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Foreign Documents Branch C I A Periodical Abstracts
21 Jul 1948 SCIENTIFIC Number 57
Material abstracted in this publication has not been translated. The original-language periodicals
are available in various libraries as indicated. Due to personnel limitations within 'C I A, each
recipient of this publication is strongly encouraged to prepare its own translations of such arti-
cles. When an agency intends to make such a. translation 'Forei Documents Branch should be noti-
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are considered to be of outstanding intelligence value should be addressed to the Office of Col-
leotion and Dissemination, C I A, 2430 E Street, NW, Washington 25, D.C.; reference should be made
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loan of original-language periodicals which are'indicated herein as being available in FDB, C I A,
should likewise be addressed to the Office of Collection and Dissemination, C I A.
NOTE; All periodicals listed below are available in Foreign Documents Branch, CIA,
except those indicated by an asterisk (*) which are available in the Library
of Congress.
Abstracted in this issue:
Title Issue Date
Russian Periodicals
"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh No 12 Dec 1947
Nauk" (News of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Department of Technical Sciences)
Cards 22-25, 55-61, 67
"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheakaya" Vol XI No 6 Nov/Dec 1947
(News of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Physics Series)
Cards 15, 72, 73, 75-89
"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk USSR, Seriya Geograficheskaya i Vol XI No 6 Nov/Dec 1947
Geofizicheskaya" (News of the Academy of Sciences of the
USSR, Geography and Geophysics Series)
Cards 37, 49-51, 64-66
"Morskoy Flot" (Maritime Fleet)* No 12 Dec 1947
Cards 17-21, 95
"Razvedka Nedr" (Geological Exploration)* No 6 Nov/Dec 1947
Cards 16, 38-48, 74
"Stall" (Steel) No 12 Dec X947
Cards 26-32, 62, 63
"Torfyanaya Prc yshlennost"' (Peat Industry)* No 1 Jan 1948
Cards 33-36
"Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR" (Herald of the Academy of No 8 Aug 1947
Sciences of the USSR)
Cards 1-14, 52-54
"Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoretioheskoy Fiziki" Vol XVII No 2 Feb 1947
(Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics)
Cards 68-71, 90-94
In indexing these abstracts the following guides are used: MEDICINE - "Quarterly Cumulative Index
Medious," American Medical Association; CHEMISTRY - "Chemical Abstracts Subject Index," American
Chemical 8oc sty; GENERAL - "Subject Headings for. Technical Libraries," US Department of Commerce,
Office of Technical Services.
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B3STR I `a':l
FHB Periodical Abstracts $clentlfic No 57 RESTRICTED
Air Force
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Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
FDB Periodical'-Abatraots Scientific No 57
SSR/Acad Sci A
d S
"Leningrad Lectures of the Academy of Sciences in the
Period 1946 - 1947," M. M. Radovskiy, 1 p
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
In Apr 1946 resolution passed by the Presidium of the
Academy of Sciences, USE, that system of public lec-
tures be given in which speakers would lecture on
their specialties. In Oct 1946, S. I. Vavilov lec-
tured to audience of 400 on Newton's lave. Several
other authors also gave lectures.
USSR Acad Sci
Aug 193+7
"Meeting of Department of Geologo-Geographical Sci-
ences" 3* pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Meeting began with reading of D. S. Belyankin's arti
cle on question of the present state and future pros-
pects of the study of magmas and magnetic rocks. Other
articles submitted by A. A. Polkanov, B. M. Kuplet-
skiy, S. F. Fedorov, S. I. Mironov, etc. Article by
L. S. Berg an the probable movement of continents was
not read since it was not considered sufficiently im-
FDB __-_._ .57T3
USSR Acad Sci Aug 19+7
"Fourth All Union Conference on Gravimetry," Yu. D.
Bulanzhe, 3 PP
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Five-day conference called by Seismological Institute
of Academy of Sciences, USSR, and Central Scientific
Research Institute on Geodesy, Aerophotography, and
Cartography of Main Administration of Geodesy and
Cartography of the Council of Ministers USSR. Thirty-
four theses submitted for judgment, covering all
fields of gravimetry, methods of determining gravita-
FDB 57T5
USSR/Aoad Sci (Contd) Aug 19+7
tional forces, etc. A. A. Izotov submitted paper on
use of gravimetrio material to calculate the shape
of the earth, and methods of triangulation.
Aug 1947
"June 8eseion of Department of Physiconathematical
Sciences" 1 p
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Session convened 9 Jun, and first article read was by
V. K. Arkad'yev, Corresponding Member of the Academy
of Sciences, on resonance in molecular magnets. Among
other articles read were those by A. V. Shubinkov,
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, and
Director of the Institute of Crystallography; N. V.
Belov; G. G. Lemmleyn; etc. More research and study
was suggested on the physics of crystals.
FDB 57T2
USSR Acad Sci Aug 1947
"In the Presidium" 21 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Discusses suggestions made for greater distribution
of responsibility between members of the Presidium,
plan for operations of the Presidium for second half
of 1947, and touches on work of branches and bases
of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Academician Vol-
gin submitted article describing operation of six
branches and seven scientific research bases, 88
laboratories, seven botanical gardens, and series of
stations. Total of '2,555 People operate branches
and bases of the Academy of Sciences. Proposition
USSR/Acad Sci (Contd) Aug 1947
was made to publish journal in 1948 honoring the
15th anniversary of branches and bases.
FDB 57Tl.
USSR/Acad Sci Aug 1947
Med - Biol
"June Meeting of Department of Biological Sciences"
3 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk 8=11 No 8
Academician L. A. Orbeli, Secretary of the Depart-
ment, presided over the 9-13 Jun meeting of the De-
partment of Biological Sciences. Articles submitted
by T. D. Lysenko, A. A. Avakyan, Yu. A. Orlov, L. S.
Shtern, A. N. Belozerskly, A. A. Imshenetskig, etc.
Prof V. Ye. Ruzhantsev submitted article on prnci-
plea of phylogeny and systematics in paleontology,
showing how distribution of ammonia in the earth's
FDB 57T6
3 ..
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FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
USSR/Acad Soi Aug 1947 1 USSR/Acad Sol (Contd)
"June Meeting of Department of Technical Sciences"
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Academician B. A. Vvedenskiy presided over the Jun
meeting of the Department of Technical Sciences. First
article submitted for reading was by A. A. Bochvar
on dependence of fire resistance of aluminum alloys
upon their structure and composition. Other articles
submitted by M. P. Koatenko, and S. V. Serensen,
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
Aug 1947
crust can be used to determine stratification of the
Upper Paleozoic.
