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Approved For Release 2003/08/07 AIDNI11:1116i81431066R00040012004141t3hment to 25X1 D--3(i BY-PASS TURBOJET ENGI NE pt 15Th(-) - w+- a A .'i[Aatntli. AL, CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 GROUP 1 biclodecl from automatic downgrading and declassification r-.71 , 1+1 L .71 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 L Approved Fccoliejegs.g-g 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306E 25X1 R000400120001-3 25X1 Ap p acted' IDEOIRelela se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 V_:' Approved FC(Si;.1461iiigg Par 1 /08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 APP 110344M:8147000 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 GENERAL" DATA Approved leellittileaS4120.0 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Appremd:ffirfttet_a se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Chapter I GENERAL DATA 1. GENERAL INFORVATION The R-30 engine (Figs 1 and 2) is a by-pass, two-shaft tvrbojet engine posses- sing a two-spool compresser. As compared to other types of aircraft turbojet?, the by-pass (two air flow ducts) configuration ensures high fuel economy at any flight conditions, siuole operation, low noire level, cold exterior shrouds of the engine. Th3 engine high perforsance data are attained duo to a higher air flow, turbine inlet tceperature, co4Frossor preseure ratio, high efficiencies of the engine compo- nents, low hydraulic lessee in the engine flow path and due to efficient nixing cf the by-pace duct Lir flow and of the main duct gas flow. The T,-30 by-pass turbojet is designed for high-speed medium-range passenger airliner 5-7-1?. The two-shett turbojet ceploys a two-spool conpreasor and two air- flow ducts (by-pasc and oain). A two-steg (first) high-pressure turbine drives the conpreaeor high-pressure rotor, which delivers air into the rain air duct, whereas a two-stage (second) low- preacure turbine imparts rotation to the coepreneor low-preseure rotor, feeding compressed air both into the by-pass and main ducts of the engine. The tween:',aft configuration saterially iproves engine performance, providee for more easy starting and alloys faster acceleration of the engine within the anbiont air teperature range from plus 50?C to minus 50?C. The engine is controlled by means of a single lever. To allow operation of the cogino under any weather and climatic conditions, une bux been E-de of appropriate materialo and reliable anti-corrosion coatings in the engine construction. The engine, has a low weight-to-thrust retie which ia a result of wide una of titanium and all3ninium alloys and profound development of the engine unite and peTte. To ensure cafe flying of the aircraft, the engine is provided with automatic de-icing naans, internal and external fire-fighting systems, chip-detecting syeten, vibration measuring equipment and jet pipe teuperaburo limiting eyetem. . The 1-30 engine consists of the following nein units and systems, (a) an axial, four-stage low-preenure conpressor section; (b) a by-pass duct entry heueirg carrying drive gear boxes; (c) an rwial, ten-stage high-pressure compressor section; Approved -intRettegsg-120,0 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306E 25X1 R000400120001-3 25X1 Appr6ailt11keltela 2 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIN AND ENGINE KINEMATICS (d) aceenuler ocebuation chatOaer enclosing twelve flame tubes; (a) a two-atage (first) gas turbine; (f) a two-steee (eecond) gen turbine; (g) main end by-pass flow mixing jet nozzle); (h) an engine fuel supply end automatic control system; (1) a lubricating oil and breathing eye-em; (j) a poror supply and eterting eyetcm; (k) a fire-fighting syztem; (1) external fittings and components serving for engine mounting on the air- craft. 2. PRINCIPLE OP OPERATION AND MOIRE KINEMATICS The air drawn in by the low-preesure section of the compresmor flows in the axial direction, gets compreeeed in the compeessor low-pressure section and is car- ried into the by-pass duct entry housing. Sore, tho air is divided into two streams flowing into the by-pees and rain.ongino decte., The air flowing through the by-peee duct enters the nixene jot nozzle. The air flovine through the main duct of the engine enters the high-preenure Election of the coeprennor, where it is additionally coeprossed to be directed into the combuetion cheeber. In the coabuetion chamber the air is heated at the expenses of continuously burning fuel which is delivered into the Plena tubos via burners OP-30,C. Part of the air in the combustion chamber euatains burning of fuel, whereae the main portion of the air mixos with hot eaces, thereby reducirg tee tomporatura of the genes so as to ensure more favourable conditione for the operation of the combustion chamber components and the turbine. A stream of hot gases leaving the coebustion cheeber caucee rotation of the two-ntaeo (first) and two-stege (cocoed) turbines, then cntors the mixing jot nozzle to get nixed with the by-pans duct air and discharged into the atmosphere at great velocity. Thus, the total engine thrust is conpoeed of tha thructs built up in the by- pass and pain engine duets. Power deeeloped by the first turbine in coneueed in driving the compressor high-pressure rotor and air the accessory units, excluding centrifugal epeed gover- nor NP-1B and conpreecor.lee-presaure rotor tachoretor generator KTO-5T. Power developed by the second turbine in coneueed in drivers the compronsor low-prescure rotor, centrifugal governor NP-111 and compresnor low-proecuro rotor tachoneter generator AT3-5T. The eneine. kinematic:: (Pig.5) consist of two individual eystemn: (a) the cozprceeor doe-pressure section - tiro cocci-id turbine; (b) the coepreesor high-preeeure section - the first turbine. The compressor low-pressure rotor is driven by the second turbine through the medium of an ietereediate splinod chart. The compreseor lor-proseure rotor rides in two I:eerie-es: the front roller heart g anA the rear radial-thrust ball bearing. The front roller bearing and the aheft of the escond turbine aro enclosed in tee coepeceeor hieh-preeeure rotor cleft and the firet turbine nbeit reseectively. The reareoet second turbine rotor support comprising a roller bearing is conetrect- ed inteeral eith the nixing jet nozzle asseebly. Approved FRVOglaW-21/03/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Appic9ediMrIslidee se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Approved F&*1iereriiigilk.0013/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 Appth6;44 'Itterti4se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Approved 1:Co9Rglr2t010 R000400120001-3 ApptUte01:E11f4e se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Approved Fei?ctiikia'siii,M103/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 3R000400120001-3 1?11 AppialetUFEIcFrt\Re se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 111111 r\ ? IN FLANC TUBE 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 600 700 600 500 400 300 200 10'7 P 18 ' 17 /6 /4 13 12 Ii t0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 W14151C 500 400 300 200 100 - KEY: ITY-P ASS 0,1CT MAIN DUCT IN CC,ADUSTION CHAYSCH CASING FIG. 4. VARIATION OF ENGINE PARAMETERS ALONG AIR AND GAS FLOW PATHS Approved FWIrtelaSg tido 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 .4 AppirseetPIEMIRe.) se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 4 PRINCIPLE OF OPEPATICN AND ENGINE KINEMATICS The comproaaor high-preasuro rotor is drivou by the firot turbine, the coaprea- per and first turbine etafts being coupled by Doane of a spained joint and a coupl- ing clove. The coaprereor hiah-preaeuro rotor rune in two boariaant the front rol- ler bearing and the roar radial-thrust ball bearing which serves) at tho name time ate a front support for the first turbine shaft. A roller bearing nate an a rear sup- port for the firet turbine ehaft. The drives acconacalated in the upper gear box are actuated by the compreaeor hiah-preoeuro rotor haft through tho nodium of a spur gear nounted on compreasor shaft splinen, driving and drivon bevel gears and an upper vertical abaft. The upper gear box accommodates tho driven of the following accessory unite: I - centrifugal breather UC-30, II - high-Tarr:sour(' rotor tachoaeter generator AT3-5T, III - CID-laTra:0 ntorter-genorator (two drivea). Tho driven arranged in tho right-and drivo gear box are driven by tho comproa- nor low-pressure rotor chaft through the cediam of a spur gear Brained onto the 1.p. rotor shaft, a pair of bevel gears and a aplined shaft. The right-hael drive gear box accomredates the drives of the following acces- sories; XII - centrifugal speed governor UP-1B of ocaprossor 1,p. rotor, XIII - low-pranaure rotor tachometer genorator AT3-5T. The drives lcoated in the lower drive gear bon are driven by the chart of tho compressor high-p- c.roure rotor. Accoaaodated in the lowor drive gear box are the driven of the following accorsory units: IV - hydraulic paap F243-1 or En43v-11 - 011H-30 rain oil prop; VI - U110-30 oil scavenging puap; VII - Ra-30 fuel reaulating peep; VIII - 11P-2bcantrifeael speed governoa of h.p. rotor; IX - gr0-cc-3o centrifugal doaerater; X - gun-A-nar fuel booster pump; XI - stand-by drive. When the engine is being started, the torque is tranemitted from the two starter-generatora to tho compressor high-pressure rotor via the bevel gears and the vertical splinca ehaft of the upper drive gear box. 3. HAIN TECHNICAL DATA Ganoral 1. Engine model designation A-30 2. Engine type turbojet, by-pane, two-nhaft 3. Direction of rotation of compressor and turbine rotors (lool:ing from carhaurt unit end) counteraclookwiee 4. Conpreaeort - type axial, two-spool nalber or staaens (a) low-preeaure eeetion 4 (b) high-prareare oaction 10 Approved Rh 1200 IR3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 000400120001-3 03/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 App96414q:1"r1g se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 IlvrOVIC1 31.1.VIVININ MONA IS 'Old Approved EettRiiratel at 6R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Appkettenii- sigebila se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TLCIIN:CAL DA1A r pressure ratio under standard atmospheric condi- tions On crc-ti..sd (11 = 0, V 0): TWke-Orf-- norri-T7I--- (a) lcv-pranure action 2.65?0.1 2.340. (b) high-pressure seatian 7.1?0.1 6.410.1 (c) total pressure ratio 18.4i0.2 14.5i0.2 5. Combustion aatiber: -typo cannular - number of flame tubes 12 - arrangement of flans tubes along circumference relative to engine axis - flame tubo numbering counter-clockwiea (loohing from 6. Turbine: -type ? - number of utagos: (a) first turbine (b) second turbine 7. Jet nozzle: - typo exhaust unit end); upper left-hand flame tube (relative to engine vertical axis) being flame tube go.1 axial 2 2 mixing, subsonic, fixed-area - mixing jet nozzle exit area, sl.w 0.3410.001 5 LubricatiraLla 1. Lubricating nyatom open-circuit, with scavenging oil into tank 2. Oil grades MK-3 (State Standard GOST 6457-53), VX-8 11 (Specification UPTY12H Mo.12-62), with viscosity amounting to not lens than 8 centistokes at 50?0; 581111 E1150-1-40 (Specification MPTY-33-1-15t1-65) with viscosity emounting to not lees than 3.2 centistokes at 100?C. re of oil 101-8 and oil V11-811 in any to replace oil grades produced in the for lab in the engine. MoteR: 1. It in allowed to use a mixtu proportion. 2. Refer to Table on Page 66 USSR by foreign oil products 3. Oil consumption, kg/hr: - on the ground not over 1.5 - in flight not over 1.0 4. Oil pressure at engine inlet, kg/sq.cm: - with engine .iperating at idling rating 2 5, nin - with angina operating at other rating? 