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25X1 C1 Ob Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 impirm Approved For Release 19 9 2 :ft -RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Briefly Noted Moscow Irked at Display of Democracy in Action An article entitled "March Stirs Conscience of the World" (Washington Post August 29, 1963, see ?ress Comment same date) reports ttle first reactions from arounT7E5-7,7Fild to the Negro and White demonstration in Washington, D.C. in support of civil liberties. But one small paragraph, aside from the sour remarks of several Communist leaders, penetrates to the attitude of the Sovi.Jt Union, reflecting its fear and disappointment that things can go well for a minority group in a free country. That -oassage reads: "Moscow, however, cancelled plans to televise the Freedom March five minutes before it was due to pick up from the Telstar satellite. No explanation was given. "The arrangement had been to pick the signal up from Burovision, and feed it into the Soviet satellites' Invavision TV network." The obvious prosperity of the Negro (and White) marchers; the self-imposaf. :iscipline and holiday spirit which pervaded the vast crovds; the hospitality of the national government and local officials; and beyond all the dignity of the demo- cratic processes displayed -- all are anathema to Communist leaders, who preach that rights in capitalist countries can be grasped only through violent class struggle. The Chinese Communists in their turn attempted to lay claim to the demonstration as successful class warfare (i.e. as an example of Communist revolutionary concepts)and sent a message of support to Negro leaders. The CCP, of course, did not disseminate NAACP official Wilkins' dignified rejection of this message (see Press Comment 29 August for editorial comment in the 25 August Washington Post) in which he said: "We await the opportunity to send our felicitations to Chinese citizens gathered in a huge demonstra- tion in your nation's capital to protest living conditions under your government and welcomed there by your heads of state." Moscow and Peking's control of their iron curtain, censorship of information, fear that their people might know the true facts of events in the free world and attempts to distort these facts even in the free world, should be constantly held before Communist sympathizer audiences through publication of incidents such as reported here. The USSR action is more revealing because Moscow had previously reduced its jamming of US broadcasts in an attempt to improve its image of peaceful coexistence. But this American democratic demonstration was more than the Kremlin could afford to have its people see. Equally revealing is the opportunism of the CPR's racist policy, hiding here under orthodox Communist class warfare terminology. 411.164101PEPT (Briefly Noted Cont.) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 25X1 C1 Ob Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 INSMiiI1011.411.19111.1.s 9 September 163 29 Sept 14 Oct 20 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 7 Nov 10 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov /2 Nov 14 Nov a5 Nov December DATES 25X1 C1 Ob International Union of Architects (UIA), seventh Congress, Havana, Cuba, 23 Sept. - 3 Oct. to be followed by UIA General Assembly and International Symposium on Architecture, Mexico City, S-15 Oct. 2nd International Trade Unions CWFTU) Conference on ?roblems of Woman Workers, Bucharest,14-19 Oct. Chinese Communist troops begin advance into India, escalating border war, 1962. Hungarian revolution fails under force of Soviet brutal military repression. 23 Oct-4 Nov leEs. Leon Trotsky expelled from CPSU ?olitburo in 1926. Czechoslovakia proclaims independence after collapse Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 1913. October Revolution. Lenin and Trotsky seize power from the ?rovisional Government, 1917. Games of the New Emerzing Forces (GANEFO), Djakarta 10-17 Nov. World Youth Day (Communist) International Student Week 11-17 November, con- cluding with International Students Day on the 17th (International Union of Students, Communist) Leon Trotsky expelled from the CPSU, /927. (China-Russia) (Unequal) Treaty of ?eking cedes Chinese "Great Northeast" to Russia, 1350. Bolsheviks proclaim "Declaration of the Rights of the :?eoples of Russia," affirming principle of self-determination to peoples of the former Empire, 1917, Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Co-operation, 4th AAOEC, scheduled for Karachi during December 1963. 3 imiPMINIVMPTIT (Briefly Noted) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 25X1C10b 411000040Rmfm COMMUNIST DISSENSIONS 17-30 August 1963 Commentary Principal Developments: 1. The test-ban treaty, China's revelation of the abrogated Soviet agreement for nuclear assistance to China, and Soviet aid to India were focal points in the deepening Sino-Soviet hostility reflected in an undiminished volume of charges and counter-charges. The Soviets played heavily on the popular appeals of their position, especially as defenders of peace against a Chinese leadership ready to sacrifice half the world's (and their own) population in nuclear holocaust, and as defenders of pure proletarian interna- tionalism against ugly Chinese racism and national chauvinism. The Chinese lashed wildly in various directions, apparently furious- ly frustrated at their difficult position and hoping to strike a responsive note somewhere. The other parties in the "socialist camp" and the free world more or less trailed along in their former "me-too" roles, except for the CZechs and Albanians as noted below. 2. A 10,000-word Soviet Govt statement of 21 August not only criticises the Chinese leaders for their attitude toward nuclear war and inordinate craving for a bomb of their own but lectures them that "the CPR is yet unprepared to produce nuclear arms in quantity." Even if the CPR could produce two or three bombs, it would be at the cost of "a great exhaustion of the CPR economy" without really making any difference. "The most reasonable policy for the CPR in present conditions" would be to devote its efforts to developing its national economy and improving the welfare of its people, who alrea47 suffer from many privations. With typical Communist inconsistency, the Soviets play directly to the Chinese people by asking if they empowered the CPR leadership to sound their death ahead of time,--and then turn to denounce the CPR leaders for their "undisguised interference in the domestic affairs of other socialist states, in particular the Soviet Union." The Soviet statement blasts Chinese pretensions to speak for the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America by noting that the states of those continents had promptly acceded to the test ban treaty. And finally, it implied a threat to terminate their military assistance pact with China by accusing the CPR Govt of disregarding its duty as an ally and abusing relations of trust by disclosing classified defense documents. 3. This and other Soviet statements exploited a resolution of the Trotskyite Fourth International to work for a united front with the Chinese. The most extreme Soviet statement on racism came in a 27 August Pravda article linking the Chinese leaders with the "new fuehrers" of the Japanese racists who stress the same color of skin and same written language: this and other Soviet articles identify Chinese chauvinism with "the spirit of Genghis Khan." flF (#11 Commentary Cont.) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 (#11 Commentary Cont.) mgmememil01011 9 September 1963 And a 26 August Izvestiya article by "Soviet international law expert Tunkin," noting that "some 70% of all known disputes about national frontiers refer to Asia and Africa," warns that "the supreme interests of peace insist on respect for aisting frontiers, since any other attitude toward frontiers is fraught with the danger of war." 4. On the Soviet side, the Czechs followed their earlier ouster of NCNA correspondents from Prague by ordering the closing of that office on 23 August. The other B. European satellites (except Rumania) poured out repeated statements and articles supporting the Soviets and denouncing the Chinese. 5. The Chinese seized on border tensions with India to accuse the Soviet leaders of collaborating with U.S. imperialism to all with India against China (Govt statement of 20 August andPeople's Daily editorial of 22nd); used the U.S. reservation re E. German signature to the test ban treaty to Charge the Soviets with an "ignoble act of betrayal" of the GDR people, appealing to all 18 million of them not to "allow others to dictate their destiny" (People's Daily 23 August); and found in the Nfltioaalist Chinese signature on the test ban treaty a reason to accuse the Soviet leaders of "gleeful consent" with the U.S. imperialists in setting a deceptive "two Chinas" trap which would have brought "untold humiliation on the great Chinese people." The Chinese also struck back bitterly at the Czechs for their "outrageous" closing of the NCNA office, an act which "reveals the role of the conductor's baton and the sycophantic nature of the Czechoslovak govt" (Peking press, 25 August). 6, The Albanians again came forward, turning the "racist" charge against the Soviets, capitalizing on a Khrushchev expression in Yugoslavia to depict him as "coming out openly in the role of a pan-Slavist," and of using "demagogy borrowed from the arsenal of the Russian imperialist bourgeoisie...." "We are here face to face with a new aspect of modern revisionism which replaces pro- letarian internationalism by the ideology of racism." (Zen i I Popullit, 29 August) 7. The Chinese have further charged international front organizations with serving the interests of Soviet foreign policy and inferred that they might withdraw (People's Daily of 17 August on WIDF, WPC on 24th, and IOJ on 26th). S. Speeches and comments by the two during Khrushchev's visit with Tito indicated a general accord in views, resulting largely from K's accommodation to Yugoslav views rather than the other way around, and with few if any concrete results announced so far. Significance: New charges and threats keep widening the gulf between the two as reflected in the Soviet warnings: that any attitude other 2 Approved For Release 14111141111111PRDP78-0b7611Reee286fflOarbt. ) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 (#11 Commentary Cont.) ?IMIllmeoltme=. 9 September 1963 than respect for existing frontiers is fraught with the danger of war; and that the Chinese revelation of details of their nuclear aid agreement might be cause for terminating their military mutual assistance pact. Both sides focused more sharply on charges of national interest and racism, and both increased their efforts to appeal directly to the people over the heads of their antagonists. Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 25X1 C1 Ob Approved=b0Mene-1-9150181731 St IDIREBNIS8401161A000200030002-6 #11 17-30 August 1963 August 17 - Pravda carries an article by Borovsky on the arrest in Ecuador of CP General Secretary Saad and other "progressive leaders," and the threatened mass deportation of "Communists and other patriots" to the Galapagos by the junta. "One of the reasons Sor the putsch used by reaction was the irresponsible activities of adventurists-dogmatists who had wormed their way 1B10 the CP. Supponed ideologically and materially by their alien friends of like views, these leftist elements .knifed the Party in the back." Izvestiya also .carries a letter from "Akhmed Szif Harusi, member of the Executive Committee of the Zanzibar Nationalist Party," exposing Peking's duplicity in-reporting speeches and statements by two persons representing Zanzibar organizations, but who are supported by the Chinese in Peking, and represent nothing in_Zanzibar. And Radio Moscow reports that Lucha Obrera, organ of the Trotskyite Party of Bolivia, published- - "the resolution of the 22nd Plenum of the-Executive Com- mittee of the Trotskyite Fourth International" which "approved the historic task of joining with the Chinese - and struggling for formation ofa united front between the Fourth International and the Chinese comrades." The Radio concludes: "The ideological mistakes of the Chinese leaders -- the-stubborn unwillingness to-admit political mistakes -- are leading Peking's politicians into the Trotskyite-quagmire. Despite this, they dare to portray themselvesas supporters-of the purity -of _Marxism- Leninism. The Chinese leaders have apparently _forgotten the wise proverb of their people which says that "a frog living in mud has no right to talk about the sea." August 17 - People's Daily front-pages the CPR National Women?0- Federatfon denouncement -51 the 29 July declaration of Mme. &genie Cotton, WIDF President, supporting the test ban treaty, "usurping the name of hundreds of millions of women." August 17-24-25-30 - The Hungarian party organ Nepfgabadsag con- tinues support of the-Soviets and criticism of with a Pecsi article, "Past Words and Present Deeds," on the 17th, a Szabo article, "The Slanderers Unmask Themselves," on the 24th and Foldes articles on CERA on the 25th and 30th complaining that the Chinese leaders, "in the role of unwanted advocates, are try- ing to exhort us to _national self-sufficiency, although this would clearly be a step backward." August le - The All-Burma Peace Committee issues a statement con- demning the test-ban treaty as "contrary to the demands of the peace-loving people and benefitting the nuclear war preparations of U.3. imperialism." (NCNA) August 19 - Secretary General of Sohyo (General Council of Japanese Trade Unions), Akira Iwai, callsfor a complete break with the CP. After further discussions in September and October, Iwai hopes his plan will be adopted as the basic policy guide for Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Sohyo. Iwai says that the CP considers itself infallible and is incapable of adapting itself to conditions in Japan. (Asahi Evening News, Tokyo) Augast 20 - A Pravda article by Prof. Chkhikvadze describes how, "since 1959, Chinese delegates at international meeting of peace champions began opposing the concerted line of the world peace movement and discrediting its purposes and tasks. Since the end of 1961, they have been launching an open attack on the World Peace Council" In a TABS interview on the same day, Director Gafurov of the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the USSR Academy of Sciences declares that the Chinese dogmatists "practically substitute chauvinist, nationalist and even racist conceptions for Marxist- Leninist historical science" idealizing the past, glorif ing feudal methods of lic -- conquests internecine wars bloody ana ra se a ro e o ng s ere s only one step batweentbe glorification of the rgreat' con- querors and defense of the personality cult." August 20-23-29 - The Bulgarians continue their support of the Soviets and ciiticii .f the Chinese with articles in Party news - rv paper RabotnicheskoI i.?lche 20th, the theoretical journal Wirr?y Life No. 11 appearing the 23rd, and an article by CC Secretary Grigorov published in the Moscow Pravda of the 29th. August 20 and continuing - Khrushchev arrives in Belgrade with wife for heraldecinvacation" visit. Subsequent reporting has indicated accord in views but little in the say of concrete developments. August 21 - Pravda publishes text of 10,000-word-plus Soviet Govt statement in response to Chinese Govt statements of -131 July and 15 August. Most of it is in a tone of calm reasoning (based on facts of life, not Marxism), capitalizing on the popular appeal of their test ban treaty position. "The position of the CPR Govt, set forth in the statement of August, can be understood only in the sense that the Chinese leaders do not care how nuclear weapons spread among the capitalisf countries as long as the CR leaders get a chalice to lay their hands on a nuclear bomb and see What it is like. The statement then points to the tremendous economic effort required and declares that "the CPR is yet unprepared to produce nuclear arms in quantity. -Mv-en?i-f-th-6-CPR-viele to produce two or three boibs, this would not solve its problem but would bring about a great exhaustion of the CPR economy." 