USSR/Acad Sol
Aug 1947
USSR/Acad Sol
Chem - Acad Sol
Aug 1947
"First Council for Coordination of Work of Scientific
Research Energetics Foundations," G. M. Krzhizhanov-
skiy, Academician, 71 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
During period, 19..24 May 1947, first meeting of ener-
getics foundations of the Academy of Sciences of the
various Republics and affiliates of the Academy of
Sciences of the USSR was held at the Energetics In-.
stitute. Main problem was to obtain more coordinatior
of scientific work in energetics. Meeting revealed
much room for improvement of cooperation. It also
USSR/Acad Sol (Contd) Aug 1947
introduced facilities of various institutions to me
FDB 57T8
USSR/Acad Sol
Chem - Acad Sol
Aug 1947
"Scientific Session of the Academy of Sciences of the
Estonian SSR," L. Bakh, 21 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
During the period, 23-29 Apr 1947, the youngest of the
Academies of Sciences, the Estonian Academy of Sol.-,
enoes, held meetings at Tallin and at Tartu. Briefly
describes proceedings of the meetings. Majority of
members of the Estonian Academy of Sciences are on the
faculty of the University of Tartu (formerly known as
Yur'yev or Derpt). Central library of the Estonian
FDB 57T1o
FDB 577
"June Session of Department of Chemical Sciences"
li pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Session called in honor of 25th anniversary of the
Radium Institute of the Academy of Sciences. I. Ye.
Starik, Acting Director of the Radium Institute,
read a paper on the work of the Institute. Twenty-
eight workers awarded prizes and medals: Academician
V. G. Khlopin, Director of the Institute; Academi-
cianP. I. Lukirskiy; B. A. Nikitin, I. Ye. Stank,
FDB 57T9
USSR/Acad Sol (Contd) Aug 1917
and A. A. Grinberg, Corresponding Members of the
Academy of Sciences; M. G. Meshcheryakov, M. A.
Pasvik-Khlopina, and A. Kh. Ratner, Candidates in
Chemical Sciences, eta. Several scientists, among
them A. N. Nesmeyanov and A. F. Rapustinskiy, sub-
mitted articles and papers for judgment.
FDB 57T9
USSR/Aoad Sol Aug 1947
"Society for Coordination of Scientific Work of the
Academies of Sciences of the Union Republics," G. D.
Khrochkin, Sol Secy of the Society, 10 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Short account of work accomplished in various Union
Republic Academies of Sciences during 1946. Follow-
ing Academies submitted reports: Azerbaydzhan SSR,
Armenian SSR, Belorussian SSR, Gruziya SSR, Kazakh
SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, Uz-
bek SSE, and Estonian SSR. Gives dates (years) when
various republics" Academies were officially recog-
FDB 57T11
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
USSR Acad Sci Contd Aug 1947
Academy of Sciences is located in three-storied
underground vault under former castle near Vyshgorod
Gates. Main building of the Estonian Academy of Sci-
ences is located in the center of Tallin, and houses
the Institutes for Geology, Chemistry, Industrial
Problems, Construction, and Agriculture.
USSSR/Acad Sci
Aug 1947
"Telegrams From Foreign Scientists" 2 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Venkama Raman (Bangalore), Frederic and Irene Joliot-
Curie (Paris), A1'bert Sent-D'yerdi (Budapest), Zdene
Neyedly (Prague), Todor Pavlov (Sofia), Konstantin
Parkhon (Bucharest), and Kazimir Natsh (Krakow), have
sent telegrams to the Academy of Sciences, USSR, its
president, S.. I. Vavilov, or its secretary, N. G.
Bruyevich, expressing thanks at having been elected
to membership in the Academy of Sciences, USSR.
FDB 57T13
USSR/Acad Sci Nov Dec 1947
"Regular Session of Department ofPhysicomathematical
Sciences of the Academy of Sciences, USSR" i p
"Zzv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Papers submitted at the May session by: M. F. Subboti
G. A. Shayn, I. V. Obreimov, A. R. Prikhod'ko, I. V.
Rodinikoya, A. S. Zavel'skiy, S. Kh..Matushevskiy, M.
N. Reyfman, Yu. M. Sukharevskiy, and V. S. Nesterov.
Papers submitted at the Jun session by: A. N. Kolmogo-
rov, V. K. Arkad'yev, and A. V. Shubnikov.
- Repair
Dec 1947
Tank Ships
"Modernizing the T a n k e r 'Beriya'," B. Felinzat, Engr-
Mach, 6 pp
"Morskoy Flot" No 12
Cargo capacity is expected to be increased 2.2 times
during present Five-Year Plan. Accordingly, the tank-
er "Beriya" underwent modernization recently: engines
replaced, electric tachometer installed, resistance
pumps replaced, etc.
USSRFAcad Sci Aug 1947
"Congratulations to the All-Union Society on Its
Propagation of Political and Technical Sciences From
the Academy of Sciences, USSR" 2 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Political speech praises the great work by the All-
Union Society in its struggle to educate the Soviet
public. It mentions existence of 16 Academies of
Sciences, divided into 272 scientific research in-
stitutions. Ten of these Republics have representa-
tive Academies of Sciences, and five have affiliates
or bases of the Academy of Sciences.
FDB -57T12
USSR/Aoad Sal Aug 1947
Conductors, Semi
"June Session of the General Assembly of the Academy
of Sciences" 9 pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Session took place, 10-13 Jun, in the Moscow House
of Science. Briefly records proceedings of the
assembly. Papers read by: A. F. Joffe, on semicon-
ductors and alloys; G. IT. Gerahuni, on subsensory
reactions; and S. S. Nametkin; I. P. Bardin; V. P.
Volgin; etc.
USSR Electricity
Ohre' Meters
Water - Research
Nov Dec 1947
"Ohm Meter With Regulated Coefficient," 0. K. Vladi-
mirov, M. Ye. Novozhilova, li pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Standard resistance meters produced by Russian in-
dustry are not suited for studying fresh waters of
high specific resistance. To make possible the use
of the present apparatus for measurements in all
cases, it is necessary to design a resistance meter
with a coefficient that can be varied within the
limits of 0.005 to 0.5 in measuring specific resist-
ance in ohm meters. Describes such device.
LC 57T16
USSR/Engin Dec 1947
Metals, Heat-Resisting
"Materials for Manufacture of Distributing Valves,"
A. Yeremin, Sr Sci Collaborator, TsNIIMF, 2 pp
"Morskoy Flot" No 12
Most valves in Diesel engines must operate at very
high temperatures and are being produced from new
materials having high degree of heat resistance.
Describes composition of four new materials . Edi-
tors request machinists and engineers of ships using
new materials to send in reports on their efficiency.
- 5 -
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FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
Harbor Protection Systems
Dec 1947
Construction, Marine
Dec 1947
"Careful Completion of Preparation for Winter Opera-
tions" 3 pp
"Reinforcing the Coast at Sochi," V. Gamazhenko,
Engr, 5 pp
"Morskoy Plot" No 12
"Morskoy Flot" No 12
Urges all echelons in the shipping trade to make
careful preparations for winter. Cites some exempla-
ry ports, such as Leningrad, that begin preparations
Final installment of series of articles on methods
used and types of reinforcements built to prevent
the sea from eroding Sochi coastline further. Cross-
or winter as early as Jul, and the Taganrog works,
sectional views of the sea wall
and plan showing
starting as early as Jun.
Others are very backward.
position of retaining wall
Kherson wharfs was only about 10% completed for winte
operations by Nov, and Krasnaya Kuznitsa, only 70%
completed in Nov.
