !brain Press Reports on Motesraational Trade _ _ Aping is of value; the World Press Beam mrsr of ve at3d Coax to are of value to fewer people but of grem-t interest to se who do use the. AIR PMM - Y&J. Kvdravets said they are satisfied with the Western Worn itation. The principal eempbnsis of Air Fares is now on science end tecluwloBy. The Chairman asked whether the 6002nd Grooga Is now working on Jae science. W. Sndrave tz said it is working on Chinese Camauniet science, but not covering Japanese science at this time. The Chairman then asked Mr. Bauer if the 500th Dl was doing anything on Jaq anesee science. W. Hauer replied that the 500th MG wovLIA be inactivate in fiscal year 1959 and the 500th personnel will probably be spread out. Hotting definite has been decided yet on what assigraaents will be made. 'me Cbsirmen addend that FDD is getting marterial, from the MU MEG for CIS purposes, but 711D has not seen. any eeabassy material.. Dlr. Wald inquired if the deactivation of the 500th would be favorable, or would it msice more work for FM and the 6002nd? Me.. lWdravstz said the 6002nd probably would assns some additional. technological coverage. C - 0 - N -7 - I - D -E . N - T- I - A - L Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP78-0313OA000100060004-5 Approved For Releasb*b01/07/27 : CIA-RDP78-0313OA000109"0004-5 Cd}-1-F' I- -T-I-A?.L Mr. Bauer said. that the attache report from Hong long was assuaning al us p portitons and mentioned that Ices of translations in Hag Song ware 15 Bong Kong dollars per thousand Chinese characters and 40 for difficult scientific and. technic". Be: eddad. that the British are using this m@ena to a pioit Ch' se material.. 25X1A CIA a said they ver a very satisfied with the coverer as o reegnirs enta are on an ad hoe basis. They watt to be sure has the firer available to handle their spot requests. The Chaiman as "d that there is a greater need for spot requests in the Western World, so MM has fewer i orta on this arsea and. are reserving more mmapower for such requests. BMW - Mr. Calhoun gave State's c om?ents on the international reports. said. the report on Conferences and Fairs is used as a ohmic list or guide. As such, it is useful but not vital. no Travel and Contacts report is extremely valuable to some analysts, but the '.tea and wing report is not used a great deal. The parisasry criticise was that it covered too much detailed ?nfornction. instead of widerj eavers4p of basic intorxiaation.ha report, preport, on International Communist Developments is very u l to Sila e. 3. Hong EngPro" 1 ? ftorin t Chairman said PI now has a helpful. bi terie3.. agreement in regard to the Bong Kong Press Monitoring Unit whereby they will cover political reporting and notify FDD of those itss they cannot Cover- will keep FDD infore on long translations they uader- take. This cooperation will anabla us to avoid duplication. ht ' tivnyy amrral" The Chairman rusted that the members turn in their priorities for cove rage so P1 ) vial know which sections of the TWIGUM series are needed by the community. 5. go /NM NSC1D the ,~.,} j,~,y the Inclusion %ec Omd=n void hCommit ere tha1~ thW~ of sploitation in MCI)-2 had been approved by the ?AC and has to the Uftional Security Coruncil. go am he appliwas axe 2, 9, avid 10. mtil the now DCIDs are a~rpro the existing ants vill continue. After approval., the Subcomusittee will cease to exist and a C mittee on Exploitation will be establi shad. .3- C-O-B-F?I-D- B- T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP78-0313OA000100060004-5 Approved For Releas 01/07/27 : CIA-RDP78-03130A00010890004-5 C-a- JP -i D-E -N-i -i A L 6. unclassified "Consolidated Translation SwM it The Chairman said- of 4TS planned to ,corporate Crerar material with CTS and issue a translation bulletin or the whole activity. The unclassified CTS will go to - and form a background for his central files. When he can assure ciete coverage in his bulletin, FM will discontinue listing the same items in the CuS:S and confine its .listing to political, military., and those economic fields not covered by CTS. 7. thsal,'eeified CIA Publications The Chairman stated that the following reports will be issued unclassified with attribution to CIA: Scientific Information Report Soviet Bloc IGY Information Report Activities in the Arctic and Antarctic Consolidated Translation Survey Repot on LWR Production of Industrial ft3lpment Tr portation, Ccmamznication and Electric Per in the i R Data on USSR Extractive Industries Bar. Bauer queried in regard to the Scientific Information Report if therc would be an intelligence index. The MOim- sai t d not be one as it will be put out arranged by scientific discipline. ''ter the consumers have had a chancre to review it in the new fratj, be said he would then like to have a meeting of the Subcommittee to determine opinions as to the used and advisability of an additional classified index. 8. In view of the impending issuance of a DCI3W iml a t ing the new R5CI?, no future meeting was established for the Subcouni ttee . On approval of the DCID, the first meeting cd' the Ncploitation Cc ittee can be called. 25X1A Secretary -4 - Approved For Release 2001/07/?C7-C4fRgPD7->01ft0R%1 00060004-5