3 5 - 4.5 - when adjustIng engine at 0.V nori?.al rating ..4 ? 0.2 Approved Fcals&IPEtkPV 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 AppAckiW1d4 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 4 MAIN TECHNICAL DATA 5. 011 tamperatm.e at engir4.inlat, ?C: - recomacuice 50 - 70 - mnzinalm permissible 80 - minimum: (a) when operating on oil grados EX-8 and UZ,S2 . - 30 (b) than (naerating on oil grade EMIR I50-l-4 o - 40 - naximuu pormissiblo for not mare than 10 min 90 Note: Aft the C. comes to a standetill, engine inlet oil tomperature nay rien to 95'0. 6. Pasziwum pormAcciblc oil tonporature at engine outlet, ?C 120 7. Rate of oil flow through enginc at nornal rating, with inlet oil temperature amounting to 600C, kg/min 27 - 36 8. Peat transfer to oil at normal rating, with inlet oil tnperature equal 80?C1 Cal/min not over 525 9. Pain oil pmmn: - denignation 01T-30 - type gear-type, two-element, including delivery and scavenging elements number 1 delivery auction output, at normal rating with counter-pressure of 4 kg/eq.cm, and proseure control valve plugged, lit/min not lose than 120 - scavenging eection output at normal rating, with counter-pressure amounting to 1 - 1.5 kg/sq.cm, lit/min not less than 100 10. Oil scavenging pump: - desigmaticn MR0-30 - type gear-typo, comprising four scavenging elementa - number 1 - pump output at _normal pressure amounting to (total output of four 11. Centrifugal deaeretor, detecting filter: - designation - number 12. Centrifugal breathers rating, with counter- 1 - 1.5 kg/sq.nn elements), lit/min provided with chip- - deeignation - number .. 13. rain oil filter: - designation UtC-30 - typo gauze - number not less than 175 ltD0,-W-30 1 LIC-30 1 Approved Ire?RelENiNglatID R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 AilApprOORFFEtlitRil se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TECHNIC/a. DATA 5. Oil temperau'eo at engins - reccnITers.70 - maximum persaissible 80 - minimum: (a) when operating on oil grados rK-8 and. 11%-s6U inlet, ?C: 50-70 (b) when cparating on oil grade ma 12150-1-1, -30 - 40 - maximum pez?niesible for than 10 min not more 90 Hotet Aftew the engine comes to a standstill, engine inlet oil tomporature may - rine to 951C. 6. Vc_ximum perissiblo oil tnmperetwro at engines outlet, ?C 120 7. Rate of oil flow through engine at normal rating, with inlet oil to:sperature amounting to CO?C, kg/-in 27 - 36 8. Heat transfer to oil at nozmal rating, With inlet oil tonperature equal 80?C, Cal/min not over 525 9. Yain oil pup: - designation Olnd-30 - typo goaT-type, two-element, including delivery and scavenging elements 1 - number - dolivory eection output, at normal rating with countor-prossure of 4 kg/sq.cm, and prossuro control valyo plugged, lit/min .... - scavenging raction output at normal rating, with countor-pressuro amounting to 1 - 1.5 kg/sq.cm, lit/nin 10. Oil scavenging pump: - designation - type not less than 120 not less than 100 ETIO-30 ? gear-type, comprising four ecavenging elements - number 1 - pump output stnormal pressure amounting to (total output of four 11. Centrifugal decorator, detecting filter: - designation - number rating, with counter- 1 - 1.5 kg/sq.cm olements), lit/min ... provided with chip- 12. Centrifugal breathers - designation - nusthor 1 13. Eain oil filters - donignation UCC-30 - typo gauze - number 1 not less than 175 UBO-00-30 1 4C-30 Approved treTF.4e19pREn26S 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 )3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 ApprGakfaciflirdkist se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TECHNICAL DATA Pre' system 1. Credo of trel (main end ntarting), koroeMne .. T-1, TC-1 (State Standard GOST 10227-52), ic-ir (according to Specification )117 12H Ho.36-63) Hotm.ss 1, halen operating the engine on the above fuel credos at subzero ambient air toperatures do not fail to use additives preventing ice- noodle formation in fuml. 2. Tao engino may operates on fuels T-1, TC-1 and TO-IL' mixed in any proportion. 3. Hofer to Table on rage 66 to replace fuel grades produced in the usaa by foroigs fvel products for uso in the eugino. - fuel tompsraturo during engine operutiou, ?C -50 to +80 - rs-rinnm permissible tomporaturo of fuel for not more than 10 min of continuous opera- tion, ?C 90 2. Fuel booster pump: - designation - r1111-44-nn - type centrifugal - number 1 - frol prermere (absolute) at pu p inlet, kg/cal.am (a) during starting on the ground 1.7 - 2.7 (b) during operation at any rating 0.3 - 2.5 3. Fuel burners: - dosigaatten ? typo centrifugal, two-duct, two-nozzle - nuribor 12 - fuel pressure in primary manifold, at which main fuel manifold starts functioning, kg/sq.c,1 14, in - maximum fuel prossuro in primary manifold upstream of burners, yg/sq.em 65 Automatic Fuel Control System 1. Fuel regulating pump - doeigeation . HP-30 - type plunger typo, with centrifugal speed govornor - numbor 1 - fuol sterts to be supplied into the engine autosatically.no coon aa conpressor high- prossuro rotor gains speed of, rpm 9700 'I 50 (82.5 - 83.5%) - engin? mpood limited by over-temperaturo control myctom En-35' rpm lq500 ? 75 (89.5 - 90.5%) - accolort.tion tine fros idle speed to rpm value by 180 rpm less than take-off rating rpm, and to 95 per coat take-off thrust, coo 10 - 15 Approved e arRoblme 2,0 R000400120001-3 7 25X1 25X1 ApprGikArkWrk61661 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN 1 EU INICAL DATA - exhaust-gas temperature during acceleration check (measured as average by means of 12 themocouliles), ?C 620, max - fuel pressure at fool regulating pump inlet, 1.8 2.9 keisq.cm 2. Centrifugal rpod governor designed for limiting M3XiMUM rpm of compressor low-pres- sure rotor: - designation 12 - typo h1y-dir:mechanical - number 1 - limiting speed of compressor low-pressure rotor, rpm 7900 (925-' 9357) -25 3. Centrifugal governor, desienod for automatic control of compressor bleb-pressure rotor speed: - designation RP-2B type hydromechsnical - number speed at uhich voltage tupply is cut off starter-goner tors (operating as starters) and at thich ice warning system is energized, rpM 4500 ? 200 (37 - speed at which uir blow-off shutters aft of 4th and 5th stages of compressor h.p. rotor get closed and IGV poaition ftsgle is chang- ed over from -10 dog. to 0 deg., with rotor 4+125 speed increasing, rpm 900 (79 - 81.5%)-175 - speed at rhich aircraft air intake de-icing , +125 air supply is charged over from 10th to 5th stage of compressor high-pressure section, with rotor spoed incro.ssing, rpm 9400-175 (79 - 81.5%) - spood at thick do-icing air butterfly valves are changed over from bleeding air aft of compressor h.p. nection 5th etage to bleed- ing air aft of comprose,:r h.p. section 10th stage and at which ICV position angle is changed over from 0 dee. to -10 deg., with rotor speed decreasing, rpm 9100 + 100 (77 - 79%) 4. Actuators controlling air blow-off shutters aft of 4th and 5th etagon of comprennOr high- pressure eeetion, butterfly valvos for bleed- ing dc-icing air either from 5th or 10th stage to supply it to aircraft air intake and low- preesuro compressor section ICVe, as well as turning variable IGVe of comprenner high- pres:ure section: - type hydraulic Approved Fe:OR?ledeeT203 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Appraeifrailit ,11?120.111?111140.11111161- - e 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TECHNICAL DA TA ? malbor 6 ? nazirdum fuel pressure in hydraulic actuators, keSq.cm 60 0 Starting System 1. Voltene supply and starting systems ? designation 0113-30 ? typo self?contained, electric 2. Starter?generator used as starter during engine start? ing, and as D.C. generator during engine operations ? designation 0717-12TS20 ? nu:nber 2 ? drive gear ratio: (a) at stnrter duty 2.208 (b) at generator duty 0.69? ? direction of rotation counter?elockwise 3. Autonatic charting control unit: ? designation ATIA-1913R, series II ? nu:then (per two engineo) 1. ? tine of operation at starter duty, soca (a) during Cr. iro creating 30 ? 36 (b) durirg engine starting 45 ? 50 4. Voltage togulators ? designation P11-180, series II ? number 2 5. Roverso curent cut?out rolays ? designation MP-400T, series(' II ? number 2 6. Starting control panels ? designation nor-2A, series II ? number (por tno engines) 7. Starter?generator over4oltage automatic circuit breakers ? designation rin-cm, series IV ? number 2 8. Relays PRC-1 ? dosignatinn ? number (per two engines) 1 9:Ignition system: ? ignition unit designation CUA-22-2A ? type lowvoltage, with capacit? ance discharge ? nubsr 1 ? tine of elicration, secs (a) during ground etarting 45 (b) in flight ctarting 60 Approved lEaPPIdials41200 IR3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 App6e41Pk46 10 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TECHNICAL DATA 10. Icnitien plugs' ? derignatien ? type - nur.ber 011-08311 surface discharge 2 Fetes Acceceory unite listed under Items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are installed at the - aircraft Yanufacturirg plant. 11. Nembr of starting cyclen performed from three storege batteries 120A-55 without boost?charging 3 12. Tine rceutrad by engine for gaining idle speed on ground, after preosing =AT button, nee 120, max. 13. ihnber of starts within eervice life according to the Service Log 14. Exhtuet gam temperature at ntarting, 0C . 620, max. of the enine 15. Critical altitude for engine starting, km 7 EltaLI:igll_atiA2ment (installed at aircraft Manufacturing plant) 1. Conprossor high?preseure rotor tachometer: (a) techometor generators ? designation AT3-5T ? nu!fber 1 (b) iacheeeter indicator: ? deeignation 1173-2T ? number (per two onginCS) 1 2. Con'.,Temnor low?preeeuro rotor tachometer: (a) techometer generators ? depignation 31T3-5T ? nembar 1 (b) tschomater indicators ? designation 1T3-2T ? number (per two engines) 1 fusten: 1. Compreeeor low?pressure rotor speed is not an engine parameter to be measured regularly. Therefore, an additional panel must be provided in the tircraft for inntallation of the tachometer indicator in caea of need. 2. It is allowed to employ tachometer generators AT3-1 and tachometer indicators tT2-2. 3. Electeic rotor irdicator intended for measuring fuel pressure in burners, inlet oil temperature ycd pros? cure: ? designation ? number (a) engine inlet oil ? designation (b) engine inlet oil - deeignation temperature transmitters pressure tranenitters (c) primary manifold fuel pressure ce'uge transmitters 3NE?CPT2 1 set n-63 KAT-81, caries III (with enubber A59.-4) ? designation EAT-100, Eerier; III (with snubber11-59-2) Approved lEOIReltealskT120.013/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066k000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 AppF6Mi se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TECHNICAL DATA (d) indicator: - designatien 3913-3p series II 4. Standard roustc-reading fuel regulating pump inlet preseure gasse of induction typo: - designation - uumbor (a) transmitter designation AT-I-4T, series III I set serien III (with snubber A59-4) Y81-4, series II (b) indicator designation 5. IGV position nicreemitch (installed on engines): - designation - umber - with IG7s at 0 deg, position - rith IGTs at -10 des. position A-812K light is out light is on Air Bleed Syntem 1. Air bleed for pasoanger cabin pressurization: - corproacor high-pressure section stego after which air in bled numbrr of air bleed flsrgos 1 (right or left) - amount of air tappsd at rating equal to 0.88 normal rating, Yg/hr: (a) at I. caoo m slid V . 600 km/hr 2000 (b) at H. 11.000 m and V = 700 km/hr 1800 2. A.1.v blcrd for aircraft. V:11 and flu do-icing systems: - stags of cesprossor high-pressure section after. rhich air in bled 5 - number of dr bleed flanges - amount of air bled at 0.88 normal rating, kg/hr: (a) 0; H . 