2 (#11 Chronology Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 The Soviets lecture the CCP: "This is w1,y. the most reasonable policy for the CPR in present conditions -- if, of course, its desires and potential are to be coaensurate wBETC6676-35Viite its efforts to the development of the national economy, science, technology, and agriculture, devoting them to raising the wolfare of the Chinese people, to meeting their vital needs. The Chinese people are experiencing many privations. The Soviets then make a significant threat: "One more circumstance cannot be overlooked: the CPR Govt, disregarding its duty as an ally, abusing relations of trusi existing among the socialist countries, as embarked upon the road of making public classified documents and information related to the defenses of the countries of the socialist commonwealth, and, what is more, of present- ing the facts tendentiously, in a distorted light.... The Soviet Govt is compelled to state that after these actions of the CPR Govt there is hardly anyone who will believe the sincerity of its assurances and trust it with information of defensive im..rtance. It is nau3-1"-Firtr-ria ov e v. w ?raw s conc usion on this score." They continue: "Who has asked those Chinese doomed in advance to death if they are willing to be tinder in the furnace of a nuclear uiesi13 war? Did they empower the CPR leadership to sound their death knell ahead of time?"- After this play to the Chinese people, the Soviets chastise the CPR leaders for their "undisguised interference in the domestic affairs of other socialist states, in particular the Soviet Union," by arrogating the right to speak on behalf of other peoples. "Not a single Imperialist government has yet gone so far as to dare to assert that it and not the Soviet doverament is representing the Soviet Union in international affairs, to speak on behalf of the Soviet people!" Noting that, despite Chinese pretensions to speak for the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, the states of those continents are ".00eding to the treaty one after the other, the Soviets say: "The only thing that remains for the authors of the CPR Govt statements to do is to use as trump cards the pronouncements of a few apostates who have long since lost ground in their countries and in their parties and whom Peking is trying hard to woo. Oh yes, the CPR Govt can 3 (#11 Chronology Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 also boast of a resolution of the so-called 'Fourth Inter- national' unitilirTiii73EFite groWg7--7W1,rfEr-partners in -5-Toletariiirriirernationalism,' no gainsaying that!" August 21 - Peking press plays a 20 August statement _the CPR TO-F6rEfiriinistry "refuting the Indian myth a-Chinese-ffOps con- centrairdli7ETSNg the border." "Even the Western imperialists regard them (the Indian reports) with only mild credulity, feel- ing that the Indian Govt has gone too far. It is only the official press of the Soviet Union that energetically echoes the Indian Govt. ... Pravda has published articles trying to shift the blame onto ChfETTEE the Sino-Indian border conflict started by the Nehru Govt." Sharing the front page is N. Vietnam Premier Pham Van Dong's reply to Chou 2n-lai approving the CPR- proposed heads-of-all-states meeting (but not criticizing the test ban treaty). August 22 - People's Daily expands on the Foreign Ministry state- ment on India wifia a 4,000-word editorial noting that "it became obvious around the time of the signing of the Moscow tripartite treaty that Soviet-Indian relations had become extraordinarily intimate." It says that "Nehru's lackey Dange (CPI Chairman), who recently returned triumphantly to India after visiting Moscow, gleefully played up the 'disinterested assistance' of the Soviet Union the moment he landed in Nev Delhi." Dange is quoted as saying: "Soviet assistance has no conditions. That government has already decided to set up a factory in this country for the manufacture of arms so India should not have to depend upon others for spare parts." People's Daily comments: "This is not just a 'new chapter' in Indian-Sovie relations. It is also a new chapter of collaboration between the Soviet leaders and U.S. 177433371ilism to ally with India against China." August 22 - The N. Korean organ Nodon? Sinmun 6,000-word editorial "Yugoslav tavisionists Serve Imperralism," is obviously timed to correspond with Khrushchev's visit to Yugoslavia but curiously contains no criticism of the USSR, even implied. August 22 - The Albanians marked Khrushchev's vitit to their neighbor with a Zen i I Popullit article headed "N. Khrushchev and J. B. Tito Are Eatching New Plots." August 22-23 - Mongolia supported again the Soviet side with a report by the official agency Montsame on the 22nd that "the Mongolian public has welcomed with deep understanding the Soviet Govt's statement exposing the Chinese leaders' adventurous course and crude anti-Soviet and anti-Communist attacks," and a 23 August editorial in the Party organ Unen, "The Soviet Union-- Dependable Stronghold of Peace." August 23 - Pravda publishes a statement of the Sudan CP hailing the test ban treaty and expressing "full support and profound appreciation to the CPSU CC and the Soviet Govt for their gigantic efforts...." 4 (#11 Chronology Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 August 23 - A People's Daily commentator denounces the Soviet leader who "Went to the length of accepting the unreasonable demand by U.S. imperialism and agreeing that the signing of this treaty by the GDR does no imply its recognition as a state. This amounts to annulling the international IIiIiii-75Y-the GDR and in fact recognizing the Bonn regime as the sole representative of the German people. It is an extremely ignoble act of betrayal which not only seriously impairs the interests of the GDR but also greatly enhances the arrogance of the aggressive Vest German militarists. In order to seek a moment of ease and please U.S. imperialism, the Soviet leaders have not scrupled to sell out the T-rnezaerna countries ? ... However, we firmly -believe that the 13 million MR people will not allow others to dictate their destiny." August 23 - Tha celebration of Rumania's National Holiday erings effusive tributes from both camps. August 23-33 - The Czechoslovak Govt informs the Chinese that the operating license of the Prague NCNA office was withdrawn immediately because of continued "Inacmissible activities" in spreading "materials slandering the Czechoslovak people and crossly attacking the Czechoslovak Govt and CP." On the 30th, Party organ Rude ?ram gives more details. "Instead of paying attention to the IBM-rise successes of the Soviet Union it publishes distorted and so-called critical articles which generalize isolated negative features in the Soviet Union. How far its hatred goes isamwn by the fact that central Chinese newspapers featured on the front page a large picture of a woman black market operator sentenced by a Soviet court. At a time when the entire world excitedly followed the space flight of Valentina Tereshkova, not a single Chinese paper found space to publish her picture. August 23 - The Austrian CP CC unanimously approves a speech of General Secretary Fuernberg supporting the Soviet Union against China. After this meeting, observers conclude that the "open letter" supporting Chinese views, recently addressed to Austrian Communists, is the work of a single person and not even of a group. (APP) August 23 - Professor of International Law Kozhevnikov in Imvestiya analyzes "violation by the Chinese leadership of the elementary standards of international law" in its foreign policy toward the USSR and the socialist countries. He stresses that divulging information about the defenses of the socialist community, the CPR Govt has taken to the road of disregarding its duty as an ally to a point verging on a clear violation...." 5 (#11 Chronology Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 August 24 - Following lzvestiyats exposure of Chinese tricks usingin Peking residente as 'brepresentatives't of Zanzibar (see August 17), TABS transmits a letter by several Soviet writers who had been at the Afro-Asian writer's session in Denpasar, Indonesia, expressing indignation over a similar Chinese trick. The "prominent Sudanese writer Abdullah Hamad el Amin, who came from Khartoum, was denied the right to represent his country" in favor of one Ahsed Heir, "who does not live in Sudan and represents no one. The latter came with the Chinese delegation from Peking, whore he has been living for about seven years." Furthermore, one of the letter's authors, the "well-known Uzbek writer Hasid Gulyam" told TABS: "the shocking incident with Amin is by far not the only one inspired by Chinese representatives in the Afro-Asian writers movement." (See August 24 - Peking mass rally - for other use made of Beir/Kheir.) August 24 - A Peking mass rally of more than 10,000 "as a celebration of the success of the 9th World Conference Against A & H Bombs in Hiroshima" gave "a rousing welcome to peace fighters from various countries who have come to China after the world conference and to the Chinese delegation that has returned from Japan crowned with success." Chao Pu-chu, head of the Chinese delegation, attacked not only the Soviet delegation but also the secretariat of the World Peace Council, which "has become to an increasing extent a tool of the Soviet GovfTi- diploma.c y and an organization serving U.S'. imperialism."( Among n?reign speakers were Mrs. Theja Gurnawahdana of the pro-Chinese faction in Ceylon (author of the recently published book Khrushchevism), Mrs. Flora Gould and Rewi Allwof New Zealand, George A. Williams of Ghana, A. 11, Kheir of the Sudan (see August 24 Izvestiya/TASS for Soviet "exposure" of Kheir/ Heir) and Ndek Akanga from the Cameroons. August 24-28 - A massive volume of major Soviet comments over this 5-day period, responding to Chinese behavior, covers a wide range of the counts against them, the most important as follows: -- Red Star, 25th - Leontyev commentary: recalling "an old Chinese proverb: when drinking water, remember who dug the well. Judging by the statements of the Chinese leaders, they are for- getting this proverb." Izvestiya, 26th - Article by "prominent Soviet international law expert Tunkin" entitled "National Frontiers and Peaceful Coexistence." Noting that "some 70% of all known disputes about national frontiers refer to Asia and Africa," the article goes on to warn that "the supreme interests of peace insist on respect for existingfrontiers, since any other attitude toward frontiers is fraught with the danger of war." -- Pravda, 26th - A Peking dispatch recalling "an old adage of of the East says that if you watch a man through a teyhoie you 6 (111 Chronology Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 can form a wrong opinion about him. But this is precisely what the Chinese press is engaged in at present, disregarding popular wiodom." -- Pravda, 27th - Nepomnyashchiy article denounces the "theory" invented inPeking about a "special" unity of interests of Asian peoples, asking: ?Is there any connection between this false theory" and the Chinese statement that "the whites had nothing to do at Moshi?: He answers "yes," and cites a statement made by Kenzo Matsumura, an outspoken Japanese racist, former member of the Tbjo cabinet, after his visit to Peking last year on the invitation of Liao Cheng-chih, Chairman of the Chinese Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee. Matsumura said: "Deputy Premier Chen I had many talks with me, during which it was said that the Bast still remains the Bast and the Asian people must change world history. We must unite and increase contacts between our peoples which have the same color of skin and the same system of writing." Pravda adds that this statement was published not in some bouiPari-Japanese newspaper but in 2oople's Daily,--and "without any comment from the position of Marxist-Leninist theory!" And on 20 September 1962, the day after the Chinese farewell reception for Matsumura (attended by Chen I and Ku? Mo-jo, among others), NCNA reported that "these talks laid a foundation stone for the development of friendship between Japan and China insofar as the populations of the two countries have the same color of skin and the same written language." Adding that "lately NCNA statements have been more and more often laying stress again on the color of tfie article asks: "Do they weigh thesignificance of such statementswhich correspCnd more readily to the spirit of the time of Genghis Khan than to our times." It concludes by asking if the Chinese action at Moshi does not "confirm the fact that the Chinese leaders have gone so far as to arm them- selves with the "theory" of Mr. Matsumura, one of the new "fuehrers" of the Japanese racists?" August 25-28 - S. German Party organ Neues Deutschland editorial on 25th strongly attacks the "boundless arrogance" of the Chinese leaders who "presume to be able to judge better than the party, government and people of the GDR what serves the interests of the GDR and the German people." An even stronger statement of the GDR Govt on the 28th rejects "with utmost emphasis the insinuations and imputations contained in the Chinese statement (of 15 August). For this reason the statement has been sent back to the CPR Ministry of Foreign Affairs." August 25 - Front-paging their report of the Czechs' "outrageous closing down of the Prague office of NCNA as a deliberate step to worsen relations," the Peking press says that this act "reveals the role of the conductor's baton and the sycophantic nature of the Czechoslovak Govt." August 26 - The ?eking press statement dated 25th of the All- China Journalists Association denouncing the Czech Govt's action in closing the NCNA office in Prague says: 7 (011 Chronology Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 "It is known to all that the International Organization of Journalists --I0J-- has always called for opposition to persecu- tion of Journalists in discharging of their normal duties... The work of NCNA's Prague office completely conforms to these aims of IOJ. In a place where the IOJ headquarters is situ- ated, the Czechoslovak Govt has openly trampled on IOJ aims, has time and again attacked the normal functioning of NCNAIS Prague office and, finally, has ordered its closure....This constitutes a serious provocation...." August 26 - India has banned the distribution of anti-Soviet material by Chinese diplomatic representatives, according to the Indian Information Office as reported by Taos. Mrs. Lakshmi Menon, Minister of State in the Ministry for External Affairs, said in Parliament that the Indias Govt had expressed to the Chinese Embassy its disapproval of the hostile campaign conducted by the CPR against a friendly country. August 29 - The Albanian organ Beni I Popullit in an article "The Revisionist Khrusfichev in the Role of a Pan-Slavist" turns to a 21 August speech at Rakovica near Belgrade in which IC quoted the words of Petar II Njegos, bishop of Montenegro during the first half of the 19th Century, who told Napoleon's diplomats: "We know full well that if the Russians die all other Slays will die likewise, and that he who is against the Russians is against all Slays," ZIP says: "Certainly this is not just historic I-minis-656w or random talk. We are here face to face with a new aspect of modern revisionism which replaces proletarian internatiOnarism by the ideology of the narrow concept of a unity based on Elie ethnic origin of a certain group of peoples.. .Re has come out openly in the role of a pan- Slavist. In the mouth of a chauvinist-revisionist, these ----1-Taiirem about the unity and fraternity of the Slav peoples have a definite political implication. By means of this demagogy borrowed from the arsenal of the Russian imperi- alist bourgeoisie, but brightened up with modern colors, the Ehrushchev group is trying to deceive the Slav peoples in the socialist countries and the peoples of Yugoslavia in order to tie them more closely to its own policy in the name of Slav unity." August 28 - Indonesian CP Chairman Aidit completed his visit to the CPSU and flew to Peking. Tass reports his praise of Soviet aid: NCNA his rousing welcome by 1000 Chinese headed by Premier Chou En-lai. August 28 - Two more prominent Australian pro-Chinese Communists have been expelled from the Party, including E. F. Hill, leader of the Victoria pro-Chinese group. (Australian Overseas Service, citing the Sydney Tribune of 28 August.) 