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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 CIA RETIREMENT BOARD MEETING 1:30 p. m., 30 April 1969 Mr. George E. Meloon Mr. John S. Warner Chairman DDP Member DDI Member DDS&T Member DDS Member Legal Advisor Recording Secretary Executive Secretary 1. The minutes of the one hundred and twelfth meeting of the Board were reviewed and approved subject to the following deletion: Paragraph 4, last sentence: "This case was approved under the provisions of the 31 July 1968 memorandum from the Executive Director." 2. The Board reviewed 11 cases of employees who had been nominated for designation as participants in the System. The Board took action as follows: a. Recommended designation as participants of the following named employees who have completed more than 15 years of Agency service: b. Recommended designation as participants of the following named employees who have completed at least 5 years of Agency service: 25X1 25X1 25X1 3. The Board next considered the nomination of 25X1 for participation in the CIA Retirement and Disability System based par- tially 25X1 on domestic qualifying service. has performed 42 months Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 ings with Agency employees must be done covertly because o Tha Rnnrd concluded that based on the entire record of his career, roved and regulation. The Board thereby recommended that be approved for participation in the System under the provisions of Although had submitted an application for voluntary retirement, effective 30 June 1969, the Board noted that since this case was not being approved under the 31 July 1968 memorandum from the Executive Director that should be advised of the proposed benefits of the pending "Daniels Bill" and asked if he still desires to retire on 30 June 1969. If his answer is in the affirmative the Board recommended approval of his re- quest for voluntary retirement on that date. 4. The next case was the nomination of for partici- 25X1 pation in the CIA Retirement and Disability System and concurrent mandatory 25X1 retirement based partially on domestic qualifying service. performed 57 months and 22 days of overseas qualifying service. 25X1 is 62 years of age and is currently scheduled to retire under the Civil Ser- vice vice Retirement System on 30 June 1969. was nominated for par- ticipation in 1965 on the basis of 60 months of overseas service, however, verification of his service at that time disclosed that he had completed only 57 months and 22 days. This case was then returned to his career service and they forwarded a memorandum declaring him not eligible for participation. He now requests that the period from December 1965 to the present be declared qualifying service for the System. During this period he has been assigned in the International Division of the Domestic Contact Service and has served as the DCS representative to the Vietnam Task Force. In this job he con- ducts liaison with consumer offices, clandestine services, and USIB agencies. In discussing this case the Board noted that this domestic service would normally be accepted as qualifying service in connection with concurrent retirement. However, the Board noted that if this case had been considered 25X1 in 1966, as it should have been, and had been approved would have been required to retire under the mandatory provisions of the System in May 1967, at age 60. Since he has been extended until June 1969 he will at that time have had two additional years' salary and an additional 4 per cent factor for annuity computation. In view of these facts and the fact that he did not appeal for participation in the System until 25 March 1969, the Board recommended that not be approved for participation in the System. 5. The next case considered by the Board was the nomination of for participation in the CIA Retirement and Disability System based on 60 months of domestic qualifying service. has signed an application for voluntary retirement to be effective 30 June 1969 if he is approved for participation in the System. states that based on 22 years of Agency service performing a variety of duties support- ing covert and clandestine functions, he believes that he meets the require- 7FYRI 25X6 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 Board concluded t h a t: :had not performed 60 months of qualifying 25X1 service. The Board thereby recommended that not be approved for participation in the System. 6. The Board next considered the nomination of 25X1 for participation in the CIA Retirement and Disability System based on 25X1 60 months of domestic. qualifying service. has signed an application for voluntary retirement to be effective 30 June 1969 if she 25X1 is approved for participation in the System. states that she believes she meets the criteria for participation through completion of more than 15 years of service in the Agency, during which she performed logistical activities for the Agency's para-military operations as well as the clandestine activities. She submits as qualifying service her work as a Supply Cataloger, preparing and distributing Supply Catalogs concerned with ordnance, communications and special technical services equipment, and National Security Agency designed and controlled items as well as Agency designed and controlled cryptological equipment and parts. She also states that she types the Agency's Supply Catalogs. and distributes them to our 25X1 field offices. The Board concluded that had not performed 60 months of qualifying service. The Board thereby recommended that not be approved for participation in the System. 