0 and V . 400 km/hr 5200 (b) at H . 6000 m and V . 500 km/hr 3100 3. Air blood for aircraft air intake de-icing system: - compressor high-preesuro cootion stazo after which air is bled at epeed of up to 9400T3 rpm (29 ? 81.5) 10 - corogEor high-pressure section stage aftor which air in bled at speeds from 9400%:g rpm to maximum . taka-off rating 5 - air bleed system control automatic - nunt:?r of air blood flange:: 1 - csort of air bled aft of 10th ctago at idling ratirg, kg/kr: (a) at H g 0 and V = 400 km/hr (b) at H = 6000 n End V g 500 kn/hr - amoamt of air bled aft of 5th stage at 0.88 normal rating, k,fhx: (a) et H .0 and V . 400 1:17/hn 1100 1050 1500 Approved FCoVRelei2a 6R000400120001-3 II 25X1 25X1 /08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 Appf&kitliNOALeiee 12 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 b'AIN TECHNICAL DATA () at u. G000 m and V = 900 koihr 720 4. Lir blood for aircraft hydraulic tank pressurization system: - stage of .compressor high-preseure section after rhich air is blad 10 - number of air blood. flanges 1 licAnti 1. Lir bleed for pressurization of the passenger cabin is performed at all the flibt altitudes and any engine rating up to rpm value not oxceeding 2. Lhti-icing air for the aircraft wing, fin, and intake do-icing sys- tema nay b& bled at flight altitudes up to 10.000 m and to engine rpm not oxceeding 97,. 3. At take-off rating compressed air may be bled only for aircraft air iutake and engine de-icing systems at flight altitudes up to 2000 m. Vith the sir bleed systtmo of the aircraft air intake and engine de- icing systems cut in, the engine runs at oaxi7um_liake-off rating under control of ovortemporstare controller 12) adjusted to tem- perature limit exceeding by 15'C the rated exhaust gas temperature at maxiuum take-off-rating ulth no air bled to other aircraft-needs. The engine nest not operLte longer than 2 min at maxisum take-off rating with the de-icing car bleed system cut in. 4. kir for pros:ruritation of the aircraft hydraulic tank is bled at all oporating conditions of the engine. 5. Air bleed for feedin the froon plant is allowed with the air int,31co de-icing system inaporative, at any rating up to rpn not exceeding 6. Amounte of air bled are given for standard atmospheric conditione. Turbine Outlet Gas Or-ortemnorsture Control SIDten MPT-32 (a) Overtempt-,ature controller. amplifier (installed on aircraft, supplied with engino): - d'onignation YPT-19A-2 - number - operatitz voltage across amplifier terminals, V 27 ? 10% - temperature limit surplus us compared to take-off rating .IPT. at standard atmospheric conditions, t)C +15 (b) Twin thormecouples (supplied with engine): - designation - number 12 (a) Ovortemptrature Hatter actuating tait provided with solenoid M-243 (mounted on fuel regulating pump LF-30): - designation. OT - number 1 (d) Jet pip& tomporatnre gauge: - desigattion UT-2T - numbor, Motel It is permissible to employ JPT gauges, model LT-2. Vibrmtion VcantrirgtEuty-nont (installed at the aircraft Manufacturing plant) - designation MB-200E - number (per two engines) 1 est Approved Flare kil6igivb R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 ApptI!Mille/lea se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TECIINICAL DATA electronic unit: - dosisnation - number vibration p--u - designation - n=bor 2 indicator: - dosisnation H-53C - number , 2 pots: The electronic unit is fed frou A.G. maine with 115 V ? 5%, 400 cps ? current. BS-6 1 B-25E-B -typo 13 De-icins System thernopnoumatic (none bullet and compressor 1.p. section IGVs are heat- ed by air bled from comprensor h.p. section aft of 5th or 10th stagos) Enstna nose les31c;t and ICV dc-icing varning system units (supplied with casin)): (a) Ice detector: - dosignntion 10-2021 - typo eloctropneuma- tic with elect- or - feed voltage, V 27 ?10% - :lumbar ? (b) solonoid-cparated.valvo: - demisnt?cu M782000 - number 1 (c) pressure switch, standard: - designatin =2-0.15 - number (d) butterfly valvo electric actuator: - dosiznation D11-511 - number 1 Firc-TtEhtio7 System - dosisftfAion of onsino fire alarm system 207K - type thermoelectric - number (per ti-ra engines) 1 cot Approved ForRiPiefEWITA0 3/08/07 : CIA-R0P78-0306 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 AppEdDeifINiVRekka se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 14 CORFIDZA TILL MIONTECW.KM DATA swegs,....aps? (a) fire detectors ^ decignat5on 7111-6 - number 2 ^ temperature at which signal is sent, ?C 550+150 (b) amoymt of fire extinguishant (freon 1148-2) used for fighting firs inside ongino, kg 2.725 Fates Piro dstectoro ZU-6 are supplied together with the engine. Engine dry weight, kg 1550 ? 2% Motet The dry weight of the engine does not include the weieats of the following parts: - front frane adapter - 15 kg, - upper drivo gear box - 33 6 kg, - teo starter-gencratore CTT-12tP.i0 - 74 kg, - piston purnp U43-1 - 9.6 kg, - engine sling brackets - 8.9 kg, - cl,ocking and seaturing inotruments: V2L-erl (2 pen) 1 1,71-L (2 pas), n-63, (series III), 1..:1-100 (series III), Y,W-4 (series III), - 4, 6 kg, - parts and units of air bled systec for aircraft needs - 9.5 kg, - firo-fighting system component parts - 6 kg, Engine overall dimenstons, pm; - length 3933.5 ? lo - din:actor (across compressor 1.p. section front frame outline loos protrving ducts and brackots) ? 1050 C.G. position en neacnred ahead of plane of engine attachent unit on bed-carrying ring (for engine furnished with set of RI). accessory usits, aircraft accessories included), as 40 t 10 Engine service life before first overhaul rocorded in Sarvice Log - including ongine operating time: - at maxirum take-off rating 5';7, - at norual rating - at other ratings, not restricted ptm. Engine accunuluted hours in service are surlmed up of engine operating tine in flight and 20 par cent of engine running time on the ground. Hamicun pornissible -engine vibration overloads, as measured from side attachment unit sides: - of attachint unit load-carrying hanger housing 3.5 g - of compressor I0V assembly 3.5 g - of by-pans duct entry housing 4 g Aircraft Aoccssory Units Mounted on Engine 1. Startor-gcnerator gTr...12T17.n0 (E.uppitod with engine) see Item 2 under, "Starting $y5- ten" in this Chapter 2. Pioton pump (not cupplied with engine) 25X1 Approved FWElilaii1200/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 IAppW46'xiiiPOrlk& se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 TCt%,02L i... ; 15 - destc:.ctiom 1:7-13-] or HI143U-I - type laurzer 3.. Vacant (stfuld-by) drive (cnplued for cr.o oa,)re4,aor h.p. r-oCor):. - ner:bcr - Iernicaible oatrut 15 rOtea: I. c-itoostic alartic c-,ntrol unIt tTTt 120 (aerie:: II), the rec,atirc elApnent of startcnerators, the uensurinc instru- ments, ctustinc cnit 2C7Y, of the en,-,ine flre-elaim systc, end vibra- tion ruaolirilic ea.cipnent are rot mil-111,d witn the encine. Oxertempereturo controller amplifier and fife detectors DIT-6 are aJpilled with the ancine. 2. Tin far ratio valoes of all tiie ,coaccory units and isattui:ents, exclpaive of coapressor ?on-pre:at:re rotor taoLamoter ceserator DT3-57 ar-,d eentrif,cal Ce) viito the rpm veluss of the co-precoor hich-p-ceos cotar, :Lc Ecci VeitiD values of CO: ,1,.-7E533:1- rvtOr tachoriater Eenerator or,d centrifu.:,e1 cave:a-al-IV-dB are :elated to the rr, val-uer of the . cur,preLror 1cve--cr:ecr2 cico CilS.5). '? Given in the rain tucl,nioni deta are menonetric pot .0.2 ext:01-..t otheroiae steled. 4. 1:6 on tachaxoter indicate: coale corroupondu to: (n) 55,21 ri, for Cc,p-'0300Y 1.1,. tutor]. (b) 116.7? rpn for ocr,r.raiisar h.p. Fcc,ine 0-zcIfetir; ConliCions 1. Fricins idliuc ratisz (11,, 0, V . 0, t, -4I5017, 760 m, Ii;) thruat, ing 475, Lax cOmprercor h.p. rotor speed, r,?-1 '1200 I IOU (6) ,e-, max - turbine outlet cca teilperatu:e, 00 360, max - tine of continuous operation, r,In not llnited hourly fuel consecTtion, kcidr 2. rrzine Veto titincs or; Ground (under standard strool.serio conditions) Table I Pncino rat inc tece of hot nore thou 5 xin of C011t1.- 0115 010 lion. Speed of ca.prear,or rotnia rpn (per cent) a rotor (fir (for rotot(1'.il,: coo- refe:,:u,nce: radponda to correspacds to 0,7_,(.?? r.cm) titI rim) T;C-:t7-5 (V).5- 91.5) Approved FWFtelliitglitio Thrust, ,i,peolfic fuel consdnptton, 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 Turbine outlet cc: mean temperature, Oct MGX Lt.) 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 AppfsiViedetti-Reli 16 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Ve.?:7,0N1CA!..., DATA _ ontal.( not 11.:.Y. o.1) 0,E) norti ( ot llonited). 0.7 not-nal (not lir-it 0.6 (not 0.53 nort,e1 (not llt?ite) 2 3 4 ca5.0 '75 T.cC' 5640 (79.5-0I.5) (2.5-94) 655,-; +75 (7(---73> fi5 (70-72) :.37.0--. -To (,-,E,5-08.5) ? (5-=) +50 f,517Y:' 1-75 (? ( 000 -2??? .35( 3000 ay) 5 6 0,565 530 0,575 495 (for ref.) 0,575 450 (for ref.) LI: It 2.II.CC0 e, I! r0.75 , ra tit J., I i?ot?.tor (Sot. Ire e nano' e: correay?-?,:,:r. OC 1.b7/ rpt,) ; 'cone: t 5521 r1.0) 45,1, to--a ff ?too ? ?100 ?22 , ( `)2?5 33.5) (n,t of continuo...-. o;teration) (not 15...t.itt,(1) 0.63 (not lihait 0.7 noroal (not Unit'-)) 0.6 non-cal (rot 11.r1t 750 -175 roc .12 oC) 420 (for oaf.) 400 (fcr Table 2 foz.,?!..oo out rvel bz,fi 31:0Eal too- glk 118.X 0 t,ox o05 540 7160 . 10 ::120 1,7L55 535 (3.5-65) (90.5-0.1.5) (for ref.) 0520. 10,35) ; (7C,-0)) ; 5) 6.450 ?75 1 mio (75-7E.5) 0,770 460 (for ref.) 0,70 410 (for ref.) 1. The ala--n ,1o0o.,1 ch-z; r,-.or.,:tera o.r:-? 'Ivan v;: on. et coont of c. T.; -IL .is oriel ft-,4 ti."rJt rti.11., ?..-.1tr,;:. IL L", : (el t! t ' 2 t I -LI' )! n f11;:tio (00.5) for t _nit rot Approved FCaikiikfikigvdo 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306E rarI&t1no, Li R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 AppW461111POR6Ate se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 MAIN TECIINICAL DATA 17 3. !ho a."Lbiont air taiperaturo, at which naxinum foe) flow at mariuum taL.-aff rating ual,r P, = 760 m.1 Rs in limited, equals plus 15 C. 4. Vith t'c air bleed ayst'Un for aircraft needs cut in on the ground or in fflgt at an cLc;Ine rating (with the elGeption 8f L,aximun take? off ono) the w:h.r.u-4 gas torperaturc ay rise by 20 C. At raximun tqke?off rating J1-1 is limited by tho overterperature control eystG.. 5. The engine ray run at raricuu take?off rating only for aircraft take? off and in emeigLncy cases. 4. AccelerctiGn time, i.e. the time period fron the mozent the engine control lcv,,r starts displacing to the moment the engine develops 95Z tato?off thrust, sect ? fron idle rpced 15, max 5. The ccmIlrcnsor h.p. rotor pcod during acceleration must not be 160 rpri ler-J than raximan take?off rating speed. 