8 (#11 Chronology Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 August 29 - Pravda reprints a letter published in the Beirut aaily Al Akhbar by "the Iraqui CP which, in the past two Years, has semi four letters to the Chinese comrades requesting them to revise their erroneous positions." It supports the CPSU 14 July open letter and denounces the stand of the Chinese leaders. August 30 - People's Daily editorial entitled "Further Exposure of-the Soviet Leaders' Act of Betrayal" strikes out bitterly in a new attack directed at Nationalist China's signature on the test ban treaty. "The 'two-Chinas' trap was set with the gleeful consent of the toviet leaders, who had boastfully called themselves the protectors oi China...." PD cites a West German DPA report of a deal whereby the firi5 Germany's and the two Chinas would be accepted as signatories, with B. Germany signing in Moscow and W. Germany in Washington, and vice versa for the two Chinas. "Tho Soviet Govt has the audacity to demand, or pretend to hope, that China will sign fhe treaty....The 650 million Chinese 'people cannot but feel shocked and outraged that the Soviet Union, an ally of China, should have supposed that China should and could play such a humiliating role,... Now it is clear to all that the Soviet leaders are making use of the trap of the Moscow treaty to oppose socialist China They have indeed fosf all sense of shame.... All the things they have sold to U.S. imperialism are now coming to light one after another The betrayal of the interests of the Chinese people over the question of Taiwan, and the betrayal of those of the German people over the question of the international status of the GDR arc a naked exposure of the line of capitulation From all this there is only one conclusion: in order to carry on their general line of capitulation, to beg U.S. imperialism for peace, the Soviet leaders will stop at no deals of betrayal." (The word "betrayal" is used at least a dozen times in this 1000-word editorial, in addition to the heading.) Under a banner headline "We Have Friends and Comrades All Over the World," PD says that "tens of thousands of friends and comrades hithertd-Unhnown to us" have written in since the beginning of this year, and particularly since the publication of the 14 June CCP letter. "Letters from 13 countries" published in this issue include one from "an American Indian, Braswell." 9 (#11 Chronology) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 CRONOLOGIA DISERSIONES COMUNISTAS No. 11 17-30 Agosto 1963 7 Agosto: "Pravda" publica un articulo de Borovsky sdbre el arresto por la junta en Ecuador del secretario general del PC, Saad, y otros "lideres progresistas" y la amenaza de deported& masiva de "comunistas y otros patriotas" a las Galdpagos." Uno de los motivos del golpe utilizados or la reacci6n fue la actuaci6n irrespmsable de aventuristes-doratistas que se habian introducido en el PC. Apoyudos ideologica ymaterialmente por sus amies extranpros de ()Anion parecida, dichos elementos de iz- quierda apuflalaron al Partido por la espalda." "Izvestiya" a su vez pu- blica una carte de "Ahmed Szif Harusi, mieMbro del comitd ejecutivo del Partido Nacionalista de Zanzibar", denunciando la ddblez de Pekin al pu- blicar discursos y declaraciones de dos personas que representan organi- zaciones de Zanzibar pero we son apoyadas por los chinos de Pekin y nada representan en Zanzibar. Y Radio Moscd informa que fiLucha arera", dr- gano del Partido Bolivian? Trotskista, "la resolucion del XXII Pleno del Comitd Ejecutivo de la Cuarta Internacional Trotakista" que "aprdb6 la tarea his- torica de unirse a los chinos y luchar por la formacion de un frente unido entre la Cuarta Internacional y los comra- des chinos". La radio concluye: "Los errores ideologicos de los lideres chinos -- la terca negative a reconocer errores politicos -- est dn condaciendo a los politicos de Pekin al tremedal trotaista. A pesar de ello se atreven a hacerse ver como partidarios de la pureza del marxismo-leninisme. Los lideres parecen helper olvidado el sabio proverbio de su pueblo que dice we 'um rana que vive en el lodo no tiene derecho a haler del mar". 17 Agosto: - El "Diario del Pueblo" pablica en primera plena el rechazo por parte de la Federaci& Nacional Femenina de la RPCh de la declare- el.& de 29 de Julio de lailetiora.Butdnie Cotton, presidenta de la F)IM, en apoyo del tratado proscriptorio de los ensayos, "usurpando el noMbre de centenares de rit1lones de mujeres". 17-24-25-30 Agosto: fIepszaghsag", organo del PC hdrigaro, prosigue en su apoyo de los sovidticos y critica de los chinos, con un articulo de Pecsi, "Palabras pasadas y hechos presentes", el 17; un articulo de Szabo, "Los. Calumniadores se desenmescaran", el 24; y artiaulos de Foldeesobre el CA EM el 25 y el 30 quejdadose de que los lideres chinos, "en el papel de abogados indeseados, estdn tratando de oxhortarnos a la autosuficiencia nacinnal, aunque esto claramente seria un peso hacia atrds". 18 Agosto: El Comitd de Paz de toda Birmania pablica una declared& condenando el tratado proscriptorio de los ensayos coma "contrario a las. demandas de las gentes aaantes de la paz y beneficio a los preparativos bdlicos del impertalismo norteamericano". (Agenda Nueva China). 19 Agosto: Akira Iwai, secretario general del Sohyo (Consejo General de. Sindicatos Japoneses, reclama una rupture complete con el PC. Luego de Approved For Release 1999/08/24 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 tener lugar otras discusiones en septiembre y octubre, Iwai conffa que su plan serd adoptado cono la pauta bdsica de politica para el "Sohyo". Iwai declara que el PC Be considera infalible y es incapaz de adaptarse a las condiciones en Japon. ("Asahi Evening News", de Tokio). 20 Agosto - Un articulo del profesor Chkhikvadze en "Pravda" describe c&m: "desde 1959, los delegados chinos a reuniones internacio- nales de campeones de la paz eupezaron a oponerse a la li- nea concertada del movimiento mundial de la paz y a desacre- ditar sus propdsitos y tareas. Desde fin de 1960 him esta- do lanzando un ataque abierto contra el Consejo Mundial de la Paz". En entrevista con la agenda TASS el mismo dfa, el director Gafurov del Instituto de los Pueblos de Asia de la Academia de Ciencias de la UHSS, declara qpe los dogmdticos chinos "prdcticamente sustituyen con concertos chovinistas, nacionalistas y hasta racistas la ciencia historica marxis- ta-leninista" idealizando el yasadoz glorificando mdtodos de politica feudales conquistas, guerras intestinas, invasiones sangientas elogian el papel de Genghis Khan. Bay solo un paso entre la glorifica- el.& de los 'grandes' conquistadores y la defense del cult? a la perso- nalidad". 20-23-29 Agosto - Los bdlgaros prosiguen su apoyo de los sovidticos y la critica de los chinos con articulos en el organo partidista "Rabotniches- ko Delo" el dia 201 el Organ? te6rico "Vida del Partido" No. 11 el dia 23 yun articulo por el secretario del CC Grigorov publicado en "Pravdede Moscd el 29. 20 Agosto et seq Kruschev llega a Belgrado con su esposa en su tan anun- ciada visita de "vacaciones". Las informaciones sdbsiguientes han indi- cado acuerdo de opiniones pero poco en cuanto a acontecimientos concre- tos. 21 Agosto - "Pravda" pdblica el texto de mds de 10.000 palabras de la declaracion del Goibierno sovidtico en respuesta a las declaraciones del Gabierno chino de 31 de julio y 15 de agosto. La mayor parte estd en tono de raciocinio tranquilo (basado en realidades de la vida y no en el marxismo), aprovechando la inclinacion popular favorable a su posicion en cuanto al tratado de proscripcion de ensayos. "La posici6n del GObierno de la RPCh, expuesta en la decla- racion de agosto, se puede camprender solo en el sentido de que a los lideres chinos no les importa de qud modo se difun- dun entre los pulses capitalistas las arras nucleares siem- pre y cuando los lideres de la RPCh pongan manos en una bom- be, nuclear y vean cdmo es." La declaracion se refiere luego al estupendo esfuerzo econdmico que se requiere y declara clue: "la RPCh no est d adn preparada para producir armas nucleares en cantidad. Aim si la RPCh produjera dos o tres babas, esto no resolverfa su problema pero si produciria un gran agotamiento en la econamia de la RPCh." Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP7803061A000200030002-6 -2 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Los sovidticos ofrecen consejo al PC chino: "Por esto es que la politica mds razondble para la RPCh en las ac. tuales condiciones el es que por supuesto, su fuerza latente va a ester a la medida de sus deseos eerie dedicar sus esfuer- zos al desarrollo de la economia nacional, la ciencia, la tecnolo- gia y la-agrieultural dediandolas a elevar el bienestar del pue- blo chino y llenar sus necesidades vitales. El pueblo chino estd experimentando muchas privaciones ..." Los sovidticos entonces hacen una significative amenaza: "Otra circunstancia tampoco puede pasar inadvertida: el Gobierno de la RPCh, a despecho de su deber de aliado, abusaado de las re- laeiones de confianza existentes entre los Daises socialistas, se ha echado a la senda de hacer pdblicos umedatosdena- turalezereservadarelecdosionaon la ensadelospi--seade la comunidad socialista y, lo que es mds, de presenter los hedhos de manera tendenciosal de modo tergiversado El Gobierno sovidtico se ve obliged? a declarer que despues de semejantes ea- tuaciones del Gobierno de la RPCh apenas hay quien crea en la sin- ceridad de sus seguridades y le confie datos de importancia en la defense. Es natural que el Gobierno aacar?sobre este Rarticular.w Proe.tguen: "61Quidn ha preguntado a los chinos clue est& condenados a muerte por adelantado si est& dispuestos a servir de maim en el horno de ma guerra de proyectiles nucleares? Oran autorizado ellos a la direcci6n de la RPCh a tocar a muerto antes de tiempoilw Despuds de este pase haeia el_pueblo chino, los sovieticos fUstigan a los lideres de la RPCh por sU "desencubierta intromisi6n en los asuntos dnmdsticos de otros estados aocialistasiy en particular de la Uni6n Sovidtical" ar- rogdndose el derecho a hablar por otros pueblos. "011 un solo gobierno imRerialista se ha atrevido todavia llegar al ex/remo de asegurar que El mismo y no el Gobierno sovietico est1745e- sentando a la Union Sovietica en asuntos internacionales, pare bablar por el pueblo sovidtico!" Tomando nota de que, a pesar de las pretensiones chinas de ha- blar a nombre de be pueblos de Asia, Attica y America Latina, los estados de dichos continentes estdn adhiriendose al tratado uno tras otro, expresan los sovieticos: "Lo *lido que les'quede por hacer a los redactores de las declar raciones del Gobierno de la RPCh es emplear como carta de triunfo los pronunciamientos de unos mentos apdstatas que hace tiempo hen perdido terreno en sus propios paises y en 81118 partidos y a los cuales Pekin esti tratando con gran =pen de congraciarse. Si. si, el Gobierno de la RPCh taMbidn puede ufanarse de una re- solucion de is llamada 'Cuarta Internacional' ? e redne a os trots stas. Ios socios en el internacionalismo proleta- ApproliaFOIPWINgge1OWIN3/24 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 - 3 - Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 21 Agosto: La prensa de Pekin utilize una declared& del Ninisterio, arRelaciones Exteriores de la RPCh de fecha 20 de agosto "refutando el ndto indio sobre concentraclem de tropes chinas en la frontera." "Haste los imperialistas occidentales los ven (los informs indios) con poca credulidad, en la impresidn de que el Gobierno Indio se ha extralimitado. Solamente la a oficial de la Uni& Sovietica se hace endrgioo eco ? t.bierno ?dio avda ha pub cado ar- ticulos tratando de ether la culpa a China por el conflict? fronteri- zo chino,indlo iniciad0 por el Gobierno de Nehru." Tambidn en prime- = plane aparece la contested& del premier nor:rtnames nem Van Dong a Chou En-l'i aprobando reunionde los j es de todcs los ea. tados que fuera propuesta por la RPCh (pero absteniendose de criticar el tratado que proscribe los ensayos). 22 osto: El "Mario del Pueblo" aBade a la declaraci6n sobre India del Hi.ni8terio de Relaciones con un editorial de 4.000 relabras apun. tando que "se hizo evidente pare la feels de la firms del tratado tripartite clue las relaciones indo-sovifticas hablan alcanzado extra- ordinaria intimidad." Declare que "el lacayo de Nehru, Dange (presi- dente del PC Indio), que hace poco regres6 en triunfo de una visite a Mead, gozoeamente hizo resaltar 'la asistencia desinteresada' de la Union Sovietice en cuanto puso pie en tierra en Nueva Delhi." Dange declar6 segdn noticias: asistencia sovietica es incondiei- onal. Bicho Gobierno ye ha resuelto establecer una fdbrica en este pais - la manufacture de armee de modo India no .ue de-. render otros por sus piezas repuesto. -A ir- io del comenta: -"Est? no es solo un Inuevo capitulo' en las relaciones indo-sovieticas. Constituye taMbien un nuevo capitulo en la cola- boraci6n entre los lideres sovidticos y el imperialism? norteameri- eano pare aliarse con India contra China." 22 osto: El organo norcoreano "Nodong Sinmun" pdblica un editorial de 6.000 palabras, "Los revisionistas yugoslavos sirven al imperialis- mo", a tiempo de coincidir con la visite de Kruschev a Yugoslavia, pero es extra() que no contiene critica de la MSS, ni siquiera indi- rectemente. lo 22 Agosto: Los aibaneses tomaron note de la visite de Kruschev al vecino pals con Urinfalio en "Uri i Popullit" titulado "N. Krus- ehef y J. B. Tito est& empollando nuevos complots." 22-28 Agosto: Mogolia una vez ms apoy6 el lado sovietico con un in- forme de is agencia oficial Montsame el da 22 de que "el pdblico mo- gol ha aceptado con profunda comprensi6n la declaracion del Gobierno sovietico denunciando el rumbo aventurista y los burdos ataques an- tisovieticos y anticcannistas de los lideres chinos", y un editorial el 28 de agosto en el &gam rertidista "Unen" titulado "La Uni6n Sovidtico confiable fortaleza de la pax". 23 gosto: "Pravda" publica una declaracion del PC sudanes saludando el tratado proscriptorio de los ensayos y expresando "pleno apoyo y profundo aprecio al CC del PCUS y al Gobierno sovietico por sus gi- gantescos esfuerzos ..." 23 Agosto: Un comtntarista del "Diario del fteblo" comiena al lider sovietico que Approved For Release 1999/04424: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 "liege hasta el extremo de ... aceptar la irrazonsble exigencia del imperialism? norteamericano y acordar cue la firma de dicho tratado-Lpor RDAIO',Lrcesurectuocimicatocoit-o-estado? . tato equivale a ani-ilai la tuaternacicnal de 1816A, y en efecto reconocer el regimen de Bonn como dnico representante del pueblo alemdn. Es un acto de traicion innoble en extremo que no solo seriamente per judica los intereses de la RDA sino que taMbidn amplia grandemente la arrogancia de los agresivos mili- taristas de Alemenia Occidental. ... Para conseguir un moment() de asueto y eomplacer al imperia- lismo norteamericano, los lideres sovieticos no ban tenido es- en vender los intereses de os ? ses aternos. embargo, irmemen creemos que los de san- te de is RDA noyermitirdn5ue otros dicten sus deetinos": 23 Agto: La celebracidn de is fiesta nacional de Rumania es ?cast& de efualvoa tributos de ambos canpos. 23-30 Agosto: El Gobierno checoslovaco informa a los chinos que el permiso de la oficina-& Itm!, de la Agencia Thieve China queda can- celed? inmediatamente por-Eair continued? "actividades inadmisibles" difundiendo "materiales que calumnian al pueblo checoslovaco y bur- damente atacan al Gobierno y PC checoslovaco." El da 30 el Organ? partidista "Rude Pravo" da meyores detalles. "En lugar de prestar atention a los inmensoa exitos de la Union Sovidtica arti- eulos tergiversados y As sedicente critica que generLizan caracte- risticas negatives aisladas de la Union Sovidtica. El extremo a que liege su odio lo demuestra el hecho de que los diarios centrales cbdr nos exhibieron en primers plane una foto de gran tameno de una estra. perlista sentenciada por un tribunal sovidtico. En momentce en que el mundo entero seguSa emocionado el vuelo especial de Valentina Tereshkova, ni un solo diario chino encontr6 lugar para publicar su fotografia." 23 Agosto: El CC del PC austriaco undnimemente aprueba un discurso de su secretario general Fuernberg en spay? de la Mien Sovidtica contra China. Despues de la reunion, los observadores llegan a la conclusidn de que la "carte abierta" en apoyo de las opiniones chinas dirigida reeientemente a los comunistas austriacos es dbra de Ma sola persona y no de un grupo. (APP) 23 Agosto: El profesor de deredho internacional Kozhevnikov analiza en "Izvestiya" la "violacidn por parte del liderato chino de las normas elementales del derecho internacional" en su politica exterior hacia la URSS y be paises socialistas. Race resaltar que "divulgando datos sobre las defenses de la comunidad socialista, el Gobiiara."