7. The next case considered by the Board was the Fifteenth Anniver- sary Review of who will complete 15 years of Agency service on 27 September 1969. has performed 48 months and 10 25X1 days of verified overseas service. The Director of Communications states that it has been determined that they will not have a suitable overseas position for in the foreseeable future, and in addition he has not performed in a domestic assignment which could be considered as qual- 25X1 ifying service. The Board recommended that be removed from the System prior to his 15th Anniversary date. will be sent a 25X1 memorandum affording him the opportunity to submit any additional informa- tion in his case if he so desires. for the deferment of her retirement, under the Civil Service Retirement System, from 24 December 1969 until 31 May 1970. is cur- 25X1 rently serving on a Reserve Appointment which will expire on her 62nd birthday, 24 December 1969, therefore, an extension in this case will also 25X1 require an extension of the Reserve Appointment, expects that the mortgage on her home could be completely paid by May 1970 if she is permitted to work until that time, and this additional time will allow her to complete 15 years of creditable service thereby increasing her an- nuity by approximately $7.00 per month. The Chief, Security Records and S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 Communications Division has indicated that has proven to be a very capable employee and states that he could effectively utilize her services during this period since the Division has a high rate of clerical personnel turnover and usually has as many as five to twelve vacancies dur- ing the second half of each fiscal year. He also states that she is not blocking promotional progression. The Director of Security, with the con- currence of the Deputy Director for Support, recommends that approval be granted for postponement of her scheduled retirement to 31 May 1970 for compassionate reasons. The Board recommended that retire- ment be deferred until 31 May 1970 in the interests of the service in light of the clerical vacancies expected in her Division. considered by the Board was a request from for the deferment of her retirement, under the Civil Service Retirement System, from 31 October 1970 until 31 December 1970. states that this extension is requested in order that the lump sum annual leave payment will be paid in calendar year 1971 rather thereby allowing the reduction in income tax liability which than 1970 , would represent a substantial saving and benefit to her. The Director of Communications, with the concurrence of the Deputy Director for Support, recommends that her request for an extension be approved. The Board recom- mended that H retirement be deferred until 31 December 1970. 10. The Board next considered a request from the Director, Domestic Contact Service for the extension of retirement, 25X1 under the Civil Service Retirement System, from 31 January 1970 until 30 April 1970, to permit him to achieve 20 years of government service. The Deputy Director for Intelligence has concurred in this request. Since this request was not submitted on the basis of a need for services or on compassionate grounds the Board recommended that the requested extension not be approved. However, the Board recommended that the Director of Per- sonnel issue a 20-year Federal Service pin upon his retirement in January 1970 although he will at that time be short of 20 years by 2 months and 7 days. 11. The next case was the nomination of for 25X1 participation in the CIA Retirement and Disability System based partially on domestic qualifying service. has signed an application 25X1 for voluntary retirement to be effective 30 June 1969 if he is approved 25X1 for participation in the System. has performed 17 months and 25 days of overseas qualifying service. From October 1962 until June 1963 was assigned as a as 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 The Board concluded that based on the entire record of hisf career, has performed 60 months of qualifying service under the be approved for participation in the System and that his request for volt - untary retirement be approved. This case was approved under the provisions of the 31 July 1968 memorandum from the Executive Director. statute and regulation. The Board thereby recommended that 12. The final case considered by the Board was the nomination of for participation in the CIA Retirement and Disability System based partially on domestic qualifying service. has performed 10 months and 5 days of overseas qualifying service. 25X1 25X1 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0 intends to apply for disability retirement. The Board concluded that based 25X1 on the entire record of his career, has performed 60 months of qualifying service under the statute and regu ation. The Board noted that this conclusion was based on this domestic service being qualifying under 25X1 will be subject to mandatory retirement in April 1970 it was states a e approved for participation in the System. 13. The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p. m. The Board thereby recommended that be E utive Secretary S E C RE T Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000600100001-0