6. During acceleration chock to ma%inun take?off rating compressor rotor ray orcrrpaci for not oer 3 sec as folloas (1p2): (a) co7IpreEsor 1.p. rotor npeed 150, mlx (b) aoaprror 1,,p. rotor nlx,ad 150, max 7. Drhauc gee 14:-paratura during acceleration check (average as measur? C ed by aeana of 12 thormocc:p3La), ?C 620, ex Approved ral;feKiSi12603/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306E R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Approfii/ediPbigUle ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 ENGINE CONST alCTION Approved R3Vgiellea$02Q1:13/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 AppW4LVili9M=:4U ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 0".." "'" ?'" ' ,"" em, Chapter II ENGINE CONSTRUCTION 1. COEF1nS53OR (Pig. 6,7) The csk'xl compeccor is an axial to cactiont the Ice-pressure section sero ad hi rocuo cactieno of tho Lf!P.d built up, their rotore running at reximu!) taho-srf ratia5:; in type, employing two shafts; it consints of and the high-prossuro section. The low-pros- compressor differ in mann flow and pronnuro different rpo valmoc. Tho by-pace ratio at 1 2 rhero G i9 the air nano flow throsla the comproaser lov-pronsure soctlon; 1 G2 is the air macs firs./ throesh the conprossor high-proseure section. The co:4-eeranr lo-z-procoure section conprisoo fear.: stevos, of which the first utago in a rconic CO. The loe--preseure rotor in driven by the second turbine. The comproars hiZa-prcecure saction oaploya tun subsonic stagna. Tho high-pronrure rotor is deivGn by the first turbine. To roOses vibration overloads of the engine caningn, the roller bcaring sup- portn are of the rceiliont daLping type. Such a support comprises a resilient eloont (a cseplin member) of the "squirrel-whool" type and a circular oil damper (cavity P). i!ultictmi;o labyrinth seals reliably prevent oil in the bearing voids from get- ting iscide t,to floe path. The uce cf aluntrium cnd titaniun alloyn and high quality of machining onouro high stronsth of by eight compressor parts and aossmblien. (a) P,PrNr29" (Pig.6) The co:,:qrosser lcs;-proccuro four-stage section with one super:3min stage supplies air at high preerruis ratio /lad aodelete hydraulic bares. The ocmIroaror lc-J-proscuro sootion conprisea the followinz vain units (Pig.6): front frame 2, sone bullet 25, csainga with stator vane assemblion 7. rotor 5, drive cha.ft 13, coupling bolt 14 and deicing system circular manifold 3. Approved FCOP146IgiSiitiOk3 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 AppFaViiik4\faili 20 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Ctet SSOR -7111.160a01.1.maIMINIONMI#4.1:01 , Front frame 2 serves also as an inlet guide vane asaombly It con- sists of outer casing, 26 inlet guide vanes (IGVn) ilIDST shroud, front cover 27, rear cover 28 nret bearing housing. The vanes ere atteched to the outer casing and innGr shroud by moans of bolts, vhich are eecured by center punching from innide. The front and rear Covers are bolt- ed to the inner threed. The hearing housing accommodating a steel pressed-in holder is centered with roeoect to the inner diamotor surfaces of the rear and front :overa. Attached- to the bearing hoeains are the componont parts of the resilient damping rapport, labyrinth, coaling flanges of the roller bearing void, cover 23, bearing oil seal 24 with four bronze sealing rings, adapter 26 with jet for lubri- cating the roller bearing, and oil feed and scavenge pipelines. Double-walled nose bullet 25 is attached to the beerins houeing via oil coal 24. The nose bullet is fabricated of deeet aluminium alloy; the front frane, IOVs, covers, shroud and bearing housing are cede of titanium. To prevent ice formation in the IGV aeeembly, the vanes are heated by hot air floning via cevition B inside the vanes. Hot air is bled from the tenth or fifth stefe) of the cerpreacor high-proesure section doponding on the orgine operating conditione, to be nupplied to the I6Ve via a beat-insulated pipeline. The hot air is delivered to Inet-inoulated circular manifold 3 to be further distributed amens vans cavitiee B. Air leaving cavities B flows through tht alots in the inner shroud for hsatins tha nose bullet outer nhall to be discharged into the cemrreseor flow path via the holes in the rhell. Only 23 Yilf:te are hented with air, the remaining 3 are heated by oil, for thich purpose provitnem is Ledo for cavity I' in each of the throe vanes. The tesnifold is hent-ineulated and flenibly attached to .the front frame to allow thersal orpansion of tho canifold. The three loner vanes are used for oil delivery to and scevense free tho roller bearing void of the conpresnor lowerreeeure section. Oil is supplied through one of the loner vanes via the pipe of oil seal 24 to the jet-and-enrpter ccoonbly 26 for lubrication of tha coupressor roller bearing; oil forced theoegh oil seal 24 is also convoyed to the front roller bearing of the secoud turbine via the pipqa inetelled in hold-doe n bolt 9 and coupling bolt 14. fere oil is tepped from adapter 26 to ho cupplied via a pipeline into damping cavity Ii of the rentlient demping eupport. From the roller bearing void oil is scavenged through other taro vanes. The fore flange of the front frame carrioe a brae:hot attached to the flange on top lay neano of nix fitted bolts cad intended for mounting the engine in the aircraft. Attached to the front frame is adapter 1 where front flange carrion six attach- vent unite 29. The unite constitute a part of the sealing unit inntalled between the engine and aircraft eir intake. Tho adanter ifrured alo for cooling oil supplied from the centrifugal de:aera- tor. Oil floe ranee ire and half terns; Circulating aloes the adaptor cavities about the engine crde and is carried to the fuel-cooled oil cooler. To inteeeify heat transfer, the adaptor outer conies is provided with depren- nions extendirr heat-transfer area. Ice detector 16 is attached to the adapter. Approved FCo9tiele) rifiStif Yob 3/08/07: CIA-RDP78-03066 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Q,3 _ APProtedif-15mime 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 " 1 ' ' H -7- -) I,. t,J , _------ -,-- : _____r \ : k..-. _,_,..- 1 " ii I 1 ., t 1 -VI- ,.. , i 11------------7/-1? z., :i1L--------- \ 'ii,- -,-,-?_ __ ----__ --'-----1 1 1 ? I.J '--- \ ' l r- 1 i --; ? - i .1.:.-__-.,;1. 4 ? a " . ? , ' ' P r?'A , ?ft% / , - I CONFIDENTIAL j _Approvedfiar Release 003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Appe11ed11364RIgla R000400120001-3 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 C.omprossor -proseuro section casing c000loto 02 f000, eoe-000nt ',or:a 7 accomooloting statoo are e000mblien. The 4th roo stater aosenbly in deoiosod to c'eroiohtan the for to ttr exlra dioc,.:tion. It too, tvn mos ef VIVV-,f;: outdo coil etooizl,tonos. The cods of the guide aoi straightonay vanes: directed to,43rau the inner rinoo carry todi touontono, wileroas the colter ends of the vanes are PI,OVidC'(1 vi-th flotgos. To vonoe of caoh staoc are fittcd iuto the ionor rings and are clonpod by coons of sots. The flenoos at the outer coin of tha vanes fore the cuter ring of the stator vooe aceenbly. To guord the vanes aoainot dioplecoment, the vanes are secured to coo another by threaded dovols. The inner rings of the stator vane assomblios of the first, second sod third stages hove two armulor flanges each, clad with sealing compound on the inner side. The flaroos in conjunction with ciroular borrotiono on the comproscor dincs torn interctaoe labyrinth ccolings provcnting roverse flow of air. The vanes', irnar rings and casings are manufacturcd from alrminium alloy. The stator vane asoonhlies are ascot-el in the casings by means of dowels 19. The casing of all the four stageo ere provided with aocese holes 18 for inspection of the coopr0000r blades in service. Compressor low-pressure rotor 5 is ofadrum- end-whoel cooatroctien; it consists of four blnded vbecla and roar shaft 11 carrying abutment disc 12 for hold-doom bolt 9. Tho wheel dices and the rear shaft are cente- red and connecid by races of facc oplines and axo clamped by hold-down bolt 9 counted on sirical nupportn 21 and 17. The rotor loan cue front and coo roar journal placed on two supports; tho front support in Poo-AI:hod with a roller bearing, taking op radial forces, and the rear support - with a bell hearing, tohing up both radial and axial forces. Tho rotor front jsurnal mounting the roller bearing and labyrinth peal compo- nonts in made integral with the lot atogo wheel disc. The rotor rear journal carry- ing a ball bearing and oil seal comoononts is made integral with the roar hub. The blades aro dovetailed into the rotor discs. Tho blades era held against axial disploc000nt by dowels 4. The dowoln are locked by moans of rings. Some of the bolts holding the rings and bolts 10 on roar chart 11 are used for dynamic balanc- ing of the rotor assombly. The firsbootago moving blalco are made from titaniuo alloy. To improve surface finis/a, the hlado airfoil sections- are subjected to vibratory surface trostmont. To rodoce vibratiso stoos000 in the blades during operation of the engine, tho firot- stage blades ere provided with flar000 20 forning an anti-vibration shroud. The pin-type f15:Ing of blodoo is used for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages, which metes it poomible for the bladan to asouLo nodor the action of gas-fluo and cootri- foga forces Oa soot optimum position as for vibrations and blade-moot stresses, ' The blade: root lugo are insootod into tbo groovoo of the disc rim and oocured by pine 6. Each pin is held in pesition by a ohoulder from one Gide and by u riveted bush Iron t40 other. Tho blres of tho 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages pre fabricated of aluminium alloy. The bled: lmgo are provided tith bronze pro cd.-in boshos to increase contact strength. Approved FilapRplattsern0 3/08/07 : CIA-R0P78-03066 25X1 25X1 Apr6iidliiqr1R416 22 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 COMPRESSOR The lcw-preeeure coepreseor dines have circular edges mating with the inner Tinge or the stetor vane aenemblies to fora interstage labyrinth seals preventing reverse flow of thc air within the coepreesor flow path. The dimes are manufactured of titanium alloy, the rcer shaft is made of nteel. Hold-down bellow belt 9 reste through the medium of spherical supports 21 upon the first-etage lieel disc in the front part and through the medium of a spherical ring upon abuteent dice 12, driven into rotor rear shaft 11, in the rear part Inserted into the hold-down bolt is a tube for oil supply to theesecond turbine bearing. Tho tube supporta are provided with rubber rings to seal the oil-contacted cavity and to prevent the hold-down bolt inner surface from cold working. The ccepreneer rotor roar shaft is plined to receive drive shaft 13 that tranemits torque from the second turbine to the compressor low-presoure section. Coupling bolt 14 is used to hold the second turbine axially. It has spherical support 17 and is locked by slotted retainer 15. The ccuplIng bolt acconnedaten an oil supply pipe for lubrication of the second turbine bearing. The roller bearing oil seal is a series of three labyrinth type soale. The first ecal-ie an oil slinging seal formed by four-start right-hand thread- ing on the shaft and four-start left-nend threading on the mating part. The cc:coed- and third-stage eeels are of the labyrinth type. To improve the operaticn cf tIle oil seal of the roller bearing void, compreeeed air bled from the compreseor lnw-pressure section via the rear shaft threaded holes free of balance screws is eupplied into cavity 13 via the holes in the rotor front shaft and circular cavity A forced between tube 8 and hold-dcen bolt 9. The oil neel of the ball bearing is a :aeries of two lebyrinth-type seal]. The rating surfacoe of the labyrinth flanges are covered with pealing compound. (b) Compressor Hish-Preseure Section (Fig.?) The compressor ton-stage high-pressure section makee it possible to substanti- ally increase the pressure ratio at the compreesor outlet. The compreeeor high-pressure section consista of the following main units: inlet guide vane aseembly 1, compressor casing 15 with stater vane aseemblies and outer shrouds, tenth-ntage stator vane assembly 8, rotor 3, air blon-eff unit houe- ing 5, labyrinth eeal components 10 and 18, roller and ball bearings. Inlet guide vane apeombly 1 is deeigned for guiding the air flow onto the first-ntage uhcel. The variable incidence inlet guide vaaea are controlled by an actuating mechanism to reduce vibrational loads in blading and to aid in elielenting compressor stall and surge during startieg and eceoleration. When actuatod the IGVe turn on thoir axes changing the comprester inlet flow arta. An'a reeult, air flew through the IGV assembly changee and the coeprescer flow condi- tions are improved. The IGIs may be eat in one of the folleelmg two positions: at noreal operating ratings - to e . 