- la RPCh ha tornado la senda de lacer caso omiso de su deber coo ailed? haste= punto que rays en una clam violacidn "- 24 to: Despues de la denuncia en "Izvestiya" del truco chino de utilizer residentes de Pekin como "representantes de Zanzlbar (yea el 17 de agosto), TABS transmite una carte de unos cuantos es- critores sovieticos que habian asistido a la reunidn de escritores afroasidticos en Denpasar, Indonesia, haciendo saber su indignacidn por in truco parecido de los chinos. Al "prominente escritor sudands Abdullah Heald el Amin, llegado de Khartum, le fue negado el derecho Approved For Release 1999/Q84: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 a representar a su pais" en favor de cierto Ahmed Heir, "que no vire en Sudan ni representa a nadie. Este vino con la delegacion china de Pekin, donde ha estado viviendo unos siete ethos." Mends, uno de los autores de la carta, el "conocido escritor de Uzbek, Hamid Gulyam", declar6 a TASS: "El vergonzoso incidente con Amin dista mucho do ser el &leo inspirado pox' los representantes chinos en el movimiento de escritores afroasiaticos". (Vea el 24 de agosto -- la manifestaci6n de masa en Pekin -- otra utilizacide de Heir/Kheir.) 24 Agosto: Una manifestacidn de masa en Pekin de mds de 10.000 asis- TEM-7in celebracion del 6xito de la Novena Conferencia Mundial Contra las Bombes A y H en Hiroshima," rindi6 una "delirante bien- venida a luchadores de la pez de varios paises que ban venido a Chins despu6s de la conferencia mundial y a la delegaci6n china que ha re- gresado de Japon coronada pox al dxito. Chao Pu-chu, a cargo de la delegacidn china, atac6 no solo a la delegaci6n sovidtica sino al se- cretariado del Consejo MUndial de la Paz, que "se ha convertido m?s y ma en un instrumento de la diplonaoia sovidtica y una organizacidn al servicio del imperialism? norteamericano". Entre los oradores ex- tranjeros estaban Mrs. The,* Gurnswahdana de is facci6n pro-China de Ceildn (autora del libro "Krsuchevismo" publicado hace poco), Mrs Flora Gould y nevi Alley de Nueva Zelandia, George A. Williams de Ghana, A. NL Kheir del Suddn (yea 24 Agosto u/zvestiya" - TASS - la "denuncia" sovidtica de Kheir/Heir), y Ndek Akanga do Camerdn. 24-28 Agosto: Un an nilmero de comentarice sovieticos de importancia durante estce 5 d/as con respect? a la conducts de China recorre una amplia lista de los cargos contra dicho pais, siendo los ina importan- tes los siguientes: --Estrella Roja", el 26- Comentario de Leontyev; recuerda un ftantiguo proverbio chino: cuando bebas ague, recuerda qui& ca- v6 el pozo. A juzgar or las declaraciones de los lideres chi- nos, est& olvidando este proverbio". "Izvestiye, el 26 - Articulo del "prominente perito en de- recho internacional Tunkin" titulado "Fronteras nacionales y coexistencia pacifica". Apuntando que "el 70 par ciento de las disputes conocidas sobre fronteras nacionales se refieren a Asia y Africa," el articulo advierte que "los supremos intereses de la paz insisten en el re to a las fronteras existentes ya que cualiuier otra ac it . ia las onteras es cargada del pe- ligro de guerra". -- "Pravda", el 26 - Despacho de Pekin recordando, "un antipo adagio del Este dice que si uno vigila a un hombre por el ojo de una cerradura puede formarse de 61 una opinion equivocada. Pero esto es precisamente lo que ocupa ahora a la prensa china, haciendo caso omi- so a la sabiduria popular". -- "Pravda," el 27 - Wepomniashchiy en un articulo condena la "teoria" inventada en Pekin sobre un unidad "especial" de intereses de los pueblos asilticos, preguntando: -waay alguna relaci6n entre dicha teoria &lee y is declaraci6n china de que "los blancos nada ten/an que hacer en Moshi?" Contesta afirmativamante y cite una de- claracidn de Kenzo Matsumurs, descomedido racista japon6s y ex miem- bro del gdbinete de Tojo, luego de au visite a Pekin el aft passed? Approved For Release 1999/0.844.: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 a invitacida de Liao Cheng-chih, presidente del Comitd Chino de SolaridadAfroasidtica. Matsumura expres6: "El vicepremier Chen I sostuvo muchas converseciones conmigo durante las cuales se dijo que el Este Gigue siendo el Este y El_pueblo asidtiu(ldeberd cambiar la historia munalal. Deberemos unirnos y aumentar los c0652111771117 nii;Fans pueblos que tienen el mismo color de la tez y el mismo sis- tema de escritura." "Pravda' abide que cliche aeclaraci6n fue publi- cada no en algdn diario burguds jvponds sino en el "Diario del Pue- blo" -- iy sin comentario alguao desde el punto de vista de la teo- ria marxista-leninistal" Y el 20 de septiembre de 1962, el dia des- puds de la recepcion de despedida a Matsumura (con asistencia de Chen I y Kkao Mo-jo, entre otros), la Agencia Nueva China infarm6 que "dichas conversaciones echaron una primera piedra para el desenvol- vimiento de la unidad entre Japan y China puesto que las poblaciones de ambos paises tienen la tez del mismo color y el mismo lenguaje es- crito". Apuntando que "dltimamente las declaraciones de la Agencia Nueva Chima ban estado mds y mks poniendo &raids draueva en el co- lor de la tee, el articulo pregunta: waopesan ellos la signifffs7 clan de semejantes declaraciones que corresponden mis facilmente al espiritu de la dpoca de Genghis Khan que de la nuestra?" Concluye preguntando si la actiacidn china en Moshi no "confirma el hecho de que los lideres chinos hen llegado al extremo de armarse con la 'teoria' de Matsumtma, uno de los nuevos 'filbrers' de los racistas nipones". 25-28 Agosto: "Neues Deutschland," brgano del PC de Alemania Oriental, el 25 ataca editorialmente con gran violencia la "arrogancia sin limi- tee" de los lideres chinos que "pretenden poder juzgar major que el Partido, el Gobierno y el pueblo de la RDA lo que sirve a los intere- ses de la RDA y del pueblo aleman." Una declaracidn aun mae fuerte del Gobierno de la RDA el dia 28 rechaza "con el mayor enfasis las insinuaciones e imputaciones contenidas en la declaracion china (del 15 de agosto). Por este motivo la declaracion ha sido devuelta al Ministerio de Beleciones de la RPCh." 25 Agosto: Poniendo en primera plena la informacidn sobre la "in- juriosa clausura" por los checos de is aficina de Praga de is Agen- cia Nueva China como "medida intenciaaal para empeorar las relacio- nes", la prensa de Pekin declare que dicha accidn "revels, el papal de la batuta del conductor y is naturaleza sicofante del Gobierno checoslovaco". 26 osto: La declaracida de prensa en Pekin de Is Asociaci6a de iodistaa de Toda China, fechada el 25, condenando is acciem del Gobierno checo al cerrar la oficina de la Agencia Nueva China en Praga dice: "Es de todos conocido que la Organizacion Internacional de Peri- odistas -- cap -- siempre ha solicited? la oposicidn a is persecucidn 3i-Tai-Periodistao en el desempoffo de sus obligaciones normales El trabajo de is oficina de Praga de la Agencia Nueva China as ajus- ta por couplet? a dichos fines de la OIP. En un lugar en que esti situada is sede de la OrEll el Gobierno checoslovaco ha isoteado abiertamente los fines de ]i0 a atac& repet des veces el normal fUncianamiento de is aficina de Praga de la Agencia Nueva Chins y, por fin, ha dispuesto an clausura Esto constituye grave provoca- cida ..." Approved For Release 1999/08124: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 26 Agosto: India ha prohibido la distribucion de materiales antis?. vieticos por los repreaeatantes diplomdticos chinos, de acuerdo con la Oficina India de Informacidn, gegen informa TASS. La Bettors Lakshmi Menon, la Minisr,ra de Estado en el Miniaterio de Relaciones Exteriores, declar6 en el Parlamento que el Gobierno indio habia expresado a la edbajada china su desoprobacian de la campea de hos- tilidad hacia un pais amigo mantenida por la RPCh. 29 Agosto: El Organo aibanes "Uri I Popullit" en el articulo "El revisionista Kruschev en el papel de paneslavista", hace referencia a un discurso por Kruschev el 21 de agosto pronunciado en Rakovical cerca de Belgrado, en el cual repetia K las palabras de Peter II Njegos, Obispo de Montenegro en is primera mitad del siglo 19, a be diplomdticos de Napoleon: "Sabemos muy bien que si los rusos mueren todos los otros eslavos moritdn tambien, y qae quien este contra los rusos estd tatbien contra todos los eslavos". Dice "Zen i I Popullit": "Por supuesto que esto no es sencillamente reminiscencia hist6- rica ni conversacian al azar. Estamos aqui cars a cara con un nuevo aspecto del revisionism contempordneo que reemplaza iliternacionalismo_proletario con la, ideolog del racism? ... con el estrecho concept? de una unidad basada en el origen et- nico de cierto grupo de pueblos... Ha salido dbiertamente con el papel de un paneslavista. En boca de un chovinista-revision. ista, estas palabras sobre la unidad y fraternidad de los pie- bloc eslavos tienen implicaciOn politica definida. Por medio de este demagogia prestada del arsenal de la burguesia imperi- alista rum, pero abrillantada con colores modernos, el grupo de Kruschev estd, pretendiendo engaZar a los pueblos eslabos de los paises socialistas y los pueblos de Yugoslavia para atarlos ina estrechamente a su propio pogtica en nombre de la unidad eslava". 28 to: El presidente Aidit del PC indonesio concluy6 su visita al PCUS y vol6 aPekin. TAW informa su elogio a la ayuda sovietica; is Agenda Nueva China la gran bienvenida rendida por 1.000 chinos encabezados por Chou En-lai. 28 osto: ?troll; dos prominentes comunistas pro-China son expulsados el ,australieno entre ellos E. P. Hill, lider del grupo pro-China de Victoria. (Australian Overseas Service, en informe atribuido al "Tribune" de Sydney de 28 de agosto). 29 Agosto: "Pravda" reproduce una carte publicada en el diario "Al Akhbar" de Beirut or "el PC iraki,que en los filtimos dos atm ha escrito cuatro cartes a los cameradas chinos pidiendoles que re- visen sus opiniones erradas." Apoya Ls carta abierta del PCUS de 14 de julio y condana la actitud de los lideres chinos. jU Agosto: Un editorial del "Diario del Pueblo" titulado "Otra denuncia del acto de traiciOn de los lideres sovieticos" ataca violentamente en un nuevo golpe motivado por haber China Nacionalista suscrito el tratado contra los ensayos nucleares. "La trampa de las 'dos Chinas' fue colocada con.21rad consentimiento de los lideres sovitticoo, que oe habiah do e1 pisto de Ilamarse protectores de China ..." El "Mario" cita Approved For Release 1999/0W24 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 un informs de la agencia DPA de Alemania Occidental sobre un arreglo mediante el cual las dos Alemanias y las dos Chinas serian aceptadas coin? auscribientes, con Alemania Oriental fir- mando en MOscli y A:7_emania Occidental en Washington, y vice versa con las dos Chinas, "El Odbierno sovidtico tiene la audacia de exigir, o pretender esperar, que China firm el tratado Loa 160 millones de Berea del ueblo chino no pueden sino sentir- se haFiBilTiata y odos de uiI?J?i6n Sovidtica, aliada de LI---Cra?rhinaysugueato que China pudiera y quisiera jugar pepel ?tan humillente Ahora queda en claro ante todos que los 11- dares sovidticos est& eTpleando la trampa del tratado drAgil para oponerse a China soCli linta verdad ban perdido todO" sentido e vergtenza Todas las cosas qua ban vendido al im- perialism norteamericano est& ahora saliendo a luz una trims otra ... La traici6n a los intereses del pueblo chino sobre is cuesti6n de Taiwdn y la traicide a los del pueblo slam& sobre la cuesti6n del status internacional de la RDA on una exposi- el.& al deaaudo de la linea de capitulacidin ... De todo eato hay solo una conclusidn: para,proseguir con su linea general de capitulacion, para suplicar la pax a los Estados Unidos, los lideres aovidticos no se eximen de ninguna componenda de traici6n". (La palabra "traicion" aparece usada por lo menos doce veces an este editorial de 1.000 palabraa, aparte del titulo). Bajo un titu- lar a todo lo ancho, "Tenemos amigos y camaradas en todo el mundo", el "Mario del Pueblo" dice que "decenas de millares de amigos y ca- maradas qua nos eran antes desconocidos" an escrito desde el princi- pio de este edlo y especialmente desde la publicaci6n de la carts del PC chino de 14 de junio. Entre las "cartas de 13 paises" pablicadas en esta edici6n aparece una de "un indio americano, ikmawell". Approved For Release 1999/08124 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 CBRONOLOGZE DISSENTIONS COMMUNISTES No. 11 17-30 adet 1963 17 aoet - "Pravda" pub lie un article par Borovsky sur l'arrestation en Ecuador du secretaire-general du parti cammuniste Saad et d'autres "lea- ders wogressistes" ainsi que sur la menace de deportation par la junta des "cammunistes et autres patriotes" aux ties Galapagos. "Le.s. agisse- nents irresponssbles des aventuriers-dogmatistes qui s'etaient infiltres dans le parti eammuniste furent une des raisons donnees par la reaction pour expliquer le poutche. Ces elements de gauche, soutenus iddologique- ment et materiellement par leurs anis etrangers partageant leurs opi- nions poignardhrent le parti dans le dos". "Izvestiya", egalement, pu- bliait une lettre de "Akhmed Szif Harusil nembre du mate exdcutif du parti nationaliste de Zanzibar", qui denoncait is duplicite dont Pekin avait fait preuve dans see communiques sur les discours et les declara- tions faites par deux personnes representant des organisations de Zanziba: qui sont soutenues par les Chinois h Pekin, et qui ne representent rien h Zanzibar. Radio-Moscou de son One annonce que "Lucha Obrera", organe du parti trotskiste de Bolivie, avait "la resolution du 22e plenum du camite executif de la lye Internationale trotakiste" qui "a approval/6 is tftche histo- rique de se joindre aux Chinois et de utter pour la forma- tion d'un front uni entre is lye Internationale et les cama- rades chinois". La radio concluait:"Les erreurs ideologiques des leaders chinois, leur entetement dans le refus d'admettre leurs erreurs politiques, conduisent les politiciens de Pekin dans le bourbier trotskiste. Malgre eels, us n'osent pas se presenter en tent que supporteurs de is puret6 du marxisme- leninisme. Les leaders chinois semblent avoir oublie le Es27 vcrbe plein de sagesse de leur peuple qui dit sae "une gre-. nouille vivant dans is boue n'a pas le droit de parler de is mer". 17 aout - "Le Quotidien du peuple" pUblie en premiere page le communique de is Federation nationale des fames de is Reyublique populaire chinoise, denoncant is. declaration faite le 29 juillet par Madame Eugenie Cotton, presidente de is Federation democratique internationale des femmes, qui s'est prononcee en faveur du traite interdisant les essais uuclddires, "usurpaat le nam de centaines de millions de femmes". 17-24-25-30 acet - "Nepszabadsag", organe du parti communiste hongrois, continue h soutenir les Soviets et a critiquer les Chinois dans un arti- cle de Pecsi, "paroles et actions du passe", en date du 17, un article de Szabo, "Les calosibis se demasquent elles-menes", du 24, et des arti- cles de Foldes our le Conseil de l'Assistance_dconomique mutuelle, en date du 25 et da 30, se plaignant que les leaders chinois "dans leur rtle d'avocats que l'on n'a pas invites, essaient de nous exhorter h nous suff ire nous-memes sur le plan national, lien que cela equivau- drait nettement hun pas en arriere". 18 scat - Le Coate Pan-Birman de is Paix fait parattre une declaration condamnant le traite interdisant les essais nucleaires en taut que aux revendications des peuples pacifiques at favorisant les prd- parations b. is guerre nucleaire de l'imperialisme des Etats-Unis". (A- gence de presse de la Chine nouvelle). Approved For Release 1999/08/24 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 19 aoet,- Le secrdtaire-gdndral du "Sohyo" (Conseil gdudral des syndicats professionnels japonais), Akita-Iwai, rdclame une rupture complete avec lejarti communiste. Apres plus ample discussion en septembre et en oc- tare, Iwai espere que on plan sera adoptd en tent que directive fonda- mentale de la politique du "Sohyo". Iwai ddclare que le parti communiste se considere infaillible et quill est incapable de s'adapter aux condi- tions qui existent au Japon. ("Asahi" -"Nouvelles du soir", Tokyo). 20 poet -Ma article de "Pravda" par le professeur Chkhikvadze depeint la ratu?ITEr7; dont: "depuis 1959 les ddldguds chinois aux rtunions internationales des champions de la paix entemerent une opposition A la ligne concertde du mouvement de paix mondial et discrdditerent ses dbjectifs et ses travaux. Depuis la fin de 1961, us on pour- suivi des attaques ouvertes contre le Conseil mondial de la paix". Danz une interview tu TABS du meme jour, Gafurov, directeur de l'Institut des peuples de l'Azie de l'Aeaddmie des sciences de l'Union sovidtique, ddclarait que les dogmatistes chinois "avaient.pratiquement sabstitUd la science historique marxiste-ldniniste des conceptions chauvinistes, nationalistes et nAtie racistes, glorifiant les mdthodes de politique feo- dales, les conigetes) les guerres intestines, les invasions sanglantes et quills glofifiaient le rele de Genghis Khan. Il ne uuffit que d'un seul pas entre la glorification des grands conqudrants et la defense du culte de personnalitd". 20-23-29 wet - Les Bulgares continuent h soutenir les Soviets et tt cri- tiquer les Chinois dans des articles pants dans le journal du parti 41Ra- botnichesko" du 20, dans le journal thdorique "Vie du parte numdro 11, paru le 23, et dans un article du secrdtaire du camitd central Grigorov pliblid dans la "Pravda" de Moscou le 29. 