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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRET The 30th meeting of the CIA RETIREMENT BOARD convened at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 23 February 1966, in Room 5E62 Hq., with the following present: Mr. Emmett D. Echols, Chairman DP Member DDP Member Paul A. Borel, DDS Member S Member T Member peg al Adviser 25X1 Fi Lance Adviser ecutive Secretary Recording Secretary MR. ECHOLS: We might as well look at the Minutes of the last meeting while we're waiting for the others (Messrs. Borel and Seely). Any discussion, or additions, or corrections in the Minutes? (No response.) If not -- and also, if the still absent members have no changes -- we will accept them as presented. Now, going to the next item on the agenda, I'd like to make a couple of observations, has gone through all of our transcripts and has lifted out everything that seemed to be a policy statement. He has also prepared an index by topic matter. You will note on the bottom of each page in the lower left-hand corner is the date of the meeting at which the policy statement was developed -- so at least if there is a change in policy, we can see what the chronology has been. I would suggest that each of you thumb through this Policy Book and to the extent that you are able to spot any inconsistencies, or redundancies, etc. , you might bring them to our attention, and perhaps we can decide what items should be stricken from the Policy Book -- or, if there are inconsistencies, we ought to firm up what the policy is and SECRET SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECREI correct any such inconsistencies. With all my peregrinations, I would be very surprised if there were NOT some inconsistencies. Now, this is our Policy Book, and it is proposed that as we may formulate some new policies with the Minutes at the following meeting we would hand out a new page for you to put in your Policy Book. MR. WARFIELD: And this Policy Book we may take MR. ECHOLS: Yes. And you don't need to bring them with you to each meeting, because there will always be a couple of books here that we can refer to. I don't know whether to go on now with these cases or wait for the other members. We know Mr. Borel is going to be late, so I don't think he expects us to wait for him. Jim Critchfield is away. MR. ECHOLS: So it's just Roger Seely who should be I might say that I'm leaving next Tuesday 25X1 25X1 25X1 and I'll be gone a month. MR. ECHOLS: I think we ought to go ahead, and invite Roger, when he arrives, to speak up on anything that we have passed, should he desire to do so. The first item is an application for voluntary retirement at age 53 -- is the individual -- and he meets the formula of 50-20-10-5. The application has been approved by as Head of the DDP Career Service. I have no idea why is retiring -- but he has applied for it and it has been approved by his 2 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRET Career Board. Any discussion on this case? you want to add? anything No, I don't believe so. Thank you. MR. ECHOLS: In the absence of any discussion, I assume the Board approves the application for retirement. periodically get a score card? I'm sort of curious-- It seems to me we have had very few of these voluntary retirements -- what is it? five or six? Eck, may I just ask, could we sort of MR. ECHOLS: I think we have a regular score-keeping system. Are you interested in knowing the numbers-- Yes. MR. ECHOLS (Continuing): --or are you curious as to the why's and wherefore's? We have at the present time 23 voluntary retirements under this System, we have two disability retirements, and 15 mandatory, so far, and six deaths in service. I didn't realize there were that many. I'm sure we will be looking at trends at some time-- MR. ECHOLS: My score card does not tell me what the ages are on the voluntary retirements. We have many more mandatory identified as coming up -- specifically, 12 other mandatories have been identified to retire in the near future -- the latest date is February 1967. It's just interesting -- and I'm sure other offices have the same thing -- we're trying to do studies sort of projected against where we're going to be five, ten, 15 years from now -- with the hump, and people coming along -- and it's interesting as we discuss it one fellow will say, "Everybody is going to retire at age 50 -- we SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECREL might as well write these fellows off" -- and the next one will say, "Oh, they will stay until 60. " Sooner or later I assume out of all of this will come some sort of a graph - something to chart against. But there's a big difference when you start writing people off at age 50 or at age 60, in terms of how you bring along the people behind them. MR. ECHOLS: I couldn't even hazard a guess as to why at age 53 wants to retire. It could be a matter of health -- it could be that his wife is fed up with living abroad. Who knows. I don't know. I haven't made any inquiries. Category B consists of 8Z employees who have 15 or more years of Agency service and therefore they have the option of acquiring a vested right -- and they all have met the basic criteria. Mr, Chairman, I move we offer to designate these under paragraph B. MR. ECHOLS: I was going to go through these cases and call attention to some interesting points -- but if everybody is happy, and we have a motion- I'm I'm curious, Eck -- anything that would affect our Policy Book? MR. ECHOLS: Well, there were a few things of interest here. There are several cases, you will note, where we are giving credit for service as a contract agent, contract employee -- which I thought was of interest to the Board. There was one case that I thought somebody would surely catch us on, if I didn't bring it up -- namely, I thought would be sure to catch it (laughing) - - (Case No. 81), who seemed to be on a merry-go-round or something in 1955 -- and the dates are quite impossible. He apparently SECRL' Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 nr'nr,r?