LC 5=20
Dec 1947
USSR/Elgin Dec 1947
Water Heaters
Engines, Marine
Furnaces, Electric-Arc
"Methods of Measuring Crust Inside Water-Heating
Pipes of Boilers," M. Larichev, E agr, 1 p
"Morskoy Flot" No 12
Describes system to measure encrustation formed on
inside surfaces of water-heating pipes. This is very
important as crust of more than 0.5 mm will greatly
reduce operating efficiency of boiler equipment. Edi
tors request reports from operating personnel to be
able to draw up standard for critical thicknesses of
crusts for various-type boilers.
LC 57T21
Ships - Roll and Pitch
Ships - Stabilization
Dec 1947
"Theory of Rolling and the Stability of a Ship in
Heavy Seas," G. Ye. Pavlenko, 16 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Summary of results of experiments and tests conducted
over period of years to determine effect of rolling on
stability of ship. Discusses roll on quiet sea with
absence of resistance, roll on quiet sea when resist-
ance is present, roll during heavy seas, the hyperbole
of safety, and methods to calculate the disturbing
force. Submitted by Academician V. L. Pozdyunin,
9 Apr 1946.
Combustion Chambers
Dec 1947
"Thermal Calculations of Boiler Combustion Chambers,"
S. P. Syromyatnikov, Academician, 121 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Correct choice of dimensions of the combustion chamber
of boiler installation is very important point when
building the unit. One of the most complex tasks is
the thermal calculation of the work of the gas flow of
the combustion chamber. At present, there is no ac-
curate method for calculating the thermal system in
this chamber. Author presents results of 30 years of
"Quantitative Determination of Status of Oxidized
Slag in Electric-Arc Furnaces;" A. M. Samarin, A.
Yu. Polyakov, L. A. Shvartsman, Corr Members, Acad
Sci USSR) Metal Inst imeni A. A. Baykov, Acad Sci
USSR, 9 pp
"Izv Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
One of the more difficult contemporary tasks is to
discover some method to determine amount of iron ore
used during smelting in Martin furnaces, or the
oxidizing period necessary in simple electric-arc
USSR/Eagin (Contd) Dec 1947
furnace. Authors present results of their quantita-
tive determination of necessary oxidation ability of
slag, with aid of method they consider to be the
most exact yet suggested. Submitted, 15 Jul 1947.
Heat - Transference
Dec 1947
"Phenomenon of Heat Transfer Between Walls of Cylin-
ders and Air During Operation of Piston Compressors,"
A. P. German, Academician, 10 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Author presents various mathematical formulas for
calculating heat transfer between walls of cylinder
and the free air during operation of piston-type
compressor. Also presents large biblio aphy of
German works on this subject and makes,frequent ref-
erence to work done_by German scientists in this
-6 -
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FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57 RESTRICTED
USER/Magin (Contd) Dec 1947
work, and claims discovery of reliable 'system for
making this calculation. -States that with slight
modifications it can be applied to industrial boilers
of any make. Submitted, 5 Jun 1947.
"StBl.' " No 12
USSR /igin
Rolling Mills
Dec 1947
"Powder Coal Heating of Rolling Furnaces," K. M. P .k-
haluyev, Engr, Eastern Inst Utilization of Fuel, 5
"Stall" No 12
Experiments over long period to determine relative
advantages of using combined gas-coal powder fuel or
plain coal powder fuel to heat rolling furnaces
showed that coal powder was far more efficient. Use
of this type of fuel permits increase of technical and
economical factors during operation of these furnaces,
under high temperatures necessary for melting ashes of
coal used.
FDB 57
USSRgin Dec 1947
Steel - Production
"Chusovsk Metallurgical Works on Eve of Thirtieth
Anniversary of the Great October Revolution," A. P.
Popov, S. I. Sapiro, Engineers, Chusovsk Works, 3 pp
"Stal'" No 12
Briefly discusses various parts of Chusovsk Metallur-
gical Works. Gives special attention to advances
made since the Revolution.. It is one of the largest
metallurgical plants of the Ural region, and particu-
larly important for its vanadium steel. No productio
figures are given, but development of this plant is
FDB 57T28
USSR Bain (Contd) Dec 1947
given in percentage figures based on its prerevolu-
tionary production.
FDB 57T28
Dec 1947
"Selection of Weight and Method of Casting Quality
Steel Pig," 8 . Z . Yudovioh, S. A. Yatsovskiy, Mrigi-
neers, DM, 6 pp
Experiments conducted at one of the plants of the
Kuznets Combine. As result of data obtained,
authors state that the weight of pig,;of quality
steel could be increased to 6 tons or more. Also
explain possibility of using siphon pouring. With
the siphon method it is possible to decrease the
FDB 57T26
USSR/3 gin (Contd) Dec 1947
number of flaws and air holes with no loss of
FDB _ 57T26
Dee 1947
"New Construction for Hearth of Blast Furnace,"
Prof I. D. Semikin, Dnepropetrovsk Metal Inst; I. G.
Polovchenko, Engr, Dneprodzerzhinsk Night Inst, 8 pp
"Stall" No 12
Authors discuss new construction for hearths of
blast furnaces. Hearth has heavy bronze base under
the hearth block. Cooling plates are arranged under
the hearth block. Claim that with this arrangement
stability of hearth is increased, service period of
hearth block and foundations is lengthened, and
operating period of the furnace increases.
FDB 57T29
USSR/Engin Dec 1947
"New Construction for Hearth of Blast Furnace" 6 pp
"Stall" No 12
Collection of articles written in answer to article
submitted by Professor Semikin and Engineer Polov-
chenko. A. F. Sheynberg, Candidate in Technical
Sciences, of GiproMez states that the construction
suggested by Semikin and Polovchenko is inefficient,
as uneven heating of the hearth will cause it to
crack. He in turn suggests that stability of the
hearth block can be increased, if it is cast of
alloys having low deformation and linear expansion
coefficients. FDB 57T30
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Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
USSR/Engin Dec 1947 USSR/Engin
Metallurgy, Ferrous Metallur
Efficiency, Industrial Furnaces
"Let Us Complete the New Stalin Five-Year Plan in Fou:
Years" 21 pp
"Stall" No 12
Exhorts various steel industries of the Soviet Union
to complete present Five-Year Plan in 4 years. It is
hoped that by the end of 1947 the Collective of Chely-
abinsk Metallurgical Works will have produced 10,000
tons of pig, 2,500 tons of steel, and 5,500 tons of
rolled steel above its norm. Various donee-furnace
plants are exceeding their norm by 30-40%. Mentions
USSR/Engin (Contd) Dec 1947
various other plants that are showing their patriotic
by planning to complete the Five-Year Plan in 4 years.
Dec 1947
"Construction of Hearth of Blast Furnace," H. K.
Leonidov, Engr, GiproMez, 2 pp
"Stall" No 12
Refers to article'by Professor Semikin and Engineer
Polovchenko on new construction for hearth of blast
furnace. Leonidov states that in spite of the new
construction the effect of molten pig on upper sur-
face of the hearth is not varied. He also adds that
any type of damage to the cooling system will great-
ly speed up disintegration of the hearth, and cause
great damage to foundations of the furnace.