20 aoet et la suite - Khrouchtchev et as femme arrivent h Belgrade pour leur visite "de vacance" qui flit prdadde d'une grande pub1icit. tes communiques de presse qui sulvirent soulignent quill y a accord de vues mais ne disent que peu de choses au sujet de ddveloppements concrets. 21 adat - La "Pravda" publie un texte de 10.000 mots en plus dune ddcla- ration du gouvernement sovidtique rdpondant aux ddclarations du gouver- nement chinois du 31 juillet et du 15 wet. Le ton pour is plupart est celui d'un calme raisonnement (base sur des faits, et non sur le marxis- me), mnntrant un ddsir de profiter du sucees populaire dont jouit leur position h lidgard du trait d interdisant les essais nucldaires. ? "La position du gouvernement de la Rdpalique populaire chinoise, ddfinie dans la ddclaration diaoet, ne peut siinterprdter que dans le Bens que les leaders chinois se ddsintdressent totalement de la propagation des armes nu- cldaires dans les pays capitalistes aussi longtemps que les leaders de la Rdpdblique populaire chinoise conser- vent une chance de mettre la main sur une bombe nucldai- re et voient h quoi elle ressetble." La ddclaration enchatne en soulignant l'effort dconamique dnorme que cela comporte et ddclare que: Approved For Release 1999/08i4 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 "la Rdpublique populaire chinoise manque encore de pre- parations pour produire des armes nucldaires en quantitd suffisante. NOMe si la Rdpoblique populaire chinoise par- venait h produire 2 au 3 bombes, elle ne parviendrait as A rdsoudre see problemesmais aboutirait h dpuiser con- siddrablement lidconomie de la RETsublique populaire chi- noised. "C'est pourquoi dans les conditions prdsentes, et natu- rellement si les ddsirs de la Rdpliblique populaire chi- noise sont h la hauteur de ses possibilitds, sa politi- que la plus raisonnable serait de concentrer taus ses ef- forts h ddvelopPer l'dconomie nationale, la science, la technologie et l'agriculture, les mettant au service du bien4tre du peuple chinas pour pouvoir satisfaire les besoins vitaux. Le peuple chinois a souffert de bien des privations..." Les Soviets ensuite proferent une menace significative: "Il est un point encore que l'on ne peut passer sous si- lence: le gouvernement de la Rdpublique populaire chinoi- se mdprisant ses devoirs en tent eu'a11t04 et pragitaut_ des relations de confiance qui existent entre les pays so- eialistes, s'est eMbarqud sur la vole de rendre pyklIcs_ des documents secrets et des renseignements concernant la defense des pays de la communautd socialiste, et, qui plus est, de presenter les faits d'une maniere tendancieuse, et sous un faux Jour... Le gouvernement sovidtique est forcd de declarer qu'en prdsence des agissements du gouvernement de la Rdpdblique populaire chinoise ii ne reste pratique- ment personne pour faire confiance en ses assurances et pour lui communiquer des informations intdressant la_ddfen- Se. Il est naturel que le gouvernement sovidtieue tire des conclusions A ce sujet." Les Soviets continuent: "Qui donc a demandd A ces Chinois condmmnds d'avance mou- Mx, si leur ddsir est de devenir le combustible dans la fournaise d'une guerre nucldaire? Ont-ils accordd aux leaders de la R4pdblioue pppulaire chinoise le pouvoir de sonner leur glas prdmaturdmente ATres cette oourbette au peupae chinois, les Soviets font is lecon aux leaders de la Rdpdblique populaire chinoise en raison de leur "inter- ventinn non ddguisde dans les affaires intdrieures des autres Etats so- cialistes, en partieulier dans ceux de l'Union Sovidtique, en s'arro- geant le droit de ;Grier pour les autres peuples. "Aucun des gouverne- ments impdrialistes n'est encore elle Jusqu'h oser d'affirmer que c'est lui et non le gouvernement sovidtique qui reprdsente 14Union Sovidtique dans les affaires internatinnales, ou h parler au nom du peupls sovid- tique!" ATTU avoir soulignd que malgrd les prdtentions qu'ont les Chinois de parler au nom des peuples de l'Asie, de l'Afrique et de l'Amdrique Latine, les Etats de ces continents adherent au trait d les uns spits lee autres, Approved For Release 1999/08/24 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 3 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 les Soviets ddclarent: "La seule chose qui reste ?. faire pour les auteurs des declarations du gouvernement de la Republique populaire chinoise est de prendre come atout les prononcements de quelques apostats qui depuis longtemps out perdu posi- tion dans leur pays et dans leur parti et que Pekin stet- force de cuurtiser. Qui, en effet, le gauvernenent de la Repalique populaire cbinoise peut se venter d'une reso- lution de la prdtendue lye Internationale unissant les groupes trotskistes. On ne peut nier que ce sont le de dignes partenaires dans un internationalisme proldtarien!" 21 soft - La presse de Pekin souligne une declaration du 20 wet du Minis- tare des affaireede la Republique populaire chinoise "rdfutant le mythe propagd par les Indiens selon lequel les Chinois concentrersient des trou- pes le long de la frontiere." "Les impdrialistes accidents= eux-m*mes n'y attachent (aux declarations des Indiens) qu'une foi lhaitde, esti- mant que le gouvernanent de l'Inde est alld trop loin. Il n'y a que la_presse officielle de l'Union Sovidtique a faire echo energiquement au gouvernement indien... La "Pravda" publie des articles tendsnt a rejeter sur la Chine la responsebilite pour le conflit frontalier sino- indien:provoque par le gouvernement de Nehru." En premiere page dgale- ment se trouve la reponse Chou En4ai du premier ministre du Vietnam du Nord Phan Van Dons qui approuve la proposition de la Reptiblique popu- laire chinoise de faire rdunir tous les chefs d'Etat (nais qui ne criti- que las le traitd interdisant les essais nucldaires). 22 acat - Le "Quotidien du peuple" publie un editorial de 4.000 mots sur la declaration du Ministere des affaires dtrangeres concernant l'Inde, dans lequel ii souligne "Il dtait devenu evident tt l'epoque de la signa- ture du trait tripartite de Moscou que les relations indo-sovidtiques dtaient devenues d'une intimitd extraordinaire." L'editorial declare que flange (president du parti communiste indien), laquais de Nehru, est ren- trd rdcemment aux Indes en triomphe, et des son arrive New Delhi s'est mis i. souligner joyeusement "l'assistance ddsintdressde" de l'Union So- vietique". D'apres l'editorial, Dange aurait dit:"L'assistance sovid- tique ne comporte aucune condition. Le gouvernement de l'Union Sovidtiquc a d? ddcidd de construire une usine d'armements dans notre pays afin que l'Inde n'ait pas a ddpendre de l'aide des autres pour obtenir des pieces detachdes." Le "Quotidien du peupae" commente:"Ceci n'est pas seulement un nouveau chapttre dans les relations indo-sovidtiques. C'est dgalement un nouveau charittre dp la collaboration entre les leaders sovi- dtiques et l'imperialisme des Etats.:Unis que de s'allier avec l'Inde con- tre la Chine". 22 =tit L'organe nord-corden "Nodong Sinmun" pane in editorial de 6.000 mots "Les rdvisionnistes yaugoslaves au service de lperialiame". Il est evident que la date de sa publication correspond 6, dessein avec celle de la visite de Khrouchtchev en Yougoslavie, mais il est curieux qu'il ne contient aucune critique, m*me sous-entendue, de ltUnion Sovid- tique. 22 aolat - Les AlbQnais acceuillent la visite de Khrouchtchev chez leur voisin par un article de "Zen i Popullit" intitule "N. Khrouchtchef et J. B. Tito sont en train de couver de nouveaux camplots". ApAttgarieenkgiease 1999/08/2*: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 22-28 aoilt - La Mongolie se range de nouveau du c8te des Toviets, dans un ogmmuniqu4 de l'agence officielle "Mont- same" du 22, qui dec1ar5 que "Le public mongol acceuille tree favorablement la declaration du gouvernement sovid= tique qui denonce la politique,aventureuse des leaders chi- nois et les attaques anti-sovietiques et anti-communistes sros8i6re8," et dans un 4ditoria1 du 28 aout de l'organe du parti "Linen" intitule "L'Union Sovietique, forteresse de la paix digne de confiance". 23 aoat - La "Pravda" publie une de?13ration du parti com- Fargra stpdanais, qui salue le traite interdisant les es- sais nucleaires et assure de "son soutien entier et de sa profonde gratitude h l'egard du comite central du parti communist? de l'Union Sovietique et du gouvernement sovie- tique dans leurs efforts gigantesques..." 2,3 aoat - Un commentateur du"Quotidien du peuple" expose le leader qui: Italia jusquqt se soume;ttre aux exigences de- raisonnables de l'imperialisme des Etats-Unis, et admettre quo la signature du traits par la R6publioue democratique allemande n'impliquait pas la reconnaissance de celle-ci. Cola equi- vaut a une annulation du statut International de la Republique democratique al,lemande et a une reconnaissance de fait du regime de Bonn en tant que seul repr63entant du peuple alle- mand. C'est un acte de trahison particulie- rement ignoble qui non seulement torte attein- te aux interZts de la Republique deMocratipe allemande mats contribue egalement a accroitre considerablement l'arrogance des militaristes agressifs de l'Allemagnepa l'Ouest... af?in d'obtenir un moment de repit et de plaire a l'itperialisme des Etats-Unis, les leaders so- vietiques n'ont pas hesitd h vendre les intd- mita des pays fraternels. ...Cependant, nous croyons fermesent quo les 18,000.000 d'habi- tants de la Republique democratique allemande ne permettront pas aux autres de decider de lour destine," 23 aoat - La celebration de la fete nationale roumaine prove- quo des tribute chaleureux de la part des deux camps. 23-30 aoat - Le gpuvernement tchecoslovaque Inform? les Chi- nois quo l'autortgation de travail accordee a l'Agence do Presse de la Chine nouvelle a Prague lui Stait retirSe im- mddiatemont on raison "d'agissements inadmissibles" qui se poursuivent sous forme de distribution "d'une documentation calomhiant le peuple slovaque et attaquant grossidrement lo gouvornement tchecoslovaque et le parti communiste." Le 30, l'organe du parti "Rude Praxo" donnait des details plus nom7, broux, "Au lieu de reconnaitre les succ.6s immenses remportes par l'Union Sovietique, elle publie des articles de sol- Approved For Release 1999/08/2g : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 disant critique deformant la velite, qui generalise quelques caracteristiquos negatives isolees de ltUnion Sovieique. A quel point cotta halno pout stetendre et demontrer par le fait quo los journaux chinois publient on premidre Tege une photographie de grande dimension montrant une, femme condam- nde par les tribunaux sovietiques pourparche noir. A 116- poquo oh le monde entier suivait avec emotion le vol spatial do Valentina Teroshkova, aucun journal chinois n'a trouve'do place pour publier sa photographie. 23 aoixt - Le comitcf central du parti communist? autrichien approuve unanimement le discours du socretalre-general ruern- berg, qui soutient l'Union Sovietique centre la Chine. A la suite de cotta reunion quo les observateurs sont parvenus h la conclusion quo "la lattre ouverte" soutenant le point do vue chino's, ot adressee rdcemment aux communistes autrichion: est le fait d'un individu at non pas main? d'un group?. (AFP) 23 adit - Le professeur de droit international Kozhevnikov analyse dans "Izvestiya"lienfreinte portoe par no leaders chinois aux regles les plus elementaires de droit internatio- nal" dans sa politique a liegard de ltUnion Sovietiquo et des pays socialistes. souligne qua "en divulguant les se- crets concernant la defense de la communaute-socialisto, lo gouvernoment de la Republique populaire chinoise a pr).s le cours de no tenir awun cqmpte de see devoirs dtallie au point de se trouver a la limite d'une violation caracterisee.. 24 aotlt - Apraavoir denonce les manisances des Chinois qui utilisent des residents de Pekin en tant quo "representants" do Zanzibar (voir 17 aogt), TASS publie une lettre de plu- siours ecrivains sovietiques ayant participe h une reunion d'auteurs afro-asiatiques h Denpasar, Indonesie, lour expri- mant ltindignation des Sovietiques au sujet d'une fraud? ana- logue porpetreo par les Chinois. "L'auteur soudanais dminent Abdullah Hamid el Amin, qui vint de Khartoum, se vit intordirc 4.? droit de representer son pays", privilege qui fut accord a un certain Ahmed Heir, "qui n'habite m'ame pas au Soudan et qui no represent? personne. 0e19i-ci arriva ave,e la delega- tion chinoise en provenance de Pekin, o il a vecu depuis 7 ans. D'autre part, l'un des auteurs de la lettre "ltdcrivain ouzbek bien connu Hamid Gulyam" declara TASS:"L'incident choquant dont Amin fut l'objet est loin d'etre le soul ins- pire par les representants chinois au sen du mouvement des ocrivains sfro-asiatiques." (Voir, 24 aout - Ralliement on passe de Pekin - autre fonction devolueoh Heir/Kheir.) 24 aoilt - Un ralliement en masse de plus de 10.000 personnos a P6kin "pour cdiebrer le succes de la 90 conference mondial? contre les bombes atomiques at les bombes a l'hydrogbno a Hi- roshima" a fait une "reception chaleureuse aux combattants s pour la,paix des divers pays,, qui se rendirent en Chine apros la conference ainsi quo la delegation chinoise revenue,du Japon couronnee de succes". Chao Pu-chu, chef de _la, delega- tion,phinoise, s'est attaqud non seulement h la delegation soviotique mais aussi au secretariat du conseil mondial pour la paix, qui "devient do plus on Plus un instrument de la Approved For Release 1999/08/2g. : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 diplonatio du souvernement sovidtique et une organisation au service de l'inperialisme des Etats-Unis." Parmi los oratours etrangers se trouvaient e Theja Gurnawahdana do la faction pro-chinoise do Coylan (auteur d'un livro publid recenment intituld "Khrouchtchevisme"), Mme Flora Gould ot Rewi Ally de la Nouvelle-Z6lande, George A. Williams de Gha- na, A.M. Kheir du Soudan (Voir "Izvestiya"/TASS du 24 aout pour les "denonciations" sovidtiques de Moir/Heir) at Wdok Akanga representant les Camerounes. 24-28 aoilt - Une quantitd massive de,,commentaires sovieti- quos importants au ?ours de cette periode de 5 jours, on re- ponse a la conduite des Chinois, traito d'un grand nombro d'accusations faites centre ceux-ci, los plus importantes 6- tant los suivantes: ? Etoilo Rouge du 25 aout - Commentaires de Leontyev: rap- pelant "un vieux proverbe chinois: lorsque l'on boit do l'eau ii faut se rappeler qui a crouse le puits. A on jugor par les ddclarations de leaders chinois, ceux-ci ont oublid lc proverbe." --,Izvostiya du 26 aoUt - Article par "l'eminent expert so- vietique on droit international Tounkine", intitule "Fron- ti6ros nationales et coexistence pacifique". Soulignant quo "70 pour-cent do toutes les disputes connues au sujet do frontiercis nationales interessent l'Asie et l'Afrique", liar- ticle proviont quo "l'interest suprme de la paix exige Quo l'on res oe e es *4 al car touto autre at- titude a 1 egard de frontiktes porte en elle le darer do guorre". -- Pravda du 26 aoat - Une depeche de rappelant "un vieil adage do l'Est qui dit quo si vous obsorvez un home par le trou d'une serrure vous risquoz de vous en faire uno opinion erronee. Mats c'est prdciseinent ce quo la prosso chinoiso est en train do faire, au n6pris de la sagosse po- pulaire". -- Pravda du 27 aoat - Un article de Nepomnyashchiy d6nonce la "tAeorie" illventee 'par Pekin au suiet de l'uniformite "_particuliere" drinterats des _pays asiatiquos, et domande: "Y a-t-i1 un lien quelconque entre cette fausse thdorie" ot 1a,d6c1aration des Cjinois "qui veut quo les Blanes n'ont non a faire h Moshi?: II rdpond:"Ou14 et cite une declara- tion de Kcnzo Matsumura, un racist? japonais avere, ancion membro du cabinet Tdjo, reimnee faite apres sa visite 'a 26kir l'annde derniere, invit6 par Liao Cheng-chich, president du comitechinois de la solidaritd afro-asiatique. Matsumura declara:"Le premier ministre adjoint Chen I out un grand nonbre do conversations avec moi, au cours desquelles il a 6t6 dit quo l'Orient reate toujours l'Orient et que los DOU- Plos do l'Asie doivent changer l'histoire du monde. Nous devons nousunir et developper les contacts entre nos poupys qui ont la m5me couleur do peau et les names systemes d'ocri- tun)" 4. Pravda ajoute quo cetto d6C1arat1on a 6te publiee non Approved For Release 1999/08/2*: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 smuloment dans certains journaux bourg9oit japonais mala egalemont dans le "Quotidien. du Peuple", et "sans aucun commentaire du point do vue de la thdbrie marxiste-144- nisto:" Et lo 20 soptembro 1962, un jour apres la reception &adieu en l'honneur de Matsumura (h laquelle se trouvaiont Chen I et Kuo Mo-jo entre autres), l'Agence de presse/do la Chine nouvelle annon9ait quo "cos entrstions ont pose los fondoments du devoloppoment de l'amitio entre le Japon et la Chino, los populations dos d'ux pays ayant la mame couleur do poau et le meme,language ocrit". Ajoutant quo "cos dor- niers temps les declarations de l'Agonce do presse de la Chino nouvelle soulignont do plus en plus freouemment ;a question de couleur deseau," l'article se demandel"Est-co qu:ils pOsont la valour do deelaratisps paroillos qui ro- flotont pluttit les conceptions do l'epoquo de Genghis Khan quo la nOtre". L'article conclut en se demandant si l'ac- tivito dos Chinois a Moshi no "confirmerait pas le fait quo los loaders chinois sont alles jusqu'h s'armer de la "thee- - rile" do M. Matsumura, un des nouveaux "fuereurs" dos raais- tes japonais?" 