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Approved For Ree 2000/0fiaiaipP78-03130A0V0010008-6 4.1..105,11:11.1,11etlEUNCY.,...%609.1.11.. -112fiagESEJMEOrrom *I INTOF SUPCOMMITTEE 411 EXPWITAIO iP KikrIGN 21 December 1953 Present 25X1A Nerabors: .161.Aciatio Chairman John A. Lacey, State Richard Bauer, Army Maj. Matthias F. Damian, Air Force 25X1A Consultants: =, CIA CIA CIA 25X1A Observers: CIA CIA CIA r000 -7 REVGATE2g/9/156 BY 25X1A ORIO ROMP. ttni ___42757._ TYPE OR1G CLASS 7-41rP ' vs REY CUSS JUST NEXT REV AUTNi HR 704 CIA subcovot. 6.0?4. po? 1. The sixteenth meeting convened at 11100 hours, 21 December 1953, in Boom 2125 14 Minding. 2. In consideration of the minutes of the fifteenth meeting, Ar. Lacey stated that he telt the minutes were generally too brief and that they should be covered by fuller transcript. This was concurred in by the remaining committee nowhere. Er. Lacey than stated that hs would like to clarify the minutes of the fifteenth meeting by adding the following to the record: In 2a the statement that "Bong song provides adequate coverage" referred only to the mainland communist Chinese newspapers. It did not refer to poriodicalz nor to the Antionelist prose. It has been officially , proposed that be Augmented by two positions for politicardoOrage and informally proposed that four positions be added Per economic coverege. The cost of such expansion is estimated at $2500.00 per translator. Should!' such expansion be authorized, State mould have no further need for current coverage by P. 2b: It was net the thought of State that "the routine exploitation" desired by them should be dome by FDD only on specific request, but instead as a regular procedure resulting from systematic scanning and selection processes. . 2c: The method of reporting preferred by State is translation= as far as possible, the second choice is compilations and collations. The form of reports is not important but in whatever ferathey are produced they should be unclassified in order to meet the needs of the' Department for easier dissemination. Approved For Release 2000/08/28 ? CIA-RDP78-03130A000100010008-6 Approved For Relew 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03130A000Z010008-6 CONFIDENTIAL 2d: The statement in the minutes of the fifteenth meeting is not clear. It is the hope of State that FDD providing a common service can devote all its time to non-current work and the support of specific requests on research papers such as BISs, NIEs? and State's Psychological Support. 2f: With respect to liaison, Mr. Lacey felt that in addition to his suggestion that an FDD officer spend time periodically in China Branch, that there be regular monthly meeting* between Chief, Chine. Branch of State, and Chief, Far East Branch of FED. 3. Continuing the review of the agenda for China exploitation: As to 2a? Mr. Bauer stated that Army would like FDD to cover Chinese mainland newspapers with emphasis on unit and army titles, if available, and the provincial press. As a secondary priority Army desires coverage of the central 'press, mainland periodicals and books in that order. 2b; First priority Is current information on order of battle, indica- tions of changes in military policy and troop movements; second priority is information on orga ' nisation training and equipment; and third is technical, health and sanitation, transportation, topography and all forma of coreannications. 2c: Compilations and'collations for press, with emphasis on compila- tions, as Army feels this form will permit earlier reporting. Abstracts Lor periodical articles and books. 2d; Current information should be reported in compiletioms or collation with emphasis on-oonpilations, especially from the press for order of battle information, bet spot reporbe should be used for that information of which time is the essence. 2e: Abstracts should be prepared for periodical articles and books. Part of the effort should be set aide for projects on specific request. 2g: Liaison is currently enjoyed but it could be expanded. It is desirable that the practice of CIA reservists spending their annual tours of duty Ina-2 be continued and perhaps expanded. Monthly or bimonthly meetings between officers in 0-2 and FDD to discuss developmente would be profitable: 4. At this point the question arose as to the precise moaning of the world "current." suggested that the term cover that material which is currently received in FDD. 25X1 A9a W. Bauer concurred. Approved For Release 2000 ? '? 2 P78-03130A000100010008-6 25X1A9a Approved ForReleaNur'se 2000/08/tire-03130A09400010008-6 Major Demi= stated that the position of Air lame as that as distinguished from "historical" in:remotion, "current" should depend on a definite cut-off date and for documents anything over 18 months pevrviove to the date of reporting vas not current as far as the Air Force vas concerned. %may indicated that they have in State a heavy responsibility for the reporting of current information and in discharging this responsi- ,bility? the informationnuat be extremely timely, most frequently a matter of hours or elsYs. h. Chaimmmn suggested that se there vas such a vide divergence of usage, each member in his presentative of needs clarify exactly vhst he mesa& if he chooses to use the word "current." 