FDB 57T32
Peat Industry
Jan 1948
"Determination of Degree of Decomposition of Peat
for Technical Purposes," Z. P. Kandulinskaya, 2 pp
Peat industry is in extreme need of rapid and ob-
jective method to determine degree of decomposition
of peat. Discusses disadvantages of presently used
microscopic method. Lists advantages of some other
less used methods, and. briefly discusses difficul-
ties to be overcome in any method to meet require-
ments of the industry.
USSR Engin
Peat Industry
Jan 1948
"Hydraulic Knock in Mass Conductors of Hydropeat,"
Dr M. D. Bezzubov, Moscow Peat Inst, 1 p
"Torf Prom" No 1
Mathematical discussion of hydraulic knock in hydro-
peat mass conductor pipe.
USSR /Geog
Peat Resources
Jan 1948
"Peat Beds of Gruziya," A. N. Ter'yan, 2 pp
"Tort Prom" No 1
Peat bogs of Gruziya may be divided into two groups:
lowland and mountain plateau areas. First is of chief
importance, while the other is only of secondary im-
portance. Briefly describes Kobuletskoye, Potiyskoye,
Redut-Kale, Sukhumskoye, and Kolkhidskoye beds.
LC 57T36
LC 57T33
Mach - Construction
Peat Industry
Jan 1948
"Problems of Peat Machine Construction," I. Zhulin,
Chief, GlavTorfMasha, 2 pp
"Turf Prone" No 1
According to the Stalin Fourth Five-Year Plan, ex-
traction of peat must be increased primarily by
mechanization of the most laborious processes, such
as extraction and removal of lump and out peat,
loading of peat, digging trenches, laying drains,
etc. Discusses difficulties with constructing
machines used for these purposes.
LC 57T35
USSR/Geog Nov/Dec 1947
"Farthest Intrusion of Dry Wastes," E. M. Murzayev,
Inst Geog, Acad Sci USSR, 6 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz" Vol XI,
No 6
Describes extreme northern intrusions of the dead
wastes. Discusses characteristics of their climatic
and biogeographic conditions. Also discusses some
reasons for formation of such desert wastes in
higher latitudes of Asia. Submitted by Academician
A. A. Grigor'yev, 10 Oct 1946.
I FDB 57T37
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RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
USSR/Geol Nov/Dec 1947
"Modulus of Underground Flow of Little Kara-Tau Range,
A. A. Konoplyantsev, 3 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Considerable amount of water needed for production
and future use in the Kara-Tau Phosphorite Combine,
located in an area of very light rainfall. Author
presents hydrogeological study of Little Kara-Tau
Mountain Range where Combine is located.
LC 57T38
USSR/Geol Prospecting Nov/Dec 1947
"Aspects of Prospecting for Gas and. Oil Deposits Be-
tween the Ural and Volga Rivers," N. A. Shvemberger,
S. K. Karymsakov, 3 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Lowland area along the Caspian Sea between the Ural
and Volga Rivers, characterized by many hydrocarbon
as discharges, differs considerably in its geologi-
cal structure from neighboring Emba all fields. Due
to recent prospecting, area is looked upon as new
oil- and gas-bearing region almost untouched by geo-
logical study.
USSR/Geol Prospecting
Nov/Dec 1947
"Scale of Angles of Slope for Structural Maps," K. S.
Maslov, 2 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Structural maps usually do not have any scale for
measuring angles of slope. Consequently, changes in
magnitudes of slope of structural surface cannot be
determined in the process of reading such maps without
making additional calculations. Author develops prin-
ciple, and presents scale for measuring angles of
USSR/Geol Prospecting
Nov/Dec 1947
"Technological Process of Drilling," Ye. F. Epshteyn,
31 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Describes new method of prospect drilling developed
by the Donbass Coal Prospecting Unit in 1941, and
recommends it for use in geological prospecting
parties. It is supposed to increase productivity by
LC 57T44
USSR/Geol Nov/Dec 1947
Mining Equipment
"Rationalization and Invention in the Ural Geologi-
cal Administration," S. I. Mekhonoshin, 7 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Extensive account of work done in rationalization of
equipment used in production processes by the Ural
Geological Administration. Discusses extraction and
use of natural combustible gases dissolved in under-
ground waters, device for cutting pipes on lathe
screw-cutting machines, etc.
USSR/Geol Prospecting
Nov/Dec 1947
"Problem of the Coal Capacity of the Dnepr-Donets
Depression," S. K. Kolnotskiy, 81 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Reports prospecting work in the Dnepr-Donets de-
pression since 1940 to give more precise idea of
coal content of area and nature of deposits. No
definite knowledge on this was formerly available.
Presents diagrams of geological cross section of
USSR/Geol Prospecting
Nov/Dec 1947
"Chokadam-Bulak Quartz Bed," L. P. Konnov, 4 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Chokadam-Bulak bed is situated in Takzhik SSR, 45 km
from Leninabad. Deposit was first evaluated and
suggested for prospecting in 1944 by Konnov. Con-
sidered strong industrial source of quartz raw
material. Konnov discusses geological structure and
composition of the deposit.
USSR/Geol Prospecting
Nov/Dec 1947
"Rationalization of Technology of Cutting Mines in
Geological Prospecting Parties of 'UralCherMetRaz-
vedka? Trust," V. V. Sukhoruchkin, 5 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Describes method of cutting prospecting pits, drifts,
and crosscuts developed by author.
LC 57T45
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USSR/Geol Prospecting
FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific-No 57 RESTRICTED
1947 USSR/Gepl Prospecting Nov/Dec 1947
"xperience in Organization of Micropetrographic Re-
search in Field Parties in Siberia," L. 0. Stankevich,
G. I. Gendrikhovskaya, 3 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Discusses technical problems met in making micro-
scopic studies of rocks during geological expeditions.
USSR/Geol Prospecting Nov/Dec 1947
"Combination Profiling in Application to Lead Veins,"
A. S. Semenov, 5 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Curves for profiling with symmetrical setup can be ob
tained automatically from curves of coanbination pro-
filing. Former are constructed according to average
values of the ordinate of curves of combination pro-
filing. It is easily seen that the magnitude of the
anomaly for such curves will be considerably less
than for curves of combination or asymmetrical pro-
LC 57TI8
USSR Geophys Nov Dec 1947
Soil Sci
"Process of Freezing of Soil," L. I. Rubinshteyn,
6* pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR,.Ser Geograf I Geofiz" Vol XI,
No 6
Author discusses the freezing of soil having moisture
content, in particular, this freezing under conditions
when moisture of the soil is at various freezing tem-
peratures, in event of unlimited space that is under
extreme conditions asset up by Stefan. States that
question of change of temperature with relation to
the change of aggregate composition of the soil was
FDB 57T50
USSR/Geophys (Contd) Nov/Dec 1947
taken up in another article, "Question of the Proc-
esses of Distribution of Heat in Heterogeneous Mate-
rials." Submitted by L. S. Leybenzon, 12 Jul 1946.
"New Type of Mercuric Mineralization in the Urals,"
A. V. Merkur?yev, 6 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Presents geological data on new epithermal funda-
mental deposits of cinnabar discovered in Isovsk
region of Sverdlovsk Oblast in prospecting work of
the Ural Geological Administration under direction
of author.