-.M Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, CIA Retirement Board 2 2 DEC 196,5 THROUGH : Chief, Administrative Staff, ODD/I SUBJECT Identification of Employees for Nomination as Participants in the CIA Retirement and Disability System 1. Attached is Form 3100 for 2. transferred from the Domestic Contact Service to the Clandestine Services on 26 June 1960, without a change in service designation. This office has tried unsuccessfully since that time to have his service designation changed to that of the DD/P. 3. left Saigon on 28 May 1965, and he.has been work- ing for this office since his return from his overseas post. We: understand that FE Division plans to assign to an overseas post within the next few months, again without a change in service designation. l+. On the basis of past qualifying service and the imminent. overseas tour of duty, we request that a determination be made by the CIA Retirement Board as to whether he meets the criteria specified for designation as a participant in the CIA Retirement System. 25X1 25X1 Attachment: Form 3100 (l)' cc: ODD/I "tai 749UP~'~? Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 ECRE made six trips around the world in rapid succession. As a matter of fact, he is the fastest man on earth (laughing) -- 1 May to 1 May, 1955, he went around the world in 24 hours! -- and again in October he made a one day trip around the world! But none of that service was verified, or looked into -- so it wasn't necessary. Now, I have a motion to accept all of those in Category B for designation to the System. Is there a second? MR. WARFIELD: Second. . . . This motion was then passed . . MR. ECHOLS: Category C consists of 21 cases of persons who within six months will have completed their 15 years of Agency service, who do meet all the criteria for designation, and therefore this review will be their 15 year review at the same time. One case that caught my eye here - - if I may - - is Case No. 15. We have a rather plaintive cry from the head of his Career Service -- Squirrel Ashcraft disclaims his ability to attest that the man is in qualifying service. (Mr. Echols then read to the Board Mr. Ashcraft's statement. ) Well, I would think from our discussions in the past two meetings of the broader sense of service field that we have adopted, and the fact that on the record is clear proof that this man not only has served but is repeatedly serving in a qualifying field, that the Board would probably rule favorably on it. In this case he was actually serving overseas at the time of the passage of the Act, and he had also completed 60 months at the same time - - so that would fall within, I think, the policy statement we agreed on last time. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRET MR. ECHOLS: There is one thing that isn't relevant to this Board, Gerry, that I call to your attention, and that is paragraph 2 of Ashcraft's memorandum-- Well, evidently this may have been used as a bit of pressure-- MR. ECHOLS: I think there is no doubt about it. But for other reasons we are transferring him into the "D" Service anyway. I just signed off on that this past week. MR. WARFIELD: To me, they shouldn't have taken that tack anyway. The fact that he remains in the "I" Service and serves on occasion in the DD/P, makes the DD/I case much stronger, it seems to me, to consider that this is a career field. MR. ECHOLS: I think we all agree with that. Any other discussion on Category C? (No response.) May I have a motion, then? MR. WARFIELD: I move we accept all of those in Category C. Support it. This motion was then passed . . . . Category D - (Case No. 16). In 1953 MR. ECHOLS: Incidentally, I've noticed that the people we're dealing with now, almost without exception - - only two or three in this whole group -- have had less than 60 months' service. Category D are those who meet the criteria for designation. There are 97 such cases. MR. WARFIELD: I have an interesting case here in SECRE~ Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRE' MR. ECHOLS: Presumably, hopefully, it would come up ultimately when it came time to retire, anyhow -- but I think it should be brought out- - MR. WARFIELD: There is another review? MR. ECHOLS: Yes, in the computation of his annuity, and so on, they would verify at that time the creditable service -- and this would probably come up then, but I would much rather have it come up now. This brings up one little thought. Does this information ever get back to the individual? I mean, he isn't told SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRET that on such and such a date we determined he had so much Federal service, etc. These things are for internal use only? Yes. MR. WARFIELD: Well, the longevity computation date ought to be on every personnel action that he gets. I'm not sure that it's on every personnel action, but I think it is on assignments and promotions. Well, he can get that information any time. MR. WARFIELD: It may be his idea that he has been employed by the U. S. Government ever since-- MR. ECHOLS: I wonder if an Agency Notice might not be published to invite anybody who has service in some obscure capacity to come into the Office of Personnel and try to clarify this at this time. It would be much better to do it now than to wait until the time of retirement. Well, it's certainly going to be critical in terms of the 15 years. MR. WARFIELD: I also have some question about his total Federal service here-- MR. ECHOLS: Well, we will certainly go back to the Career Service on this specific case. And they are perhaps a little more likely than other Services to have this type, are they not, Alan? Isn't FBIS more likely than other Career Services to have persons of this type? MR. WARFIELD: I think they are the only ones that have this particular set of circumstances. Earlier regulations used to always deal with FBIS foreign national employees under a separate category. MR. ECHOLS: Well, I'll go in writing to FBIS and request them to look over the bacround of their people very carefully and try to make sure prior service as an employee is brought out in the future. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRCI. I would like to bring to your attention the case of only for this reason: he has 70 months of overseas service which he got as a member of Communications, and he now has been transferred to the Personnel Career Service and although in his current assignment is working in a management control position it is our intention in future assignments to send him overseas again -- so as far as I'm concerned, even if he didn't have his 70 months, he would be in an appropriate field of service. Are there any other cases anybody would like to What are you doing with theF--~ case? Leaving it in? MR. ECHOLS: I see no reason not to put it in--- In this category he is okay with or without those three years. If he was under the 15 year category we would-- MR. ECHOLS: Would this put him in the 15 year category? No, no -- it's a question of nine or 1Z years of service. So, in any event he is qualified for inclusion -- even though he had nine. MR. ECHOLS: I think he should be designated, then -- but I will go back to the Career Service on this specific question. I have one case marked here, but I don't know why I marked it -- (Case No. 41). Does everything look all right there? Oh, I think I wanted to know what was, Harry. SECRE' Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRET I have a feeling that our final problem bring to your attention, and that is the case of of qualifying service is going to be narrowed down tremendously after we get all these people - people like for example, is one of these types - the nature of his job is such that it wouldn't be debatable as far as qualifying service, because he is constantly on the road or on call to take off and do his job. And then he has enough time in, in addition to that. An awful lot of them will turn out that way. MR. ECHOLS: There was one case I really wanted to (Case No. 76). I just wanted to make sure he is still a citizen of the United States. Do you allow him home leave? To the best of my knowledge, he has never taken it, if we do. MR. ECHOLS: Any other discussion on any of these I move we designate those listed under paragraph D. MR. WARFIELD: Second. This motion was then passed . . . . Mr. Sorel joined the meeting at this point . . . MR. ECHOLS: Paul, we agreed before we started this meeting that we would let you or any other latecomers have their say -- so maybe we should go back now and ask you if you have any-- MR. BOREL: Roger (Seely) is on his way here. We have been farewelling Ray Cline -- and we apologize, but this was the only time we could get our group together. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECR 25X9 25X9 25X9 25X9 MR. ECHOLS: Seriously, though, did you have any cases you wanted to discuss? MR. BOREL: No, I have none. MR. ECHOLS: We have without exception voted all of these nominees into the System. And we also are releasing this Policy Book. Is there any New Business? MR. WARNER: I'd like to report that I discussed with Red the question of reporting on the status of the System, etc. , on the Hill, and he rather felt that we ought to hold off until about April on it -- and there's no reason why we can't. MR. ECHOLS: Do we want to bring our report up to date before we do that? MR. WARNER: That is the point of it. MR. WARFIELD: There is one question that we don't seem to be able to answer, and that is - we know how many participants we have, but how many cases have we reviewed? - not by this Board, but have been reviewed, overall -- in other words, how far have we gone through the Agency? Do we have that figure? MR. ECHOLS: As of 8 February we have called up to be screened some employees; we have screened to date =have been recommended by the Board to be designated; =designations of action have been effected -- in other words, we have communicated with the individual and gotten back his response but there is some paper in the mixer ~-t-,11. ---31_-- - cases pending Career Service action - down. SEC Rye il -- and that number has gone Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRET 25X1 25X9 25X9 MR. WARFIELD: If you take the that have been redlined and the ones who are in process -- the ones that have been processed by the Board -- then you have a total of the number of people that have been actually considered? MR. ECHOLS: Yes. were redlined, and the Board has recommended0-- in other words, we have received all of the papers -- out of MR. WARFIELD: We are about half way through, then. Then that figure represents the complete call up-- MR. ECHOLS: Minus the military, etc. We have called our last rosters up. We have completed the call up of those who have any eligibility, conceivably. So if we can keep going like this, I think we'll make it all right -- I hope. I think there are lots of redlined ones that are going to come through very fast. Well, what is your distinction between the pending action figure of and the difference between the pending to a certain extent? Career Services. between the difference of They are pending in the What is happening to the difference Redlined pending action? There is a -- which, if you have called up, it would seem to me it's in the hands of the Career Services. MR. ECHOLS: Does this include our latest roster? It does not include the last roster. 12 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 -- 11 you ca..lea them up aren't they also Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9 SECRET response.) MR. ECHOLS: Any other New Business? (No The meeting is adjourned. . . . . The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p. m. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP78-03092A000200140002-9