5. ands of Air Force; leavitileiketelar1 etatea that Air Force's meads were similar to Armee however, with an air slant and not more than 18 months old. This would, of memo, include airfields, aircraft production, led:ate/al installation*, transportation, urban areas, etc., prepared in the same fames for Army. These requirement& voulA be subject to Change dependent upon the results of the current survey by Air Force of its facilities for China reporting. Air Peeve requirements Sr. cesprohausively presented in the publication "Basic Air Intelligente 2sutr.neat.. Air Ftree will submit a copy of "mar and we can summarize the needs as abstracting or extracting of interastion relating to "um" 6. Needs of CIA: As stated by the following statememt at needs may he subject to later &edification. MT's needs in terns of NUD's twofold responsibility regardlog exploitations/a., first, to coordinate effective/ye the preoent and Fran= efforts in this field; and second, to conduct the necessary exploitetion itself, axe as follows: 2n: All current publications should be covered by acme forme exploitation, 4Current here aeons those eublications earrently received by an exploitation igesp of the intelligence agemnies amd containing information not previevely exploited. Excluded, however, are mainland Chinese materiele publiehed prior to Communist control and all Chinese Nationalist pdblicatione, except upon specific reqmect. 2ble Nevseapers should receive a sustained and strong exploitation effort.44eriodleals should not be exploited beyend the annotation or description of contents, the additional effort to be used for subseqpent coordinated reqpiremeats. Books should not be exploited beyond the annotation or description of contents vatil specific requirements are received, and these satisfactorily coordinated amen consumers. Approved For Release 2000/08 Vt-14 in w 3 - 8-03130A000100010008-6 Approved For Relelatje 2000/08/21WEIMIMS-03130A0OZ0010008-6 2c: FDD should prepare abstracts within all three groups of materials. (The annotated bibliography is considered a form of abstract.) For effort in response to specific requests, the compilation may be considered the best compromise between a full translation and a collated (integrated) report. 2d: Information as to what is available should be reported monthly. Answers to specific requirements can be planned for monthly and quarterly reports. 2e: The effort in non-current exploitation should be in direct ratio to the need. The initial effort undertaken by FDD to establish some reference aids for these materials is a necessary prerequisite to further exploitation. 2: Factual commente, themselves properly documented, are desirable, if adequately separated from the material being reported. 2g: Liaison can be improved by frequent and regular contact batmen analysts of consumer offices who know what is needed and FDD analysts, knowledgeable in terms of planned and existing requirements of Other consumer offices 3: Present efforts in exploitation services of the 'AO agencies are not meting the needs of the mansuaers effectively. One of these /made- vacies is due to a lack of serious coordination among the groups perforring this exploitation. Another of the inadequacies lies outside the exploitetion itself, and is a part of the procurement and/or collection preblem. The problem of Chinese publications is a little different from the Soviet publication problem, certainly as to the availability of materials. CoL- sequently? increased and successful collection efforts would allow the exploitation services to meet the needs of the consumers more effectively. These collection efforts would probably require the reassessment of consume: needs in term of additiozna?material received for exploitation. T. stated that he was quite interested in State's previous proposal of serving requirements on METWS. Mt. Lacey stated Uwe song gong would not accept direct requirements as they are now working against Joint &Gnomic requirements of the IAC agencies and these could be revised annually. At this point a discussion was entered into as te the exact responsibility of FDD for coordination under NSCID-16. The Chairman stated that be felt that FDD could act as the executive ageW, of this committee in the field of coordination and that in any instance uhere it could not get anywhere it would report the facts to the committee and ask guidance as to future action. Mk. Lacey suggested that there Would be rather an inter-agency mechanism for conducting that'coordinaticn. 8. The Agenda for the next meeting will be a continuation of the examination of exploitation of Chinese publications. Approved For Release 20M3812E.NUAIRDP78-03130A000100010008-6- 25X1 A9a Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03130A04100010008-6 CONFIDENTIAL 9. Heating adjourned at 1530 hours 23. December 1953. The next meeting viii be held at 1400 hours, Friday, 8 January 195A, in Room 2125 H33uilding. In addition, a special meeting to consider the third and fourth draft recconendations on exploitation of non-scientific Russian publica- tions viii be held at 1.000 hours, Tuesday, 12 January 195, in Room 2125 H Building. 25X1 A9a - 5 - Approved For Release 2000/08/20010122DRIM78,03130A000100010008-6