- LC 57T47
USSR/Geophys Nov/Dec 1947
"Observations on the Dawn as Method of Sounding
Lower Layers of the Atmosphere," N. I. Kucherov,
24 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf I Geofiz" Vol XI,
No 6
Author discusses the astro-geometrical theory of
dawns and classifies various-type dawns. Describes
phenomenon known as "dawn streak." Shows that the
phenomenon of dawn is dependent on basic synoptic
conditions of the atmosphere. Observations of the
dawn can be used as method to sound lower parts of
FDB 57T49
USSR/Geophys (Contd) Nov/Dec 1947
the atmosphere, and therefore are of interest from
the synoptic standpoint. Two color plates show
various types of dawns. Submitted by Academician
L L. S . Leybenzon, 25 Aug, 1945.
FDB 57T49
USSR/Gravimetry Nov/Dec 1947
Gravimetric Analysis
"Fourth All-Union Conference on Gravimetry," Yu. D.
Bulanzhe, 2 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz" Vol XI,
No 6
FDB 57T50
In late 4pr 1947, Fourth All-Union Conference on
Gravimetry took place in Moscow. Reports minutes of
the meeting, and discusses some of the developments
during the six-year span between the Third and the
Fourth Conference. At the Fourth Conference A. A.
Izotov read paper on use of gravimetric data for
study of the shape of the earth, and in triangula-
FDB 57T51
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Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57 RESTRICTED
USSR/Eydrol Aug.1947
"Utilization of Water Reservoirs of Small Basins"
2J pp
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
This series of articles and theses was submitted at
council of Section on Scientific Salving of Problems
on Eydroeconomy. Discussions covered four distinct
fieldso 1) studies, investigations, surveys, and
future plans, 2) hydroenergy, 3) water transport and
transportation of lumber by river current, 4) water
supplies, control of erosion and fish breeding. Sev-
eral scientists submitted articles in the four fields
USSR/aravimetry (Contd.) Nov/Dec 1947
tion. This report was submitted for publication,
15 Jul 1947.
USSR/Med - Paleontol
Med - Growth
Aug 1947
USSR/Med _ Fruits
Med - Growth
Aug 1947
"Scientific Competitions" 1 p
"Vest Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8
Department of Biological Sciences, Academy of Sci-
ences, USSR, announces that papers will be accepted
for judgment for the prize imeni Academician A. A.
Borisyak for work in evolutionary paleontology. Prize
is 10,000 rubles, and applications must be received
before 1 Nov 1947, Also announces that papers will
be accepted for judgment for the prize imeni K. A.
Timiryazev in the field of physiology of growth.
Prize is 15,000 rubles and applications must be re-
ceived before 1 Jan 19'.8.
FDB 57T5
USSR/Metals Dec 1947
Math, Applied
"Interpretation of the Viscosity Coefficient of
Metals," I. A. Oding, Corr Mem Acad Sci USSR, Inst
Mach Studies, Acad Sci USSR, 6 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Oding takes A. equation
do'. dt+ cwp+ -az d-e
at aeo )v
and interprets every part of it. Submitted, 5 Jun
FDB 57T55
Dec 1947
"Question of Kinetics of Cementation of Cobalt and
Nickel From Water Solutions of Metallic Zinc," G. S.
Frents, B. P. Kreyngauz, Metal Inst imeni A. A. Bay-
kov, Acad Sci USSR, 71 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Object of study was to determine conditions for
cementation of cobalt and nickel from sulfuric acid
solutions of metallic zinc. Among results obtained
was the fact that cementation of nickel and cobalt
from water solutions of their salts by means of
"Control of Growth and Ripening of Fruit With the
Aid of Regulating Substances," N. A. Maksiuov,
Academician, 11 pp
"Vest Aka,d Nauk SSSR" No 8
Until recently, the process of ripening of fruits
was not analyzed from the physiological standpoint.
Institute of Physiology of Growth imam N. A. Timir-
yazev, Academy of Sciences, USSR, has done much work
on effect of chemical substances on process of ripen-
ing. Author discusses effects of several growth sub-
stances, such as C :02N, on progress of growth of
the plant and ripe11n of the fruit of the plant.
USSR/Metals Dec 1947
?'Nonhoanogeneity of Steel Pig and Its Crystalliza-
tion," V. A. IJavidenko, Metal Inst imam A. A.
Baykov, Aced Sci USSR, 21 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Author begins with general description of develop-
ment of the problem of the nonhamogeneity of steel
pig. Then describes tests he conducted to determine
crystallization in various types of steel. Also
evaluates results obtained. One of the most impor-
tant observations was the fact that he established
FDB 57T56
USSR/Metals (Coned) Dec 1947
regularity and common factor permitting use of same
method to determine development of crystallization
in steel, and other types of metals. Submitted by
Academician I. P. Bardin, 15 Jul 1947.
FDB 57T57 FDB 57T56
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Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
USSR Metals-( in td_)
Dec 1947 1 USSR/Metals- -
metallic zinc was possible when concentrations of
hydrogen ions was pE-3.5 to 4.0. Authors also were
able to determine that with similar amounts of metal,
cementation of cobalt was twioe as active as cementa-
tion of nickel. Submitted by Academician I. P.
Bardin, 15 Jul 1947.
Dec 1947
"Cementation of Metals Frorn Their Chloride Solutions,
D.-M. Chizhikov, B. Ya. Tratsevitskaya, Corr Members,
Acad Sci USSR, Metal Inst imeni A. A. Baykov, Acad
Sci USSR, 8 pp
per liter or less.
Math, Applied
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk No 12
Authors conducted experiments to study kinetics of
the cementation of metals from their chloride com-
pounds. Metals used were Zn, Fe, Sn, Fb, H, and Cu.
Among results obtained was the fact that iron does
not displace zinc at concentrations of Fe?'2 grams
Flow Pressure
Dee 1947
"Theory of Specific Flow Pressure of Metal During
Drawing" S. I. Gubkin Metal Inst imeni A. A. Bay-
kov, Aoad Sol, USSR, 181 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Article was submitted at session of Section for
.Processing of Metals by Pressure, Metallurgical In-
stitute imeni A. A. Baykov, and discusses various
formulas used to determine the specific flow pres-
sure of metal during the process of drawing- ._ Dis-
cusses the UDT (specific flow pressure) and defor-
USSR/Metals (Cantd) Dec 1947
oration during drawing, the UDT of metal during draw-
ing, determining basic resistance, and the coeffi-
cient of outer friction. Submitted by Academician
I. P. Bardin, 15 Jul 1947.
Submitted, 15 Jul 1947.
- ----------_ _..
Dec 1947
Dee 1947
Diffusion in Molten Metals," A. M. Saniarin, L. A.
Shvartsman, Corr Members, Acad Sc1 USSR, Metal Inst
imeni A. A. Baykov, Acad Sci USSR, 21 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSHR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Authors wish to point out that equations suggested by
Stokes and Einshtein give correct approximations for
diffusion of metale, for low and high temperatures.
Mention, however, that all experiments an observation
of diffusion in molten metals are very limited. Sub-
mitted, 15 Jul 1947.
Steel Alloys
Dec 1947
"Hardening and Softening of Binary Steel Alloys," M.