0 ar.: at los-npeed ratings - to a 100. The inlet guide vane seceobly coneists of outer and 1.17,nr,r rings, Guido vanes, driving ring with "forks", and vane linkage provided with a number of blocks. Approved lEoirRilleae4iNt 3/08/07 : CIA-R0P78-03066 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Apprf6V4a1P6-V4W16 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Approved MIReikeam.201) 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 6R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Apra6Velairoi,11441b ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 COMPRESSOR The outer rins is attached to the by-pace duct entry houeins flange. Tho ring has 37 bosnes with bronze bushoe presned-in, serving an bearings for the vane outer ends. Machined at the outer ring roar flange is a greens nerving as a race for the driving ring rollers. The outer ring inside surface is provided with two 'Caee-hardened annular eollare for centering conprosnor first-stage shroud ring 2. The ICV asnenbly inner ring in attached to the flange of the drive gear hous- ing. It consists of tee halves bolted together. 37 spherical bushes ere clanped between the innhr ring halves. The IGVs are made of titanium alloy. Tho vane trunnione are fitted with pres- sed-in bushes. The outer end of each vane fits into the outer ring, each of the vane inner ends fits into ono of the inner ring spherical bushes via a spherical ring. Put on the vane outer ends are turning lovers, shoe pica enter the fork blocks. The fork a are secured to the driving ring. The driving ring consists of nix vaseents. Each sessent is asombled of two planks with distance slsevcs placed in-between. The planks are clanped by forks provided with threaded end pieces. Some of the dictence sleeves are furnished with rollers. The driving ring is capable of turning by a snail angle. The turning range in limited by less nada on one of the cossents. ' Vhen turned, the driving ring imparts notion to the vanes via the forks and vane linkage. As a result, the vanes Get turned to a definite angle. The IGVe are turned by scans of the hydraulic actuator operated from the auto- matic fuel control systee. The hydraulic actuator trenenitn notion to the IGV0 via a link hinged to the bracket which is secured to the driving ring. The engine is equissed with an IGV poeition signalling nystem. To .visually observe the position of the vanes, provision is made of a 'reale graduated in degrees of vane turning angle. When the IGVe are sot at a . -100, an inditating light comes on in the air- craft crow cabin. Compressor casing 15 cosprieesasplit casing proper, guide vane assembliee 7 and working wheal ehrouds G. The casing is made of steel and is split horizontally into tee halven. It consiets of a chell carrying four welded longitudinal flanges and eight half-rinse on the outer surface. , The casing helves are held together along the longitudinal flanges by means of 46 bolts, of vhich six bolts (three at each side) are fitted bolts serving for aligning purposes. The nix half-rinse on the outer surface of the casing shell centro action mahe up three circular flanges forming to inSepondent cavities for receiving air from the 4th end 5th stages of the coepreeeer. The flange sada integral with the front ring is uccd fur attachrent of the Lir blow-off unit housing. Fveny stator vane ascembly 7 (feeu the 1st to the 9th etase) arransed inciee the compreseor casing conpricee two Lelf-rinse counting the vanes. The vanes are devetailed into the half- risge in a cantilever canner. Teich half-rins is neeured to the counreesor cacing Shell by eight rerese. The half-Tinge are seSe of titenius alloy. Tho carlrs shell nee the talf-einre of the etatoe vane annenblies of the 4th and 5th stusee le,ve two Tors of hales Ili betscon the sroovee receiving the veeen and reivire for air blow-off. Approved FCcP 46:16itlo 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Appe04001Ebrneklb 21 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 COMPRESSOR The stator venco aro made of titanium alloy. Installed between the stator vane aosemblies in the caning are solid working wheel shroudo 6 turned from titaniuM al- loy. To exclude buckling, the shroudo ere fastened to the compreaeor casing shell by rows. To ensure minimum radial clearances between the stator shroude and the compres- sor rotor blades, the inner cylindrical surfaces of the yheouds are coated with a sealing compound. In the area opposite to the moving blades of the 2nd stage the sealing compound. in applied on the compressor casing. The rear flange of the compres- sor casing ie bolted to tenth-stage etator vane aesembly 8, the front flange being attached to first-stage wheel perforated outer shroud 2. The shroud in made of steel. It has tee nitrated locating curfaces and en attachment flange. This shroud makes a telescopic joint between the compressor casing and the inlet guide vane ao- sembly. The outer ring of the inlet guide vane aseeebly and the first-stage wheel shroud form a circular chamber over the perforated wall of the firct-stage wheel shroud. Tho perforated wall has 2520 holes 3,5 me in diameter. It is located in around the first-stage moving blades. The use of the- perforated call ath the annular space around the first-stage moving blades aide in eliminating compressor stall and Burge in operation end reduc- es vibration loads in the firat-stage stator vunes and rotor blades. 10th (stage atator vane assembly 8makes the compres- sed air stream flow in the extra direction. It coeprises a ring with two outer flanges and preen-fitted vanes, arranged in two rows and devetailed into the ring. The vanes of the front roe- act as guide vanes, the vanes of the rear row serving for straightening the air streem. The inner flanges of the vanes forming an inner shroud are provided with chanka making up an inner circular flange of the guide vane aceembly. The vanes are made of steel. The front fLange of the guide vane assembly is secured to the compressor caning, the rear flange receiving the combustion chamber flange. Clamped between the flange formed by the sheeke of the vanes and the combvetion chamber inner caning flange is the flenge of outer air labyrinth ring 12. Tho inner labyrinth ring is hold to the outer ring by beta. Both labyrinth rinee acceemodate sealing insert* 9. Working against theao in:erte are the circular ridges of the rotating labyrinth attached to the coepressor rotor. The labyrirlth air coal made up by outer 12 and inner 11 rings and the compres- sor rotor rotating labyrinth part reduces air leakage from the compressor flow path and serves for partially taking up axial loads, acting on the ball bearing of the comprenser high-ereeeure rotor. Air blow-off unit housing 5 consista ofashell, two flanges and two ribs welded to the then. Welded to the housing are nix flanged pads to mount nix throttle valves, chose axles are linked up to the hydraulic actuators by means of levers splined on the axleb. The air blow-off housing ehell has four bushes supplying air for aircraft tervicee and two bushes for blooding air for the de-icing eye-tees of the engine and the aircraft air intake. The air hire-off unit houcing is repented on the co7lpeerneor high-pressure sec- tion to form three independent annular cavities together with the casing. The two front hushes receive ducts connectinc the air cavity aft of the 4th otago of tha ApprovedTaMiiitAW-2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Appeta4ddiFEA,111141e ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 COMPRESSOR 25 compressor high-proosure noction with the air bleed system delivering comproosed air for pressurizing and ventilating the aircraft cabin. Inserted into two rear bushes are two ducts connecting the air cavity aft of the 5th stage of the compressor high-pressure section to the air bleed system supply- ing compressed air to the wing and fin anti-icing systems. Screwed into the holes of the two remaining bushes are ducts connecting the air cavity aft of the compressor 5th stage with the de-icing systems of the engine and the aircraft air intake. Compressor high-prossuro rotor 3 is ofadrum- and-wheel conatruction; it is composed of a shaft, ten bledod wheela, and interetage rings 13. The wheel assemblies are installed on a common shaft, being centered thereon by means of rectangular oplines; they are held by means of nuts to avoid any displace- ment of the wheel assemblies in the axial direction. Each wheel assembly consists of a disc and a number of bladoe dovetailed around the outer porithery of the disc. The discs are provided with a hub having internal rectangular splines for connection to the rotor shaft. The first eight discs and the blades of the first eight stages are made of titanium alloy. The wheel assembli- es of the 9th and 10th stegos are fabricated from steel. After the nuts are tightened up, the disc hubs are clampted togethee. Tho discs of the 1st, 9th and 10th stages get distorted so that their central sections are arranged on the shaft in a fan-ehaped manner, which substantially aids to the rigidity of the rotor. To provide n smooth flow path and to secure the blades in the discs against displacement in the axial direction, the wheel discs are intorlaid with intorctage rings 13, which ere aligned relative to the discs by means of projections .fitting into the disc rine. The interstago rings are held against turning by dowels fitting into respective recosoas in the disc rim. Each intorstage ring has two holo n com- municating the rotor interior space with the engine breathing system. The blades of the first, second and third etagen are held against axial displa- cement in the disco by dowels is, whoreao the blades of the 10th stage are retained by the shoulder of the labyrinth, which is cocured to the disc rim by means of a "gun" type loch, and to the disc diaphragm - by sermons. The coeprepeor rotor chart is nude of oteel. The front journal of the rotor shaft mounts a roller bearing and the component parts of the two-etabe oil sealing labyrinth. The outer ring of tho roller bearing is ocured by a nut in inner coupling merber 17 of the damping support. The inner couplieg comber and bearing ring are provided with resilient elements of the "squirrel-cage" type. Two grooves are made on the outer cueface of tha inner coupling member to receive oil sealing rings form- ing.damping cavity E between the holder and inner coupling member 17. Oil is fed in- to the damping cavity from the engine oil main lino via drilled paseages in the drive gear housing. Tho journal internal splines are used for noenting the driving gear of the upper and lower drive gear boxes. The gear is held against displaceeent by two locking pins. Uounted on the outer surface splines of the roar journal are several component parts of the two-stege oil sealing labyrinth and a ball bearing. The internal spli- nes at tho/lend of the rear shaft ioernel are designed to receive the first turbine rotor shaft. Three rows of holes are drilled in the reel- shaft journal for draining Approved feg-,ReclAas0 )3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 25X1 R000400120001-3 25X1 Appcglid110604416 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 BY.PASS DUCT ENTRY tIOUSINC. WITS ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR BOXES 26 oil from the front roller bearing of the recent turbine. Tube 16 mounted inside, the rotor theft ic intended to prevent oil accumulation. The tube is secured in position by two dowels. To redueo heat transfer into the oil, the well of labyrinth rear outer flange 18 is coated with a layer of heat ineulation, whereas the rpaco between the outer and inner flangee of the labyrinth? is blown with air tapped from the by-pass duct. 2. BY-PASS DUCT ENTRY HOUSING WITH ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR BOXES (Fig. 8) The by-peen) duct entry housing is located between the low-pressure and high- preseurc sections of the compressor and is designed for dividing the air flow after the conpreseor lo.