25-28 aout "Neues Deutschland", organ? du parti communist? do l'Allemagne de l'Est, attaquo violemmont dans son edito- rial du 25 "l'arrogance dOchaInee" des leaders chinois qui "s'inaginent 'Ur? oapables de mieux juger que no lo ?opt ca- pables le parti, le gouvernement et le peuple de la Repu- blique deMocrati.que allemande de ce qui est des interets do la Re'publique deboaratique allomapde et du peuple allemand". Une ddclarEp.on,plus forte encore du souvernement de la Republique democratiaue allemande faite le 28 rejete "le plus omphatiquement les insinuations et les accusations contenuoc dans la declaration chinoise "du 15 aoat". Pour cetto raise la declaration a ate renvoyee au Minister? des affaires trangbres de la Republique populaire chinoise". 25 aoat - La press? de Pekin public on promi6re page lour communique our "la decision outragouse des Tch6ques de for- mer le bureau de l'Agence de press? de la Chine rpuyello a Pr,Aguo qui constitue une mesuro concerto? destinee a faire dotdriorer les relationei la presse de Pe,kin deelare quo sotto mosure "mot en lumiere celui Qui conduit l'orchestre, ainsi Quo l'esprit do flagornerke gut caracterise lo gouver- noment tchecoslovaque". . 26 aoat - En date du 25 la press? de Pekin publie uno decla- ration do l'association pan-chinoise des journalistos, qui condanno le gouvernement tch6que pour avoir for le bureau do l'Agence do presse de la Chine nouvelle h Prague, ot de- clare: "Tout le monde salt quo l'ovganisation international? dos journalistos s'est toujours ?levee centre la persecution des journalistos dans l'exercice de lours fonctions... Lo travail du bureau de l'Agence de presse de la Chino nouvello a Prague s'est toujours entibroment conforme aux objoctifs do l'organisation international? dos journalistes. Dans la Approved For Release 1999/08/213: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 1 vine ou so trouve le quartier-goneral de cotte organisation le 2ouvernement tchecoslovaque a pidtin6 ouvertomont los ob- joctifs de l'organisation intornationalo das journalistos, s'est attaqu6 'a coups rdpdt68 au fonctionnement normal do l'Agonce do press? do la Chine nouvollo a Prague ot finalo- mont a ordo,nn6 qu'il soit forma's.. Cola constituo une pro- vocation ootiouse..." 26 aout L'Inde a interdit la distribution d'uno documenta- tion anti-sovietique par dos repreisentants diplomatiquos chinoic aolon un communique de l'Office indien d'information public; par TASS. Madamo Lakshmi Monon, ministre d'Etat du Minister? dos affaires exterieures, a ddclktre au Parlament quo le gouvernement indion a protest aupres de l'ambassado chinoiso contro la campagne hostile conduite par la Rdpubli quo populaire chinoise contra un pays ami. 29 aollt - L'organo albanais "Zen i Popullit" dans un..arti- clo intitule "Le rdvisionnisto Khrouchtchev dan le role d'un pan-slavisto" reprend un discours du 21 aout fait a Ralmvica prbs de Belgrade dans lequel Khrouchtchev-alta los mots do Petar II Njegos, &vague do Montenogro, au coura do la promi6re raoitie du XIX? siOclo, qui ddclara aux diploma- tes do Napoldon: "Nous savons parfaitement que si'les Russes mou- raient, tous los Slaves mourraiont do mSme, et colui qui est.contre los Russos est contre tous los Slaves". "Zerl. declaro:"Cola tOs certainement n'ost paa exclusivement uno reminiscence historiquo ni des paroles en l'air. Nous avons, a faire face id i avec un nouvel as- poct du revisionnisme modern? qui romplace l'in- tornationalismo_prolO/arion pa;, une ideologAa de racisme.., iyar un concept etroit Tunite base sur 11012As4119._g_thagmp d'un certain groupo do populations... Il s'est detcouvert dans on role do pan-slavisme. Dans la bouche d'un chau- vinistorravisionnisto co_s romarquos concornant 1:unito ot la fraternite dos pouples slavos pos- sodent un ens politique bion ddfini. Au moyen do cette domagogio ompruntde l'arsonal,do la bourgooisio imperialist? russet et ravivee do tointo modern?, 10 groupe de Khrouchtchev charcho a tromper los pouplos slaves des pays socialistos at los pouples, de la Yougpslavio afin de les on- chainor plus etro,itement a sa propro politiquo au nom do l'unito slave." 28 aoilt - Aidit, ?r?sidont du ?arti communist? daf s o a termind sa visite aupros du parti communisto do 1 Union Sovidtiquo et s'est envold vors P6kin. TASS communique 108 louanges qu il a faitos au sujot do l'aido sovicItique. L'A- gone? do prosso de la Chine nouvalle fait connaitro la re- coption enth9usiaste qui lui fut faito par 1.000 Chinois ayant a la tote lo promior ministre Chou En-Lai. Approved For Release 1999/08/.4 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 28 - Deux autres oommunistes pro-Chinois ont (46 ex- pulsa-du parti australlori-RI ils jouaiont un r610 impor- tant. L'un dos deux ost E. F. Hill, chef du group? pro- Chinois de la Province de Victoria (Australian Overseas Son. vico, d'apres la Sydnoy Tribune du 28 aout.) 29 acrat - "Pravda" roproduit uno lottro publiee a Boirout dans lo quotidian "Al Akhbar" par "lo parti communisto ira- quien qui, au cours dos deux dornibres annees, a adress6 quatro lottros aux camarades chinois lour domandant do revi- sor lour position erron6e. Cetto lettre approuvo la lettre ouvorto du parti comounisto do l'Union Sovieftique du 14 juil- lot, ot condaune la position prise par los loaders chinois. 0 aotat Un editorial du "Quotidien du Peuplo" intitu16: Suite dos ddnonciations des loaders sovi6t1ques pour lour acto do trahison" lance uno nouvelle sttaque violent? contrc la Chino nationalists pour avoir sign? le trait6 interdisant los experionoos nucleairos. "Lo pi4go des deux Chines a ete montd avec lo consentonent ravl dos leaders sovi6t2.ques, qui so sont vantes d'atre los protecteurs de la China.", Le "Quotidien du Peuple" cite un c011- muniqu6 omanant de l'Agence de press? de l'Allo- uagne do l'Est solon lequel los deux Allemagnos ot los deux Chines seraient admisos en tant quo pignataires, avec l'Allemagne do l'Est signant a Moscou ot l'Allomagno de leOuost h Washington ot vice-vorsa pour los deux Chinos., "Le gou- vernoment sovidtiquo a cu l'audacito de deman- der, ou de pretendre esp6rer, que la Chino Bi- gnorait le traits... Los 650.0001000 de Chinois no pouvont quo so sontir outrag6s du fait quo l'Union SoviStique, uno alli6e do la Chine, alt Pu supposer quo la Chine jouorait un role aussi humlliant... ost olair uairitenant pour tout le mo0e quo les leadors sovietiques utillsont lo pieRo quo constitue le tralt6 de Moscou dans son opposition h la Chine socialiste... Ils ont on offet perdu tout sentiment cle honte... Toutos les choses qu'ils ont vendues a l'imp6rialisao dos Etts-Unis sont on train do paraitro A la lu- mioroyuno apros l'autre... La trahison des interets du peuplo chinois au sujot de,11 ques- tion de Taiwan, et la trahison dos interots du pouplo allomand au qujet do la question du sta- tut international de la R6publique ddmocratique allemande exposont ouvertement la line de capi- tulation... n'y a h tout cola qu'une soul? conclusion: dans le but de ?romouvoir leur,ligne generale de capitulation, d implorer l'imporia- lisme des Etats-Unis do lour accordor la paix, los loaders sovliStiquos no siarrotoront dovant aucun compromio do tr4hison." (Lo ot ttrahisorL" est omploye'au mins une douzaino do fois Approved For Release 1999/08,4 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 dans cot 6ditorial do 1.000 mots, sans comptor le titre.) Sous la manchotto "Nous avona dos amis ot dos camrados dans le monde ontior", lo "Quotidion du Pouplo" dTc;aro quo "Dos dizainos Valais at do camnados qui jusque la ?talent rostOs inc?onnus pour nous" ont ocrit dopuis le debut do cotto annoo, ot on particulior depuis la publication de la lottro du parti communisto chinois du 14 juin. "Dos lottros de 13 pays" publides dans cc num6ro incluent uric lottro a- drossee par "un Americain indion, Braswell". Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 11 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 .6.11011?IPIIII1 9 September 1963 25X1 C1 504' One Way to Avoid Helping the Communists BACKGROUND: During World War II, Nazi and Vichy propauanda activity claimed that the entire French Resistance, especially its violent sabotage, was Communist. Actually, while Communists took part in the Resistance after Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, the movement was predominantly a national one, including people from all parties and social classes. But the Nazi-Vichy charges helped to give Communism a stature it had never had before in France. Not only did the Communists claim to be the backbone of the Resistance itself, but they gained new prestige as a mass party, reflected in post-war elections: in 1936, the Communists had won l million votes, a pre-war high, but in 1945 they won over 5 million. As in this case, the effect of a shotgun attack, lumping disparate groups together, can be to give a single opponent a mass following be would otherwise lack. It may be that the Nazis and Vichyites really believed that all their enemies in the Resistance were Communist. People are generally inclined to see issues in black and white, and to divide the world into friends and enemies; adherents of movements like the Nazi movement are especially prone to do this. Actually, of course, opponents seldom constitute a single, monolithic group. It would have been more realistic, and probably also more effec- tive, if Nazi-Vichy propaganda had distinguished the different elements that made up the Resistance, and had tried to turn them against each other. It is also possible that some, at least, of the Nazi propa- gandists recognized that they were exaggerating Communist influ- ence, but believed that it was wisest to draw a black and white picture. Perhaps they thought this would turn the respectable French bourgeoisie against the Resistance. Propagandists often, especially in war-time, consider it advantageous to present a picture in black and white terms, and to stress the enemy threat. Such propaganda helps to unify a nation, to frighten laggards and waverers into line, and to end indecision and uncertainty. Seeing others as like himself, the Goebbels type of propagandist may calculate that people enjoy hating, and he may consider it his job to provide them with a suitable object for their hatred. 2xamp1es of this type of propaganda are the "hate campaign" fostered in Germany during World War I, or certain unofficial anti-Japanese propaganda appearing in American comic books and Grade-B movies during World War II. It is doubtful, however, that even in wartime, the advan- tages of black-and-white propagand outweigh the disadvantages. Such propaganda may block rational decisions. The German hate campaign, for example, probably helped to cause the unfortunate Smememilmlimir (694. Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 (694. Cont.) 1 ii 1 9 September 1963 German decision to proceed with unconditional submarine warfare despite the likelihood that this would bring the United States into the war. Fear frequently accompanies and reinforces the black-and-white outlook, and fear tends to be contagiots;, in extreme cases, the black-and-white outlook turns into paranoia, i.e., psychopathic delusions of persecution and of one's own greatness. Responsible leaders may also be deceived by their own propaganda. Obviously, we as propagandists should try not to let our own propaganda affect our judgment of the situation; we should try to avoid thinking in simple black-and-white terms. What may be less obvious is that, in addressing the public, it is a mistake to paint everyone who disagrees with us the same uniform black -- or red. Some groups, such as the World Peace Council (WPC) and World Federation of Trade Unions (UTU) are of course controlled Communist fronts, mere puppets, and are to be exposed as sueE. But many other groups and activities, while exploited by the Com- munists, and sometimes penetrated by the Communists, are far from being Communist instrumenis. Such are the British Ban-the-Bomb marchers, Albert Luthuli's African National Congress, and the Buddhists of South Vietnam. Frequently the Communists pretend that protest movements and strikes in Western countries are expressions of class conflict and signs of world solidarity behind Communist leadership, when the real issues are jobs, civil rights, housing, or wage scales; a recent example was the attempt by Mao to claim that "The speedy development of the struggle of American Negroes is a manifestation of the sharpening of class struggle and national struggles within the United States." The current Communist emphasis on "united front tactics" will probably increase the number of such cases. From a counter-intelligence point of view, some Communist-exploited groups bear watching, but from the point of view of the propagandist, there are important reasons for not branding these groups as Communist unless and until they bme flagrantly Communist-controlled. If we brand non-Communist groups as Communist: 1. Members of these groups will often accept the identification, saying, "If we and the Communists are on the same side, maybe we are Communists. Maybe we should go all the way." 2. These groups will be encouraged to turn to the Com- munists for aid and support, thus assisting Communist ifforts at penetrationand control. 3. Communist claims that they support legitimate popular causes will appear as endorsed and strengthened by anti- Communist admissions. 4. Communist strength, as indicated by its followers, will appear greater as the number of groups branded Com- munist increases. 2 Approved For Release 10rt1ititg-RDP78C8H61Fatalotitb02-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 (694. Cont.) .11.11.1104014109. 9 September 1963 5. Other non-committed people, unaware of any evidence of Communist penetration of these groups, will sympathize with the groups, and condemn our attack. 6. We will appear frightened, either afraid of shadows or else unable to cope ill!" a real danger. It is a good rule not to propagandize the existence of a problem when this will make our own position seem weaker. Our present situation does not warrant desperate tarbrush tactics. While we should avoid complacency, it is we, not the Communists,who have grounds for optimism today. Their movement seems destined to split, their cold war and near-hot war offen- sives have failed, and signs are multiplying that the Soviet monolith is beginning to evolve away from Marxism, which does not satisfy the younger generation and which cannot solve Soviet economic problems. On the other hand, serious problems exist in the free world. Stabilization of socio-economic and political conditions in numerous countries around the world will involve years of conflict in which irrational, radical but non-Communist programs will be advocated by groups with divergent views, Interests and aspirations. Instead of fearing that someone is on the road to Communism, we have reason to hope that he may be on the road away from it. We should encourage people to move in our direction, not push them into the arms of Communism. If some groups are not necessarily our friends, we need not take this too 25X1ClOt ragically, and we need not turn them into enemies. 