M. Shteyrnberg, Candidate Tech Sci, Ural Industrial
That, 4 pp
"Stall" No 12
Study of the properties of iron alloys, hardening
during cold plastic deformation, and softening during
heating makes it possible to determine effect of ele-
ments alloyed in the iron on the properties of steel
for construction purposes. In particular, it is pos-
sible to determine density and heat resistance. This
research and study is very important step in the study
of steel alloys. FDB 57T62
- 12
"Effect of Niobium on Characteristics of Low-Tungsten..
High-Speed Steel," L. D. l ,shtakova, N. T. Gudtsov,
Academician, Metal Inst imeni A. A. Baykov, Acad Sci
USSR, 81 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
In 1939 there were several tests and experiments to
determine effect of niobium, titanium, cobalt, or
molybdenum on cutting characteristics of high-speed
steel. Authors report data obtained as result of
continuation of these tests, particularly on cutting
FDB 57T61
USSR/Metals (Contd) - - - Dec 1947
action of low-tungsten content high-speed steel.
Authors conducted experiments to determine effect of
niobium on structure and cutting ability of steel
containing 2.6-3.2% tungsten. Submitted, 15 Jul
Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
USSR/Meta,?.:s __ -
Steel s5. .' oye
Steel - Rardness
FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57 RESTRICTED
Dec 1947
"Ya. S. Umarwkiyfs Book, 'Carbides of Hard Alloys',"
Prof V. S. Meer r Yin, Dr Tech Sol, 1 p
"Stall" No 12
Reviews 132-page book published in 1947 by Metallur-
gical Publishing House. States that this book will
be great contribution not only to specialists in the
field of hard alloys, but also to those in the field
of metal studies, metallurgy, and machine construc-
tion. Will be of particular value to those engaged
in production or handle steel alloys.
FDB 57T63
USSR/Meteorol Nov/Dec 1947
Meteorol Res
"Statistical Character of the Synoptic Condition Over
Central Asia During the-Cold Part of the Year," T. A.
Sarymsakov, V. A. Dzhordzhio, V. A. Bugayev, Inst
Math and Mech, Acad Sol Uzbek SSR, 14 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf I Geofiz" Vol XI,
No 6
Authors discuss studies conducted to determine etatia.
tical method of classifying synoptic conditions over
Central Asia. In addition to repetition and prolongs
tion of separate types on which are based methods fare
dynamic formation of climate during cold part of the
FDB 57T65
USSR Meteorol (C(:ntd) - Nov Dec 1947
year, authors also show relationships between several
types of conditions. Discuss system they suggest
from standpoint of its value as means of forecasting.
Submitted, 5 Jul 1946.
FDB 57T65
USSR/Mines and Mining
Dec 1947
"Forms of Shaft Distribution in the Moscow Coal Bas
A. P. Sudoplatov, That Mining, Acad Sol USSR, 17 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Discusses various types of shaft distributions for
mines in the Moscow coal basin. Describes various
conditions that might be met and recommends the most
advantageous type of mine and shaft layout. Submitted
by Academician A. M. Terpigorev, 19 Aug 1947.
USSR/Meteorol Nov/Dec 1947
"Weather Conditions in Moscow," L. A. Chubukov,
Inst Geog) Acad Sol USSR, 10 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf I c eofiz" Vol XI,
No 6
Describes climate of Moscow, generated by complex
factors of climatology. Climate of Moscow is com-
posed of series of repeating types of weather condi-
tions and meteorological phenomena containing very
similar characteristics. Formation of the structure
of Moscow weather conditions is characterized by
regularities in radiational balance, circulation of
FDB 57T64
USSR/Meteorol (Contd) Nov/Dec 1947
the atmosphere, and topography of the area surround-
ing Moscow. Submitted by Academician A. A. Grigor'-
yev, 20 Feb 1947.
Nov/Dec 1947
"Mechanism of the Formation of Salt Dees," B. L.
Shneyerson, That Theoretical Geophys, Acad Sol USSR,
51 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz" Vol XI,
No 6
Uses method of calculating energy necessary for
formation of salt domes to explain conditions neces-
eary for these forces. Explains process systemati-
cally: States that the salt travels upward in the
shape of a pillar. Calculations show, that if such
USSR/Minerals (Contd) - Nov/Dec 1947
hypothesis were adopted, there is need for large
tangential force that is expended primarily on the
piercing of the rock lying over the salt pillar.
Submitted by Academician L. S. Leybenzon, 21 Apr
- 13 -
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Approved For Release 1999/08/25 CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
USSR/Nuclear Phys - Counters, Proportional Feb 1947
Nuclear Phys - Equipment
"Flat Proportional Counter,"-L. Bell, V. Veksler, Phy
Inst imeni P. N. Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR, 5* pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVII, No 2
Describes flat proportional counter. Makes study of
its properties and shows that it fulfills all require-
ments usually demanded. Shows that special attention
must be paid to elimination of formation of negative
ions in the working gas. Article was also published
in English in "Journal of Physics" Vol X, p 386, 191+6.
FDB 57T68
USSR Nuclear Phys Gamma Rays Feb 1947
Nuclear Phys - Impact, Electronic
, ";Ang4 r Distribution of Electronic Pairs Produced by
?ay+s of ThC," L. V. Groshev, I. M. Frank, Phys Inst
imeni" P. N. Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR, 21 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVII, No 2
Shows that dependence of distribution of angles be-
tween components of pairs formed by Y' rays on the
atonic number of the irradiated substance can differ,
depending on method of pair registration employed. A
result of this, the difference in results obtained
with use of the Wilson chamber and the counters does
not lead to contradiction.
USSR Nuclear Phys
Nuclear Phys
- Particles
- Nuclei
Nov/Dee 1947
"Magnetic Properties of Atomic Nuclei," Ya. I.
Frenkel', 5 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Discusses magnetic moments of protons and neutrons,
nonadditivity of magnetic moments of complex nurlP1.
and analogy of complex nuclei with paramagnetic
FDB 57T72
USSR/Nuclear Phys - Atoms Nov/Dec 1947
Nuclear Phys - Electron Theory
"Atomic Magnetic Moments in Solid and Liquid Bodies,"
Ya. G. Dorfman, 8 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Discusses problem of studying magnetic moments of the
electron shell of atoms, experimental methods to de-
termine atomic magnetic moments, and atomic magnetic
moments and interatomic bond in?solid and liquid
bodies. Determination of atomic magnetic moments in
condensed systems can serve as very precise means of
studying entire series of peculiarities in interaction
between atoms and ions.
USSR/Nuclear Phys-- Mass Spectrographs Feb 1947
Math, Applied
"Wave Field With Mass Spectrum," D. I. Blokhintsyev,
Phys Inst imeni P. N. Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR, 6 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVII, No 2
Examines linear equations with higher derivatives of
unlimited high order. Establishes limits for oper-
ators of these equations. Gives case of scalar
field particularly close examination. Article also
appears in English in "Journal of Physics" Vol XI,
p 72, 1947.
FDB 57T69
USSR/Nuclear Phys - Gamma Rays Feb 1947
Nuclear Phys - Impact, Electronic
"Transition Effects of r Rays and. Their Influence on
the Ionization Current in Ionization Chambers," 0.