-preeeure section into two streams, as well as for accommodating the components of the central drive, for attacheant of tho acconaory drive goer boxes ant for mouating the ball and roller hearings of the compressor low-pressuro and high-proceurc rotors. The air leaving the compressor los-pressure section is divided into two streams, one of which is directed into the ennular by-pace duct, and the other into the high- pressure section of the coeproscor. The ceccenory drive housing is mounted inside the annular box of the by-pass entry housing central part, v-hereas the drive gear boxes are installed on the upper, beer and right-hand outer flanges of the by-pass duct entry houeing. Rotary motion from the driving gears fitted onto the shafte of the compressor low-preseere and high-Treeoure rotors to the gears of the accesory gear boxeo is tranzmitted through the medium of splened shafts arranged in the upper, lower and upper r.h. struts of the by-pace duct entry houeinc. The by-paan duct entry housing (Fig.8) in cast of negneeitee alley. It is comprised of outer rim 2, inner circular box 4, flow divid- ing rin,, 17 and eix hollow strute. The flow dividing ring and the struts are given a stroaelined shaee. Front f/anee 1 of. the outer rim carries the fourth-etage casing of the compree- eor lea-pressure section, rear flange 20 being ties,' for attachment of the forward casing of the coebustion chamber. Tho upper and lower, parts of outer rim 2 incorporated in the by-pass duct entry housing are furniehod with external bosnea located oppoeite the veitical strute and provided with flenees 18 and 10 to carry the upper and lower drive gear buxom (21 and 11) respectively.. Another flange provided on the upper right-hand portion of the housing cppecite the strut is used for attachment of the richt-hand drive gear box. Ignition unit CI bush; ? sito/ing tiro; 9 ? ? t11,4 nu:: 11 ? movuEte support. , 4. TURBENE (Fig. 14) The engine turbine is an axial-flow, four-stage, twin-shaft type. The first and second nt:Igas of the turbine (the first tur- bine) impart rotary notion to the rotor of the comprassor high-pressure section, yherean the third and forth stages (the second tur- bine) drive the compressor low-pressure rotor. The rotors of tbe first and second tur- bines spin at different rpm values. Both turbines rotate in Lb e counter-clockwisc direction, if vioe,ed from the jot nozzle end. To reduce vibration overloads of tho engine casings, the roller bearing'of the first tur- bine and the rear roller bearing of the second turline are accommodated in resilient damping sapports. (a) First Turbine The first turbine consicta of two nozzle diaphrago aneeteblioc, a roller bearing support and a rotor. First-Stsgp, nozzle.plaahraEm_Acal7mbly (Fig.14) The; turbine first-stage nozzle diaphragm assembly corlprisee wheel shroud 16, support C4, 37 vanes 12, ant split ring 18. Axial forcec -;ting on the nozzle, diaphragm assembly are transmitted through load- carrying cuter shroud 16 and nozzle diaphragm asssmbly support 84 to tho diffuser ant the inner cosing of the co,T,bustion chamber. CircurDfercntial fercee are transmit- ted through the outer shroud to the combustion chamber diffuser. Nozzle di :raga assembly support 84 is of a welded construction; it consists of a front tapered portion, an inner ring ant front flange 88. Approved Effl..R.q,i, )3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 25X1 6R000400120001-3 25X1 1???? Csi k.77 108 109 /12 M 171 .vs (--\-r-.-77----7--=-----4?-,-;:::::-,-,-- .f._--. ,.... ' 2 8210 17 7 /8 20 22 2113 24 \\\\\ 2918 1718 29 JO 21513334 JS .16 \. \\ \ \I I \ ' \ \ 4 ft 7'7 ! I `1 !N'I! jf ? 1 ; I \ \ i I \ f \ 41 4 45 45 37 95' 97 9,9 99 /CV /0/49 194 95 w s led., 114 ?16/.4.4 4.11?4???? 115 ?.1 ARI dro, 114 ? 1.,o4,14.1., 117 ? pos. 111 111,.. /It , \ 1. I\ \ .93 I I - ! - - ! '1'11 ? b-r /38 39 40 4/ 88 82 99 7 96 , r -53 7-117F155 17\1, ; _ f!---;\\S4 11 ; II \f' ' ! j 85 / /i 8233 77 7875 74 73 72 7/ 0 9 co ce 0 CO0 0 0 APPTCMICEPIrROItt ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Tuizalra 33 Nozzle disragm assembly vanes 12 are cast to shape. Each vane has flanges at the ends cast in:Hegral with the hellos vane airfoil section. The outer flanges of vanes 12 have t-I:ered lugs at the front part and L-shaped lugs at the rear part. The Vane luZa ars fittest into the respective rectmses in load-carrying outer Shroud 16. The vanes are se:used in shro:id 16 by means of doivels to prevent them against axial and circuMfcrential displaccont. The flange collars of the inner ends of the vanes are fitted into the circular grooves of the inner ring. There is a clearance between the flaogc,s of adjacent vanes and between the rear ends of the outer flanges of the vanes, which is necessary to allow thermal expansion of the vanes. To ensure uniform and sufficient cooling of the vanes, provision is made for deflectors 14 enclosed Inside the vanes. Cooling air is delivered into the spaces between the vanes and the deflectors through 36 holes drilled in load-carrying outer Shroud 16 and via 37 holes in band 15. The front flange of the nozzle diaphragm assembly is bolted with the transition linors of the on.;Iliustion chanber flans tubes. Tho middle flange of outer shroud 16 incorporated in the nozzle diaphragll assembly is bolted to the flange of the combus- tion chamber diffuser. Split ring 13'consists of 12 sectors and is provided with stiffener ribs on the inside surface. These ribs in conjunction with the ribs on the shroud flanges of first-stage blades 77 form a labyrinth seal reducing the as flow locking through the tip clearance. Second7Stage_liozz.le Liflp11.1 The secoll-ntage nozzle diaphrac,-J consist of outer ring 20, split ring 73, in- ner ring 74, 47 nozzle vanes 17, forr.ard and aft deflectors 79 and 75, diapbram 76 and labyrinth flange 80. The circur,ferentia/ and axial forces acting upon the second-stage nozzle dia- phragm aseembly are tranozdtted via the flange of outer ring 20 to the scar flange of the outer rizg of the first-att.:Le nozzle diap%rag:72. Vane 17 of the second-stage nozzle diaihragr is cast to shape. The hollow air- foil section of the vane is cast integral with the outer and inner flanges. The nozzle vanes are installed into the respective circulsi Grooves in the outer ring with the use'cf their L-shaped ha,s. The front lug end face of each vane bears against the end face of the riiu,; groove. The vanes are secured by means of radial dowels. There is a clearance between th flanges of adjacent vanes and bet- ween the rear ends of the outer flanges of tle vanes, which is necessary to alle.7 thermal expansion of the. vases. Tho cylindrical bosses on the inner flanges are inserted into the blind holes of inner ring 74, the shouli.ers on the flanges ere installed with an axial clearancn onto the circular collars of the inner ring. This methei of vane attachment allows frpo expansion of the rinca and vanes in the circtrcferential, axial and radial direc- tions duo to heating during engine opA.ation. Outer ris:.; 20 I:3 provided with to external flanges. The front flange of the cocend-stsge ns7,zledier:hrogx, in bolted to the first-stage nozzle diaphragm ansc:zbly. The rear flar,::e i con4,.:ctrA vith the third-stage nozzle diaphregz: assez:bly. Outer ring 20 has circ..Aar grooves receiving the att:tchnt elerentn of the nozzle vanes. Approved EdrtRelisi-aSil 03/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 6R000400120001-3 ApprvedUteRiklb 34 ? ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 TURBINE Tho aft portion of the outor ring is provided with a circular shculdor and a recess engaging with tie lug on split ring 73. The Split rg coDnisting of 12 sectors is provided with stiffener ribs mating the ribs on the shroud flanges of thu seeond-stage whoel blades to complete the labyrinth seal relusinc, the gas flow leaks through the tip clearance. Inner ring 74 has two external collars, blind holes (in accordance crith the number of the nozzle vanes) and an internal flange. Eollor_Bsaring_SupRort_ (Fig.14) Roller bearing support 65 of the first turbine rotor is a woldod structure with a damping element enclosed inside first-stage nozzle diaphragm asnombly support 64. The front flange of roller bearing support 85 is bolted together with nozzle diaphragm asnombly support flange 88 and eccentric ring 5 to the inner casing of the combustion chember. Eccentric ring provides for axial alignment of roller bearing 91 of the first turbine rotor and the bearings of the compressor high-pressure rotor. Secured to the. addle flange of roller bearing support 85 are the shaft tube at the front end face, labyrinth flanges 3 and 67, ring 6 and deflector 86 at the rear end face. Labyrinth flenge 7 and labyrinth outer flange 10 are bolted to the rear flange of the roller bearing support. First Turbine Peter The first tut-bine rotor consists of rotor shaft 95, lot stage disc 83 carrying eiglity blades 77 and deflector 8, 2.ed stage disc 72 with eighty-two blades 23, rol- ler bearing 91, the cor,.ponents of the labyrinth seal and fastening parts. First turbine rotor Shaft 95 is hollow; its front end io externally splined, the roar end cer:eling a flange for attachment of the first-stage and second-stage discs. The splinA end of the rotor shaft is coupled to the compressor high-preseuve rotor. First turbine rotor shaft 95 is connected to the shaft of the compressor high- pressure rotor by moons of-hold-dcr.4n sleeve 100. Probable misalignment of the shafts of the turbine end compressor during operation ie conpensated for by two rphnrical rings (103 (and 109). (b) Second Turbine The second turbine comprises the nozzle diaphragms of the third and fourth tur- bine stages, a rotor, reor support component parts, labyrinth seals and fastenings. Third-_and_Fourtlt-Stage Nory.l.orDiaphreLm_Assmblien The nozzle diaphragels of the third and forth stages coopriee outer rings 29 and 32, 3rd sterre split ring 28, inner rings 24 and 58, vanes 25 and 60, forward deflectors 57 ari 114, eft deflector 21, diaphragms 22 and 55, and labyrinth flanges 61 and 69. The third-ntage noezle diephregm has 65 vanes 25, and the fourth-stage nozzle Approved E60116144.16 1 b )3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 25X1 25X1 03/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 APPTomilforlio1 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 TURBINE diaphragm - 57 vanss GO. The flow path in tho nozzle diaphregms is forced by vane outsr and inner flonges cast integral with tho vano hollow airfoil sections. The axial sine circumferential forcers acting on the nozzle diaphrngms of the third and fourth turbine stages are transferred to the rear flange of the second- stage nozzle diaphragm assembly vie tho flanges of outer rings 29 and 32. The rear flange of outer ring 32 incorporated in the fourth-stage nozzle dia- phragm bolts the second turbine rear nu-port. The nozzle diaphragms of the third and fourth stages are similar to that of the turbine second stage in conntruction. F000nd Turbinejetor_ The cecond turbine rotor comprises shaft 96, 3rd stage disc 26 carrying 81 mov- ing tandes 27, 4th stage disc 52 with 73 moving blades 59, front roller bearing 101, rear roller bearing 48, labyrinth ctal cooponent parts, components serving for oil supply to the front roller bearing, distance sleeves, and the nuts for attachment of the turbine bearings and diees. Second turbine shaft 96 ie hellos. It is arranged concentrically inside tho shaft of the firsteturbine rotor; it rides on front roller bearing 101 and roar rol- ler bearing 43. Thf) external splines in the shaft front end couple the latter to the intereediate shaft of the eceveressoe low-pressure section; tho shaft is socurod in the axial direct on by a coupling bolt screwed into the internal threads provided in the abaft front end. The shr,ft is f\l.onsed at the rear end to count tho third-stage disc in front of the flange by meens of axial fitted pine 35. The disc is guarded against axial displecezent with the help of nut 70 holding also distance oleeve 33 and labyrinths 30 and 65. Fourth-etege dine 52 is counted on the same fitted pins at tho rear face of theflsnee. The disc is held by nut 36. Ecer_Support_ The damper reer support consists of labyrinth flange 47, roller bearing support 40, damping holder 50, cover 42, eccentric ring 38, breathing pipe 37, oil scavenge pipe 53, oil feed Fine 115, labyrinths 116 and 119 and pipe 117. Labyrinth flsrge 47 mating with labyrinths 39 and 44 forms an air seal. Support 40 and holder 50 are provided with resilient two-aided damping elements of the "seluireol-c,,g0" type. Oil in nupplied into the clearance between the support and holder and is nestled by two pairs of oil sealing rings. Eccentric ring 38 provid- es fez axial eligneent of roller bearing 48 of the second turbine rotor and the bear- ings of the first turbine rotor. The cover central flangebolts labyrinths 115 and 119 and pipe 117 designed for sealing air in and bleeding it from cavity K into the jet nozzle space. 