25X1 C1 Ob Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 ilim1men104110P1 9 September 1963 695. Religion: Soviet Instrument for a United Front 25X1 C1 Ob 1111111111111111111111111111111 BACKGROUM: /-See unclassified attachment for background material./ Communism has always attempted to infiltrate all sectors i5f human activity. While this effort is perhaps most notable in the political area, it is prominent also in the religious, as indicated by Adzhubeits audience with Pope John XXIII in early 1963 and in negotiations between the Vatican and several Soviet Bloc countries on Church and religious questions in those countries. The new unity tactic towards the inter- national religious community was probably inaugurated with the appointment of CPSU-controlled Archbishop_Nikodim as chairman of the Department of Relations wiih-kiiiiign-aiirches in 1963. In 1960-1961 emissaries of the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by Patriarch Ale%siy, participated in meetings with Greek Orthodox Church leaders and joined the World Council of Churches; in 1962 they held meetings with church leaders from the Com- munist Bloc to strengthen these ties and consolidate the Soviet position. This change in Soviet tactics toward religion and religious institutions was not the first one. In the early years after the revolution, crude suppression of all aspects of religion was carried out under the aegis of an organization called "The Union of Militant Godless." This pattern continued with only slight variations until the early years of World War II wlaen the Soviet leaders embraced any idea or organization that might encourage the Russian people to strengthen their resistance to Eitlerts onslaught. Russian Churches and religious sects were ant:rived to perform religious rites freely and even to propagandize their religious sentiments. After World War II, "The Union of Militant Godless" was renamed the "Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge"; while some of the harshness was thus removed from the name of the organization, none was removed from the manner in which religious institutions and individuals were persecuted. Education, indoctrination, and propaganda, carried on by the Society and making extensive use of the Xomsomol youth organizations, are designed to replace religion with "scientific atheism." To backstop this effort, the CPSU has installed Communist agents in the religious hierarchy to carry out Party instructions and to assure that religious institutions are adaptable for the Partyls political purposes. Today, the extent to which a certain religious group or sect in the USSR is attacked and persecuted is a directly inverse indi- cator of the extent to which that organization is controlled by the CPSU. The Russian Orthodox Church, as a completely con- trolled agency of the CPSU, is relatively free from official 4111.041141?Mmillim (695. Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 (695. Cont.) 4.0.4mMweigio 9 September 1963 repression, and the Baptist organization in Russia has apparently succumbed sufficiently to Soviet pressures to make it nearly reliable and hence nearly free from attack. At the other end of the scale are the Roman Catholic Church and the Pentacostalist sect, followed at the very end by Jehovah's Witnesses. Soviet action toward religious institutions has become more subtle in recent years: now they are apparently satisfied to let religion die out, whereas earlier they felt under extreme compulsion to stamp it out. The essence of their present position is that older people may be allowed to indulge their religious instincts, but must not be allowed to pass them on to their children. Most of the anti-religious articles in the Soviet press emphasize the deleterious effects that religious individuals and institutions exert on younger people. With the expansion of the peaceful coexictence policy and the revival of united front tactics, Russian Orthodox Church leaders went into the international arena to further basic Communist propa- ganda lines under the guise of religious fellowship, and with some success. In the past few years the Soviets seem to have learned (at least in some fields) that "more flies can be caught with honey than with vinegar," and they have altered their tactics accordingly. In no field is this change more apparent than in the religious field. Once there was a time when religion and Communism were irrev- vocably incompatible, black and white; if a man were religious he was an enemy of Communism and if he were a Communist he was an enemy of religion. This distinction was made absolutely clear by the vigor with which each group publicly denounced the other. The basic premise of incompatibility remains true and valid, but is obscured by the fact that the Communist bloc has put into action agents who wear the Robes of the Church and pose on the international scene as fellow-servants of God. The basic irreconcilability of religion and Communism is further obscured by the naiveness with which some Western clergymen (as well as many of the non-clergy) have accepted the CPSU's pose of tolerance toward its own religious groups. The pre-eminent symbol of this apparent truce between religion and communism is perhaps the increased contacts and seem- ingly cordial relations between the Vatican and various Communist spokesmen. Indeed, for those who did not read carefully Pope John's encyclical Pacem in Terris, the Vatican appeared to endorse Commu- nism or at least to encourage equal relatioris with Comnunists. For refutation of this idea, one need look no further than an official Vatican radio broadcast on the subject. It states in explicit terms that Marxism and Communism are "irreconcilable with Christianity." Further, the Vatican said, "There is no international situation, no relaxation, no historical pretext which can justify an indulgence, a conciliatory attitude toward Marxism and communism." While calling on all Christians to support "meetings and under- standings with human beings who are not endowed with faith," the 2 gemIlm19011=101111m (695. Continued) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 (695. Cont.) EmIlmEmItmilmt 9 September 1963 Vatican warned that there should be "cautious, constant, and in- domitable opposition to the Marxist penetration." 25X1 C1 Ob Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 144ligii-RDP78-90?Ms ppoggg2-6 ,, ? 636 WHIa. Target: Venezuela! 25X1 C 1 Ob ? BACKGROUND: 'ie consider that the Cuban Revolution contrib- uted 1151--eFILliEramental lesons to the conduct of revolutionary movements in America. They are: "(1) Popular forces can win a war against the army. "(2) It is not necessary to wait until all condi- tions for making revolution exist; the insurrection ? can create then. "(3) In underdeveloped America the countryside is the basic area for armed fighting." 3rnesto "Che" Guevara La Guerra de Guerrillas, 1960 Castro cited Venezuela as a special target for anled rebellkn in his 26 of July speech commemorating the 10th anniversary of the start of his own revolution and repeated his exhortations to other Latin American countries to follow Cuba's example. Ea praised the "heroic Venezuelan revolutionaries" for their skill in acquiring funds and weapons via robbery and terrorism and sent a special "warm, fraternal greeting" to them. Cuba's support of rebellion in Venezuela prompted President Zomulo Betancourt to declare last October (in requesting the Supreme Court to outlaw the Communist Party): "Very abundant proof has been substantiated. Irrefutable testimony has been gathered that the agents of Mr. Xhrushchev and Mr. Fidel Castro in Venezuela are responsible for the murder-from-the- back of uniformed police and members of the armed forces. "They also have been guilty of holding up banks and commercial and industrial concerns, of fomenting and spurring on guerrillas and bandit bands, of indirect and active cooperation in the armed revolts in the Carapano and Puerto Cabello naval bases, and attempts against persons and properties, with the confessed and unbending purpose of creat- ing chaos in the country and leading it to a civil war." Before the Organization of American States Council last year, the Venezuelan delegate charged that acts of sabotage against Venezuela's oil industry "were part of a general plan directed from Cuba." President Betancourt accused Cuba of supplying money and arms to subversive groups in Venezuela in Approved For Release I CRIA-DP78-(46Cliair2flfiii3,10002-6 (C33BRt9ed For Releas-RDP78-0VMMEggpigg92-6 a February speech and added that he had evidence also that "continent-wide subversion is directed from Moscow and Peking." In spite of the polemics of the Sino-Soviet dispute, Chinese, Soviet and Cuban leaders - '* the course to be followed in Venezuela. "Communism in Latin 25X1A2g America.") Documents seized by police, in a 23 July raid on the house occupied by a top member of the Venezuelan CP, reveal the long-range plans to achieve political power via prolonged armed struggle. Other documents reveal foreign financing and support for the local C? effort. Why Venezuela? Why has Communism focused on Venezuela as a target? On the surface it has much to recommend itself as a fertile ground for rebellion. Since the death of Liberator Simon Bolivar in 1333, Venezuela has had 26 constitutions. In the years from 1333 to 1900 there were at least 50 major rebel- lions and the central government was violently overthrown 13 times. It can claim only two relatively honest elections in this century, Venezuela having been ruled by dictatorships for al/ but 15 years of this period. These historical facts make Betancourt's presidential term a remarkable achievement. He is the first popularly-elected civilian president in Venezuela's 152 years to remain in office for as long as one year, to say nothing of completing his 6-year term next February. He gas also been the target of political attacks and attempts to overthrow his government by force (includ- ing assassination attempts of which he still bears the scars) to a number and degree exceptional even in Latin American history. Betancourt's term is remarkable not only for its durability, but because of its progressive and democratic accomplishments. Fie has moved ahead on three main fronts: agrarian reform to give land to the landless peasants (more than 3.5 million acres to 13,000 farmers so far with hopes of including another 53,000 farmers before the end of his term); education to eliminate illiteracy (including 1500 schools in tfie cities and rural areas which especially meet educational problems in the primary grades); industrialization to decentralize wealth and population (new industries and industrial centers have created jobs and, coupled with ambitious slum clearance and community development projects, have revived degenerating areas). Betancourt's substantial program has won him the loyalty of a large part of the population as follows: the laboring class, benefited by a generous labor law strongly enforced and continuing support for higher wages, welfare benefits and free trade unionism; the peasants, "upgraded" by land reform programs; and the middle class, enjoying new and rising standards of living. Without the dramatic convulsions that have shaken other countries in the area, within the framework of the constitution and in observance of democratic ideals, and with the support of the classes from which the Communists traditionally draw their strength, Betancourt has made Venezuela the fastest growing 2 Approved For Release 4114104i11ICAP-RDIene036611A40020030002-6 (396Apany?dForReleasel=14/44,46R?DP78-030?1690 CM 92301%6 nation in the hemisphere with the largest surplus in its balance of trade and the highest per capita income. Venezuela's agrarian reform program has been described by Professor Robert J. Alexander, a Socialist, as "the best-planned and most scientific effort of this kind which has yet been made in Latin America." In his book, Communism in Latin America (Rutgers University Press, 1957), Professor Alexander cited earlier accomplishments of Betancourt and his Accion Democratica (AD) Party in concluding that "history has demonstrated the fact that the best antidote to Communism in Latin America is a vigor- our party of the democratic left." Terrorism. History and success are the two major factors that make Venezuela the target for Communism--a history of rebel- lion and violence and the success of a progressive democratic alternative to Communism. Failing to make much headway via political avenues, the Communists have turned to more violent methods. Communist guerrillas have taken to the mountainous country- side, practiced terror, robbery and murder in the cities and sab- otaged the oilfields which provide the lifeblood for Venezuelan exports. Petty acts of terrorism include a bomb on the top floor of the US Embassy, another in the ladies' lavatory of a hotel, a teacher shot at his blackboard, a commando-style seizure of a maternity hospital where GOO women were confined, the theft of $500,000 worth of French art masterpieces, the hijacking of a Venezuelan freighter on the high seas, kidnaping the leading soccer player and an assassination attempt on the Minister of Defense. The focus of the terrorist attacks has been on US-owned businesses and Venezuelan security forces. In an interview with an American newsman (Louis R. Stein, Copley News Service, Washington Daily News 1 August), Gustavo Machado Morales, national secretary of the Venezuela CP, laughed at incidents against US citizens -- forcing members of the American military mission to take off their pants and invading the home of a US Embassy official, binding his wife and writing anti-American slogans on the walls. They were perpetrated "just to show Americans they are not immune from attack," Machado said. Machado also declared that "there will be bloodshed during the election campaign." Elections. This warning is ominous as Venezuela approaches the first attempt in its 152 year history to transfer power from one elected government to another by strictly constitutional means. Presidentirland congressional elections are scheduled for November. Betancourtis barred constitutionally from succeeding himself. His AD Party has lost some of its strength and opposi- tion elements are bidding to form a united opposition front. He was elected in 1953 with only 49 per cent of the votes -- losing Caracas but winning rural areas. Separate presidential candiddtes named by parties which joined in supporting his administration, lack of a candidate with Betancourt's stature or national appeal, and contending factions, may cut into the AD vote. Approved For Release 1919?Eavil? : C#-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 (696. Continued) (696 c6 Rpr9ved For ReleaseaajjaikingIA-RDP78-03?6?69991290931?92-6 The Communists can be counted upon to exploit the elections but their struggle for power is going to continue to be waged on all fronts. Most Latin American CL's appear to lean at present TiWards Moscow's more cautious tactics; but Venezuelan Communists, following the views of Guevara, the exhortations of Castro and with the support of foreign elements, are not abandoning violence and armed rebellion as a tactic. In the words of Pompeyo Marquez, C.? political bureau member writing in the clandestin)CP organ Tribuna Popular, "The existence of the guerrilla movement demon- strates that this fora of struggle can coexist with other forms 25X1 C1O of struggle, except that at no time must it be the only form." b 25X1 C1 Ob Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For ReleaNijaaligaik: CIA-RDP7Eb068?f60$93201)93.11002-6 25X1C1S7 AF 'WE g ? African Decolonization Zfforts BACKGROUND: The Organization of African Unity (ONO, established' at the African summit meeting in Addis Ababa in May 1963, has become an important vehicle for pan-African efforts to achieve their common goal: a continent of independent states. OAU commissions established to liberate dependent countries and peoples have taken their first diplomatic, political and military steps. But divergent opinions on procedure, leadership rivalries and inability to agree on basic organizational questions reflect the regional and political divisions among 32 countries (exclud- ing South Africa), some of which have little more in common than their geographic location. In contrast to their lack of unanim- ity on moves within the continent, the African nations have recently displayed a solid front in international organizations, the United Nations in particular. The focus of the African libvration effort is on the 9ortuguese colonies and the indenndent, tut apartheid, state of South Africa. Of these, the Portuguese colonies are undoubtedly the more vulnerable for many reasons including weaker administra- tive and military control and more exposed geographic location. Angola, a Portuguese colony for over 400 years, is already under attack from guerrilla forces, the strongest of which is Eolden Robertols Union of Angola Peoples (IPA). Roberto, who has established an exile government based in neighboring Leopold- ville, draws most of his followers from Angola and much of his backing from the moderate African countries. The only other movement of significant strength is the rival Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), led by Agostinho Neto. The HPLA, which includes a more intellectual, urban element of a more leftist persuasion, has received outside backing from Algeria and other Casablanca countries and, reportedly, from the Communist bloc. Wforts to merge the two groups into a more effective front have