N. Vavilov, 1. M. Frank, Mys Inst imeni P. N.
Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR, 12 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVII, No 2
Made measurements of the transition effects of r
rays with use of flat thin-walled ionization cham-
bers. Then enclosed chambers with layers of various
substances (Pb, Fe, Al, cardboard), and total thick-
ness of each of these substances remained the same
during the entire experiment. In the measurements
FDB 57T71
USSR/Nuclear Phys - Gamma Rays (Contd) Feb 1947
the substances were transposed from one layer to the
other so that the quantity of given substance on the
layer next to the wall of the chamber would be vari-
able. This made it possible to measure transition
effects for the front and back walls of the chamber,
and the equilibrium intensity of radiation in vari-
ous substances with constant intensitivity of the
firsty rays falling on the chamber.
FDB 57T71
USSR/Petroleum Industry Nov/Dee 1947
Oil Wells
"Influence of Chemical Corrosion on Output of Oil
Wells," V. M. Gavrilko, 4 pp
"Razvedka Nedr" No 6
Electrochemical and chemical corrosion resulting
from action of underground water on filter materials
of oil wells is in many cases one of the basic
causes of the lowering of the output of these wells.
Discusses aspects of this problem.
FDB 57T73 I LC
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Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
Magnetic Fields
Nov/Dec 1947
"Contemporary Problems of Magnetodynamics," V. H.
Arkad'yev, 6 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Magnetodynamics developed from study of magnetic
properties of ferromagnetic substances with various
frequencies of magnetic field. Plan was suggested in
1922 for development of these questions in directions
indicating the study of processes of magnetization
both in periodic and aperiodic fields. In the middle
1930's new fields were opened in the phenomenon of
FDB 57T75
USSR/Phys (Contd) Nov/Dec 1947
magnetization which must be related to magnetodynamicq
such as viscous magnetization of paramagnetics and
nuclear magnetic resonance.
FDB 57775
Energy - Dissipation
Nov/Dec 1947
"Heterogeneity of Ferroinagnetics as Source of Addi-
tional Losses of Energy During Magnetic Reversal," R.
I. Ya'nus, V. V. Druzhinin, Inst Phys of Metals, Ural
Br, Acad Sci USSR, 1 p
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol Xi, No 6
Evaluation of the possible order of magnitude of each
of the sources of additional losses considered indi-
cates that their sum can show magnitude of this order
as well as the normal difference between theoretical
and experimental values.
FDB 57T77
USSR /Phys
Nov/Dec 1947
"Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetics," Ya. S. Shur,
Inst Phys of Metals, Ural Br, Acad Sci USSR, 9 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Path of curves of magnetostriction and curves of
magnetization in the field of weak magnetic poles, in-
fluence of elastic strains on path of magnetization
curves, and change of electrical resistance of ferro-
magnetics in magnetic field, are used to discover
magnetic properties of ferromagnetics and to study it
in detail.
Magnetic Permeability
Nov/Dec 1947
"Accommodation of the Magnetic Permeability of
Magnetite," R. I. Yanue, Ya. S. Shur, V. V. Druzhin-
in, A. M. V'yukhina, Ural State U imeni A. M.
Gor'kiy, l pp
r"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
It was established experimentally that some varieties
of magnetites when broken down into fine powder ex-
hibit in very sharp form capacity for accommodation
and disaccoimnodation of magnetic permeability. If
the magnetite is subjected to magnetic reversal
USSR/Phys (Contd) Nov/Dec 1947
several times after lying for some time outside
accommodating influences, the permeability increases
noticeably. If it is then kept outside an acco o-
dating influence, however, it again gradually re-
turns to former condition.
FDB 57T76
Nov/Dec 1947
"Study of Texture of Laminated Iron and Recrystal-
lization by Magnetometric Method," K. V. Grigorov,
Inst Phys of Metals, Ural Br, Acad Sci USSR, 7 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Gives results of study of texture of laminated iron
and recrystallization by magnetonietric method. Im-
portance of such study lies in the fact that detailed
study of textual development permits deeper penetra-
tion into the mechanism of plastic deformation and
recrystallization. Magn.etometric method, proposed
FDB 57T78
USSR/Phys (Contd) Nov/Dec 19+7
by N. S. Akulov, is distinguished not only by its
convenience, simplicity, and possibility of quanti-
tative characterization of texture, but in many
cases it is the only method permitting detailed
study of textural development.
- 15 -
57T7 8
Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107AO02000010017-1
RESTRICTED FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
Magnetic Measurements
Nov/Dec 1947
"Magnetic Strain Diagram and Position of the Villari
Point on the Magnetization Curve," M. V. Dekhtyar,
Sc! Res Inst Thys, Moscow State U, 17 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Author presents results of his research on the in-
fluence of initial distribution of elementary magnetic
moments In elastic and plastic deformed ferromagnetics
on its magnetic properties. Used results obtained In
study of strain diagrams.
FDB 57T80
Nov/Dec 1947
"Electrical Properties of Ferromagnetics," S_. V.
Vonsovskly, That Phys of Metals, Ural Br, Acad Sol
USSR, 6 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz" Vol XI, No 6
All metals of the "transitional" groups, among them
ferroma.gnetics, have sharply expressed "anomalies" of
electrical properties in comparison with "simple"
metals. Basic cause of these "anomalies" lies in
specific structure of the electron energy spectrum of
the "transitional" metals, resulting from unbalanced
FDB 57T82
USSR Phys (Contd) Nov/Dee 1947
layers in the electron shell of isolated atoms of
these elements. In ferroma.gnetics, this detail of
the energy spectrum leads to the existence of spon-
taneous magnetization which determines concrete form
of the electrical "anomalies" of these substances.
FDB 57T82
Nov/Dec 1947
"Magnetostriction of Iron Silicide," D. A. Shturkin,
Inst Phys of Metals, Ural Br, Acad Sol USSR, 6 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Studies dependence of longitudinal magnetostriction
of monocrystals of iron silicide upon crystallographic
orientation, temperature, and magnetizability.
Nov/Dec 1947
"Temperature Dependence of the Magnetostriction of
Invar Alloys," K. P. Belov, 0. N. Agasyan, Sol Res
Inst Phys, Moscow State U, 6 pp
"Izv Arad Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz" Vol XI, No 6
Invar, elinvar, kovar, and similar alloys have
anomalies of their volume and elastic properties
with very complex dependence upon temperature. Ac-
cording to present hypotheses, the nature of these
anomalies is clearly connected with the ferromagnet-
ism of these alloys, and primarily determined by
FDB 57T81
USSR/Phys (Contd) Nov/Dec 1947
character of flow of the ferromagnetostriction
phenomena. This study of magnetostriction of these
alloys and especially the dependence upon tempera-
ture is of interest since it makes possible deter-
mination of the nature of the anomalous properties
of Invar-type alloys.