5. KXRAUST NOZZa; S',:en1014 -(Fig.15) The engine is furnished with a jet nozzle, the purpose of which is to mix the flows of air and gases discharged from the by-pass and rain ducts reepectively sad to turu the exhaust gas stream by 3 or 4 deg. outward in the horizontal plane. Thu emlieust jot nozzle section structurally incorporates the rear support cf the second turbine. Approved Efielleatiztila R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 APPme0ifprAele 3U ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 EXHAUST ti07711: SEC1 ION Thu exhaust nozzle convicts of the folluding main unite: a caning, a final jot nozzle, a rear cuport, a mixer and an inner cone. Casing 24 is of s welded eonstructien. It corapicesaconical shroud, forward 1 and aft 35 flanges. The forward flange on the .casing bolts to tho aft flange of tho combootion chabor roar coning, tho rear flange of the casing carrying flange 38 of the final jet nozzle. Welded to the casing top portion over the outnidc contour of segnontal nloto A made in aft flan3o 36 is duct Shroud 23 which forms channel K in conjunction with casing 24. Duct shroud 23 carries welded flange 20 that bolts a breathing pipeline. Drain tank 18 in seam-welded to the casing bottom portion. A hollow in nada in the caning vortical plane, where the drain tank is welded, to form the lowerzzost area of the engine by-pass duct and collect fuel accumulating in the Ly-pano duct. The fuel in drained into drain tank 18 through a hole drilled in the holloa. Fuel aceumasted in the drain tank ic forced under the air pressure through pipe connection 19 and is thon piped to the breathing pipeline. The forward richt-hand part of tho casing has hole E with concentrically welded cover plate 52 end flange 53 which are intended for attachment of pressure pick-up for reasuring turbine outlet total pressure. The final jet nos .m le is ofaweldod construction conoist- ing of flango 35, ad.apter 40 and ring 50. The adopter and the ring for;,i a curved. convergent duct, the purpose of vhich iE to confine the cihaust gases to a given area, thereby accelerating the, and to tu34-1 ttc mixed flow in the horizontal plena by an angle of 3 to 4 deg. rE%letive to the ergire longitudinal Axis. The jot nozzle Outer sarface carries two shroud? 39 welded over segmental slots E in flare 35. Clao of the shrouds ic an extension of duct shroud 23 wade over cas- ing 24. The breathieg pipeline is connected to the outlet at the final nozzle edge via duct 23 on casing 24 and shroud 39 on the final nozzle. Re2r_C:IpEort_ (Fig.15) Incorporated in thorrner support structure are the following wain unite: a rear support outer seeing, baffles, en inner shroud, a reur rapport housing, fairings, a diaphragm, a rochinod housing end thermocouple housing. (a) The welded rear support outer easing comprises shroud 25, forward flange 2 and aft flange 27. The external surface of the rear support outer casing forme the inner wall of the by-pass flow path in the sec- tion butt:nen the turbine and :Ayer 41. Forard flange 2 of the rear support outer casing io bolted to the roar flange of the outer casing of the turbine forth-stage nozzle diaphragm, eft flange 27 car- rying nixer 4/. ::j1roud 26 has eight equispaced oval holeo provided with scam-welded flanges 25 v%tch are used to attach the rear support houVing. Eole n ie rade in the shroud at the right for installation of a pie-'up weasuring total pressure donnetretal of the turbine. Roar coppert flanges 25 are provided with baffles 22 serving to introduce air from the by-pass duct for cooling the thermocouple canifold, the second turbine rear ApprovedcF9NftleftW2903/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 ase 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 25X1 Approved 1=6i,Rekiate 25X1 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 R000400120001-3 AppfiSdiETOMielia ase 2003/08/07: CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 EXHAUST NC'?? LI sic: (n :17 support conponent parts, the forth-stsgo disc, and for pro cunning the rear support labyrinth seals. (b) The welded inner shroud comprises ohreod 3, flange 30 and cover strip 29. Tho inner shcond forms the outer wall of the engine main duct downstream of the turbine and protects titanium rear support outer Shroud 26 against overheating.. Shroud 3 haa eight oval holes for connection of flanges 25 and 32 of the rear support housings. (c) The roar support houning is ofaweldod construc- tion. It corp:Ascs eight stamp:A hollL,w struts 6, two circular flanges 12 and 35, and eight flanges 32. Roar support houzing flanges 32 bolt flangos 25 of rear sup- port outer shroud 26. For-aard flange 12 cornea diaphragm 11. Attached to aft flange 35 are houirg 13, fairings 5 provided vith n -shapad ribs, and a thermocouple boos- 'rag. (d) Fairings 5 are attached to the rear support housing to protect the stay struts against overheating by the grm flow. The fairings aro mado of stamped sections raided togethor to form streamlined struts. The latter are provided with conical flanges foring the ir_ner wall or the duct denstream of the engine turbine. (e) The diaphragm consists of tt-io parts: steeped outer diaphragm 11 and turned inui displ,_reg 16. Ifi,c diepheagu asparates tho interior cLvities of tho rear support lana Jug from tha cralr:o cas flew path. (f) Housing 13 in turned to shape. The outer forward and aft flanges of the housing ar,L bltel to ream support Lensing flanges 12 and 35 respectivoly. Attached to the forvJtrd inftr flange of hou2im; 13 ale the support and seal components of the tul,bine roar roller baaring ucit the aft flange of housing 13 car- ries fairings 5 and thermoeouple,housing front flange 48. (g) The thermocouple housing is welded of flanges 46 and 48 and forward cone 47. Flange 48 of the therL:occuple housing is bolted to rear support housing aft flange 35. The front vall of the housing has holes for passing air froia tho outsr duct for cooling the thermocouple uanifold and turbine parts. Tho holes Ura drilled between the ther2ocouple ho uolnZ attachnont holes. Four holes in flange 43 aro used to vIss the bolts for attachment of the clamps securing the thermocouple: manifold. The taper surface of flarge 46 is provided with twelve radial drillic:,s for in,tallstion of theri::ocouple breci:eti 34. Each thermocouple bracket is attached to the end face of flange 46 by m;ans of tto bolts. Thermocouples r are installed in the brackots anu secured by m3ans of bolto. Mixer (Fig.15) The mixer is en e:Jlauat nocAle olomont intended for mixing the air and gaa flows running out of the by-pass and main ducts of the engine. Mixer 41 io voided of twelve staved flaps and flonTo 23. Flange 28 is used to locate and attach tho mixer to aft flen.le 2? of rear support outer shroud 26. The welded inne-r cone comprisus taper sholl 42, flange 44, deflector 43 and ellevo 45. The cone outer slu,faco end the surfaces of ring 10 and fairings 5 make up the floy path downstream of the engine turbine. Approved FmRejeawratic 3/08/07: CIA-RDP78-0304000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066P APProlOcli-FroriRelett 33 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 menu AIR AND SYSTCMS ? 6. ENGIU AIR AND DEICING SYST.ES (Fig. 16) (a) Air .1stem The engine employs a nu,2.ber of auxiliary air lines by means of which air Is bled from the b:i-poss and main ducts for certain engine and aircraft needs. Compres- sed air is used for pressurizing the labyrinth seals of the oil-contacted cavities of all the bearings supporting the ccopresser and turbine rotors and the bearings incorporated inthe driven of the otarter-gens,rators and tachometer generators of both rot ora. To cool the turbine parts, the air is bled from the main (high-pressure) and by-pass (low-pressure) ducts of the engine. High-pressure air is used for cooling the first-stage nozzle diaphragm vanes and moving blade? an well as the discs of the turbine first three stages (from both sides). Low-pressure air cools both tides of the forth-sige disc, the outer rings of all the nozzle diaphragm assemblies and the component prts of the low-pressure turbine rear support. The automatic starting fuel control unit incorporated in fuel-regulating pump HP-30 is fed with high-pressure air supplied from the compressor high-pressure sec- tion through pipeline 19 end air filter 20. To pressurize end ruIGe drain tank 25, low-pressure air is fod alcnE pipeline 23. Additional (Ir.ain tank 18 in pressurized and purged with low-pressure air ducted through the hole in the ell.aost nozzle casing. The ejector of ice detector A0-202,14 is fed with low-pressure air delivered from special intae 24 in the by--pass duct entry housing her path. The aircrL',:t paos,,nt;or cabins are pressurized and vented with air bled from the blo-off trA.t hosins aft of the fourth stage of the compressor 10%;-preseure section throulh one of tin air bleed ducts 8 or 22. The deicing system of the aircraft wing ani fin rcceivc a air bled froLl the blow-off unit housing aft of the compressor fifth stage through one of two air bleed ducts 9 or 21. The air intake is heated by high- pressure air suplied via pipeline 12 at a speed of the compressor high-preesure rotor exceedin7 9100 rpm or via pipeline 16 at a high-pressure rotor Speed below 9400 rpm. Changc-over of the air bleed system is accomplished automatically by means of butterfly valve 13, controlled by a hydraulic actuator. The hydraulic actuator in supplied with fuel from fuel-regulating pump 1T-30 via centrifugal speed gover- nor 472-2B. To improve chzine starting characteristics, the compressor high-pressure section has provisions for by-passing air from the tenth stage of the h.p. compres- sor section via valve 17. The valve is closed automutically by the action of pros-. sure difference in the main and by-pass ducts of the engino, built-up at the compres- sor high-pressure rotor speed within 6000 250 rpm. The aircraft hydraulic tank is pressurized with hiLh-prossure air supplied from the .co,lJpressor high-pressure section through pipeline 14. The aircraft fuel tanks are prescurized with low-pressure air de:livered via pipe connection 5. (b) Deicing System To heat lo-prcasure compressor islet guide vanes 2 and nose bullet 1, provi- sion is nada for a deicing system. Approved keR1243t 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 APPregq0,HM1-RWea se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Approved MfAiiielVSei2/00 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 App&c4ili:t6i4441.14 se 2003/08/07: CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 rt.:GINE AIR AI:1) 5Y51E05 'The systeo ecscprince pipeline 15 used for bleedinr: air from the cwnpressor high-pressure section, compressor 5th stage air bleed pipeline 10, butterfly valve 11 used for changn(-over air supply (control)ed by a hydraulic actuator), heac- insulated p1 geliia 3, shut-off valve 4 (provided with an electric actuator) and ice warning system units. The chenge-:ver of air bleed either from the fifth of tenth stage of the comp- ressor high-prenLdre section is effoctcd auto[natically by supplying high-pressure fuel from fuel re3olating puLp If'-30 via centrifugal governor UP-2B to the hydrau- lic actuator. 