failed; Roberto is reportedly willing to absorb the IOLA military forces but not its political leaders. Portuguese Guinea. Two guerrilla groups are fighting for the independence of Portuguese Guinea: the African Independence Party for Portuguese Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), led by Amilcar Cabral, which has received help from both the radical African countries and from the Communist bloc; and the Movement for Liberation of Guinea (MLG), primarily a tribal group. Inter- group rivalry is also strong here. Five emigre organizations forming a Front for Struggle of the National Independence of Portuguese Guinea refuse to cooperate with the PAIGC. To date Mozambique is free of fighting but action could begin at any time. Approved For ReleaserMOBOW1,41)1A-RDWV-03681AblitA030002-6 (697A8e1?d For Release 114412211aA-RDP78-03061A000200030092-6 u beptemper Idb South Africa's industrial economy, great natural wealth and efficient military machine present a formidable obstacle to liberation of the segregated African majority. Military attacks are impractical; boycotts and sanctions have proved ineffective up to this time. Organized internal resistance has been largely broken by Verwoerd's police-state tactics, despite rising racial tensions. Verwoerd's proposal to divide the country into white inhabited and black inhabited areas has met with resistance from all sides. (See SPG Item #670, "Danger of Racial Explosion in South Africa." Copies available on request.) South Africa's principal vulnerability lies in her total dependence on African native labor to maintain her economic inde- pendence and relative prosperity. Native labor is indispensable not only because it is cheap and available in large numbers but because the European settler would not readily perform such essential work as mining. Thus the Bantu workers would have, if sufficiently organized, a potent anti-government weapon: the general strike. OAU Activities. The African summit decolonization resolu- tion set up a nine-member Coordinating Committee with head- quarters in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika, "for harmonizing the assistance from African States" to the liberation campaigns. A special fund was also established to provide financial aid for the African liberation movements. The resolutions were fairly clear on three countries: Portugal was to be the principal target of decolonization, South Africa the target of anti-apartheid efforts and Southern Rhodesia the target of vigorous opposition to establishment of a newly independent government based on white minority control. Implicit in the proceedings was the belief that non-violent action would not suffice to gain these goals. Nationalists from African liberation movements (21 of which had observers at the Addis Ababa conference), the resolu- tion said, would be trained "in all sectors" by the independent states. The Coordinating Committee's first meeting was held at Dar-es-Salaam, the AfricaceriFif for exiles and nationalist groups, from 25 June to 5 July. The Committee was able to agree only on recommending that all assistance to Angola go to Roberto's group. The OAU Foreign Ministers meeting at Dakar, Senegal from 2 to 11 August, continuea-We?factional wrangling and failed to decide several major questions. However they accepted the Coor- dinating Committee's recommendation to recognize Roberto's Gov- ernment of the Republic of Angola in Exile (GRAB) as the legal government of Angola. No Portuguese Guinea nationalist group was endorsed; the issue was referred back to the next Coordi- nating Committee meeting scheduled for Lagos, February 1964. International conferences held since Addis Ababa have felt the impact of the new African determination. The first test was. the June 5th Geneva Conference of the International Labor 2 Approved For Release tiblioliehadaill&RDP7M301011111Q202140002-6 (6.97UoyedForReleaselA-RDP78-CS3NRONAIOMQ02-6 Organization (ILO), a specialized agency of the UN. The African nations valked out when the South African representative took the floor, thus pressuring the ILO Executive Committee to bar South Africa from ILO metings and bodies for one year. The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) endorsed the vote to leave South Africa cut of the ILO until "conditions for cooperation have been restored by a change in racial policy." African delegates also walked out of the 26th International Conference on Education (ICE), July 4th, in Geneva,?WEU5-76FEZEI did not bow to an expulsion resolution. The UN Education, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which sponsors ICE, questioned the legality of the resolution on grounds that only the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and the Security Council (SC), have the power to suspend members, a position supported by the US. The Security Council passed, on July 31st, an African- sponsored resolution probably designed to push Portugal's most powerful friends, the US and the UX, into taking a pro-African position. The resolution requested ?ortugal to: recognize the right of her territories to self-determination and independence; cease repression of her colonies and withdraw military forces; grant political amnesty and permit free political partieq and, most significantly, asked other states to embargo arms for use ia Africa. The US, UX and France abstained from voting on the resolution directed at their NATO ally. The US, although not opposed to the substance of the resolution, did not believe the version offered would bring about the desired results -- similar resolutions having been passed before, the most recent in December 1962. A Security Council meeting requested by the 32 African states voted in August to request all UN members to bar shipment of arms, ammunition and military vehicles to South Africa (UX and France abstained). The US had announced a few days earlier that it would cease all sales of military equipment to South Africa by January 1964, but would honor previous contracts. Portugal's ?rime Minister Salazar has reacted only slightly to these various African pressures. He spoke vaguely of a future "autonomous" African government in ?ortuguese Guinea and indi- cated a willingness to confere with what he considers moderate nationalists in Angola. Only a ?ortuguese plan for ultimate withdrawal from Africa is expected to satisfy the African powers now, although their own differences may prevent the show of iX1C10b strength which could force Portugal to acquiesce. 25X1C10 25X1C10b 25X1 C1 Ob Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Soviets Increase Activity in Religious Field During the past two years the Russian Orthodox Church has intensified its efforts to consolidate relations with Western religious organizations and to gain acceptance in the international religious community. During the winter of 1960-61 a delegation led by Patriarch Aleksiy toured the Near East visiting Istanbul, Jerusalem, Beirut, Athens and elsewhere to discuss preparations for the Greek Orthodox Conference to be held at Rhodes in September 1961. In June 1961 a Russian delegation attended the World Christian Congress for the Defense of Peace in Prague and Archbishop Nikodim visited England for the installation of the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. A. M. Ramsay. In September 1961 the Russian delegation to the Rhodes Greek Orthodox Conference failed in its attempt to take over leadership of the Greek Ortho- dox Church, but was able nevertheless to exert considerable influence and to plug the familiar Communist themes on disarma- ment, world peace and anti-imperialism. And even more indicative of the Russian delegation's viewpoint specifically on religion, it successfully engineered the discarding of a proposal to con- demn atheism! In November 1961, the Third General Assembly of the World Council of Churches voted to admit the Russian Orthodox..Church to full membership. The Soviet position of influence in the World Council of Churches was strengthened in August 1962 when the Union of Russian Baptists was admitted to membership. Between May 21 and June 5, 1962, Patriarch Aleksiy, Arch- bishop Nikodim, and other representatives of the Moscow Patri- archate visited Bulgaria, Rumania and Yugoslavia where they were received by the heads of the "sister churches," Patriarch Kiril of Bulgaria, Patriarch Justinian Marina of Rumania and Patriarch German of Serbia and Macedonia. The communiques issued after each visit reflected the degree of influence exercised on each by the Moscow Patriarrhrlte. Patriarch Kiril of Bulgaria c n- damned the United States in harsh terms, demanding for exam le that the United States cease nuclear tests immediately. Runanian Patriarch Justinian Marina also denounced the United States, but in less reproachful terms, and Patriarch German of Serbia and Macedonia appealed in general for peace and conciliation among the Great Powers. The communiques of the Church officials con- form precisely to the degree to which each country is subordinated to Soviet policy. Also during 1962, delegations from the Russian churches exchanged visits with U.S. clergymen, who apparently were impressed by the "devotion" and "sincerity" of the Russian church,- men. A statement by the Methodist Church, for example, rejoiced that "in a world divided into hostile camps and living dangerously near the brink of war, it is possible through the World Council Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 of Churches to sustain fellowship with Christians which reaches acrOss almost every kind of political barrier." Other religious groups issued similar statements and the majority of American , clergymen involved seem to have taken at face value the religious connotations, overlooking the political nature of the Russian Church's leaders statements and their similarity to the CPSU's political-propaganda lines. One small group, however, did dissent and issued a statement saying that acceptance of the Russian Ortho- dox Church into the international religious community constitutes "the greatest single victory of the Communist conspiracy in its use of churches," and also adds that "all the activities of the churches are now opened to Communist agents." Probably the most publicized aspect of the Soviet state..con- trolled church's activity is the initiation of contacts with the Vatican, primarily through Adzhubeiteprivate audience with Pope John XXIII and the apparent acceptance by Communist authori. ties of the Pope's encyclical Pacem in Terris. It has also been reliably reported that the Soviet Embassy in Rome has from time to time put out feelers to the Italian government concerning diplo- matic relations with the Vatican. There are also reports that Communist authorities in Hungary and Czechoslovakia are interested in reaching a modus vivendi with the Church hierarchy. The Vatican's purpose in these moves appears to be the hope that it can more readily influence members of the faith who are Communists or Communist sympathizers and to play a more positive role in the prevention of a nuclear war. The Vatican is also undoubtedly hopeful that it can improve the lot of the "nearly SO million" faithful who live behind the Iron Curtain. Russia's new spokesman in the international religious field is Archbishop NiXodim, who was made chairman of the Soviet Government's Department of Relations with Foreign Churches in l60, just prior to the Orthodox Church's bid for membership in free world, independent church organizations. Archbishop Nikodim is a remarkable personality whose rise in the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church has truly been meteoric. At the time he became an archbishop he was 32 years old, having risen to the post of archbishop from that of a monk in only 14 years: It has been said that such a brilliant career must obviously imply that he is considered thoroughly reliable and cooperative by the Russian authorities. In this same period of heightened activity for respectability on the international religious scene, life within the USSR has sow on as before. More churches and monasteries have been closed, more religious holidays have been pre-empted, more * N. Xhrushchev's son-in-law--_and-pAitor ol-tbe-governseptIS princkpa.l.zorgan imrestiya, 2 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 uncooperative clergymen have been persecuted and silenced through false charges, and the drive to indoctrinate the masses with "scientific atheism" has gone on. It will be recalled that during this period a group of Pentaoostalists found conditions so intoler- able in the Soviet Union that it travelled half way across the country to seek asylum at the U.S. Embassy. Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland recently challenged Communist officials to grant basic human and social rights "not only to a small privileged group, but to all citizens, particularly those who are believers." The Cardinal charged that two seminaries had recently been closed and that attempts had been made to persuage seminary students, con- scripted into the Polish army, to abandon the Church on com- pletion of their military service. Communist regimes continue to publish anti-religious, atheistic propaganda in massive quantities, and to press upon youth organizations their responsibility for eradicating religious beliefs among the young. There follows the text of a statement by the Vatican Radio, broadcast on 1 August 1963, that defines and explains the Catholic position on Marxism and Communism: "Marxism and its political expression communism are unredeemable. They are irreconcilable, both with Christianity as well as with a free, understanding humanity. Neither evolution nor geographical and ethnical configurations can credit Marxism and com- munism with titles of recommendation among free People, and even less among Catholics. Promotini4, encouraging and seconding activities and understanding which favors Peace among people is a duty, but cautious, constant, and indomitable opposition to the Marsixm ideology and sealing each of its ways of penetration is also a duty which cannot be disregarded. "There is no international situation, no relaxation, no historical pretext which can justify an indulgence, a conciliatory attitude toward Marxism and communism. There is an infinite number of activities which com- munism could extract from its inexhaustible tactical fantasies to influence the emotion of fear and draw favorable attitudes which give rise to doubt, confuse clear thinking, extinguish the instinctive resistance of every free man, every believer, every Catholic experience before the Marxist and communist ideologies. The activities in this direction are numerous. Some of them, disguised by color and human and Christian ideals, seem to ascertain their aim. Others now on the way tend to strengthen the suggestive and senti- mental hypocrisies of communism and Marxism which are both (human?) and civil. "Today in the same way as yesterday, without distinction of geographical coordination or ethnic characteristics, Marxist communism is the antithesis of Christianity, the negation of freedom, truth, justice, and peace. To the east as well as-to the west the Marxist and Approved For Release 1999/8/24 : CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 25X1C10b Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6 communist concept is and remains materialistic and atheistic. In these two geographical extremes the Practice of communism is and will always be oppression of freedom and persecution of every authentic religious faith, and in particular the Church. Again to the east as well as to the west the doctrine of struggle and of revolution is and will always be the unrelenting message of penetration and conquest and there can only be dif- ferences in the evaluation of methods and time. The accommodating attitude, dictating and almost imposed by the same thoughts of reality and continual evolution, does not signify changes of doctrine or practice but a tactical and didactic adherence to the different circum- stances. "The judgment and attitude of free men, Catholics especially, with regard to Marxism and communism cannot and must not be changed. Intransigence is the only weapon against the Marxism communist ideology and the intransigence must be equivalent to the equivocal and subtle tactics of pene- tration. The sphere of natural law, the encyclinical Pacem in Terris points out, offers Catholics a vast field of meet- ings and understandings with human beings who are not endowed with faith. In such relations let our sons be careful to be ever coherent with themselves so that they will never face any compromise on religion and morals." (Vatican Radio, 1 August 1963) 4 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-03061A000200030002-6