USSR Phys Nov Dec 1947
Magnetism Terrestrial
Magnetic Fields - Earth
"Magnetism of the Earth," Ya. I. Frenkel', 10 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz" Vol XI, No 6
Discusses secondary phenomena (periodic and non-
periodic variations), various hypotheses on the
origin of the primary magnetic pole of the earth,
physical state of the earth's sphere and its nucle-
us, the nucleus of the earth's sphere as turbogen-
erator with self-excitation, and quantitative formu-
lation of turbogenerator theory of the earth's mag-
FDB 57T83
Nov/Dec 1947
"Ferromagnetic Nature of Properties of Invar and
Elinvar Alloys," K. P. Belov, Sol Res That Phys,
Moscow State U, 4f pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz" Vol XI, No 6
On the basis of results of this study rational ex-
planation is given of the anomaly of thermal expan-
sion in Inver alloys and of the low temperature co-
efficient of the modulus of elasticity of elinvar.
Using data obtained by measurement of magnetostric-
tion and susceptibility in the paraprocess field,
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FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
USSR/Phys Nov/Dec 1947 I USSR/Phys (Contd) Nov/Dec 1i
Crystals - lattices
"Influence of Processes of Relaxation and Recrystal-
lization on Magnetic Properties of Iron Silicide," Ya.
S. Shur, V. 1. Drozhzhina, M. G. Luzhinskeya, Inst
Prays of Metals, Ural Br, Acad Soi USSR, 3 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
In experiments conducted difference observed in mag-
netic properties due not only to difference in proc-
esses leading to correction of the orystallic lattice
(relaxation or reorystallization), but also due to
difference in magnitude of the grain. After reorys-
ta]lizaticna material with coarser crystals is re-
ce ved. FDB 57T86
USSR/Phys Nov/Dec 1947
"Temperature Dependence of Magnetostriction of Nickel"
G. P. D'yakov, Sci Res Inst Phys, Moscow State U,
81 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Gives report of experimental research on temperature
dependence of magnetostriction of saturation and prop
of Akulov's theory in entire interval of temperatures
from the Curie point to the temperature of liquid
USSR/Phys - Developmen
Nov/Dec 1947
"Soviet Physics for Thirty Years," A. F. Ioffe, 10 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Contrasts condition of physics in the USSR at present
with the state of physics in prerevolutionary Russia.
Indicates new lines of development of the science.
FDB 57T89
Crystals - Color
Feb 1947
"Electron Transitions and Decay of the Ultraviolet
Luminescence of NaCl Crystals With Subtractive and
Additive Coloration," M. N. D'yachenko, Ukrainian Cent
Roentgen-Radiol and Oncological Inst, 5 pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret'Flz" Vol XVII, No 2
Decay of ultraviolet phosphorescence of NaCl crystals
with subtractive and additive coloration obeys ex-
ponential law. In deformed crystals phosphorescence
radiation consists of rapidly and slowly decaying
components. In radiation by visible light, decay, in
correctness of the "ferromagnetic" explanation of
the thermal expansion anomaly of Invar is shown.
FDB 57T85
Magnetic Fields
Nov/Dec 1947
"Magneto-Optic Methods of Studying Ferromagnetic
Alloys," M. M. Noskov, Inst Phys of Metals, Ural Br,
Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp
"Izv Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 6
Discusses influence of magnetic field on distribu-
tion of light in substance.
FDB 57T88
Magnetic Susceptibility
Feb 1947
"Measurement of Paramagnetic Susceptibility With
Decimeter Waves," Ye. E. Zavoyakiy, Kazan Br, Acad
Sci USSR, 7 Pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XVII, No 2
Measurement of active part of magnetic susceptibil-
ity of paramagnetics in frequencies not greater than
50107 kc is accomplished by well-developed method of
pulsation. For higher frequencies, a sufficiently
precise and practical useful method of measurement
has not been suggested. Necessity of such method is
FDB 57T90
USSR/Phys (Contd) Feb 1947
obvious, especially to study paramagnetic reactions.
Study of the latter, and specifically the phenomenon
of magnetospin resonance, led authors to considera-
tion of method they describe. Article also appears
in English in "Journal of Physics" Vol XI, No 2,
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Approved For Release 1999/08/25 : CIA-RDP78-031 07A00200001 0017-1
FDB Periodical Abstracts Scientific No 57
USSR/Phy (Cart d) Feb 1917
contrast to phosphorescence, has only one component,
the Inclination of which is equal to that of the
rapidly decaying component of phosphorescence
its emission enemy is considerably greater than that
of each of the phosphorescence components,
USSR /Phys
Cryatale Color
Feb 1947
"Ultraviolet Phosphorescence of NaCl Crystals Having
Subtractive and Additive Coloratiaan at Law Tempera.
tures," M. N. Deyachenko, 14 pp
"Zhur Ekeper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XVII, No 2
Studied these crystals in temperature range from
-196 C to + 25o C. In this range nine separate band
of ultraviolet phosphorescence were recorded posses-
sing distinct spectral composition. In crystals with
additive coloration temperature dependence of lumin-
escence has smaller number of emission bands compared
USSR/Phys (Contd) Feb 191i7
with crystals having aubtractive coloration. F~
amines observed phenomena from standpoint of energy
levels in colored crystals. Gives scheme taking
account of new energy levels in X'rayed crystals of
FDB 57T93
USSR Ships - Equipment and Supplies Dec 191+7
Navigation, Surface
"Navigating Speed for Vessels in Fogs," Capt-Instruc-
tQr (Kapitan-Nastavnik), I, Moskalenko, UChP, 3 pp
"Morekoy Flot" No 12
Cadtemporary ehipboard equipment permits relatively
safe navigation under all weather conditions. In the
case of poor visibility, however, such as fog, ~xreat
CE1r'9 mt 8t be exercised. to prevent collisions.
Stresses importance of slow speed during fog. Erg
amplee of ,good procedure, and wrong procedure which
resulted"in collisions.
Electrons - Fffiission
Cathodes -Emission
Feb 19 .7
"Electronic Emissict~ From Complex Stibium~Caesitun
Cathode Under Action of Strong Electric'Fielde," B.
G. Brezhnev, Phy?icotech Inst, Acad Sal USSR, 7 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz" Vol II, No 2
Electronic emission from complex stibiummcaesium
cathode under action of strong electric field in-
creases considerably with growth of wave length of
the light. In the absence of light, fields of 1?5
V/cm produce noticeable autoelectronic emission.
It is shown that electrons extracted by the field
USSR/Phys (Contd.
Feb 194(
belong to very narrow energy apectrum.. Visual
electronic observation of emitting surface gives
varied picture In the case of photoemiasiQu the
whole illuminated surface emits uniformly, whereas
in autoelectronic emission only separate places
with greatest field gradient radiate.
FDB 57T92
Waves, Surface
Wave gropogation
Feb 19).7
"Elastic Capillary Gravitational Surface Waves,"
A. Gubanov, Leningrad Phyelcotech Inst, Acad Sci
USSR, 8 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz" Vol XVII, No 2
Deduces equation for velocity of propagation of
waves on surface of elastic-viscous body. In the
limiting case of small frequencies this equation
gives velocity of capillary gravitational waves on
liquid surface, For high frequencies, as another
limiting case, it gives velocity of Rayleigh waves
FDB 57T91i. --
USSR Phys (Coned) Feb 191+7
at surface of solid body. Uses method of successive
approximations to stud cases canting cloae to above
two limtts.
ZC 57T95 I FDB
18 ~ 57`19
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