1.7aut-off valve 4 gate open automatically under the action of electric actuator UE-5M an coon as the latter receives a signal from ico detector JO-202U. The electric actvAor may he operated manually an well. The ice warning systen is dosignod for auto,Latic control of Shut-off valve 4. The system (Fig. ).7) couprieen 0-20211 ice detector 1, solenoid-operated valve 2, pressure switch 3 cud air intake probe 4 supplyin3 air into the ice detector eject- or. FIG. 17. ICE WARNING SYSTEIA ? ice defector 710-202M; 2 ? valve 1..17E;,.:'.100; 3 ?p. "ere v,Lh l'i45'05.15; 4 ? air intake cc5.pre00i, love.pieswie dischai4e of, to ejector of ice detector ar)-202M. 39 The purpos of ice detector Y;0-20211 is to warn on ice formation in the engine air inlet duct. The functional diagram of the detector in presented in Fig.18. Electric mechanism M11-5E starts opening shut-off valve 4, and the ice warning light comes on, RE1 coon as contacts 7 of tha pressure differential gauge got closed. The contacts close after ice detector tip orifices I get cloaced with Ice and the air pressures actin: upon one and the reverse sidon of membrane 6 equalize due to low ram pressure sensed by the detector probe. Pressure differential is built up in the gauge (up to n2 . rp0 due to reduction of 0.2 presoure in chamber 3' under the action of ejector 5. Solenoid- operated valve 2 (Fic.17) cerves for control of air Fupply into the ejector from the compressor low-pressure section. Pressure switch CRS2-015 broakeo the circuit of valve 2 as coon Cc the surplus pressure downstream of the low-pressurc_section in &LOVE., 0.15 kg/c-r2.cm. As a result, air supply to the ejector is cut off. Approved IVaeReloWtei2Ot 3/08/07: CIA-RDP78-03066R 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Apprc%ti1011.4-44efea 40 se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 FIG. 1?.. J1,0?22.!4 ICE DETECTOR FUNCTION/a. DiAGRAll Ica tictsct:r flp orilicos; 2 ? plass:Jr., cI.acat.t; 3 ? stoic Pr"'",? chrttn, 4 ? critics (lot); 5 ? epsocr; 6 ? ? contocti; B ? /1,110f; 9 ? cpcning inrerconnecting ejector cavity cad siatic prosily, 0 alCall., Approved FWRiii6iii 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 ?AI it i Apph?Vfitiii.kettla se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 Approvecic1W141es'aget 03/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 Apprclakif kiitztilea 411?110116.1.1.,11WIMIE, se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 ENG!NE 1.1)C.1.:CATiOL CI AND F.P.CAMING SYSTLVS 7. FGINE ilJERIOATIN OIL An EREATHING SY2TDIS (Fig.19) The engine lubricating oil and breathing syatonn comprise the follerning an- senblion cr.i nnite: oil tank, Lain oil pantp CntE-30, ganao oil filter En::-.50, oil ocavenging pulp V.0-30, centrifugal decorator Unno-30 with a chip-detecting filter, contrifonel breather 40n330 inlot heuning adapter, cmployod for cooling oil, and fuel-coolon oil cooler (unit 62). The lubricating oil systen ensures oonstent oil flow to the bearings and the friction curfacon of the, components during engine operation, in order to reduce friction ar,. dioeir,ate generated heat. While tho engine is running, oil from the oil tank arranged On the aircraft ic drawn by Lain oil pump 01Zir-30 and is delivered to gauze oil filter LIN4..;0. After passing the filter, the oil in carried in four direc- tioass 1. Along the internal pacragas in tho by-pas duct entry housing, in the acces- sory drive bouaing, end in tho gear hoc: housings oil is supplied to the bearings and the gears of the central drive end the drive gear boxes, as roll as to the conpras- ton low-pnsnrnarn rotor ball boarring sad the conpresser hich-preneure rotor roller bearing. 2. Vie an eaietrel pipe oil is delivered to the conpreesor low-pressure section front Slane and flour to the cenpronnor lea-prersure rotor roller bearing and to tho oecond turbine front ronor bearing. 3. Along anothea external pipe oil is carried to the shaft tubo for lubrication of the first turbine rotor roller bearing end coapreeelor hiEh-preoeure rotor ball bearing. 4. Along another external pipe oil in brought to the second turbine rotor rear support for lubrication of the r..econd turbine roller hearing. Oil flow ecavenged from the conprenaor front frame cavities, from the shaft tube and turbine rear support by oil ecavenging punp MII0-30 and oil flow drawn from the cavities of the by-pars duct entry housing and tho lower acceesory drive gear box by the scavenging element of .ain oil punp Cnni-.?.;0 are supplied into the compressor front franc adapter via centrifugal deaoratorlE0-1,C-30. After pausing through. the front freme adapter, partially cooled oil flows through the fnel-ocolcd.oil cooler and enters the oil tank. Air or oil emulsion separated in th-, centrifugal decorator in carried Vie the ball-type emulsion valves into the corpreocor by-pace duct entry housing. To provide for normal operation or the lubricating oil eyntem, the interior spaces of the by-naoe dust entry housing, the shaft tube, the turbine roar support and the oil tank connnnicate ,aith tho ntmosphero via the centrifugal breather. The breathing lino in brought to the final ncanle edge via en external pipeline. The centrifugal breather saint:vino a certain surplus pressure in the engine oil- contacted cavities and in the oil tenki due to vhich back presoure is built up at tho inlet to tho pressure and coavengipg elencnts of the oil pumps. Oil prararre in tho enLjno lubricating oil synten is meaeurcd downstream of the delivery elenent of mnin oil pnrp C.711-30 (aft of the filter) by trananitter1W-C (ceriee III), vhich is a part of thel--,31'fil set, counted on the measuring instru- vent board. Temperature of oil at the inlet to the delivery element of the oil pump is checked by thermometer 11-53(incorIA-,ratod in the 2!,!:1-5PTli set), rhoso sensor is inataZied in the loner drive gear box. 21741 Approved F30Rol -se,- 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 A p p enett se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 C-C FIG. 20. MAIN OIL PUMP OMM-31.1 I ? 2 oov:r; 2, rzcvr,r 2i32 014-t CI; ? havoinz: 5? ectivc;)? lewto oil outlet posseo; 6 ? spring; 7,9 ? delivery eloco:nt Pcrt; ? lln; 10 ? IswVCC,,f; 11 ? bus!,ing; U ? tcevcn],g clemont oilinlet p,,!sacr...4, 13, 70 ? 5crow1; 14 ? prese Int vo!v4; 10 ?F44:,.. ccrl,c1 %olye edicotir.6, aciew; 16 ? 17 ? rc,,,,roturri velve; 18 ? yd. occo-omodating cavity; 19?bolt; 21 lvy oil jIP.:,,^s,z'; 22 ? scov,,n2,iog eoriont oil outlet pelser. Approved 1:Ch-)Re1ee-Se12/00 3/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066 000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 03/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-0306 Appr6?i6FIROIle se 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP78-03066R000400120001-3 E' 3'u i.,G Cf:EATIO(3 SYS1EV,,S 43 Tbe p.e,one of wain oil peep C,:-30 (rig.20) is to Lupply oil under pressure to the on.i.no compoLente to be lubricated and for scavenging oil drained into the lower drive C,E7T box trem the by-pass duet entry bouoing and from the other drive gear boxes. Tho main oil pvnp is of a gear typo; it consists of a pressure and scavenging elements. Housing 4 and covers 1 and 10 of the oil pump are cant of magnesium alloy. Accommodated in the oil peep housing are preasuro control valve 14 and non-return valve 17. The prossuae control valve in designed for adjusting pressure of oil delivered by the oil pump in.to the engine oil linos. An soon as the presnure in the engine oil linos cores to traced the preset valuo, the preseure control valve by-passes part of the oil into the inlet of tho delivery element of the pump. Oil pressure is adjusted by turning screw 15 with a rosultant change in pressure of spring 16 on valve 14. Fon-return valve 17 servos to procludo oil flow from the lube oil tank into the engine, with the aircraft parked. The non-return valve allows oil flow into the engine as soon as oil preoeure upstrenm of the valve comes up to 0.4 or 0.6 kg/sq.cm. For the DAD of cea,venience in removal and installation of the non-roturn valve, it is redo as a soIe:e.ete unit. Oil scavenging puep L20-30 (rie.21) in deuigned for ueavenging oil Tro2 the shaft tulle, fron the corpreesor front franc end from the turbine rear support. The oil puee in of a gear type; it consists of four scevenging elements. Oil to the 6care of the scevengiuo cluente fle.ee in the radial. direction. To ouhsnce the scavenging effect of the pup, all its four (dements are rado with very small side cleeronees. Housings 4, 9 and 10 and csvera 3 and 11 are cast of megnosiun alloy. The flargos of housing 9 and roar cover 3 of the pump are provided with pipo connee- tione 1, 24 and 25 for recoiving oil scavenged from the nhaft tube cavitioe by the second and third elements, and oil scavenged from the turbine rear support cavition by the first scavenging elcaent of the pump. The fourth sesveneirie element he:adios oil nupplyed via peeeege 23 of front cover 11 and teken from the front framo cavity along a pipeline and a peerage in the lewor drive gear box. From all the scavenging ele:snts of the peep oil flows via passage 27 of the pump, passes through a channel in the louer drive gear bon and enters centrifugal decorator u0-fic-30- The centrifugal deeerator (rig.22) provided vith a chip-detectinG filter is designed for copeeation of air from oil ccavengod from the engine by oil scavenging pump EU0-30 and by the scarenEinz: elceut of main oil pua4) 0II-30. It serves also to send a signal varding on detection of chips in the engine lubricating oil syeteel. The houeing of the chip-detecting filter is installed on the centrifugal &mere- tor houeing. ,Tho IF0-08-30 unit consiste of three housing sectione 14, 15 end 26, rotor 24. shaft 23, caulsion ball valves 22, chip-detocting filter 10 and by-pa valve 11. Housings 14, 15 and 26 aro caut'of ragnenium alloy. OA from oil scavenging pump 31,117-30 and from the scavenging elueent of resin oil pump 0U-30 flows into done- rotor inlet chael,er 21 of housing 26 to be conducted further into the .annular cheabcr of dosorator rotor 24. The centrifugal forces throw the heavier oil pertic- lee to the periphery of the rotor inner apace to bring the separated oil into cavity 16 of voluto housing 15 via circular exice 18. rno light air and oil vapour parti- ApprovecrfW I&1g 6R000400120001-3 25X1 25X1 CT1 .70 .9 6' 7654 12 1 ! I 32 13 I .., . , ___, _ .?'1=1:-.?.,;:--..7.-.:1'?',,-",-.:?...;.,-:?,-. \\*\.\\,,,,;:-.7?i-;..,/,,,,,:,:- --......,_tr. \ 17 LI,\I ,,,' ;-1',, ,--i-37:71..? /,/,-,:4 . \.__\..,,,-';Y:''-,!?,--;?`"'s::